
Ausloos Marcel

Département de physique

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Cloots, Rudi  (92)
Vanderbemden, Philippe  (71)
Vandewalle, Nicolas  (67)
Fagnard, Jean-François  (37)
Bougrine, Hassan  (30)
Main Referenced Keywords
magnetic measurements (15); superconductivity (13); critical current (11); magnetic properties (9); electrical resistivity (8);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
SUPRATECS - Services Universitaires pour la Recherche et les Applications Technologiques de Matériaux Électro-Céramiques, Composites, Supraconducteurs - ULiège (63)
Groupe SUPRAS (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Physics (194)
Electrical & electronics engineering (43)
Materials science & engineering (27)
Chemistry (18)
International economics (5)

Publications (total 219)

The most downloaded
Guillaume, B., Boschini, F., Garcia-Cano, I., Rulmont, A., Cloots, R., & Ausloos, M. (November 2005). Optimization of BaZrO3 sintering by control of the initial powder size distribution; a factorial design statistical analysis. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 25 (16), 3593-3604. doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2004.09.022

The most cited

167 citations (OpenAlex)

Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (01 December 1997). Coherent and random sequences in financial fluctuations. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 246 (3-4), 454-459. doi:10.1016/S0378-4371(97)00366-X

Pękała, M., Wolff-Fabris, F., Fagnard, J.-F., Vanderbemden, P., Mucha, J., Gospodinov, M. M., Lovchinov, V., & Ausloos, M. (2013). Magnetic properties and anisotropy of orthorhombic DyMnO3 single crystal. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 335 (0), 46 - 52. doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2013.01.036
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Lousberg, G., Fagnard, J.-F., Chaud, X., Ausloos, M., Vanderbemden, P., & Vanderheyden, B. (2011). Magnetic properties of drilled bulk high-temperature superconductors filled with a ferromagnetic powder. Superconductor Science and Technology, 24, 035008. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/24/3/035008
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Pompeo, N., Rogai, R., Ausloos, M., Cloots, R., Augieri, A., Celentano, G., & Silva, E. (2011). Microwave properties of DyBCO monodomain in the mixed state and comparison with other RE-BCO systems. Physica C. Superconductivity, 471 (21-22), 854-858. doi:10.1016/j.physc.2011.05.073
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Lousberg, G., Fagnard, J.-F., Ausloos, M., Vanderbemden, P., & Vanderheyden, B. (August 2010). Improving the performance of trapped field magnets made of drilled bulk high-temperature superconductors by filling the holes with a soft ferromagnetic material [Paper presentation]. PASREG 2010 - The 7th international workshop on processing and applications of superconducting (RE)BCO large grain materials, Washington DC, United States.

Vanderheyden, B., Lousberg, G., Ausloos, M., Vanderbemden, P., Dular, P., & Geuzaine, C. (07 May 2010). Modeling high-temperature superconductors containing an array of holes [Paper presentation]. International workshop on numerical modelling of High Temperature Superconductors, EPFL 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Caram, L. F., Caiafa, C. F., Proto, A. N., & Ausloos, M. (2010). Dynamic peer-to-peer competition. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 389 (13), 2628-2636. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2010.02.032
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Ausloos, M., & Miskiewicz, J. (2010). ENTROPY CORRELATION DISTANCE METHOD APPLIED TO STUDY CORRELATIONS BETWEEN THE GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT OF RICH COUNTRIES. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 20 (2), 381-389. doi:10.1142/S0218127410025831
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Lousberg, G., Fagnard, J.-F., Ausloos, M., Vanderbemden, P., & Vanderheyden, B. (January 2010). Numerical Study of the Shielding properties of Macroscopic Hybrid Ferromagnetic/Superconductor Hollow Cylinders. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 20 (1), 33. doi:10.1109/TASC.2009.2036855
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Vanderbemden, P., Laurent, P., Fagnard, J.-F., Ausloos, M., Hari Babu, N., & Cardwell, D. A. (2010). Magneto-thermal phenomena in bulk high temperature superconductors subjected to applied AC magnetic fields. Superconductor Science and Technology, 23, 075006. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/23/7/075006
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Koutzarova, T., Kolev, S., Ausloos, M., Cloots, R., Henrist, C., & Nedkov, I. (2010). Structural and magnetic properties of nanosized barium hexaferrite powders obtained by microemulsion technique. Solid State Phenomena, 159, 57-62. doi:10.4028/
Peer reviewed

Ausloos, M. (2010). Punctuation effects in english and esperanto texts. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 389 (14), 2835-2840. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2010.02.038
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Rotundo, G., & Ausloos, M. (2010). Organization of networks with tagged nodes and biased links: A priori distinct communities The case of intelligent design proponents and Darwinian evolution defenders. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 389 (23), 5479-5494. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2010.07.029
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Lousberg, G. P., Fagnard, J.-F., Ausloos, M., Vanderbemden, P., & Vanderheyden, B. (2010). Modification of the trapped field in bulk HTS as a result of the drilling of a pattern of artificial holes. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 234, 012023. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/234/1/012023
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Miskiewicz, J., & Ausloos, M. (2010). Has the world economy reached its globalization limit? Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 389 (4), 797-806. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2009.10.029
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Lousberg, G., Fagnard, J.-F., Haanappel, E., Chaud, X., Ausloos, M., Vanderheyden, B., & Vanderbemden, P. (2009). Pulsed-field magnetization of drilled bulk high-temperature superconductors: flux front propagation in the volume and on the surface. Superconductor Science and Technology, (22), 125026. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/22/12/125026
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Fagnard, J.-F., Dirickx, M., Ausloos, M., Lousberg, G., Vanderheyden, B., & Vanderbemden, P. (October 2009). Magnetic shielding properties of high- Tc superconducting hollow cylinders: model combining experimental data for axial and transverse magnetic field configurations. Superconductor Science and Technology, 22 (10), 105002 (10. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/22/10/105002
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Fagnard, J.-F., Dirickx, M., Ausloos, M., Vanderheyden, B., & Vanderbemden, P. (September 2009). Temperature dependence of HTS magnetic shielding properties: Measurements on Pb-doped Bi-2223 hollow cylinders submitted to axial magnetic fields [Poster presentation]. EUCAS 2009 - 9th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, Dresden, Germany.

