
Charlier Nathan


Département des sciences de la santé publique

Département de science politique > Méthodologie, analyse et évaluation des politiques publiques

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Pétré, Benoît  (18)
Van Oudheusden, Michiel  (12)
Delvenne, Pierre  (10)
Colman, Elien (7)
Macq, Jean (7)
Main Referenced Keywords
évaluation (8); integrated care (7); université (7); evaluation (6); Science policy (6);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Spiral (16)
Cité - CITE (1)
Spiral-ULiège, CSI (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Political science, public administration & international relations (32)
Sociology & social sciences (30)
Public health, health care sciences & services (22)
Philosophy & ethics (3)
Law, criminology & political science: Multidisciplinary, general & others (3)

Publications (total 64)

The most downloaded
Charlier, N. (2012). L’action publique de prévention du VIH/sida en Communauté française. Une analyse foucaldienne [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

The most cited

16 citations (Scopus®)

Van Oudheusden, M., Charlier, N., Rosskamp, B., & Delvenne, P. (December 2015). Broadening, Deepening, and Governing Innovation: Flemish Technology Assessment in Historical and Socio-Political Perspective. Research Policy, 44 (10), 1877-1886. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2015.06.010

Theses and dissertations

Doctoral thesis

Charlier, N. (2017). Gouverner la recherche entre excellence scientifique et pertinence sociétale. Une comparaison des régimes flamand et wallon de politique scientifique [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Master dissertations

Charlier, N. (2012). L’action publique de prévention du VIH/sida en Communauté française. Une analyse foucaldienne [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.



Written alone

Charlier, N. (2021). Gouverner la recherche entre excellence scientifique et pertinence sociétale. Une comparaison des régimes flamand et wallon de politique scientifique. Belgium: Presses Universitaires de Liège.
Peer reviewed

Articles in scientific journals

With peer reviewing

Charlier, N., Colman, E., Alvarez Irusta, L., Anthierens, S., Van Durme, T., Macq, J., & Pétré, B. (15 November 2022). Developing evaluation capacities in integrated care projects: Lessons from a scientific support mission implemented in Belgium. Frontiers in Public Health, 10. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2022.958168
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Louis, G., Pétré, B., Charlier, N., Voz, B., & Guillaume, M. (2021). La qualité de vie dans le champ médical : Bref aperçu de son origine, de sa sémantique, de ses instruments de mesure et de leur utilisation en clinique. Revue Médicale de Liège.
Peer reviewed

Goderis, G., Colman, E., Alvarez Irusta, L., Van Hecke, A., Pétré, B., Devroey, D., Van Deun, E., Faes, K., Charlier, N., Verhaeghe, N., Remmen, R., Anthierens, S., Sermeus, W., & Macq, J. (2020). Evaluating Large-Scale Integrated Care Projects: The Development of a Protocol for a Mixed Methods Realist Evaluation Study in Belgium. International Journal of Integrated Care. doi:10.5334/ijic.5435
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Fallon, C., & Charlier, N. (2019). Les instruments de mesure de performance au service de l’action publique : une analyse comparée des dispositifs de régulation de la recherche universitaire dans les communautés belges. Politique et Management public, 36 (1), 33-54.
Peer reviewed

Van Oudheusden, M., Charlier, N., & Delvenne, P. (2019). Flanders Ahead, Wallonia Behind (But Catching up): Reconstructing Communities Through Science, Technology and Innovation Policymaking. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society. doi:10.1177/0270467619854327
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Van Oudheusden, M., Charlier, N., Rosskamp, B., & Delvenne, P. (December 2015). Broadening, Deepening, and Governing Innovation: Flemish Technology Assessment in Historical and Socio-Political Perspective. Research Policy, 44 (10), 1877-1886. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2015.06.010
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Delvenne, P., Charlier, N., Rosskamp, B., & Van Oudheusden, M. (February 2015). De- and Re-Institutionalizing Technology Assessment in Contemporary Knowledge-Based Economies. Technikfolgenabschätzung - Theorie und Praxis (TATuP), 24 (1), 25-32.
Peer reviewed

Without peer reviewing

Braibant, M., Cenné, L., Derenne, I., Ory, A., Renard, G., Caeymaex, F., Charlier, N., Kill, M., & Pétré, B. (2021). Le cas de Samira : entre relation et communication, repenser l’autonomie décisionnelle. Ethica Clinica, (104), 26-34.
Editorial reviewed

Chapters in collective works (including proceedings published in collective works)

With peer reviewing

Fallon, C., & Charlier, N. (2018). Evaluation et transformation en Belgique. In C. Barats, J. Bouchard, ... A. Haakenstad (Eds.), Faire et dire l’évaluation. Regards des sciences sociales sur les fabriques contemporaines de l’évaluation dans l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche (pp. 59-80). Paris, France: Presses des Mines.
Peer reviewed

Without peer reviewing

Charlier, N., & Vangeebergen, T. (2014). Saisir l’évaluation de l’université en actes : interprétations et appropriations des parties prenantes. In C. Fallon & B. Leclercq (Eds.), Leurres de la qualité dans l’enseignement supérieur. Variations internationales sur un thème ambigu (pp. 157-172). ACADEMIA L'Harmattan.


