
Votion Dominique

Département des sciences fonctionnelles (DSF)

Département des sciences fonctionnelles (DSF) > FARAH: Médecine vétérinaire comparée

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Art, Tatiana  (83)
Lekeux, Pierre  (74)
Serteyn, Didier  (66)
Amory, Hélène  (49)
François, Anne-Christine  (45)
Main Referenced Keywords
Horse (139); atypical myopathy (57); Cheval (57); Myopathie atypique (55); Acer (54);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
FARAH - Fundamental and Applied Research for Animals and Health - ULiège (104)
FARAH. Médecine vétérinaire comparée - ULiège (33)
CORD - Centre de l'Oxygène, Recherche et Développement - ULiège (15)
Centre Européen du Cheval de Mont-le-Soie (10)
Centre européen du Cheval de Mont-le-Soie (4)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Veterinary medicine & animal health (365)
Anatomy (cytology, histology, embryology...) & physiology (51)
Biochemistry, biophysics & molecular biology (7)
Human health sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (3)
Animal production & animal husbandry (2)

Publications (total 373)

The most downloaded
Renaud, B., François, A.-C., Dopagne, C., Rouxhet, S., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (2019). Comment reconnaître les érables de nos régions - Fiche technique. (ULiège - Université de Liège).

The most cited

86 citations (OpenAlex)

Westermann, C. M., Dorland, L., Votion, D., de Sain-van der Velden, M. G. M., Wijnberg, I. D., Wanders, R. J. A., Spliet, W. G. M., Testerink, N., Berger, R., Ruiter, J. P. N., & van der Kolk, J. H. (2008). Acquired multiple Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency in 10 horses with atypical myopathy. Neuromuscular Disorders, 18 (5), 355-64. doi:10.1016/j.nmd.2008.02.007

Frippiat, T., van den Wollenberg, L., van Erck-Westergren, E., van Maanen, K., & Votion, D. (20 February 2025). Respiratory viruses affecting health and performance in equine athletes. Virology, 603, 110372. doi:10.1016/j.virol.2024.110372
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François, A.-C.* , Cesarini Latorre, C.* , Taminiau, B., Renaud, B., Kruse, C., Boemer, F., van Loon, G., Palmers, K., Daube, G., Wouters, C., Lecoq, L., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (26 January 2025). Unravelling Faecal Microbiota Variations in Equine Atypical Myopathy: Correlation with Blood Markers and Contribution of Microbiome. Animals, 15 (3), 354. doi:10.3390/ani15030354
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

François, A.-C., Renaud, B., Kruse, C., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., & Votion, D. (14 December 2024). An ongoing concern: 20 years of research on equine atypical myopathy. Veterinary Record, 195 (12), 5039. doi:10.1002/vetr.5039
Editorial reviewed

Bonhomme, M., & Votion, D. (December 2024). JUMP’SAFELY: Early blood biomarkers associated with the risk of severe musculoskeletal injuries in Thoroughbreds jump racing. Phase III: analysis of collected data and samples [Paper presentation]. FARAH-Day 2024.
Editorial reviewed

Bonhomme, M., Patarin, F., Couroucé, A., Leleu, C., Richard, E. A., & Votion, D. (December 2024). Routine blood biochemical markers fail to reliably indicate musculoskeletal injury risk in jump racing Thoroughbreds in training: A field-based, longitudinal case-control study [Poster presentation]. FARAH-Day 2024.
Editorial reviewed

Votion, D. (23 November 2024). La myopathie atypique des équidés : état des connaissances après 20 ans de recherche [Paper presentation]. EQUI’GTV, Timisoara  , Romania.

Votion, D. (23 November 2024). Réalité clinique des intoxications: Mécanismes et exemples cliniques d’intoxication par l’if, le séneçon et les glands [Paper presentation]. EQUI’GTV, Timisoara  , Romania.

Wouters, C., Klein, B., Price, N., Boemer, F., Voz, M., & Votion, D. (19 October 2024). A Zebrafish Embryo Model to Screen Potential Therapeutic Compounds in Sapindaceae Poisoning. Molecules, 29, 1-17. doi:10.3390/molecules29204954
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Votion, D. (2024). Assessment of skeletal muscle oxidative capacity for training monitoring, fitness evaluation and detection of mitochondrial dysfunction in sport horses. In J. L. L. Rivero, Proceedings of the 5th Scientific Meeting of the European College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation (ECVSMR). ECVSMR.

Bonhomme, M., Patarin, F., Couroucé, A., Leleu, C., Richard, E. A., & Votion, D. (October 2024). Longitudinal field study reveals routine blood biochemical markers inadequate to indicate musculoskeletal injury risk in jump racing Thoroughbreds [Poster presentation]. 5th Scientific Meeting of the European College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, Cordoba, Spain.
Editorial reviewed

Renaud, B., Kruse, C.-J., François, A.-C., Cesarini, C., van Loon, G., Palmers, K., Boemer, F., LUIS, G., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (2024). Large-Scale Study of Blood Markers in Equine Atypical Myopathy Reveals Subclinical Poisoning and Advances in Diagnostic and Prognostic Criteria. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 104515. doi:10.1016/j.etap.2024.104515
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Votion, D. (2024). Addressing emerging risks due to toxic plants in equine nutrition [Paper presentation]. BETA FEED & NOPS CONFERENCE, Birmingham, United Kingdom.

Votion, D. (2024). Comprendre et prévenir la myopathie atypique [Paper presentation]. Soirée technique équine, Pierrefonds, France.

Frippiat, T., & Votion, D. (19 March 2024). Warm-Up Strategies and Effects on Performance in Racing Horses and Sport Horses Competing in Olympic Disciplines. Animals, 14 (6), 945. doi:10.3390/ani14060945
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Kruse, C., Dieu, M., Renaud, B., François, A.-C., Stern, D., Demazy, C., Burteau, S., Boemer, F., Art, T., Renard, P., & Votion, D. (2024). New Pathophysiological Insights from Serum Proteome Profiling in Equine Atypical Myopathy. ACS Omega. doi:10.1021/acsomega.3c06647
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Wouters, C., Klein, B., Price, N., Boemer, F., Joris, M., Voz, M., & Votion, D. (21 December 2023). Zebrafish embryos as alternative model to study intoxication by Acer pseudoplatanus toxins: Hypoglycin A, Methylenecyclopropylglycine and Methylenecyclopropylacetate [Paper presentation]. FarahDay 2023, Liège, Belgium.

Bonhomme, M., & Votion, D. (21 December 2023). FSR Project - JUMP’SAFELY: Monitoring young athletes to prevent racehorse injuries [Paper presentation]. FARAH-Day 2023, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Cesarini Latorre, C., de Meeûs d'Argenteuil, C., Delguste, C., Douny, C., Eppe, J., Fievez, L., Frisee, V., Gatez, C., Jauniaux, T., Ledeck, J., Levoz, M., Martinelle, L., Tosi, I., Votion, D., & Wouters, C. (Eds.). (2023). Proceedings of the 10th FARAH-Day. Liège, Belgium: Presses de la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire de l'ULiège.
Peer reviewed

Bonhomme, M., Patarin, F., Kruse, C., François, A.-C., Renaud, B., Couroucé, A., Leleu, C., Boemer, F., Toquet, M.-P., Richard, E. A., Seignot, J., Wouters, C., & Votion, D. (2023). Untargeted Metabolomics Profiling Reveals Exercise Intensity-Dependent Alterations in Thoroughbred Racehorses’ Plasma after Routine Conditioning Sessions. ACS Omega. doi:10.1021/acsomega.3c08583
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Votion, D. (24 October 2023). Conditioning Muscle Mitochondria for Competitive Performance and Health [Paper presentation]. Arbeitsgruppe Pferd, Jülich, Germany.

Votion, D. (2023). La myopathie atypique des équidés : comprendre pour mieux prévenir [Paper presentation]. Horse Meet'Up, France.

Sander, J., Terhardt, M., Janzen, N., Renaud, B., Kruse, C., François, A.-C., Wouters, C., Boemer, F., & Votion, D. (26 July 2023). Tissue Specific Distribution and Activation of Sapindaceae Toxins in Horses Suffering from Atypical Myopathy. Animals, 13 (15), 2410. doi:10.3390/ani13152410
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Tosi, I., Bonhomme, M., François, A.-C., Caudron, I., Perrot, C., Votion, D., & Art, T. (21 July 2023). First steps in discipline-specific canine exercise physiology: a field study on canicross dogs [Paper presentation]. 4th ECVSMR Scientific Meeting, Paris, France.
Peer reviewed

Renaud, B., Kruse, C., François, A.-C., Boemer, F., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (11 July 2023). On the edge of equine atypical myopathy: A first large‐scale report of subclinical Hypoglycin A poisoning in horses. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 46 (1), 83. doi:10.1111/jvp.13278
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Votion, D. (2023). Serum acylcarnitines profile for diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring therapeutic intervention in equine atypical myopathy. In T.-G. A. T.-S. L. C. P. E. Gnaiger E, BEC: Bioenergetics Communications (15th, pp. 68). Obergurgl, Austria: MiP - Mitochondrial Physiology.
Editorial reviewed

Bonhomme, M., Patarin, F., Kruse, C., François, A.-C., Renaud, B., Couroucé, A., Richard, E. A., Leleu, C., Boemer, F., Toquet, M.-P., Seignot, J., Wouters, C., & Votion, D. (July 2023). Characterisation of high-intensity exercise during training using an untargeted metabolomics approach in thoroughbred flat racehorses [Poster presentation]. 4th ECVSMR Scientific Meeting, Maisons-Alfort, France.
Editorial reviewed

Farinelle, A., & Votion, D. (2023). Elimination mécanique des plantules d'érables au printemps. In Proceedings des Journées Sciences & Innovations équines (pp. 4). Saumur, France: Ifce - Institut français du cheval et de l'équitation.
Peer reviewed

Flamion, M., Frippiat, T., Bonhomme, M., Klein, B., Wouters, C., & Votion, D. (01 June 2023). Quel cheval candidat à une gastroscopie dans une écurie ? [Poster presentation]. Journées sciences et innovations équines 2023, Saumur, France.
Peer reviewed

Bonhomme, M., & Votion, D. (31 May 2023). Biomarqueurs sanguins précoces associés au risque de blessures musculo-squelettiques chez les chevaux de course [Paper presentation]. Journée des doctorants de la filière équine 2023.
Editorial reviewed

Votion, D., & Farinelle, A. (13 April 2023). Cheval, ruminants et prairie : le point sur la gestion du risque de myopathie atypique [Paper presentation]. FORMAVET, Liège, Belgium.

Votion, D., Gault, G., & Vervuert, I. (23 March 2023). Poisonous plants : Clinical perspectives [Paper presentation]. 11th European Equine Health & Nutrition Congress (EEHNC), Ghent, Belgium.

Votion, D. (08 March 2023). Mesures de prévention de la myopathie atypique à l’approche du printemps [Paper presentation]. Mise à l’herbe du cheval au printemps, Zollikofen, Switzerland.

Art, T., & Votion, D. (04 March 2023). Du naseau à la mitochondrie : un parcours semé d'embûches pour la molécule d'oxygène [Paper presentation]. Congrès InterAVEF Jnr, Liège, Belgium.

Frippiat, T., Flamion, M., & Votion, D. (2023). Gastroscopy findings and faecal blood test in active dressage horses with clinical signs suggestive of equine gastric ulcers [Poster presentation]. 4th ECVSMR Scientific Meeting, Maisons-Alfort, France.
Peer reviewed

Wouters, C., Voz, M., Boemer, F., Joris, M., & Votion, D. (15 December 2022). Zebrafish larvae model to screen for the risk of Acer pseudoplatanus intoxication in grazing animals [Paper presentation]. FARAH-Day, Liege, Belgium.

Patarin, F., Wittreck, S., & Votion, D. (15 December 2022). What is behind? Accidentology in racehorses in jump races [Paper presentation]. FARAH-Day, Liege, Belgium.

Bonhomme, M., Patarin, F., Kruse, C., François, A.-C., Renaud, B., Couroucé, A., Leleu, C., Toquet, M.-P., Richard, E. A., Wouters, C., & Votion, D. (15 December 2022). Metabolomic investigation of exercise-induced response to moderate and high intensities training sessions in Thoroughbred flat racehorses [Paper presentation]. FARAH-Day 2022, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Kruse, C., Dieu Marc, Renaud, B., François, A.-C., Boemer, F., Art, T., Demazy, C., Renard, P., & Votion, D. (15 December 2022). Proteomic profiling in equine atypical myopathy: new metabolic insights [Paper presentation]. FARAH-Day 2022, Liège, Belgium.

