[en] The aim of this work is to develop an efficient large-strain hyperelastic constitutive model for amorphous polymers in the glassy state. These materials exhibit a complex rate- and pressure-sensible behavior in both elastic and plastic regimes. After an initial linear elastic region, a nonlinear stage continues until reaching a peak stress, which is followed by a softening stage. At large strains, when the softening is saturated, a re-hardening stage is reached. The viscoelastic effect is captured using the generalized Maxwell model. The viscoplastic effect is considered using a Perzyna-type flow rule incorporating a pressure sensitive yield surface and a non-associated flow potential. This yield surface is extended from the Drucker-Prager one. The saturated softening phenomenon is modelled using an isotropic numerical damage variable progressed by a saturated softening law. With the introduction of the damage parameter, a non-local implicit gradient damage model is used to avoid the loss of the solution uniqueness. Through experimental comparisons, it is shown that the proposed model has the ability to model the complex mechanical responses of amorphous glassy polymers.
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