Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2024). Het Marktenhof: bevoegdheden, procedure, rechtspraak. Brussels, Belgium: LeA Uitgevers.
Editorial reviewed
Tecqmenne, M. (10 June 2024). Who is going to stand up for the environment? The difficulty to translate collective environmental interests into individual subjective rights deserving of financial compensation [Paper presentation]. EUNMUTE doctoral and early-career scholars workshop: Standing up for the voiceless? Exploring the EU's capacity for rights protection, Bruxelles, Belgium.
De Cooman, J. (2024). The AI Act as a regulatory framework for technology: the rationales for regulation at the EU level revisited [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (24 May 2024). Online content moderation in the DSA: from codifying procedure to proceduralising code? [Paper presentation]. 4th Machine Lawyering Conference, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China.
Fabry, V., & Bourgeois, M. (22 May 2024). Aspects douaniers du commerce électronique - questions choisies [Paper presentation]. Les Journées de l'INEADEC (Institut Euro-Africain de droit économique), Dakar, Senegal.
Fabry, V. (16 May 2024). (Ré)identifier le contribuable en droit douanier de l’Union européenne. Nécessité au regard des principes de légalité, de proportionnalité et d’égalité devant l’impôt [Paper presentation]. La douane face aux défis du commerce électronique : état des lieux, opportunités, défis et pistes de solution, Kinshasa, Congo - Kinshasa.
Tecqmenne, M. (14 May 2024). The principle of effective judicial protection as a catalyst for institutional change? An inquiry into judicial empowerment in asylum matters [Paper presentation]. Internal seminar: ACCESS - Gatekeepers to international refugee law, Bologna, Italy.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (07 May 2024). The binding effect of competition authorities' decisions and private enforcement: theory v. practice [Paper presentation]. Madrid Competition Litigation Seminar 2024, Madrid, Spain.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (05 April 2024). Competition Sandboxes: by-design enforcement tools to promote fairness, accessibility and sustainability in EU digital and technology markets? [Paper presentation]. CLASF Workshop on Promoting Fairness, accessibility and sustainability in Digital and Technology Markets through competition law, Malaga, Spain.
Fischer, C. (22 March 2024). Gouvernance par le consentement, big data et nouveau droit européen des données : Dans quelle mesure le Data Act et le Data Governance Act favorisent-ils le big data? [Paper presentation]. Les plateformes numériques et l'intelligence artificielle (Conférence du Jeune Barreau de Bruxelles), Brussels, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Jancewicz, K. A. (20 March 2024). Inconsistent administrative enforcement of EU law at Member State level [Paper presentation]. The Lisbon Treaty 15 years on - Achievements and Challenges, Budapest, Hungary.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., Jancewicz, K. A., & Bois, J. (2024). Inconsistent administrative enforcement of EU law at Member State level: the Lisbon Treaty’s hidden constitutional challenge? (EUDAIMONIA Working Paper 2024/1). ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2024). Advanced EU competition law: private enforcement - course outline. (ULiège - Université de Liège [Droit, Science Politique et Criminologie], Belgium).
Editorial reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2024). Digital technology disruptions and competition law: a stress test for the existing governance and enforcement frameworks? In M. Eliantonio, C. Colombo, ... K. Wright (Ed.), The Evolving Governance of EU Competition Law in a Time of Disruptions: a Constitutional Perspective. Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing.
Peer reviewed
De Cooman, J. (25 January 2024). Droit de la concurrence et pratique (anti)concurrentielles algorithmiques : tempête dans un verre d'eau ? [Paper presentation]. Intelligence artificielle et droit : guide pour l'utilisation des applications de l'IA (générative) et des données à l'épreuve de la pratique juridique et des risques, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Derenne, J. (15 January 2024). La procédure de renvoi préjudiciel devant la CJUE : opportunités pour l’avocat et son client : rappels de principes essentiels et conseils pratiques [Paper presentation]. Midi de la formation européenne.
Bois, J. (2024). United in adversity? On the socio-technical dynamics behind the opposition to the Single European Railway Area by national regulatory bodies regarding the liberalization of the passengers’ market [Paper presentation]. Congrès ABSP.
Fabry, V. (2024). Fiscalité des entreprises - droits de douane et TVA.
Derenne, J., & Eymard, L. (2024). Distortion of Competition and Effect on Trade Between Member States. In P. Werner & V. Verouden (Eds.), EU State Aid Control: Law and Economics (2nd edition [to be published in 2024], pp. 30). Wolters Kluwer.
Peer reviewed
Bois, J. (2024). Taking the law seriously while acknowledging its social embeddedness: an Actor-Network Theory approach of EU law. ORBi-University of Liège.
Fischer, C. (2024). Re-thinking the allocation of roles under the GDPR in the context of cloud computing. International Data Privacy Law. doi:10.1093/idpl/ipad023
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2023). Independent administrative authorities and the sectoral ‘Europeanisation’ of national administrative law : a European Union law perspective. ORBi-University of Liège.
Fabry, V. (15 December 2023). Binding valuation information and some issues on the e-commerce [Paper presentation]. FIRST SEMINAR OF ECCE - EUROPEAN COMMON CUSTOMS EVALUATION (II ED.), Valence, Spain.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (December 2023). The Privilege against Self-Incrimination in EU Competition Law: Time for a Case Law Update? Białostockie Studia Prawnicze, 28 (4), 117 - 130. doi:10.15290/bsp.2023.28.04.07
Peer reviewed
Tecqmenne, M. (December 2023). Turning 'public interest litigation' into a positive obligation deriving from Article 47 of the Charter. Common Market Law Review, 60 (6).
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2023). From codifying procedure to proceduralising code? – The European Union’s Artificial Intelligence, Digital Services and Digital Markets Acts as instruments of cyberspace regulation and enforcement. ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Mattioli, P. (2023). Digital Services Coordinators and other competent authorities in the Digital Services Act: streamlined enforcement coordination lost? ORBi-University of Liège.
Glorieux, D., & Vanbrabant, B. (2023). Les travaux de l'AIPPI. Les rapports du groupe belge 2023 – Study Question. Responsibility of Online Marketplaces for Online Infringement of Industrial Property Rights. Revue de Droit Intellectuel. L'Ingenieur-Conseil.
Editorial reviewed
De Cooman, J. (24 November 2023). When AI goes fishing: On the importance of complete and representative training of AI-driven competition law enforcement [Paper presentation]. Workshop @ Comète on Ethical AI, Palaiseau, Paris, France.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2023). Preface. In B. Jan, Automated Enforcement of EU law with AI Systems - An inquiry into the legal status of AI Systems in the Field of Free Movement of Goods. Louvain, Belgium: LeA Uitgevers.
De Cooman, J. (15 October 2023). Nomos et Paideia : Promesses et périls de la détection algorithmique des ententes anticoncurrentielles. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, 2023 (2), 179-198.
Peer reviewed
De Cooman, J. (2023). La réglementation de l'intelligence artificielle en Europe : entre (im)prévisibilité et (in)cohérence.
Fischer, C. (21 September 2023). GDPR in a Metaversal post-digital World: The Law of Everything or the Law of Nothing? [Paper presentation]. Beyond Data Protection Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2023). Advanced EU law 2023-2024 - Cases & Materials.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2023). Recueil de documentation - Droit matériel européen 2023-2024. (ULiège - Université de Liège [Droit], Liège, Belgium).
De Cooman, J. (12 September 2023). Fighting Fire with Fire: A Technological Solution Proposal to the Data Issue of Bid-Rigging Detection through Artificial Intelligence [Paper presentation]. Fourth International Conference on Public Procurement Africa, Cape Town, South Africa.
Peer reviewed
De Cooman, J. (2023). The Economic Consequences of Generative AI on the Art Market.
Grozdanovski, L., & De Cooman, J. (September 2023). Forget the Facts, Aim for the Rights! On the Obsolescence of Empirical Knowledge in Defining the Risk/Rights-Based Approach to AI Regulation in the European Union. Rutgers Computer and Technology Law Journal, 49 (2), 207-330.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Tecqmenne, M. (September 2023). Les limites de l'office du juge de l'Union mises à l'épreuve de l'évolution des standards de droits fondamentaux: Vers une conception renouvelée du droit à (ré)concilier vie familiale et professionnelle? Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, 2023 (2), 267-294.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2023). Droit matériel de l'Union européenne - libertés de circulation et marché intérieur (2ème édition). (2ème). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.
Editorial reviewed
Derenne, J. (22 August 2023). - Opportunités et pratique d'invocation des aides d'Etat devant le juge belge [Paper presentation]. - Universités d'été - Opportunités et pratique d'invocation des aides d'Etat devantle juge belge, Courrière, Belgium.
De Cooman, J. (17 August 2023). When Artificial Intelligence Goes Fishing: Promises and Perils of AI-Driven Competition Law Enforcement [Paper presentation]. Workshop in European Legal Studies 2023, Stockholm, Sweden.
Editorial reviewed
Jan, B. (21 July 2023). Safeguarding the Right to an Effective Remedy in Algorithmic Multi-Governance Systems: An Inquiry in Artificial Intelligence-Powered Informational Cooperation in the EU Administrative Space. Review of European Administrative Law, 2. doi:10.7590/187479823X16878510945034
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2023). EU law's contribution in streamlining Member States' enforcement structures: A promising mechanism for convergence? In M. Kos, M. Sahadzic, J. Kukavica, J. Gasperin Wischoff, ... J. Scholtes (Eds.), Accommodating Diversity in Multilevel Constitutional Orders - Legal Mechanisms of convergence and divergence (pp. 225-241). United Kingdom: Routledge.
Editorial reviewed
De Cooman, J. (12 July 2023). Whose agency is it, anyway? Of philosophy of technology and its impact on artificial intelligence regulation [Paper presentation]. Biennial Conference of the Standing Group on Regulatory Governance - Regulatory governance in times of turbulence, disruptive technologies and crises of trust, Anvers, Belgium.
Peer reviewed
Gautier, A., Ittoo, A., & Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2023). Pricing algorithms aren't colluding - Yet! ORBi-University of Liège.
Derenne, J. (11 July 2023). Foreign Subsidy Control Regime : reflections from the UK and Europe [Paper presentation]. Foreign Subsidy Regime Webinar, Brussels, Belgium.
De Cooman, J. (06 July 2023). Unnatural Selection? A Darwinian Reading of the Economic Consequences of Generative AI on the Art Market [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Generative AI and the Law, Berlin, Germany.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Vallindas. (2023). GCR: An overview on State aid, France. In GCR Europe, Middle East and Africa Antitrust Review 2024 (pp. 164-175). London, Unknown/unspecified: Business Law Research.
De Cooman, J. (01 July 2023). A Scandal in the Data: A Semi-Supervised Learning Solution to Data-Issue of Machine Learning Cartel Screening [Paper presentation]. 18th ASCOLA 2023 Conference, Athènes, Greece.
Peer reviewed
De Cooman, J. (20 June 2023). Promises and perils of algorithmic cartel detection [Paper presentation]. Research seminar, European University Institute, Florence (Fiesole), Italy.
Fabry, V. (2023). TVA : l'Union met la pression. Belgium: La Libre Belgique.
Tecqmenne, M. (02 June 2023). Judicial law-making in disguise? The role of the explanations relating to the Charter in the interpretation of fundamental social rights [Paper presentation]. 6th Young European Law Scholars (YELS) 'The Future of EU Fundamental Rights', Maastricht, Netherlands.
Peer reviewed
De Cooman, J. (2023). Outsmarting Pac-Man with Artificial Intelligence, or Why AI-Driven Cartel Screening is not a Silver Bullet. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice. doi:10.1093/jeclap/lpad017
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Derenne, J. (31 May 2023). Key Legal Issues from Environmental and Competition Lawyers in European Commission (DG COMP/DG ENV) workshop organised by Milieu [Paper presentation]. Access to justice and public participation in environmental matters in EU Member States concerning decisions on State aid.
Derenne, J., Barbu-O'Connor, C., Hofmann, M., Klotz, R., & Vallindas, D. (2023). Impact Assessment (State aid fitness process), Chapter 6. In L. Rubini, J.-J. Piernas-LÓpez (Ed.), ... L. Hancher (Ed.), The Future of EU State aid law and policy: consolidation and expansion (pp. 85-100). EU Law Live Press.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Wildemeersch, J. (Eds.). (2023). Questions choisies de droit européen des affaires - 60 ans d'études juridiques européennes à Liège. Bruxelles, Belgium: Bruylant.
Editorial reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (12 May 2023). Allocution introductive - 60 ans d'études juridiques européennes à l'Université de Liège [Paper presentation]. Journées internationales David-Constant: 60 ans d'études juridiques européennes à l'Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium.
De Cooman, J. (11 May 2023). Dangers et périls de la détection algorithmique des ententes anticoncurrentielles [Paper presentation]. Echos du passé, perspectives d'avenir : 60 ans d'études juridiques européennes à Liège, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed
Tecqmenne, M. (11 May 2023). The European Court of Justice and the evolution of EU fundamental (social) rights standards: The case of the right to work-life balance [Paper presentation]. Echos du passé, perspectives d'avenir : 60 ans d'études juridiques européennes à Liège, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (05 May 2023). The European Union’s AI, Digital Services and Digital Markets Acts (and MICA) as instruments of cyberspace regulation and enforcement [Paper presentation]. KILAW 9th Annual International Conference.
De Cooman, J. (May 2023). When Art Becomes a Lemon: The Economics of Machine-Enabled Artworks and the Need for a Rule of Origin. Law, Technology and Humans, 5 (1). doi:10.5204/lthj.2787
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (28 April 2023). Private enforcement of EU competition law: challenges and opportunities [Paper presentation]. Madrid Competition Litigation Seminar 2023, Madrid, Spain.
Derenne, J., & Leroy, J. (27 April 2023). Four questions on recovery of unlawful State aid [Paper presentation]. AEDC/VSMR Lunch Talk.
De Cooman, J. (27 April 2023). Public Procurement and the Artificial Intelligence Act: Addressing Bid-Rigging Through the Back Door [Paper presentation]. PhD Conference in Public Procurement & Competition Law, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Editorial reviewed
Fabry, V. (2023). Fiscalité des entreprises - droits de douane et TVA. (ULiège - Université de Liège [Droit], Liège, Belgium, DROI1355-1).
De Cooman, J. (30 March 2023). Artificial Intelligence & Detection of Anticompetitive Behaviours [Paper presentation]. Research Group on Data, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Law & Society (DRAILS) Workshop, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
De Cooman, J. (2023). The Digital Markets Act: A Bird’s- Eye View of a Competition Law Lost Child.
De Cooman, J. (24 March 2023). Whose Bias Is It, Anyway? The Need for a Four-Eyes Principle in AI-Driven Competition Law Proceedings [Paper presentation]. EULEN Conference onArtificial Intelligence Systems and EU Law Enforcement – Between Effectiveness and the Rule of Law, Toledo, Spain.
Editorial reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (24 March 2023). Privilege against self-incrimination: an elephant in the room of automated competition law enforcement? [Paper presentation]. EULEN Jean Monnet Workshop - Toledo, Tolède, Spain.
Tecqmenne, M. (20 March 2023). The role of the explanations relating to the Charter: Towards an originalist interpretation of fundamental social rights? [Paper presentation]. Doctoral workshop - The interaction between the sources of EU law, Leuven, Belgium.
Derenne, J. (03 March 2023). 130th GCLC Lunch Talk: Draft Foreign Subsidies Implementing Regulation: the path for enforcement (moderator) [Paper presentation]. 130th GCLC Lunch Talk: Draft Foreign Subsidies Implementing Regulation: the path for enforcement.
Jan, B. (2023). Artificial Intelligence-Powered Mutual Recognition - An Inquiry Into the Legal Status of AI-Automated and -Supported Decisions Within EU Integrated Administration in the Field of Free Movement of Goods [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2023). Algoritmische prijsbepaling en het kartelverbod: hoe toekomstbestendig is artikel 101 VWEU? Sociaal‐Economische Wetgeving: Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., Jouve, D., & Lamarcq, A. (2023). State Aid & National enforcement: An overview of EU and National Case Law. e-Competitions.
Peer reviewed
Tecqmenne, M. (16 February 2023). Présentation de l'arrêt C-61/21 (Responsabilité de l'état français pour la pollution de l'air) - La difficile traduction d'intérêts (généraux) environnementaux en droits (individuels) subjectifs [Paper presentation]. Séminaire interne de l'ABeFDATU - Droits fondamentaux et cadre de vie, Liège, Belgium.
De Cooman, J., & Petit, N. (09 February 2023). Asimov for Lawmakers. Journal of Business and Technology Law, 18 (1), 1-34.
Peer reviewed
Jan, B. (08 February 2023). Can the duty of care be complied with in the algorithmic state? [Paper presentation]. The Digital Constitutionalist conference, Florence, Italy.
Editorial reviewed
Fabry, V. (2023). Quel rang pour le créancier réservataire ? Le point sur les controverses à la suite de la réforme des sûretés réelles mobilières. In Privilèges et hypothèques. Commentaire avec aperçu de jurisprudence et de doctrine. Belgium: Kluwer.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2023). ERA Annual conference on European State Aid Law 2023: co-organised and chaired the conference [Paper presentation]. ERA Annual Conference on EU State Aid Law 2023, Trier, Germany.
Bois, J. (2023). Integration via Agencification of National Administrations: the Complete Transformation of Nation States into Member States? [Paper presentation]. European Union Studies Association 18th Biennial Conference, Pittsburgh, United States - Pennsylvania.
Bois, J. (2023). Integration via Agencification of National Administrations: the Complete Transformation of Nation States into Member States? [Paper presentation]. European Union Studies Association 18th Biennial Conference.
Jan, B. (2023). Automated Enforcement of EU Law With AI Systems: An Inquiry into the Legal Status of AI Systems in the Field of Free Movement of Goods. Belgium: LeA Uitgevers.
Editorial reviewed
Derenne, J. (2023). Should We Adapt the Centralised Enforcement System in the New Era? In D. Waelbroeck, A. Claici (Ed.), ... A. Komninos (Ed.), The Transformation of EU Competition Law: Next Generation Issues (pp. 263-269). Kluwer Law International.
Peer reviewed
Wildemeersch, J. (2023). L'assouplissement de l'exigence d'être représenté par un avocat devant les juridictions de l'Union européenne et quelques précisions sur la recevabilité des recours en annulation. In C. Bluman & F. Picod, Annuaire de droit de l'Union européenne 2022 (pp. 447-464). Paris, France: Editions Panthéon-Assas.
Editorial reviewed
Bois, J., & Dawson, M. (2023). Towards a legally plausible theory of judicialization in the European Union. Journal of European Integration, 1-20. doi:10.1080/07036337.2023.2190104
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Wildemeersch, J. (08 December 2022). Principe de minimis et affectation des intérêts dans l’examen des recours en annulation [Paper presentation]. De minimis non curat praetor, Paris, France.
De Cooman, J., Brassine, N., Doffiny, V., Gangi, O., Gérard, N., Geron, L., Jadot, C., Schmitz, C., & Silan, M.-S. (01 December 2022). Editorial - Actes du colloque "Dépasser les bornes ! Regards croisés des sciences juridique, politique et criminologique" organisé à l'Université de Liège les 6 et 7 octobre 2022. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, 2022 (3), 395-399.
Jan, B., & Vincent Delhomme. (25 November 2022). Achat « local » et libre circulation des produits alimentaires : quelle prise en compte de l’impératif environnemental dans le marché intérieur européen ? Annales de Droit de Louvain, 2022.
Peer reviewed
Jan, B. (2022). Comment sera notre monde connecté dans 5 ans ? Rossel & cie.
Derenne, J. (18 November 2022). Recent EU Case Law Distortion of Competition and Effect on Trade [Paper presentation]. ERA Annual Conference on EU State Aid Law 2022, Tr, Germany.
De Cooman, J. (15 November 2022). Asimov for Lawyers... In the Metaverse [Paper presentation]. Constitutionalisation in the Digital Age, Florence, Italy.
Derenne, J. (08 November 2022). Panel discussion: Navigating State Aid in a Post-Pandemic Environment [Paper presentation]. Competition Law in the Aviation Sector 2022, Brussels, Belgium.
Wildemeersch, J., & Mathieu, S. (2022). Le contrôle (très indirect) de la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne sur l'exécution du budget de l'Union. In D. Renders & D. Piron (Eds.), Le contrôle administratif et juridictionnel des finances publiques (pp. 453-478). Bruxelles, Unknown/unspecified: Larcier.
Editorial reviewed
Moreno, V., & Jan, B. (2022). Cómo la inteligencia artificial puede cambiar el futuro del sector legal. Spain: Expansion.
Jan, B. (28 October 2022). The EU constitutional limits in deploying algorithmic decision-making systems in the Internal Market administrative structure [Paper presentation]. EU Legal Studies.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Van Garsse, S. (2022). Artificial intelligence accountability of public administration in Belgium. (Belgian Report for the International Association of Comparative Law).
Bois, J. (21 October 2022). The Court of Justice of the European Union as a Representative Institution? Judicial appointments and input legitimacy of the EU’s judiciary [Paper presentation]. EU Legal Studies Seminar, Liège, Belgium.
Fabry, V. (06 October 2022). Les droits fondamentaux du contribuable, une limitation à l'obligation de protéger les intérêts financiers de l'Union ? [Paper presentation]. Colloque "Dépasser les bornes", Liège, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., Carvalho, S., Lazar, E., & Riano Saad, A. (2022). Rapport européen: droit de la concurrence et les plateformes.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (04 October 2022). Présentation du rapport belge relatif au droit de la concurrence des plateformes [Paper presentation]. Journées internationales association Henri Capitant - Les plateformes, Bogota, Colombia.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Rapport belge: droit de la concurrence et les plateformes.
De Cooman, J. (30 September 2022). In search of the silver bullet: The impact of algorithmic screening tools on competition law proceedings and the right to a fair trial [Paper presentation]. Lawtomation Days 2022, Madrid, Spain.
Jan, B. (29 September 2022). Safeguarding the Right to an Effective Remedy in Algorithmic Multi-Governance Systems: An Inquiry in Artificial Intelligence Powered Informational Cooperation in the EU Administrative Space [Paper presentation]. Lawautomation - THE JEAN MONNET CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE FOR LAW AND AUTOMATION, Madrid, Spain.
Derenne, J. (21 September 2022). Commenting on EU State Aid Decisions and Access to Justice [Paper presentation]. EU State Aid Decisions and Access to Justice, Brussels, Belgium.
Jan, B. (2022). Bruxelles à la traîne en matière d’intelligence artificielle: pourquoi c’est un problème. Le Vif. L'Express.
Tecqmenne, M. (09 September 2022). Uncovering the impact of effective judicial protection on national procedural autonomy: A comparative assessment of key environmental protection, social policy and asylum law secondary legislations [Paper presentation]. Human rights and the rule of law in europe and the world in times of contestation, Paris, France.
Jan, B. (2022). Les algorithmes comme outils d’égalité face à la loi? Le Soir.
Meys, R., Glorieux, D., & Vanbrabant, B. (2022). LES TRAVAUX DE L’AIPPI. 2022 – Study Question. Protection of Trade Secrets during Civil Proceedings. Revue de Droit Intellectuel. L'Ingenieur-Conseil.
Editorial reviewed
De Cooman, J. (29 August 2022). Télémédecine et systèmes de recommandation au regard du Règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD) et de la proposition européenne de législation sur l’intelligence artificielle (AI Act). Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, 2022 (2), 233-273.
Peer reviewed
Grozdanovski, L., & De Cooman, J. (25 August 2022). Of Hypothesis and Facts: The Curious Origins of the EU's Regulation of High-Risk AI. European Journal of Law Reform, 24 (1), 122-133.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2022). EU Merger Control. In GCR Cases & Precedents (pp. 6). London, Unknown/unspecified: Business Law Research.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (09 July 2022). Algorithms: between competition and regulation [Paper presentation]. The enforcement of EU competition law in times of crisis, Porto, Portugal.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (08 July 2022). Prohibition of anticompetitive agreements: general principles and recent case law in the digital sphere [Paper presentation]. TRAINING COURSE FOR JUDGES ON COMPETITION LAW, Porto, Portugal.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (07 July 2022). Table ronde: La constitution "micro-économique" Libertés économiques fondamentales et droit de la concurrence [Paper presentation]. Journées internationales David-Constant • L'idée de constitution économique en Europe Généalogie et état des lieux, Liège, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (06 July 2022). Discussant: AI-powered algorithms and competition law: time for new rules? [Paper presentation]. ARC DIGITALPLATFORMS Workshop, Liège, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (06 July 2022). La constitution économique européenne du micro au macro - remarques introductives [Paper presentation]. Journées internationales David-Constant • L'idée de constitution économique en Europe Généalogie et état des lieux, Liège, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Introduction to EU internal market law [Paper presentation]. ELSA Summer School EU Institutional law, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Miny, X. (2022). The Fundamental Econnomic Freedoms - Constitutionalizing the Internal Market. In X. Miny & G. Gregoire (Ed.), The Idea of Economic Constitution in Europe (pp. 263-297). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (01 July 2022). Varieties of independence of national administrative authorities under EU law [Paper presentation]. EU Legal Studies Institute - internal seminars, Liège, Belgium.
De Cooman, J. (30 June 2022). New Tool and Old Friend: Updating Cartel Screening with AI Systems [Paper presentation]. 17th Annual ASCOLA Conference, Porto, Portugal.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (21 June 2022). L'application du droit des aides d'Etat par les juridictions nationales: opportunité pour l'avocat et son client [Paper presentation]. Midi de la formation européenne.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (16 June 2022). Integrated enforcement structures and EU law – how different is data protection from digital regulation? [Paper presentation]. European Data Protection Supervisor Conference, Bruxelles, Belgium.
