Changes in peroxidase activity, and level of phenolic compounds during light-induced plantlet regeneration from Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. nodes in vitro
[en] Node cultures of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn in Petri dishes in vitro under darkness in the presence of an auxin developed meristematic agglomerates (4 to 6 diameter), i.e. dense shoot clusters in which outgrowth of numerous successive buds is limited. Similar cultures under a 16 photoperiod produced small green plantlets with reduced leaves often presenting white hypertrophied lenticels and very short roots crowning the stem bases. The use of half-litre glass vials under light allowed direct development of well-developed rooted plantlets, either in the presence of the same auxin or in the presence of a cytokinin. Light favoured an increase in phenolic compounds and a reverse variation of peroxidase activity during the culture cycles. These aspects are discussed in terms of a possible regulation of the endogenous auxin level through a light control of peroxidase activity and the level of phenolic compounds.
Changes in peroxidase activity, and level of phenolic compounds during light-induced plantlet regeneration from Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. nodes in vitro
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