Scientific conference in universities or research centers (Scientific conferences in universities or research centers)
Artificial intelligence-powered Mutual Recognition in the field of free movement of goods: an inquiry into the legal status of AI-automated and supported decisions within EU integrated administrations
Jan, Benjamin


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Disciplines :
European & international law
Author, co-author :
Jan, Benjamin  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de droit > Droit matériel européen
Language :
Title :
Artificial intelligence-powered Mutual Recognition in the field of free movement of goods: an inquiry into the legal status of AI-automated and supported decisions within EU integrated administrations
Publication date :
31 May 2022
Event name :
Séminaire à l'Université d'Amsterdam (ACELG)
Event place :
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Event date :
31 Mai 2022
Audience :
Available on ORBi :
since 31 May 2022


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23 (4 by ULiège)
Number of downloads
1 (1 by ULiège)


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