De Cooman, J. (13 June 2022). Without Any Prejudice? The Antitrust Implication of the AI Act [Paper presentation]. IAIL2022: Imagining the AI Landscape after the AI Act, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (11 June 2022). Compliance Requirements in EU Investment Services Regulation - two years later: a more Coherent Accountability Framework in place? [Paper presentation]. LEGAL ACCOUNTABILITY IN EU MARKETS FOR FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS, Uppsala, Sweden.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (10 June 2022). Panel discussant: Investment Firms as Agents of Accountability – Review Mechanisms [Paper presentation]. LEGAL ACCOUNTABILITY IN EU MARKETS FOR FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS, Uppsala, Sweden.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (03 June 2022). The Digital Markets Act and the increasing emergence of regulatory antitrust in the European Union [Paper presentation]. BECCLE International Competition law and economics conference, Bergen, Norway.
Wildemeersch, J. (June 2022). L'avènement de l'article 47 de la Charte des droits fondamentaux et de l'article 19, paragraphe 1, second alinéa, TUE. Un droit renouvelé à la protection juridictionnelle effective. Cahiers de Droit Européen, 3 (2021), 867-924.
Peer reviewed
Jan, B. (31 May 2022). Artificial intelligence-powered Mutual Recognition in the field of free movement of goods: an inquiry into the legal status of AI-automated and supported decisions within EU integrated administrations [Paper presentation]. Séminaire à l'Université d'Amsterdam (ACELG), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
De Cooman, J. (25 May 2022). Humpty Dumpty and High-Risk AI Systems: The Ratione Materiae Dimension of the Proposal for an EU Artificial Intelligence Act. Market and Competition Law Review, VI (1), 49-88. doi:10.34632/mclawreview.2022.11304
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Derenne, J. (2022). Insolvabilité, restructuration et droit de la concurrence Aides d’État, concentrations et règles applicables aux entreprises. In La nouvelle loi sur l'insolvabilité. Anthemis.
Grozdanovski, L.* , & De Cooman, J.*. (20 May 2022). Of Hypothesis and Facts: The Curious Origins of the EU's Regulation of High-Risk AI [Paper presentation]. Second Seminar of the EURA Center of Excellence, Pisa, Italy.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Les plateformes - droit de la concurrence: rapport belge.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (13 May 2022). A comment on Q. Li - AI-enabled Price Discrimination: A Competition Law Perspective [Paper presentation]. Ius Commune Doctoral Workshop, Leuven, Belgium.
De Cooman, J. (13 May 2022). Le droit de la concurrence à l'épreuve du filtrage algorithmique : une application détournée de la proposition de Règlement européen relatif à l'intelligence artificielle ? [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de l'Ecole Doctorale, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Présentation du rapport belge relatif au droit de la concurrence et des plateformes.
Tecqmenne, M. (09 May 2022). Présentation de l'arrêt de la Cour de Justice C-826/18, Stichting Varkens [Paper presentation]. Rencontres Cour de Justice de l'UE - FDSPC Université de Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (09 May 2022). Le non bis in idem après BPost et Nordzucker - un revirement de la jurisprudence précédente? [Paper presentation]. Rencrontres Cour de justice de l'UE - FDSPC Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium.
Fabry, V. (2022). Présentation de l'arrêt C.J (gde ch.), arrêt Commission c. Royaume-Uni, 8 mars 2022, C-213/19 (fraude à la sous-évaluation des marchandises) [Paper presentation]. Présentation interne à l'EU Legal Studies.
Wildemeersch, J. (2022). Le renvoi préjudiciel devant la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne : les outils d’un simple dialogue. In M. Dambre & P. Lecocq (Ed.), Chronique de droit à l'usage des juges de paix et de police 2022 (pp. 236-260). Belgium: La Charte.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (25 April 2022). Editorial: new challenges for EU competition law enforcement? Market and Competition Law Review, VI (1), 1-12. doi:10.34632/mclawreview.2022.11307
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Fabry, V. (2022). La propriété réservée, la reine des sûretés ? De quelques conflits de rang impliquant le créancier réservataire. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, (2022/1), 33-67.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (20 April 2022). The emergence of upgraded EU governance and enforcement mechanisms - New rules, same challenges? The digital regulation case study [Paper presentation]. G-Law Net Seminar series, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Fabry, V. (2022). Les taxes d'immatriculation à l'épreuve de la libre circulation des marchandises. Revue des Affaires Européennes, (2021/4), 831-851.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (25 March 2022). The transformation of State aid law and policy: modernisation relaunched and the link with crisis management : Should we adapt the centralised enforcement system in the new era? [Paper presentation]. 17th GCLC Annual Conference: The transformation of EU Competition law: Next Generation Issues, Bruges, Belgium.
Wildemeersch, J. (24 March 2022). The (in)effectiveness of judicial review of European Union acts: the example of environmental law [Paper presentation]. Challenges of Judicial Control in the European Administrative Space, Munich, Germany.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Towards future-proof comparative administrative law? ORBi-University of Liège.
Fabry, V. (2022). Présentation du projet "Le droit douanier de l'Union européenne à l'ère de l'e-Commerce en B2C" [Paper presentation]. Présentation interne à l'EU Legal Studies.
Jan, B., & Berrendorf, A. (2022). L’absolue nécessité d’inclure les femmes dans les secteurs technologiques de demain. Le Soir.
Bois, J. (2022). National institutional autonomy within the European legal order: an Actor- Network-Theory framework. ORBi-University of Liège.
Jan, B. (2022). Enhancing the Commission’s AI Act Proposal: Ensuring the Procedural Dimension of the Rule of Law with Ex Post Safeguards in the Public Sector. European Liberal Forum.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (16 February 2022). Competition law and artificial intelligence - challenges for public enforcement of competition law [Paper presentation]. Autorité belge de la concurrence - séminaire de l'auditorat, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Bois, J. (04 February 2022). National Institutional Autonomy within the EU Legal Order [Paper presentation]. National Institutional Autonomy within the EU Legal Order.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (01 February 2022). Is Belgian competition law ready for the Artificial Intelligence Age? A comment on the Study of the Belgian Federal Government [Paper presentation]. AI4 Belgium - Economic regulation and impact: is Belgium fit for the AI age?, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). ECB decision-making within the Banking and Monetary Union: the principle of confidentiality on its way out? European Papers, 1437-1461. doi:10.15166/2499-8249/533
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (01 February 2022). The Belgian AI & Competition law study - a comment on the road ahead [Paper presentation]. Publication of the study on AI & IP - Competition Law - Consumer - E-commerce - Insurance - Data Economy - Safety & Cybersecurity, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Derenne, J. (2022). Commentaires sur l'application du droit des aides d'Etat par les juridictions nationales : encore un effort ! In G. Minne & A. Strowel, Liber Amicorum Denis Philippe, Volume 1: L'influence du droit européen en droit économique; Volume 2: Cabinet de curiosités pour un juriste passionné (pp. 555-591). Larcier.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Business Coordination. In A. Fercic (Ed.), European Union Competition Law. Groningen, Netherlands: Europa Law Publishing.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Compte-rendu de l'ouvrage F. Wijckmans, F. Tuytschaever, H. Burez en E. Wijckmans, Mededingingsrecht – Bos door de Bomen, Zaventem, Contrast Books & Seminars 2022, XXII+377 p. Revue de la Concurrence Belge.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). BPost and Nordzucker: searching for the essence of ne bis in idem in European Union law. European Constitutional Law Review, 357-374. doi:10.1017/S1574019622000190
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Caprasse, O., & Tecqmenne, M. (2022). The Evidence of Corruption in Investment Arbitration. Journal of International Arbitration, 520-548.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Cabay, J. (2022). For Consumer’s Sake! Trademark and Consumer Welfare [Paper presentation]. 125th Anniversary Celebration Conference - Intellectual Property and Common Welfare, Brussels, Belgium.
Derenne, J. (2022). The Powers and Obligations of National Courts with Regard to Unlawful State Aid: Lessons from CELF I and CELF II. In C. Buts & J. L. Buendia Sierra, Milestones in State Aid case law (2nd ed, pp. 193-109). Lexxion.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2022). Introduction et direction scientifique du dossier "Les tiers et le contrôle des aides d'Etat". Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 2022 (4), 1-50.
Peer reviewed
Vanbrabant, B. (2022). « 2.19 CBPI : le mal-aimé, le mal-compris ». Intellectuele Rechten, 256-264.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., Caramelo Gomes, J., & Bessa Vilela, N. (2022). Introduction to competition law. In A. Fercic (Ed.), European Union Competition Law. Europa Law Publishing.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Public enforcement of antitrust rules: antitrust procedure. In A. Fercic (Ed.), European Union Competition Law. Europa Law Publishing.
Peer reviewed
Tecqmenne, M. (2022). Présentation de l'arrêt de la Cour de Justice (Grande Chambre) C-181/19 - Jobcenter Krefeld [Paper presentation]. Internal seminars - EU Legal Studies.
Derenne, J., & Blockx, J. (2022). Application des règles sur les aides d'Etat dans des affaires concernant la Belgique (juridictions belges et européennes, Commission européenne) - Année 2021. Competitio : Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging, 17/4, 271-281.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Reflections on the FIDE Congress “EU competition law and the digital economy” Working Group sessions. In J. Rijpma, XXIXth FIDE Congress The Hague - Conference proceedings. La Haye, Netherlands: Eleven Publishers.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). By-design regulation and European Union law: opportunities, challenges, and the road ahead. In Borghi Maurizio & R. Brownsword (Eds.), Law, Regulation and Governance in the Information Society. United Kingdom: Routledge.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2022). Burden of proof. In Richard Whish, William Kovacic, Deborah Healy, ... Pablo Trévisan (Eds.), Concurrences Global Competition Law Dictionary. Paris, France: Concurrences Books.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (13 December 2021). Global Competition Law Centre (GCLC): webinar on the Tempus Energy Judgment - Insights on the case [Paper presentation]. College of Europe, Global Competition Law Centre (GCLC): webinar on the Tempus Energy Judgment, Belgium.
De Cooman, J. (2021). Télémédecine, données personnelles et intelligence artificielle [Paper presentation]. Télémédecine, données personnelles et intelligence artificielle, Liege, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (03 December 2021). Regulating Artificial intelligence - what, when, how and by whom? [Paper presentation]. BSC AI & Public Policy course, Bruxelles, Belgium.
De Cooman, J. (03 December 2021). Something Old, Something New: Addressing Technological Innovation Through the Lens of Time [Poster presentation]. 3rd Interdisciplinary PhD Conference: Pushing Boundaries, Trier, Germany.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). Compliance requirements in EU investment services regulation: towards a more coherent accountability framework? In M. Strand & C. F. Bergström (Eds.), Checks and Balances in the EU Financial Market: The Role(s) of Investment Firms. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., Barbu O-Connor, C., & Vallindas, D. (2021). EU Merger Control, GCR Cases & Precedents: Overview. In J. Derenne, GCR Case and Precedents EU Merger Control - Overview (pp. 6). London, United Kingdom: GCR Global Competition Review, lbresearch.
Derenne, J., Vallindas, D., & Barbu-O'Connor. (2021). Merger Control in France. In GCR Cases & Precedents. London, United Kingdom: Business Law Research.
Tecqmenne, M. (December 2021). Migrant jobseekers, right of residence and access to welfare benefits: One step forward, two steps backwards? European Law Review, 46 (6), 765-783.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (26 November 2021). EStALI Autumn Conference on European State Aid Law: Speaking on "Who is an interested party? Recent EU case-law developments" [Paper presentation]. EStALI Autumn Conference on European State Aid Law.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (24 November 2021). Opinion 1/19: EU law and Member States’ autonomy in context [Paper presentation]. Law meets practice expert seminar on Opinion 1/19, Brussels, Belgium.
Derenne, J. (21 November 2021). ERA Annual Conference on European State Aid Law 2021: chaired the conference and presented on "State Aid National Enforcement Developments" [Paper presentation]. Annual Conference on European State Aid Law 2021.
De Cooman, J. (18 November 2021). From the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence by Society to the Regulation of Society by Artificial Intelligence: All Along the Watchtower [Paper presentation]. International conference celebrating the 40th(+1) anniversary of the CRIDS: Time to reshape the digital society.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (18 November 2021). Comment développer une intelligence artificielle robuste? Perspectives d'un juriste [Paper presentation]. Séminaire à porte fermée de l'Institut Destrée sur les enjeux de l'IA en région wallonne et au-delà, Namur, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (06 November 2021). Presentation of the FIDE General Report on Competition law in the Digital Economy and on the discussion sessions organised during the Conference [Paper presentation]. XXIX FIDE Congress The Hague, La Haye, Netherlands.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (05 November 2021). Data and competition law - a general rapporteur's perspective [Paper presentation]. FIDE Congress The Hague 2021, The Hague, Netherlands.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (05 November 2021). Competition law and the digital markets act: reflections from a general rapporteur [Paper presentation]. FIDE international congress, The Hague, Netherlands.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (05 November 2021). Algorithmic decision-making in EU competition law: the road ahead - a general rapporteur's perspective [Paper presentation]. FIDE Congress The Hague 2021, The Hague, Netherlands.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (04 November 2021). Vertical restraints in the digital economy - towards a new legal framework? - A general rapporteur's perspective [Paper presentation]. FIDE Congress The Hague 2021, The Hague, Netherlands.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). EU competition law and the digital economy – FIDE 2020 Topic 3 General Report Update.
De Cooman, J. (2021). From the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence by Society to the Regulation of Society by Artificial Intelligence: All Along the Watchtower. In H. Jacquemin (Ed.), Time to Reshape the Digital Society: 40th anniversary of the CRIDS (pp. 441-483). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Bois, J. (29 October 2021). EUDAIMONIA: national administrative autonomy against the background of EU law [Paper presentation]. EU Law@Liège research seminar, Liège, Belgium.
Jan, B., & Delhomme, V. (2021). Est-il « meilleur » de manger français ? Les Echos.
De Cooman, J. (2021). Protection des données personnelles et cybersécurité : étude du cas de la voiture autonome [Paper presentation]. La conduite autonome et la mobilité en tant que service. Les défis de l’industrie automobile, Liege, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (11 October 2021). Review of Géraldine Gaulard, La pleine juridiction du juge de l’Union européenne en droit de la concurrence: Contrôle et compétence sur les amendes. Common Market Law Review, 58, 1622-1624.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (08 October 2021). Les enjeux de droit administratifs européens du DSA [Paper presentation]. L’émergence d’une régulation autonome des plateformes ?, Rennes, France.
Editorial reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). My experience as an ERC applicant/grantee.
Derenne, J.* , Barbu-O'Connor, C.* , & Romagnuolo, C.*. (October 2021). EU State aid control during Covid-19. Competition Law International, 16 (1), 21-30.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (21 September 2021). GCR Live: State Aid 2021: panel on the exit from Covid-19 Temporary Framework [Paper presentation]. GCR Live: State Aid 2021, Brussels, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (15 September 2021). GDPR and the AI Act: towards enhanced by-design regulatory obligations? [Paper presentation]. AI Mellontology e-Symposium 2021, Thessaloniki (online via Zoom), Greece.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). Droit matériel européen - recueil de documentation 2021-2022.
Troch, S., & Meli, V. (2021). The EU General Court judges that the rules of sport federations banning athletes for participation in unauthorized events can – in certain circumstances – constitute a by object infringement of Article 101 TFEU (International Skating Union). e-Competitions.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). Droit matériel européen - agenda du cours 2021-2022.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). European competition law - slides.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). European competition law - course outline.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). Advanced EU law - cases and materials 2021-2022.
Jan, B., & Delhomme, V. (2021). Not All Frites and Beer: Does Eating Belgian Make Sense? Worldcrunch.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (August 2021). The Commission’s digital services and markets act proposals: First step towards tougher and more directly enforced EU rules? Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 28 (5), 667-686. doi:10.1177/1023263X211030434
Peer reviewed
Petit, N., & De Cooman, J. (2021). Models of Law and Regulation for AI. In A. Elliott, The Routledge Social Science Handbook of AI. Routledge.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (03 July 2021). Session chair: Mergers panel [Paper presentation]. Academic Society for Competition Law Conference.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). La classification de services fournis par les plateformes en ligne en droit du marché intérieur. Revue des Affaires Européennes, 119-139.
Peer reviewed
Vanbrabant, B., & Glorieux, D. (2021). Reasonable awareness in compensation for infringement of IP rights. Revue de Droit Intellectuel. L'Ingenieur-Conseil.
Mathieu, S., & Azevedo Mendes, G. (2021). The Belgian Competition Authority rules that a national football association’s conditions to obtain a professional licence are prima facie incompatible with competition law and orders interim measures (Virton / RBFA). Concurrences : Review of Competition Laws.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). Digital Markets Act: beware of procedural fairness and judicial review booby-traps! ORBi-University of Liège.
Jan, B., & Delhomme, V. (2021). Manger belge a-t-il une utilité? Le Soir.
Derenne, J. (10 June 2021). EStALI Campfire Circle: online panel on State aid developments (the first Covid-19 judgments) [Paper presentation]. EStALI Campfire Circle.
De Cooman, J. (07 June 2021). The EU’s AI proposal – addressing algorithmic collusion through the back door? [Paper presentation]. Algorithmic Collusion and the EU's AI Regulation proposal: living apart together.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (07 June 2021). Algorithmic collusion and EU competition law: introduction and conclusion [Paper presentation]. ASCOLA-LCII seminar on algorithmic collusion, Liège, Belgium.
Wildemeersch, J. (04 June 2021). L’État de droit, une « valeur » cardinale de l’Union européenne aux ressources insoupçonnées [Paper presentation]. L’état de droit. Un état de la question dans l'Union européenne, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Wildemeersch, J. (2021). Les droits fondamentaux, frein ou moteur de la citoyenneté de l'Union? In J. Andriantsimbazovina (Ed.), Droits fondamentaux et intégration européenne. Bilan et perspectives de l'Union européenne (pp. 79-115). France: Mare et Martin.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., Masquelier, R., & Romagnuolo, C. (2021). « Transaction » (« coopération ») et restrictions verticales font-elles bon ménage ? Revue Lamy de la Concurrence, (105), 38-45.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Dimitris Vallindas. (2021). State Aid 2021: Getting the Deal Through, Belgian chapter. Getting the Deal Through.
Derenne, J., & Vallindas, D. (2021). State aid 2021 Belgium. Getting the Deal Through.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). Vaccins Covid-19: l'Union fait-elle la force? Journal de Droit Européen, 161.
Peer reviewed
Wildemeersch, J., Dupont, C., Jungers, R., Laborderie, V., Lackner, A., Paul, E., Scalia, D., Schaus, P., Sinardet, D., Thirion, N., Traversa, E., & Van den Haute, E. (2021). L'interdiction des voyages "non essentiels" - Analyse critique d'une interdiction non-essentielle.
Jan, B. (2021). Sommes-nous protégés des algorithmes qu’utilisent les administrations publiques? Le Soir.
Wildemeersch, J. (2021). La jurisprudence récente relative aux conditions de recevabilité du recours en annulation devant la C.J.U.E. Journal de Droit Européen, 102-110.
Peer reviewed
Neyrinck, N. (2021). Manuel de droit belge de la concurrence. Les pratiques restrictives de concurrence. Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.
Mathieu, S., & Abreu, T. (March 2021). The EU General Court confirms the Commission’s decision finding that the Lithuanian railway incumbent abused its dominant position by dismantling a rail track (Lietuvos geležinkelai). Concurrences : Review of Competition Laws, 99586.
Jan, B. (2021). Sommes-nous protégés des algorithmes qu’utilisent les administrations publiques? Mediapart.
Derenne, J. (12 February 2021). Enforcement of State aid law in national court proceedings: focus on recovery [Paper presentation]. State Aid Litigation Webinar.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (28 January 2021). Panel chair/discussant: Automated decision-making: towards effective remedies in a changing world? [Paper presentation]. CPDP - Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (25 January 2021). Towards a new normal in EU internal market law? [Paper presentation]. Data for the public good: Building a healthier digital future: European Data Protection Supervisor Webinar, Brussels, Belgium.
Derenne, J., Flynn, L., & Robins, N. (21 January 2021). Taking Stock of State Aid amid the Turbulence of the Pandemic [Paper presentation]. Concorrenze Winter 2021 – State aid.
Derenne, J. (18 January 2021). Les procédures négociées devant les autorités de la concurrence [Paper presentation]. Colloque: Modes alternatifs et droits de la concurrence.
Wildemeersch, J. (2021). Cour de justice, gde ch., 26 mars 2020, Simpson c/ Conseil et HG c/ Commission, aff. jtes C-542/18 RX-II et C-543/18 RX-II, ECLI:EU:C:2020:232. In F. Picod (Ed.), Jurisprudence de la CJUE 2020 (pp. 214-220). Bruxelles, Belgium: Bruylant.
Wildemeersch, J. (2021). Cour de justice, gde ch., 9 juillet 2020, République tchèque c/ Commission, aff. C-575/18 P, ECLI:EU:C:2020:530. In F. Picod (Ed.), Jurisprudence de la CJUE 2020 (pp. 233-238). Bruxelles, Belgium: Bruyant.
Wildemeersch, J. (2021). Les recours en annulation et en carence. In C. Blumann & F. Picod (Eds.), Annuaire du droit de l'Union européenne (pp. 387-401). Paris, Unknown/unspecified: Editions Panthéon-Assas.
Editorial reviewed
Vanbrabant, B. (2021). La politique et la propriété intellectuelle. Administration Publique: Revue du Droit Public et des Sciences Administratives, 294-305.
Editorial reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). Droit matériel européen - diapositives 2021-2022. (ULiège - Université de Liège [Droit, Science Politique et Criminologie]).
Derenne, J., & Blockx, J. (2021). Chronique "Aides d'Etat": Application des règles sur les aides d'Etat dans des affaires concernant la Belgique (juridictions belges et européennes, Commission européenne) - Année 2020. Competitio : Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging, 16/4, 395-407.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). By-design Regulation in the Algorithmic Society: Promising way Forward or (EU) Constitutional Nightmare In-the-making? In H.-W. Micklitz, A. Simoncini (Ed.), O. Pollicino (Ed.), ... G. Sartor (Ed.), Constitutional Challenges in the Algorithmic Society. Cambridge University Press.
Peer reviewed
Bois, J., & Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). National Institutional Autonomy and EU law: time to reframe the stakes of interdisciplinary scholarship? ORBi-University of Liège.
Wildemeersch, J. (2021). Cour de justice, 28 octobre 2020, Associazione GranoSalus c/ Commission, aff. C-313/19 P, ECLI:EU:C:2020:869. In F. Picod (Ed.), Jurisprudence de la CJUE 2020 (pp. 310-315). Bruxelles, Belgium: Bruylant.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). Advanced EU law - Slides.
Caprasse, O., & Tecqmenne, M. (2021). La gestion du temps dans l'arbitrage - Questions choisies. In Le temps des MARCs (pp. 88-111). Larcier.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Vallindas, D. (2021). GCR Know-How: State Aid 2021, Introduction. In GCR State aid. London, United Kingdom: GCR Law Business Research Ltd.
Derenne, J., & Ciara Barbu-O'Connor. (2021). GCR Know How: State Aid 2021 France. In GCR Know how : State aid. London, United Kingdom: GCR Law Business Research LTD.
Derenne, J. (2021). Dictionnaire de droit de la concurrence: Aide d'Etat (notion). In M. Chagny & E. Combe, Dictionnaire de droit de la concurrence. France: Concurrences.
Peer reviewed
Wildemeersch, J., & Zivy, F. (2021). L’invocabilité du droit international conventionnel devant le juge de l’Union : pour un régime unifié. In D. Petrlik, M. Bobek, J. Passer, ... A. Masson (Eds.), Évolution des rapports entre les ordres juridiques de l'Union européenne, international et nationaux : liber amicorum Jiří Malenovský (pp. 309 à 323). Bruxelles, Belgium: Bruylant.
Peer reviewed
Troch, S., & Milleville, T. (2021). Simon Troch, Thomas Milleville, The EU Court of Justice confirms that the nuclear energy sector is subject to state aid rules (Hinkley Point C). Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2021). EUDAIMONIA - National Institutional Autonomy within the EU legal order: uncovering and addressing its distinctive appearances, limits and impact on Member States’ administrations. ORBi-University of Liège.
Wildemeersch, J. (2021). Cour de justice, gde ch., 21 janvier 2020, Banco de Santander, aff. C-274/14, ECLI:EU:C:2020:17 » et « Cour de justice, 26 mars 2020, Miasto Łowicz (Régime disciplinaire concernant les magistrats), aff. jtes C-558/18 et C-563/18, ECLI:EU:C:2020:234. In F. Picod (Ed.), Jurisprudence de la CJUE 2020 (pp. 347-355). Bruxelles, Belgium: Bruylant.
Caprasse, O., & Tecqmenne, M. (2021). The relevance of good faith in transnational construction contracts - A civil law perspective. In Construction arbitration and alternative dispute resolution - Theory and pratice around the world (pp. 72 - 88). Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003155973-9
Editorial reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (04 December 2020). Artificial intelligence: when, how and what to regulate at EU level? [Paper presentation]. AI, law and regulation workshops, Brussels, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). Plateformes en ligne et droit de l'Union européenne - un cadre juridique aux multiples visages. Bruylant.
Troch, S., & Nys, C. (2020). The EU Court of Justice Advocate General Saugmandsgaard Øe recommends the Bronner legal test to be limited to ’refusals to make available’ (Slovak Telekom / Deutsche Telekom). Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). Digitale economie en mededingingsrecht: plus est en vous? Revue de Droit Commercial Belge, 895-911.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Derenne, J., & Flynn, L. (23 November 2020). The Notion of Advantages to Undertakings [Paper presentation]. Autumn Online Conference on European State Aid 2020.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (19 November 2020). Digital technology disruptions and competition law enforcement: a stress test for the European Commission’s flexible constitutional mandate? [Paper presentation]. The Evolving Governance of EU Competition Law in Time of Disruptions: a Constitutional Perspective, Brussels, Belgium.