Bonhomme, M., & Votion, D. (15 December 2022). FSR Project - Accidents prevention in racehorses [Paper presentation]. FARAH-Day 2022, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Bonhomme, M., Votion, D., François, A.-C., Caudron, I., Perrot, C., Art, T., & Tosi, I. (15 December 2022). First steps in discipline-specific canine exercise physiology: a field study on canicross dogs [Paper presentation]. FARAH-Day 2022, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Renaud, B., Kruse, C., François, A.-C., Brisson, L., Boemer, F., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (15 December 2022). Confirmed hypoglycin A toxicosis in two gnus [Paper presentation]. FARAH-Day, Liege, Belgium.

Wouters, C., Toquet, M.-P., Fortier-Guillaume, J., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., De Tullio, P., Votion, D.* , & Richard, É. A.*. (2022). Identification de métabolites sanguins discriminant les survivants et non-survivants de la myopathie atypique des équidés. In Proceeding Journée AVEF (Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français). France: Mespoulhès-Rivière, Céline.
Peer reviewed
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Ghislain, B., Farinelle, A., Renaud, B., François, A.-C., Wouters, C., & Votion, D. (18 August 2022). Pasture Management to Reduce the Risk of Acer pseudoplatanus Poisoning While Preserving Ecological Sustainability. Land, 11 (8), 1345. doi:10.3390/land11081345
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Renaud, B., Kruse, C., François, A.-C., Grund, L., Bunert, C., Brisson, L., Boemer, F., Gault, G., Ghislain, B., Petitjean, T., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (26 July 2022). Acer pseudoplatanus: A Potential Risk of Poisoning for Several Herbivore Species. Toxins, 14 (8). doi:10.3390/toxins14080512
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Patarin, F., Wittreck, S., & Votion, D. (28 June 2022). Carreer interruption in French jump races during 2021 – an overview. Comparative Exercise Physiology, 18.
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Tosi, I., Kruse, C., Boemer, F., & Votion, D. (28 June 2022). Serum acylcarnitine profiles in horses affected by type-1 PSSM before and after submaximal exercise. Comparative Exercise Physiology, 18.
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Bonhomme, M., Patarin, F., Kruse, C., François, A.-C., Tosi, I., Boemer, F., CHERAMY-BIEN, J.-P., Leleu, C., Couroucé, A., Renaud, B., Pincemail, J., Wouters, C., & Votion, D. (03 June 2022). Importance du métabolisme lipidique chez le galopeur [Poster presentation]. Journées Sciences & Innovations Équines, Saumur, France.
Peer reviewed

Kruse, C., Tosi, I., & Votion, D. (2022). Mitochondrial metabolism changes following diet and exercise modifications in type 1 PSSM (PSSM1). Comparative Exercise Physiology. doi:10.3920/cep2022.s1
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Kruse, C., Dieu, M., Renaud, B., François, A.-C., Renard, P., & Votion, D. (May 2022). Exploring equine atypical myopathy through label-free proteomics [Poster presentation]. Belgian Proteomics Association Conference, Liège, Belgium.

Hody, S.* , Warren, B. E.* , Votion, D., ROGISTER, B., & Lemieux, H. (2022). Eccentric Exercise Causes Specific Adjustment in Pyruvate Oxidation by Mitochondria. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. doi:10.1249/MSS.0000000000002920
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Votion, D. (2022). Myopathie atypique des équidés : gestion automnale. Cheval Santé, 142 (Octobre-Novembre), 52-56.

Nagy, D., François, A.-C., Renaud, B., Kruse, C., Stern, D., CHERAMY-BIEN, J.-P., PINCEMAIL, J., & Votion, D. (2021). Vitamin and antioxidant supplementation in the prevention and treatment of atypical myopathy - a pilot study to establish relevant tolerance intervals and assess the feasibility of supplementation [Paper presentation]. 8th FARAH Day.

Bayrou, C., Cesarini Latorre, C., Delguste, C., Delrez, N., Douny, C., Eppe, J., Etienne, A.-L., Frisee, V., Gatez, C., Gille, L., Hupperts, C., Jauniaux, T., Jergeay, V., Korsak Koulagenko, N., Kruse, C., Loos, P., Martinelle, L., Moula, N., Parrilla Hernandez, S., ... Votion, D. (Eds.). (2021). Proceedings of the 8th FARAH-Day. Presses de la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire de l'ULiège.

Kruse, C., Renaud, B., François, A.-C., Art, T., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Niesten, A., Lemieux, H., & Votion, D. (19 November 2021). Exploring equine atypical myopathy through in vitro toxicity tests [Poster presentation]. 8th FARAH Day.

Votion, D. (14 September 2021). Prévention de la myopathie atypique à l’automne [Paper presentation]. Webconférences, France.

Stern, D., Fettweis, X., François, A.-C., Renaud, B., Tocquin, P., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (May 2021). Impact des facteurs climatiques sur le nombre de cas annuel de myopathie atypique [Poster presentation]. Journée Sciences & innovations équines, Saumur, France.
Editorial reviewed

Genoux, N., Votion, D., & Marcillaud-Pitel, C. (2021). L'érable sycomore: une espèce d'érables toxique. ORBi-University of Liège.

Wimmer-Scherr, C., Taminiau, B., Renaud, B., van loon, G., Palmers, K., Votion, D., Amory, H., Daube, G., & Cesarini Latorre, C. (15 February 2021). Comparison of Fecal Microbiota of Horses Suffering from Atypical Myopathy and Healthy Co-Grazers. Animals, 11 (506). doi:10.3390/ani11020506
Peer reviewed

Wouters, C., Toquet, M.-P., Renaud, B., François, A.-C., Fortier-Guillaume, J., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., BOEMER, F., De Tullio, P., Richard, E., & Votion, D. (2021). Metabolomic Signatures Discriminate Horses with Clinical Signs of Atypical Myopathy from Healthy Co-grazing Horses. Journal of Proteome Research. doi:10.1021/acs.jproteome.1c00225
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Renaud, B., François, A.-C., Boemer, F., Kruse, C., Stern, D., PIOT, A., Petitjean, T., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (2021). Grazing Mares on Pasture with Sycamore Maples: A Potential Threat to Suckling Foals and Food Safety through Milk Contamination. Animals, 11 (1). doi:10.3390/ani11010087
Peer reviewed

Hirz, M., Gregersen, H. A., Sander, J., Votion, D., Schanze, A., Kolher, K., & Herden, C. (2021). Atypical myopathy in 2 Bactrian camels. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation, 33 (5), 961-965. doi:10.1177/10406387211020721
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Votion, D., François, A.-C., & Gustin, P. (2021). Fiche de synthèse n°XX- toxicologie vétérinaire. (Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire - ULiège).

Votion, D., François, A.-C., Renaud, B., & Gustin, P. (2021). Fiche de synthèse n°01- toxicologie vétérinaire.

Tosi, I., Art, T., BOEMER, F., Votion, D., & Davis, M. S. (2021). Acylcarnitine profile in Alaskan sled dogs during submaximal multiday exercise points out metabolic flexibility and liver role in energy metabolism. PLoS ONE, 16 (8), 0256009. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0256009
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Kruse, C., Stern, D., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Niesten, A., Art, T., Lemieux, H., & Votion, D. (2021). In Vitro Assays for the Assessment of Impaired Mitochondrial Bioenergetics in Equine Atypical Myopathy. Life, 11 (7). doi:10.3390/life11070719
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Stern, D., Fettweis, X., Renaud, B., Tocquin, P., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., & Votion, D. (20 November 2020). Geolocation and temporal distribution of equine atypical myopathy cases in Belgium and France from years 2006 to 2019 [Poster presentation]. 7th FARAH Day, Sart Tilman, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

François, A.-C., Renaud, B., Kruse, C., Stern, D., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (20 November 2020). Equine atypical myopathy: Prevention is still the key [Poster presentation]. 7th FARAH Day, Sart Tilman, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Renaud, B., François, A.-C., BOEMER, F., Kruse, C., Stern, D., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (20 November 2020). Hypoglycin A and methylenecyclopropyl acetic acid-carnitine transfer to milk: a potential exposition of unweaned foals [Poster presentation]. 7th FARAH Day, Sart Tilman, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Votion, D. (16 October 2020). Fit to compete? What about the muscles? [Paper presentation]. 4th International Equine Congress, Berlin, Germany.

Votion, D. (2020). Equipedia: La myopathie atypique. ORBi-University of Liège.

Votion, D. (March 2020). Myopathie atypique et toxicité des samares: réponse de l'expert au courrier des lecteurs. Cheval Santé, 126, 40-41.

François, A.-C., & Votion, D. (24 February 2020). Réponses aux Questions Fréquemment Posées (FAQs) à Propos de l’Alimentation et de la Gestion des Équidés ainsi que de la gestion des Pâtures afin de Réduire le Risque de Myopathie Atypique. Animals, 10.
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Bayrou, C., Cesarini Latorre, C., Delguste, C., Douny, C., Gatez, C., Gille, L., Jauniaux, T., Jergeay, V., Martinelle, L., Ponthier, J., Sartelet, A., Thiry, D., & Votion, D. (Eds.). (2020). Proceedings of the 7th FARAH-Day. Presses de la Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de l'Université de Liège.

Votion, D. (2020). Carnet de santé: la myopathie atypique. Cheval Santé, (130), 48-50.

Votion, D., François, A.-C., Kruse, C., Renaud, B., Farinelle, A., Bouquieaux, M.-C., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., & Gustin, P. (2020). Answers to the frequently asked questions regarding horse feeding and management practices to reduce the risk of atypical myopathy. Animals. doi:10.3390/ani10020365
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Erich, G., Al -Mitoeagle, T., Group, Eleonor, A., Norwahidah, A., Engy, A.-R., Dario, A.-C., Bumsoo, A., Bezerra, A., Sameh, A., Angeles, A., Lesley, A., Alves, M., Francesca, A., Amoedo, N., Dias, A., Ricardo, Anderson, E., Ioanna, A., ... Liga. (2020). Mitochondrial physiology. Bioenergetics Communications, 44. doi:10.26124/bec:2020-0001.v1
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Kruse, C., Stern, D., Ectors, F., Art, T., & Votion, D. (2020). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells do not reflect skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiration in horses [Poster presentation]. 7th FARAH Day.

Renaud, B., François, A.-C., Dopagne, C., Rouxhet, S., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (2019). Identification of the maple tree responsible for atypical myopathy. (ULiège - Université de Liège).

Renaud, B., François, A.-C., Dopagne, C., Rouxhet, S., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (2019). Comment reconnaître les érables de nos régions - Fiche technique. (ULiège - Université de Liège).

Audic, M., Gadot, P.-M., Hendrikx, P., Vivien, P., & Votion, D. (28 November 2019). Intelligence artificielle et big data: vers une épidémiologie 2.0? [Paper presentation]. Les rencontres du RESPE, Caen, France.

Kruse, C., Art, T., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., & Votion, D. (21 November 2019). Detection of mitochondrial dysfunction by blood mononuclear cells analysis [Poster presentation]. Beltox-Invitrom-IC-3Rs Scientific Meeting 2019.
Editorial reviewed

Votion, D., François, A.-C., Renaud, B., Wouters, C., Farinelle, A., BOEMER, F., CELLO, C., Amory, H., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Richard, E., & Gustin, P. (2019). La myopathie atypique : le top 10 des dernières nouvelles. In C. Mespoulhès, Proceeding Journée AVEF (Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français) (pp. 102-104). France: Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français.

Wouters, C., Toquet, M.-P., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Guillaume, J., Richard, E., & Votion, D. (2019). Évaluation des profils quantitatifs en MCPA-carnitine et acylcarnitines chez des chevaux atteints de myopathie atypique. In C. Mespoulhès-Rivière, Proceeding Journée AVEF (Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français) (pp. 105). France: Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français.
Peer reviewed

Renaud, B., François, A.-C., BOEMER, F., Macillaud-Pitel, C., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (2019). Diagnostic and prognostic value of hypoglycin A, methylenecyclopropyl acetic acidcarnitine and, acylcarnitines profile in horses with atypical myopathy. In C. Bayrou, C. Delguste, C. Douny, C. Gatez, Jauniaux, Ponthier, A. Sartelet, D. Thiry, ... D. Votion, Proceedings of the 6th FARAH-Day (pp. 25). Liège 1 (Sart Tilman), Belgium: Presses de la Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de l’Université de Liège.
Peer reviewed

Wouters, C., Toquet, M.-P., Renaud, B., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Fortier-Guillaume, J., Richard, E., & Votion, D. (2019). Untargeted metabolomics studies focusing on prognosis and resistance factors leading to the identification of new potential biomarkers in equine atypical myopathy. In C. Bayrou, C. Delguste, C. Douny, C. Gatez, T. Jauniaux, J. Ponthier, A. Sartelet, D. Thiry, ... D. Votion, Proceedings of the 6th FARAH-Day (pp. 27). Liège 1 (Sart Tilman), Belgium: Presses de la Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de l’Université de Liège.
Peer reviewed

Bunert, C., Grund, L., Ziemssen, E., Gregersen, H., Renaud, B., Kruse, C., & Votion, D. (November 2019). Hypoglycin-A Intoxikation durch Bergahorn (Acer pseudoplatanus) bei Zootieren - eine wachsende Gefahr [Poster presentation]. 39. Arbeitstagung des Verbands der Zootierärzte, Dortmund, Germany.

