Article for a general audience (Diverse speeches and writings)
Europe weighs Antitrust Case aigainst Google, urging search changes
Petit, Nicolas


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NYTimes - Google Given Antitrust Ultimatum From Europe Regulators.pdf
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Keywords :
EU Competition law; abuse of dominant position; Google; droit européen de la concurrence; abus de position dominante
Abstract :
[fr] Google may have abused its dominant position in Internet search by promoting its own businesses at the expense of competitors, the European Commission said. It warned the company to propose chnages 'in a matter of weeks" to its method of answering user search queries, or possibly face antitrust lawsuit.
Disciplines :
European & international law
Author, co-author :
Petit, Nicolas ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de droit > Droit européen de la concurrence
Language :
Title :
Europe weighs Antitrust Case aigainst Google, urging search changes
Alternative titles :
[fr] L'Europe évalue le cas Google
Publication date :
21 May 2012
Journal title :
New York
Available on ORBi :
since 11 June 2012


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