[en] The paper deals with the seismic design of lock gates. When such structures are submitted to an
earthquake, the water contained in the chamber is responsible for an additional hydrodynamic
pressure acting on the gate. This one is the sum of three different parts, respectively called the
convective, rigid and flexible contributions. The two first ones have already been extensively studied in
the literature, but the flexible part is more difficult to assess as it is largely influenced by the coupling
occurring between the fluid and the gate. To overcome this difficulty, it is of course possible to use
finite elements software, but doing so is not always convenient. This is why some research have been
undertaken to provide a rapid way for approximating the flexible pressure on lock gates. This is
achieved by applying the analytical approach that is shortly presented in this paper. As a matter of
validation, the results obtained through this simplified procedure are compared to numerical solutions.
The agreement between both of them is found to be satisfactory.
Disciplines :
Civil engineering
Author, co-author :
Buldgen, Loïc ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département Argenco : Secteur A&U > Constructions hydrauliques et navales
Degée, Hervé ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département Argenco : Secteur A&U > Département Argenco : Secteur A&U
Lesourne, Hervé
Rigo, Philippe ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département Argenco : Secteur A&U > Constructions hydrauliques et navales