Abstract :
[en] The magneto-transport properties of Bi1.5Pb0.4Nb0.1Sr2Ca2Cu3O10-x polycrystalline, superconducting ceramic are reported. The material was found to be chemically homogeneous and partially textured. The mixed state properties were investigated by measuring the electrical resistivity, longitudinal and transverse (Nernst effect) thermoelectric power, and thermal conductivity. The magnetization and AC susceptibility measurements were also performed. The variation of these characteristics for magnetic fields up to 5 T are discussed and compared to those of the zero field case. The transport entropy and thermal Hall angle are extracted and quantitatively compared to previously reported data of closely related systems. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Research Center/Unit :
SUPRATECS - Services Universitaires pour la Recherche et les Applications Technologiques de Matériaux Électro-Céramiques, Composites, Supraconducteurs - ULiège
Funders :
F.R.S.-FNRS - Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique
DGTRE - Région wallonne. Direction générale des Technologies, de la Recherche et de l'Énergie
Polish Committee of Scientific Research
OTAN - Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique Nord
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