
Kevers Claire

Département des sciences de la vie

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Dommes, Jacques  (82)
Gaspar, Thomas  (48)
Pincemail, Joël  (41)
Tabart, Jessica  (34)
Defraigne, Jean-Olivier  (29)
Main Referenced Keywords
Beta vulgaris (18); polyamines (10); antioxidant (9); habituation (8); micropropagation (8);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Centre Interfacultaire de Recherche du Médicament - CIRM (2)
Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Phytobiology (plant sciences, forestry, mycology...) (119)
Biotechnology (37)
Biochemistry, biophysics & molecular biology (19)
Agriculture & agronomy (16)
Food science (12)

Publications (total 180)

The most downloaded
Ondo Ovono, P., Kevers, C., & Dommes, J. (2015). Behavior of various types of seeds of two species of yams tuber (Dioscorea cayenensis Lam. and Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) in Gabon. International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science, 5, 58-66. doi:10.14303/irjas.2015.025

The most cited

494 citations (OpenAlex)

Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Penel, C., Greppin, H., Reid, D. M., & Thorpe, T. A. (1996). Plant hormones and plant growth regulators in plant tissue culture. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology. Plant, 32 (4), 272-289. doi:10.1007/BF02822700

Matute Matute, A. F., Tabart, J., CHERAMY-BIEN, J.-P., Kevers, C., Dommes, J., Defraigne, J.-O., & PINCEMAIL, J. (May 2021). Ex Vivo Antioxidant Capacities of Fruit and Vegetable Juices. Potential In Vivo Extrapolation. Antioxidants, 10. doi:10.3390/antiox10050770
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Matute Matute, A. F., Tabart, J., CHERAMY-BIEN, J.-P., Pirotte, B., Kevers, C., Auger, C., Schini-Kerth, V., Dommes, J., Defraigne, J.-O., & PINCEMAIL, J. (22 January 2020). Compared Phenolic Compound Contents of 22 Commercial Fruit and Vegetable Juices: Relationship to Ex-Vivo Vascular Reactivity and Potential In Vivo Projection. Antioxidants, 9 (2), 92. doi:10.3390/antiox9020092
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PINCEMAIL, J., Kaci, M.-M., Kevers, C., Tabart, J., Ebabe Elle, E., & Meziane, S. (2019). PAOT-Liquid® Technology: An easy Electrochemical Method for Evaluating Antioxidant Capacity of Wines. Diseases, 7 (10). doi:10.3390/diseases7010010
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ONDO OVONO,, P., ADA OLLOMO, P. K., MEDZA MVE, S. D., Kevers, C., & Dommes, J. (2019). Effet des herbicides à base de glyphosate et fluroxypyr sur les adventices les plus fréquentes dans la culture de l’hévéa (Hevea brasiliensis (H.B.K) (Muell. Arg) à Batouri, Nord du Gabon. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 13, 2458-77.
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Hoge, A., Guillaume, M., Albert, A., Tabart, J., Dardenne, N., Donneau, A.-F., Kevers, C., DEFRAIGNE, J., & PINCEMAIL, J. (2019). Validation of a food frequency questionnaire assessing dietary polyphenol exposure using the method of triads. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2018.11.001
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Ebabe Elle, E., Defraigne, J.-O., Schini-Kerth, V., Pollet, B., Augier, C., Kevers, C., Tabart, J., & PINCEMAIL, J. (June 2018). Ex-vivo vasorelaxation induced by polyphenol-rich extracts from plant, fruits and berries on porcine coronary artery rings. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 120, 80. doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2018.04.266
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Rahali, F. Z., Kefi, S., Rebey, I. B., Tabart, J., Kevers, C., Franck, T., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., & Ibtissem Hamrouni Sellami, I. H. (2018). Phytochemical studies, antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of Ferula communis L. organ extracts. Plant Biosystems. doi:10.1080/11263504.2018.14611696
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ONDO OVONO, P., KEBANGOYE, H.-S., MEDZA MVE, S. D., NGUEMA NDOUTOUMOU, P., Kevers, C., & Dommes, J. (2018). Facteurs permettant d’améliorer la réussite au greffage des clones GT1 et PB217 d’Hevea brasiliensis (H.B.K.) (Muell.Arg) dans les conditions climatiques du nord Gabon. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 35 (3), 5749-5762.
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Tabart, J., PINCEMAIL, J., Kevers, C., DEFRAIGNE, J., & Dommes, J. (2018). Processing effects on antioxidant, glucosinolate and sulforaphane contents in broccoli and red cabbage. European Food Research and Technology, 244, 2085-2094. doi:10.1007/s00217-018-3126-0
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Tabart, J., Auger, C., Kevers, C., Dommes, J., Pollet, B., Defraigne, J.-O., Schini-Kerth, V., & PINCEMAIL, J. (2018). The potency of commercial blackcurrant juices to induce relaxations in porcine coronary artery rings is not correlated to their antioxidant capacity but to their anthocyanin content. Nutrition, 51-52, 53-59. doi:10.1016/j.nut.2018.01.009
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Rashid, S., Idris-Khodja, N., Auger, C., Kevers, C., PINCEMAIL, J., Alhosin, M., Boehm, N., Oswald-Mammosser, M., & Schini-Kerth, V. B. (2018). Polyphenol-Rich Blackcurrant Juice Prevents Endothelial Dysfunction in the Mesenteric Artery of Cirrhotic Rats with Portal Hypertension: Role of Oxidative Stress and the Angiotensin System. Journal of Medicinal Food, 21 (4), 390-399. doi:10.1089/jmf.2017.0078
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Rahali, F. Z., Kefi, S., Bettaieb Rebey, I., Hamdaoui, G., Tabart, J., Kevers, C., Franck, T., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., & Hamrouni Sellami, I. (2018). Phytochemical composition and antioxidant activities of different aerial parts extracts of Ferula communis L. Plant Biosystems, 1-9. doi:10.1080/11263504.2018.1461696
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Hoge, A., Guillaume, M., Donneau, A.-F., Albert, A., CHERAMY-BIEN, J.-P., Tabart, J., Kevers, C., Dommes, J., Ebaba Elle, R., DEFRAIGNE, J., & PINCEMAIL, J. (September 2017). Validation study of a food frequency questionnaire for the measurement of food consumption in polyphenols: use of a urinary biomarker. Preliminary results [Paper presentation]. ICMAN IUPHAR Natural Products, Aberdeen, United Kingdom. doi:10.1016/J.bcp.2017.06.110

Lee, H., Khemais-Benkhiat, S., Chabert, P., Auger, C., Park, S.-H., Kevers, C., PINCEMAIL, J., Oak, M.-H., & Schini-Kerth, V. (September 2017). An anthocyanin-rich blackcurrant extract induced NO-mediated relaxation in coronary artery rings and eNOS phosphorylation in cultured endothelial cells: role of sodium-glucose cotransporters 1 and 2 [Poster presentation]. ICMAN IUPHAR Natural Products, Aberdeen, United Kingdom. doi:10.1016/j.bcp.2017.06.100

Hoge, A., Guillaume, M., Donneau, A.-F., Albert, A., CHERAMY-BIEN, J.-P., Tabart, J., Kevers, C., Dommes, J., DEFRAIGNE, J., & PINCEMAIL, J. (2017). Validation study of a food frequency questionnaire for the measurement of food consumption in polyphenols: use of a urinary bioamarker. Preliminary results. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 108, 39-40. doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2017.04.151
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Matute Matute, A. F., Tabart, J., CHERAMY-BIEN, J.-P., Kevers, C., Dommes, J., Defraigne, J.-O., & PINCEMAIL, J. (16 November 2016). Polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity in various commercial juices [Poster presentation]. Bioforum 2016, Liège, Belgium.