Expert reports

Dodion, H., Fallon, C., Petit Jean, M., Pétré, B., Streel, S., & Charlier, N. (Other coll.). (2019). La promotion de la santé à l'école : analyse historique et état de l'art scientifique.

Research reports

Charlier, N., Voz, B., Pétré, B., & Guillaume, M. (2022). Évaluation de la campagne provinciale TipTop: Étude de cas empiriques. (2).

Charlier, N., Voz, B., & Pétré, B. (2022). Évaluation de la campagne provinciale TipTop : Delphi – Analyse des besoins des acteurs locaux.

Charlier, N., Paridans, M., Pétré, B., & Guillaume, M. (2021). Evaluation de la campagne Tip Top : reconstruction de la logique d’intervention.

Dodion, H., Fallon, C., Petit Jean, M., Charlier, N. (Other coll.), Pétré, B. (Other coll.), & Streel, S. (Other coll.). (2020). Evaluation de la mission de mise en place de programmes de promotion de la santé et de promotion d’un environnement scolaire favorable à la santé - Rapport final. ONE.

Macq, J., Charlier, N., Pétré, B., Dodion, H., Van Durme, T., Lambert, A.-S., Alvarez, L., Haakma, T., Colman, E., Anthierens, S., Remmen, R., Van Hecke, A., Faes, K., Verhaege, N., Devroey, D., Goderis, G., Sermeus, W., Van Deun, E., Snyers, B., & Leithaus, M. (2020). Scientific evaluation and support to the plan “Integrated Care for Better Health” - Executive summary. INAMI.

Macq, J., Charlier, N., Pétré, B., Dodion, H., Haakma, T., Fyon, C., Alvarez, L., Lambert, A.-S., Berdii, M., Van Durme, T., Colman, E., Anthierens, S., Remmen, R., Van Hecke, A., Faes, K., Verhaege, N., Devroey, D., Goderis, G., Snyers, B., ... Sermeus, W. (2020). Scientific evaluation and support to the plan “Integrated Care for Better Health” - Final report. INAMI.

Learning materials

Caeymaex, F., Charlier, N., Riethof, S., Bechoux, L., Kill, M., Pétré, B., & Solhdju, K. (2023). Éthique et Humanités médicales. (ULiège - Université de Liège, Belgium).

Charlier, N. (2022). SANT4010-1 : Analyse de l'action publique en santé. (ULiège - Université de Liège [médecine], Belgium, SANT4010-1 Analyse de l'action publique en santé).

Charlier, N. (2021). METO1007-1 - Développement de projet et gestion du changement : notes de cours. (METO1007-1).

Unpublished communications

Scientific congresses and symposiums with international audience

On request

Charlier, N., & Delvenne, P. (2015). Actores valorizando la ciencia en regimenes científicos estrategicos [Paper presentation]. Seminario de Ciencia, Tecnologia y Sociedad, Centro CTS, Universidad Maimonides, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Charlier, N., Delvenne, P., Parotte, C., Petit-Jean, M., & Rosskamp, B. (2015). Technology Assessment Working Lunches at the Walloon Parliament [Paper presentation]. PACITA 2nd European TA Conference — The Next Horizon for Technology Assessment.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Charlier, N. (13 September 2013). Where are the politics in responsible innovation? European governance, technology assessments, and beyond [Paper presentation]. Devices of responsibility: Shaping political spaces for research, innovation and markets - Dispositifs de résponsabilité: La fabrication des espaces politiques de la recherche, de l'innovation et des marchés, Paris, France.

On personal proposal

Caeymaex, F., & Charlier, N. (June 2022). Ethique et humanités médicales à l’Université de Liège : approche pédagogique, défis et positionnement [Paper presentation]. 9e Congrès du COLHUM - Gestes, pratiques, mémoires : trente ans d'humanités médicales, Strasbourg, France.

Louis, G., Voz, B., Charlier, N., Guillaume, M., & Pétré, B. (October 2019). Analyse de l’évolution et de l’état actuel du cadre politico-juridique influençant l’engagement du patient dans le système de soins belge [Paper presentation]. 1er colloque international sur le partenariat de soin avec le patient en France.

Van Durme, T., Colman, E., Anthierens, S., Remmen, R., Vanhecke, A., Charlier, N., Pétré, B., & Macq, J. (April 2019). Participative methods to mobilise a whole-system change towards integrated care for chronic care in Belgium [Paper presentation]. International conference on integrated care, Donostia San Sebastian, Spain.