Derenne, J. (13 November 2020). EU Case Law Developments: Analysis of recent case law: Selectivity [Paper presentation]. Annual Conference on European State Aid Law 2020.
Tecqmenne, M. (November 2020). Minimum harmonisation and fundamental rights: A test-case for the identification of the scope of EU law in situations involving national discretion? European Constitutional Law Review, 16. doi:10.1017/S1574019620000255
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). Case (re-)Allocation Against the Backdrop of Procedural Convergence: Time for a Regulation ‘2’ Upgrade? Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 418-422.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Vanbrabant, B., & Glorieux, D. (2020). Standing to litigate and effect on remedies. Revue de Droit Intellectuel. L'Ingenieur-Conseil.
De Cooman, J., & Petit, N. (2020). Models of Law and Regulation for AI. ORBi-University of Liège.
Derenne, J. (07 September 2020). State aid & COVID-19: Responses to the Crisis [Paper presentation]. Advanced EU Competition Law, Digital Edition 2020: COVID-19 & Competition Law Focus Day.
Derenne, J., Dombek, C., & Barbu-O'Connor, C. (2020). The European Commission adopts White Paper on foreign subsidies: a trend towards protectionism on a global level? ORBi-University of Liège.
Jan, B. (2020). Increasing Legal Certainty without Trust: Why Regulation 2019/515 Cannot Achieve the Unachievable. European Journal of Risk Regulation. doi:10.1017/err.2020.61
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Derenne, J. (02 July 2020). Arbitration & Litigation: Enforcement of State aid law in national court proceedings [Paper presentation]. State aid 2020 Virtual Conference.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (July 2020). Accommodating the freedom of online platforms to provide services through the incidental direct effect back door: Airbnb Ireland. Common Market Law Review, 57 (4), 1201-1228.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Petit, N. (2020). General Report - EU Competition law and the digital economy. In D. Mandrescu (Ed.), EU Competition Law and the Digital Economy: Protecting Free and Fair Competition in an Age of Technological (R)evolution (pp. 27-60). The Hague, Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Petit, N. (2020). EU competition law and the digital economy - questionnaire. In D. Mandrescu (Ed.), EU Competition Law and the Digital Economy: Protecting Free and Fair Competition in an Age of Technological (R)evolution (pp. 1-9). Eleven International Publishing.
Peer reviewed
Gautier, A., Ittoo, A., & Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (July 2020). AI algorithms, price discrimination and collusion: a technological, economic and legal perspective. European Journal of Law and Economics, 50 (3), 405-435. doi:10.1007/s10657-020-09662-6
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (26 June 2020). By-design obligations in the algorithmic society: an EU constitutional nightmare? [Paper presentation]. CiTIP Staff Seminar.
Derenne, J. (25 June 2020). The Commission's White Paper on third country subsidies [Paper presentation]. Webinar: The Commission's White Paper on third country subsidies.
Derenne, J. (20 June 2020). The COVID-19 Temporary Framework for State aid [Paper presentation]. Live Broadcast: The COVID-19 Temporary Framework for State aid.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (18 June 2020). The EU's approach to artificial intelligence regulation [Paper presentation]. AI and Human Skills Workshop.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (15 June 2020). Compliance requirements in EU investment services regulation: towards a more coherent accountability framework? [Paper presentation]. Checks and Balances in the EU Financial Market: The Role(s) of Investment Firms, Uppsala (colloque en ligne), Sweden.
Derenne, J. (11 June 2020). The procedural framework in recovery actions [Paper presentation]. EU State Aid Litigation.
Derenne, J. (08 June 2020). La politique de concurrence européenne dans le contexte de crise actuel [Paper presentation]. AFEC webinar: "European competition policy in the context of the current crisis" with Mr. Olivier Guersent.
Derenne, J., Barbu-O'Connor, C., & Chilaru, C. (2020). Remedies in State Aid. In D. Gerard & A. Komninos (Eds.), Remedies in EU Competition Law - Substance, Process and Policy (pp. 95-118; 350). Kluwer Law International.
Peer reviewed
Vanbrabant, B., & Geuzaine, B. (2020). La copie d'une oeuvre téléchargée sur Internet ne peut être "revendue" et la jurisprudence UsedSoft doit donc être cantonnée aux programmes d'ordinateur. Revue de Droit Intellectuel. L'Ingenieur-Conseil, (2019/4), 818-839.
Derenne, J., & Barbu-O'Connor, C. (07 May 2020). State Aid and Private Enforcement: an Overview of EU and National Case law. e-Competitions, 2020 (article 92521).
Peer reviewed
Grümmer, A., & Tecqmenne, M. (2020). The EU Commission fines several film companies for implementing territorial, consumer and online sales restrictions through merchandising licence agreements (NBC Universal). e-Competitions.
Derenne, J. (2020). EU State aid control and Covid-19 outbreak: A first commentary. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, (2-2020), 63-76.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (30 April 2020). State Aid and Coronavirus - The UK and EU perspective [Paper presentation]. AFEC-CLA-LIDC Covid-19 State aid webinar.
Derenne, J. (2020). Synthesis of Quarantine webinar series #3 State aid. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (14 April 2020). State aid in the COVID-19 context: "Exceptional occurences" under Article 107(2) (b) TFEU [Paper presentation]. Concurrences, Quarantaine webinar series #3 State aid in the COVID-19 context.
Derenne, J. (02 April 2020). Tax Ruling and State Aid [Paper presentation]. Tax Ruling and State Aid webinar.
Derenne, J., & Chilaru, C. (2020). "Transactions" et restrictions verticales: la "bonne affaire" ou le "bon droit"? Observateur de Bruxelles, (120), 45-50.
Peer reviewed
Wildemeersch, J. (2020). Le droit à être oublié en droit belge. In F. Werro (Ed.), The Right To Be Forgotten (pp. 39-55). Switzerland: Springer.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). Arrêt « Airbnb Ireland » : quel statut pour les plateformes en ligne en tant que prestataires de services ? Journal de Droit Européen, 110-112.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., Vallindas, D., & Barbu-O'Connor, C. (2020). Covid-19 is not a "Get out of jail free card" from EU Competition Law. ORBi-University of Liège.
Derenne, J. (15 January 2020). Déjeuner-Conférence: Aides d'Etat - Risques et opportunités [Paper presentation]. Déjeuner-Conférence: Aides d'Etat - Risques et opportunités, Brussels, Belgium.
Derenne, J., & Blockx, J. (2020). Chroniques "Aides d'Etat" - Application des règles sur les aides d'Etat dans les affaires concernant la Belgique - Années 2017-2019. Competitio, (15/3), 207-228.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Barbu-O'Connor, C. (2020). State Aid and Private Enforcement: An Overview of EU and National Case Law. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 167-186.
Peer reviewed
Zians, A. (2020). Les implantations commerciales en Région wallonne au regard de la directive « services » : des considérations économiques sont-elles encore possibles ? – Commentaire de l'arrêt C.J.U.E., 30 janvier 2018, Visser Vastgoed Beleggingen. Journal des Tribunaux, (7).
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2020).  COVID-19 is Not a “Get Out of Jail Free Card” from EU Competition Law. Antitrust Law Blog (Sheppard Mullin).
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). Article 101 TFEU’s association of undertakings notion and its surprising potential to help distinguishing acceptable from unacceptable algorithmic collusion. Antitrust Bulletin, 423-444. doi:10.1177/0003603X20929116
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
De Cooman, J. (2020). Ethique et intelligence artificielle : l'exemple européen. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, I, 79-123.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). Droit matériel européen - recueil de documentation 2020.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). Droit européen de la concurrence - plan du cours - European Competition law - course outline 2020-2021.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). European law, big data and artificial intelligence seminar: course guidelines and organisation.
Mathieu, S., & Lamarcq, A. (2020). The EU Court of Justice clarifies the conditions under which ‘pay-for-delay’ agreements preventing generic versions of a patented medicine from entering the market or delaying such entry may constitute a restriction of competition ‘by object’ or ‘by effect” as well as an abuse of dominant position (Generics - UK). Concurrences : Review of Competition Laws.
Wildemeersch, J. (2020). Standing Requirements of Private Parties in Actions for Annulment Concerning Regulatory Acts: The State of Affairs 10 Years After the Entry into Force of the Lisbon Treaty. In D. Sarmiento Ramírez-Escudero, E. Burkhard, ... H. Ruiz Frabri (Eds.), Yearbook on Procedural Law of the Court of Justice of the European Law – First Edition-2019 (pp. 49-73). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Max Plank Institute Luxemburg for Procedural Law.
Peer reviewed
Caprasse, O., & Tecqmenne, M. (2020). La preuve du dommage en arbitrage. Revue de l'Arbitrage, 1, 149-184.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). Advanced EU law - Cases & Materials 2020-2021.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2020). EU competition law public enforcement in the age of information overload: new challenges ahead? In C. Rusu (Ed.), New Directions in competition law enforcement. Wolf Legal Publishers.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Vallindas, D. (2020). Belgian Chapter: State Aid 2020. Getting the Deal Through- Lexology, 14-24.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Petit, N. (2020). EU competition law and the digital economy. Fédération Internationale de Droit européen - FIDE.
Vanbrabant, B. (2020). Contrat-façon? Auteurs et Media, 265-277.
Editorial reviewed
Glorieux, D. (19 December 2019). Report: AIPPI Congress London 2019. Revue de Droit Intellectuel. L'Ingenieur-Conseil, 2019 (2), 195-199.
Glorieux, D., & Vanbrabant, B. (19 December 2019). IP Damages for Acts other than Sales. Revue de Droit Intellectuel. L'Ingenieur-Conseil, 2019 (2), 248-271.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (16 December 2019). Panel moderator: what division of labor between antitrust and regulation? [Paper presentation]. A new consensus on competition policy in digital markets?, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (14 December 2019). AI and regulation: what, when, how and when? [Paper presentation]. ELSA Benelux Conference, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Troch, S., & De Volder, S. (2019). The EU General Court clarifies the burden of proof that has to be met by the Commission to demonstrate the existence of an advantage in the context of tax rulings (Starbucks). e-Competitions.
Troch, S., & Van Der Eycken, D. (2019). Advocate General Bobek provides an analytical framework to assess the appropriateness of ‘by object’ qualifications while clarifying and consolidating the case-law on the dichotomy between ‘by object’ and ‘by effect’ restrictions (Budapest Bank). e-Competitions.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (22 November 2019). Artificial intelligence and regulation: what to regulate, when, how and by whom? [Paper presentation]. Brussels School of Competition - AI Seminar, Brussels, Belgium.
Derenne, J. (15 November 2019). EU Case Law Developments [Paper presentation]. ERA Annual Conference on European State Aid Law, Trier, Germany.
Auer, D. (2019). INNOVATION DEFENSES AND COMPETITION LAWS: THE CASE FOR MARKET POWER [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (November 2019). Review of Mathieu le Soudeer - Droit antitrust de l’Union européenne et droits fondamentaux des entreprises. Brussels: Bruylant, 2019. 986 pages. ISBN: 9782802761792. EUR 175. Common Market Law Review, 56 (6), 1769-1771.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (16 October 2019). EU State Aid and Taxation: The Road to Recovery [Paper presentation]. KNect 365 International Tax Litigation Conference, London, United Kingdom.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (15 October 2019). Horizontal direct effect of free movement provisions: Court v. legislator? [Paper presentation]. Maastricht Centre for European Law (MCEL) research seminars, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Derenne, J., & Vallindas, D. (07 October 2019). Recent EU State Aid Judgments Offer Mixed Results. Tax Notes Federal, 165 (1), 89-92.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Vallindas, D. (07 October 2019). Recent EU State aid Judgments Offer Mixed Results. Tax Notes International, 96 (1), 23-26.
Peer reviewed
Wildemeersch, J. (2019). Les avocats doivent-ils avoir peur de l’Union européenne ? L’avocat du XXIe siècle aux yeux de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne. In V. d'Huart, R. De Baerdemaeker, R. Jongen, P. Martens, ... N. Van Damme (Eds.), Liber Amicorum Patrick Henry - Luttons (pp. 99-121). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.
Vanbrabant, B. (2019). Architecture & Droit d'auteur [Paper presentation]. Young Members Event - ARCHITECTURE & IP: PERSPECTIVES FROM BELGIUM AND THE LOW COUNTRIES.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Private Damages Actions in EU Competition Law and Restorative Justice: Towards a More Streamlined Institutional Framework? Market and Competition Law Review, 15-49.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Wildemeersch, J., & Aydogdu, R. (06 September 2019). L’arrêt Plessers de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne : une condamnation « avec sursis » de la réorganisation judiciaire par transfert sous autorité de justice. Revue de Jurisprudence de Liège, Mons et Bruxelles, 27, 1267-1279.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (04 September 2019). Independence and impartiality of EU-mandated national supervisory bodies [Paper presentation]. Europeanisation of administrative law workshop, Leiden, Netherlands.
Derenne, J., & Vallindas, D. (2019). State aid 2019 Know-How: Introduction. In State Aid 2019 Know-How (2019, pp. 1-12). Global Competition Review.
Vandendaele, V. (2019). Commission v Germany (c-377/17): Do exceptions in tariff regulation matter? ORBi-University of Liège.
Derenne, J. (03 July 2019). Aides d'Etat et arbitrage: l'arrêt Micula du 18 juin 2019 [Paper presentation]. AFEC seminar: Aides d'Etat et arbitrage, Paris, France.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (03 July 2019). Constitutional asymmetry in the European Union [Paper presentation]. International Society of Public Law (ICON-S) Annual Conference, Santiago de Chili, Chile.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Editoriaal/Editorial: Belgisch mededingingsrecht tussen voortschrijdend en voortkabbelend inzicht. Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging, 110-112.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Derenne, J. (2019). Morceaux choisis de récents développements du droit des aides d'Etat. Contrats Concurrence Consommation, (7), 7-18.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (21 June 2019). Le cadre réformé de la surveillance financière dans l’Union européenne [Paper presentation]. Droit bancaire et financier européen, Brussels, Belgium.
Derenne, J. (19 June 2019). Charting the territory: Selectivity and Advantage [Paper presentation]. Chillin' State aid workshop: Charting the territory, Brussels, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (12 June 2019). By-design regulation and EU law: opportunities, challenges and the road ahead [Paper presentation]. Bournemouth University Centre for Intellectual Property Policy and Management Visiting Fellows' Seminar, Bournemouth, United Kingdom.
Derenne, J. (07 June 2019). The obligation to open the formal investigation procedure: is the Commission's interpretation of "serious doubts" in line with that of the EU Courts [Paper presentation]. EStALI Interactive Forum on European State Aid Law, Vienna, Austria.
Troch, S., & Turbasa, M. (2019). Simon Troch, Maria Turbasa, The EU Court of Justice rules on the applicability of contractual jurisdiction clauses in the context of abuse of a dominant position, ruling that some competition law violations are more contract related than others (Apple / MJA). Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence.
Derenne, J., & Vallindas, D. (2019). Investment Protection and EU State Aid Rules: the General Court of the EU annuls the European Commission's State aid decision in the Micula case. Los Angeles, United States: Sheppar Mullin Antitrust Law Blog and Lex Arbitri.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Pierre Pescatore. In D. Heirbaut, P. Humblet, P. Wautelet, M. Cools (Ed.), J.-F. Gerkens (Ed.), ... G. Grandjean (Ed.), Tweehonderd jaar rechtsfaculteiten Gent en Luik / Deux-centième anniversaire des facultés de droit de Gand et Liège. Bruges, Belgium: Die Keure.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Regulating tax competition in the internal market: is the European Commission changing course? European Papers, 225-250.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (27 May 2019). From ECB to Eurogroup Transparency: adapting the EU constitutional framework from the inside out ? [Paper presentation]. The Law of the Economic and Monetary Union: Complementing, Adapting or Transforming the EU legal order?, Helsinki, Finland.
Derenne, J. (24 May 2019). Public & private State aid enforcement: Enforcement of State aid law in national courts proceedings [Paper presentation]. EU State aid litigation Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
Derenne, J. (23 May 2019). Les droits de la concurrence d'une réforme à l'autre [Paper presentation]. AFEC Conférence annuelle: « Droits de la concurrence : d’une réforme à l’autre ».
Derenne, J. (17 May 2019). CAPA (IXAD, Lille) Module droit européen: Aides d'Etat [Paper presentation]. CAPA, Lille, France.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (10 May 2019). By-design regulation in the algorithmic society: promising way forward or (EU) constitutional nightmare in-the-making? [Paper presentation]. Inaugural conference of the IACL Research Group on Algorithmic State Market & Society – Constitutional dimensions, Florence, Italy.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (03 May 2019). Panel moderator/president: Digital Platforms: Antitrust and Regulation [Paper presentation]. Institutions and Regulation for the fourth Industrial Revolution, Brussels, Belgium.
Derenne, J. (17 April 2019). Online debate: The GB Capacity Market Standstill: What is happening and why?: Investigating the impact of the Tempus State aid judgment [Paper presentation]. The GB Capacity Market Standstill: What is happening and why?, Belgium.
Derenne, J. (09 April 2019). State Aid Developments in the Aviation Sector [Paper presentation]. Competition Law Challenges in the Aviation Sector 2019, Brussels, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (06 April 2019). Is EU private enforcement contributing to restorative justice? Three observations in light of the Belgian experience' [Paper presentation]. Directive 2014/104/EU on antitrust damages actions and beyond, Porto, Portugal.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (05 April 2019). Article 101 TFEU - revisiting the basics and reflecting upon its application in relation to digital platforms [Paper presentation]. NEW CHALLENGES IN EU COMPETITION LAW ENFORCEMENT BY NATIONAL JUDGES, Porto, Portugal.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Simultaneous Application of EU and National Competition Law by the Same Competition Authority: No Ne Bis In Idem. Competition Policy International -CPI.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (22 March 2019). ‘Associations of undertakings’ in Article 101 TFEU: a horizontal agreements’ gatekeeper gone rogue? [Paper presentation]. The acceptable cartel workshop, London, United Kingdom.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Will Deliveroo and Uber be captured by the proposed EU platform Regulation? You’d better watch out… ORBi-University of Liège.
De Cooman, J. (2019). Electrochoc Numérique - Compte-rendu de la journée. ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (05 March 2019). Construire un droit des données - réflexions et perspectives - présidence de la séance plénière [Paper presentation]. Construire un droit des données - Designing data law, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Derenne, J., Barbu-O'Connor, C., d'Udekem, B., & Becheck, R. (March 2019). Strength in numbers?: Loan syndication and potential competition issues. Competition Law Insight, 18 (3), 1-4.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (March 2019). Commentaires sous CJUE, 5 mars 2019, Eesti Pagar, aff. C-349/17. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 2 (2019), 122-125.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (01 March 2019). Economie des plateformes - la régulation des plateformes digitales [Paper presentation]. Economie de plateformes, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Vandendaele, V., & van Kruisbergen, K. (March 2019). Europees recht. Ars Aequi KwartaalSignaal, 150, 8819-8823.
Derenne, J. (2019). La protection du tiers lésé par l'octroi illégal d'une aide d'Etat à son concurrent: une concurrence déloyale fondée indirectement sur une violation du droit européen. Revue de Droit Commercial Belge, (2019/7), 917-929.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Vanbrabant, B., & Glorieux, D. (08 February 2019). Joint liability for IP infringement. Revue de Droit Intellectuel. L'Ingenieur-Conseil, 2018 (3).
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). EU post-crisis economic and financial market regulation: embedding Member States’ interests within ‘more Europe’. In M. Varju (Ed.), Between compliance and particularism: Member State interests and European Union law (pp. 79-102). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-05782-4_4
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Vallindas, D. (February 2019). Commentaires sous CJUE, 19 déc. 2018, Finanzamt B c/ A-Brauerei, aff. C-374/17. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 2 (2019), 116-119.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Lagrue, M. (February 2019). Commentaires sous CJUE, 13 déc. 2018, EDF, aff. C-221/18 P. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 2 (2019), 115-116.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (February 2019). La place de la question préjudicielle devant la CJUEQuestions spécifiques de la pratique [Paper presentation]. CAPA (IXAD, Lille) Formation des élèves avocats -Module de droit européen, Lille, France.
Wildemeersch, J. (2019). Contentieux de la légalité des actes de l'Union européenne. Le mythe du droit à un recours effectif. Bruxelles, Belgium: Bruylant.
Derenne, J. (31 January 2019). 14th Annual Conference of the GCLC: Remedies in EU competition law: substance, process & policy, Remedies in State aid [Paper presentation]. 14th Annual Conference of the GCLC: Remedies in EU competition law, Brussels, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (10 January 2019). Member States in the EU's living economic constitution [Paper presentation]. Rule of law challenges in the EU: implications for EU economic law, Budapest, Hungary.
Derenne, J., & Vallindas, D. (2019). State aid 2019: Belgian chapter. Getting The Deal Through, 1-9.
Derenne, J., & Chilaru, C. (2019). Renvoi préjudiciel en appréciation de validité et recours en annulation: quelle protection juridictionnelle effective e particulier e matière d'aides d'Etat? Revue des Affaires Européennes, (2019/2), 267-275.
Peer reviewed
Auer, D., & Petit, N. (2019). Two Systems of Belief about Monopoly: The Press vs. Antitrust. Cato Journal: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Public Policy Analysis.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Jusqu’ici tout va bien : les plateformes numériques face au droit européen. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, 213-217.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2019). Commentaires sous Trib. UE,14 févr. 2019, Belgique et Magnetrol International, aff. T-131/16 et T-263/16. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 2 (2018), 129-132.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Barbu-O'Connor, C. (2019). Commentaires sous Trib. UE, 15 nov. 2018, Deutsche Telekom AG. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 2 (2019), 127-129.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Vallindas, D. (January 2019). Commentaires sous Trib. UE, 13 déc. 2018, AlzChem, aff. T-284/15. Concurrences, 1 (2019), 155-157.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Asymmetry as a way to move forward with multi-tiered integration? A study of constitutional asymmetry in the European Union. In P. Popelier & M. Sahadzic (Eds.), Constitutional asymmetry in multi-tiered multinational systems (pp. 163-196). Routledge.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Lagrue, M. (January 2019). Commentaires sous Trib. UE, 13 déc. 2018, Ryanair DAC, aff. T-111/15 et affaires jointes; Transavia, Airlines CV, aff. T-591/15. Concurrences, 1 (2019), 159-160.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Droit matériel européen - slides 2019.
Cottin, S., Toussaint, S., & Zians, A. (2019). Recherche documentaire juridique : méthodologie. Larcier.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Advanced EU law - Cases & Materials 2019-2020.
Derenne, J. (January 2019). Commentaires sous (Trib. UE, 7 déc.2018, Belgique c/ Commission, aff. T-664/14. Concurrences, 1 (2019), 145-149.
Peer reviewed
Auer, D., & Julian, M. (2019). Governing the Patent Commons. ORBi-University of Liège.
Rueben, M., Aroyo, A. M., Lutz, C., Schmolz, J., Van Cleynenbreugel, P., Corti, A., Agrawal, S., & Smart, W. D. (2019). Themes and Research Directions in Privacy-Sensitive Robotics. Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts, 2018-September, 77-84. doi:10.1109/ARSO.2018.8625758
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). The Presumption of Harm and its Implementation in the Member States’ Legal Orders. In M. Strand, V. Bastidas, ... M. Iacovides (Eds.), EU Competition Litigation: Transposition and first experiences of the new regime (pp. 201-214). Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing.
Peer reviewed
Wildemeersch, J. (2019). L’assurance de la responsabilité civile obligatoire : un champ d’application toujours plus large. Forum de l'Assurance, 193, 68-71.
Vandendaele, V. (2019). For a Few Cigarettes More: The AG Opinion in the JTI Case. European Papers, 4 (3), 871-880.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Les plateformes face au droit économique de l'Union européenne. In J. Clesse & F. Kéfer (Ed.), Enjeux et défis juridiques de l'économie de plateforme (pp. 213-246). Belgium: Anthemis.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Droit matériel européen - recueil de documentation 2019.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Member States in the EU economic constitution: rule of law developments and challenges. Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 46 (4), 329-344.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Auer, D. (2019). Structuralist Innovation: A Shaky Legal Presumption in Need of an Overhaul. CPI Antitrust Chronicle.
Wildemeersch, J. (2019). A propos de l'arrêt "Scuola Elementare Maria Montessori c. Commission": la porte du prétoire européen s'entrouvre enfin. Journal de Droit Européen, 12-16.
Neyrinck, N., & Petit, N. (2019). Le droit européen de la concurrence face aux enjeux de la mondialisation.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). The Commission’s burden of proof in Article 101(1) TFEU: evidentiary shortcuts cut short? Competition Policy International-CPI.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Belgian competition law. In J. Kokott, W. Jaeger, P. Pohlmann, ... D. Schroeder (Eds.), Frankfurter Kommentar zum Kartellrecht. Germany: Otto Schmidt.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2019). Consumentenbescherming: plan du cours.
Hull, D. (2019). Droits européen et américain de la concurrence : hipsters contre bobo ? Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège.
Peer reviewed
Gautier, A., & Petit, N. (2019). Smallest Salable Patent Practicing Unit and Component Licensing: Why $1is not $1. Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 15 (1), 690-717. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2954592
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Derenne, J., & Vallindas, D. (January 2019). Commentaires sous Trib. UE, 13 déc. 2018, Comune di Milano, aff. T-167/13. Concurrences, 1 (2019), 151-155.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2019). Le concept de "bénéficiaire" en matière de récupération d'aides d'Etat illégales et incompatibles. In E. Bribosia, N. Joncheray, A. Navasartian Havani, ... A. Weyembergh (Eds.), L'Europe au kaléidoscope: Liber Amicorum Marianne Dony (pp. 281-289). Brussels, Belgium: Université de Bruxelles.
