Article (Scientific journals)
Voice use among music theory teachers: A voice dosimetry and self-assessment study
Schiller, Isabel; Morsomme, Dominique; Remacle, Angélique
2018In Journal of Voice, 32 (5), p. 578-584
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi


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Keywords :
Vocal loading; Voice accumulation; Occupational voice; Background noise; Lombard effect; Self-evaluation; music teachers
Abstract :
[en] Objectives. This study aimed (1) to investigate music theory teachers’ professional and extraprofessional vocal loading and background noise exposure, (2) to determine the correlation between vocal loading and background noise, and (3) to determine the correlation between vocal loading and self-evaluation data. Methods. Using voice dosimetry, 13 music theory teachers were monitored for one workweek. The parameters analyzed were voice sound pressure level (SPL), fundamental frequency (F0), phonation time, vocal loading index (VLI), and noise SPL. Spearman correlation was used to correlate vocal loading parameters (voice SPL, F0, and phonation time) and noise SPL. Each day, the subjects self-assessed their voice using visual analog scales. VLI and selfevaluation data were correlated using Spearman correlation. Results. Vocal loading parameters and noise SPL were significantly higher in the professional than in the extraprofessional environment. Voice SPL, phonation time, and female subjects’ F0 correlated positively with noise SPL. VLI correlated with self-assessed voice quality, vocal fatigue, and amount of singing and speaking voice produced. Conclusions. Teaching music theory is a profession with high vocal demands. More background noise is associated with increased vocal loading and may indirectly increase the risk for voice disorders. Correlations between VLI and self-assessments suggest that these teachers are well aware of their vocal demands and feel their effect on voice quality and vocal fatigue. Visual analog scales seem to represent a useful tool for subjective vocal loading assessment and associated symptoms in these professional voice users.
Disciplines :
Languages & linguistics
Education & instruction
Author, co-author :
Schiller, Isabel  ;  Université de Liège > Département de Logopédie > Logopédie des troubles de la voix
Morsomme, Dominique  ;  Université de Liège > Département de Logopédie > Logopédie des troubles de la voix
Remacle, Angélique  ;  Université de Liège > Département de Logopédie > Logopédie des troubles de la voix
Language :
Title :
Voice use among music theory teachers: A voice dosimetry and self-assessment study
Publication date :
September 2018
Journal title :
Journal of Voice
Publisher :
Mosby, St Louis, United States - Missouri
Volume :
Issue :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Available on ORBi :
since 12 July 2017


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