Abstract :
[en] This research is part of a larger project, called “Ecocity Tools”, which aims to establish environment and energy diagnostics for cities at the neighborhood scale. Experts in different fields provide information based on both scientific models (climatology, pollutant dispersions) and sensor data (energetic cadaster, air quality) to a 3D GIS for decision support in urban planning. This paper focuses on two interconnected problematics about the use of GIS in a “Smart City” approach: an appropriate 3D geometric model and the integration of sensor data into this model.
As buildings can be equipped by several sensors in multiples locations (rooms, floors, walls, etc), information should be attachable to specific geometric parts (like walls). It is thus important for 3D city models to be adapted to detailed scale levels. Thanks to the consideration of different levels of details (LoD), from buildings footprints (LoD 0) to interiors (LoD 4), the CityGML standard (OGC) can theoretically fit any 3D application. Nevertheless, these data are not always available at very detailed levels. For example, Belgian authorities deliver open data in CityGML LoD 2 (representing buildings as volumes with simplified roof shapes) for important cities like Brussels or Namur. Therefore, this paper proposes a PostGIS data model able to attach information to specific building parts even in poorly detailed city models (LoD 1 or 2).
The second part of this research is the implementation of other OGC standards specifically for the visualization of sensor data into a GIS: Sensor Observation Service (SOS) and SensorThings API (STA). As Web Feature Service (WFS) does for geographical features, SOS allows any compatible GIS client to import georeferenced sensor data and metadata through a simple http request (including filters on space, time and other attributes). More recently, STA, in addition to SOS functions, supports JSON format for data exchanges and also provides a “Tasking Part”: the STA server is able to ask sensors and actuators to do specific tasks like “start/stop measurements”. In this research, a SOS server, able to communicate with the 3D GIS, is implemented thanks to the open source tool provided by 52North.
Disciplines :
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Earth sciences & physical geography