De Bleye, C., Dumont, E., Dispas, A., Hubert, C., Sacre, P.-Y., Netchacovitch, L., De Muyt, B., Kevers, C., Dommes, J., Hubert, P., & Ziemons, E. (August 2016). Monitoring of anatabine release by methyl jasmonate elicited BY-2 cells using surface-enhanced Raman scattering. Talanta, 160, 754-760. doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2016.08.027
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Hoge, A., Guillaume, M., Donneau, A.-F., Albert, A., CHERAMY-BIEN, J.-P., Tabart, J., Kevers, C., Defraigne, J.-O., & PINCEMAIL, J. (31 May 2016). Etude de validation d'un questionnaire de fréquence alimentaire pour la mesure de la consommation alimentaire en polyphénols : utilisation d'un biomarqueur urinaire - Résultats préliminaires [Paper presentation]. Stress OX - Modulation du sress oxydant : nouveaux concepts pour de nouvelles applications.

De Bleye, C., Dumont, E., Dispas, A., Hubert, C., Sacre, P.-Y., Netchacovitch, L., De Muyt, B., Kevers, C., Dommes, J., Hubert, P., & Ziemons, E. (19 May 2016). Use of SERS to monitor the anatabine release in the culture medium by methyl jasmonate elicited BY-2 cells [Poster presentation]. Raman Fest 2016, Berlin, Germany.

Tabart, J., Shini-Kerth, V., PINCEMAIL, J., Kevers, C., Pirotte, B., Defraigne, J.-O., & Dommes, J. (22 April 2016). Effect of Ribes nigrum leaf extracts on endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation [Poster presentation]. New frontiers in oxidative stress and redox regulation - groupe de contact FNRS "Oxidative Processes and Antioxidants", Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

Kevers, C., Shini-Kerth, V., Tabart, J., Auger, C., PINCEMAIL, J., & Dommes, J. (22 April 2016). High anthocyanins content of commercial blackcurrant juices induced endothelium-dependent relaxation in isolated porcine coronary arteries [Poster presentation]. New frontiers in oxidative stress and redox regulation - groupe de contact FNRS "Oxidative Processes and Antioxidants", Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

Tabart, J., Schini-Kerth, V., PINCEMAIL, J., Kevers, C., Pirotte, B., Defraigne, J.-O., & Dommes, J. (2016). The leaf extract of Ribes nigrum L. is a potent stimulator of the endothelial formation of NO in cultured endothelial cells and porcine coronary artery rings. Journal of Berry Research, 6, 277-289. doi:10.3233/JBR-160129
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Pissard, A., Lateur, M., Baeten, V., Magein, H., Dupont, P., Tabart, J., PINCEMAIL, J., & Kevers, C. (2016). Determination of total phenolic compounds content and antioxidant activity in cherry species and cultivars. Journal of Berry Research. doi:10.3233/JBR-150109
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ONDO OVONO, P., Kevers, C., & Dommes, J. (2016). Effects of planting methods and tuber weights on growth and yield of yam cultivars (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) in Gabon. International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science, 6, 32-42. doi:10.14303/irjas.2016.025
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Leon-Gonzalez, Sharif, T., Kayali, A., Abbas, M., Dandache, I., Etienne-Selloum, N., Kevers, C., PINCEMAIL, J., Auger, C., Chabert, P., Alhosin, M., & Schini-Kerth, V. (2015). Anthocyanin-rich blackcurrant juice induces a redox-sensitive caspase 3-related pro-apoptotic effect in leukemia Jurkat cells: role of delphinidin-3-O-glucoside and delphinidin-3-O-rutinoside. In 7th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (pp. 169).

Leon-gonzalez, A., Sharif, T., Kayali, A., Abbas, M., Dandache, I., Etienne-Selloum, N., Kevers, C., PINCEMAIL, J., Auger, C., Chabert, P., Alhosin, M., & Schini-Kerth, V. (19 June 2015). Delphinidin-3-O-glucoside and delphinidin-3-O-rutinoside mediate the redoxsensitive caspase 3-related pro-apoptotic effect of blackcurrant juice on leukaemia Jurkat cells. Journal of Functional Foods, 17, 847-856.
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Ondo Ovono, P., Kevers, C., & Dommes, J. (2015). Behavior of various types of seeds of two species of yams tuber (Dioscorea cayenensis Lam. and Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) in Gabon. International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science, 5, 58-66. doi:10.14303/irjas.2015.025
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Kevers, C., brack, F., PINCEMAIL, J., Cloes, J.-M., & Dommes, J. (2015). Induction of antioxidant capacity and hydroxymethylfurfural content variations by modifications of cooked fruit processing. Journal of Antioxidant Activity, 1 (1), 42-54.
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Benmahmoud, K., Jedidi, Z., Najar, A., Ghezel, R., Kevers, C., Jemmali, A., & Elloumi, N. (2015). Adventitious organogenesis induced in sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L.) var. "half-blood" maltese: morphogenetic and histological study. International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research, 6 (2), 1-7.
Peer reviewed

Leon-Gonzalez, L., Sharif, T., Kayali, A., Abbas, M., Dandache, I., Etienne-Selloum, N., Kevers, C., PINCEMAIL, J., Auger, C., Alhosin, M., & Schini-Kerth, V. (2015). Anthocyanin-rich blackcurrant juice induces a redox-sensitive caspase 3-related pro-apoptotic effect in leukemia Jurkat cells: role of delphinidin-3-O-glucoside and delphinidin-3-O-rutinoside [Poster presentation]. 7th International Congress on Polyphenols and Health, Tours, France.

Chaabani, G., Tabart, J., Kevers, C., Dommes, J., Khan, M., Zaoui, S., Chebchoud, L., Lachaal, M., & Karray-Bouraoui, N. (2015). Effects of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid combined to 6-Benzylaminopurine on callus induction, total phenolic and ascorbic acid production, and antioxidant activities in leaf tissue cultures of Crataegus azarolus L. var. aronia. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 37. doi:10.1007/s11738-014-1769-4
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Alhosin, M., León-González1, A. J., Dandache, I., Lelay, A., Rashid, S. K., Kevers, C., PINCEMAIL, J., Fornecker, L.-M., Mauvieux, L., Herbrecht, R., & Schini-Kerth, V. (2015). Bilberry extract (Antho 50) selectively induces redox-sensitive caspase 3-related apoptosis in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells by targeting the Bcl-2/Bad pathway. Scientific Reports, 5, 8996. doi:10.1038/srep08996
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PINCEMAIL, J., Tabart, J., Defraigne, J.-O., Dommes, J., & Kevers, C. (2015). The Total Antioxidant Capacity of Foods: a reappraisal. Application to commercial orange juices. Journal of Antioxidant Activity, 1.
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degives, J., Kevers, C., DEFRAIGNE, J., Dommes, J., & PINCEMAIL, J. (2014). Antioxidant capacity and phenolic composition of red wines from various grape varieties : specificity of pinot noir. In Giuseppe Viali (Ed.), 3rd international conference on cellular environmental stressors in biology and medicine : focus on redox reactions (pp. 59).
Peer reviewed