Fagnard, J.-F., Denis, S., Lousberg, G., Dirickx, M., Ausloos, M., Vanderheyden, B., & Vanderbemden, P. (June 2009). DC and AC Shielding Properties of Bulk High-Tc Superconducting Tubes. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 19 (3), 2905-2908. doi:10.1109/TASC.2009.2017880
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Lousberg, G., Ausloos, M., Geuzaine, C., Dular, P., Vanderbemden, P., & Vanderheyden, B. (May 2009). Numerical simulation of the magnetization of high-temperature superconductors: a 3D finite element method using a single time-step iteration. Superconductor Science and Technology, 22, 055005. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/22/5/055005
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Lousberg, G., Fagnard, J.-F., Noudem, J. G., Ausloos, M., Vanderheyden, B., & Vanderbemden, P. (March 2009). Measurement of the magnetic field inside the holes of a drilled bulk high-Tc superconductor. Superconductor Science and Technology, 22, 045009. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/22/4/045009
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Kusano, Y., Doi, A., Fukuhara, M., Nakanishi, M., Fujii, T., Takada, J., Ikeda, Y., Takano, M., Henrist, C., Cloots, R., Rulmont, A., & Ausloos, M. (2009). Effects of Rice Straw on the Color and Microstructure of Bizen, a Traditional Japanese Stoneware, as a Function of Oxygen Partial Pressure. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92 (8), 1840-1844. doi:10.1111/j.1551-2916.2009.03125.x
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Vanderbemden, P., Vertruyen, B., Ausloos, M., Rivas-Murias, B., & Lovchinov, V. (2009). Grain boundary effects in bulk colossal magneto resistive (CMR) manganites and manganite/insulator composites: electrical and magnetic properties. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 11 (9), 1115-1121.
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Pekala, M., Drozd, V., Fagnard, J.-F., Vanderbemden, P., & Ausloos, M. (2009). Magneto transport characterization of the Sn-doped TbMnO3 manganites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 467 (1-2), 35 - 40. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2007.11.143
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Lipowski, A., Gontarek, K., & Ausloos, M. (2009). Statistical mechanics approach to a reinforcement learning model with memory. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 388 (9), 1849-1856. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2009.01.028
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Mucha, J., Vertruyen, B., Misiorek, H., Ausloos, M., Durczewski, K., & Vanderbemden, P. (2009). Influence of microstructure on the thermal conductivity of magnetoresistive La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Mn3O4 manganite/insulating oxide polycrystalline bulk composites. Journal of Applied Physics, 105 (6), 063501. doi:10.1063/1.3078796
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Ausloos, M., & Miskiewicz, J. (2009). Introducing the q-Theil index. Brazilian Journal of Physics, 39 (2A), 388-395. doi:10.1590/S0103-97332009000400007
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Cantu, A. G., & Ausloos, M. (2009). Organizational and dynamical aspects of a small network with two distinct communities: Neo-creationists vs. Evolution Defenders. Scientometrics, 80 (2), 457-472. doi:10.1007/s11192-008-2065-0
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Pekala, M., Drozd, V., Fagnard, J.-F., Vanderbemden, P., & Ausloos, M. (2009). Magnetotransport of La0.5Ba0.5MnO3. Journal of Applied Physics, 105 (1), 013923-013923-8. doi:10.1063/1.3032326
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Fagnard, J.-F., Denis, S., Lousberg, G., Ausloos, M., Vanderheyden, B., & Vanderbemden, P. (August 2008). DC and AC shielding properties of bulk high-Tc superconducting tubes [Poster presentation]. Applied Superconductivity Conference ASC2008.

Pekala, M., Drozd, V., Fagnard, J.-F., Vanderbemden, P., & Ausloos, M. (February 2008). Magnetocaloric effect in nano- and polycrystalline manganite La0.7Ca0.3MnO3. Applied Physics. A, Materials Science and Processing, 90 (2), 237-241. doi:10.1007/s00339-007-4309-x
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Lousberg, G., Ausloos, M., Vanderbemden, P., & Vanderheyden, B. (February 2008). Bulk high-Tc superconductors with drilled holes: how to arrange the holes to maximize the trapped magnetic flux? Superconductor Science and Technology, 21, 025010. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/21/02/025010
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Ausloos, M., & Gligor, M. (2008). Cluster expansion method for evolving weighted networks having vector-like nodes. Acta Physica Polonica A, 114 (3), 491-499. doi:10.12693/APhysPolA.114.491
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Lousberg, G., Ausloos, M., Geuzaine, C., Dular, P., & Vanderheyden, B. (2008). Simulation of the highly non linear properties of bulk superconductors: finite element approach with a backwardmethod and a single time step. In Proceedings of the fourth international conference on advanced computational methods in engineering, ACOMEN 2008.
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Pekalski, A., & Ausloos, M. (2008). Risk of population extinction from periodic and abrupt changes of environment. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 387 (11), 2526-2534. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2008.01.001
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Redelico, F. O., Proto, A. N., & Ausloos, M. (2008). Power law for the duration of recession and prosperity in Latin American countries. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 387 (25), 6330-6336. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2008.07.025
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Miskiewicz, J., & Ausloos, M. (2008). Correlation measure to detect time series distances, whence economy globalization. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 387 (26), 6584-6594. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2008.08.004
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Laurent, P., Fagnard, J.-F., Vanderheyden, B., Hari Babu, N., Cardwell, D. A., Ausloos, M., & Vanderbemden, P. (2008). An ac susceptometer for the characterization of large, bulk superconducting samples. Measurement Science and Technology, 19 (8), 085705. doi:10.1088/0957-0233/19/8/085705
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Sousa, A. O., Yu-Song, T., & Ausloos, M. (2008). Effects of agents' mobility on opinion spreading in Sznajd model. European Physical Journal B -- Condensed Matter, 66 (1), 115-124. doi:10.1140/epjb/e2008-00391-6
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Ausloos, M. (2008). Equilibrium and dynamic methods when comparing an English text and its Esperanto translation. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 387 (25), 6411-6420. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2008.07.016
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Gligor, M., & Ausloos, M. (2008). Clusters in weighted macroeconomic networks: the EU case. Introducing the overlapping index of GDP/capita fluctuation correlations. European Physical Journal B -- Condensed Matter, 63 (4), 533-539. doi:10.1140/epjb/e2008-00176-y
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Sergeenkov, S., Mucha, J., Pekala, M., Drozd, V., & Ausloos, M. (15 October 2007). Influence of Zeeman splitting and thermally excited polaron states on magnetoelectrical and magnetothermal properties of magnetoresistive polycrystalline manganite La0.8Sr0.2MnO3. Journal of Applied Physics, 102 (8). doi:10.1063/1.2802189
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Hellsten, I., Lambiotte, R., Scharnhorst, A., & Ausloos, M. (September 2007). Self-citations, co-authorships and keywords: A new approach to scientists' field mobility? Scientometrics, 72 (3), 469-486. doi:10.1007/s11192-007-1680-5
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Vanderbemden, P., Hong, Z., Coombs, T. A., Ausloos, M., Babu, N. H., Cardwell, D. A., & Campbell, A. M. (September 2007). Remagnetization of bulk high-temperature superconductors subjected to crossed and rotating magnetic fields. Superconductor Science and Technology, 20 (9 Sp. Iss. SI), 174-S183. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/20/9/S10
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Vertruyen, B., Cloots, R., Ausloos, M., Fagnard, J.-F., & Vanderbemden, P. (August 2007). Unusual resistivity hysteresis in a bulk magnetoresistive ferromagnetic/ferrimagnetic composite (La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Mn3O4): Role of demagnetization effects. Applied Physics Letters, 91 (6), 062514. doi:10.1063/1.2768883
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Ausloos, M., & Lambiotte, R. (01 August 2007). Clusters or networks of economies? A macroeconomy study through gross domestic product. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 382 (1), 16-21. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2007.02.005
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Miskiewicz, J., & Ausloos, M. (01 August 2007). Delayed information flow effect in economy systems. An ACP model study. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 382 (1), 179-186. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2007.02.018
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Laurent, P., Vanderbemden, P., Meslin, S., Noudem, J. G., Mathieu, J.-P., Cloots, R., & Ausloos, M. (June 2007). Measurements of thermal effects in a bulk YBCO single domain superconductor submitted to a variable magnetic field. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 17 (2, Part 3), 3036-3039. doi:10.1109/TASC.2007.898988
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Fabris, F. W., Pekala, M., Drozd, V., Fagnard, J.-F., Vanderbemden, P., Liu, R. S., & Ausloos, M. (May 2007). Magnetocaloric effect and magnetic properties of Tb0.9Sn0.1MnO3. Journal of Applied Physics, 101 (10), 103904. doi:10.1063/1.2732453
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Vanderbemden, P., Hong, Z., Coombs, T. A., Denis, S., Ausloos, M., Schwartz, J., Rutel, I. B., Babu, N. H., Cardwell, D. A., & Campbell, A. M. (2007). Behavior of bulk high-temperature superconductors of finite thickness subjected to crossed magnetic fields: Experiment and model. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 75 (17), 174515. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.75.174515
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Denis, S., Dirickx, M., Vanderbemden, P., Ausloos, M., & Vanderheyden, B. (2007). Field penetration into hard type-II superconducting tubes: effects of a cap, a non-superconducting joint, and non-uniform superconducting properties. Superconductor Science and Technology, 20 (5), 418-427. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/20/5/002
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Dusoulier, L., Denis, S., Dirickx, M., Vanderbemden, P., Ausloos, M., Cloots, R., & Vertruyen, B. (2007). Influence of thermal treatment on YBa2Cu3O7-x thick films prepared by electrophoretic deposition on Ni and Ag substrates. Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 1001E, 1001-M05-03. doi:10.1557/proc-1001-m05-03
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Vertruyen, B., Fagnard, J.-F., Vanderbemden, P., Ausloos, M., Rulmont, A., & Cloots, R. (2007). Electrical transport and magnetic properties of Mn3O4-La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 ceramic composites prepared by a one-step spray-drying technique. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 27 (13-15), 3923-3926. doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2007.02.061
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Rotundo, G., & Ausloos, M. (01 January 2007). Microeconomic co-evolution model for financial technical analysis signals. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 373, 569-585. doi:10.1016/j.physa.2006.04.062
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Denis, S., Dusoulier, L., Dirickx, M., Vanderbemden, P., Cloots, R., Ausloos, M., & Vanderheyden, B. (2007). Magnetic shielding properties of high-temperature superconducting tubes subjected to axial fields. Superconductor Science and Technology, 20 (3), 192-201. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/20/3/014
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Vertruyen, B., Cloots, R., Ausloos, M., Fagnard, J.-F., & Vanderbemden, P. (2007). Electrical transport and percolation in magnetoresistive manganite/insulating oxide composites: Case of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Mn3O4. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 75 (16), 165112. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.75.165112
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Pekala, M., Mucha, J., Vertruyen, B., Cloots, R., & Ausloos, M. (11 November 2006). Effect of Ga doping on magneto-transport properties in colossal magnetoresistive La0.7Ca0.3Mn1-xGaxO3 (0 < x < 0.1). Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 306 (2), 181-190. doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2006.02.241
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Rahier, S., Stassen, S., Cloots, R., & Ausloos, M. (February 2006). Influence of Na doping and sintering temperature on increasing Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 superconducting phase content in powder-form materials. Materials Letters, 60 (3), 298-300. doi:10.1016/j.matlet.2005.08.038
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Fagnard, J.-F., Crate, D., Jamoye, J.-F., Laurent, P., Mattivi, B., Cloots, R., Ausloos, M., Genon, A., & Vanderbemden, P. (2006). Use of a High-Temperature Superconducting Coil for Magnetic Energy Storage. Institute of Physics Conference Series, 43, 829-832. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/43/1/202
Peer reviewed