Peer reviewed
De Cooman, J., & Petit, N. (2018). Les données personnelles : Mythes et réalités. In La vie privée à l'ère des big data: Dangers & opportunités de la révolution numérique. Centre Jean Gol.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Jusqu'ici, tout va bien - les plateformes numériques face au droit européen [Paper presentation]. Leçons inaugurales de la Faculté de Droit, Science Politique et Criminologie de l'Université de Liège.
Derenne, J. (2018). Aides d'Etat : les Etats membres font-ils partie de la solution ou du problème ? Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, 197-205.
Peer reviewed
Gautier, A., Ittoo, A., & Petit, N. (05 December 2018). Algorithmic Price Discrimination & Tacit Collusion [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Law and Economics of Big Data and AI, Rome, Italy.
Hull, D. (04 December 2018). Biologics & Biosimilars [Paper presentation]. Competition Law Challenges.
Tecqmenne, M., & Leyva Rubio, S. M. (2018). The EU Commission clears a merger after an investigation into the potential anti-competitive effects resulting from a major data transfer in the digital music streaming sector (Apple / Shazam). e-Competitions.
Vandendaele, V. (December 2018). Europees recht. Ars Aequi KwartaalSignaal, 149, 8761-8763.
Derenne, J. (23 November 2018). Entretiens de la concurrence: L'organisation du procès devant le Tribunal de l'entreprise (Belgique) [Paper presentation]. Entretiens de la concurrence: L'organisation du procès devant le Tribunal de commerce (Belgique), Paris, France.
Hull, D. (14 November 2018). Competition Law Strategies: - Protect Your Brand - - Protect Your Retail Partners - - Protect Your Revenue - [Paper presentation]. Luxury Law New York Summit.
Cabay, J. (14 November 2018). Contre la protection du droit d’auteur pour les productions de l’intelligence artificielle dans l’Union européenne [Paper presentation]. Entretiens Jacques Cartier sur le thème Art et culture à travers le prisme des nouvelles technologies et de l’innovation : entre déploiements et mutations, Lyon, France.
Derenne, J. (08 November 2018). Annual Conference on European State Aid Law 2018: Chairman and speaking on State aid post-Brexit: quo vadis? & Practical impact of recent State aid case law: challenges for national administrations, courts and undertakings [Paper presentation]. Annual Conference on European State Aid Law 2018, Trier, Germany.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Some preliminary reflections on the relationship between innovation and competition law. In P. Nihoul & P. Van Cleynenbreugel (Eds.), The roles of innovation in competition law analysis (pp. 2-12). Edward Elgar.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (10 October 2018). Tax rulings and the limits of EU State aid law [Paper presentation]. University of Bialystok PhD workshop and international conference, Bialystok, Poland.
Derenne, J. (09 October 2018). International Tax Dispute Resolution & Litigation Summit 2018: State aid and tax rulings [Paper presentation]. International Tax Dispute Resolution & Litigation Summit 2018, London, United Kingdom.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Staatsteun: do's en don'ts voor Belgische ondernemingen. In P. Van Cleynenbreugel (Ed.), Mededingingsrecht: do's en don'ts voor Belgische ondernemingen (pp. 71-154). Intersentia.
Hull, D. (12 September 2018). Excessive Pricing in the Pharmaceutical Sector: Recent European Cases [Paper presentation]. European Pharma Law Academy.
Derenne, J. (09 September 2018). State Aid Notion of aid, administrative procedure, national courts [Paper presentation]. Brussels Summer School of Competition, Brussels, Belgium.
Wildemeersch, J., & Paschalidis, P. (Eds.). (2018). L'Europe au présent ! Liber amicorum Melchior Wathelet. Bruxelles, Belgium: Bruylant.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Advanced EU law - Cases & Materials 2018-2019.
Vandendaele, V. (September 2018). Europees recht. Ars Aequi KwartaalSignaal, 148, 8702-8704.
Derenne, J., & Vallindas, D. (2018). GCR Know How State Aid 2018 – Introduction. In GCR Know How State aid 2018 (2018). London, United Kingdom: GCR Insight.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). European Law and technological innovation - course plan.
Derenne, J. (05 July 2018). State aid, Brexit: What is the future of State aid in the UK? [Paper presentation]. State aid 2018: Review current approaches to state aid and its future as the European Commission sharpens its policy in the area, Brussels, Belgium.
Vandendaele, V. (2018). How the Efficiency Gap Might Ruin the Fun of Stealing American Elections. ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (July 2018). The freedom to receive trade union services: an additional stepping stone for enhancing worker protection within the EU internal market? European Labour Law Journal, 9 (2), 101-115.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Wildemeersch, J. (July 2018). L’arrêt Achmea, la rigueur des principes au risque d’un certain isolationnisme juridictionnel ? (C.J., arrêt du 6 mars 2018, Achmea, C-284/16, ECLI:EU:C:2018:158). Observateur de Bruxelles, 113, 40-44.
Vandendaele, V. (June 2018). Europees recht. Ars Aequi KwartaalSignaal, 147, 8642-8644.
Mathieu, S., & Smits, C. (2018). Les incriminations destinées à protéger certaines valeurs économiques (articles 101-102 TFUE). In Code de droit international pénal. Bruylant.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (Ed.). (2018). Mededingingsrecht: do's and don'ts voor Belgische ondernemingen. Antwerp, Belgium: Intersentia.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (01 June 2018). Embedding Member States' interests in EU financial market and economic governance: what role for law? [Paper presentation]. Member States' interests in European Union law, Budapest, Hungary.
Derenne, J. (22 May 2018). Prospect of Brexit and EU Competition Law: State aid law in times of Brexit [Paper presentation]. 100th Lunch talk of the GCLC: Prospect of Brexit and EU Competition Law: Some critical issues for the European Commission's agenda, Brussels, Belgium.
Derenne, J. (18 May 2018). Enforcement of State Aid Law in National Court Proceedings: The procedural framework in recovery actions [Paper presentation]. EU State aid litigation, Brussels, Belgium.
Hull, D., & Clancy, M. J. (2018). The Application of EU Competition Law in the Pharmaceutical Sector. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 389-402. doi:10.1093/jeclap/lpy035
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Troch, S. (2018). Antitrustrecht en handhaving: aandachtspunten voor Belgische ondernemingen. In P. Van Cleynenbreugel (Ed.), MEDEDINGINGSRECHT: DO'S EN DON'TS VOOR BELGISCHE ONDERNEMINGEN (pp. 1-33). Intersentia.
Petit, N. (May 2018). "Innovation competition and merger policy: New? Not sure. Robust? Not quite!". Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 2018 (2).
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). The General Data Protection Regulation: concluding remarks and observations [Paper presentation]. HEC Liège Data Science Meetup.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (24 April 2018). Constitutional asymmetry in the European Union [Paper presentation]. Constitutional asymmetry in multi-tiered multinational systems, Antwerp, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (24 April 2018). From Zalando over YouTube to Uber and AirBnB: the EU digital single market takes shape [Paper presentation]. International Week Ghent University College, Gent, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (23 April 2018). L'ubérisation de la société - le point de vue du droit européen du marché intérieur [Paper presentation]. Lunch facultaire Faculté de Droit, de Science Politique et de Criminologie.
Wildemeersch, J. (2018). Le mythe du droit à un recours effectif dans le contentieux de la légalité des actes de l'Union européenne [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Elite Taxi and Uber France : do Member States have free rein to prohibit and criminalise ridesharing activities? ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Commuting within the EU? Take your Netflix content with you! ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., Rueben, M., Aroyo, A., Lutz, C., Smölz, J., Corti, A., & Smart, W. (2018). Themes and research directions in privacy-sensitive robotics.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Le droit de l’Union européenne ne se prête-t-il pas (encore) à l’ubérisation des services? Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, (1), 108-120.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (09 March 2018). Uber and competition law: some thoughts in light of the Elite Taxi judgment [Paper presentation]. Leiden Law Exchange (LLX) seminar on Uber and the collaborative economy, Leiden, Netherlands.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (03 March 2018). The sharing economy and European Union law: promoting innovation or regulating disruption? [Paper presentation]. Workshop Industrial Organization in the Digital Economy, Liège, Belgium.
Vandendaele, V. (March 2018). Europees recht. Ars Aequi KwartaalSignaal, 146, 8576-8577.
Wildemeersch, J. (March 2018). Une loi inconstitutionnelle et contraire au droit de l’Union : et alors ? Une déférence erronée vis-à-vis du législateur. Journal des Tribunaux, 6723, 256-257.
Peer reviewed
Hull, D. (2018). Coty, Asics and Google Shopping: Practical Implications for Distribution Strategy.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Seeking to regulate Uber? Why not rely on Article 101 TFEU. ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). La supervision financière au sein de l’Union européenne et de la zone euro après la crise : un cadre juridique toujours en pleine évolution. Observateur de Bruxelles, 22-26.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2018). Commentaires sous CJUE, 9 nov. 2017, TV2/Danmark, aff. C-656/15 P ; CJUE, 9 nov. 2017, ViasatBroadcasting UK c/ TV2/Danmark, aff. C-657/15 P ; CJUE, 9 nov. 2017, TV2/Danmark, aff. C‑649/15 P). Concurrences, (1), 131-134.
Peer reviewed
Wildemeersch, J. (2018). Primauté, vous avez dit primauté ? Sur l’invocabilité des directives dans les litiges entre particuliers. Revue des affaires européennnes, 3, 541-553.
Peer reviewed
Gautier, A., & Petit, N. (2018). Optimal enforcement of competition policy: the commitments procedure under uncertainty. European Journal of Law and Economics, 45 (2), 195-224. doi:10.1007/s10657-018-9578-7
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). European law and technological innovation - 2018 course outline.
Derenne, J. (2018). Commentaires sous Trib. UE, 13 déc. 2017, République hellénique c/ Commission, aff. T‑314/15. Concurrences, (1/2018), 143-147.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2018). Commentaires sous Trib. UE, 9 févr. 2018, Arcofin e.a., aff. T-711/14. Concurrences, (2/2018), 155-156.
Peer reviewed
Vanbrabant, B. (2018). Commentaire des articles XV.61 et XV.62 du Code de droit économique - La transaction administrative en cas de délits de contrefaçon délits de contrefaçon ou d’infractions relatives à la gestion collective du droit d’auteur et des droits voisins. In F. Brison (Ed.), Het Belgische auteursrecht. Artikelsgewijze commentaar / Le droit d'auteur belge. Commentaire par article (4e éd, pp. 1085-1090). Larcier.
Peer reviewed
Cabay, J. (2018). Mort ou résurrection de l’auteur ? A propos de l’intelligence artificielle et de la propriété intellectuelle [Paper presentation]. Leçons inaugurales de la Faculté de droit de l’Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Droit matériel européen 2017-2018 - Recueil de documentation.
Derenne, J., & Barbu-O'Connor, C. (2018). Commentaires sous Trib. UE, 5 févr. 2018, Dôvera zdravotná poist’ovňa, a.s., aff. T-216/15. Concurrences, (2/2018), 149-151.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2018). Commentaires sous Trib. UE, 11 juill. 2018, Buonotourist, aff. T 185/15, EU:T:2018:430 ; Trib. UE, 11 juill. 2018, CSTP Azienda della Mobilità, aff. T-186/15, EU:T:2018:431. Concurrences, (4/2018), 155-159.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2018). State aid in the Energy Sector: Aid Recovery. In L. Hancher, A. de Hauteclocque, ... F. Maria Salerno (Eds.), State aid in the Energy Sector (pp. 496; spec. 1-25). United Kingdom: Hart Publishing, Florence School of Regulation.
Cabay, J. (2018). AI Inputs and Outputs, in the Eyes of Copyright Law [Paper presentation]. Solvay Summer School, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Cabay, J. (2018). How Internet Search Engines Might Affect Freedom of Creation [Paper presentation]. International School of Law and Technology, São Paulo (Google Campus), Brazil.
Cabay, J. (2018). The Pirate Bay in the EU: Torrents flowing into the Copyright Seas [Paper presentation]. The European Private Law and the Effectiveness of the Rights Protection in the Union, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Droit matériel européen - diaprésentations 2018. (ULiège - Université de Liège, Droit matériel européen).
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Droit civil européen - plan du cours et consignes. (Droit civil européen).
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Presumptions and short-cut rules in abuse regulation: (where) do EU and U.S. antitrust approaches meet? In F. Di Porto & R. Podszun (Eds.), Abuse regulation in competition law - past, present, future (pp. 47-67). Edward Elgar.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Van den Bogaert, S. (2018). Free movement of goods. In F. Ambtenbrink, D. Curtin, B. De Witte, P. J. Kuijper, A. McDonnell, ... S. Van den Bogaert, The Law of the European Union (pp. 517-573). The Hague, Netherlands: Kluwer Law International.
Peer reviewed
Cabay, J. (2018). How Internet Search Engines Might Affect Freedom of Creation [Paper presentation]. International School of Law and Technology, Rio de Janeiro (Casa de Rui Barbosa), Brazil.
Cabay, J. (2018). ‘AI’tre auteur ou ne pas ‘AI’tre auteur, telle est la question… [Paper presentation]. Le statut des intelligences artificielles : être ou ne pas être ?, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Vanbrabant, B. (2018). Commentaire des articles XV.21 à XV.25-3 du Code de droit économique. In Het Belgische auteursrecht. Artikelsgewijze commentaar / Le droit d'auteur belge. Commentaire par article (pp. 1035-1053). Larcier.
Peer reviewed
Vanbrabant, B. (2018). Commentaire de l'article XV.30-1 du Code de droit économique (destruction, aliénation ou changement de destination de produits de contrefaçon). In Het Belgische auteursrecht. Artikelsgewijze commentaar / Le droit d'auteur belge. Commentaire par article (4e éd, pp. 1065-1071). Larcier.
Peer reviewed
Vanbrabant, B. (2018). Commentaire d l'article XV.130 du Code de droit économique - La confiscation des marchandises de contrefaçon, des moyens de production, de transformation et de transport et des bénéfices illicites. In F. Brison (Ed.), Het Belgische auteursrecht. Artikelsgewijze commentaar / Le droit d'auteur belge. Commentaire par article (pp. 1145-1149). Larcier.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Confidentiality behind transparent doors : the European Central Bank and the EU law principle of openness. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 52-76. doi:10.1177/1023263X18760546
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Typologies of solidarity in EU law: a non–shifting landscape in the wake of economic crises. In A. Biondi, E. Dagilyte, ... E. Küçük (Eds.), Solidarity in EU Law Legal Principle in the Making (pp. 13-36). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar.
Peer reviewed
Hull, D., & Gordley, C. (2018). Gun Jumping in Europe: An Overview of EU and National Case Law. e-Competitions.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Lagrue, M. (2018). Commentaires sous CJUE, 19 sept. 2018, Commission c/ France et IFP Energies nouvelles, aff. C-438/16 P, EU:C:2018:737). Concurrences, (4/2018), 150-152.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2018). Commentaires sous CJUE, 7 mars 2018, SNCF Mobilités, aff. C-127/16 P. Concurrences, (2/2018), 129-133.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2018). Commentaires sous CJUE, 26 avril 2018, Asociación Nacional de Grandes Empresas de Distribución (ANGED) c/ Generalitat de Catalunya, aff. C-233/16, EU:C:2018:280. Concurrences, (3/2018), 150-153.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Vallindas, D. (2018). State Aid 2018 - Belgian Chapter. In U. Soltész (Ed.), Getting the Deal Through: State Aid 2018 (2018, pp. 14-22). United Kingdom: Law Business Research.
Derenne, J. (2018). European Competition Law, A Case Commentary - State aid chapter. In W. VerLoren van Themaat & B. Reuder (Eds.), European Competition Law, A Case Commentary (2nd ed, pp. 216-290). United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Cabay, J., Campolini, P., & Jafferali, R. (Crit. Ed.). (2018). Chronique de législation en droit privé (1er janvier – 30 juin 2018) – (Deuxième partie). Journal des Tribunaux, 945-958.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Droit matériel européen 2017-2018 - Agenda et plan du cours.
Jan, B. (2018). Mutual Recognition’s Failure in the Light of Free Movement of Food Supplements: Judgment of the CJEU, 27 April 2017, Noria Distribution SARL (Case C-672/15). Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 45 (3), 311-321.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Jafferali, R. L., Berwette, M., Biart, J., Cabay, J., Campolini, P., Coenjaerts, L., Croisant, G., De Jonghe, C., Gallus, N., Grégoire, M. L., Maeterlinck, A., Marcus, L., Wyart, V., & Zygas, D. (2018). Chronique de législation en droit privé1 (1er janvier - 30 juin 2018). Journal des Tribunaux, 2018, 921-932-945-958.
Editorial Reviewed verified by ORBi
Nihoul, P., & Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (Eds.). (2018). The roles of innovation in competition law analysis. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar. doi:10.4337/9781788972444
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Maximum vitamin amounts in food supplements – towards science-based and streamlined EU mutual recognition and risk assessment procedures? European Journal of Risk Regulation, (1), 162-169. doi:10.1017/err.2018.1
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2018). Streamlining EU law enforcement in a regulated digital market environment. In C. Rusu, M. Veenbrink, ... A. Looijestein-Clearie, Digital markets in the European Union (pp. 111-136). Nijmegen, Netherlands: Wolf Legal Publishers.
Peer reviewed
Cabay, J. (2018). Commentaire des articles XV.25/4, 31/1, 62/1, 66/1, 66/2, 74, 112, 113, 130/4 et XVII.21 du Code de droit économique. In F. Brison & H. Vanhees (Eds.), Hommage à Jan Corbet. Le droit d’auteur belge. Commentaire article par article – Huldeboek Jan Corbet. Het Belgisch auteursrecht. Artikelsgewijze commentaar (pp. 1110-1118, 1128-1136, 1149-1162, 1163-1165, 1166-1167, 1178-1182, 1190-1193, 1194-1196, 1203-1026, 1250-1261). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.
Derenne, J. (2018). Commentaires sous CJUE, 23 nov. 2017, Servizi assicurativi del commercio estero (SACE) et Sace BT, aff. C‑472/15 P. Concurrences, (1), 136-138.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2018). Commentaires sous Trib. UE, 16 janv. 2018, EDF, aff. T-747/15. Concurrences, (2/2018), 133-142.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Vallindas, D. (2018). Belgian Chapter: State Aid 2018. In Getting The Deal Through - State aid - 5th edition (2017, pp. 1-7). London, United Kingdom: Law Business Research.
Cabay, J., Campolini, P., & Jafferali, R. (Crit. Ed.). (2018). Chronique de législation en droit privé (1er juillet – 31 décembre 2017) (Seconde partie). Journal des Tribunaux, 537-557.
De Cooman, J. (2017). Electrochoc Numérique 2 - Réflexions sur le transformation de l'avocat. ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Recovery of unlawful tax advantages remains a thorny EU State aid law issue. ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (12 December 2017). Discussant The institutional functioning of the European Central Bank [Paper presentation]. The European Central Bank in the EU Legal Order- Flexibility in times of crisis, Brussels, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (08 December 2017). The EU's digital single market strategy: Fundamental free movement rights under pressure? [Paper presentation]. Freedom under Pressure, Ghent, Belgium.
Hull, D. (05 December 2017). Excessive Pricing in the Pharmaceuticals Sector [Paper presentation]. Competition Law in the Pharma Sector 2017.
Troch, S., & Geraerts, L. (2017). AG Saugmandsgaard Øe indicates that providing misleading information aimed at undermining the reputation of one drug to the benefit of another drug might constitute a restriction by object (Hoffmann-La Roche). e-Competitions.
Vandendaele, V., Gombeer, K., Aalbers, M., & Fink, M. (December 2017). Europees recht. Ars Aequi KwartaalSignaal, 145, 8504-8510.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Le droit de l’Union européenne face à l’économie collaborative. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, (4), 697-722.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (24 November 2017). Harmful tax competition within the European Union: from tax rulings to financial transaction taxes [Paper presentation]. Regulatory Competition in the EU: Foundations, Tools and Implications, Turin, Italy.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Allocution de clôture [Paper presentation]. Dialogue sur l’Europe - "Les enjeux européens à l’heure du Brexit" - Conférence du M. Michel Barnier, Liège, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). State Aid law in the European Union - the issue of tax rulings.
Derenne, J. (10 November 2017). 21st Century Government: Friend or Foe? How to work with it and around it: Follow-up on follow-on damages actions [Paper presentation]. 21st Century Government: Friend or Foe?, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Derenne, J. (09 November 2017). Annual conference on European State aid law: The Role and impact of State aid rules in the Brexit negotiations: implications from the EU and UK standpoints [Paper presentation]. Annual conference on European State aid law, Trier, Germany.
Derenne, J. (08 November 2017). Les droits des entreprises bénéficiaires d’aide d’Etat: dysfonctionnements et best practices nationales: Droits du bénéficiaires et interactions entre procédures juridictionnelles internes et procédures de la Commission européenne [Paper presentation]. Les droits des entreprises bénéficiaires d’aide d’Etat: dysfonctionnements et best practices nationales, Paris, Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie, France.
Vandendaele, V. (2017). Chavez-Vilchez: Sharing Residence Rights is Caring. ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (12 October 2017). L’auto-évaluation dans l’application des exceptions en droit économique de l’UE : plusieurs acteurs, nouveaux risques ? [Paper presentation]. L'exception endroit de l'Union européenne, Lyon, France.
Derenne, J. (09 October 2017). State aid control in the financial crisis: From rescue to restructuring and to resolution [Paper presentation]. LIDCh Congress, Geneva, Switzerland.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Favoriser l'acquisition de logements par les indigènes, est-ce discriminatoire? (Le Soir).
Derenne, J. (26 September 2017). State aid in the energy sector: Capacity mechanisms [Paper presentation]. GCR Live 2nd Annual State Aid conference, Brussels, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Demoulin, I. (2017). The EP’s ‘European Standards’ Resolution in the wake of James Elliott Construction: carving ever more holes in Pandora’s Box? ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (20 September 2017). Réflexions sur la vie et la carrière de M. Pierre Pescatore [Paper presentation]. Tweehonder jaar rechtsfaculteiten Gent en Luik, Ghent - Liège, Belgium.
Hull, D. (2017). The Intel Judgment:  Practical Implications for Pricing Strategies.
Hull, D. (13 September 2017). European Competition Law: Recent Developments in the Pharma Sector [Paper presentation]. European Pharma Law Academy.
Derenne, J. (2017). Commentaires sous Trib. UE, 6 avril 2017, Saremar -Sardegna Regionale Marittima, aff. T-220/14 ; Trib. UE, 6 avril 2017, Regione autonoma della Sardegna, aff. T-219/14. Concurrences, (3/2017), 117-121.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Demoulin, I. (2017). La normalisation européenne après l’arrêt James Elliott Construction du 27 octobre 2016 : la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne a-t-elle élargi ses compétences d’interprétation ? Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, (2).
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Compte rendu de l'ouvrage: Laura De Deyne, Juridische kenmerken van legitiem markttoezicht in de energiesector. De invloed van de constitutioneel-, bestuurs- en Europeesrechtelijke principes op de onafhankelijkheid en verantwoordingsplicht van energieregulatoren in België, thèse de doctorat, Universiteit Hasselt, 2017, xviii+905 p. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, (2).
Mathieu, S., & Smits, C. (01 September 2017). Rubrique de jurisprudence du droit de l’Union européenne (Mars 2017 - Août 2017). Bulletin du droit de l'environnement industriel, 71.
Troch, S., & Rientjes, E. (2017). The Belgian competition authority fines the country’s largest yeast producer for resale price maintenance and abuse of dominance (Algist Bruggeman). e-Competitions.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (28 June 2017). From internal experts to external interlocutors? EU agencies and procedures assessing the equivalence of third country legal rules with EU regulatory standards [Paper presentation]. The external dimension of EU agencies and bodies, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Petit, N. (2017). Antitrust and Artificial Intelligence - A Research Agenda. JEL.
Derenne, J. (26 June 2017). New Frontiers of Antitrust: State aid and Tax Rulings [Paper presentation]. New Frontiers of Antitrust: 8th International Concurrences Review Conference, Paris, France.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (17 June 2017). Panel moderator: enforcement and remedies [Paper presentation]. Academic Society for Competition Law Annual Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (16 June 2017). NCA independence in the context of EU Regulation 1/2003: time to take incongruent accountability realities (more) seriously? [Paper presentation]. Academic Society of Competition Law Annual Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (14 June 2017). Legal presumptions of fault in the wake of the transposition of Directive 2014/104/EU [Paper presentation]. SNELS 2017 Conference, Uppsala, Sweden.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (09 June 2017). The roles of competition law in a regulated digital market environment: lessons (not) to learn from related fields of EU regulation [Paper presentation]. Radboud 2nd Economic Law Conference - Digital Markets in the EU, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Droit matériel de l'Union européenne - libertés de circulation et marché intérieur. Larcier.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (30 May 2017). Roundtable moderator: Global Competition amongst Standard Setting Organizations [Paper presentation]. Innovation, Research and Competition in the EU: The Future of Open and Collaborative Standard Setting, Brussels, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). What should be forgotten? Time to make sense of Article 17 GDPR from the point of view of data controllers. ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (22 May 2017). Time to rethink federalism sixty years after the Rome Treaties? - A comment on Dr. S. Bardutzky [Paper presentation]. The Federal Experience of the European Union, Lisbon, Portugal.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., Stuyck, J., Stijns, S., De Muynck, M., Derammelaere, J., Van Loock, S., & Vannerom, J. (2017). Voorwoord bij de reeks Ius mercatorum - Vraagstukken economisch recht. In J. Vannerom (Ed.), M-commerce. Antwerp, Belgium: Intersentia.
Derenne, J. (18 May 2017). Recovery of unlawful and incompatible aid [Paper presentation]. State aid proceedings and litigation, Brussels, Belgium.
Derenne, J. (17 May 2017). EU State aid enforcement and global: Export of EU State aid rules [Paper presentation]. IICC & Baker McKenzie Annual Conference: Trends and developments in Global Competition Law, Brussels, Belgium.