Kevers, C., Sipel, A., PINCEMAIL, J., & Dommes, J. (2014). Antioxidant capacity of hydrophilic food matrices: optimization and validation of ORAC assay. Food Analytical Methods, 7, 409-416. doi:10.1007/s12161-013-9640-6
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ONDO OVONO, P., GATARASI, T., OBAME MINKO, D., MIYOUMBI KOUMAGOYE, D., & Kevers, C. (2014). Etude de la dynamique des populations d'insectes sur la culture du riz NERICA dans les conditions du Masuku, Sud-Est du Gabon (Franceville). International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences.
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Van Leeuw, R., Kevers, C., PINCEMAIL, J., Defraigne, J.-O., & Dommes, J. (2014). Antioxidant capacity and phenolic composition of red wines from various grape varieties: Specificity of Pinot Noir. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 36, 40-50. doi:10.1016/j.jfca.2014.07.001
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Tabart, J., Franck, T., Kevers, C., & Dommes, J. (2014). Effect of polyamines or precursors on the hyperhydricity process in micropropagated apple trees. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. doi:10.1007/s11240-014-0568-3
Peer reviewed

Tabart, J., Kevers, C., Dardenne, N., Schini-Kerth, V., Albert, A., Dommes, J., Defraigne, J.-O., & PINCEMAIL, J. (2014). Deriving a global antioxidant score for commercial juices by multivariate graphical and scoring techniques: applications to blackcurrant juice. In Preedy (Ed.), Processing and Impact on Antioxidants in Beverages. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-404738-9.00030-1

Perera Cordoba, W. H., Wauters, J.-N., Kevers, C., Frederich, M., & Dommes, J. (2014). Antioxidant fractions and phenolic constituents from leaves of Pluchea carolinensis and Pluchea rosea. Free Radicals and Antioxidants, 4 (2), 1-7. doi:10.5530/fra.2014.2.1
Peer reviewed

Degives, J., Kevers, C., PINCEMAIL, J., & Dommes, J. (2014). Relationship between vasodilation capacity, antioxidant activity and phenolic content of different types of wine aging in oak barrels. In International Conference Wine Active Compounds 2014.

Kevers, C., PINCEMAIL, J., Defraigne, J.-O., & Dommes, J. (2014). Antioxidant capacity of small dark fruits. Influence of cultivars and harvest time. Journal of Berry Research, 4, 97-105. doi:10.3233/JBR-140071
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Perera, W., Wauters, J.-N., Kevers, C., Frederich, M., & Dommes, J. (2014). Caffeoylquinic acid derivatives from Cuban species of Pluchea Cass. (Asteraceae) [Poster presentation]. XXIII Simposio de plantas medicinas do Brasil.

PINCEMAIL, J., PAQUOT, N., Cillard, J., Hininger, I., Iuliano, L., Cazaubiel, M., Guéraud, F., CHAPELLE, J.-P., Kevers, C., CHARLIER, C., Albert, A., & DEFRAIGNE, J. (2013). On the Potential Effect of Increased Dietary Intake of Fruits and Vegetables on Biomarkers of Lipid Peroxidation in Type 2 Diabetes Patients. Journal of Pharmacy and Nutrition Sciences, 3 (3). doi:10.6000/1927-5951.2013.03.03.3
Peer reviewed

Ondo Ovono, P., Kevers, C., & Dommes, J. (2013). Improving micropropagation of Dioscorea cayenensis – D. rotundata complex by the use of nodal cuttings and microtubers. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B, Soil and Plant Science, 63 (7), 653-656. doi:10.1080/09064710.2013.854405
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MIHALACHE ARION, C., Tabart, J., Kevers, C., NICULAUA, M., FILIMON, R., BECEANU, D., & Dommes, J. (2013). Antioxidant potential of different plum cultivars during storage. Food Chemistry, 146, 485-491. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.09.072
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Perera, W., Kevers, C., Michiels, J.-A., SPENGLER SALABARRIA, I., & Dommes, J. (2013). Variation in phenolic constituents and antioxidant capacities of plant organs of three Cuban species of Pluchea Cass. (Asteraceae) under ex vitro and in vitro growth conditions. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research.
Peer reviewed

Sipel, A., Kevers, C., PINCEMAIL, J., Grygel, P.-G., DEFRAIGNE, J., & Dommes, J. (2013). Sample dilution influences the determination of antioxidant capacity in food. How to minimize it? Food Analytical Methods, 6 (5), 1485-1491. doi:10.1007/s12161-013-9645-1
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Ondo Ovono, P., Maganga-Louembe, M., Kevers, C., & Dommes, J. (2013). Evaluation au champ des caractéristiques agromorphologiques de certaines variétés de riz NERICA testées au sud-est du Gabon. Agronomie Africaine, 25, 13-23.
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Tabart, J., Franck, T., Kevers, C., Pincemail, J., Serteyn, D., Defraigne, J.-O., & Dommes, J. (2012). Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of Ribes nigrum extracts. Food Chemistry, 131 (4), 1116-1122. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2011.09.076
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Pincemail, J., Kevers, C., Tabart, J., Defraigne, J.-O., & Dommes, J. (2012). Cultivars, culture conditions and harvest time influence phenolic and ascorbic acid contents and antioxidant capacity of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa). Journal of Food Science, 77, 205-C210. doi:10.1111/j.1750-3841.2011.02539.x
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Michiels, J.-A., Kevers, C., Pincemail, J., Defraigne, J.-O., & Dommes, J. (2012). Extraction conditions can greatly influence antioxidant capacity assays in plant food matrices. Food Chemistry, 130, 986-993. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2011.07.117
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PINCEMAIL, J., Kevers, C., Tabart, J., Sipel, A., Dommes, J., & Defraigne, J.-O. (2011). Evidence of health benefits of of polyphenols enriched foods : from In Vitro studies to clinical trials performed at university - CHU of Liège, Belgium. In University of Ferrara (Ed.), Second Internaional conference on environmental stressors in biology and medicine.
Peer reviewed

Tabart, J., Kevers, C., Evers, D., & Dommes, J. (2011). Ascorbic acid, Phenolic acid, Flavonoid and Carotenoid profiles of selected extracts from Ribes nigrum. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59, 4763-4770. doi:10.1021/jf104445c
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Franck, T., Tabart, J., Kevers, C., Serteyn, D., & Dommes, J. (2011). Do polyamines increase the antioxidant capacity of hyperhydric shoots ? In 4th international workshop - cost action FA0605 - Book of abstracts - Limassol 17-19 November (pp. 57).

Tahiri, A., Misson, J.-P., Kevers, C., & Druart, P. (2011). Using putative anti-auxins to improve somatic embryo maturation of Abies nordmanniana [Poster presentation]. 5th symposium of the Belgian Plant Biotech Association in collaboration with UCLouvain, Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium.

Kevers, C., PINCEMAIL, J., Tabart, J., DEFRAIGNE, J., & Dommes, J. (2011). Influence of cultivar, harvest time, storage conditions, and peeling on the antioxidant capacity and phenolic and ascorbic acid contents of apples and pears.". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59, 6165-6171. doi:10.1021/jf201013k
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Kevers, C. (2011). The reduction of the stress response by jasmonic acid and putrescine has a beneficial effect on in vitro tuber formation and development of yam. In Plant Abiotic Stress: From Systems Biology to Sustainable Agriculture 4th International Workshop - Cost Action FA0605 17-17 November 2011 (pp. 69).