Arnould, T., Storder, J., Kruse, C., Votion, D., & Renard, P. (October 2019). Role of Sirtuin 3 in the differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes [Paper presentation]. 14thMiP2019/MitoEAGLE, Belgrade, Serbia.
Editorial reviewed

Renaud, B., François, A.-C., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (2019). Myopathie atypique : les différentes sources d’intoxication. Comment gérer le risque ? In Journées Sciences et Innovations équines, Proceedings Journées Sciences et Innovations équines (pp. 9). France: > équipédia > colloques.
Peer reviewed

François, A.-C., Renaud, B., Weber, M., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., BOEMER, F., Jourdan, M., CELLO, C., Richard, E., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (May 2019). Comment confirmer le diagnostic de myopathie atypique ? [Poster presentation]. Journées Sciences et Innovations équines, Saumur, France.
Editorial reviewed

Votion, D. (08 March 2019). L’érable sycomore responsable de la myopathie atypique des équidés, une maladie émergente en Europe [Paper presentation]. Séminaire EDYSAN 2019, Amiens, France.

François, A.-C., Renaud, B., Cesarini Latorre, C., Lecoq, L., Amory, H., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (March 2019). Points clés de la gestion clinique des cas de myopathie atypique. Pratique Vétérinaire Équine, 201, 20-27.
Peer reviewed

Renaud, B., François, A.-C., Rouxhet, S., Dopagne, C., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (March 2019). Myopathie atypique : les sources connues et suspectées d’intoxication. Pratique Vétérinaire Équine, 201, 6-11.
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., BOEMER, F., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Jourdan, M., CELLO, C., François, A.-C., Renaud, B., Toquet, M. P., Cassart, D., Detilleux, J., & Richard, E. (March 2019). Point sur les outils diagnostiques et pronostiques de la myopathie atypique. Pratique Vétérinaire Équine, 201, 12-19.
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., Habyarimana, J. A., Scippo, M.-L., Richard, E., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Erpicum, M., & Gustin, P. (2019). Potential new sources of hypoglycin A poisoning for equids kept at pasture in spring: a field pilot study. Veterinary Record, 6. doi:10.1136/vr.104424
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Votion, D., Renaud, B., François, A.-C., Lecoq, L., & Cesarini Latorre, C. (28 February 2019). La myopathie atypique : de la recherche à la prise en charge clinique…et vice-versa ! [Paper presentation]. Formavet, Liège 1 (Sart Tilman), Belgium.

François, A.-C., Renaud, B., Delcenserie, V., Lebrun, S., Taminiau, B., Cesarini Latorre, C., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (2019). Modification of gut microbiota in response to the toxin of equine atypical myopathy: a preliminary study using a dynamic human intestinal simulator [Poster presentation]. 9 th European Equine Health & Nutrition Congress, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Editorial reviewed

Richard, E., & Votion, D. (2019). Les maladies du cheval au pâturage. Pratique Vétérinaire Équine, 201, 5.

Kruse, C., Art, T., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., & Votion, D. (2019). Assessment of mitochondrial dysfunction by blood mononuclear cells analysis [Poster presentation]. 6th FARAH-Day, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Kruse, C., Art, T., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., & Votion, D. (2019). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells to detect mitochondrial dysfunction in horses: a preliminary study [Paper presentation]. 14th Conference on Mitochondrial Physiology, Belgrade, Serbia.

François, A.-C., Renaud, B., Delcenserie, V., Lebrun, S., Taminiau, B., Douny, C., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (2019). The modification of microbiota after intoxication with hypoglycin A: preliminary study [Poster presentation]. 6th FARAH-Day, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Bayrou, C., Delguste, C., Douny, C., Gatez, C., Jauniaux, T., Ponthier, J., Sartelet, A., Thiry, D., & Votion, D. (Eds.). (2019). Proceedings of the 6th FARAH-Day. Presses de la Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de l’Université de Liège.

Art, T., Detilleux, J., Balligand, M., Barsacq, S., Beaumont, A., Bonnet, M., Canitrot, E., Delguste, C., Delvaux, V., Erhmann, C., Ewert, M., François, A.-C., Frequelin, E., Gansser-Potts, M., Gatez, C., Hody, S., Huber, R., Huels, Jordan, C., ... Votion, D. (2019). Measured and predicted oxygen uptake in healthy adults [Poster presentation]. 6th FARAH-Day, Liège, Belgium.

Art, T., Detilleux, J., Balligand, M., Barsacq, S., Beaumont, A., Bonnet, A., Canitrot, E., Delguste, C., Delvaux, V., Ehrmann, C., Ewert, M., François, A.-C., Frequelin, E., Gansser-Potts, M., Gatez, C., Hody, S., Huber, R., Huels, N., Jordan, C., ... Votion, D. (2019). Prediction of maximal oxygen consumption using simple field tests in healthy adults [Poster presentation]. 6th FARAH-Day, Liège, Belgium.

Votion, D., & Richard, E. (2018). Comprendre pour mieux prévenir la myopathie atypique. In Proceedings: Les Rencontres du RESPE (pp. 7).

Cesarini Latorre, C., Votion, D., BOEMER, F., cerri, S., Lefère, L., Palmers, K., van Loon, G., Amory, H., Daube, G., & Taminiau, B. (09 November 2018). Correlation between faecal microbiota and serum levels of Hypoglycin A and MCPA-carnitine in horses with atypical myopathy [Paper presentation]. 11th European College of Equine Internal Medicine congress.

Votion, D., Fraipont, A., Robert, C., Sandersen, C., Detilleux, J., & Serteyn, D. (November 2018). Muscle OXPHOS capacities in endurance horses predict racing performance. Comparative Exercise Physiology, 14, 64.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Renaud, B., François, A.-C., Habyarimana, J. A., Scippo, M.-L., Richard, E., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Erpicum, M., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (26 October 2018). Potential new sources of hypoglycin A poisoning for equids kept at pasture in spring: a field pilot study [Poster presentation]. 5th FARAH-Day, Liège 1 (Sart Tilman), Belgium.

François, A.-C., Renaud, B., Weber, M., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (26 October 2018). Update of diagnostic algorithm used to categorize reported cases to the Atypical Myopathy Alert Group [Poster presentation]. 5th FARAH-Day.

Zhou, Y., Gustin, P., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Lemieux, H., & Votion, D. (26 October 2018). In vitro testing of equine atypical myopathy induced mitochondrial dysfunction [Poster presentation]. 5th FARAH-Da, Liège 1 (Sart Tilman), Belgium.

Wimmer-Scherr, C., Votion, D., BOEMER, F., Cerri, S., Lefère, L., Palmers, K., van Loon, G., Amory, H., Daube, G., Taminiau, B., & Cesarini Latorre, C. (2018). Atypical Myopathy: is there a relationship between serum hypoglycin A and MCPACarnitin levels and the composition of faecal microbiota? In Proceedings 5th FARAH-Day (pp. 29).
Peer reviewed

Zhou, Y., Votion, D., Gustin, P., & Mouithys-Mickalad, A. (26 October 2018). The electron paramagnetic resonance test of equine atypical myopathy induced mitochondrial dysfunction: a preliminary study [Poster presentation]. 5th FARAH-Day, Liège 1 (Sart Tilman), Belgium.

Renaud, B., François, A.-C., Weber, M., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Gustin, P., & Votion, D. (26 October 2018). The Atypical Myopathy Alert Group’s case report process: strengths and weaknesses [Poster presentation]. 5th FARAH-Day, Liège 1 (Sart Tilman), Belgium.

Votion, D. (2018). Myopathie atypique : les outils du vétérinaire. In Webconférences - Institut français du cheval et de l'équitation (Ifce ; France).

Zhou, Y., Gonzalez-Medina, Gustin, P., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Piercy, R., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Lemieux, H., & Votion, D. (2018). Functional diagnosis of mitochondrial defects in equine atypical myopathy and targeted mitochondrial therapy: a preliminary study. In In proceedings: 13th Conference on Mitochondrial Physiology.
Peer reviewed

Bunert, C., Langer, S., Votion, D., BOEMER, F., Müller, A., Ternes, K., & Liesegang, A. (2018). Atypical myopathy in Père David’s deer (Elaphurus davidianus) associated with ingestion of hypoglycin A. Journal of Animal Science. doi:10.1093/jas/sky200
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Votion, D. (2018). La myopathie atypique. ORBi-University of Liège.

Habyarimana, J. A., Gustin, P., Scippo, M.-L., Martinelle, L., Douny, C., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Richard, E., & Votion, D. (2018). Émergence de la toxicité printanière et influence des conditions météorologiques sur les risques de myopathie atypique. In Proceeding de la 44ème Journée de la Recherche équine (pp. 157-160).
Peer reviewed

Tosi, I., Art, T., Cassart, D., Farnir, F., Ceusters, J., Serteyn, D., Lemieux, H., & Votion, D. (2018). Altered mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation capacity in horses suffering from polysaccharide storage myopathy. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes. doi:10.1007/s10863-018-9768-6
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Votion, D. (2018). Analysing hypoglycin A, methylenecyclopropylacetic acid conjugates and acylcarnitines in blood to confirm the diagnosis and improve our understanding of atypical myopathy [letter to the editor]. Equine Veterinary Education, doi: 10.1111/eve.12617. doi:10.1111/eve.12617
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Bayrou, C., Cabaraux, J.-F., Delguste, C., Douny, C., Gatez, C., Jauniaux, T., Ludwig, L., Ponthier, J., Sartelet, A., Thiry, D., & Votion, D. (Eds.). (2018). Proceedings of the 5th FARAH-Day. Liège, Belgium: Presse de la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire de l'Université de Liège.

Votion, D. (03 November 2017). Atypical myopathy [Paper presentation]. 10th Annual European College of Equine Internal Medicine Congress, Budapest, Hungary.

Cerri, S., Taminiau, B., Votion, D., Amory, H., Daube, G., & Cesarini Latorre, C. (02 November 2017). Comparison of faecal microbiota of horses suffering from atypical myopathy and healthy co-grazers [Poster presentation]. 10th annual congress of the European College of Equine Internal Medicine (ECEIM), Budapest, Hungary.

Cerri, S., Taminiau, B., Votion, D., Amory, H., Daube, G., & Cesarini Latorre, C. (13 October 2017). Comparison of faecal microbiota of horses suffering from atypical myopathy and healthy co-grazers [Paper presentation]. 4th FARAH-Day.

Votion, D. (2017). Myopathie atypique : les questions relatives au risque automnal. In Webconférences - Institut français du cheval et de l'équitation (Ifce ; France).

Habyarimana, J. B. A., Baise, E., Douny, C., Weber, M., BOEMER, F., De Tullio, P., Franck, T., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Frederich, M., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Richard, E., Scippo, M.-L., Votion, D., & Gustin, P. (2017). Development of an HPTLC method for determination of hypoglycin A in aqueous extracts of seedlings and samaras of Acer species. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.1101/148262

Votion, D. (2017). La myopathie atypique des équidés [Paper presentation]. Salon du Cheval de Marche-en-Famenne, Marche-en-Famenne, Belgium.

BOEMER, F., Detilleux, J., CELLO, C., Amory, H., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Richard, E., Van Galen, G., van Loon, G., Lefère, L., & Votion, D. (2017). Acylcarnitines profile best predicts survival in horses with atypical myopathy. PLoS ONE, 1-16. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0182761
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Gonzalez-Medina, S., Ireland, J. L., Piercy, R. J., Newton, J. R., & Votion, D. (2017). Equine Atypical Myopathy in the UK: Epidemiological characteristics of cases reported from 2011 to 2015 and factors associated with survival. Equine Veterinary Journal. doi:10.1111/evj.12694
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Bayrou, C., Cabaraux, J.-F., Delguste, C., Douny, C., Gatez, C., Jauniaux, T., Ludwig, L., Ponthier, J., Sartelet, A., Thiry, D., & Votion, D. (Eds.). (2017). Proceedings of the 4th FARAH-Day. Liège, Belgium: Presses de la Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de l’Université de Liège.

Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Baise, E., BOEMER, F., Habyarimana, J. B. A., Gustin, P., CELLO, C., Douny, C., Richard, E., Toquet, M.-P., Detilleux, J., Amory, H., Weber, M., Guez, A., & Votion, D. (2017). Point sur les travaux de recherche sur la myopathie atypique et leurs impacts sur la filière: quoi de neuf ? In Proceeding de la 43ème Journée de la Recherche équine (pp. 27-35).
Peer reviewed

Votion, D. (2017). Mitochondrial muscular function - What’s hot? [Paper presentation]. 10th Annual European College of Equine Internal Medicine Congress, Budapest, Hungary.