Denis, S., Grenci, G., Dusoulier, L., Cloots, R., Vanderbemden, P., Vanderheyden, B., Dirickx, M., & Ausloos, M. (2006). Characterisation of the magnetic shielding properties of YBaCuO thick films prepared by electrophoretic deposition on silver substrates. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 43, 509-512. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/43/1/126
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Dusoulier, L., Denis, S., Fagnard, J.-F., Henrist, C., Vanderheyden, B., Vanderbemden, P., Rulmont, A., Dirickx, M., Ausloos, M., Cloots, R., & Vertruyen, B. (2006). YBa2Cu3O(7-delta) thick films on Ag prepared by the electrophoretic deposition technique. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 43, 134-137. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/43/1/034
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Dusoulier, L., Denis, S., Vanderbemden, P., Dirickx, M., Ausloos, M., Cloots, R., & Vertruyen, B. (2006). Preparation of YBa2Cu3O7-x superconducting thick films by the electrophoretic deposition method. Journal of Materials Science, 41 (24), 8109-8114. doi:10.1007/s10853-006-0596-4
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Rahier, S., Lafort, A., Henrist, C., Ausloos, M., Cloots, R., & Vertruyen, B. (January 2006). Chemical interactions between Bi2Sr3CaO7(Bi-2310) and Bi2Sr2Ca0.8Dy0.2Cu2O8 (Bi-2212(Dy)). Superconductor Science and Technology, 19 (1), 39-43. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/19/1/007
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Dusoulier, L., Denis, S., Nutal, N., Henrist, C., Vanderheyden, B., Vanderbemden, P., Rulmont, A., Dirickx, M., Ausloos, M., Cloots, R., & Vertruyen, B. (2006). Texturation of YBa2Cu3O7-delta thick films by electrophoretic deposition under magnetic field. Key Engineering Materials, 314, 153-157. doi:10.4028/0-87849-998-9.153
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Laurent, P., Fagnard, J.-F., Mathieu, J.-P., Meslin, S., Noudem, J. G., Cloots, R., Ausloos, M., & Vanderbemden, P. (2006). Study of thermal effects in bulk RE-BCO superconductors submitted to a variable magnetic field. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 43, 505-508. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/43/1/125
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Guillaume, B., Boschini, F., Garcia-Cano, I., Rulmont, A., Cloots, R., & Ausloos, M. (November 2005). Optimization of BaZrO3 sintering by control of the initial powder size distribution; a factorial design statistical analysis. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 25 (16), 3593-3604. doi:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2004.09.022
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Balaban, A. T., Klein, D. J., March, N. H., Tosi, M. P., & Ausloos, M. (05 September 2005). Phase-transition regularities in critical constants, fusion temperatures and enthalpies of chemically similar chainlike structures. Chemphyschem: A European Journal of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry, 6 (9), 1741-1745. doi:10.1002/cphc.200400411
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Wu, B.-M., Li, B., Zhen, W.-H., Ausloos, M., Du, Y.-L., Fagnard, J.-F., & Vanderbemden, P. (May 2005). Spin-cluster effect and lattice-deformation-induced Kondo effect, spinglass freezing, and strong phonon scattering in La0.7Ca0.3Mn1-xCrxO3. Journal of Applied Physics, 97 (10, Part 1), 103908. doi:10.1063/1.1898438
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Cloots, R., Koutzarova, T., Mathieu, J.-P., & Ausloos, M. (2005). From RE-211 to RE-123. How to control the final microstructure of superconducting single-domains. Superconductor Science and Technology, 18 (3), 9-R23. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/18/3/R01
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Mathieu, J.-P., Fagnard, J.-F., Laurent, P., Mattivi, B., Henrist, C., Vanderbemden, P., Ausloos, M., & Cloots, R. (2005). Silver paint as a soldering agent for DyBaCuO single-domain welding. Superconductor Science and Technology, 18 (4), 508-512. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/18/4/021
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Mathieu, J.-P., Koutzarova, T., Rulmont, A., Fagnard, J.-F., Laurent, P., Mattivi, B., Vanderbemden, P., Ausloos, M., & Cloots, R. (2005). Investigation of DyBa2CU3O7-d superconducting domains grown by the infiltration technique starting with small size Dy-211 particles. Superconductor Science and Technology, 18 (2 Sp. Iss. SI), 136-S141. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/18/2/028
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Laurent, P., Mathieu, J.-P., Mattivi, B., Fagnard, J.-F., Meslin, S., Noudem, J. G., Ausloos, M., Cloots, R., & Vanderbemden, P. (2005). Study by Hall probe mapping of the trapped flux modification produced by local heating in YBCOHTS bulks for different surface/volume ratios. Superconductor Science and Technology, 18 (8), 1047-1053. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/18/8/004
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Pekala, M., Mucha, J., Vanderbemden, P., Cloots, R., & Ausloos, M. (2005). Magneto-transport characterization of Dy123 monodomain superconductors. Applied Physics. A, Materials Science and Processing, 81 (5), 1001-1007. doi:10.1007/s00339-004-3014-2
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Wu, B. M., Ausloos, M., Du, Y. L., Zheng, W. H., Li, B., Fagnard, J.-F., & Vanderbemden, P. (2005). Spin glass behaviour and spin-dependent scattering in La0.7Ca0.3Mn0.9Cr0.1O3 perovskites. Chinese Physics Letters, 22 (3), 686-689. doi:10.1088/0256-307X/22/3/046
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Vertruyen, B., Rulmont, A., Cloots, R., Fagnard, J.-F., Ausloos, M., Vandriessche, I., & Hoste, S. (01 January 2005). Low-field magnetoresistance in La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 manganite compounds prepared by the spray drying technique. Journal of Materials Science, 40 (1), 117-122. doi:10.1007/s10853-005-5695-0
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Ausloos, M., Pekala, M., Latuch, J., Mucha, J., Vanderbemden, P., Vertruyen, B., & Cloots, R. (December 2004). Unusual thermoelectric behavior of packed crystalline granular metals. Journal of Applied Physics, 96 (12), 7338-7345. doi:10.1063/1.1808248
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Vertruyen, B., Dusoulier, L., Fagnard, J.-F., Vanderbemden, P., Vanhoyland, G., Ausloos, M., Delwiche, J., Rulmont, A., & Cloots, R. (September 2004). Anisotropic behaviour in the magnetic field dependence of the low temperature electrical resistance of calcium-doped lanthanum manganate thin films grown by RF magnetron sputtering. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 280 (2-3), 264-272. doi:10.1016/j.jmmm.2004.03.022
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Vertruyen, B., Rulmont, A., Cloots, R., Ausloos, M., Fagnard, J.-F., Dorbolo, S., & Vanderbemden, P. (January 2004). Effects of silicon addition on the electrical and magnetic properties of copper-doped (La,Ca)MnO3 compounds. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 268 (3), 364-373. doi:10.1016/S0304-8853(03)00548-1
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Mucha, J., Dorbolo, S., Bougrine, H., Durczewski, K., & Ausloos, M. (2004). Analysis of experimental conditions for simultaneous measurements of transport and magnetotransport coefficients of high temperature superconductors. Cryogenics, 44 (3), 145-149. doi:10.1016/j.cryogenics.2003.08.006
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Fagnard, J.-F., Rahier, S., Fonder, N., Marguillier, D., Cloots, R., Ausloos, M., & Vanderbemden, P. (2004). Superconducting properties of magnetically textured Dy doped Bi-2212 nickel tapes. In A. Andreone, Applied Superconductivity 2003 (Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity) (pp. 1696-1703). Bristol, United Kingdom: Institute of Physics.
Peer reviewed

