Keywords :
Toxicologie; Myopathie atypique; Érable; Prévention; Pâture; Acer; Acer pseudoplatanus; Atypical myopathy; Maple; Prevention; Pasture; Ruminants; Toxine; Toxin; Intoxication; Poisoning; Toxicology Microbiote; Microbiota; Gut microbiota; Faecal microbiota; Microbiome; Faecal microbiome; Horses; Equine; Hypoglycin A; Acylcarnitines; 16S rRNA gene sequencing; next generation sequencing; NGS; Blood metabolites; Microbiote intestinal; Microbiote fécal; Microbiome; Microbiome fécal; Chevaux; Équins; Hypoglycine A; Acylcarnitines; Métabolites sanguins
Abstract :
[en] Hypoglycin A and methylenecyclopropylglycine are protoxins responsible for atypical myopathy in equids. These protoxins are converted into toxins that inhibit fatty acid β-oxidation, leading to blood accumulation of acylcarnitines and toxin conjugates, such as methylenecyclopropylacetyl-carnitine. The enzymes involved in this activation are also present in some prokaryotic cells, raising questions about the potential role of intestinal microbiota in the development of intoxication. Differences have been noted between the faecal microbiota of cograzers and atypical myopathy-affected horses. However, recent blood acylcarnitines profiling revealed subclinical cases among cograzers, challenging their status as a control group. This study investigates the faecal microbiota of horses clinically affected by atypical myopathy, their cograzers, and a control group of toxin-free horses while analysing correlations between microbiota composition and blood parameters. Faecal samples were analysed using 16S amplicon sequencing, revealing significant differences in α-diversity, evenness, and β-diversity. Notable differences were found between several genera, especially Clostridia_ge, Bacteria_ge, Firmicutes_ge, Fibrobacter, and NK4A214_group. Blood levels of methylenecyclopropylacetyl-carnitine and C14:1 correlated with variations in faecal microbial composition. The theoretical presence of enzymes in bacterial populations was also investigated. These results underscore the critical need to investigate the potential role of intestinal microbiota in this poisoning and may provide insights for developing prevention and treatment strategies.
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