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Change of Tone could help Google in European Antitrust Case
Petit, Nicolas


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NYTimes - Change of Tone Could Help Google in European Antitrust Case.pdf
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Keywords :
EU Competition law; abuse of dominant position; Google; droit européen de la concurrence; abus de position dominante
Abstract :
[en] For the past two years, Google has worked hard to avoid facing formal antitrust charges in Europe that could mean years of expensive litigation and encourage the authorities in other parts of the world to take comparable actions. Time is running out. The European Commission could bring charges against the U.S. company for abusing its dominance in the search and advertising market in the next few weeks.
Disciplines :
European & international law
Author, co-author :
Petit, Nicolas ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de droit > Droit européen de la concurrence
Language :
Title :
Change of Tone could help Google in European Antitrust Case
Alternative titles :
[fr] Un changement de ton pourrait aider Google dans l'enquête de la Commission européenne
Publication date :
29 April 2012
Journal title :
New York
Available on ORBi :
since 11 June 2012


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