Mathieu, J.-P., Cano, I. G., Koutzarova, T., Rulmont, A., Vanderbemden, P., Dew-Hughes, D., Ausloos, M., & Cloots, R. (2004). The contribution of 211 particles to the mechanical reinforcement mechanism of 123 superconducting single domains. Superconductor Science and Technology, 17 (1), 169-174. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/17/1/030
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Dirickx, M., Denis, S., Vanderheyden, B., Dusoulier, L., & Ausloos, M. (2004). Inversion of the Biot-Savart Law: an approach based on discrete sine and cosine transforms. In T. H. Johansen & D. V. Shantsev (Eds.), Magneto-Optical Imaging, Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, held in Øystese, Norway, 28-30 August 2003 (pp. 257-264). Kluwer Academic.
Peer reviewed

Dorbolo, S., Ausloos, M., Vandewalle, N., & Houssa, M. (15 December 2003). Aging process of electrical contacts in granular matter. Journal of Applied Physics, 94 (12), 7835-7838. doi:10.1063/1.1627458
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Vanderbemden, P., Vertruyen, B., Rulmont, A., Cloots, R., Dhalenne, G., & Ausloos, M. (December 2003). ac magnetic behavior of large-grain magnetoresistive La0.78Ca0.22Mn0.90Ox materials. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 68 (22), 224418. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.68.224418
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Trojan, K., & Ausloos, M. (15 August 2003). Magnetically controlled ballistic deposition. A model of polydisperse granular packing. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 326 (3-4), 492-510. doi:10.1016/S0378-4371(03)00276-0
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Dorbolo, S., Ausloos, M., & Vandewalle, N. (July 2003). Limit current density in 2D metallic granular packings. European Physical Journal B -- Condensed Matter, 34 (2), 201-204. doi:10.1140/epjb/e2003-00212-6
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Fagnard, J.-F., Vanderbemden, P., Cloots, R., & Ausloos, M. (June 2003). Anisotropic AC behavior of multifilamentary Bi-2223/Ag tapes. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 13 (2, Part 3), 2976-2979. doi:10.1109/TASC.2003.812079
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Ivanova, K., Ackerman, T. P., Clothiaux, E. E., Ivanov, P. C., Stanley, H. E., & Ausloos, M. (06 May 2003). Time correlations and 1/f behavior in backscattering radar reflectivity measurements from cirrus cloud ice fluctuations. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres, 108 (D9). doi:10.1029/2002JD003000
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Dorbolo, S., Ausloos, M., & Vandewalle, N. (April 2003). Reexamination of the Branly effect. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 67 (4, Pt 1), 40302. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.67.040302
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Bronlet, P., & Ausloos, M. (March 2003). Generalized (m, k)-Zipf law for fractional Brownian motion-like time series with or without effect of an additional linear trend. International Journal of Modern Physics. C, 14 (3), 351-365. doi:10.1142/S0129183103004528
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Pekala, M., Mucha, J., Cloots, R., Fagnard, J.-F., Vanderbemden, P., & Ausloos, M. (2003). Magneto-transport study of nb-doped Bi/Pb2223 superconductor. Physica C. Superconductivity, 387 (1-2), 191-197. doi:10.1016/S0921-4534(03)00668-3
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Mucha, J., Pekala, M., Szydlowska, J., Gadomski, W., Akimitsu, J., Fagnard, J.-F., Vanderbemden, P., Cloots, R., & Ausloos, M. (2003). Magnetotransport study of MgB2 superconductor. Superconductor Science and Technology, 16 (10), 1167-1172. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/16/10/308
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Caps, H., Decauwer, H., Chevalier, M. L., Soyez, G., Ausloos, M., & Vandewalle, N. (2003). Foam imbibition in microgravity - An experimental study. European Physical Journal B -- Condensed Matter, 33 (1), 115-119. doi:10.1140/epjb/e2003-00148-9
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Ivanova, K., & Ausloos, M. (11 December 2002). Statistical derivation of the evolution equation of liquid water path fluctuations in clouds. Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres, 107 (D23). doi:10.1029/2002JD002266
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Vertruyen, B., Rulmont, A., Cloots, R., Ausloos, M., Dorbolo, S., & Vanderbemden, P. (December 2002). Synthesis of CMR manganate compounds: the consequences of the choice of a precursor method. Materials Letters, 57 (3), 598-603. doi:10.1016/S0167-577X(02)00837-6
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Ausloos, M., Hubert, L., Dorbolo, S., Gilabert, A., & Cloots, R. (01 November 2002). Magnon-polaron and spin-polaron signatures in the specific heat and electrical resistivity of La0.6Y0.1Ca0.3MnO3 in zero magnetic field and the effect of Mn - O - Mn bond environment. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 66 (17). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.66.174436
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Dorbolo, S., Ausloos, M., & Vandewalle, N. (29 July 2002). Hysteretic behavior in metallic granular matter. Applied Physics Letters, 81 (5), 936-938. doi:10.1063/1.1496501
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Dorbolo, S., & Ausloos, M. (01 June 2002). Influence of a low magnetic field on the thermal diffusivity of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 65 (21). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.65.214523
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Fagnard, J.-F., Vanderbemden, P., Crate, D., Misson, V., Ausloos, M., & Cloots, R. (2002). Intragranular and intergranular behaviour of multifilamentary Bi-2223/Ag tapes. Physica C. Superconductivity, 372 (Part 2), 970-973. doi:10.1016/S0921-4534(02)00947-4
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Vertruyen, B., Cloots, R., Rulmont, A., Dorbolo, S., Vanderbemden, P., & Ausloos, M. (2002). Cu doping as a tool for understanding CMR. Key Engineering Materials, 206-2, 1453-1456.