Ondo Ovono, P., Kevers, C., & Dommes, J. (2010). In Vitro Preservation of Yam ( Dioscorea cayenensis-D.rotundata complex) for a Better Use of Genetic Resources. Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 38, 141-146.
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Perera, W., Tabart, J., Gomez, A., Sipel, A., Payo Hill, A., Kevers, C., & Dommes, J. (2010). ANTIOXIDANT CAPACITY OF THREE CUBAN SPECIES OF THE GENUS Pluchea Cass. (Asteraceae). Journal of Food Biochemistry, 34, 249-261. doi:10.1111/j.1745-4514.2009.00328.x
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Ondo Ovono, P., Kevers, C., & Dommes, J. (2010). Effects of storage conditions on sprouting of microtubers of yam (Dioscorea cayenensis-D. rotundata complex). Comptes Rendus des Séances de l'Académie des Sciences. Série III, Sciences de la Vie. doi:10.1016/j.crvi.2009.11.001
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Tabart, J., Kevers, C., Pincemail, J., Defraigne, J.-O., & Dommes, J. (2010). Evaluation of spectrophotometric methods for antioxidant compound measurement in relation to total antioxidant capacity in beverages. Food Chemistry, 120, 607-614. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2009.10.031
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Ondo Ovono, P., Kevers, C., & Dommes, J. (2010). Tuber formation and growth of Dioscorea cayenensis-D. rotundata complex. Interactions between exogenous and endogenous jasmonic acid and polyamines. Plant Growth Regulation. doi:10.1007/s10725-009-9441-5
Peer reviewed

Cosio, C., Vuillemin, L., De Meyer, M., Kevers, C., Penel, C., & Dunand, C. (2009). An anionic class III peroxidase from zucchini may regulate hypocotyl elongation through its auxin oxidase activity. Planta. doi:10.1007/s00425-008-0876-0
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Naija, S., Elloumi, N., Ammar, S., Kevers, C., & Dommes, J. (2009). Involvement of polyamines in the adventitious rooting of micropropagated shoots of the apple rootstock MM106. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology. Plant, 45, 83-91. doi:10.1007/s11627-008-9165-7
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Kevers, C., Hausman, J.-F., Faivre-Rampant, O., Dommes, J., & Gaspar, T. (2009). What we have learned about the physiology of in vitro adventitious rooting of woody plants and how it relates to improvements in the practice. In K. Niemi, Adventitious root formation of forest trees and horticultural plants - from genes to applications (pp. 209-225). Kerala, India: Research Signpost.

Ondo Ovono, P., Kevers, C., & Dommes, J. (2009). Tuber formation and development of Dioscorea cayenensis-D. rotundata complex in vitro. Effect of polyamines. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology. Plant. doi:10.1007/s11627-009-9256-0
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FATTORINI, L., FALASKA, G., Kevers, C., MAINERO ROCCA, L., ZADRA, C., & ALTAMURA, M. M. (2009). Adventitious rooting and xylogenesis are enhanced by methyl jasmonate in tobacco thin cell layers. Planta, 231, 155-168. doi:10.1007/s00425-009-1035-y
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Ondo Ovono, P., Kevers, C., & Dommes, J. (2009). Effects of reducing sugar concentration on in vitro tuber formation and sprouting in yam (Dioscorea cayenensis-D. rotundata complex). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 99 (1), 55-59. doi:10.1007/s11240-009-9575-1
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Tabart, J., Kevers, C., Pincemail, J., Defraigne, J.-O., & Dommes, J. (2009). Comparative antioxidant capacities of phenolic compounds measured by various tests. Food Chemistry, 113, 1226-1233. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2008.08.013
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Naija, S., Elloumi, N., Jbir, N., Ammar, S., & Kevers, C. (May 2008). Anatomical and biochemical changes during adventitious rooting of apple rootstocks MM 106 cultured in vitro. Comptes Rendus Biologies, 331 (7), 518-25. doi:10.1016/j.crvi.2008.04.002
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Ovono, P. O., Kevers, C., & Dommes, J. (November 2007). Axillary proliferation and tuberisation of Dioscorea cayenensis-D-rotundata complex. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 91 (2), 107-114. doi:10.1007/s11240-007-9238-z
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Kevers, C., Falkowski, M., Tabart, J., Defraigne, J.-O., Dommes, J., & Pincemail, J. (17 October 2007). Evolution of antioxidant capacity during storage of selected fruits and vegetables. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 55 (21), 8596-8603. doi:10.1021/jf071736j
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Docquier, S., Kevers, C., Lambe, P., Gaspar, T., & Dommes, J. (September 2007). Beneficial use of lignosulfonates in in vitro plant cultures: stimulation of growth, of multiplication and of rooting. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 90 (3), 285-291. doi:10.1007/s11240-007-9267-7
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Tabart, J., Kevers, C., Sipel, A., Pincemail, J., Defraigne, J.-O., & Dommes, J. (2007). Optimisation of extraction of phenolics and antioxidants from black currant leaves and buds and of stability during storage. Food Chemistry, 105 (3), 1268-1275. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2007.03.005
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Jacques, P., Kevers, C., Gaspar, T., Dommes, J., & Thonart, P. (2007). Conditioning Panax vietnamensis cell mass production in bioreactors. Acta Botanica Gallica, (154), 21-26. doi:10.1080/12538078.2007.10516041
Peer reviewed

Tabart, J., Kevers, C., Pincemail, J., Defraigne, J.-O., & Dommes, J. (23 August 2006). Antioxidant capacity of black currant varies with organ, season, and cultivar. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 54 (17), 6271-6276. doi:10.1021/jf061112y
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Niemi, K., Kevers, C., & Haggman, H. (April 2005). Lignosulfonate promotes the interaction between Scots pine and an ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius in vitro. Plant and Soil, 271 (1-2), 243-249. doi:10.1007/s11104-004-2615-z
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Kevers, C., Bare, G., Gaspar, T., Thonart, P., & Dommes, J. (2005). Optimisation of Panax ginseng liquid cell cultures for biomass accumulation and ginsenoside production. In A. K. HVOSLEF-EIDE & W. PREIL (Eds.), Liquid Culture Systems for in vitro Plant Propagation (pp. 547-555). Springer. doi:10.1007/1-4020-3200-5_41

Vestberg, M., Kukkonen, S., Saari, K., Parikka, P., Huttunen, J., Tainio, L., Weekers, F., Kevers, C., Thonart, P., Lemoine, M. C., Cordier, C., Alabouvette, C., & Gianinazzi, S. (November 2004). Microbial inoculation for improving the growth and health of micropropagated strawberry. Applied Soil Ecology, 27 (3), 243-258. doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2004.05.006
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Franck, T., Kevers, C., Gaspar, T., Dommes, J., Deby, C., Greimers, R., Serteyn, D., & Deby-Dupont, G. (June 2004). Hyperhydricity of Prunus avium shoots cultured on gelrite: a controlled stress response. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 42 (6), 519-527. doi:10.1016/j.plaphy.2004.05.003
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Tonon, G., Kevers, C., Faivre-Rampant, O., Graziani, M., & Gaspar, T. (June 2004). Effect of NaCl and mannitol iso-osmotic stresses on proline and free polyamine levels in embryogenic Fraxinus angustifolia callus. Journal of Plant Physiology, 161 (6), 701-708. doi:10.1078/0176-1617-01096
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Kevers, C., Franck, T., Strasser, R., Dommes, J., & Gaspar, T. (May 2004). Hyperhydricity of micropropagated shoots: a typically stress-induced change of physiological state. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 77 (2), 181-191. doi:10.1023/B:TICU.0000016825.18930.e4
Peer reviewed