Hull, D. (16 May 2017). Abuse of Dominance in the Pharmaceuticals Sector: Excessive Pricing, Rebates and Discounts [Paper presentation]. EU Pharmaceutical Law Forum 2017 Brussels.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (12 May 2017). Recovering unlawful advantages in the context of EU State aid tax ruling investigations. Market and Competition Law Review, 1 (1), 15-48.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (28 April 2017). Streamlining NCA independence in reforming Regulation 1/2003: time to take incongruent accountability realities (more) seriously? [Paper presentation]. Reform of Regulation 1/2003 – Effectiveness of the NCAs and Beyond, Warsaw, Poland.
Derenne, J. (27 April 2017). Keynote speech on Brexit: State of Play on Competition Issues: Impact on Business in the EU and in Asia [Paper presentation]. 6th Annual Global Competition Law Summit, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China.
Derenne, J. (26 April 2017). The passage from ex ante to ex post control: state of play, block exemption regulations and de minimis [Paper presentation]. KULeuven Studienamiddag “Staatssteun: de rechtspositie van steunverlenende overheden”, Leuven, Belgium.
Derenne, J. (21 April 2017). European Competition Law in the Nationalist Era: What you need to know at the dawn of divergence [Paper presentation]. Silicon Valley Association of General Counsel (SVAGC) lunch talk session, Palo Alto, United States.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Faut-il obliger la commercialisation des produits de composition et qualité identiques partout dans l'Union européenne?
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (31 March 2017). Staatssteun aan groene energie [Paper presentation]. Demi-journée d'étude: de rechtspositie van steunverlenende overheden, Leuven, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (24 March 2017). The implicit transformation of national administrative authorities in the service of supranational ‘fair trial’ rights [Paper presentation]. Cambridge International and European Law Conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (06 March 2017). The EU right to be forgotten in a privacy-sensitive human-robot interaction context [Paper presentation]. HRI 2017 - "Smart interaction", Vienna, Austria.
Derenne, J. (06 March 2017). The World Duty Free/Santander/Lübeck judgments of the CJEU: a welcome clarification or back to square one?: Selectivity and State aid [Paper presentation]. 88th Lunch talk of the GCLC, Brussels, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). EU competition law. In E. Ugirashebuja, J. E. Ruhangisa, T. Ottervanger, ... A. Cuyvers (Eds.), East African Community Law: institutional, substantive and comparative EU aspects (pp. 454-466). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Vandenberghe, W. (2017). Chronique « Aides d’Etat »: Applications des règles sur les aides d’Etat dans des affaires concernant la Belgique (juridictions belges et européenne, Commission européenne). Années 2014, 2015, 2016. Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging, 1-50.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Mathieu, S., & Smits, C. (01 March 2017). Rubrique de jurisprudence du droit de l’Union européenne (Mai 2016 – Février 2017). Bulletin du droit de l'environnement industriel, 68.
Derenne, J. (20 February 2017). Introduction: de la nécessité du contrôle des aides d'Etat au sein de l'Union européenne [Paper presentation]. Le droit des aides d'État hors UE, Paris, France.
Derenne, J. (20 February 2017). Le droit des aides d’Etat hors EU: De la nécessité d’un contrôle des aides d’Etat au sein de l’Union européenne (introduction) & tensions avec le droit international [Paper presentation]. Le droit des aides d’Etat hors EU, Paris, France.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Devroe, W. (2017). The EU financial transaction tax project. In B. De Witte, E. Vos, ... A. Ott (Eds.), Between Flexibility and Disintegration The Trajectory of Differentiation in EU Law (pp. 282-303). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar.
Peer reviewed
Hull, D. (February 2017). Application of EU Competition Law in the Pharmaceutical Sector. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 3, 205-2018. doi:10.1093/jeclap/lpx004
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (February 2017). Prix fixe du livre : les propositions belges contredisent-elles le droit européen de la concurrence ? Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging, 4, 81-90.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
De Cooman, J. (2017). L'Electrochoc Numérique - Assurons notre avenir. ORBi-University of Liège.
Cabay, J., Campolini, P., & Jafferali, R. (Crit. Ed.). (2017). Chronique de législation en droit privé (1er janvier – 30 juin 2017) (2e partie). Journal des Tribunaux, 797-817.
Vanbrabant, B., & Glorieux, D. (2017). Quantification of monetary relief - Belgian report. In S. Matheson, Yearbook AIPPI 2017.
Zians, A., & Havet, B. (2017). Permis d'urbanisme et certificat d'urbanisme n°2. Champ d'application et effets. In M. Delnoy & B. Charles-Hubert (Eds.), Le nouveau Code du développement territorial (CoDT). Décret du 20 juillet 2016 (pp. 315-344). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.
Peer reviewed
Cabay, J. (2017). Le marché unique numérique et les propositions de réforme du droit d’auteur [Paper presentation]. Conférence du Centre de droit privé de l’ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Petit, N. (2017). The Advocate General's opinion in Intel v. Commission: Eight points of common sense for consideration by the CJEU. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 1.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). The European Commission’s geo-blocking proposals and the future of EU e-commerce regulation. Masaryk University Journal of Law and Technology, 11 (1), 39-62. doi:10.5817/MUJLT2017-1-3
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2017). Commentaires sous CJUE, 20 sept. 2017, Frucona Košice a.s., aff. C‑300/16 P. Concurrences, (4/2017), 139-142.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2017). Commentaires CJUE, 13 sept. 2017, Commission c/ Belgique, aff. C-591/14. Concurrences, (4/2017), 143.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2017). Commission v World Duty Free Group a.o.: selectivity in (fiscal) State aid: quo vadis Curia? Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 8 (5), 311-313. doi:10.1093/jeclap/lpx018
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Cabay, J., Campolini, P., Aughuet, C., Berwette, M., Biart, J., Coenjaerts, L., Croisant, G., De Jonghe, C., Gallus, N., Ghilain, A., Grégoire, M., Marcus, L., Szafran, D., Taton, X., Zygas, D., & Jafferali, R. (Other coll.). (2017). Chronique de législation en droit privé (1er juillet - 31 décembre 2016). Journal des Tribunaux, 433-445-453-465.
Troch, S., & Mera, C. (2017). The EU Commission Commission sends a statement of objections to an international sports association because of the possible incompatibility of its governance rules with competition law (International Skating Union). e-Competitions.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Droit matériel européen - plan de cours 2017.
Petit, N. (2017). Significant Impediment to Industry Innovation: A Novel Theory of Harm in EU Merger Control?
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Droit matériel européen 2017 - diaprésentations.
Zians, A. (2017). Blanchiment d’argent, financement du terrorisme et transfert de fonds. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, 4, 846-848.
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Zians, A. (2017). Toujours trop tôt pour une libre circulation de l’énergie verte ? Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, 4, 845-846.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). European Competition law - Droit européen de la concurrence. (Université Paris Dauphine, Master 214 Droit des affaires).
Derenne, J. (2017). Commentaires sous CJUE, 8 mars 2017, Viasat Broadcasting UK, aff. C-660/15 P. Concurrences, (2/2017), 138-139.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N. (2017). The Antitrust and Intellectual Property Intersection in European Union Law. In R. Blair & D. Sokol, Roger D. Blair & D. Daniel Sokol. Cambridge. doi:10.1017/9781316671313.007
Peer reviewed
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2017). Les Joint-Ventures – Aspects de droit de la concurrence [Paper presentation]. Les Joint-Ventures, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Droit matériel européen - recueil de documentation. (2nd ed). Presses de l'Université de Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Le non bis in idem en droit de la concurrence : un monde de différence avec le pénal ? In V. Franssen & D. Thiel (Eds.), EXISTE-T-IL ENCORE UN SEUL NON BIS IN IDEM AUJOURD'HUI ? (pp. 171-207). Paris, France: L'Harmattan.
Peer reviewed
Cabay, J. (2017). Les exceptions dans le domaine de l'enseignement [Paper presentation]. Colloque Nouvelles exceptions au droit d’auteur – Des clés pour comprendre, Arquennes (Nivelles), Belgium.
Cabay, J. (2017). Copyright and Scientific Publication: Tales of Two Copyrights [Paper presentation]. Congrès Open in Order to Advance Science dans le cadre de la 10th International Open Acess Week (Bibliothèque royale), Bruxelles, Belgium.
Strowel, A., Corbet, J., & Cabay, J. (Other coll.). (2017). Belgium. In P. E. Geller, M. B. Nimmer, ... L. Bently (Eds.), International Copyright Law and Practice. New York, United States: Matthew Bender.
Vanbrabant, B. (2017). Palettes pas nettes. Handelspraktijken en Mededinging. Jaarboek, 401.
Derenne, J., & Lagrue, M. (2017). Commentaires sous CJUE, 27 juin 2017, Congregación de Escuelas Pías Provincia Betania c. Ayuntamiento de Getafe, aff. C-74/16. Concurrences, (4/2017), 134-135.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2017). L’autorité de la chose jugée à l’épreuve du droit de l’Union européenne – Du principe d’effectivité en général et des règles spécifiques en matière d’aides d’État en particulier (res judicata and primacy of EU law in competition cases). In V. Giacobboo & C. Verdure (Eds.), Contentieux du droit de la concurrence de l’Union européenne : questions d’actualité et perspectives (pp. 349-383). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier-Bruylant.
Derenne, J. (2017). Commentaires sous World Duty Free Group, Banco Santander, Santusa Holding, aff. jtes. C-20/15 P et C-21/15 P. Concurrences, (1/2017), 153-163.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2017). Commentaires sous CJUE, 21 déc. 2016, Hansestadt Lübeck, aff. C-524/14. Concurrences, (1/2017), 163-166.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Advanced EU law - Cases and Materials 2017-2018. (ULiège - Université de Liège, DROI2055).
Zians, A. (2017). Les régimes d’autorisation en matière de liberté d’établissement à l’épreuve de la directive Services. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, 4, 843-844.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Advanced EU law - Slides 2017. (ULiège - Université de Liège, Advanced EU law).
Derenne, J., & Dony, M. (January 2017). Chronique de jurisprudence européenne - Règles de procédure et contentieux. Cahiers de Droit Européen, Chapitre 2 (2017/1), 213-267.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). Book review of Anne C Witt, The more economic approach to EU antitrust law. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2016. 384 pages. ISBN: 9781849466967. Common Market Law Review, 54 (5), 1589-1591.
Peer reviewed
Cheng, T. K., Grunes, A. P., Idot, L., Leblond, L., Petit, N., & Stucke, M. E. (2017). I. Les moteurs de recherche. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 2017 (2).
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2017). La « discrimination à rebours » au sein du marché intérieur : une illégalité qu’il ne faut pas voir au niveau européen ? Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, 153-162.
Petit, N. (2017). EU Competition Law Analysis of FRAND Disputes. In Jorge L Contreras, The Cambridge Handbook of Technical Standardization Law. Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781316416723.020
Peer reviewed
Zians, A., & Sibony, A.-L. (2017). Florilège de restrictions aux libertés d’établissement et de prestation de services en Hongrie mais le mystère de l’article 16 de la directive Services reste entier. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, 4, 824-830.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Cabay, J. (2017). La sanction du risque de confusion en droit de l’Union européenne : vers une théorie de l’ « effet réflexe » du droit de la propriété intellectuelle fondée sur le « juste équilibre ». In A. Puttemans, Y. Gendreau, ... J. de Werra (Eds.), Propriété intellectuelle & concurrence déloyale – Les liaisons dangereuses ? (pp. 39-80). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.
Derenne, J., & Barbu-O'Connor, C. (2017). Commentaires sous CJUE, 12 oct. 2016, Land Hessen c/ Pollmeier Massivholz, aff. C-242/15 P. Concurrences, (1/2017), 144-145.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Lagrue, M. (2017). Commentaires sous CJUE, 30 nov. 2016, Commission c/ France et Orange, aff. C-486/15 P. Concurrences, (1/2017), 152-153.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2017). Commentaires sous CJUE, 1er fév. 2017, Portovesme, aff. C-606/14 P. Concurrences, (2/2017), 136-137.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Verouden, V. (2017). Distortion of competition and effect on trade between Member states: Chapter 5. In P. Werner & V. Verouden (Eds.), EU State Aid Control: Law and Economics (pp. 168-189). Wolters Kluwer.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2017). The powers and obligations of national courts with regard to unlawful State Aid: Lessons from CELF I and CELF II. In J. L. Buendía Sierra & C. Buts (Eds.), Milestones in State Aid Case Law, EStAL's First 15 years in perspective (pp. 342-355). Berlin, Germany: Lexxion.
Peer reviewed
Cabay, J. (2017). La liberté de panorama : entre brouillard et poudre aux yeux. Auteurs et Media, (2016), 383-395.
Peer reviewed
Troch, S., & Vucheva, M. (2017). The EU Court of Justice rules that the extension of existing State aid must be considered as the alteration of that aid and is therefore subject to the obligation of prior notification as new aid (DEI / Alouminion tis Ellados). e-Competitions.
Derenne, J. (08 December 2016). Concurrence et Aides d'État [Paper presentation]. 4ème Master Class Du Droit Public de l'Economie d'Assas, Paris, France.
Hull, D. (06 December 2016). Patent Settlements under EU Competition Law [Paper presentation]. Competition Law in the Pharma Sector.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). European law and technological innovation - slides 2016-2017. (European law and technological innovation).
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Droit européen de la concurrence - European competition law.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (29 November 2016). Le décret relatif aux implantations commerciales et le droit de l’Union européenne : une logique juridique à l’encontre de celle d’un marché intérieur supranational ? [Paper presentation]. Les implantations commerciales - État des lieux deux ans après la régionalisation.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (26 November 2016). The EU’s geo-blocking Regulation proposal and its impact on the coherence of EU e-commerce regulation [Paper presentation]. Cyberspace 2016 Conference.
Derenne, J., & Aiche, Y. (14 November 2016). The Future of Multi-National Corporate Taxation in the EU (tax rulings & State aid) [Paper presentation]. The Future of Multi-National Corporate Taxation in the EU (tax rulings & State aid), Stanford, United States - California.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (12 November 2016). The freedom to receive trade union services: a stepping stone for worker protection in the EU internal market? [Paper presentation]. Trade union rights to establish and provide services in the EU.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Les conséquences juridiques du Brexit [Paper presentation]. JEF Liège Conférence sur le Brexit.
Bouhon, F., & Wildemeersch, J. (27 October 2016). L'Union européenne ou la désunion des valeurs [Paper presentation]. L'Europe centrale dans l'Union Européenne : l'exemple de la Pologne et de la Hongrie 12 ans après leur adhésion, Liège, Belgium.
Wildemeersch, J. (2016). Les dernières évolutions en droit européen en matière d'assurance protection juridique. In J. Wildemeersch, L'assurance protection juridique : quid pour demain? (pp. 129-140). Limal, Belgium: Anthemis.
Vanbrabant, B., Kaeesmacher, Malekzadem, J., Vanden Brande, S., Thoumsin, P.-Y., & Vandewijnkel, S. (September 2016). Security interests over intellectual property - Belgian report. Revue de Droit Intellectuel. L'Ingenieur-Conseil, 3, 563-588.
Peer reviewed
Vandenbosch, S., & Petit, N. (2016). Le Brexit et "l'arme nucléaire" de l'UE, l'article 7. Le Vif. L'Express.
Derenne, J. (08 July 2016). State aid control: Articles 107 & 108 TFEU [Paper presentation]. ERA Summer Course on European Competition Law, Trier, Germany.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (30 June 2016). Bridging the process/result gap in (EU) competition law and innovation debates [Paper presentation]. 11th Academic Society for Competition Law Conference - The role(s) of innovation in competition debates, Leiden, Netherlands.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (16 June 2016). Towards workable transparency in the context of exchanges of and access to information relating to EU central bank activities? [Paper presentation]. European Central Bank closed research seminar - ECB Legal Scholar Programme, Frankfurt, Germany.
Grandjean, G., & Wildemeersch, J. (Eds.). (2016). Les juges : décideurs politiques ? Essais sur le pouvoir politique des juges dans l'exercice de leur fonction. (1e édition). Bruxelles, Belgium: Bruylant.
Derenne, J. (10 June 2016). Tax Rulings Under State Aid Scrutiny [Paper presentation]. ESTALI, 14th Experts’ Forum on New Developments in European State Aid Law Workshop Expert Panel, Brussels, Belgium.
Hull, D. (24 May 2016). Abuse of Dominance in the Pharmaceuticals Sector [Paper presentation]. Informa’s 25th Annual EU Pharmaceutical Forum.
Derenne, J. (19 May 2016). Recovery of unlawful and incompatible aid (by the European Commission) [Paper presentation]. State aid proceedings and litigation, Brussels, Belgium.
Troch, S., & Devroe, W. (2016). Actuele ontwikkelingen consumenten-, marktpraktijken- en mededingingsrecht. In Recht in beweging - 23ste VRG Alumnidag 2016 (pp. 345-373). Maklu.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (28 April 2016). Le Non Bis In Idem en droit de la concurrence: un monde de différence avec le pénal? [Paper presentation]. 5ième Journées franco-belges de droit penal, Nancy, France.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (21 April 2016). Sharing powers within exclusive competences? Rethinking the ‘dual federalism’ logic in EU antitrust law enforcement [Paper presentation]. 14th University of Zagreb Jean Monnet Seminar in European Union Law – Rethinking EU Competences, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Auer, D. (2016). Appropriability and the European Commission’s Android Investigation. ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (01 April 2016). The Failure of ‘Market Failure’? Rethinking the Role of Law in Post-Crisis EU Governance [Paper presentation]. The Euro-crisis conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Derenne, J. (25 March 2016). CAPA (IXAD, Lille) La procédure de renvoi préjudiciel devant la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne [Paper presentation]. Cours aux éléves-avocats - CAPA (certificat d'aptitude à la profession d'avocat - France), Lille, France.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (20 March 2016). Recovering unlawful advantages in the context of EU State aid tax ruling investigations [Paper presentation]. A new approach to State aid - conference, Porto, Portugal.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (19 March 2016). Privatisations and free movement of capital [Paper presentation]. International Colloquium Union Policies And Internal Actions: Recent Developments, Porto, Portugal.
Petit, N. (2016). The IEEE-SA Revised Patent Policy and Its Definition of 'Reasonable' Rates: A Transatlantic Antitrust Divide? Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Petit, N. (2016). The Smallest Salable Patent-Practicing Unit ('SSPPU') Experiment, General Purpose Technologies and the Coase Theorem. ORBi-University of Liège.
Troch, S., & Sbrolli, C. (2016). The EU Court of Justice rules on limited exclusivity restriction in lease agreements and concludes that it is not a restriction by object (Maxima Latvija). e-Competitions.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Fünf vragen an Pieter Van Cleynenbreugel. Wirtschaft und Wettbewerb, 212.
Peer reviewed
Muheme, D., Neyrinck, N., & Petit, N. (2016). Procedural Rights in EU Antitrust Proceedings. In C. Cauffman & Q. Hao (Eds.), Procedural Rights in Competition Law in the EU and China (pp. 129-160). Springer.
Peer reviewed
Vanbrabant, B. (2016). Les contrats relatifs au savoir-faire et autres secrets d’affaire. In B. Vanbrabant, Les contrats commerciaux en pratique (pp. 173-228). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.
Broos, S., Gautier, A., Marcos Ramos, J., & Petit, N. (2016). Analyse statistique des affaires d’ententes dans l’UE (2004-2014). Revue Economique. doi:10.3917/reco.hs01.0079
Peer reviewed
Petit, N. (2016). Chinese State Capitalism and Western Antitrust Policy. ORBi-University of Liège.
Zians, A. (2016). Prestation de services: précision sur la nature économique des services de planification et de gestion du service public de santé. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, 1 (janvier-mars), 191-192.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). European law and technological innovation - cases and materials. Presses Universitaires ULg.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Embedding national procedural autonomy in the Directive on Damages’. In M. Bergström, M. Iacovides, ... M. Strand (Eds.), Harmonising EU Competition Litigation The New Directive and Beyond - See more at: (pp. 99-119). Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). National courts and EU competition law: lost in multilevel confusion? In N. Bodiroga-Vukobrat, S. Rodin, ... G. Sander (Eds.), New Europe - Old Values? Reform and Perseverance (pp. 181-198). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
Peer reviewed
Cabay, J. (2016). Les conditions de la protection et de la contrefaçon du droit d’auteur à travers le prisme des droits fondamentaux dans l’Union européenne [Paper presentation]. Lunch-causerie de l'ABA, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Cabay, J. (2016). L’influence d’Internet sur la protection par le droit d’auteur [Paper presentation]. Colloque L’effet d’Internet sur la protection des droits intellectuels, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Cabay, J. (2016). L'objet de la protection du droit d'auteur: Contribution à l'étude de la liberté de création [Doctoral thesis, ULB - Université Libre de Bruxelles]. ORBi-University of Liège.
Derenne, J., & Zeaiter, J. (2016). Commentaires sous Trib. UE, 28 janv. 2016, Autriche c/ Commission, aff. T-427/12. Concurrences, (2/2016), 156-157.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Lagrue, M. (2016). Commentaires sous CJUE, Grde. ch., 19 juill. 2016, Kotnik c/ Slovénie, aff. C-526/14. Concurrences, (4/2016), 144-145.
Peer reviewed
Vanbrabant, B. (2016). Plain packaging et propriété intellectuelle: le droit fondamental à l’empoisonnement d’autrui ? Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, 1, 143.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Domecq, M. (2016). Key Developments in State Aid Law. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 7 (2), 135-149. doi:10.1093/jeclap/lpv096
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Zians, A. (2016). Le décret relatif aux implantations commerciales: une logique juridique à l'encontre de celle du marché intérieur européen? In A. Vanhuffel & F. Haumont (Eds.), Les implantations commerciales - État des lieux deux ans après la régionalisation (Collection de l’Association belge francophone pour le droit de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'urbanisme, pp. 23-56). Brussels, Belgium: Larcier.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N., & Bogojević, S. (2016). Deterring the State Versus the Firm: Soft and Hard Deterrence Regimes in EU Law. Columbia Journal of European Law, Vol. 23.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Hull, D. (2016). Patent settlements - The Knowledge Group.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Advanced EU law - cases and materials. Presses Universitaires ULg.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Due Process in EU Commission Competition Law Proceedings. What Lessons (not) to Learn for Structuring the Rights of Defense at the National Level? In C. Nagy (Ed.), The Procedural Aspects of the Application of Competition Law - European Frameworks, Central European Perspectives (pp. 36-55). Groningen, Netherlands: Europa Law Publishing.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Hervorming van Justitie in België - uitdagingen en kansen.
Derenne, J. (2016). Compte-rendu bibliographique: Commentaires sur le livre du Professeur Michaël Karpenschif. Journal des Tribunaux, 199-200.
Cabay, J., & Lambrecht, M. (2016). Remix allowed : avenues for copyright reform inspired by Canada. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, 11 (1), 21-36. doi:10.1093/jiplp/jpv206
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Derenne, J., & Ruiz Palmer, C. (2016). Commentaires sous Trib. UE, 9 déc. 2015, Grèce c/ Commission et Ellinikos Chrysos c/ Commission, aff. jtes.T-233/11 et T-262/11. Concurrences, (1/2016), 172.
Peer reviewed
Hull, D. (2016). Lundbeck BSC Morning Briefing.
Demoulin, I. (2016). La Cour se penche sur la profession d’architecte. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, 1, 203-204.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Zians, A. (2016). Les normes techniques peuvent être obligatoires. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, 1 (janvier-mars), 185-186.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Sharing powers within exclusive competences: Rethinking eu antitrust law enforcement. Croatian Yearbook of European Law and Policy, 12, 49-79.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Cabay, J. (2016). Le domaine public en droit des marques [Paper presentation]. Colloque Le droit des marques, un enjeu dans les accords commerciaux internationaux, Montréal, Canada.
Cabay, J. (2016). Concurrence déloyale, droit d’auteur et dessins ou modèles – A la recherche du « juste équilibre » [Paper presentation]. Colloque Propriété intellectuelle & concurrence déloyale – Les liaisons dangereuses ? (Fondation Universitaire), Bruxelles, Belgium.
Cabay, J. (2016). The Tension Between Creative Freedom and Copyright Law [Paper presentation]. Exposition In No Particular Order (curateur : Agata JAWORSKA) l, Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Vanbrabant, B. (2016). La publicité légale doit-elle profiter aux contrefacteurs ? (Hassan) Non. Revue de Droit Intellectuel. L'Ingenieur-Conseil, 1, 403.
Hull, D., & Clancy, M. J. (2016). Application of EU Competition Law in the Pharmaceutical Sector. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 7, 153-161. doi:10.1093/jeclap/lpv093
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Derenne, J. (2016). Commentaires sous Trib. UE, 9 juin 2016, République italienne c/ Commission, aff. T-122/14. Concurrences, (3/2016), 137-139.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2016). Commentaires sous CJUE, 1er oct. 2015, Electrabel et Dunamenti Erőmű c/ Commission, aff. C-357/14 P. Concurrences, (1/2016), 152-156.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2016). Commentaires sous CJUE, 6 oct. 2015, Commission c/ Andersen, aff. C-303/13 P. Concurrences, (1/2016), 156-157.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Zeaiter, J. (2016). Commentaires sous Trib. UE, 12 déc. 2015, SNCF c/ Commission, aff. T-242/12. Concurrences, (2/2016), 151-153.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2016). Commentaires sous Trib. UE, 14 sept. 2016, Trajektna Iuka Split, aff. T-57/15. Concurrences, (4/2016), 153-157.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Lagrue, M. (2016). Commentaires sous Trib. UE, 26 mai 2016, France et IFP Energies Nouvelles c/ Commission, aff. jtes T-479/11 et T-157/12. Concurrences, (3/2016), 134-135.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2016). Commentaires sous Trib. UE, 22 avril 2016, Irlande et Aughinish Alumina, aff. jtes T-50/06 RENV II et T-69/06 RENV II). Concurrences, (3/2016), 122-129.