Vanderbemden, P., Misson, V., Ausloos, M., & Cloots, R. (2002). Magnetic and transport measurements on melt-textured DyBCO single domains. Physica C. Superconductivity, 372 (Part 2), 1225-1228. doi:10.1016/S0921-4534(02)00978-4
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Marguillier, D., Cloots, R., Rulmont, A., Fagnard, J.-F., Vanderbemden, P., & Ausloos, M. (2002). YBa2Cu3O7 tapes prepared by sol-gel deposition techniques: microstructure and structural characterizations. Physica C. Superconductivity, 372 (Part 2), 715-718. doi:10.1016/S0921-4534(02)00889-4
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Dorbolo, S., & Ausloos, M. (2001). Quasiparticle contribution to heat carriers relaxation time in DyBa2Cu3O7-x from heat diffusivity measurements. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 64, 184521 (5.
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Vanderbemden, P., Ausloos, M., & Cloots, R. (2001). Magnetic properties of melt-textured DyBCO single domains. Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 659, 8.4.1-6.
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Vertruyen, B., Cloots, R., Rulmont, A., Dhalenne, G., Ausloos, M., & Vanderbemden, P. (2001). Magnetotransport properties of a single grain boundary in a bulk La-Ca-Mn-O material. Journal of Applied Physics, 90 (11), 5692-5697. doi:10.1063/1.1410885
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Vanderbemden, P., Bougrine, H., Ausloos, M., & Cloots, R. (2001). Magnetic properties of magnetically textured Bi-2212 ceramics. Physica C. Superconductivity, 351 (1), 67-70. doi:10.1016/S0921-4534(00)01694-4
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Salmon, E., Ausloos, M., & Vandewalle, N. (June 2000). Aging of porous media following fluid invasion, freezing, and thawing. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 61 (6), 7259-7259. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.61.7259
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Bougrine, H., Geys, J. F., Dorbolo, S., Cloots, R., Mucha, J., Nedkov, I., & Ausloos, M. (2000). Simultaneous measurements of thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity and thermopower with application to copper and ceramic superconductors. European Physical Journal B -- Condensed Matter, 13 (3), 437-443. doi:10.1007/s100510050055
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Vertruyen, B., Rulmont, A., Dorbolo, S., Bougrine, H., Vanderbemden, P., Ausloos, M., & Cloots, R. (2000). Two peak effect in GMR : a chemical effect ? Materials Research Society Symposia Proceedings, 602, 269-274.
Peer reviewed

Ausloos, M., Vandewalle, N., Boveroux, P., Minguet, A., & Ivanova, K. (01 December 1999). Applications of statistical physics to economic and financial topics. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 274 (1-2), 229-240. doi:10.1016/S0378-4371(99)00307-6
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Ausloos, M., Kramer, M., & Vandewalle, N. (01 November 1999). Evolution on trees: a brief review about the extinctions of species, and the case of genocide in a Darwinistic punctuated equilibrium evolution model. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 273 (1-2), 33-45. doi:10.1016/S0378-4371(99)00339-8
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Auguste, F., Vandewalle, N., Ausloos, M., & Cloots, R. (July 1999). DyBa2Cu3O7-x growth on different polycrystalline Dy2O3 interacting layers. Materials Letters, 40 (2), 71-77. doi:10.1016/S0167-577X(99)00051-8
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Vandewalle, N., Ausloos, M., & Boveroux, P. (01 July 1999). The moving averages demystified. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 269 (1), 170-176. doi:10.1016/S0378-4371(99)00090-4
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (01 June 1999). The n-Zipf analysis of financial data series and biased data series. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 268 (1-2), 240-249. doi:10.1016/S0378-4371(99)00031-X
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Vandewalle, N., Ausloos, M., & Cloots, R. (01 May 1999). Kronig-Penney-Ising picture of colossal magnetoresistance. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 59 (18), 11909-11913. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.59.11909
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Vandewalle, N., Ausloos, M., Boveroux, P., & Minguet, A. (May 1999). Visualizing the log-periodic pattern before crashes. European Physical Journal B -- Condensed Matter, 9 (2), 355-359. doi:10.1007/s100510050775
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Vandewalle, N., Ausloos, M., Houssa, M., Mertens, P. W., & Heyns, M. M. (15 March 1999). Non-Gaussian behavior and anticorrelations in ultrathin gate oxides after soft breakdown. Applied Physics Letters, 74 (11), 1579-1581. doi:10.1063/1.123622
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Vandewalle, N., Ausloos, M., & Cloots, R. (February 1999). Collective effects during crystal growth in the presence of mobile nonreactive impurities: experiments and simulations. Journal of Crystal Growth, 197 (1-2), 317-324. doi:10.1016/S0022-0248(98)00931-2
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Ausloos, M., Salmon, E., & Vandewalle, N. (February 1999). Water invasion, freezing and thawing in cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Research, 29 (2), 209-213. doi:10.1016/S0008-8846(98)00091-X
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Vandewalle, N., D'hulst, R., & Ausloos, M. (January 1999). Phase segregation in binary sandpiles on fractal bases. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 59 (1), 631-635. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.59.631
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Sergeenkov, S., Ausloos, M., Bougrine, H., Rulmont, A., & Cloots, R. (1999). Anomalous temperature behavior of the resistivity in lightly doped manganites around a metal-insulator phase transition. JETP Letters, 70 (7), 481-487. doi:10.1134/1.568200
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Dorbolo, S., Ausloos, M., Bougrine, H., Robertz, B., Cloots, R., Mucha, J., & Durczewski, K. (1999). Effect of synthesis process and substrate on electrical and thermal transport properties of Bi-2212. Journal of Superconductivity, 12 (5), 623-629. doi:10.1023/A:1007743917390
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Sergeenkov, S., Bougrine, H., Ausloos, M., & Gilabert, A. (1999). Estimation of the charge carrier localization length from Gaussian fluctuations in the magneto-thermopower of La0.6Y0.1Ca0.3MnO3. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 60 (17), 12322-12328. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.60.12322
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Sergeenkov, S., Bougrine, H., Ausloos, M., & Gilabert, A. (1999). Negative magnetoresistance in mixed-valence La0.6Y0.1Ca0.3MnO3: Evidence for charge localization governed by the Curie-Weiss law. JETP Letters, 70 (2), 141-146. doi:10.1134/1.568143
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Vanderbemden, P., Aouina, Z., Cloots, R., & Ausloos, M. (1999). A new fast and non-destructive method for evaluating the superconducting properties of bulk materials. In X. Obradors, F. Sandiumenge, ... J. Fontcuberta (Eds.), Applied Superconductivity 1999. Volume 1 : Large Scale Applications (pp. 203-206). IOP.
Peer reviewed