Kevers, C., Bisbis, B., Crèvecoeur, M., Gaspar, T., & Dommes, J. (March 2004). Wood formation in in vitro propagated walnut shoots in relation with root formation and development. Acta Botanica Gallica, 151 (1), 45-53. doi:10.1080/12538078.2004.10516019
Peer reviewed

Kevers, C., Jacques, P., Gaspar, T., Thonart, P., & Dommes, J. (2004). Comparative titration of ginsenosides by different techniques in commercial ginseng products and callus cultures. Journal of Chromatographic Science, 42 (10, Nov-Dec), 554-558. doi:10.1093/chromsci/42.10.554
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Tadino, V., Faez, J. M., Christiaens, L., Kevers, C., Gaspar, T., & Dommes, J. (July 2003). Synthesis and activity of another seleniated auxin: 2,4-dichlorophenylselenoacetic acid. Plant Growth Regulation, 40 (3), 197-200. doi:10.1023/A:1025016007105
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Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Faivre-Rampant, O., Crèvecoeur, M., Penel, C., Greppin, H., & Dommes, J. (2003). Changing concepts in plant hormone action. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology. Plant, 39 (2, MAR-APR), 85-106. doi:10.1079/IVP2002393
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Franck, T., Kevers, C., Gaspar, T., Dommes, J., Deby, C., Deby, G., & Serteyn, D. (2003). How hyperhydric shoots try to survive. Free Radical Research, 37 (Suppl. 1), 74-74.
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Bisbis, B., Kevers, C., Crèvecoeur, M., Dommes, J., & Gaspar, T. (2003). Restart of lignification in micropropagated walnut shoots coincides with rooting induction. Biologia Plantarum, 47 (1), 1-5. doi:10.1023/A:1027360326886
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Jemmali, A., Elloumi, N., Kevers, C., & Dommes, J. (November 2002). Morphological and hormonal characterisation of strawberry vitroplants raised through axillary or stipular adventitious shooting. Plant Growth Regulation, 38 (3), 273-278. doi:10.1023/A:1021526808514
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Kevers, C., Gaspar, T., & Dommes, J. (August 2002). The beneficial role of different auxins and polyamines at successive stages of somatic embryo formation and development of Panax ginseng in vitro. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 70 (2), 181-188. doi:10.1023/A:1016399905620
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Gaspar, T., Franck, T., Bisbis, B., Kevers, C., Jouve, L., Hausman, J.-F., & Dommes, J. (July 2002). Concepts in plant stress physiology. Application to plant tissue cultures. Plant Growth Regulation, 37 (3), 263-285. doi:10.1023/A:1020835304842
Peer reviewed

Kevers, C., Bare, G., Gaspar, T., Thonart, P., & Dommes, J. (May 2002). Limitation of biomass increase and ginsenoside content of liquid cultures of Panax ginseng cells by inoculum size and constitutive elements of medium [Poster presentation]. First international symposium on liquid systems for in vitro mass propagation of plants, Oslo, Norway.

Monteiro, M., Kevers, C., Dommes, J., & Gaspar, T. (March 2002). A specific role for spermidine in the initiation phase of somatic embryogenesis in Panax ginseng CA Meyer. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 68 (3), 225-232. doi:10.1023/A:1013950729576
Peer reviewed

Gaspar, T., Faivre-Rampant, O., Kevers, C., Dommes, J., & Hausman, J.-F. (2002). Auxins in the biology of roots. In Y. Waisel, A. Eshel, ... U. Kafkafi (Eds.), Auxins in the biology of roots (pp. 383-403). Marcel Dekker.

Elbez, M., Kevers, C., Hamdi, S., Rideau, M., & Petit-Paly, G. (2002). The plant pathogenesis-related PR-10 proteins. Acta Botanica Gallica, 149 (4), 415-444. doi:10.1080/12538078.2002.10515973
Peer reviewed

Jemmali, A., Elloumi, N., & Kevers, C. (2002). Vegetative and generative behaviour of Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) plants raised from in vitro regeneration of axillary or stipular buds. Acta Botanica Gallica, 149 (4), 395-404. doi:10.1080/12538078.2002.10515971
Peer reviewed

Faivre-Rampant, O., Charpentier, J. P., Kevers, C., Dommes, J., Van Onckelen, H., Jay-Allemand, C., & Gaspar, T. (2002). Cuttings of the non-rooting rac tobacco mutant overaccumulate phenolic compounds. Functional Plant Biology, 29 (1), 63-71. doi:10.1071/PP01016
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Gaspar, T., Le Dily, F., Billard, J.-P., Huault, C., Bisbis, B., Kevers, C., & Dommes, J. (2002). Biosynthesis of peroxidases: a role as interplay between primary and hormonal metabolisms. In M. Acosta, J.-N. Rodriguez-lopez, ... M.-A. Pedreno (Eds.), Plant perodixases - Biochemistry and physiology - VI international plant peroxidase symposium Proceedings (pp. 169-185). Murcia, Spain: servicio de publicationes. Universidad de Murcia.

Faivre-Rampant, O., Kevers, C., Dommes, J., Van Onckelen, H., & Gaspar, T. (2001). Modified hormonal balance in rooting-recalcitrant rac mutant tobacco shoots. Plant Biosystems, 135 (1), 85-93. doi:10.1080/11263500112331350690
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Franck, T., Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Penel, C., Dommes, J., & Hausman, J.-F. (2001). Are hyperhydric shoots of Prunus avium L. energy deficient? Plant Science, 160 (6), 1145-1151. doi:10.1016/S0168-9452(01)00362-4
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Tonon, G., Kevers, C., & Gaspar, T. (2001). Changes in polyamines, auxins and peroxidase activity during in vitro rooting of Fraxinus angustifolia shoots: an auxin-independent rooting model. Tree Physiology, 21 (10), 655-663. doi:10.1093/treephys/21.10.655
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Vandemoortele, J.-L., Kevers, C., Billard, J.-P., & Gaspar, T. (2001). Osmotic pretreatment promotes axillary shooting from cauliflower curd pieces by acting through internal cytokinin level modifications. Journal of Plant Physiology, 158 (2), 221-225. doi:10.1078/0176-1617-00197
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Arezki, O., Boxus, P., Kevers, C., & Gaspar, T. (2001). Changes in peroxidase activity, and level of phenolic compounds during light-induced plantlet regeneration from Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. nodes in vitro. Plant Growth Regulation, 33 (3), 215-219. doi:10.1023/A:1017579623170
Peer reviewed

Bisbis, B., Wagner, A., Kevers, C., & Gaspar, T. (2000). A comparison of respiratory pathways in fully habituated and normal non-organogenic sugarbeet callus. Journal of Plant Physiology, 156 (3), 312-318. doi:10.1016/S0176-1617(00)80067-X
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Faivre-Rampant, O., Kevers, C., Dommes, J., & Gaspar, T. (2000). The recalcitrance to rooting of the micropropagated shoots of the rac tobacco mutant: Implications of polyamines and of the polyamine metabolism. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 38 (6), 441-448. doi:10.1016/S0981-9428(00)00768-3
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Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Hausman, J.-F., Faivre-Rampant, O., Boyer, N., Dommes, J., Penel, C., & Greppin, H. (2000). Integrating phytohormone metabolism and action with primary biochemical pathways. I. Interrelationships between auxins, cytokinins, ethylene and polyamines in growth and development processes. In H. Greppin, C. Penel, W. Broughton, ... R. Strasser (Eds.), Integrated Plant Systems (pp. 163-192). Genève, Switzerland: Université de Genève.