Peer reviewed
Cabay, J., Campolini, P., & Jafferali, R. (Crit. Ed.). (2016). Chronique de législation en droit privé (1er janvier – 30 juin 2016) (2e partie). Journal des Tribunaux, 737-749.
Demoulin, I. (January 2016). Qualifications professionnelles : l’obligation de reconnaître les qualifications à leur juste valeur dans les professions différemment réglementées d’un État membre à l’autre. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, 1 (Janvier-mars), 200-202.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Fructus, I., Zians, A., Adréani, G., & Cottin, S. (2016). Recherche documentaire juridique : méthodologie. Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.
Derenne, J., & Dony, M. (2016). Chronique de jurisprudence européenne - Aides d’État (2011-2015), Chapitre 1 – Règles de fond. Cahiers de Droit Européen, (52è année), 687-825.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Droit matériel européen - recueil de documentation.
Petit, N. (2016). Technology Giants, the Moligopoly Hypothezis and Holistic Competition: A Primer.
Derenne, J. (2016). Commentaires sous CJUE, 11 nov. 2015, Klausner Holz Niedersachsen / Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, aff. C-505/14. Concurrences, (1/2016), 160-164.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2016). Commentaires sous CJUE, 16 mars 2016, Grèce c/ Commission, aff. C-431/14 P. Concurrences, (2/2016), 149-150.
Peer reviewed
Jafferali, R., Berwette, M., Biart, J., Cabay, J., Campolini, P., Coenjaerts, L., Croisant, G., De Jonghe, C., Gallus, N., Ghilain, A., Grégoire, M., Marcus, L., Maeterlinck, A., Taton, X., & Zygas, D. (2016). Chronique de législation en droit privé (1er janvier - 30 juin 2016). Journal des Tribunaux, 2016, 737-749.
Jafferali, R., Aughuet, C., Berwette, M., Biart, J., Cabay, J., Campolini, P., Coenjaerts, L., De Jonghe, C., Gallus, N., Grégoire, M., Rousseau, M., Szafran, D., & Zygas, D. (2016). Chronique de législation en droit privé (1er juillet - 31 décembre 2015). Journal des Tribunaux, 2016, 342-351.
Cabay, J. (2016). L'affaire Madonna ou le triomphe de l'anecdote: Obs. sous Cass., 14 décembre 2015. Journal des Tribunaux, 2016 (27), 476-479.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Droit matériel européen - diaprésentations.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Competition law - Reader.
Wathelet, M., & Wildemeersch, J. (2016). La responsabilité extracontractuelle de l'Union européenne. In D. Renders (Ed.), La responsabilité des pouvoirs publics (pp. 563-620). Bruxelles, Belgium: Bruylant.
Peer reviewed
Zians, A. (2016). La Lettonie est à son tour condamnée pour avoir réservé la profession de notaire à ses seuls ressortissants. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, 1 (janvier-mars), 205.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2016). Review of Jan Wolters, Die rechtsstaatlichen Grenzen des ‘more economic approach’ im Lichte der europäischen Rechtsprechung. Eine Untersuchung des Handelns der Kommission auf dem Gebiet des europaïschen Wettbewerbrechts am Maßstab übergeordeneter Vertrags- und Verfassungsgrundsätze. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2015. 371 pages. ISBN: 9783848717361. EUR 99. Common Market Law Review, 52 (5), 1469-1471.
Peer reviewed
Nissen, C., Desseilles, F., & Zians, A. (2016). Méthodologie juridique. Méthodologie de la recherche documentaire juridique. (6e éd). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.
Wautelet, P., & Vanbrabant, B. (2015). Territorialité et droit international privé. In 20 ans de nouveau droit d'auteur (pp. 327-381). Belgium: Anthemis.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2015). Le contentieux des actions en dommages et intérêts pour infraction au droit européen de la concurrence. Journal de Droit Européen, 386-394.
Peer reviewed
Neyrinck, N. (December 2015). Taxis bruxellois : Uber garde un pied dans la porte. Revue du Droit des Industries de Réseau, 4.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N. (2015). Rebates and Article 102 TFEU: The European Commission's Duty to Apply the Guidance Paper. ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2015). De transactiebeslissing van het auditoraat van de Belgische mededingingsautoriteit in het supermarktendossier: een ‘hub & spoke’ compromis à la belge? Markt en Mededinging, 205-213.
Peer reviewed
Kaesmacher, D., Vanbrabant, B., Thoumsin, P.-Y., Op De Beeck, D., Lens, S., Mottet, A., & Hotta, O. (2015). Trade secrets: Overlap with restraint of trade, aspects of enforcement - Belgium. In AIPPI Yearbook 2014.
Petit, N. (2015). La rationalisation au long cours de la restriction de concurrence par "objet" dans la jurisprudence de la Cour de Justice de l'Union européenne. AJ Contrats d'Affaires.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N. (2015). Re-Pricing Through Disruption in Oligopolies with Tacit Collusion: A Framework for Abuse of Collective Dominance. ORBi-University of Liège.
Troch, S., & Callens, R. (2015). The Belgian Competition Authority issues a decision following the first application of its unique settlement procedure in article 102 cases (Stanleybet / Nationale Loterij). e-Competitions.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (19 June 2015). European market regulation: yes, but only if … [Paper presentation]. Tenth International Workshop for Young Legal Scholars – WISH, Jouy-en-Josas, France.
Petit, N., & Pilorge, J. (2015). Avis 2/13 de la CJUE : l'obsession du contrôle ? Revue des Affaires Européennes.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N. (2015). Implications of Competitive Neutrality for Competition Agencies: A Process Perspective. ORBi-University of Liège.
Petit, N. (29 May 2015). Antitrust and The challenge of policing « moligopolists » [Paper presentation]. CLEEN Annual Conference.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (22 May 2015). Legal presumptions in abuse regulation: (where) do EU and U.S. antitrust approaches meet? [Paper presentation]. Tenth Academic Society for Competition Law Conference – Abuse Regulation, Tokyo, Japan.
Hull, D. (19 May 2015). Competition Cases on Product Denigration: What Can You Say About Competing Products? [Paper presentation]. EU Pharmaceutical Law Forum.
Petit, N. (2015). Le droit européen de l’abus de position dominante en 2014. Contrats Concurrence Consommation.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N. (2015). Theories of Self-Preferencing Under Article 102 TFEU: A Reply to Bo Vesterdorf. ORBi-University of Liège.
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (March 2015). Les fonctions de la procédure en droit de la concurrence [Paper presentation]. DES FONCTIONS DE LA PROCÉDURE DANS LE DROIT ÉCONOMIQUE EUROPÉEN.
Petit, N. (10 February 2015). “Problem Practices” in EU Competition Law [Paper presentation]. CCP 10th Annual Conference, ‘Problem Markets’.
Jafferali, R., Berwette, M., Biart, J., Cabay, J., Campolini, P., Coenjaerts, L., Gallus, N., Ghilain, A., Grégoire, M., Maeterlinck, A., Taton, X., Toro, J., & Wyart, V. (2015). Chronique de législation en droit privé (1er janvier - 30 juin 2015). Journal des Tribunaux, 2015, 737-754.
Vanbrabant, B. (2015). La propriété intellectuelle dans Le Code de droit économique : quelques ambitions ; les moyens suivront (peut-être). In N. Thirion, Le Code de droit économique - principales innovations (pp. 157-192). Larcier.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2015). Associations of undertakings and their decisions in the wake of MasterCard. European Competition Law Review, 283-290.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2015). Review of Martin Pawlik, Das REACH-System und die Meroni-Doktrin. Ein imperfekter Quantensprung im Europäischen Verwaltungsverbund. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2013. 228 pages. ISBN: 978-3-8487-0160-5. EUR 59. Common Market Law Review, 52, 316-318.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2015). Effectiveness through fairness? Due process as an institutional precondition for effective decentralised EU competition law enforcement. In P. Nihoul & T. Skoczny (Eds.), Procedural fairness in competition proceedings (pp. 44-85). Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar.
Peer reviewed
Vanbrabant, B. (2015). Commentaire des articles 17 à 24 du règlement. In Büscher & Kochendörfer, Kommentar zur Verordnung (EG) Nr. 207/2009 mit Nebenvorschriften Kommentar. Germany: C. H. Beck.
Cabay, J. (2015). L’objet de la protection du droit d’auteur – Contribution à l’étude de la liberté de création [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de l’Ecole doctorale, Liège, Belgium.
Derenne, J., Morgan de Rivery, E., & Petit, N. (Eds.). (2015). Antitrust damages in EU law and policy. Belgium: Bruylant.
Petit, N. (2015). Article 102 TFEU and the Test Debate [Paper presentation]. IBC Conference.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2015). Conduct of business rules in EU financial services regulation: behavioural rules devoid of behavioural analysis? In A. Alemanno & A.-L. Sibony (Ed.), Nudge and the Law: A European perspective (pp. 255-275). Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing.
Peer reviewed
Cabay, J., Delforge, V., Fossoul, V., Lambrecht, M., Berenboom, A., Brison, F., Depreeuw, S., Dusollier, S., Gotzen, F., Janssens, M.-C., Lenaerts, K., Manara, C., Michaux, B., Puttemans, A., Puyraimond, J.-F., Strowel, A., Vanbrabant, B., Voorhoof, D., Wautelet, P., & Witmeur, S. (2015). J. Cabay (éd.), V. Delforge (éd.), V. Fossoul (éd.), M. Lambrecht (éd.), 20 ans de nouveau droit d’auteur – 20 jaar nieuw auteursrecht. Anthemis.
Petit, N. (2015). Huaweï v. ZTE: Judicial Conservatism at the Patent-Antitrust Intersection. CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 10 (2).
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., Van den Bogaert, S., Aalbers, M. (Other coll.), Weber, T. (Other coll.), & Borger, V. (Other coll.). (2015). Kroniek van het Europees Materieel Recht. Nederlandsch Juristenblad, 2511-2526.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N. (2015). "Financial Fair Play" or "Oligopoleague" of Football Clubs?: A Preliminary Review under European Union Competition Law. ORBi-University of Liège.
Cabay, J. (2015). Le juge belge et l'originalité : Rétrospective et prospective [Paper presentation]. Colloque 20 ans de nouveau droit d’auteur – 20 jaar nieuw auteursrecht, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Derenne, J., Blockx, J., Doudountsaki, S., & Rodriguez-Toquero, J. (2015). Key Developments in State Aid Law: Developments in State aid in 2014. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 6 (3), 210-217.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Petit, N. (2015). Intel Leveraging Rebates and the Goals of Article 102 TFEU. European Competition Journal. doi:10.1080/17441056.2015.1033215
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Zians, A. (2015). Trop tôt pour une libre circulation de l'énergie verte. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, 1, 265-267.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Demoulin, I. (2015). L’avocat général Wathelet considère que la titularité d’un brevet essentiel fait naître une présomption réfragable de l’existence d’une position dominante, et l’introduction par le titulaire de ce brevet d’une action en cessation à l’encontre d’un contrefacteur disposé à négocier une licence peut constituer un abus de position dominante (Concl. AG Wathelet, 20 nov. 2014, Huawei Technologies / ZTE, aff. C- 170/13). Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 1, 94.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N., & Auer, D. (2015). Two-Sided Markets and the Challenge of Turning Economic Theory into Antitrust Policy. ORBi-University of Liège.
Petit, N. (2015). State Created Barriers to Exit - The Example of the Acquisition of Alstom by General Electric. Competition Policy International, 11 (1).
Peer reviewed
Cabay, J., & Ekierman, I. (2015). Project Manager. Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.
Cabay, J., & Strowel, A. (2015). La nouveauté : un indice d'originalité à l'épreuve d'Internet. In J. Cabay, V. Delforge, V. Fossoul, ... M. Lambrecht (Eds.), 20 ans de nouveau droit d’auteur – 20 jaar nieuw auteursrecht (pp. 17-68). Limal, Belgium: Anthemis.
Cabay, J., Delforge, V., Fossoul, V., & Lambrecht, M. (Eds.). (2015). 20 ans de nouveau droit d’auteur – 20 jaar nieuw auteursrecht. Limal, Belgium: Anthemis.
Derenne, J. (2015). State aid chapter. In A.-M. Van den Bossche, P. Nihoul, ... C. Verdure (Eds.), Sourcebook on EU Competition Law 2015 (5th ed). Larcier.
Cabay, J. (2015). Appropriation artistique et droit d’auteur : le cas du document plastique. In J. Arnaud & B. Goosse (Eds.), Document, fiction et droit en art contemporain (pp. 90-105). Aix-en-Provence, France: Presses Universitaires de Provence.
Demoulin, I. (2015). Vers une réglementation européenne du financement participatif? Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen, 1, 269-270.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Cabay, J., & Lambrecht, M. (2015). Remix prohibited : how rigid EU copyright laws inhibit creativity. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice, 2015 (5), 359-377. doi:10.1093/jiplp/jpv015
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Jafferali, R., Berwette, M., Biart, J., Cabay, J., Campolini, P., Coenjaerts, L., Gallus, N., Ghilain, A., Grégoire, M., Maeterlinck, A., Taton, X., Toro, J., & Wyart, V. (2015). Chronique de législation en droit privé (1er janvier - 30 juin 2014). Journal des Tribunaux, 2015, 25-40.
Jafferali, R., Aughuet, C., Berwette, M., Biart, J., Cabay, J., Campolini, P., Coenjaerts, L., Gallus, N., Grégoire, M., Rousseau, M., & Szafran, D. (2015). Chronique de législation en droit privé (1er juillet - 31 décembre 2014). Journal des Tribunaux, 2015, 389-402.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2015). Citizens beyond the market? EU citizenship in the context of European economic and social integration. In S. Oliveira Pais (Ed.), EU citizenship. Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 97-128). Porto, Portugal: Universidade Catolica Editora.
Peer reviewed
Fructus, I., Zians, A., Adréani, G., Cottin, S., & Sibony, A.-L. (2015). Méthodologie de la recherche documentaire juridique. Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.
Demoulin, I. (2015). L’Autorité de la concurrence rejette une plainte pour un soi-disant abus de position dominante dans le secteur des tampons encreurs en l’absence d’éléments suffisamment probants (Aut. conc., décision n° 14-D-15 du 10 octobre 2014 relative à des pratiques mises en oeuvre dans le secteur du tampon encreur). Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 1, 113.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (14 November 2014). Rethinking the N in NCA: Comment on Giorgio Monti’s keynote speech [Paper presentation]. Ten Years of Decentralized EU Competition Law Enforcement. Success or Failure?, fourth ACELG Conference, Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (31 October 2014). Preliminary rulings in decentralized EU energy law enforcement. Revisiting the Basics [Paper presentation]. EU Energy Law & Policy Workshop, Firenze, Italy.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Inleiding tot en recente ontwikkelingen in het staatssteunrecht [Paper presentation]. Seminar organised for officials working in the regional Flemish administration, Brussels, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Concurrentie in het hoger onderwijs: welke rol voor het (Europese) mededingingsrecht? ELSA Leiden Magazine, p. 3-6.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Inleiding tot en recente ontwikkelingen in het staatssteunrecht [Paper presentation]. Seminar organised for officials working in the regional Flemish administration, Brussels, Belgium.
Kaesmacher, D., Vanbrabant, B., Vandewynckel, S., & Santantonio, O. (2014). IP licensing and insolvency - Belgium. In AIPPI yearbook 2014.
Muheme, D., Neyrinck, N., & Petit, N. (2014). Procedural rights in antitrust proceedings. ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (27 June 2014). Effectiveness through fairness? Due Process as institutional precondition to effective decentralised EU competition law enforcement [Paper presentation]. Ninth Academic Society for Competition Law Meeting – Procedural Fairness in Competition Proceedings, Warsaw, Poland.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). EU competition law and its relationship to the EU internal market : lessons for ASEAN ? [Paper presentation]. Course on EU and international law for a delegation of Thai judges, The Hague, Netherlands.
Wildemeersch, J. (2014). Le principe de liberté tarifaire existe-t-il pour les compagnies d'assurances ? Oui, mais. Revue luxembourgeoise de bancassurifinance, (2), 59.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (15 May 2014). The relationship between private enforcement and national procedural autonomy [Paper presentation]. Private enforcement in EU competition law, Uppsala, Sweden.
Petit, N. (2014). "Stealth Licensing" - Or antitrust law and trade regulation squeezing patent rights. Revue du Droit des Industries de Réseau.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N. (March 2014). The Principles of Equivalence and Effectiveness as a Limit to National Procedural Autonomy [Paper presentation]. ENTraNCE 2014.
Wildemeersch, J. (2014). L'article 263, alinéa 4, du traité FUE : une modification des conditions de recevabilité du recours en annulation sans (véritables) conséquences. In S. Mahieu, (Ed.), Contentieux de l'Union européenne, questions choisies (pp. 155-190). Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: Larcier.
Wathelet, M., & Wildemeersch, J. (Other coll.). (2014). Contentieux européen. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: Larcier.
Nissen, C., Sibony, A.-L., Geerkens, E., & Zians, A. (2014). Méthodologie juridique, Méthodologie de la recherche documentaire juridique. (5ème éd). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.
Sibony, A.-L., & Demoulin, I. (2014). Faible probabilité de démontrer l’existence d’une violation de l’article 102 TFUE : La Cour de justice de l’Union européenne juge que la Commission européenne peut refuser d’instruire une plainte uniquement en raison de la faible probabilité d’établir une infraction, indépendamment de sa gravité. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 66.
Peer reviewed
Paris, C., Devoet, C., Fagnart, J.-L., & Wildemeersch, J. (Eds.). (2014). Recueil de jurisprudence - Responsabilité - Assurances - Accidents du travail. (Volume II - Jurisprudence 2012). Liège, Belgium: Anthemis.
Editorial reviewed
Candelon, B., Gautier, A., & Petit, N. (January 2014). Market Power in the Credit Rating Industry: State of Play and Proposal for Reforms. CPI Antitrust Chronicle, 2.
Peer reviewed
Demoulin, I., & Matray, D. (2014). MARC et droit de la construction : tour d’horizon. In Les Modes Alternatifs de Règlement des Conflits (pp. 21-38). Larcier.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). No privatisation in the service of fair competition? Article 345 TFEU and the market-state balance after Essent. European Law Review, 39, 264-275.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Review of State Aid and the European Economic Constitution by Francesco de Cecco. European Law Review, 39, 879-881.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Adieu thuislandcontrole? Eengemaakt supranationaal toezicht op kredietinstellingen gevestigd in de Eurozone. Tijdschrift voor Rechtspersoon en Vennootschap - Revue pratique des sociétés, 89-114.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Devroe, W. (2014). The impact of EU Law General Principles on Private Law Relationships. In A. Hartkamp, C. Sieburgh, L. A. D. Keus, J. Kortmann, ... M. H. Wissink (Eds.), The influence of EU Law on national private law (Onderneming en Recht, pp. 187-218). Deventer, Netherlands: Kluwer Law International.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Procedural autonomy as integration-reinforcement. The Court of Justice of the European Union and national procedural choices. In W. Werner & L. Gruszczynski (Eds.), Deference in international courts and tribunals. Standard of review and margin of appreciation (pp. 175-191). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N., & Bostyn, S. (2014). Patent=Monopoly: A Legal Fiction. SSRN. doi:10.2139/ssrn.2373471
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Market supervision in the European Union. Integrated administration in constitutional context. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Europeaniserend markttoezicht op zoek naar nieuwe evenwichten. Sociaal‐Economische Wetgeving: Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht, 162-178.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2014). European Competition Law. A Case Commentary: State Aid. In W. Verloren van Themaat & B. Reuder (Eds.), European Competition Law: A Case Commentary (pp. 870). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., Morgan de Rivery, E., & Petit, N. (2014). Antitrust damages in EU law and policy: Introduction. Series n° 5. In J. Derenne, E. Morgan de Rivery, ... N. Petit (Eds.), Antitrust damages in EU law and policy, GCLC, College of Europe - Annual Conference Series n° 5. Brussels, Belgium: Bruylant.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Blockx, J. (2014). Chronique "Aides d'Etat": Application des règles sur les aides d'Etat dans des affaires concernant la Belgique (juridictions belges et européennes, Commission européenne) - Années 2011-2013. Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging, (4), 301-334.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Cabay, J. (2014). Ready-made, maïeutique et droit d’auteur. Art Même: Chronique des Arts Plastiques de la Communauté Française de Belgique, 61 (2014), 3-6.
Cabay, J. (2014). L'originalité d'une oeuvre musicale: note sous Mons, 3 février 2014. Revue de Droit Commercial Belge, 2014 (5), 519-527.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Neyrinck, N. (2014). Report for Belgium 2012 LIDC Report for Belgium - SMEs and Competition Law: Should small and middle size undertakings be subject to other or specific competition rules. In N. Neyrinck (Ed.), ntitrust for Small and Middle Size Undertakings and Image Protection from Non-Competitors (pp. 41-64). Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
Peer reviewed
Cabay, J., & Van Den Eynde, L. (2014). L’affaire Szymkovicz-Meessen - La désignation de l’artiste belge francophone à la Biennale de Venise de nouveau attaquée devant le Conseil d’État: point donc de calme dans la « Sérénissime » ? Justice en ligne.
Petit, N. (2014). Financial Fair Play ou "Oligopoleague" de clubs rentiers: Elements d'analyse en droit de la concurrence. ORBi-University of Liège.
Cabay, J. (2014). Copyright Exhaustion in the USA [Paper presentation]. Leçon donnée dans le cadre du cours Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights in the EU and the WTO de Bernard VANBRABANT dans le Master complémentaire en droit européen – droit de la concurrence et de la propriété intellectuelle, Liège, Belgium.
Cabay, J. (2014). Eléments de droit pour une analyse psychologique de la propriété intellectuelle [Paper presentation]. Leçon donnée dans le cadre du cours Psychologie économique de Sabine POHL dans le Master en sciences psychologiques, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Vanbrabant, B. (2014). L’ancrage de la propriété intellectuelle dans le droit économique : codification et régulation du marché (livre XI). Journal des Tribunaux, 737-745.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Article 101 TFEU and the EU Courts: adapting legal form to the realities of modernisation? Common Market Law Review, 51, 1381-1435.
Peer reviewed
Wildemeersch, J. (2014). La condition de l'article 263, alinéa 4, TFUE relative à l'absence de mesures d'exécution et l'arrêt Telefonica : de l'inutilité d'une réforme. Revue des Affaires Européennes, 2013 (4), 861-871.
Peer reviewed
Sibony, A.-L., & Demoulin, I. (2014). Ciseau tarifaire : La Commission européenne jouit d’une large marge de discrétion lorsqu’elle prend en considération les décisions et documents établis par les régulateurs sectoriels nationaux. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, N° 1-2014, 65-66.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N. (2014). Price Squeezes with Positive Margins - Economic and Legal Anatomy of a Zombie. Revue du Droit des Industries de Réseau.
Peer reviewed
Jafferali, R., Berwette, M., Biart, J., Cabay, J., Campolini, P., Coenjaerts, L., Gallus, N., Grégoire, M., Maeterlinck, A., Toro, J., & Wyart, V. (2014). Chronique de législation en droit privé (1er janvier - 30 juin 2013). Journal des Tribunaux, 2014, 17-26.
Sibony, A.-L., & Demoulin, I. (2014). Contrôle de pleine juridiction sur le montant des amendes : L’Avocat général Wathelet propose de renvoyer une affaire d’abus de position dominante au Tribunal pour que le calcul de l’amende fasse l’objet d’un examen approfondi. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 1-2014, 66-67.
Peer reviewed
Demoulin, I., & Sibony, A.-L. (January 2014). Arrêt Essent c. Pays-Bas: l'interdiction absolue de privatisation à l'épreuve de la libre circulation des capitaux. Journal de Droit Européen, 1, 17-19.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N. (2014). Uber, Concurrent Déloyal ou Champion Libérateur de l’Économie du Partage ? LCII Policy Briefs.
Bellis, J.-F., & Petit, N. (2014). Le droit de la concurrence : précautions utiles lors de la rédaction d'un contrat de distribution. In UB3 - Actualités en matière de rédaction des contrats de distribution. Bruylant.
Derenne, J., Citron, P., Domecq, M., & Mylrea-Lowndes, T. (2014). Recent Developments in State Aid Law. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 5 (1), 53-61.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Jafferali, R., Aughuet, C., Berwette, M., Biart, J., Cabay, J., Campolini, P., Coenjaerts, L., Gallus, N., Grégoire, M., Rousseau, M., & Taton, X. (2014). Chronique de législation en droit privé (1er juillet - 31 décembre 2013). Journal des Tribunaux, 2014, 489-504.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Efficient justice in the service of justiciable efficiency? Varieties of comprehensive judicial review in EU competition law enforcement. Competition Law Review, 10, 35-63.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2014). Meroni circumvented? Article 114 TFEU and EU regulatory agencies. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 21, 64-88. doi:10.1177/1023263X1402100104
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (13 December 2013). Conduct of business rules in EU financial services regulation: behavioural rules devoid of behavioural analysis? [Paper presentation]. Nudging Europe, Liège, Belgium.
Petit, N. (2013). Injunctions for FRAND Pledged SEPs : The question for an appropriate test of abuse under article 102 TFUE. European Competition Journal.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (28 November 2013). Towards institutional heteronomy? EU law and the structuring of national supervisory authorities’ [Paper presentation]. Ius Commune Conference - Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (31 October 2013). From ‘interference’ to post-national ‘solidarity’. Re-imagining transnational law in a post-crisis regionally integrated regulatory context [Paper presentation]. Law in a Changing Transnational World Workshop, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (19 September 2013). Efficient justice in the service of justiciable efficiency? Converging supranationally structured litigation standards in national antitrust law and state aid disputes [Paper presentation]. Competition and State Aid Litigation – The Effect of Procedures on Substance, Competition Law Scholars Forum Conference, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Vanbrabant, B. (2013). La propriété intellectuelle : nature juridique et régime patrimonial [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2013). From shared competences to institutional heteronomy. The constitutional architecture of supranationally structured market supervision [Doctoral thesis, KU Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven]. ORBi-University of Liège.