BOEMER, F., Detilleux, J., Baise, E., CELLO, C., Amory, H., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Richard, E., & Votion, D. (2016). Vivra, ne vivra pas ? Comment définir le pronostic de survie des cas de myopathie atypique ? In Journée AVEF (Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français) (pp. 150-151).
Peer reviewed

Bayrou, C., Cabaraux, J.-F., Delguste, C., Gatez, C., Jauniaux, T., Lété, C., Sartelet, A., Thiry, D., Votion, D., & Zeippen, C. (Eds.). (2016). Proceedings of the 3rd FARAH-Day 2016. Liège, Belgium: Presses de la Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de l'Université de Liège.

Perrot, C., Baise, E., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Niesten, A., & Votion, D. (24 October 2016). Methylenecyclopropyl acetic acid-CoA but not hypoglycin A alters the mitochondrial function of equine skeletal muscle cells: preliminary studies [Paper presentation]. 3nd FARAH-Day.

Gonzalez-Medina, S., Ireland, J. L., & Votion, D. (2016). Epidemiological characteristics of cases reported from 2011 to 2015 and factors associated with survival. In Proceeding 2016 British Equine Veterinary Association Congress.
Peer reviewed

Tritz, P., Laugier, C., Trapprest, J., Votion, D., Maisonnier, V., Popoff, M. R., & Leblond, A. (2016). Maladie de l'herbe (Dysautonomie Equine ou Equine Grass Sickness ) : une nouvelle étude dans le cadre du RESPE. (Réseau d'Epidémio-Surveillance en Pathologie Equine (RESPE)).

Votion, D. (2016). La myopathie atypique des équidés. ORBi-University of Liège.

Votion, D. (July 2016). OXPHOS capacities correlate with racing performance and indicate risk of developing exercise-induced myopathy [Paper presentation]. MitoFit Science Camp, Kuehtai, Austria.

Votion, D., Robert, C., & Serteyn, D. (June 2016). Assessing muscle mitochondrial function to improve training, performance and to early detect exertional myopathies in sport horses [Poster presentation]. 12th International Society for Equitation Science Conference, Saumur, France.

Votion, D. (May 2016). Atypical myopathy: an update. In Practice, 38 (5), 241-246. doi:10.1136/inp.i1859
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Fievet, V., Detilleux, J., & Votion, D. (2016). Épidémiologie de la gale d’été. In Proceeding de la 42ème Journée de la Recherche équine (pp. 145-148).
Peer reviewed

Lemieux, H., BOEMER, F., Van Galen, G., Serteyn, D., Amory, H., Baise, E., Cassart, D., van Loon, G., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., & Votion, D. (2016). Mitochondrial function is altered in horse atypical myopathy. Mitochondrion, 30, 35-41. doi:10.1016/j.mito.2016.06.005
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Houben, R., Leleu, C., Fraipont, A., Serteyn, D., & Votion, D. (2016). Determination of muscle mitochondrial respiratory capacity in Standardbred racehorses as an aid to predicting exertional rhabdomyolysis. Mitochondrion, 24, 99-104. doi:10.1016/j.mito.2015.07.006
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Baise, E., Habyarimana, J. B. A., Amory, H., BOEMER, F., Douny, C., Gustin, P., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Patarin, F., Weber, M., & Votion, D. (2016). Samaras and seedlings of Acer pseudoplatanus are potential sources of hypoglycin A intoxication in atypical myopathy without necessarily inducing clinical signs. Equine Veterinary Journal. doi:10.1111/evj.12499
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Høffer, S. E., Votion, D., Anderberg, M., BOEMER, F., Nautrup Olsen, S., & Van Galen, G. (2016). Atypical myopathy in Denmark confirmed with the aTRAQ Assay. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 47, 77-79. doi:10.1016/j.jevs.2016.08.010
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Fievet, V., Detilleux, J., & Votion, D. (16 October 2015). Assessment of ways to fight against equin summer eczema [Paper presentation]. 2nd FARAH-Day, Liège 1 (Sart Tilman), Belgium.

Ernoult, O., Baise, E., BOEMER, F., Gustin, P., Habyarimana, J. B. A., Weber, M., & Votion, D. (16 October 2015). Atypical myopathy: a preliminary study to identify the site of hypoglycin A metabolism [Paper presentation]. 2nd FARAH-Day, Liège 1 (Sart Tilman), Belgium.

Bayrou, C., Cabaraux, J.-F., Delguste, C., Gatez, C., Jauniaux, T., Lété, C., Thiry, D., Votion, D., & Zeippen, C. (Eds.). (2015). Proceedings of the 2nd FARAH-Day / Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (University of Liege - Belgium). Liège, Belgium: Presses de la Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de l’Université de Liège.

De Ridder, T., BOEMER, F., Baise, E., Amory, H., & Votion, D. (16 October 2015). Identification of a new prognostic tool for atypical myopathy [Paper presentation]. 2nd FARAH-Day, Liège 1 (Sart Tilman), Belgium.

Courouce-Malblanc, A., Daix, C., Ferry, B., & Votion, D. (2015). Le syndrome coup de sang. ORBi-University of Liège.

Roose, C., Detilleux, J., Fraipont, A., Robert, C., Goachet, A.-G., Niesten, A., Sandersen, C., Serteyn, D., & Votion, D. (October 2015). Prediction of sport performance in endurance horses by the study of muscle mitochondrial function with high resolution respirometry [Paper presentation]. Farah Day, Liège, Belgium.

BOEMER, F., DEBERG, M., SCHOOS, R., Baise, E., Amory, H., Gault, G., Carlier, J., Gaillard, Y., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., & Votion, D. (2015). Quantification of hypoglycin A in serum using aTRAQ((R)) assay. Journal of Chromatography. B, Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 997, 75-80. doi:10.1016/j.jchromb.2015.06.004
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Habyarimana, J. B. A., BOEMER, F., Amory, H., Baise, E., Carlier, J., De Tullio, P., Douny, C., Gault, G., Gustin, P., Fanck, T., Frederich, M., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Richard, E., Patarin, F., Weber, M., & Votion, D. (2015). Les nouveaux outils de diagnostic et de pronostic de la myopathie atypique. In Proceeding de la 41ème Journée de la Recherche équine.
Peer reviewed

Votion, D. (2015). Myopathie atypique. In E. Richard, Maladies des chevaux: diagnostic, traitement, prévention (3ème édition, pp. 321-323). Paris, France: Editions France Agricole.

Votion, D. (2015). The cause of atypical myopathy has been discovered – what should we do now? Pferdeheilkunde, 31 (6), 241-246. doi:10.21836/pem20150604
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McKenzie, R. K., Hill, F. I., Habyarimana, J. B. A., BOEMER, F., & Votion, D. (2015). Detection of hypoglycin A in the seeds of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) and box elder (A. negundo) in New Zealand; the toxin associated with cases of equine atypical myopathy. New Zealand Veterinary Journal, 1-17. doi:10.1080/00480169.2015.1123123
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Habyarimana, J. B. A., Baise, E., Weber, M., Franck, T., Gault, G., Carlier, J., & Votion, D. (17 October 2014). Validation of HPTCL method for quantitative determination of Hypoglycin A in methanol extracts of Maple (Acer) samples [Paper presentation]. 1st FARAH-Day, Liège 1 (Sart Tilman), Belgium.

Bayrou, C., Cabaraux, J.-F., Delguste, C., Jauniaux, T., Sartelet, A., & Votion, D. (Eds.). (2014). Proceedings of the 1st FARAH-Day Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (University of Liege - Belgium). Liège, Belgium: Presses de la Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de l’Université de Liège.

Votion, D. (May 2014). Alerte à la myopathie atypique. Hippo News, 421, 19.

Habyarimana, J. B. A., Baise, E., Weber, M., Franck, T., Gault, G., Carlier, J., Votion, D., & Gustin, P. (May 2014). Validation of HPTLC Method for Quantitative Determination of Hypoglycin A in Methanol Extracts of Maple (Acer) Samples [Poster presentation]. HTPLC congress Lyon 2014, Lyon, France.

Patarin, F., Van Galen, G., Dopagne, C., Rouxhet, S., Pitel, C., & Votion, D. (2014). Etiologie de la myopathie atypique : conditions de toxicité de l’agent causal – étude préliminaire. In 40ème journée de la recherche équine (pp. 101-109).
Peer reviewed

Delefosse, M., Votion, D., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., & Patarin, F. (2014). Myopathie atypique: un remède à trouver. La France agricole, p. 39.

Votion, D. (2014). Myopathie atypique : la recherche continue. Pratique Vétérinaire Équine, 46 (182), 22-24.
Peer reviewed

Patarin, F., Van Galen, G., Pitel, C., & Votion, D. (2014). Myopathie atypique : épidémiologie des cas européen. Pratique vétérinaire équine. Pratique Vétérinaire Équine, 46 (182), 12-14.
Peer reviewed

Antys Becker, M., & Votion, D. (2014). Tödliche Vergiftung. Atopische Weidemyopathie, eine umweltbedingte Erkrankung. hundkatzepferd vet, 6.

Patarin, F., Pitel, C., & Votion, D. (2014). Distribution des cas européens de myopathie atypique de 2003 à 2013 : maladie endémique ou émergente Pratique vétérinaire équine. Pratique Vétérinaire Équine, 46 (182), 6-10.
Peer reviewed

Votion, D. (2014). Metabolic responses to exercise and training. In Hinchcliff K.W, Kaneps A.J., ... Geor R.J. (Eds.), Equine Sport Medicine and Surgery (pp. 747-767). Elsevier.

Votion, D. (2014). Editorial : La myopathie atypique. Pratique Vétérinaire Équine, 46 (182), 5.

Van Galen, G., & Votion, D. (2014). Gestion des cas, traitement et prévention chez les compagnons de pâture lors de myopathie atypique. Pratique Vétérinaire Équine, 46 (182), 16-21.
Peer reviewed

Tosi, I., Art, T., Cassart, D., Serteyn, D., & Votion, D. (2014). Altered mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation capacity in horses suffering from polysaccharide storage myopathy. Equine Veterinary Journal, 46 (Suppl 46), 9.
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Votion, D., Patarin, F., Cerri, S., Fraipont, A., Gougnard, A., Houben, R., Pitel, C., Van Galen, G., & Amory, H. (2013). Étiopathogénie de la myopathie atypique et gestion raisonnée des cas. In In Proceedings: Journée AVEF (Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français) (pp. 138-147).

Houben, R., Leleu, C., Fraipont, A., Amory, H., Serteyn, D., Houben, R. M., & Votion, D. (11 October 2013). Early indicators for exertional rhabdomyolysis in standardbred racehorses using high-resolution respirometry [Paper presentation]. 3ème édition de la réunion scientifique de la faculté de médecine vétérinaire, Liège 1 (Sart Tilman), Belgium.

Tosi, I., Art, T., Cassart, D., Serteyn, D., & Votion, D. (2013). Altered mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation capacity in horses suffering from polysaccharide storage myopathy. In Proceedings of the Third FMV Scientific Meeting.

Bayrou, C., Cabaraux, J.-F., Delguste, C., Jauniaux, T., Sartelet, A., & Votion, D. (Eds.). (2013). Proceedings of the 3rd Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Liège, Belgium: Presses de la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire.

Votion, D. (03 October 2013). Discovery of the cause of atypical myopathy [Paper presentation]. World Equine Veterinary Association - International Congress, Budapest, Hungary.

Votion, D. (2013). Managing acute myopathies. In In proceedings: 51th British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) Congress (pp. 41).

Votion, D. (2013). Atypical myopathy: epidemiology and aetiopathogenesis. In In proceedings: 51th British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) Congress (pp. 39).

Votion, D., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Ceusters, J., Lemieux, H., Tosi, I., Franck, T., Art, T., Niesten, A., & Serteyn, D. (2013). The challenge of understanding myopathies in horses using permeabilized muscle cells. In In proceedings 9th Conference on Mitochondrial Physiology.
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., & Serteyn, D. (2013). Prédiction des performances sportives et détection précoce des myopathies par respirométrie à haute résolution. In cheval athlète, stress oxydant & inflammation (pp. 1-3).

Votion, D., Van Galen, G., Sweetan, BOEMER, F., De Tullio, P., Dopagne, C., Lefere, L., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Patarin, F., Rouxhet, S., van Loon, G., Serteyn, D., Sponseller, B., & Valber, S. (2013). Identification of methylenecyclopropyl acetic acid in serum of European horses with atypical myopathy. Equine Veterinary Journal. doi:10.1111/evj.12117
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Tosi, I., Art, T., Cassart, D., Serteyn, D., & Votion, D. (2013). Altered mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation capacity in horses suffering from polysaccharide storage myopathy [Poster presentation]. Association Vétérinaire Equine Française (AVEF), Deauville, France.

