Abstract :
[en] Introduction and Background: Uronic acid-derivative surfactants are amphiphilic compounds with growing interests owing to their potential applications in various areas [1]. This class of carbohydrate-based surfactants can be easily prepared from renewable raw materials in a wide range of structure by modular synthesis thanks to the presence of one carboxylic and numerous hydroxyl groups. The polar head group configurations according to the stereochemistry of OH
groups, and geometry (cyclic or not), the hydrophobic tail (number and length of alkyl chain), and the type of linker (ester, acetal and amide, etc) are among the main variables in their structural entities. Therefore, the investigation of their structure-surface activity relationships appears valuable for increasing backgrounds, and achieving a rational design for selecting the best structures to be used in different industrial fields [2].
Methodology: A few analogous of glucuronic acid-derivative surfactants have been synthesized by chemical or enzymatic routes. After purification, their structure has been confirmed by various spectroscopic techniques (RMN, MS, IR). Surface tensions of true aqueous solution have been then measured in dynamic and static modes using a series of complementary techniques. Critical micelle concentrations, minimum molecular areas, and maximum surface excesses have also been determined.
Results and Discussion: Glucuronic acid derivative surfactants under investigation vary in the polar head group configuration including cyclic or non-cyclic structure and α or β anomeric form, in the hydrophobic tail regarding to the chain length (C8 to C14), the presence of a double bond, as well as an OH group at the terminal carbon, and in the type of linker, ester in C6 or acetal in C1. Results showed that all of these structural attributes affect both dynamic and equilibrium surface properties of glucuronic acid -based surfactants.
Conclusion: A set of synthetic glucuronic acid-based surfactants varying in the polar head group, hydrophobic tail, and linker allow us to generate various surface-active properties at the air-water interface, and to increase the knowledge on relationships between their structure and surface-active properties.
[1] Laurent, P.; Razafindralambo, H.; Wathelet, B.; Blecker, C.; Wathelet, J.-P.; Paquot, M., Synthesis and Surface-Active
Properties of Uronic Amide Derivatives, Surfactants from Renewable Organic Raw Materials. Journal of Surfactants and
Detergents 2010, in press.
[2] Razafindralambo, H.; Blecker, C.; Mezdour, S.; Deroanne, C.; Crowet, J.; Brasseur, R.; Lins, L.; Paquot, M., Impacts
of the Carbonyl Group Location of Ester Bond on Interfacial Properties of Sugar-Based Surfactants: Experimental and
Computational Evidences. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2009, 113 (26), 8872-8877.
Acknowledgment: This work was supported by Belgian Walloon Region within DGTRE research project of excellence
Disciplines :
Physical, chemical, mathematical & earth Sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others