Vanderbemden, P., Cloots, R., Ausloos, M., Doyle, R. A., Bradley, A. D., Lo, W., Cardwell, D. A., & Campbell, A. M. (1999). Intragranular and intergranular superconducting properties of bulk melt-textured YBCO. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 9 (2), 2308-2311. doi:10.1109/77.784932
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Ausloos, M., Bougrine, H., Houssa, M., & Pekala, M. (1999). Comment on "Observation of vortex-lattice melting in YBa2Cu3O7-delta by Seebeck-effect measurements". Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 59 (1), 671-673. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.59.671
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Sergeenkov, S. A., Bougrine, H., Ausloos, M., & Cloots, R. (1999). A sharp decrease of resistivity in La0.7Ca0.3Mn0.96Cu0.04O3: Evidence for Cu-assisted coherent tunneling of spin polarons. JETP Letters, 69 (11), 858-862. doi:10.1134/1.568102
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (November 1998). Crossing of two mobile averages: A method for measuring the roughness exponent. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 58 (5), 6832-6834. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.58.6832
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Vandewalle, N., Delisse, B., Ausloos, M., & Cloots, R. (October 1998). Foam-like evolution in polycrystalline systems following successive 'melt and growth' cycles. Philosophical Magazine. B, Physics of Condensed Matter. Statistical Mechanics, Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties, 78 (4), 397-408. doi:10.1080/13642819808206736
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Vandewalle, N., Ausloos, M., Boveroux, P., & Minguet, A. (July 1998). How the financial crash of October 1997 could have been predicted. European Physical Journal B -- Condensed Matter, 4 (2), 139-141. doi:10.1007/s100510050361
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (July 1998). Multi-affine analysis of typical currency exchange rates. European Physical Journal B -- Condensed Matter, 4 (2), 257-261. doi:10.1007/s100510050376
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (July 1998). Sparseness and roughness of foreign exchange rates. International Journal of Modern Physics. C, 9 (5), 711-719. doi:10.1142/S0129183198000613
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Vandewalle, N., Ausloos, M., & Cloots, R. (July 1998). Branched Eden clusters in the dynamic epidemic model. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 58 (1), 1152-1154. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.58.1152
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Vandewalle, N., Boveroux, P., Minguet, A., & Ausloos, M. (15 June 1998). The crash of October 1987 seen as a phase transition: amplitude and universality. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 255 (1-2), 201-210. doi:10.1016/S0378-4371(98)00115-0
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Vandewalle, N., Pirard, E., Cloots, R., & Ausloos, M. (May 1998). The non-trivial dispersion of Y2BaCuO5 particles trapped in the YBa2Cu3O7-x crystal matrix. Philosophical Magazine Letters, 77 (5), 301-306. doi:10.1080/095008398178462
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Cloots, R., Robertz, B., Auguste, F., Rulmont, A., Bougrine, H., Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (01 May 1998). Effect of BaZrO3 additions on the microstructure and physical properties of melt-textured Y-123 superconducting materials. Materials Science and Engineering: B, Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, 53 (1-2), 154-158. doi:10.1016/S0921-5107(97)00319-X
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Auguste, F., Vandewalle, N., Ausloos, M., Macmanus-Driscoll, J., Rulmont, A., & Cloots, R. (February 1998). The Nd-123 superconducting system: From single crystal to top-seeded large grain. Physical and chemical parameters influence. Applied Superconductivity, 6 (2-5), 77-85. doi:10.1016/S0964-1807(98)00089-1
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Vanderbemden, P., Bougrine, H., Ausloos, M., Auguste, F., & Cloots, R. (1998). AC susceptibility data on Dy2O3 seeded randomly oriented Dy-123 mono domains melt-textured superconductor. Materials Science and Engineering: B, Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, 53 (1-2), 198-202. doi:10.1016/S0921-5107(97)00327-9
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Ausloos, M., Mroz, I., Pekalski, A., & Vandewalle, N. (01 January 1998). Lattice gas model of gradual evolution. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 248 (1-2), 155-164. doi:10.1016/S0378-4371(97)00460-3
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Bougrine, H., Houssa, M., Cloots, R., Pekala, M., Sargankova, I., & Ausloos, M. (1998). Transport properties of HgBaCaCuO(1223) polycrystalline superconductors. Superconductor Science and Technology, 11 (1), 128-132. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/11/1/025
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Rassili, A., Durczewski, K., & Ausloos, M. (1998). Crystal-field effects on the thermal conductivity of localized spin metallic compounds. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 58 (9), 5665-5671. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.58.5665
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Dorbolo, S., Ausloos, M., & houssa, M. (1998). Electronic specific heat of superconductors with Van Hove singularities : Effect of a magnetic field and thermal fluctuations. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 57, 5401-5411. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.57.5401
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Pekala, M., Bougrine, H., Gadomski, W., Morgan, C. G., Grovenor, C. R. M., Cloots, R., & Ausloos, M. (1998). Distribution of vortex lattice melting temperatures in mixed state diagram of Bi2212 tapes. Physica C. Superconductivity, 303 (3-4), 169-176. doi:10.1016/s0921-4534(98)00260-3
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Vanderbemden, P., Destombes, C., Cloots, R., & Ausloos, M. (1998). Magnetic flux penetration and creep in BSSCO-2223 composite ceramics. Superconductor Science and Technology, 11 (1), 94-100. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/11/1/019
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Dorbolo, S., Houssa, M., & Ausloos, M. (1998). Contributions of critical and Gaussian fluctuations to the specific heat in YBa2Cu3O7-x and in HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8 under a magnetic field. Superconductor Science and Technology, 11, 76-81. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/11/1/016
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Vandewalle, N., Van Puyvelde, H., & Ausloos, M. (January 1998). Self-organized criticality can emerge even if the range of interactions is infinite. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 57 (1), 1167-1170. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.57.1167
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Bougrine, H., Ausloos, M., Pekala, M., Robertz, B., & Cloots, R. (1998). The effect of BaZrO3 addition on transport properties of Dy-based 123-211 composite materials: electrical resistivity, thermal conductivity and thermoelectric power. Superconductor Science and Technology, 11 (8), 803-809. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/11/8/016
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Ausloos, M., & Dorbolo, S. (1998). Cooper pair-like systems at high temperature and their role on fluctuations near the critical temperature. International Journal of Modern Physics. B, 12, 3216-3219. doi:10.1142/S0217979298002349
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Dorbolo, S., Bougrine, H., & Ausloos, M. (1998). Electronic contribution to the thermal diffusivity: DyBa2Cu3O7-y and Y0.9Ca0.1Ba2Cu3O7-z. International Journal of Modern Physics. B, 12 (29-31), 3087-3090. doi:10.1142/S0217979298002106
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Cloots, R., Auguste, F. X., Rulmont, A., Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (December 1997). Directional solidification by appropriate chemically active single crystal seed: An alternative way of generating large superconducting 123 single domain. Journal of Materials Research, 12 (12), 3199-3202. doi:10.1557/JMR.1997.0416
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (01 December 1997). Coherent and random sequences in financial fluctuations. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 246 (3-4), 454-459. doi:10.1016/S0378-4371(97)00366-X
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (01 November 1997). The boundary of "life" for a self-organized critical evolution: the role of the interaction range. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 245 (3-4), 494-502. doi:10.1016/S0378-4371(97)00322-1
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Vandewalle, N., Ausloos, M., & Cloots, R. (October 1997). Formation of nick instabilities due to particle clustering along crystal interfaces. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 56 (4), 4042-4047. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.56.4042