Van Galen, G., & Votion, D. (2013). Management of cases suffering from atypical myopathy: Interpretations of descriptive, epidemiological and pathophysiological findings. Part 2: Muscular, urinary, respiratory and hepatic care, and inflammatory/ infectious status. Equine Veterinary Education, 25 (6), 308-314. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3292.2012.00441.x
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Van Galen, G., Cerri, S., Porter, S., Saegerman, C., Lefere, L., Roscher, K., Marr, C., Amory, H., & Votion, D. (2013). Traditional and quantitative assessment of acid-base and shock variables in horses with atypical myopathy. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 27 (1), 186-193. doi:10.1111/jvim.12003
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Van Galen, G., & Votion, D. (2013). Management of cases suffering from atypical myopathy:Interpretations of descriptive, epidemiological and pathophysiological findings. Part 1: First aid, cardiovascular, nutritional and digestive care. Equine Veterinary Education, 25 (5), 264-270. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3292.2012.00439.x
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Votion, D. (2012). The cause of atypical myopathy in grazing European horses revealed. In E. Gnaiger, Bioblast 2012.

Votion, D. (05 December 2012). OXPHOS protocols for the study of training and rare myopathies in horse skeletal muscle fibres [Paper presentation]. 72th International Course on High-Resolution Respirometry (IOC72), Schroecken, Austria.

Votion, D. (19 October 2012). Atypical myopathy: a big enigma finally resolved…and you will be the first one to know! [Paper presentation]. 2ème édition de la réunion scientifique de la faculté de médecine vétérinaire.

Poulain, L., Ceusters, J., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Niesten, A., Serteyn, D., & Votion, D. (19 October 2012). Changes in mitochondrial respiration of cultured equine myoblasts induced by serum of atypical myopathy affected horses: a preliminary study [Paper presentation]. 2ème édition de la réunion scientifique de la faculté de médecine vétérinaire, Liège, Belgium.

Bayrou, C., Cabaraux, J.-F., Delguste, C., Jauniaux, T., Sartelet, A., & Votion, D. (Eds.). (2012). Proceedings of the 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (University of Liège – Belgium). Liège, Belgium: Presses de la Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de l’Université de Liège.

Votion, D., Gnaiger, E., Lemieux, H., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., & Serteyn, D. (18 April 2012). Physical Fitness and Mitochondrial Respiratory Capacity in Horse Skeletal Muscle. PLoS ONE, 7 (4), 1-12. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034890
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Van Galen, G., & Votion, D. (2012). What have the last outbreaks of atypical myopathy in Europe told us: new treatment plans. In D. Verwilghen, G. Van Galen, ... V. Busoni (Eds.), Belgian International Congress: Hippos 2012 (pp. 164-174). Huy, Belgium: 2Learn.

Votion, D. (2012). What have the last outbreaks of atypical myopathy in Europe told us: new epidemiological evidence. In D. Verwilghen, G. Van Galen, ... V. Busoni (Eds.), Belgian International Congress: Hippos 2012 (pp. 157-163). Huy, Belgium: 2Learn.

Van Galen, G., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Saegerman, C., Patarin, F., Amory, H., Baily, J., Cassart, D., Gerber, V., Hahn, C., Harris, P., Keen, J., Kirschvink, N., Lefere, L., McGorum, B., Muller, J., Picavet, M., Piercy, R., Roscher, K., Serteyn, D., ... Votion, D. (2012). European outbreaks of atypical myopathy in grazing equids (2006-2009). Spatiotemporal distribution, history and clinical features. Equine Veterinary Journal. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3306.2012.00556.x
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Van Galen, G., Saegerman, C., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Patarin, F., Amory, H., Bailly, J.-D., Cassart, D., Gerber, V., Hahn, C., Harris, P., Keen, J. A., Kirschvink, N., Lefere, L., McGorum, B., Muller, J. M. V., Picavet, M. T. J. E., Piercy, R., Roscher, K., Serteyn, D., ... Votion, D. (2012). European outbreaks of atypical myopathy in grazing horses (2006-2009): Determination of indicators for risk and prognostic factors. Equine Veterinary Journal, DOI: 10.1111/j.2042-3306.2012.00555.x, 1-5. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3306.2012.00555.x
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Ceusters, J., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., de la Rebière de Pouyade, G., Franck, T., Votion, D., Deby-Dupont, G., & Serteyn, D. (2012). Assessment of reactive oxygen species production in cultured equine skeletal myoblasts in response to conditions of anoxia followed by reoxygenation with or without exposure to peroxidases. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 73 (3), 426-434. doi:10.2460/ajvr.73.3.426
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Sandersen, C., Votion, D., & Serteyn, D. (2012). Epidemiologie, labormezinische Daten und Therapie der atypischen Myopathie der Pferde. Leipzig, Germany: Leipziger Blaue Hefte.

Votion, D. (2012). The story of equine atypical myopathy: a review from the beginning to a possible end. ISRN Veterinary Science, 2012, 1-14. doi:10.5402/2012/281018
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Serteyn, D., Caudron, I., Lejeune, J.-P., Votion, D., Ceusters, J., Franck, T., & Sandersen, C. (2012). Relationship between exercise-induced systemic inflammatory like reaction and racing performance in endurance horses. Comparative Exercise Physiology, 8 (3/4), 213_218. doi:10.3920/CEP12026
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Sandersen, C., Lejeune, J.-P., Votion, D., Franck, T., & Serteyn, D. (2012). Systemisch-entzuendliche Reaktion beim Hochleistungssportpferd. Leipzig, Germany: Leipziger Blaue Hefte.

Van Galen, G., Cerri, S., Porter, S., Saegerman, C., Lefere, L., Roscher, K., Marr, C., Amory, H., & Votion, D. (2011). assessment of acid base imbalances in horses suffering from atypical myopathy. In proceedings AAEP 2011.
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., & Gerber, V. (2011). Novel insights into the management of atypical myopathy in grazing horses based on recent series of European outbreaks and advances in etiological investigations. In Proceedings of The 12th Congress of The World Equine Veterinary (pp. 2). Villoo Poonawalla Racing and Breeding Pvt. Ltd.

Van Galen, G., Cerri, S., Porter, S., Saegerman, C., Lefere, L., Roscher, K., Marr, C., Amory, H., & Votion, D. (2011). Exploratory survey on acid base derangements in horses suffering from atypical myopathy. In Proceedings BEVA 2011.
Peer reviewed

Votion, D. (2011). How to diagnose atypical myopathy. In In proceedings: 50th British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) Congress (pp. 1-2).

Votion, D. (2011). Atypical myopathy. In In Proceedings: 50th British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) Congress (pp. 1-3).

Votion, D., Fraipont, A., Robert, C., Van Erck, E., Richard, E., & Serteyn, D. (June 2011). Mesure de la respiration musculaire par respirométrie à haute résolution. Pratique Vétérinaire Équine, 43 (170), 35-37.
Peer reviewed

Votion, D. (2011). Atypical myopathy. In In proceedings: European Equine Health & Nutrition Congress (5th edition) (pp. 76-83).

Van Galen, G., Deby-Dupont, G., Serteyn, D., Verwilghen, D., & Votion, D. (15 April 2011). Fat analysis in muscle samples from horses affected with atypical myopathy [Poster presentation]. 5th European Equine Health and Nutrition Congress.

Amory, H., Votion, D., Fraipont, A., Farnir, F., Goachet, A. G., Robert, C., Al Haidar, A., & Van Erck, E. (2011). Altered diastolic and systolic left ventricular function in horses completing a long distance endurance race. In In Proccedings of the First Benelux Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology (PHYSPHAR).
Peer reviewed

Patarin, F., Van Galen, G., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Serteyn, D., & Votion, D. (2011). Incidences pratiques tirées des dernières séries cliniques de myopathie atypique sur le territoire français. In Institut français du cheval et de l'équitation (Ed.), Actes de colloque: 37ème Journée de la Recherche Equine (pp. 65-74). Le Pin au Haras, France: Librairie Institut français du cheval et de l'équitation.
Peer reviewed

Patarin, F., Pitel, C., Van Galen, G., & Votion, D. (2011). Myopathie atypique. In Fédération Nationale des Syndicats d’Exploitants Agricoles – Confédération Nationale de l’élevage (Ed.), Guide des bonnes pratiques sanitaires pour les détenteurs d’équidés (pp. 153-154). Paris, France: Fédération Nationale du Cheval.

Van Galen, G., Patarin, F., & Votion, D. (2011). Happiness is in the field: preventing atypical myopathy in grazing horses with rational management of pastures and horses drawn on the basis of the identification of risk factors for disease. In B. P. Hendriks (Ed.), Agricultural Research Updates (pp. 1-15). New York, United States: Nova Science Publishers.

Fraipont, A., Votion, D., Robert, C., Goachet, A. G., Van Erck, E., & Art, T. (2011). Analysis of mRNA expression in equine skeletal muscle highlights the existence of oxidative stress, inflammation, modified immune response and increased oxidative metabolism induced by a 120 km endurance race [Poster presentation]. 1st FMV Scientific Meeting, Liège, Belgium.

Votion, D. (December 2010). La myopathie atypique des équidés. Equ'idée, 72, 52-55.

Serteyn, D., Sandersen, C., Lejeune, J.-P., de la Rebière de Pouyade, G., Ceusters, J., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Niesten, A., Fraipont, A., van Erck, E., Goachet, A. G., Robert, C., Leclerc, J. L., Votion, D., & Franck, T. (2010). Effect of a 120 km endurance race on plasma and muscular neutrophil elastase and myeloperoxidase concentrations in horses. Equine Veterinary Journal, (Supplement 38), 275-9. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3306.2010.00269.x
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ANTHYS, M., METZEMACHER, S., & Votion, D. (2010). La scintigraphie pulmonaire chez le cheval – mise au point d’un système de nébulisation d’aérosols radioactifs. In In proceedings: Journées AVEF (Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français).
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., Fraipont, A., Goachet, A. G., Robert, C., Van Erck, E., Amory, H., Ceusters, J., de la Rebière de Pouyade, G., Franck, T., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Niesten, A., & Serteyn, D. (2010). Alterations in mitochondrial respiratory function in response to endurance training and endurance racing. In In proceedings: 8th International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology.
Peer reviewed

Votion, D. (2010). Mitochondrial respiratory capacity in skeletal muscle from top-level equine athletes. In FEBS Workshop: the many functions of the organism in our cells (pp. 47-48).

Van Galen, G., Atypical Myopathy Alert Group, & Votion, D. (18 June 2010). Atypical myopathy in Europe: 2006-2009 [Poster presentation]. european veterinary emergency and critical care society (EVECCS) congress 2010, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Votion, D. (2010). La myopathie atypique des équidés. (Fiches techniques: pathologie et maladies, Les Haras nationaux (France)). Le Pin au Haras, France: Institut français du cheval et de l'équitation.

Robert, C., Mathews-Martin, L., Votion, D., & Leclerc, J.-L. (2010). Variations physiologiques des paramètres sanguins chez le cheval d’endurance de haut niveau lors de séances de galop sur piste. In 36ème Journée de la Recherche Equine (Actes de colloque). Le Pin au Haras, France: Les Haras nationaux - Librairie.
Peer reviewed

Robert, C., Goachet, A.-G., Fraipont, A., Votion, D., Van Erck, E., & Leclerc, J.-L. (2010). Hydratation and electrolyte balance in horses during an endurance season. Equine Veterinary Journal, 42 (38), 98-104. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3306.2010.00198.x
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Votion, D., Fraipont, A., Goachet, A.-G., Robert, C., Van Erck, E., Amory, H., Ceusters, J., de la Rebière de Pouyade, G., Franck, T., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Niesten, A., & Serteyn, D. (2010). Alterations in mitochondrial respiratory function in response to endurance training and endurance racing. Equine Veterinary Journal, 42 (38), 268-274. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3306.2010.00271.x
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Amory, H., Votion, D., Fraipont, A., Goachet, A. G., Robert, C., Farnir, F., & Van Erck, E. (2010). Altered systolic left ventricular function in horses completing a long distance endurance race. Equine Veterinary Journal, 42 (38), 216-219. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3306.2010.00253.x
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Van Galen, G., Amory, H., Busschers, E., Cassart, D., De Bruijn, M., Gerber, V., Keen, J., Lefere, L., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Marr, C., Muller, J. M. V., Pineau, X., Saegerman, C., Sandersen, C., Serteyn, D., Torfs, S., Unger, L., Verwilghen, D., & Votion, D. (2010). European outbreak of atypical myopathy in the autumn 2009. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. doi:10.1111/j.1476-4431.2010.00574.x
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Ceusters, J., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Niesten, A., de la Rebière de Pouyade, G., Franck, T., Votion, D., Deby-Dupont, G., & Serteyn, D. (2010). EFFECT OF DIFFERENT ANOXIA/REOXYGENATION MODELS ON MITOCHONDRIAL COMPLEX I ACTIVITY OF CULTURED EQUINE SKELETAL MUSCLE CELLS: ESR AND OXYGRAPHIC STUDIES [Poster presentation]. 1st world congress on Targeting Mitochondria: Strategies, Innovations & Clinical Applications, Berlin, Germany.