Faivre-Rampant, O., Kevers, C., & Gaspar, T. (2000). IAA-oxidase activity and auxin protectors in nonrooting, rac, mutant shoots of tobacco in vitro. Plant Science, 153 (1), 73-80. doi:10.1016/S0168-9452(99)00255-1
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Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Bisbis, B., Franck, T., Crèvecoeur, M., Greppin, H., & Dommes, J. (2000). Loss of plant organogenic totipotency in the course of in vitro neoplastic progression. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology. Plant, 36 (3), 171-181. doi:10.1007/s11627-000-0033-3
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Gaspar, T., Bisbis, B., Kevers, C., Franck, T., Dommes, J., Crèvecoeur, M., Penel, C., & Greppin, H. (2000). Integrating phytohormone metabolism and action with primary biochemical pathways. II. Interrelationships between disturbed nitrogen and carbon metabolism and changes in hormonal concentrations and sensitivities in tissue cultures. In H. Greppin, C. Penel, W. Broughton, ... R. Strasser (Eds.), Integrated Plant Systems. Genève, Switzerland: Université de Genève.

Bisbis, B., Kevers, C., Dommes, J., & Gaspar, T. (2000). Interactions between polyamine and ethylene metabolisms in a hormone autonomous sugarbeet callus. Journal of Plant Physiology, 157 (1), 24-30. doi:10.1016/S0176-1617(00)80131-5
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Kevers, C., Le Gal, N., Monteiro, M., Dommes, J., & Gaspar, T. (2000). Somatic embryogenesis of Panax ginseng in liquid cultures: a role for polyamines and their metabolic pathways. Plant Growth Regulation, 31 (3), 209-214. doi:10.1023/A:1006344316683
Peer reviewed

Arezki, O., Boxus, P., Kevers, C., & Gaspar, T. (2000). Hormonal control of proliferation in meristematic agglomerates of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology. Plant, 36 (5), 398-401.
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Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Bisbis, B., Penel, C., Greppin, H., Garnier, F., Rideau, M., Huault, C., Billard, J. P., & Foidart, J.-M. (October 1999). Shemin Pathway and Peroxidase Deficiency in a Fully Habituated and Fully Heterotrophic Non-Organogenic Sugarbeet Callus: An Adaptative Strategy or the Consequence of Modified Hormonal Balances and Sensitivities in These Cancerous Cells? A Review an. Cell Proliferation, 32 (5), 249-70. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2184.1999.3250249.x
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Petit-Paly, G., Franck, T., Brisson, L., Kevers, C., Chenieux, J. C., & Rideau, M. (1999). Cytokinin modulates catalase activity and coumarin accumulation in in vitro cultures of tobacco. Journal of Plant Physiology, 155 (1), 9-15. doi:10.1016/S0176-1617(99)80134-5
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Kevers, C., Bisbis, B., Faivre-Rampant, O., & Gaspar, T. (1999). Putrescine metabolism in a fully habituated nonorganogenic sugar beet callus and its relationship with growth. Journal of Plant Physiology, 154 (4), 503-508. doi:10.1016/S0176-1617(99)80290-9
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Jouve, L., Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Greppin, H., & Agosti, R. (1999). Involvement of indole-3-acetic acid in the circadian growth of the first internode of Arabidopsis. Planta, 209 (1), 136-142. doi:10.1007/s004250050615
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Kevers, C., Greimers, R., Franck, T., Bisbis, B., Dommes, J., & Gaspar, T. (1999). Flow cytometry estimation of nuclear size and ploidy level of habituated calli of sugar beet. Biologia Plantarum, 42 (3), 321-332. doi:10.1023/A:1002469331895
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Aribaud, M., Kevers, C., Martin-Tanguy, J., & Gaspar, T. (1999). Low activity of amine-oxidases and accumulation of conjugated polyamines in disfavour of organogenic programs in Chrysanthemum leaf disc explants. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 55 (2), 85-94. doi:10.1023/A:1006153806610
Peer reviewed

Faivre-Rampant, O., Kevers, C., & Gaspar, T. (1999). Endogenous auxin and cytokinin levels in shoots of a nonrooting tobacco mutant. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 68 (5-6), 318.
Peer reviewed

Kevers, C., Soteras, G., Baccou, J. C., & Gaspar, T. (1999). Lignosulfonates: Novel promoting additives for plant tissue cultures. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology. Plant, 35 (5), 413-416. doi:10.1007/s11627-999-0057-2
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Kevers, C., Jacques, P., Thonart, P., & Gaspar, T. (1999). In vitro root cultures of Panax ginseng and P-quinquefolium. Plant Growth Regulation, 27 (3), 173-178. doi:10.1023/A:1006266413919
Peer reviewed

Droual, A.-M., Hamdi, S., Creche, J., Kevers, C., & Rideau, M. (1998). Autonomy to plant growth regulators and gene expression in periwinkle cultures in vitro. Journal of Plant Physiology, 153 (5-6), 623-630. doi:10.1016/S0176-1617(98)80213-7
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Bisbis, B., Kevers, C., Creche, J., Rideau, M., & Gaspar, T. (1998). Differential growth dependency of normal and habituated sugarbeet cell lines upon endogenous ethylene production and exogenous ethylene application. Physiologia Plantarum, 103 (2), 201-208. doi:10.1034/j.1399-3054.1998.1030207.x
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Le Dily, F., Kevers, C., Huault, C., & Billard, J. P. (1998). Le cal habitue de betterave sucriere : Deviations metaboliques et cancerisation. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 67 (3-4), 165-176.

