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The Economics of Parallel Trade – Iconoclast Views on a Dogma of EU Competition Law
Petit, Nicolas


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Keywords :
Parallel trade; competition law; intellectual property
Abstract :
[en] This paper attempts to demonstrate that whilst parallel trade (also referred to as “grey market trade” in the United States, or as “arbitrage” in economic theory) in the European Union is subject to a remarkably favourable legal regime, the economic case supporting this approach remains to be made. To this end, it shows that the position of the EU Courts, and more generally of the EU institutions, is far from unquestionable in light of the relevant economic literature.
Research Center/Unit :
Institut d'Etudes Juridiques Européennes
Disciplines :
European & international law
Author, co-author :
Petit, Nicolas ;  Université de Liège > Département de droit > Droit européen de la concurrence
Language :
Title :
The Economics of Parallel Trade – Iconoclast Views on a Dogma of EU Competition Law
Publication date :
August 2010
Available on ORBi :
since 14 February 2017


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