Franck, T., Votion, D., Ceusters, J., de la Rebière de Pouyade, G., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Niesten, A., Fraipont, A., Van Erck, E., Goachet, A.-G., Robert, C., & Serteyn, D. (2010). Specific immuno-extraction followed by enzymatic detection (SIEFED) of myeloperoxidase and mitochondrial complex I in muscular microbiopsies: preliminary results in endurance horses. Equine Veterinary Journal, 42 (Suppl. 38), 296-302. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3306.2010.00270.x
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Lejeune, J.-P., Sandersen, C., Votion, D., Caudron, I., Vander Heyden, L., Franck, T., Ceusters, J., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Niesten, A., de la Rebière de Pouyade, G., & Serteyn, D. (2010). Effect of intensive exercise on plasmatic neutrophil elastase level in eventing and endurance horses. Equine Veterinary Journal, 48, 12-16. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3306.2010.00242.x
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Votion, D., Fraipont, A., Robert, C., Leleu, C., Courouce-Malblanc, Van Erck, E., Goachet, A.-G., Niesten, A., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Ceusters, J., Franck, T., de la Rebière de Pouyade, G., Sandersen, C., Lejeune, J.-P., & Serteyn, D. (2010). La microbiopsie musculaire : un nouvel outil pour le suivi sportif et la détection précoce des dysfonctions musculaires. In 36ème Journée de la Recherche Equine (Actes de colloque, pp. 41-45). Le Pin au Haras, France: Les Haras nationaux - Librairie.
Peer reviewed

Amory, H., Votion, D., Fraipont, A., Goachet, A., Robert, C., Farnir, F., & Van Erck, E. (2010). Altered diastolic and systolic left ventricular function in horses completing a long distance endurance race. In In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology (ICEEP).
Peer reviewed

Votion, D. (December 2009). Respirometry with permeabilized fibres – horse skeletal muscle as an exercise and clinical model [Paper presentation]. 54th International Course on High-Resolution Respirometry (IOC54), Schröcken, Austria.

Votion, D., & Van Galen, G. (2009). Comment confirmer et gérer les myopathies? In 25ème journée d’étude de la Belgian Equine Practitioners Society (BEPS) (pp. 65-78).

Votion, D., & Van Galen, G. (2009). Hoe kan je een myopathie efficiënt diagnosticeren en behandelen? In 25ème journée d’étude de la Belgian Equine Practitioners Society (BEPS) (pp. 79-92).

Votion, D., & Serteyn, D. (2009). Muscle mitochondrial respiratory function in healthy and myopathic horses. In In Proceedings (CD-ROM): Mitochondrial Medicine 2009: Capitol Hill Symposium (pp. 1).

Votion, D., Pesta, D., Gnaiger, E., Lemieux, H., & Serteyn, D. (2009). Preparation and application of permeabilized muscle fibers for respiration studies. In In Proceedings: 3rd MiPsummer School (pp. 25-26).

Votion, D., Gnaiger, E., Lemieux, H., & Serteyn, D. (2009). High-resolution respirometry to assess muscle mitochondrial respiratory function in horses: potential applications in sport and myopathic horses. In In Proceedings: 3rd MiPsummer School, Baton Rouge, USA (pp. 23-24).

Van Galen, G., Marcillaud Pitel, C., Saegerman, C., Serteyn, D., Amory, H., Acker, J., Verwilghen, D., Benamou, A., Caudron, I., Cesarini Latorre, C., Durham, A., Gerber, V., Guix, E., Hahn, C., Kirschvink, N., Lefere, L., Mespoulhes, C., Nollet, H., Palencia, P., ... Votion, D. (28 January 2009). Epidemiological study on European cases of atypical myopathy [Poster presentation]. ECEIM congres, Barcelone, Spain.

Votion, D., Linden, A., Delguste, C., Amory, H., Thiry, E., Engels, P., Van Galen, G., Navet, R., Sluse, F., Serteyn, D., & Saegerman, C. (2009). Atypical Myopathy In Grazing Horses: A First Exploratory Data Analysis. Veterinary Journal, 180 (1), 77-87. doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2008.01.016
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Gerber, V., & Votion, D. (2009). Atypical myopathy. In E. Robinson (Ed.), Current Therapy in Equine Medicine, 6th edition (pp. 630-634). St. Louis, United States: Elsevier.

Votion, D., Van Galen, G., Caudron, I., & Serteyn, D. (2009). Gestion médicale des myopathies: les premiers gestes. Pratique Vétérinaire Équine, 41 (numero special), 119-126.
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., Fraipont, A., Franck, T., goachet, A.-G., Julliand, V., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Robert, C., Van Erck, E., & Serteyn, D. (2009). Effect de l'entraînement sur la fonction mitochondriale musculaire du cheval d'endurance. In 35eme Journee de la Recherche Equine, jeudi 26 fevrier 2009, Paris, France (Actes de colloque, pp. 113-121). Le Pin au Haras, France: Les Haras nationaux - Librairie.
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., Van Galen, G., & Marr, C. M. (2009). Equine atypical myopathy. Letters (equine health) [letter to the editor]. Veterinary Record, 165, 605. doi:10.1136/vr.165.20.605-b
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Ceusters, J., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., de la Rebière de Pouyade, G., Votion, D., Deby-Dupont, G., & Serteyn, D. (2009). Equine skeletal muscle cells submitted to anoxia/reoxygenation produce reactive oxygen species [Poster presentation]. 16th Annual Meeting of the Society of Free Radical Biology and Medicine, San Francisco, USA, San Francisco, United States - California.

Goachet, A. G., Philippeau, C., Martin, L., Robert, C., Votion, D., Van Erck, E., & Julliand, V. (2009). Effect of Long-Term Endurance Conditioning on Total Tract Apparent Digestibility of Fibers in Horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 29 (5), 373-375.
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Ceusters, J., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., de la Rebière de Pouyade, G., Votion, D., Deby-Dupont, G., & Serteyn, D. (2009). Equine skeletal muscle cells submitted to anoxia/reoxygenation produce reactive oxygen species [Poster presentation]. “Redox-dependent protein modifications and proteomics”, Namur, Belgium.

Votion, D., Van Erck, E., de la Rebière de Pouyade, G., Franck, T., Dupont, G., & Serteyn, D. (December 2008). Contribution of pro-inflammatory enzymes in EIPH: could the neutrophils play a role in the pathogenesis of the condition? [Paper presentation]. Havenmeyer Foundation Workshop, San Diego, United States.

Van Galen, G., Amory, H., Serteyn, D., & Votion, D. (2008). Diagnostic différentiel des troubles musculaires [Paper presentation]. Journée AVEF (Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français), Reims, France.

Votion, D., Van Galen, G., Deby-Dupont, G., Ceusters, J., de la Rebière de Pouyade, G., Franck, T., Kohnen, S., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Caudron, I., Lejeune, J.-P., Vander Heyden, L., & Serteyn, D. (2008). Les nouveaux outils d’investigation des myopathies « typiques » et atypique [Paper presentation]. Journée AVEF (Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français), Reims, France.

Votion, D., Van Galen, G., & Serteyn, D. (2008). La réalité clinique des myopathies équines. In In Proceedings: Journée AVEF (Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français) (pp. 100-103). France: Association des vétérinaires équins français.
Peer reviewed

Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Van Galen, G., Guix, E., & Votion, D. (2008). Rerudescence de la myopathie atypique du cheval au pré en Europe. In In Proceedings: Journée AVEF (Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français) (pp. 110-118).

Van Galen, G., Serteyn, D., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Guix, E., Caudron, I., Lejeune, J.-P., Vander Heyden, L., & Votion, D. (2008). Conduite à tenir face a un cas de myopathie atypique du cheval au pré [Paper presentation]. Journée AVEF (Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français), Reims, France.

Westermann, C., Dorland, L., Votion, D., de Sain-van der Velden, M. G. M., Wijnberg, I. D., Wanders, R. J. A., Spliet, W. G. M., Testerink, N., Berger, R., Ruiter, J. P. N., & van der Kolk, J. H. (2008). Acquired multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MADD) in 12 out of 12 horses with atypical myopathy. In Proceedings of the 47th British Equine Veterinary Association Congress BEVA (pp. 10-13).
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., Lemieux, H., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Serteyn, D., & Gnaiger, E. (2008). Mitochondrial respiration in the equine muscle with high-resolution respirometry: Race horses and a rare myopathy. In In proceedings: Second MiPsummer School on Mitochondrial Respiratory Physiology (pp. 11-12).

Votion, D., & Serteyn, D. (2008). Atypical myopathy (myoglobinuria): 5 cases-based questions. In Muscle day: muscle diseases in the horse. Improve International Ltd.

Votion, D., & Serteyn, D. (2008). The epidemiology, clinical presentation, treatment and pathology of atypical myopathy (myoglobinuria). In Muscle day: muscle diseases in the horse. Improve International Ltd.

Westermann, C. M., Dorland, L., Votion, D., de Sain-van der Velden, M. G. M., Wijnberg, I. D., Wanders, R. J. A., Spliet, W. G. M., Testerink, N., Berger, R., Ruiter, J. P. N., & van der Kolk, J. H. (2008). Acquired multiple Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency in 10 horses with atypical myopathy. Neuromuscular Disorders, 18 (5), 355-64. doi:10.1016/j.nmd.2008.02.007
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Votion, D., & Serteyn, D. (2008). Equine atypical myopathy: a review. Veterinary Journal, (178), 185-190. doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2008.02.004
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Votion, D. (2008). Functional imaging of exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage. In D. Votion, D. Serteyn, ... P. Lekeux, Exercise-Induced Pulmonary Haemorrhage: State of Current Knowledge (pp. 16-28). Newmarket, United Kingdom: R & W Publications (Newmarket) Limited, Newmarket.

Van Galen, G., Serteyn, D., Amory, H., & Votion, D. (2008). Atypical myopathy: new insights into the pathophysiology, prevention and management of the condition. Equine Veterinary Education, 20 (5), 234-238. doi:10.2746/095777308X299103
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Van Galen, G., Serteyn, D., Amory, H., & Votion, D. (2008). Approche diagnostique des myopathies chez le cheval. Nouveau Praticien Vétérinaire Equine, 15, 25-31.
Peer reviewed

Lemieux, H., Votion, D., & Gnaiger, E. (2007). Mitochondrial Physiology Network: Mitochondrial respiration in permeabilized muscle fibers: needle biopsy from horse skeletal muscle. In E. Gnaiger (Ed.), MipNet Publications (pp. 1-4).

Votion, D. (2007). Spécificités musculaires du cheval d’endurance : réponse à l’exercice et à l’entraînement. In In Proceedings: Journée AVEF (Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français) (pp. 106-110).
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., Lemieux, H., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Serteyn, D., & Gnaiger, E. (July 2007). Study of the mitochondrial respiration in the equine muscle with high-resolution respirometry: feasibility, preliminary results and potential applications [Poster presentation]. First MiPsummer School on Mitochondrial Respiratory Physiology, Schröcken, Austria.

Grammenos, A., Bahri, M. A., Piel, G., Votion, D., & Hoebeke, M. (April 2007). Electron Spin Resonance study : The impact of food or drug on membrane viscosity [Poster presentation]. Biomedica.

Votion, D., Delguste, C., Amory, H., Van Galen, G., Serteyn, D., & Saegerman, C. (2007). Prévenir la myopathie atypique du cheval au pré par la gestion raisonnée des pâtures et des chevaux établie sur base de l'identification des facteurs de risques de la maladie. In 33ème Journée de la Recherche Equine (Actes de colloque, pp. 8). Le Pin au Haras, France: Les Haras nationaux - Librairie.
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., Hahn, C. N., & Milne, E. M. (2007). Concurrent conditions in single cases: the need to differentiate equine dysautonomia (grass sickness) and atypical myopathy. Equine Veterinary Journal, 39 (5), 390-2. doi:10.2746/042516407X229468
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Votion, D. (2007). La France et la Belgique: les principales victimes de la myopathie atypique du cheval au pré: éditorial. Bulletin du Réseau d'Epidémiosurveillance en Pathologie Equine, (Janvier), 2-3.

