You can reach the ORBi team by email at any time via our contact form. You will receive an answer within 24 hours (working days).
It is always preferable to contact us via the contact form for a quick answer and an efficient follow-up of your questions. Nevertheless you can also reach us :
ULiège Library - ORBi team
Quartier des Urbanistes 1, bât. B63d
Traverse des Architectes 5D
4000 Liège (Sart Tilman)
Myriam Bastin, librarian, ULiège Library
Cécile Dohogne, librarian, ULiège Library
Maurane Raskinet, librarian, ULiège Library
Florence Liénard, librarian, ULiège Library
Nicolas André, librarian - Science & Technology, ULiège Library
Olivier Borsus, librarian - Science & Technology, ULiège Library
Florence Liénard, librarian - Health sciences, ULiège Library
Karel Logist, librarian - Human sciences (Graulich), ULiège Library
Jacques Mignon, subject specialist - Agronomy (Agro-Bio Tech), ULiège Library
Arnaud Georges, computer scientist, ULiège Library
Sylvain Danhieux, computer scientist, ULiège Library
Fabian Smagghe, senior computer scientist, ULiège Library
Laurence Thys, legal expert, ULiège Library
Paul Thirion, Head librarian, ULiège Library