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Physiological maps and chemical-induced disease ontologies: tools to support NAMs development for next-generation risk assessment
Maia Ladeira, Luiz Carlos; Gamba, Alessio; Lesage, Raphaëlle et al.
2022ASPIS Open Symposium
Editorial reviewed


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Keywords :
Physiological Map; Adverse outcome pathway; Ontology; New approach methodology
Abstract :
[en] Physiological maps (PM) can be defined as a graphical representation of cellular and molecular processes associated to specific organ functions (Vinken et al. 2021). Within the ONTOX project, we designed a total of 6 PMs describing physiological processes in the liver, the kidney and the brain. These PMs are then used as a tool to assess relevant mechanistic coverage and linkage between a specific organ function and a toxicological endpoint. Based on the Disease Maps project (Mazein et al. 2018) pipeline, we developed the first version of 6 PMs describing the following physiological processes: bile secretion & lipid metabolism (liver), vitamin D metabolism & urine composition (kidney), neural tube closure (update of the work of Heusinkveld et al. 2021) & brain development (brain). Our workflow included: (i) data collection from expert curated literature (ii) identification of the relevant biological mechanisms, (iii) screening of online databases (e.g. Wikipathways, Reactome, and KEGG) for previously described pathways, (iv) manual curation and integration of the data into a PM using CellDesigner, and (v) visualization on the MINERVA platform (Hoksza et al. 2019). These qualitative PMs represent an important tool for exploring curated literature, analyzing networks and benchmarking the development of new adverse outcome pathways (AOPs). These PMs provide the basis for developing quantitative disease ontologies, integrating different layers of pathological and toxicological information, chemical information (drug-induced pathways) and kinetic data. The resulting chemical-induced disease ontologies will provide a multi-layered platform for integration and visualization of such information. The ontologies will contribute to improving understanding of organ/disease related pathways in response to chemicals, visualize omics datasets, develop quantitative methods for computational disease modeling and for predicting toxicity, set up an in vitro & in silico test battery to detect a specific type of toxicity, and develop new animal-free approaches for next generation risk assessment.
Disciplines :
Biochemistry, biophysics & molecular biology
Author, co-author :
Maia Ladeira, Luiz Carlos   ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > GIGA > GIGA In silico medecine - Biomechanics Research Unit
Gamba, Alessio   ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > GIGA > GIGA In silico medecine - Biomechanics Research Unit
Lesage, Raphaëlle
Kuchovska, Eliska
Görts, Nicolai
Verhoeven, Anouk
Jiang, Jian
van Ertvelde, Jonas
Barnes, Devon
Janssen, Manoe
Berkhout, Job
Roodzant, Daniël
Teunis, Marc
Bozada, Thomas Jr
Luechtefeld, Thomas
Jover, Ramiro
Vanhaecke, Tamara
Vinken, Mathieu
Masereeuw, Rosalinde
Hartung, Thomas
Fritsche, Ellen
Piersma, Aldert
Heusinkveld, Harm
Geris, Liesbet  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > GIGA > GIGA In silico medecine - Biomechanics Research Unit
Staumont, Bernard ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > GIGA > GIGA In silico medecine - Biomechanics Research Unit
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 These authors have contributed equally to this work.
Language :
Title :
Physiological maps and chemical-induced disease ontologies: tools to support NAMs development for next-generation risk assessment
Publication date :
24 November 2022
Event name :
ASPIS Open Symposium
Event organizer :
Event place :
Sitges, Spain
Event date :
24-25 November 2022
Audience :
Peer reviewed :
Editorial reviewed
European Projects :
H2020 - 963845 - ONTOX - Ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment
Funders :
Union Européenne [BE]
Funding number :
Available on ORBi :
since 17 December 2022


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