Cassart, D., Baise, E., Cherel, Y., Delguste, C., Antoine, N., Votion, D., Amory, H., Rollin, F., Linden, A., Coignoul, F., & Desmecht, D. (January 2007). Morphological alterations in oxidative muscles and mitochondrial structure associated with equine atypical myopathy. Equine Veterinary Journal, 39 (1), 26-32. doi:10.2746/042516407X157765
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Van Erck, E., Votion, D., Serteyn, D., & Art, T. (2007). Evaluation of oxygen consumption during field exercise tests in Standardbred trotters. Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology, 4 (1), 43-49.
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Votion, D., Linden, A., Saegerman, C., Engels, P., Erpicum, M., Thiry, E., Delguste, C., Rouxhet, S., Demoulin, V., Navet, R., Sluse, F., Serteyn, D., Van Galen, G., & Amory, H. (2007). History and clinical features of atypical myopathy in horses in Belgium (2000-2005). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 21 (6, Nov-Dec), 1380-1391. doi:10.1892/07-053.1
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Votion, D., Navet, R., Lacombe, A., Sluse, F., Essen-gustavsson, B., Hinchcliff, K. W., Rivero, J. L., Serteyn, D., & Valberg, S. (2007). Muscle energetics in exercising horses. Equine and Comparative Exercise Physiology, 4, 105-118.
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Votion, D., & Lekeux, P. (2007). Pulmonary scintigraphy. In B. C. McGorum, P. M. Dixon, N. E. Robinson, ... J. Schumacher, Equine Respiratory Medicine and Surgery (pp. 193-199). Philadelphia, United States: Saunders Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-7020-2759-8.50018-0

Van Erck, E., Votion, D., Serteyn, D., & Art, T. (2006). Evaluation of oxygen consumption during field exercise tests in Standardbred trotters. In Proceeding Journée AVEF (Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français).
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., Caudron, I., Lejeune, J. P., Vander Heyden, L., Art, T., Van Erck, E., & Serteyn, D. (2006). Measurement of aerobic capacity in ridden horses. In Proceeding Journée AVEF (Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français). France: AVEF (Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français).
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., Linden, A., Thiry, E., Van Galen, G., Serteyn, D., Delguste, C., Amory, H., & Saegerman, C. (2006). Risk factors associated with atypical myopathy in grazing horses. In In Proceedings of the 45th Annual Congress of the British Equine Veterinary Association.
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., & Linden, A. (2006). La myopathie atypique des équidés: une maladie bien mystérieuse. Nouvelles de l'Agriculture, (Automne), 32-33.

Votion, D., Art, T., Van Erck, E., Valberg, S. J., Essén-Gustavsson, B., Hinchcliff, K. W., Rivero, J. L., Sluse, F., & Navet, R. (2006). Myopathies associated with limitations to performance. In Proceeding 7th International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology.

Votion, D., Caudron, I., Lejeune, J.-P., Vander Heyden, L., Art, T., Van Erck, E., & Serteyn, D. (August 2006). Measurement of oxygen consumption and cardio-respiratory parameters in ridden horse. Pferdeheilkunde, 22 (5), 619-624.
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Votion, D., Serteyn, D., & Lekeux, P. (2006). Imaging hemorrhage and lung remodeling in exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage using scintigraphy and radiography. In Exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage: state of current knowledge (pp. 17-20).

Votion, D., Caudron, I., Lejeune, J.-P., van der Heyden, L., Art, T., Van Erck, E., & Serteyn, D. (2006). New perspective for field measurement of cardiorespiratory parameters in exercising horses. Pferdeheilkunde, 619-624. doi:10.21836/PEM20060515
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Van Erck, E., Votion, D., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (2006). Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of equine respiratory mechanics by impulse oscillometry. Equine Veterinary Journal, 38 (1), 52-58. doi:10.2746/042516406775374252
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Art, T., Duvivier, D. H., Van Erck, E., de Moffarts, B., Votion, D., Bedoret, D., Lejeune, J.-L., Lekeux, P., & Serteyn, D. (2006). Validation of a portable equine metabolic measurement system. Equine Veterinary Journal, 36, 557-561. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3306.2006.tb05604.x
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Art, T., Franck, T., Gangl, M., Votion, D., Kohnen, S., Deby-Dupont, G., & Serteyn, D. (2006). Effect of cross country on plasma levels of myeloperoxidase in saddle ponies. In Abstracts book of iceep (pp. 162).
Peer reviewed

Art, T., Franck, T., Gangl, M., Votion, D., Kohnen, S., Deby-Dupont, G., & Serteyn, D. (2006). Plasma concentrations of myeloperoxidase in endurance and 3-day event horses after a competition. Equine Veterinary Journal, 36, 298-302. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3306.2006.tb05557.x
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Votion, D. (2005). Typical and atypical myopathies of horses. In 2ème Congrès de biologie clinique (pp. 93-107).

Votion, D., Linden, A., Desmecht, D., Piat, E., Thiry, E., & Amory, H. (2005). Epidemiology of atypical myopathy: descriptive phase. In In Proceeding: First Scientific Symposium of the European College of Equine Internal Medicine (ECEIM).
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., Amory, H., Sandersen, C., Rollin, F., Delguste, C., Lopez, D., Baise, E., Cassart, D., Desmecht, D., Piat, E., & Linden, A. (2004). Clues for Differential Diagnosis of atypical myopathy. In Proceeding of the Maastricht International Congress on Equine Medicine (MICEM).
Peer reviewed

Votion, D. (October 2004). La myopathie atypique des équidés. Haflinger Rencontres, 2, 25-26.

Votion, D., Amory, H., Demoulin, V., Desmecht, D., Rollin, F., Thiry, E., Baise, E., Cassart, D., Delguste, C., Piat, E., Sandersen, C., & Linden, A. (2004). Atypical Myopathy (Atypical Myoglobinuria). IVIS Reviews in Veterinary Medicine, 0101.1104.
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Votion, D., Delguste, C., Amory, H., Baise, E., Cassart, D., Desmecht, D., Rollin, F., Sandersen, C., Piat, E., & Linden, A. (2004). Biochemical findings associated with atypical myopathy in grazing horses. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, 447, 12.

Van Erck, E., Votion, D., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (2004). Measurement of respiratory function by impulse oscillometry in horses. Equine Veterinary Journal, 36 (1), 21-28. doi:10.2746/0425164044864714
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Mantran, A., Votion, D., & Amory, H. (2004). La piroplasmose: une réalité belge ? In Proceedings of the 21th Annual Congress of the Belgian Equine Practitioners Society (BEPS) (pp. 62-69).

Van Erck, E., Votion, D., Kirschvink, N., Genicot, B., Lindsey, J., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (2004). Influence of breathing pattern and lung inflation on impulse oscillometry measurements in horses. Veterinary Journal, 168 (3), 259-69. doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2003.09.010
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Votion, D., Delguste, C., Amory, H., Baise, E., Cassart, D., Desmecht, D., Rollin, F., Sandersen, C., & Linden, A. (2003). La myopathie atypique des équidés: particularités cliniques, examens complémentaires et hypothèses étiologiques. In Journée AVEF (Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français) (pp. 244-254).

Votion, D. (October 2003). La myopathie atypique des équidés. Hippo News, 315 (octobre), 12-13.

Votion, D., Delguste, C., Baise, E., Cassart, D., Desmecht, D., Linden, A., Rollin, F., Sandersen, C., & Amory, H. (2003). Diagnostic différentiel en cas de présomption de myopathie atypique des équidés : illustration au travers de cas référés à la Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire de l’Université de Liège au cours du printemps 2003. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 147, 183-193.
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Van Erck, E., Votion, D., Kirschvink, N., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (2003). Use of the impulse oscillometry system for testing pulmonary function during methacholine bronchoprovocation in horses. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 64 (11), 1414-1420. doi:10.2460/ajvr.2003.64.1414
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Votion, D., & Lekeux, P. (2003). A dip into the world of veterinary nuclear medicine: equine lung scintigraphy. Clinical Techniques in Equine Practice, 2 (3), 222-230. doi:10.1053/S1534-7516(03)00065-9
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., & Lekeux, P. (2003). Pulmonary scintigraphy. In S. J. Dyson, R. C. Pilsworth, A. R. Twardock, ... M. J. Martinelli (Eds.), Equine Scintigraphy (pp. 263-278). Equine Veterinary Journal Ltd.

Votion, D., & Lekeux, P. (2002). IAD and functional imaging. In A. Hoffman, N. E. Robinson, ... J. F. Wade, Inflammation Airway Disease: Defining the Syndrome (pp. 81-83).

Harmegnies, N. F., Duvivier, D. H., Vandenput, S., Art, T., Lekeux, P., & Votion, D. (2002). Exercise-induced pulmonary perfusion redistribution in heaves. Equine Veterinary Journal, 34 (suppl), 478-484. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3306.2002.tb05469.x
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Bayly, W. M., Duvivier, D. H., Votion, D., Vandenput, S., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (2002). Effects of inhaled ipratropium bromide on breathing mechanics and gas exchange in exercising horses with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Equine Veterinary Journal, 34 (1), 36-43. doi:10.2746/042516402776181132
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Votion, D. (2002). Functional imaging of inflammatory airway disease. In A. Hoffman, N. E. Robinson, ... J. F. Wade (Eds.), Inflammation Airway Disease: Defining the Syndrome (pp. 81-83). Newmarket, United Kingdom: R & W Publications (Newmarket) Limited.

Art, T., Tack, S., Kirschvink, N., Busoni, V., Votion, D., Freeman, K., & Lekeux, P. (2002). Effect of instillation into lung of autologous blood on pulmonary function and tracheobronchial wash cytology. Equine Veterinary Journal, 34, 442-446. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3306.2002.tb05463.x
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Votion, D. (2001). Scintigraphy. In P. Lekeux (Ed.), Equine Respiratory Diseases (pp. 0307.1201). Ithaca, United States: International Veterinary Information Service.

Votion, D., Coghe, J. D., & Lekeux, P. (2001). Comparison of deposition images obtained by use of an ultrafine 99m-technetium-labeled carbon dry aerosol with ventilation images obtained by use of 81m-krypton gas for evaluation of pulmonary dysfunction in calves. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 62 (12), 1881-6. doi:10.2460/ajvr.2001.62.1881
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Bastos da Silva, M., Duvivier, D. H., Votion, D., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (2001). Aerossolterapia nas doenças respiratórias em eqüinos. Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research and Animal Science, 38 (2), 88-96.
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Marlin, D. J., Schroter, R. C., Mills, P. C., White, S. L., Maykuth, P. L., Votion, D., & Waran, N. (2001). Performance of acclimatized European horses in a modified one star (*) three-day event in heat and humidity. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 21 (7), 341-250. doi:10.1016/s0737-0806(01)70077-9
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Coghe, J., Votion, D., & Lekeux, P. (July 2000). Comparison between Radioactive Aerosol, Technegas and Krypton for Ventilation Imaging in Healthy Calves. Veterinary Journal, 160 (1), 25-32. doi:10.1053/tvjl.2000.0464
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Votion, D. (2000). Pulmonary Function Testing in Cattle: application of nuclear scintigraphy to evaluation of pulmonary function. In Pulmonary function in cattle (pp. 1-11).

Votion, D., Harmegnies, N. F., & Lekeux, P. (2000). A simple method for neutrophils isolaton in horse. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 27, 1089.
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Votion, D., Coghe, J., & Lekeux, P. (2000). Value of technegas for ventilation imaging in calf. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 27, 1206.
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Clercx, C., Peeters, D., Beths, T., Mc Entee, K., Votion, D., Snaps, F., Henroteaux, M., & Jorissen, M. (2000). Use of ciliogenesis in the diagnosis of primary ciliary dyskinesia in a dog. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 11, 1681-1685. doi:10.2460/javma.2000.217.1681
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Votion, D., Harmegnies, N. F., Duvivier, D. H., Vandenput, S., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (2000). Pulmonary perfusion redistribution in exercises horses. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 41, 325.
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Votion, D., Harmegnies, N. F., & Lekeux, P. (2000). Feasability of monitoring neutrophils'migration into the lung with immunoscintigraphy: preliminary study. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 27, 1089.
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Votion, D. (1999). Application of nuclear scintigraphy to evaluation of pulmonary function. In In Proceedings: 17th Comparative Respiratory Society Meeting (pp. 71-73).

Votion, D. (1999). La Scintigraphie pulmonaire chez le cheval: méthodologie, définition des valeurs normales et illustration du potentiel de la scintigraphie pulmonaire chez le cheval [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Votion, D., & Lekeux, P. (1999). Scintigraphy of the equine lung. Equine Veterinary Education, 11, 300-309. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3292.1999.tb01560.x
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Votion, D., Vandenput, S., Duvivier, D. H., Lambert, P., Van Erck, E., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1999). Alveolar clearance in horses with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 60, 495-500.
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Votion, D., Ghafir, Y., Vandenput, S., Duvivier, D. H., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1999). Analysis of Scintigraphical Lung Images before and after Treatment of Horses Suffering from Chronic Pulmonary Disease. Veterinary Record, 144 (9), 232-236. doi:10.1136/vr.144.9.232
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Duvivier, D. H., Bayly, W. M., Votion, D., Vandenput, S., Art, T., Farnir, F., & Lekeux, P. (1999). Effects of inhaled dry powderipratropium broide on reconvery from exercise of horses with COPD. Equine Veterinary Journal, 31 (1), 20-24. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3306.1999.tb03786.x
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Votion, D., Roberts, C. A., Marlin, D. J., & Lekeux, P. (1999). Feasibility of scintigraphy in exercise-induced pulmonary haemorrhage detection and quantification: preliminary studies. Equine Veterinary Journal, 30, 137-42. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3306.1999.tb05204.x
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Art, T., Kirschvink, N., Smith, N., Votion, D., & Lekeux, P. (1999). Cardiorespiratory measurements and indices of oxidative stress in exercising COPD horses. Equine Veterinary Journal, 30, 83-87. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3306.1999.tb05194.x
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Duvivier, D. H., Votion, D., Roberts, C. A., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1999). Inhalation therapy of equine respiratory disorders. Equine Veterinary Education, 11 (3), 124-130. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3292.1999.tb00933.x
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Votion, D. (1998). Aerosol deposition in the horse lung. In In Proceedings (CD-ROM): World Equine Airways Symposium (WEAS) (pp. 1-7).

