
Nicolay Anne-Catherine

Département de Logopédie > Neuropsychologie du langage et des apprentissages

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Main Referenced Co-authors
Poncelet, Martine  (9)
Comblain, Annick  (3)
Sadzot, Agnès  (3)
Fantauzzi, A. (2)
Brédart, Serge  (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
attentional functions (2); bilingualism (2); executive functions (2); lecture (2); orthographe (2);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Centre de Neurosciences Cognitives et Comportementales - ULiège [BE] (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Theoretical & cognitive psychology (9)
Neurosciences & behavior (1)

Publications (total 10)

The most downloaded
Gillet, S., Nicolay, A.-C., Le Bihan, C., & Poncelet, M. (May 2014). Cognitive predictors of early second-language acquisition in children attending Dutch immersion school programs [Poster presentation]. Psycholinguistics in Flanders, Ostende, Belgium.

The most cited

81 citations (OpenAlex)

Nicolay, A.-C., & Poncelet, M. (2013). Cognitive advantage in children enrolled in a second-language immersion elementary school program for 3 years. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 16 (3), 597-607. doi:10.1017/S1366728912000375

Gillet, S., Nicolay, A.-C., Le Bihan, C., & Poncelet, M. (May 2014). Cognitive predictors of early second-language acquisition in children attending Dutch immersion school programs [Poster presentation]. Psycholinguistics in Flanders, Ostende, Belgium.

Nicolay, A.-C., & Poncelet, M. (2013). Cognitive abilities underlying L2 vocabulary acquisition in an early L2-immersion education context: A longitudinal study. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 115, 655-671. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2013.04.002
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Nicolay, A.-C., & Poncelet, M. (2013). Cognitive advantage in children enrolled in a second-language immersion elementary school program for 3 years. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 16 (3), 597-607. doi:10.1017/S1366728912000375
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Nicolay, A.-C., Comblain, A., & Poncelet, M. (2009). Impact de l'apprentissage de la lecture et de l'écriture en anglais sur l'acquisition ultérieure de la lecture et de l'écriture en français, chez les enfants francophones immergés en anglais. In N. Marec-Breton, A. S. Besse, F. de la Haye, N. Bonneton-Botté, ... E. Bonjour, Apprentissage de la langue écrite. Approche cognitive. Rennes, France: Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
Editorial reviewed

Nicolay, A.-C., Majerus, S., & Poncelet, M. (2008). Early English language immersion in French-speaking childen : Evaluation of the role of verbal STM in the acquisition of English vocabulary [Poster presentation]. Annual meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Science, Leuven, Belgium.

Nicolay, A.-C., Fantauzzi, A., Comblain, A., & Poncelet, M. (October 2006). Impact de l'apprentissage de la lecture et de l'écriture en anglais sur l'acquisition ultérieure de la lecture et de l'orthographe en français chez les enfants francophones immergés en anglais [Paper presentation]. Colloque "Approche cognitive de l'apprentissage de la langue écrite", Rennes, France.
Editorial reviewed

Nicolay, A.-C., Fantauzzi, A., Sadzot, A., & Poncelet, M. (October 2006). Chez des enfants francophones immergés en anglais, l’apprentissage de la lecture et de l’écriture en anglais a-t-il un impact sur l’acquisition ultérieure des capacités de lecture et d’orthographe en français ? [Paper presentation]. Colloque International "Approche cognitive de l'apprentissage du langage écrit", Rennes, France.

Sadzot, A., Rajon, L., Nicolay, A.-C., & Poncelet, M. (October 2006). Effets des habiletés phonologiques et de la méthode d’apprentissage de la lecture sur l’acquisition de la lecture et de l’orthographe [Poster presentation]. Colloque International "Approche cognitive de l'apprentissage du langage écrit", Rennes, France.

Nicolay, A.-C., Fantauzzi, A., Sadzot, A., Comblain, A., & Poncelet, M. (19 May 2006). English language immersion in french-speaking children : does learning to read have an impact on the subsequent acquisition of french orthographic code ? [Poster presentation]. Meeting annuel de la Société Belge de Psychologie, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Hall, D. G., Waxman, S. R., Brédart, S., & Nicolay, A.-C. (2003). Preschoolers' use of form class cues to learn descriptive proper names. Child Development, 74 (5), 1547-1560. doi:10.1111/1467-8624.00622
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