Yahia, A., Kevers, C., Gaspar, T., Chenieux, J. C., Rideau, M., & Creche, J. (1998). Cytokinins and ethylene stimulate indole alkaloid accumulation in cell suspension cultures of Catharanthus roseus by two distinct mechanisms. Plant Science, 133 (1), 9-15. doi:10.1016/S0168-9452(98)00014-4
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Gaspar, T., Bisbis, B., Kevers, C., Penel, C., Greppin, H., Le Dily, F., Billard, J.-P., Huault, C., Garnier, F., Rideau, M., & Foidart, J.-M. (1998). Atypical metabolisms and biochemical cycles imposing the cancerous state on plant cells. Plant Growth Regulation, 24 (2), 135-144. doi:10.1023/A:1005972924568
Peer reviewed

Franck, T., Kevers, C., Penel, C., Greppin, H., Hausman, J.-F., & Gaspar, T. (1998). Reducing properties, and markers of lipid peroxidation in normal and hyperhydrating shoots of Prunus avium L. Journal of Plant Physiology, 153 (3-4), 339-346. doi:10.1016/S0176-1617(98)80160-0
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Faivre-Rampant, O., Kevers, C., Bellini, C., & Gaspar, T. (1998). Peroxidase activity, ethylene production, lignification and growth limitation in shoots of a nonrooting mutant of tobacco. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 36 (12), 873-877. doi:10.1016/S0981-9428(99)80005-9
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Bisbis, B., Billard, J.-P., Huault, C., Kevers, C., Le Dily, F., & Gaspar, T. (1998). Biosynthesis of 5-aminolevulinic acid via the Shemin pathway in a green sugar beet callus. Biologia Plantarum, 40 (4), 493-497.
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Hausman, J.-F., Kevers, C., Evers, D., & Gaspar, T. (1997). Conversion of putrescine into -aminobutyric acid, an essential pathway for root formation by poplar shoots in vitro. In A. Altman & Waisel, Biology of Root Formation and Development (pp. 133-139). New York, United States: Plenum Press.

Bisbis, B., Kevers, C., Huault, C., Billard, J. P., & Caspar, T. (1997). Erythromycin as a tool to investigate the tetrapyrrole biosynthetic pathways in habituated and normal sugarbeet calli. Plant Growth Regulation, 23 (3), 147-152. doi:10.1023/A:1005854112134
Peer reviewed

Bernal, M. A., Bisbis, B., Pedreño, M. A., Kevers, C., Penel, C., & Gaspar, T. (1997). Peroxidase isoenzymes in normal and habituated calli of sugar beet during transfer from light to darkness. Biologia Plantarum, 39 (2), 161-168. doi:10.1023/A:1000338515027
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Caboni, E., Tonelli, M. G., Lauri, P., Iacovacci, P., Kevers, C., Damiano, C., & Gaspar, T. (1997). Biochemical aspects of almond microcuttings related to in vitro rooting ability. Biologia Plantarum, 39 (1), 91-97. doi:10.1023/A:1000365224324
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Gatineau, F., Fouché, J. G., Kevers, C., Hausman, J. F., & Gaspar, T. (1997). Quantitative variations of indolyl compounds including IAA, IAA-aspartate and serotonin in walnut microcuttings during root induction. Biologia Plantarum, 39 (1), 131-137. doi:10.1023/A:1000377511120
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Kevers, C., Hausman, J. F., Faivre-Rampant, O., Evers, D., & Gaspar, T. (1997). Hormonal control of adventitious rooting: Progress and questions. Journal of Applied Botany, 71 (3-4), 71-79.
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Hausman, J. F., Evers, D., Kevers, C., & Gaspar, T. (1997). Internal controls of root induction in poplar shoots raised in vitro. Journal of Applied Botany, 71 (3-4), 104-107.
Peer reviewed

Bisbis, B., Billard, J. P., Huault, C., Kevers, C., Le Dily, F., & Gaspar, T. (1997). Biosynthesis of 5-aminolevulinic acid via the Shemin pathway in a green sugar beet callus. Biologia Plantarum, 40 (4), 493-497. doi:10.1023/A:1001784616399
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Fouche, J. G., Jouve, L., Hausman, J. F., Kevers, C., & Gaspar, T. (1997). Are temperature-induced early changes in auxin and polyamine levels related to flowering in Phalaenopsis? Journal of Plant Physiology, 150 (1-2), 232-234. doi:10.1016/S0176-1617(97)80209-X
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Bisbis, B., Kevers, C., & Gaspar, T. (1997). Atypical TCA cycle and replenishment in a non-photosynthetic fully habituated sugarbeet callus overproducing polyamines. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 35 (5), 363-368.
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Heloir, M.-C., Kevers, C., Hausman, J.-F., & Gaspar, T. (May 1996). Changes in the Concentrations of Auxins and Polyamines During Rooting of in-Vitro-Propagated Walnut Shoots. Tree Physiology, 16 (5), 515-9.
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Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Penel, C., Greppin, H., Reid, D. M., & Thorpe, T. A. (1996). Plant hormones and plant growth regulators in plant tissue culture. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology. Plant, 32 (4), 272-289. doi:10.1007/BF02822700
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Kevers, C., Filali, M., Petit-Paly, G., Hagège, D., Rideau, M., & Gaspar, T. (1996). Habituation of plant cells does not mean insensitivity to plant growth regulators. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology. Plant, 32 (3), 204-209. doi:10.1007/BF02822767
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Kevers, C., Bisbis, B., Le Dily, F., Billard, J. P., Huault, C., & Gaspar, T. (1995). Darkness improves growth and delays necrosis in a nonchlorophyllous habituated sugarbeet callus: Biochemical changes. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology. Plant, 31 (2), 122-126. doi:10.1007/BF02632249
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Jemmali, A., Boxus, P., Kevers, C., & Gaspar, T. (1995). Carry-Over Of Morphological And Biochemical Characteristics Associated With Hyperflowering Of Micropropagated Strawberries. Journal of Plant Physiology, 147 (3-4), 435-440. doi:10.1016/S0176-1617(11)82179-6
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Hausman, J. F., Kevers, C., & Gaspar, T. (1995). Putrescine control of peroxidase activity in the inductive phase of rooting in poplar shoots in vitro, and the adversary effect of spermidine. Journal of Plant Physiology, 146 (5-6), 681-685. doi:10.1016/S0176-1617(11)81933-4
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Hausman, J. F., Kevers, C., & Gaspar, T. (1995). Auxin-polyamine interaction in the control of the rooting inductive phase of poplar shoots in vitro. Plant Science, 110 (1), 63-71. doi:10.1016/0168-9452(95)04193-X
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Jemmali, A., Boxus, P., Kevers, C., & Gaspar, T. (1995). Effect of the number of subcultures on anatomical and biochemical characteristics of micropropagated strawberry shoots, in relation to their abnormal flowering. Mededelingen van de Faculteit Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen, 60 (3b), 1113-1119.

Franck, T., Kevers, C., & Gaspar, T. (1995). Protective enzymatic systems against activated oxygen species compared in normal and vitrified shoots of Prunus avium L. L. raised in vitro. Plant Growth Regulation, 16 (3), 253-256. doi:10.1007/BF00024782
Peer reviewed

Hausman, J.-F., Neys, O., Kevers, C., & Gaspar, T. (1994). Effect of in vitro storage at 4 °C on survival and proliferation of poplar shoots. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 38 (1), 65-67. doi:10.1007/BF00034446
Peer reviewed

Bisbis, B., Dujardin, E., Kevers, C., Hagege, D., & Gaspar, T. (1994). Chlorophylls and carotenoids in a fully habituated nonorganogenic callus of Beta vulgaris. Biologia Plantarum, 36 (3), 443-449. doi:10.1007/BF02920947
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Hausman, J. F., Kevers, C., & Gaspar, T. (1994). Involvement of putrescine in the inductive rooting phase of poplar shoots raised in vitro. Physiologia Plantarum, 92 (2), 201-206. doi:10.1111/j.1399-3054.1994.tb05327.x
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Hagege, D., Kevers, C., Geuns, J., & Gaspar, T. (1994). Ethylene production and polyamine content of fully habituated sugarbeet calli. Journal of Plant Physiology, 143 (6), 722-725. doi:10.1016/S0176-1617(11)81164-8
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Bisbis, B., le Dily, F., Kevers, C., Billard, J.-P., Huault, C., & Gaspar, T. (1993). Disturbed sugar metabolism in a fully habituated nonorganogenic callus of Beta vulgaris (L.). Plant Growth Regulation, 13 (3), 257-261. doi:10.1007/BF00024846
Peer reviewed