Vandenput, S., Rollin, F., Votion, D., Duvivier, D. H., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1998). Impact of different environmental managements on spatial distribution of ventilation in COPD horses. In Plügers Archives European Journal of Physiology (pp. 250).
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., Coghe, J., & Lekeux, P. (1998). Lung scanning in calves using technegas. In Pflügers Archives European Journal of Physiology.
Peer reviewed

Art, T., Kirschvink, N., Smith, N., Duvivier, D. H., Votion, D., & Lekeux, P. (1998). Effect of crisis of recurrent airway obstruction on indices of oxidative stress in the bronchoalveolar lavage of horses. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology.
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Art, T., Duvivier, D. H., Votion, D., Anciaux, N., Vandenput, S., Bayly, W. M., & Lekeux, P. (1998). Does an Acute COPD Crisis Modify the Cardiorespiratory and Ventilatory Adjustments to Exercise in Horses? Journal of Applied Physiology, 84 (3), 845-52. doi:10.1152/jappl.1998.84.3.845
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Vandenput, S., Votion, D., Duvivier, D. H., Van Erck, E., Anciaux, N., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1998). Effect of a set stabled environmental control on pulmonary function and airway reactivity of COPD affected horses. Veterinary Journal, 155 (2), 189-195. doi:10.1016/S1090-0233(98)80018-X
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Votion, D., Roberts, C., Marlin, D., & Lekeux, P. (1998). Preliminary results in exercise induced pulmonary bleeding quantification using scintigraphy. In Proceedings: 5th International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology, Utsunomiya, Japan, 1998 (pp. 48).
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., Vandenput, S., Duvivier, D. H., Lambert, P., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1998). Scintigraphical Evaluation of Alveolar Clearance in Horses. Veterinary Journal, 156 (1), 51-58. doi:10.1016/S1090-0233(98)80061-0
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Art, T., & Votion, D. (1998). Breathing strategy in RAO horses during exercise. In Proceedings: WEAS 1998 (pp. 17).
Peer reviewed

Vandenput, S., Duvivier, D. H., Votion, D., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1998). Environmental control to maintain stabled COPD horses in clinical remission: effects on pulmonary function. Equine Veterinary Journal, 30 (2), 93-96. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3306.1998.tb04466.x
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Votion, D., Ghafir, Y., Munsters, K., Duvivier, D. H., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (September 1997). Aerosol Deposition in Equine Lungs Following Ultrasonic Nebulisation Versus Jet Aerosol Delivery System. Equine Veterinary Journal, 29 (5), 388-393. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3306.1997.tb03145.x
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Duvivier, D. H., Votion, D., Vandenput, S., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (September 1997). Airway response of horses with COPD to dry powder inhalation of ipratropium bromide. Veterinary Journal, 154 (2), 149-53. doi:10.1016/S1090-0233(97)80052-4
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Votion, D., & Lekeux, P. (1997). Equine lung scintigraphy. In N. W. Rantanen & M. L. Hauser (Eds.), Dubai International Equine Symposium : the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory disease (pp. 159-171). United States: Matthew R. Rantanen Design.

Votion, D., Kirschvink, N., Duvivier, D., Vandenput, S., Van Erck, E., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1997). Subclinical lung inflammatory process assessed with scintigraphy. In 15th Comparative Respiratory Society Meeting (pp. 20).
Peer reviewed

Clercx, C., Peeters, D., Beths, T., Mc Entee, K., Votion, D., Henroteaux, M., & Jorissen, M. (1997). Primary ciliary dyskinesia in a Bull Mastiff. In Proceedings of the 7th Annual Congress of the ESVIM (pp. 121).
Peer reviewed

Duvivier, D. H., Votion, D., Vandenput, S., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1997). Treatment of COPD horses by dry powder inhalation of ipratropium bromide. In Proceedings of the 36th British Equine Veterinary Association Congress. British Equine Veterinary Association.
Peer reviewed

Duvivier, D. H., Votion, D., Vandenput, S., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1997). Technical validation of a face mask adapted for dry powder inhalation in the equine species. Equine Veterinary Journal, 29 (6), 471-476. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3306.1997.tb03161.x
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Votion, D., Duvivier, D. H., Vandenput, S., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1997). Alveolar clearance in COPD horses. In Proceedings of the 36th British Equine Veterinary Association Congress (pp. 141). British Equine Veterinary Association.
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., Vandenput, S., Duvivier, H., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (January 1997). Analysis of Equine Scintigraphical Lung Images. Veterinary Journal, 153 (1), 49-61. doi:10.1016/S1090-0233(97)80008-1
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Duvivier, D. H., Votion, D., Vandenput, S., & Lekeux, P. (1997). Aerosol therapy in the equine species. Veterinary Journal, 154 (3), 189-202. doi:10.1016/S1090-0233(97)80020-2
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Votion, D., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1996). Lower airway dysfunction in athletic horses. In In Proceedings: Journées Vétérinaires Suisses (pp. 43-44).
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., Duvivier, H., & Lekeux, P. (1996). Aerosol therapy in the equine species. In In Proceedings: Journées Vétérinaires Suisses (pp. 51-53).
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., Vandenput, S., Duvivier, H., Kelemen, B. S., & Lekeux, P. (1996). Effects of romifidine on pulmonary function in horses with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in acute crisis. In Pflügers Archives European Journal of Physiology (pp. 144).
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., Ghafir, Y., Vandenput, S., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (February 1996). Effects of romifidine on pulmonary function in horses with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in clinical remission. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, 431 (6), 324.
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Genicot, B., Votion, D., Munsters, K., Close, R., Lindsey, J. K., & Lekeux, P. (1996). Deposition in the Distal Parts of the Bovine Respiratory Tract: Assessment of Equipment Suitable for Drug Inhalation. Veterinary Record, 138 (13), 302-304. doi:10.1136/vr.138.13.302
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Crigel, M., Art, T., Votion, D., Anciaux, N., Duvivier, D., & Lekeux, P. (1996). Le cheval de trait ardennais convient-il pour l'attelage sportif. Pratique Vétérinaire Équine, 28, 13-22.
Peer reviewed

Vandenput, S., Votion, D., Duvivier, D. H., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1996). Improvement of pulmonary function in COPD horses due to environmental management. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, 432 (4), 143.
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Vandenput, S., Votion, D., Anciaux, N., Duvivier, D. H., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1996). Nonspecific airway responsiveness of COPD horses : effects of environmental control. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, 431 (6), 324.
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Art, T., Anciaux, N., Duvivier, H., Votion, D., Vandenput, S., & Lekeux, P. (1996). Cardio-respiratory adjustments and arterial blood gases in exercising horses in crisis and in clinical remission. Pferdeheilkunde, 12 (4), 717-718.
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Art, T., Crigel, M. H., Vandenput, S., Duvivier, H., Votion, D., Legros, G., Pastoret, P.-P., Godeau, J.-M., & Lekeux, P. (1996). La traction : un effort impressionnant. In P.-P. Pastoret, P. Laurant, R. Courtois, A. Collard, F. Tinchi, ... J. P. Hachez (Eds.), Le Cheval Ardennais (pp. 314-338). Maisons-Alfort cedex, France: Point Vétérinaire.

Art, T., Votion, D., & Lekeux, P. (1996). Réactions physiologiques face à des conditions extrêmes de chaleur et d'humidité relative. Etude de la récupération après l'exercice. Pratique Vétérinaire Équine, 28, 9-12.
Peer reviewed

Crigel, M., Art, T., Votion, D., Anciaux, N., & Lekeux, P. (1995). Pecularities of exercise physiology in the ardennais draught horse. In Proceedings : XXVth Congress of the World Veterinary Association (pp. 222).
Peer reviewed

Genicot, B., Lambert, P., Votion, D., Close, R., Lindsey, J. K., & Lekeux, P. (1995). Ability of Bronchodilators to Prevent Bovine Experimental Respiratory Distress. Veterinary Research, 26 (4), 276-283.
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Votion, D., Duvivier, D. H., Vandenput, S., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1995). Radioaerosol penetration index into the lung of healthy and COPD horses. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, 430, 187-22.
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Votion, D., Munsters, K., Genicot, B., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1995). Scintigraphical V/Q ratios analysis in healthy and disearsed horses: a theoretical approach. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, 429, 10.
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Lekeux, P., Anciaux, N., Duvivier, D., Votion, D., & Art, T. (1995). Aérosolthérapie chez le cheval. In Revue suisse de médecine vétérinaire SWISS VET 11-S/95 (pp. 95-105).

Art, T., Anciaux, N., Duvivier, D. H., Votion, D., Vandenput, S., & Lekeux, P. (1995). Pulmonary function tests in exercising COPD horses. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, 430 (16-16), 185.
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Duvivier, D. H., Art, T., Vandenput, S., Votion, D., Goossens, L., & Lekeux, P. (1995). Therapeutic efficacy of ipratropium bromide inhaled from a dry powder inhaler in COPD horses. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, 430, 184-12.
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Art, T., Votion, D., & Lekeux, P. (1995). Physiological measurements in horses after strenuous exercise in hot, humid conditions. Equine Veterinary Journal, 20, 120-124. doi:10.1111/j.2042-3306.1995.tb05017.x
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Votion, D., Duvivier, D. H., Vandenput, S., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1995). Application clinique de la scintigraphie pulmonaire chez le cheval. In Proceedings: 4e congrès de médecine et chirurgie de Genève (pp. 26-28).

Art, T., Votion, D., Franchimont, P., & Lekeux, P. (1994). Effect of a strenuous exercise on plasma endorphin level in thoroughbred horses. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, 426, 11.
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Art, T., Votion, D., Mc Entee, K., Amory, H., Linden, A., Close, R., & Lekeux, P. (1994). Cardio-respiratory, haematological and biochemical parameter adjustments to exercise: effect of a probiotic in horses during training. Veterinary Research, 25 (4), 361-370.
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Noel de Burlin, A., Art, T., Amory, H., Votion, D., & Lekeux, P. (1994). Tests standardisés de routine pour l'évaluation de la condition physique chez les chevaux d'endurance. Pratique Vétérinaire Équine, 26, 25-30.
Peer reviewed

Votion, D., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1994). Evaluation de la fonction pulmonaire du cheval par la technique scintigraphique. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 138, 5-30.
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Art, T., Votion, D., Mc Entee, K., Amory, H., Linden, A., Close, R., Leroy, P., & Lekeux, P. (1993). Effect of a probioticum on exercise-induced cardio-respiratory and blood parameters changes in thoroughbred horses during training. In Proceedings of the 3rd Congress of the World Equine Veterinary Association (pp. 156).
Peer reviewed

Lekeux, P., Genicot, B., Votion, D., & Art, T. (1993). Aérosolthérapie chez le cheval : 3. Etude clinique. Pratique Vétérinaire Équine, 25 (4), 245-248.
Peer reviewed

Lekeux, P., Genicot, B., Votion, D., & Art, T. (1993). Aérosolthérapie chez le cheval : 2. Etude pharmacologique. Pratique Vétérinaire Équine, 25 (4), 233-243.
Peer reviewed

Lekeux, P., Genicot, B., Votion, D., & Art, T. (1993). Aérosolthérapie chez le cheval : 1. Etude technique. Pratique Vétérinaire Équine, 25 (4), 225-232.
Peer reviewed

Art, T., Votion, D., Mc Entee, K., Amory, H., Linden, A., Close, R., Leroy, P., & Lekeux, P. (1992). Influence of training on ventilatory and cardio-respiratory parameters measured during a standardised exercise in thoroughbred horses. In Proceedings of the 11th Comparative Respiratory Society Meeting (pp. 1).
Peer reviewed

Art, T., Votion, D., Mc Entee, K., Amory, H., Linden, A., Close, R., Leroy, P., & Lekeux, P. (1992). Training-induced changes in cardio-respiratory parameters during a standardised exercise in thoroughbred horses. In Archives Internationales de Physiologie et de Biochimie (pp. 100 (5), P35).

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