The EU Court of Justice clarifies the conditions under which ‘pay-for-delay’ agreements preventing generic versions of a patented medicine from entering the market or delaying such entry may constitute a restriction of competition ‘by object’ or ‘by effect” as well as an abuse of dominant position (Generics - UK)
Mathieu, Sandrine; Lamarcq, Amélie
2020 • In Concurrences : Review of Competition Laws
Mathieu, Sandrine ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de droit > Droit européen de la concurrence
Lamarcq, Amélie
Language :
Title :
The EU Court of Justice clarifies the conditions under which ‘pay-for-delay’ agreements preventing generic versions of a patented medicine from entering the market or delaying such entry may constitute a restriction of competition ‘by object’ or ‘by effect” as well as an abuse of dominant position (Generics - UK)
Publication date :
Journal title :
Concurrences : Review of Competition Laws
Publisher :
Institut du Droit de la Concurrence, Paris, France