Petit, N. (2013). The Oligopoly Problem in EU Competition Law. In D. GERADIN & I. LIANNOS (Eds.), Research Handbook in European Competition Law. Edward Elgar.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2013). Economic reasoning and the Courts across EU law [Paper presentation]. Common Law Society Summer School, Giant Mountains, Czechia.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (04 July 2013). United in institutional diversity? Consumer financial protection in the EU and U.S. and the road towards global institutional convergence [Paper presentation]. 14th International Association of Consumer Law Conference, Sydney, Australia.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (21 June 2013). Fragmented transnational solidarity conceptions and EU constitutional law in the wake of economic crisis [Paper presentation]. Legal Workshop: European Union, Solidarity in Question?, London, United Kingdom.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (03 June 2013). The political economy of supranational post-crisis governance and law [Paper presentation]. Harvard Institute for Global Law and Policy first Bi-Annual Conference, Cambridge, United States - Massachusetts.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (30 May 2013). The proposal for a financial transaction tax. Regulatory differentiation in the service of ‘fast track’ Europe [Paper presentation]. Between Flexibility and Disintegration – The State of EU Law Today, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (23 April 2013). Supranational recalibration of national (procedural) law [Paper presentation]. University of Exeter Staff Seminar, Exeter, United Kingdom.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (09 April 2013). Between delegation and attribution. Article 114 TFEU, integrated administration and the constitutional circumvention of the Meroni-judgment in the establishment of new EU regulatory agencies [Paper presentation]. International Graduate Legal Research Conference, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (28 March 2013). Forging EU post-crisis institutional reform in the wake of constitutional heteronomy [Paper presentation]. 24th Annual Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, York, United Kingdom.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (27 March 2013). National courts as legitimising trendsetters: national institutional adaptations and strategic cooperation among judges in the shadow of EU constitutional law [Paper presentation]. 24th Annual Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference, York, United Kingdom.
Wildemeersch, J. (February 2013). Cour de justice : nouvelles règles de procédure. Journal de Droit Européen, 2, 49-51.
Peer reviewed
Paris, C., Devoet, C., Fagnart, J.-L., & Wildemeersch, J. (Eds.). (2013). Recueil de jurisprudence - Responsabilité - Assurances - Accidents du travail. Belgium: Anthemis.
Editorial reviewed
Zians, A., & Miny, X. (2013). Chi va piano... paga: Le transporteur ferroviaire ne peut invoquer la force majeure pour s'exonérer de son obligation d'indemniser les passagers en cas de retard. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, (3-4), 469-484.
Derenne, J., & Citron, P. (2013). Round up of EU Competition Law Developments: October – December 2012. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 4 (2), 192-198.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Petit, N. (2013). Droit européen de la concurrence. Paris, France: Montchrestien.
Cabay, J. (2013). "Ce sont les regardeurs qui font les tableaux" – La forme d’une œuvre d’art conceptuel en droit d’auteur. In A. Puttemans & B. Demarsin (Eds.), Les aspects juridiques de l’art contemporain (pp. 9-82). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.
Cabay, J. (2013). American Copyright Law and Belgian/EU ‘Droit d’Auteur’ : Cross-Atlantic Conversations on the Freedom of Artistic Creation [Paper presentation]. Visiting Scholar Forum, New York, United States - New York.
Cabay, J. (2013). L’appropriation du document à des fins créatives [Paper presentation]. Colloque Document, Fiction et Droit 2 (Wiels Museum), Bruxelles, Belgium.
Vanbrabant, B. (2013). Transferts de technologie: la sécurisation des redevances est-elle contraire au droit de la concurrence ? Intellectuele Rechten, (4), 300-310.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2013). EU-rechtelijk gestructureerd nationaal mededingingstoezicht. Nationale institutionele autonomie steeds meer een illusie? Markt en Mededinging, 146-153.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (Crit. Ed.). (2013). Competition Law in times of Economic Crisis: in Need of Adjustment? : State aid and the financial crisis. In J. Derenne, M. Merola, ... J. Rivas (Eds.), Competition Law in times of Economic Crisis: in Need of Adjustment ? (pp. 650). Brussels, Belgium: Bruylant.
Peeters, B., Bourgeois, M., Wathelet, M., & Wildemeersch, J. (2013). Zuiver interne situaties, omgekeerde discriminaties en het fiscaal recht. Tijdschrift voor Fiscaal Recht, 193-212.
Peer reviewed
Cabay, J. (2013). L’épuisement en ligne du droit d’auteur – Pérégrinations le long des frontières américaines et européennes du droit de distribution. Auteurs et Media, 5 (2013), 303-319.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N., & Rato, M. (2013). Abuse of Dominance in Technology-Enabled Markets: Established Standards Reconsidered? European Competition Journal.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Petit, N. (2013). Ethique et conflits d'intérêts en droit européen de la concurrence. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, (1).
Peer reviewed
Petit, N. (2013). The Future of the Court of Justice in EU Competition Law Copyright Year. In The Court of Justice and the Construction of Europe: Analyses and Perspectives on Sixty Years of Case-law. Asser Press.
Peer reviewed
Cabay, J. (2013). L’épuisement en ligne du droit d’auteur aux USA et en UE : vers un marché d’occasion des produits numériques ? [Paper presentation]. Conférence du Centre de droit privé de l’ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Jafferali, R., Berwette, M., Biart, J., Cabay, J., Campolini, P., Coenjaerts, L., Degrave, S., Gallus, N., Grégoire, M., Szafran, D., & Toro, J. (2013). Chronique de législation en droit privé (1er janvier - 30 juin 2012). Journal des Tribunaux, 2013, 69-83.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2013). Insitutional assimilation in the wake of EU competition law decentralisation. Competition Law Review, 8 (3), 285-312.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Devroe, W. (2013). Internal Market, competition law and industrial policy. In M. De Visser & A.-P. van der Mei (Eds.), The Treaty on European Union 1993-2013: Reflections from Maastricht (pp. 429-450). Antwerp, Belgium: Intersentia.
Peer reviewed
Wildemeersch, J. (2013). Bruxelles-Strasbourg, une liaison qui ne connaît pas la crise (note sous CJ, arrêt du 13 décembre 2102, France et Luxembourg c. Parlement, aff. jointes C-237/11 et C-238/11). Revue des Affaires Européennes, 881-885.
Petit, N. (2013). The Future of the Court of Justice in EU Competition Law - New Role and Responsibilities. In in Court of Justice of the EU (Ed.), The Court of Justice and the Construction of Europe: Analyses and Perspectives on Sixty Years of Case-law. CJUE.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N. (2013). Of conflicts of interests in EU competition proceedings. European Competition Law Review, 34 (6), 338-339.
Derenne, J., Merola, M., & Rivas, J. (Eds.). (2013). Competition Law in times of Economic Crisis : in Need of Adjustment? Belgium: Bruylant.
Jafferali, R., Aughuet, C., Berwette, M., Biart, J., Cabay, J., Campolini, P., Coenjaerts, L., Gallus, N., Grégoire, M., Rousseau, M., & Szafran, D. (2013). Chronique de législation en droit privé (1er juillet - 31 décembre 2012). Journal des Tribunaux, (2013), 389-398.
Strowel, A., & Vanbrabant, B. (2013). Copyright Licensing - a European view. In J. de Werra, Research Handbook on Intellectual Property Licensing (pp. 29-52). Edward Elgar.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2013). “Onderling afgestemde feitelijke gedragingen” en de gebrekkige afstemming van Belgisch en Europees mededingingsrecht na Oxycure. In P. Wytinck, K. Geens, ... W. Devroe (Ed.), Mijlpalen uit het Belgisch mededingingsrecht geannoteerd. Liber Amicorum Jules Stuyck (pp. 106-147). Malines, Belgium: Wolters Kluwer.
Peer reviewed
Neyrinck, N. (2012). Multinationales et droit de la propriété intellectuelle – Le cas des savoirs traditionnels. In C. Brüls (Ed.), Les Multinationales (pp. 225 - 258). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (01 December 2012). Re-imagining transnational solidarity in post-crisis European Union law [Paper presentation]. Yale Law School Second Doctoral Conference, New Haven, United States - Connecticut.
Petit, N. (29 November 2012). Microsoft Corp. contre Commission T-167/08, 27 juin 2012 [Paper presentation]. EIPA ANNUAL CONFERENCE RECENT TRENDS IN THE CASE LAW OF THE COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE EU, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (09 November 2012). The converging constitutional architecture of EU market supervision: EU competition law v. EU financial market regulation [Poster presentation]. Second Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance Conference, A New Role for the EU in Economic Governance. Lessons from emerging and existing models, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (06 November 2012). European financial market supervision: a legal and economic perspective [Paper presentation]. Research Unit Economic Law Seminar, Leuven, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (26 October 2012). The European Court of Justice and national (procedural) choices: guided deference in the shadow of crypto-federalism [Paper presentation]. Standard of Review in International Courts and Tribunals. Rethinking the Fragmentation and Constitutionalization of International Law, Sevilla, Spain.
Petit, N. (20 September 2012). Aims and Values in EU Competition Law [Paper presentation]. University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (29 June 2012). EU fundamental rights v. national procedural autonomy. The confusing constitutional status of positive procedural obligations in EU law [Paper presentation]. Third Conference on The Future of European Law and Policy Conference: Integration or Disintegration?, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Petit, N. (2012). L'Europe change nos vies. Sudpresse.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (06 June 2012). Institutional settlement: re-imagining EU substantive law methodology through the lenses of market supervision’ [Paper presentation]. Third Writing Workshop, Harvard Institute for Global Law and Policy Workshop, Cambridge, United States - Massachusetts.
Neyrinck, N., & Demuyter, L. (2012). Une transaction en droit belge de la concurrence ? Approche critique des proprositions de la Direction Générale de la Concurrence et du Ministère de l'Economie. Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging, (2-3), 106-118.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Petit, N. (2012). Europe's antitrust chief urges Google to settle allegations. Los Angeles Times.
Petit, N. (2012). Europe weighs Antitrust Case aigainst Google, urging search changes. New York
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (04 May 2012). A confusing constitutional status for positive procedural obligations in EU law [Paper presentation]. ACCA Young Belgian Researchers’ conference, Leuven, Belgium.
Petit, N. (2012). Change of Tone could help Google in European Antitrust Case. New York
Petit, N. (2012). US Antitrust Move has Google fighting on Two Fronts. New York
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (13 April 2012). The new institutional settlement in EU financial regulation: constitutionalizing regulatory coopetition? [Paper presentation]. 8th Inter-University Graduate Law Conference, Cornell Law School, Ithaca, United States - New York.
Petit, N., & Lousberg, C. (2012). Chronique - Cour de Justice et Tribunal de l'Union européenne - Concurrence. Journal du Droit International, (2), 747-759.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (30 March 2012). The converging dynamics of behavioural judicial analysis in comparative law [Paper presentation]. Second Annual Workshop on International and Comparative Law, St. Louis, MO, United States - Missouri.
Petit, N. (2012). A Quick Look into the past, present and future of competition Enforcement in the Pharmaceutical Sector.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (22 March 2012). Institutional assimilation in the wake of EU competition law decentralisation [Paper presentation]. Sixth Annual Postgraduate Workshop, UCD School of Law, Dublin, Ireland.
Petit, N. (2012). Budget : Après la rigueur douce, la concurrence dure? La Libre Belgique.
Wildemeersch, J., & Wathelet, M. (March 2012). Recours en annulation : une première interprétation restrictive du droit d’action élargi des particuliers ? Journal de Droit Européen, 3, 75-79.
Peer reviewed
Vanbrabant, B. (2012). Aperçu des règles de compétence internationale en matière de propriété intellectuelle. In Droits intellectuels : le contentieux (compétence, procédures, sanctions) (pp. 15). Belgium: Anthemis.
Vanbrabant, B. (2012). Introduction. In Droits intellectuels : le contentieux (compétence, procédures, sanctions) (pp. 1). Belgium: Anthemis.
Wildemeersch, J. (2012). Libre choix de l’avocat et assurance protection juridique : quand obligatoire ne veut pas dire absolu. Revue Européenne de Droit de la Consommation, (1), 127-132.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2012). Industrial Policy and Competition Enforcement: Is There, Could There and Should There Be a Nexus? [Paper presentation]. 2012 GCLC Annual Conference, 8-9 November 2012, Residence Palace, Brussels.
Derenne, J. (2012). La récupération des aides illégales et incompatibles : Un tour d'horizon sélectif de la jurisprudence européenne depuis la communication « récupération » de 2007 de la Commission européenne. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, (1), 73-86.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2012). Judge-made standards of national procedure in the post-Lisbon constitutional framework. European Law Review, 37, 90-100.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2012). The confusing constitutional status of positive procedural obligations in EU law. Review of European Administrative Law, 81-100.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Cabay, J. (2012). L’avenir de la propriété intellectuelle: à la lumière ou à l’ombre d’ACTA [Paper presentation]. Conférence : ACTA, le chant du cygne ?, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Vanbrabant, B., & Strowel, A. (2012). Balancing Copyright - Belgian Report. In R. Hilty & S. Nérisson, Balancing Copyright – A Survey of National Approaches (pp. 119). Springer Verlag.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2012). Judicial protection against European financial supervisory authorities. ELSA Malta Law Review, 231-263.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2012). Comment on Case C-69/10, Brahim Samba Diouf v. Ministre du Travail, de l’Emploi et de l’Immigration, Judgment of the Court of Justice (Second Chamber) of 28 July 2011, nyr. Common Market Law Review, 49, 327-348.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2012). The hearing officer's extended mandate: whose special friend in the conduct of EU competition proceedings? European Competition Law Review, 286-293.
Peer reviewed
Cabay, J. (2012). L'action directe du maître de l'ouvrage contre le sous-traitant : la porte reste ouverte: Observations sous Cass., 15 septembre 2011. Entreprise et le Droit, 2012 (2), 61-86.
Peer reviewed
Cabay, J. (2012). Qui veut gagner son procès? - L'avis du public dans l'appréciation de la contrefaçon en droit d'auteur. Auteurs et Media, 2012 (1), 13-29.
Peer reviewed
Cabay, J. (2012). La saisie, tout comme la faillite, empêche l’exercice de l’action directe du sous-traitant : comparaison n’est pas raison…: Note sous Gand, 28 janvier 2011 et Cass., 20 janvier 2012. Entreprise et le Droit, 2012 (3), 51-62.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2012). Recovery of Unlawful State Aid and Determination of Beneficiaries: Guidance for National Courts. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 3 (5), 469-470. doi:10.1093/jeclap/lps037
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Petit, N., Geradin, D., & Layne-Farrar, A. (2012). EU Competition Law and Economics. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Petit, N. (2012). Conceptual Foundations and Practical Framework in Vertical Restraints And Distribution Agreements Under EU Competition Law. In N. Petit & C. Gheur (Eds.), Vertical Restraints and Distribution Agreements under EU Competition Law. Bruxelles, Belgium: Bruylant.
Cabay, J. (2012). Fable juridique du Chêne et du Roseau (ou : le problème de la définition de l’œuvre en droit d’auteur) [Paper presentation]. 1ère Conférence ACCA des assistants en droit sur le thème (Over)regulering vs. Flexibilisering – (Hyper)régulation vs. Flexibilisation, Leuven, Belgium.
Cabay, J. (2012). Duchamp, the audience and the expression of a work of conceptual art [Paper presentation]. Présentation dans le cadre du panel Protection of ideas lors de l’International Summer Seminar : Copyright in motion, Paris, France.
Cabay, J. (2012). Art contemporain et droit d’auteur – Toute œuvre d’art est-elle une œuvre au sens du droit d’auteur ? [Paper presentation]. Conférence organisée dans le cadre des Journées portes ouvertes de l’Académie des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Derenne, J. (2012). Round up of key EU competition developments: October - December 2011. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 3 (2), 217-222.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2012). Constitutionalising comprehensively tailored judicial review in EU competition law. Columbia Journal of European Law, 519-547.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Cabay, J. (2012). Droit privé belge (1er juillet - 31 décembre 2011) (2e partie): Droits intellectuels. Journal des Tribunaux, 2012 (6478), 361-367.
Vanbrabant, B., & Strowel, A. (2012). Belgium. In R. M. Hilty & S. Nérisson, Balancing Copyright - A Survey of National Approaches (pp. 119-161). Springer.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Merola, M. (Eds.). (2012). The Role of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Competition Law Cases. Belgium: Bruylant.
Derenne, J. (2012). The Scope of Judicial Review in EU Economic Cases. In Proceedings of the 2010 Annual conference of the GCLC (pp. 73-83). Brussels, Belgium: Bruylant.
Peer reviewed
Cabay, J. (2012). L’exercice de l’action directe par le sous-traitant est-il susceptible d’abus ?: Note sous Comm. Bruxelles, 15 mars 2011. Entreprise et le Droit, 2012 (3), 85-91.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Dony, M. (2012). Chronique de jurisprudence européenne - 2008-2010: Aides d'Etat. Cahiers de Droit Européen, 2, 679-765.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N., & Henry, D. (2011). Vertical Restraints under EU Competition Law: Conceptual Foundations and Practical Framework. Bruylant.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (08 December 2011). Comment: Global virtues, EU vices? European economic and social governance in a post-crisis atmosphere [Paper presentation]. The European Union's economic and social model - still viable in a global crisis?, Leeds, United Kingdom.
Wildemeersch, J. (December 2011). L'étendue du recours direct de l'employeur public : enfin une réponse. Forum de l'Assurance, 119, 220-223.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N. (December 2011). Credit rating agencies, the Sovereign Debt Crisis and Competition Law. European Competition Journal, 7 (3).
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Petit, N. (December 2011). Excessive Pricing: The Flaws of ‘Tea Party Competition’ Policy. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 2 (6), 519-520.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (October 2011). Collective dominance: An overview of national case law. e-Competitions, N°39129.
Petit, N., & Lousberg, C. (2011). Arrêt Tele 2 Polska: une interprétation contestable de la compétence des autorités nationales de concurrence. Journal de Droit Européen, (182), 242-245.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (August 2011). Credit Rating Agencies and Competition Law. CPI Antitrust Journal, 8 (Summer).
Petit, N. (2011). L'UE devrait enquêter sur l'irrationalité des agences de notation. Libération, p. 14.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2011). Single entity tests in U.S. antitrust and EU competition law. ORBi-University of Liège.
Petit, N. (2011). Les vertus oubliées d'une politique de concurrence efficace. Le Soir, p. 14.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (06 June 2011). Europe’s alternative path to responsive law. EU financial and budgetary crisis management between enhanced integration and responsive transnationalism [Paper presentation]. Second Writing Workshop, Harvard Institute for Global Law and Policy Workshop, Cambridge, United States - Massachusetts.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (21 May 2011). Europeanised Market Supervision in Search for a Cross-Sector Constitutional Framework: financial regulation v. competition law [Paper presentation]. Ph.D Day Research Unit Economic Law, Leuven, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (10 May 2011). This time, Europe is different. European Union Financial Crisis Management at the crossroads of transnational law [Paper presentation]. Osgoode Hall GLSA Conference on Transnational Law and Global Governance, Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto, Canada.
Neyrinck, N., & Hermida, L. (April 2011). The Belgian Competition Council dismisses a claim from the Prosecutor concerning a coordinated price increase due to the non-respect of the rights of the defence (Ferrero). e-Competitions, 45895.
Neyrinck, N., & Metz, Q. (April 2011). The Belgian Competition Council returns the case to the College of Prosecutors for having failed to consider the repeated nature of the abuse in its assessment of termination rules (Omega Pharma). e-Competitions, 45892.
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (April 2011). Back to Microsoft I and II: Tying and the Art of Secret Magic. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 2 (2), 117-121. doi:10.1093/jeclap/lpq080
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Derenne, J., & Kaczmarek, C. (2011). Regards sur le principe de l’investisseur privé en économie de marché: À propos des derniers développements jurisprudentiels. Journal de Droit Européen, (177), 61-68.
Peer reviewed
Neyrinck, N., & Beddeleem, O. (2011). Utilisation stratégique du droit de la concurrence: Le cas de la ‘‘TVA Bouygues Telecom’’. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, (3).
Cabay, J., & Ekierman, I. (2011). Le coordinateur sécurité-santé: Observations sous Liège, 18 mai 2009. Entreprise et le Droit, 2011 (3), 207-213.
Derenne, J., & Smeets, M. (2011). Chronique "Aides d'Etat"Application des règles sur les aides d'Etat dans des affaires concernant la Belgique (juridictions belges et européennes, Commission européenne) - Années 2009 et 2010. Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging, (2), 100-132.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Vanbrabant, B., & Van Couter, Y. (2011). Lernout & Hauspie : License to bill ? Intellectuele Rechten, (2).
Wildemeersch, J., & Cheneviere, C. (2011). Le rôle des parlements nationaux dans le Traité de Lisbonne. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, (3/4), 449-465.
Peer reviewed
Wildemeersch, J., Wathelet, M., & Bourgeois, M. (2011). Situations purement internes, discriminations à rebours et fiscalité. Revue Générale du Contentieux Fiscal, (6), 465-487.
Peer reviewed
Cabay, J. (2011). Droit privé belge (1er janvier – 30 juin 2011): Droits intellectuels. Journal des Tribunaux, 2011 (6454), 747-752.
Cabay, J. (2011). Ce sont les regardeurs qui font les tableaux: La notion de forme en droit d’auteur [Paper presentation]. Colloque Les aspects juridiques de l’art contemporain (Wiels Museum), Bruxelles, Belgium.
Petit, N. (2011). The Economics of Parallel Trade – Econ-oclast Views on a Dogma of EU Competition Law. In I. Govaere, R. Quick, ... M. Bronckers (Eds.), Trade and Competition Law in The EU and Beyond, Edward Elgar Publishing. edward elgar publishing.
Cabay, J. (2011). Pratiques artistiques contemporaines et droit d’auteur [Paper presentation]. Conférence Art et droit organisée pour les 300 ans de l’Académie royale des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles et les 200 ans du Barreau de Bruxelles au Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2011). Transforming shields into swords. The VEBIC judgment, adequate judicial protection standards and the emergence of procedural heteronomy in EU law. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 18, 511-547. doi:10.1177/1023263X1101800407
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P., & Devroe, W. (2011). Observations on Economic Governance and the Search for a European Economic Constitution. In D. Schiek, U. Liebert, ... H. Schneider (Eds.), European Social and Economic Constitutionalism after Lisbon (pp. 95-120). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511835193.007
Peer reviewed
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2011). Droit de la concurrence et instrumentalisation parisitaire. In C. Roquilly (Ed.), La contribution des juristes et du droit à la performance de l'entreprise (pp. 74-86). Paris, France: Joly éditions.
Petit, N. (2011). The Judgement of the European Court of Justice in VEBIC: Filling a Gap in Regulation 1/2003. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 2 (4), 340-344. doi:10.1093/jeclap/lpr030
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Vanbrabant, B., & Strowel, A. (2011). La mise en balance du droit d’auteur. In Rapports belges au Congrès de l'Académie Internationale de Droit Comparé à Washington (pp. 555). Bruylant.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Dony, M. (2011). Chronique de jurisprudence européenne – 2008-2010: Aides d’Etat: règles de fond (n° 1 à 94). Cahiers de Droit Européen, 3, 211-278.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2011). Round up of key EU competition developments: October - December 2010. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Neyrinck, N. (December 2010). Rambus déclare forfait. La Commission dans un fauteuil. Revue du Droit des Technologies de l'Information, 41, 90-113.
Neyrinck, N. (2010). Il faut criminaliser les cartels. L'Echo, p. 16.
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2010). Tying Law in Microsoft I and II: The Secret Art of Magic? ORBi-University of Liège.
Petit, N., & geradin, D. (2010). Judicial Review in European Union Competition Law: A Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment. ORBi-University of Liège.
Hull, D. (2010). The AstraZeneca Judgment: Implications for IP and Regulatory Strategies. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice. doi:10.1093/jeclap/lpq057
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Petit, N. (September 2010). Remedies for Coordinated Effects under the EU Merger Regulation. Competition Law International, 6 (2), 29-37.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N. (September 2010). Remedies for Coordinated Effects under the EU Merger Regulation. Competition Law International, 6 (2), 29-37.
Petit, N. (2010). The Economics of Parallel Trade – Iconoclast Views on a Dogma of EU Competition Law. ORBi-University of Liège.
Neyrinck, N., & Smessaert, D. (August 2010). The Belgian Competition Council issues an infringement decision for the imposition of minimum prices by the Belgian professional association of real estate agents and orders the publication of its decision (Beroepsinstituut van Vastgoedmakelaars). e-Competitions, 47336.
Neyrinck, N., & Metz, Q. (July 2010). The Belgium Competition Council dismisses a complaint against the incumbent telecoms operator regarding the access to its broadband network (Mobistar / Belgacom). e-Competitions, 36453.
Vanbrabant, B. (June 2010). La prescription en droit d'auteur. Auteurs et Media, 5/6, 414-437.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2010). From obscuring transcendentalism to functional openness in European Court of Justice scholarship [Specialised master, Harvard University]. ORBi-University of Liège.
Petit, N. (2010). The Past Clouds the Future of Europe’s New Antitrust Enforcer. New York Times.
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (15 February 2010). Behavioral Economics and Abuse of Dominance – A Fresh Look at the Article 102 TFEU Case-Law [Paper presentation]. The Vienna Competition 2010.
Petit, N. (February 2010). Editorial - Antitrust in the Energy Sector. Oil, Gas and Energy Law, 8, 1-2.
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (February 2010). A Review of the Competition Law Implications of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. CPI Antitrust Journal, 1.