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Vandewalle, N., Cloots, R., & Ausloos, M. (March 1997). Physicochemical causes for the microstructure of melt-textured YBa2Cu3O7-delta/Y2BaCuO5 composites. Superconductor Science and Technology, 10 (3), 123-133. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/10/3/002
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (01 January 1997). Different universality classes for SOC in models driven by extremal dynamics. Europhysics Letters, 37 (1), 1-6. doi:10.1209/epl/i1997-00100-3
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Rassili, A., & Ausloos, M. (1997). Theory of the thermal conductivity of metallic localized spin compounds in a magnetic field (vol 163, pg 153, 1996). Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 170 (1-2), 241-241. doi:10.1016/S0304-8853(97)00072-3
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (January 1997). Construction and properties of fractal trees with tunable dimension: The interplay of geometry and physics. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 55 (1), 94-98. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.55.94
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Dhulst, R., Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (January 1997). Geometric and healing laws in simple stochastic models of fracture in a sputtering process. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 55 (1), 189-193. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.55.189
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Auguste, F., Rulmont, A., Vandewalle, N., Bougrine, H., Mucha, J., Ausloos, M., & Cloots, R. (December 1996). Microstructure development in isothermally melt-textured 123-211 composite materials. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 105 (5-6), 1439-1444. doi:10.1007/BF00753902
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (21 November 1996). Growth of Cayley and diluted Cayley trees with two kinds of entities. Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and General, 29 (22), 7089-7104. doi:10.1088/0305-4470/29/22/011
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (November 1996). A toy model for life at the "edge of chaos". Computers and Graphics, 20 (6), 921-923. doi:10.1016/S0097-8493(96)00061-1
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Vandewalle, N., Ausloos, M., & Cloots, R. (November 1996). Fractal grain boundaries in growth competition. Journal of Crystal Growth, 169 (1), 79-82. doi:10.1016/0022-0248(96)00345-4
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (October 1996). Static and dynamic epidemics on looped chains and looped trees. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 54 (4), 3499-3507. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.54.3499
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Cloots, R., Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (September 1996). Simulations of the kinetic growth of YBa2Cu307-delta grains. Journal of Crystal Growth, 166 (1-4), 816-819. doi:10.1016/0022-0248(96)00064-4
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (September 1996). Two-component spreading phenomena: Why the geometry makes the criticality. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 54 (3), 3006-3008. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.54.3006
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (15 August 1996). Exact solution of the dynamic epidemic model on the Bethe lattice. Physica A. Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 230 (1-2), 1-10. doi:10.1016/0378-4371(96)00103-3
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Vandewalle, N., Ausloos, M., Mineur, N., Cloots, R., Hong, G. W., & Kim, C. J. (August 1996). Dy2BaCu05 pattern formation in isothermally non-seeded melt-textured DyBa2Cu307-delta with 15 wt% Dy203 addition. Superconductor Science and Technology, 9 (8), 665-670.
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (15 July 1996). Inner patterns and front propagation of dynamic random impurity model. Physical Review Letters, 77 (3), 510-513. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.77.510
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Kramer, M., Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (April 1996). Speciations and extinctions in a self-organizing critical model of tree-like evolution. Journal de Physique, I, 6 (4), 599-606.
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Ausloos, M., & Vandewalle, N. (March 1996). Growth models with internal competition. Acta Physica Polonica B, 27 (3), 737-746.
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Ausloos, M., Vandewalle, N., & Cloots, R. (March 1996). In one step from KC1 to YBa2Cu3O7 crystal growth: Understanding of dendritic morphology in crystals. Philosophical Magazine Letters, 73 (3), 101-105. doi:10.1080/095008396180894
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (01 February 1996). The screening of species in a Darwinistic tree-like model of evolution. Physica D. Nonlinear Phenomena, 90 (3), 262-270. doi:10.1016/0167-2789(95)00242-1
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (21 January 1996). Criticality of trapping in a dynamic epidemic model. Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and General, 29 (2), 309-316. doi:10.1088/0305-4470/29/2/011
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Cloots, R., Dang, A., Vanderbemden, P., Vanderschueren, A., Bougrine, H., Vanderschueren, H., Rulmont, A., & Ausloos, M. (1996). Field percolation and high current density in 80/20 DyBa2Cu3O7-x/Dy2BaCuO5 bulk magnetically textured composite ceramics. Zeitschrift für Physik. B, Condensed Matter, 100 (4), 551-555. doi:10.1007/s002570050160
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Stassen, S., Cloots, R., Vanderbemden, P., Godelaine, P. A., Bougrine, H., Rulmont, A., & Ausloos, M. (1996). Magnetic alignment in 2212 Bi-based superconducting system .1. Magnetic orientation of Bi2Sr2Ca1-x(RE)(x)Cu2O8-y [(RE)=Gd, Dy, Ho, Er] powder dispersed in epoxy resin at room temperature. Journal of Materials Research, 11 (5), 1082-1085. doi:10.1557/JMR.1996.0137
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Stassen, S., Cloots, R., Vanderschueren, A., Vanderbemden, P., & Ausloos, M. (1996). Chemical composition, microstructure and physical properties of magnetically melt-textured bulk Bi2Sr2Ca0.8Dy0.2Cu2O8-y superconducting ceramics. In U. Balachandran, P. J. McGinn, ... J. S. Abell (Eds.), High Temperature Superconductors: Synthesis, Processing, and Large-Scale Applications (pp. 177-186). Warrendale, United States: TMS.
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Vanderbemden, P., Vanderschueren, H., Stassen, S., Cloots, R., & Ausloos, M. (1996). Anisotropic field percolation and high current density in 2212 Bi-based substituted with Dy bulk magnetically textured composite ceramics. In T. Matsushita & K. Yamafuji (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Critical Currents in Superconductors (pp. 255-258). World Scientific.
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Houssa, M., Bougrine, H., Stassen, S., Cloots, R., & Ausloos, M. (1996). Superconductivity fluctuation effects on the thermal conductivity of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 54 (10), 6885-R6888. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.54.R6885
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Rassili, A., & Ausloos, M. (1996). Theory of the thermal conductivity of metallic localized spin compounds in a magnetic field. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 163 (1-2), 153-163. doi:10.1016/S0304-8853(96)00307-1
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Stassen, S., Rulmont, A., Vanderbemden, P., Vanderschueren, A., Gabelica, Z., Cloots, R., & Ausloos, M. (1996). Magnetic texturing of bulk samples of the superconductor Bi2Sr2Ca0.8Dy0.2Cu2O8-y. Journal of Applied Physics, 79 (1), 553-555. doi:10.1063/1.360864
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Dorbolo, S., Houssa, M., & Ausloos, M. (1996). Influence of Van Hove singularity on the electronic specific heat of high-Tc superconductors. Physica C. Superconductivity. doi:10.1016/0921-4534(96)00353-X
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Ausloos, M., Vandewalle, N., & Cloots, R. (1996). Two dimensional self-organized transitions for propagation in random media. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 46 (Suppl. 4), 2277-2278. doi:10.1007/BF02571130
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (01 December 1995). The robustness of self-organized criticality against extinctions in a tree-like model of evolution. Europhysics Letters, 32 (7), 613-618. doi:10.1209/0295-5075/32/7/013
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (October 1995). Lack of universality in 2-dimensional multicomponent spreading phenomena. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 52 (4), 3447-3454. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.52.3447
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (September 1995). The kinetic growth anisotropy of the 123-(RE)BaCuO compounds. Philosophical Magazine. A. Physics of Condensed Matter. Defects and Mechanical Properties, 72 (3), 727-736. doi:10.1080/01418619508243796
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Cloots, R., Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (14 August 1995). Crystal morphology and 3-dimensional-like growth-model of DyBa2Cu307-D superconducting materials synthesized in -situ in 0.6 (Vol. 65, PG 3386, 1994). Applied Physics Letters, 67 (7), 1037-1037. doi:10.1063/1.115563
