Flanders; Knowledge-based economy; Innovation Policy; Political Governance; Technology Assessment
Abstract :
[en] This article examines how science, technology, and innovation (STI) policies in Flanders (Belgium) are affected by, and potentially transformed through, technology assessments (TAs). Broadly defined, TAs encompass activities and programs that expand and deepen the knowledge base of contemporary knowledge-based economies (KBEs), typically by including new actors (e.g. trade unions), ideas (e.g. science in society), and rationales (e.g. participatory techniques) in STI processes. Starting from the regionalization of STI policy in Belgium and the convergence of Flemish STI around global KBE principles, the article exemplifies how since the 1980s successive Flemish TA waves (early- warning, bottom-up, and interactive TA) have co-evolved with successive generations of Flemish innovation policy. Building on these findings, it argues that Flemish TA has assumed the role of mediator between science and society, both by counteracting and accommodating dominant STI paradigms. By providing a historical and socio-political perspective on TA and innovation policy, the article draws critical attention to the institutional settings and societal contexts in which TA is embedded, and questions TA's strategic utility within contemporary KBEs. This perspective sheds light on the Flemish government's recent decision to close its parliamentary TA institute and the institutional expansion of TA elsewhere in Europe.
Disciplines :
Sociology & social sciences
Author, co-author :
Van Oudheusden, Michiel ; Université de Liège > Département de science politique > Anal. et éval. des politiques publ.-Méthod. de sc. politique
Charlier, Nathan ; Université de Liège > Département de science politique > Anal. et éval. des politiques publ.-Méthod. de sc. politique
Rosskamp, Benedikt ; Université de Liège > Département de science politique > Anal. et éval. des politiques publ.-Méthod. de sc. politique
Delvenne, Pierre ; Université de Liège > Département de science politique > Gouvernance et société
Language :
Title :
Broadening, Deepening, and Governing Innovation: Flemish Technology Assessment in Historical and Socio-Political Perspective
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