Derenne, J. (2010). Juge national et récupération d’aide illégale: enseignements des arrêts ‘CELF I & II'. Revue de Droit Commercial Belge, (7), 673-684.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Derenne, J. (2010). Round up of key EU competition developments, October - December 2009. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice, 1 (2), 162-167.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Petit, N. (2010). Le droit européen de la concurrence au banc des accusés. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, (2).
Peer reviewed
Petit, N., & Henry, D. (2010). Why the EU Merger Regulation should not enjoy a Monopoly over Tacit Collusion. In Krasnodebska-Tomkiel (Ed.), Changes in Competition policy over the last two Decades (pp. 181-197). Varsovie, Poland: UOKIK.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N., & Provost, E. (2010). L'émancipation du Conseil de la Concurrence? Note sous la décision du Conseil de la concurrence du 26 mai 2009 dans l'affaire Base/BMB. Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging, (2), 89-101.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Petit, N. (2010). How Much Discretion do, and should, Competition Authorities enjoy in the Course of their Enforcement Activities? A Multi-Jurisdictional Assessment. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, (1), 44-62.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N., & Lousberg, C. (2010). Enquêtes sectorielles: complément ou substitut de l'action des autorités de concurrence? Le "couteau suisse" du droit européen de la concurrence? Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, (2), 19-28.
Peer reviewed
Wildemeersch, J. (2010). La rupture du contrat avec son avocat a-t-elle un coût ? Réflexions entre souci de rentabilité et respect de la déontologie. Revue de Jurisprudence de Liège, Mons et Bruxelles, (21), 983-989.
Wildemeersch, J., & Wathelet, M. (2010). L’arrêt Olympique Lyonnais : la Cour de justice fait-elle une passe au monde du football (CJ, 16 mars 2010, Olympique Lyonnais, aff. C-325/08). Revue Lamy Droit des Affaires.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2010). Individuele rechtsbescherming, Europese netwerken van nationale toezichthouders en Lamfalussy-Convergentie. Sociaal‐Economische Wetgeving: Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht, 13-31.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., Müller-Rappard, A., & Kaczmarek, C. (Eds.). (2010). Enforcement of EU State aid law at national level - Reports from the 27 Member States. Berlin, Germany: Lexxion.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2010). Europees financieel toezicht tussen droom en daad: Enkele alternatieve suggesties in het licht van de financiële crisis. Jura Falconis, 379-409.
Lecocq, P., & Vanbrabant, B. (2010). "Le droit des biens : une évolution indispensable sans révolution inutile". In L'avenir de la recherche, Réflexions à l'occasion des leçons inaugurales 2010 (pp. 30-31). ULg.
Petit, N., & Neyrinck, N. (2010). Behavioral Economics and Abuse of Dominance: A Proposed Alternative Reading of the Article 102 TFEU Case-Law. Global Competition Law Centre Working Papers Series, (02/2010).
Wildemeersch, J. (December 2009). L'indemnisation de la rente versée en réparation d'une incapacité permanente : trois pas en avant, deux pas en arrière - Brève analyse non exhaustive de la jurisprudence de la Cour de cassation. Forum de l'Assurance, 99, 201-206.
Peer reviewed
Neyrinck, N., & Sabbadini, P. (December 2009). The Belgian competition Council’s College of Prosecutors dismiss multiple complaints against the incumbent telecom operator for abuse of a dominant position on the international transit services for call termination in Belgium (Base / Belgacom. e-Competitions, Art. N° 35146.
Petit, N. (December 2009). From formalism to effects? The Commission's Communication on enforcement priorities in applying article 82 EC. World Competition: Law and Economics Review, 32, 485-504.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Petit, N., & Provost, E. (2009). Abusive margin squeeze: an overview of European national case laws. e-Competitions, 11.
Petit, N. (25 October 2009). Annual congress of the international league for competition law [Paper presentation]. Congrès annuel international de la ligue pour le droit de la concurence, Vienne, Austria.
Defossez, A., & Petit, N. (2009). Lisbonne, et après? La Libre Belgique.
Neyrinck, N., & Coquelet, M. (2009). The Belgian Competition Prosecutor dismisses a claim from the Union of Belgian French-speaking Booksellers against their main distributors concerning alleged illicit agreement and abuse of dominant position (Interforum). Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence.
Neyrinck, N., & Come, A.-S. (2009). The Belgian Competition Prosecutor dismisses a complaint from the Union of Belgian French-speaking Booksellers alleging an abuse of dominance and the existence of a cartel between two book distributors (Dilibel). Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence.
Petit, N., & RABEUX, L. (2009). Judicial Review in French Competition Law and Economic Regulation: A Post Commission v. Tetra laval Assessment. In O. ESSENS, A. GERBRANDY, ... S. LAVRIJSSEN, National Courts and the Standard of Review in Competition Law and Economic Regulation (pp. 103-126). europa law Publishing.
Derenne, J., & Kaczmarek, C. (2009). La récupération des aides illégales : le rôle du juge national dans le "private enforcement" du droit des aides d’Etat. ERA-Forum: Scripta Iuris Europaei, (10), 251-268. doi:10.1007/s12027-009-0112-9
Peer reviewed
Petit, N. (2009). The guidelines on the application of article 81(3) EC: A critical review. ORBi-University of Liège.
Petit, N. (September 2009). International report on Competition Authorities Discretion [Paper presentation]. LIDC Internationale conference, Vienne, Austria.
Petit, N. (08 July 2009). OCCP Seminar on Dominant Positions and New Technologies [Paper presentation]. OCCP Seminar, Warsaw, Poland.
Petit, N. (29 June 2009). Actualité des droits communautaire et belge de la concurrence [Paper presentation]. Commission juridique de la FEB, Bruxellles, Belgium.
Petit, N. (12 June 2009). Towards an optimal enforcement of Competition rules in Europe [Paper presentation]. Annual Conference of the GCLC, Bruxellles, Belgium.
Petit, N., & Defossez, A. (June 2009). La loi belge sur la protection de la concurrence économique - Rapport d'étape après deux années d'application. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 2.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (18 May 2009). European Financial Supervision in the wake crisis: An Alternative Alternative [Paper presentation]. Economic Law in Times of Economic Hardship Conference, Leuven, Belgium.
Petit, N. (08 May 2009). Le droit de la distribution [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de recyclage, Liège, Belgium.
Petit, N. (2009). L'application du droit communautaire des restrictions verticales aux accords de distribution commerciale. Le Droit de la Distribution.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2009). Effective judicial protection against Lamfalussy "level 3" networks of national supervisory authorities [Master’s dissertation, KU Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven]. ORBi-University of Liège.
Neyrinck, N., & De Vos, W. (2009). The Belgian Competition Council assesses the implementation of a merger remedy imposed in the cinemas complexes sector and finds that no prior approval is needed to create a new cinema complex, but refers the case back to the Competition Council’s Prosecutor for further investigation due to changed market conditions (Kinepolis). Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence.
Neyrinck, N., & Caucheteux, L. (2009). The Court of Appeal of Brussels upholds the NCA’s ruling holding that the opening days/hours and advertising provisions for pharmacy outlets, as set by the Belgian Pharmacists Association, were contrary to competition law (Ordre des pharmaciens). Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence.
Petit, N. (13 March 2009). Les fédérations d’entreprises et les règles de concurrence.
Petit, N. (2009). The outcome of the EC pharmaceutical sector inquiry. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, (3).
Petit, N. (12 February 2009). Actualités du droit de la concurence [Paper presentation]. Conférence du jeune Barreau de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Petit, N. (2009). Les strategies juridiques en droit des coordinations entre entreprises Une approche scenarisee. In A. Masson, Les stratégies juridiques des entreprises. Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.
Petit, N. (2009). L'application du droit de la concurrence par les juridictions belges: une analyse tendancielle de la jurisprudence récente. In J.-F. Bellis, Concurrence en droit, belge et européen. Larcier.
Fegatilli, E., & Petit, N. (January 2009). Économétrie du droit de la concurrence, un essai de conceptualisation. Revue Internationale de Droit Economique, I, 67-122.
Cabay, J., & Verstringe, M. (2009). L’exception d’actualité en droit d’auteur. Sabam Magazine, (56), p. 34-35.
Petit, N. (2009). Aperçu de la procédure communautaire de transaction. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence.
Petit, N., & Rato, M. (2009). From hard to soft enforcement of EC Competition Law. Bruxelles, Belgium: Bruylant.
Petit, N., & Daems, I. (2009). La fin de la récréation pour l'opérateur historique? Annotation de la décision du Conseil de la concurrence dans l'affaire Belgacom/Scarlet, 7 novembre 2008. Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging, (3).
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Petit, N., & Abenhaim, M. (2009). L’exemption des engagements d’exclusivité au “seuil” de la réforme du droit des accords verticaux : Quelle(s) part(s) de marché ? Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence.
Wildemeersch, J. (2009). Répétibilité subséquente à un arrêt d'annulation du Conseil d'Etat : un peu, beaucoup... ou pas du tout ? Revue de Jurisprudence de Liège, Mons et Bruxelles, (30), 1418-1422.
Petit, N. (2009). Accords d’échange d’informations et fédérations d’entreprises – Grands principes d’analyse en droit de la concurrence. In P. LAMBRECHT & C. GHEUR, Les fédérations d'entreprises et les règles de concurrence (pp. 52-68). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.
Petit, N., & RABEUX, L. (2009). Judicial Review in French Competition Law and Economic Regulation: A Post Commission v. Tetra laval Assessment. In O. ESSENS, A. GERBRANDY, ... S. LAVRIJSSEN, National courts and the Standard of Review in Competition Law and Economic Regulation (pp. 105-124). europa law Publishing.
Wildemeersch, J. (2009). La responsabilité des pouvoirs publics: valse à trois temps sur un air de 1382. In B. Kohl (Ed.), Droit de la responsabilité (pp. 231-280). Louvain La Neuve, Belgium: Anthemis.
Petit, N. (2009). Concurrence difficile. 15e Jour du Mois, (180), p. 9.
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2009). European law in times of European governance. A legal theory inquiry into the doctrinal perceptions of European law and governance. Jura Falconis.
Petit, N. (2009). Ne dites plus Constitution. 15e Jour du Mois, (169), p. 5.
Wildemeersch, J. (2009). Les services à perte : modalités d'un honoraire digne ? In Regards croisées sur l'avenir des professions libérales (pp. 153-166). Liège, Belgium: Editions du Jeune barreau de Liège.
Cabay, J. (2009). L'action du maître de l'ouvrage contre le sous-traitant : action directe et groupe de contrats à l'appui d'une solution. Journal des Tribunaux, 2009 (6374), 765-774.
Peer reviewed
Van Cleynenbreugel, P. (2009). Gedragsregels in het financieel recht. Jura Falconis.
Derenne, J. (2009). L’affaire Fortis : décision de la Commission du 3 décembre 2008 et arrêt de la cour d’appel de Bruxelles du 12 décembre 2008 (aspects relatifs aux aides d’Etat). Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging, (2), 24-40.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Petit, N. (05 December 2008). Les stratégies juridiques des entreprises en Europe.
Bourgeois, M., Vanbrabant, B., & Romer, A. (2008). Nouveau régime d'imposition pour les revenus de droits d'auteurs et de droits voisins.
Petit, N., & Fegatilli, E. (2008). Économétrie du droit de la concurrence – Un essai de conceptualisation. ORBi-University of Liège.
Petit, N. (September 2008). Non-competition concerns under the ECMR - An overview. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 4-2008, 182-187.
Petit, N. (2008). Trois questions à Nicolas Petit. Forward, (7).
Petit, N., & Rato, M. (2008). From Hard to Soft Enforcement of EC Competition Law - A Bestiary of Sunshine Enforcement Instruments. Alternative Enforcement Techniques in EC Competition Law.
Petit, N. (September 2008). Jacques Steenbergen: A Counsel at the head of the Belgian NCA. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence, 3-2008.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N., & Digneffe, K. (2008). The Belgian Competition Council finds a non-profit association guilty of price fixing but does not impose any fine (AIAB). e-Competitions, (22333).
Wildemeersch, J. (May 2008). Le recours direct de l'employeur public... quand la Cour constitutionnelle s'en mêle ! Forum de l'Assurance, 84, 82-92.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N., & Defossez, A. (May 2008). Les effets des arrêts de la CJCE et du TPICE [Paper presentation]. CUP L'effet de la décision de Justice: contentieux européens, constitutionnel, civil et pénal, Liège, Bruxelles, Charleroi, Belgium.
Petit, N. (May 2008). L'effet de la décision de justice [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de recyclage, Charleroi, Belgium.
Petit, N., & Defossez, A. (2008). L’effet des arrêts de la Cour de Justice et du Tribunal de première instance des Communautés européennes. In G. de Leval & F. Georges, L'effet de la décision de justice. Contentieux européens, constitutionnel, civil et pénal. Anthemis.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N. (17 April 2008). Fidelity Discounts and Rebates not Justified by Costs [Paper presentation]. Association Belge d'Etude de la Concurrence, Bruxellles, Belgium.
Petit, N. (2008). Oligopoles, collusion tacite et droit communautaire de la concurrence. Bruylant.
Petit, N. (29 February 2008). Le Traité de Lisbonne: Traité simplifié ou constitution cachée?
Petit, N. (14 February 2008). L'actualité du droit des ententes 2007 [Paper presentation]. Colloque annuel de l'association Française d'étude de la concurence, Paris, France.
Petit, N. (2008). TPICE British Aggregates Association contre Commission. Revue d'Etudes Juridiques Aménagement, Environnement, Urbanisme et Droit Foncier.
Petit, N., & Verbeke, R. (2008). The Belgian Competition Council bans a price-coordination mechanism in the retail bakery markets (VEBIC). e-Competitions, (21559).
Petit, N., & Lousberg, C. (2008). TPI, 9 septembre 2008, MyTravel Group plc/Commission. Revue des Affaires Européennes, (4), 785-792.
Peer reviewed
Vanbrabant, B., & Van Couter, Y. (2008). Handboek Licentieovereenkomsten. Larcier.
Petit, N. (2008). Traité de Lisbonne et politique de concurrence – Rupture ? Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, (1), 265-279.
Petit, N. (2008). L'actualité du droit des ententes en 2007. Les Petites Affiches.
Wildemeersch, J., & Wathelet, M. (2008). Double manquement et sanctions financières des Etats (article 228, § 2 CE) : le point après quinze ans. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, (3), 324-345.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N. (2008). L'arrêt Microsoft. Abus de position dominante, refus de licence et vente liée... L'article 82 sans code source. Journal de Droit Européen.
Petit, N. (2008). Annotation sous TPICE, T-210/02, 23 décembre 2006, affaire des granulats. Aménagement - Environnement, (2), 119.
Peer reviewed
Vanbrabant, B., & Van Couter, Y. (2008). ‘De exploitatie van intellectuele eigendom via licentieverlening – Capita selecta’. In La propriété intellectuelle omniprésente dans l'entreprise. Bruylant.
Defossez, A., & Petit, N. (2008). L'effet des arrêts et jugements de la CJCE et du TPICE.
Derenne, J. (2008). Notion d'aide d'Etat - La condition de l'avantage. In Collectif, Guide juridique de l'entreprise (2ème éd, pp. 75). Bruxelles, Belgium: Kluwer.
Peer reviewed
Vanbrabant, B., & Van Couter, Y. (2007). De distributie van goederen en de licentieovereenkomst. In Bestendig Handboek Distributierecht (pp. 1-24). Kluwer.
Petit, N. (2007). L'ordonnance Actua TV contre Belgacom TV, ou l'art de la définition stratégique du marché pertinent. Revue du Droit des Technologies de l'Information.
Petit, N. (2007). Oligopoles, collusion tacite et droit communautaire de la concurrence [Doctoral thesis, Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.
Petit, N., & Biesemans, L. (2007). The Belgian Competition Council orders an ICT company to disclose proprietary information over its electronic network (CRM/FneyrinckPortima). e-Competitions, (14978).
Petit, N. (2007). Le français devrait-il servir de référence juridique?
Petit, N., & Rato, M. (2007). The Commission's Non Contractual Liability in the Field of Merger Control - Don't Use a Hammer When You Need a Screwdriver. Global Competition Policy.
Derenne, J., & Merola, M. (Eds.). (2007). Economic analysis of State aid rules - contributions and limits. Berlin, Germany: Lexxion.
Defossez, A., & Petit, N. (2007). The Belgian Competition Council assesses the validity of opening days/hours and advertising provisions for pharmacy outlets as set by the pharmacists professional associations (Belgian Pharmacists Associations). e-Competitions.
Cabay, J., & Witmeur, S. (2007). Photographies et œuvres de commande : petits conseils pratiques. Grain and Pixel (Ed. française), p. 18-19.
Defossez, A., Petit, N., & Candela, M. (2006). 2006, l'Europe sans boussole. La Libre Belgique.
Vanbrabant, B., Lecocq, P., & sagaert, V. (2006). La notion de biens. In Y.-H. Leleu (Ed.), Rapports belges au XVIIème colloque de l'Académie internationale de droit comparé. Bruylant.
Peer reviewed
Vanbrabant, B. (2006). Time-sharing. Larcier.
Derenne, J., Ottervanger, & Jestaedt, T. (2006). Study on the Enforcement of State aid law at national level. Brussels, Belgium: European Commission.
Hull, D. (2006). Tying - A transatlantic Perspective. In P. Marsden (Ed.), Handbook of Research in Trans-Atlantic Antitrust (pp. 287-318). Edward Elgar.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N. (2006). La politique industrielle sous les tirs croisés de la mondialisation et du droit communautaire de la concurrence. Mondialisation politique industrielle et droit comm de la concurrence.
Wildemeersch, J. (2006). L’arrêt de la Cour de cassation du 1er juin 2006 versus l’arrêt du 28 septembre 2006 : le loup était déjà dans la bergerie. Revue de Jurisprudence de Liège, Mons et Bruxelles, (35), 1550-1554.
Wildemeersch, J. (2006). Une seconde session qui commence mal. Revue de Jurisprudence de Liège, Mons et Bruxelles, (26), 1132-1142.
Derenne, J. (2006). Aides d’Etat et juge national: indications préliminaires de l'étude commanditée par la Commission européenne. Concurrences : Revue des Droits de la Concurrence.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Broere, W. (2005). Note on Case Lust, Commercial Court Charleroi, Dec. 2004. DAOR: Revue Internationale du Droit des Affaires.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N., & Geradin, D. (2005). Price Discrimination Under Ec Competition Law: Another Antitrust Theory in Search of Limiting Principles. GCLC.
Petit, N., Geradin, D., Hofer, P., Louis, F., & Walker, M. (2005). The Concept of Dominance in EC Competition Law. Global Competition Law Center.
Petit, N., Geradin, D., Hofer, P., Walker, M., & Louis, F. (2005). GCLC Research Papers on Article 82 EC: The concept of dominance. GCLC College d'Europe.
Derenne, J., & Broere, W. (2005). Chapter 12: Product Liability in Belgium. In I. Dodds-Smith & M. Spencer QC, Product Liability 2005: A practical insight to cross-border Product Liability work (2005 ed, pp. 74-80). London, United Kingdom: Global Legal Group.
Petit, N., & Geradin, D. (2005). Judicial Remedies Under EC Competition Law: Complex Issues Arising from the Modernization Process. Fordham Corporate Law.
Vanbrabant, B. (2005). La vente aux consommateurs après la loi du 1er septembre 2004. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège.
Petit, N. (2005). Droit de la concurrence et recours en annulation à l'ere post-modernisation. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Wildemeersch, J. (2005). Quand le pouvoir judiciaire se mêle du pouvoir législatif. Revue de Jurisprudence de Liège, Mons et Bruxelles, (36), 1600-1611.
Vanbrabant, B., & Van Couter, Y. (2005). La compétence territoriale en matière de saisie-description, aujourd'hui et demain. Revue de Jurisprudence de Liège, Mons et Bruxelles, (9), 395.
Vanbrabant, B., Van Couter, Y., Kairis, E., De Boeck, S., D'Hondt, H., & Kinart, S. (2005). De consumentenkoop. Cahiers Antwerpen Brussel Gent, (3), 1.
Vanbrabant, B. (2005). Le droit d'auteur comme limite aux prérogatives du propriétaire immobilier. In Contrainte, limitation et atteinte à la propriété (pp. 263). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.
Vanbrabant, B. (2005). A propos de l'image des biens. In Droit des biens. la charte/die keure.
Vanbrabant, B. (2005). Corpus mechanicum versus corpus mysticum : des conflits entre l'auteur d'une oeuvre et le propriétaire du support. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, (4), 490-562.
Peer reviewed
Petit, N. (2004). note sous arrêt du 4 mars 2003 "FENIN c/ Commission". Revue du Droit de l'Union Européenne.
Petit, N. (2004). Petit, Nicolas, The Proliferation of National Regulatory Authorities Alongdside Competition Authorities in the EC: A Source of Jurisdictional Confusion. ORBi-University of Liège.
Vanbrabant, B. (February 2004). La déchéance d'un droit d'usufruit, d'usage, d'habitation ou d'emphytéose : causes et effets. Revue Générale de Droit Civil Belge, 1, 31-42.
Peer reviewed
Wildemeersch, J., & Jeunehomme, J.-F. (2004). Le recours de l’employeur public en remboursement des rémunérations versées à un agent. Revue de Jurisprudence de Liège, Mons et Bruxelles, (6), 248-256.
Wildemeersch, J. (2004). Le recours direct, une nouvelle étape ? Revue de Jurisprudence de Liège, Mons et Bruxelles, (6), 242-243.
Petit, N., & Geradin, D. (2004). The Development of Agencies at EU and National Levels: Conceptual Analysis and Proposals for Reform.
Petit, N. (2003). note sous arrêt du 18 septembre 2003, Volkswagen AG c/ Commission. Revue du Droit de l'Union Européenne.
Derenne, J. (2003). Memento des subsides. (13ème édition). Kluwer.
Petit, N., & Geradin, D. (15 May 2003). Competition Rules in the Euromed Countries with a Special Emphasis on Network Industries [Paper presentation]. ABCDE World Bank Conference.
Petit, N. (2003). note sous arrêt du 23 octobre 2003, Van den Bergh Foods contre Commission. Revue du Droit de l'Union Européenne.
Petit, N., & Geradin, D. (2003). Competition Policy and the Euromed Partnership. European Foreign Affairs Review.
Petit, N. (2003). Circumscribing the Scope of EC Competition Law in Network Industries_A Comparative Approach to the US Supreme Court Ruling in the Trinko Case. Journal of Network Industries.
Petit, N. (2003). Circumscribing the Scope of EC Competition Law in Network Industries_A Comparative Approach to the US Supreme Court Ruling in the Trinko Case. Journal of Network Industries.
Vanbrabant, B. (04 December 2002). Actualité législative en matière de publicité immobilière [Paper presentation]. Actualité législative en droit immobilier.
Vanbrabant, B. (November 2002). Modifications et mise en œuvre de la loi du 11 avril 1999 relative aux contrats portant sur l’acquisition d’un droit d’utilisation d’immeubles à temps partagé [Paper presentation]. Actualité législative en droit immobilier.
Lecocq, P., Vanbrabant, B., Vandeweerd, N., & Rogister, H. (2002). Les Biens. In Chronique de droit à l'usage du notariat (pp. 277-401). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.
Vanbrabant, B. (2002). La signature électronique des personnes morales. In B. Vanbrabant, La preuve (pp. 173-228). Commission Université-Palais.
Lecocq, P., & Vanbrabant, B. (2002). La preuve du contrat conclu par voie électronique – clap 2ème. Actualités du Droit, 3, 232-327.
Derenne, J., & Stockford, C. (2002). Abuse of Market Power in Postal Services: Lessons from the Commission's Decisional Practice and Court of Justice. In D. Géradin, The Liberalization of Postal Services in the European Union (pp. 139-180). The Hague, Netherlands: Kluwer Law Internation.
Peer reviewed
Vanbrabant, B. (2002). La rente et la galette : à propos du remboursement anticipé d’un crédit. Revue du Notariat Belge, 7.
Peer reviewed
Lecocq, P., & Vanbrabant, B. (2001). "La preuve du contrat conclu par voie électronique". In Le commerce électronique : un nouveau mode de contracter ? (pp. 51-137). ASBL jeune Barreau de Liège.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (2001). La restitution des aides illégales en droit communautaire : Le point de vue d'un praticien en système civiliste en Droit européen de la concurrence: un nouveau rôle pour les États membres. In Droit européen de la concurrence un nouveau rôle pour les Etats embres (pp. 103-178). Belgium: BRUYLANT.
Vanbrabant, B. (2000). Le point sur le time-sharing. In Droit des biens (pp. 585). Formation permanente Commission Université-Palais.
Derenne, J., & Broere, W. (2000). Cases that prove the rules: a legal analysis of a series of developments of the EC rules on state aid. The European Lawyer, (3), 22-26.
Vanbrabant, B. (2000). La probatio internetica. Actualités du Droit, 485.
Derenne, J. (2000). La propriété industrielle et intellectuelle et le droit communautaire. In Collectif, Guide juridique de l'entreprise (2ème éd, pp. 66). Bruxelles, Belgium: Kluwer.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J., & Friedel, E. (1999). The application of Articles 81 and 82 EC (ex articles 85 and 86) by national competition authorities. AEA report.
Vanbrabant, B. (1999). Les chemins d'exploitation, ces méconnus. Actualités du Droit.
Peer reviewed
Vanbrabant, B. (1999). Droits de passage : une mise au point terminologique. Journal des Juges de Paix, 236.
Derenne, J., & Zinsmeister, U. (1999). State aid: judicial protection at EC and national level. Handbook Competition.
Derenne, J. (1996). Les annuaires téléphoniques et le droit communautaire : commentaires sur quelques cas récents d'application et état actuel du cadre législatif communautaire. Auteurs et Media, (3), 206-220.
Peer reviewed
Derenne, J. (1991). Guide juridique de l'entreprise (GUJE): Les aides et incitants publics. In Collectif, Guide juridique de l'entreprise (1ère ed). Kluwer.
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