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (August 1995). Self-organized criticality in phylogenetic-like tree growths. Journal de Physique, I, 5 (8), 1011-1025.
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Cloots, R., Krekels, T., Warin, R., Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (June 1995). Copper whisker growth from inside sulfur-doped YBa2Cu307-X pellets. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 117 (1), 151-156. doi:10.1006/jssc.1995.1258
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Vandewalle, N., Cloots, R., & Ausloos, M. (February 1995). Simulated growth and microstructure of DyBa2Cu3O7-X with and without Dy2BaCUO5 addition. Journal of Materials Research, 10 (2), 268-273. doi:10.1557/JMR.1995.0268
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Ausloos, M., Vandewalle, N., & Cloots, R. (February 1995). Magnetic kinetic growth-models. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 140 (Part 3), 2185-2186. doi:10.1016/0304-8853(94)00542-7
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Ausloos, M., Bougrine, H., Cloots, R., Rulmont, A., Gilabert, A., & Laval, J. (1995). Crystallization of vitreous high-T-c superconducting oxide through laser zone melting method. Institute of Physics Conference Series, 148, 103-106.
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PEKALA, M., Bougrine, H., LADA, T., MORAWSKI, A., & Ausloos, M. (1995). ANISOTROPY OF THE MIXED-STATE IN TEXTURED PB-FREE BI-2223 SUPERCONDUCTOR - ELECTRICAL-RESISTIVITY, SEEBECK AND NERNST EFFECTS. Superconductor Science and Technology, 8 (9), 726-739. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/8/9/006
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PEKALA, M., Bougrine, H., AZOULAY, J., & Ausloos, M. (1995). TRANSPORT STUDY OF BA-DEFICIENT THIN-FILM Y123 SUPERCONDUCTORS ENRICHED WITH NA. Superconductor Science and Technology, 8 (8), 660-666. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/8/8/010
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Rassili, A., & Ausloos, M. (1995). THEORY OF THE THERMAL-CONDUCTIVITY OF RE AL-2 COMPOUNDS. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 147 (3), 341-345. doi:10.1016/0304-8853(95)00087-9
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Dang, A., Godelaine, P. A., Vanderbemden, P., Cloots, R., & Ausloos, M. (1995). Intragrain pinning strength depth dependence of 2223-(Bi,Pb)-based high critical Tc ceramics made by a vitreous route. Journal of Applied Physics, 77 (7), 3560-3562. doi:10.1063/1.358588
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Bougrine, H., & Ausloos, M. (1995). HIGHLY SENSITIVE METHOD FOR SIMULTANEOUS MEASUREMENTS OF THERMAL-CONDUCTIVITY AND THERMOELECTRIC-POWER - FE AND AL EXAMPLES. Review of Scientific Instruments, 66 (1), 199-206. doi:10.1063/1.1145257
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (January 1995). Magnetic diffusion-limited aggregation. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 51 (1), 597-603. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.51.597
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Pekala, M., Bougrine, H., & Ausloos, M. (1995). Thermal conductivity (and thermoelectric power) of neutron irradiated Bi-based high critical temperature superconductors. Institute of Physics Conference Series, 148, 587-590.
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Pekala, M., Bougrine, H., & Ausloos, M. (1995). ELECTRICAL AND THERMOMAGNETIC EFFECTS IN BI1.7PB0.3SR2CA2CU3O10 SUPERCONDUCTING CERAMICS. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 7 (28), 5607-5621. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/7/28/015
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Cloots, R., Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (26 December 1994). Crystal morphology and 3-dimensional-like growth-model of DyBa2Cu307-D superconducting materials synthesized in-situ in 0.6-T. Applied Physics Letters, 65 (26), 3386-3388. doi:10.1063/1.113025
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Cloots, R., Diko, P., Godelaine, P. A., Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (December 1994). DyBa2Cu307-Y superconducting materials synthesized in-situ in a magnetic-field - relations between structure and properties. Physica C. Superconductivity, 235 (Part 1), 357-358. doi:10.1016/0921-4534(94)91402-8
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Vandewalle, N., Cloots, R., & Ausloos, M. (December 1994). Simulated growth front of 123-(RE)BCO near 211 particles. Physica C. Superconductivity, 235 (Part 1), 427-428. doi:10.1016/0921-4534(94)91437-0
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Vandewalle, N., & Ausloos, M. (August 1994). Lacunarity, fractal, and magnetic transition behaviors in a generalized Eden growth-process. Physical Review. E, Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 50 (2), 635-R638. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.50.R635
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Bougrine, H., SERGEENKOV, S., Ausloos, M., Cloots, R., & GRIDIN, V. V. (1994). NONEQUILIBRIUM EFFECTS IN THE THERMAL-CONDUCTIVITY OF BI-BASED HIGH-TEMPERATURE SUPERCONDUCTORS. Solid State Communications, 91 (7), 571-575. doi:10.1016/0038-1098(94)90377-8
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Houssa, M., Bougrine, H., Ausloos, M., Grandjean, I., & Mehbod, M. (1994). THERMAL-CONDUCTIVITY OF PURE OR IRON-DOPED YBA2CU3O7-DELTA WITH OR WITHOUT AN EXCESS OF CUO. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 6 (31), 6305-6316. doi:10.1088/0953-8984/6/31/030
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Bougrine, H., Ausloos, M., HOUSSA, M., & MEHBOD, M. (1994). THERMOELECTRIC-POWER AND THERMAL-CONDUCTIVITY IN YBA2(CU1-XFEX)(3)O-7-DELTA WITH OR WITHOUT EXCESS OF COPPER-OXIDE. Physica C. Superconductivity, 235 (Part 2), 1465-1466. doi:10.1016/0921-4534(94)91957-7
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Ausloos, M., Vandewalle, N., & Cloots, R. (10 December 1993). Magnetic Eden model. Europhysics Letters, 24 (8), 629-634. doi:10.1209/0295-5075/24/8/002
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Cloots, R., Romain, A.-C., Rulmont, A., Diko, P., Duvigneaud, P. H., Hannay, C., Gillet, F., Godelaine, P. A., & Ausloos, M. (1993). STUDY OF THE CRYSTALLIZATION PROCESS IN BI2-XPBXSR2CA2CU3O10-Y GLASS SYSTEMS - OPTICAL POLARIZED-LIGHT MICROSCOPY, ELECTRICAL AND MAGNETIC-PROPERTIES. Superconductor Science and Technology, 6 (12), 850-857. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/6/12/008
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Bougrine, H., SERGEENKOV, S., Ausloos, M., & MEHBOD, M. (1993). THERMAL-CONDUCTIVITY OF TWINNED YBA2CU3O7-X AND TWEEDED YBA2(CU0.95FE0.05)3O7-X IN A MAGNETIC-FIELD - EVIDENCE FOR INTRINSIC PROXIMITY EFFECT. Solid State Communications, 86 (8), 513-516. doi:10.1016/0038-1098(93)90099-9
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Ausloos, M., Laurent, C., Patapis, S. K., Politis, C., Luo, H. L., Godelaine, P. A., Gillet, F., Dang, A., & Cloots, R. (1991). Superconductivity fluctuations in Bi(Pb) based granular ceramics superconductors: evidence for fractal behavior. Zeitschrift für Physik. B, Condensed Matter, 83 (3), 355-359. doi:10.1007/BF01313405
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Ausloos, M., Gillet, F., Laurent, C., & Clippe, P. (1991). High temperature crossover in paraconductivity of granular Y1Ba2Cu3O7-y. Zeitschrift für Physik. B, Condensed Matter, 84 (1), 13-16. doi:10.1007/BF01453753
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Ausloos, M., Clippe, P., & Laurent, C. (1990). Homogeneous and fractal behavior of superconducting fluctuations in the electrical resistivity of granular ceramic superconductors. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 41 (13), 9506-9509. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.41.9506
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Clippe, P., Laurent, C., Patapis, S. K., & Ausloos, M. (1990). Superconductivity fluctuations in electrical and thermoelectrical properties of granular ceramic superconductors: Homogeneous versus fractal behavior. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 42 (13), 8611-8614. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.42.8611
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Ausloos, M., Clippe, P., & Laurent, C. (1990). Probing conductivity fluctuations in high critical temperature superconductors. Solid State Communications, 73 (2), 137-141. doi:10.1016/0038-1098(90)91034-E
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Ausloos, M., Laurent, C., Vanderschueren, H., Rulmont, A., & Tarte, P. (1989). Superconductivity in YBa1.95Cs0.05Cu3O7-y granular ceramics. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter, 39 (4), 2729-2732. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.39.2729
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Marchot, P., Crine, M., De la Cal, J. C., & Ausloos, M. (1988). Two phase flow through packed bed : static and dynamic accessibilities of the packing. In Disorder and Mixing (pp. 253-261). Nijhoff Publishers.

Slusark, W., Lalevic, B., & Ausloos, M. (1977). Optical properties of cosputterd Gold-Chromium alloy films. Journal of Applied Physics, 48, 248-255.
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