Le Dily, F., Billard, J.-P., Huault, C., Kevers, C., & Gaspar, T. (1993). Fully habituated sugarbeet callus: Under permanent stress? In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology. Plant, 29 (4), 149-154. doi:10.1007/BF02632027
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Carrie, B., Hagege, Kevers, C., Geuns, J., & Gaspar, T. (1992). Auxin-induced growth enhancement of a sugarbeet callus while reducing ethylene production and polyamine content. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences - Series III, 315, 165-170.
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Hagège, D., Kevers, C., Salabert, P., & Gaspar, T. (1992). Protective systems against activated oxygen species compared in normal and fully habituated nonorganogenic sugarbeet calluses. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology. Plant, 28 (3), 143-147. doi:10.1007/BF02823063
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Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Hausman, J. F., Berthon, J. Y., & Ripetti, V. (1992). Practical uses of peroxidase activity as a predictive marker of rooting performance of micropropagated shoots. Agronomie, 12 (10), 757-765. doi:10.1051/agro:19921003
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Kevers, C., Boyer, N., Courduroux, J.-C., & Gaspar, T. (1992). The influence of ethylene on proliferation and growth of rose shoot cultures. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 28 (2), 175-181. doi:10.1007/BF00055514
Peer reviewed

Hagege, D., Kevers, C., Le Dily, F., GASPAR, T., & BOUCAUD, J. (1990). Auxin-induced growth enhancement of a sugarbeet callus while reducing ethylene production and polyamine content. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série III. Sciences de la Vie, 310, 259-264.
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Kevers, C., Gaspar, T., Lapierre, C., Jouin, D., Monties, B., Francesch, C., Rolando, C., Goldberg, R., & Catesson, A.-M. (1990). Effect of ferulic and β-fluoroferulic isopropylamine salts on solid and liquid cultures of carnation. Phytochemistry, 29 (5), 1543-1545. doi:10.1016/0031-9422(90)80117-Y
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Van Den Driessche, T., Guisset, J.-L., Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., & Koukkari, W. L. (1989). Masking in plants. Chronobiology International, 6 (1), 13-19. doi:10.3109/07420528909059138
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Kevers, C., Goldberg, R., Chu-Ba, J., & Gaspar, T. (1988). Composition of the walls of stem and leaves of vitrifying carnation. Biologia Plantarum, 30 (3), 219-223. doi:10.1007/BF02878763
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Hagege, D., Kevers, C., Boucaud, J., & Gaspar, T. (1988). Activites peroxydasiques, production d'ethylene, lignification et limitation de croissance chez Suaeda maritima cultive en l'absence de NaCl. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 26 (5), 609-614.
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Vanden Driessche, T., Kevers, C., Collet, M., & Gaspar, T. (1988). Acetabularia mediterranea and ethylene production in relation with development, circadian rhythm in emission and response to external application. Journal of Plant Physiology, 133, 635-639. doi:10.1016/S0176-1617(88)80021-X
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Crevecoeur, M., Kevers, C., Greppln, H., & Gaspar, T. (1987). A comparative biochemical and cytological characterization of normal and habituated sugarbeet calli. Biologia Plantarum, 29 (1), 1-6. doi:10.1007/BF02902305
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Kevers, C., Prat, R., & Gaspar, T. (1987). Vitrification of carnation in vitro: Changes in cell wall mechanical properties, cellulose and lignin content. Plant Growth Regulation, 5 (1), 59-66. doi:10.1007/BF00035020
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Castillo, F. J., Cotton, G., Kevers, C., Greppin, H., Caspar, T., & Vanden Driessche, T. (1986). Changes in ascorbic acid content and ascorbate peroxidase activity during the development of Acetabularia mediterranea. Differentiation: Research in Biological Diversity, 33 (1), 17-23. doi:10.1111/j.1432-0436.1986.tb00405.x
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Kevers, C., & Gaspar, T. (1985). Vitrification of carnation in vitro: Changes in ethylene production, ACC level and capacity to convert ACC to ethylene. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 4 (3), 215-223. doi:10.1007/BF00040195
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Kevers, C., & Gaspar, T. (1985). Soluble, membrane and wall peroxidases, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, and lignin changes in relation to vitrification of carnation tissues cultured in vitro. Journal of Plant Physiology. doi:10.1016/S0176-1617(85)80163-2
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Kevers, C., Gaspar, T., Penel, C., & Greppin, H. (1985). Auxin-polyamine interaction with the calcium-controlled secretion of peroxidase by sugarbeet cells. Plant Cell Reports, 4 (3), 120-122. doi:10.1007/BF00571295
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Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Coumans, M., Penel, C., & Greppin, H. (1984). Interaction of polyamines or their precursors with the calcium-controlled secretion of peroxidase by sugarbeet cells. Experientia, 40 (7), 696-697. doi:10.1007/BF01949728
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Vanden Driessche, T., Kevers, C., Gaspar, T., & Caubergs, R. (1984). Peroxidases in Acetabularia: Their possible role in development. Differentiation: Research in Biological Diversity, 27 (3), 175-181. doi:10.1111/j.1432-0436.1984.tb01425.x
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Gaspar, T., Kevers, C., Penel, C., & Greppin, H. (1983). Auxin control of calcium-mediated peroxidase secretion by auxin-dependent and auxin-independent sugarbeet cells. Phytochemistry, 22 (12), 2657-2660. doi:10.1016/S0031-9422(00)97667-2
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Kevers, C., Coumans-Gilles, M. F., Coumans, M., & Gaspar, T. (1983). In vitro vegetative multiplication of Fuchsia hybrida. Scientia Horticulturae, 21 (1), 67-71. doi:10.1016/0304-4238(83)90187-5
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Kevers, C., Sticher, L., Penel, C., Greppin, H., & Gaspar, T. (1982). Calcium-controlled peroxidase secretion by sugarbeet cell suspensions in relation to habituation. Plant Growth Regulation, 1 (1), 61-66. doi:10.1007/BF00024222
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Druart, P., Kevers, C., Boxus, P., & Gaspar, T. (1982). In vitro promotion of root formation by apple shoots through darkness effect on endogenous phenols and peroxidases. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie, 108 (5), 429-436.
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Kevers, C., Coumans, M., de Greef, W., Jacobs, M., & Gaspar, T. (1981). Organogenesis in habituated sugarbeet callus: auxin content and protectors, peroxidase pattern and inhibitors. Zeitschrift für Pflanzenphysiologie, 101, 79-87.
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Coumans-Gilles, M. F., Kevers, C., Coumans, M., Ceulemans, E., & Gaspar, T. (1981). Vegetative multiplication of sugarbeet through in vitro culture of inflorescence pieces. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 1 (1), 93-101. doi:10.1007/BF02318908
Peer reviewed

Kevers, C., Pequeux, A., & Gilles, R. (1978). Na+, K+ and amino-compounds changes during volume regulation in Carcinus maenas isolated axons. Archives Internationales de Physiologie et de Biochimie, 86 (4), 869-870.
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