Alvarez Irusta, L., Macq, J., Van Durme, T., Charlier, N., & Pétré, B. (April 2019). The co-creation in the design of a dashboard to develop a population health approach: initial experience from Integreo program [Paper presentation]. International conference on integrated care, Donostia San Sebastian, Spain.

Charlier, N., & Pétré, B. (March 2019). Collaboration interprofessionnelle et soins intégrés en Belgique. Enseignements de douze projets pilotes [Paper presentation]. Pratiques coopératives et participatives en santé : partage des tâches et redéfinition des frontières professionnelles, enjeux de savoirs et luttes de pouvoir.

Charlier, N. (August 2018). Generating “evidence-based guidelines” in integrated care programs: translations and requalifications [Paper presentation]. 4S SYDNEY - TRANSnational STS - SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL STUDIES OF SCIENCE ANNUAL CONFERENCE.

Fallon, C., & Charlier, N. (03 April 2017). Les reconfigurations de l’État entre ancrage local et aspirations internationales : une analyse comparée des dispositifs de transformation des universités en Belgique [Paper presentation]. Conference de l'ABSP, Mons, Belgium.

Charlier, N. (September 2016). Comparing conventional excellence: moral and technical features of "good research" [Paper presentation]. 4s/EASST Conference Barcelona 2016.

Rosskamp, B., Delvenne, P., Charlier, N., Macq, H., & Antoine, M. (29 June 2016). Fast and not furious: an inquiry into the current low-risk/high-gain configuration of public participation [Paper presentation]. The Changing Political Economy of Research and Innovation Producing and experimenting with publics in new political economies. 4th annual conference, Liège, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M., Charlier, N., & Claisse, F. (17 March 2016). The Bullshit Abstract: From Critique to Reflexive Practice [Paper presentation]. DiscourseNet 17 - Reflexivity and Critique in Discourse, Pamplona, Spain.

Charlier, N. (October 2015). Exploring personal accounts of ‘research impacts’: Various ways of making ‘relevant research’ [Paper presentation]. Trading Zones in Technological Societies, Liège, Belgium.

Van Oudheusden, M., & Charlier, N. (25 September 2015). Repositioning Flanders and Wallonia (Belgium) in the Knowledge-Based Economy: A Discourse-Analytic and Policy Studies Perspective [Paper presentation]. International Congress #1 Discourse: Language, Society, Critique, Bremen, Germany.

Charlier, N. (June 2015). Linking political discourses on science with an evolving and densely populated context: Exploring the prospects of Cultural Political Economy [Paper presentation]. ‘Political Discourse: Multidisciplinary Approaches’.

Charlier, N. (June 2015). Exploring personal accounts of ‘research impacts’: Various ways of making ‘relevant research’ [Paper presentation]. Sociology Summer Conference/Intellectual Party - Lancaster University.

Charlier, N. (March 2015). Science policy narratives in Flanders and Wallonia: The interplay of characters and ideas [Paper presentation]. SCIENCE SHAPING THE WORLD OF TOMORROW Scientific Imagination and Development of Society.

Charlier, N., & Delvenne, P. (March 2015). Actors valuing science in neoliberal science regimes [Paper presentation]. Changing Political Economy of Research and Innovation.

Charlier, N. (September 2014). Master-narratives for science policy. The interplay of political discourses on Science in Wallonia [Paper presentation]. EASST 2014 Conference - Situating solidarities, Torun, Poland.

Charlier, N., & Van Oudheusden, M. (June 2014). Flanders Ahead… Wallonia Behind (But Catching Up). Reconstructing Communities through Science, Technology, and Innovation Policymaking [Paper presentation]. 2014 Eu-SPRI Conference. Science & Innovation Policy: Dynamics, Challenges, Responsibility and Practice, Manchester, United Kingdom.

Charlier, N. (April 2014). STI narratives in Wallonia: A complex interplay [Paper presentation]. Eu-SPRI Forum Early Career Researcher Conference - Interdisciplinarity in the Study of the Dynamics of Science, Technology and Innovation, Valencia, Spain.

Van Oudheusden, M., Charlier, N., Rosskamp, B., & Delvenne, P. (18 October 2013). Flanders Ahead... Wallonia Behind (But Catching Up). The Identity Politics of Science, Technology, and Innovation in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Conference "Belgium: The State of the Federation", Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Charlier, N., & Thoreau, F. (October 2013). Where is the Conflict? Delving in Walloon Science, Technology and Innovation Politics [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), San Diego, United States - California.

Charlier, N. (July 2013). Questioning regional science, technology and innovation policies: the consensual case of the Marshall Plan for Wallonia [Paper presentation]. 8th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis. Societies in conflict: experts, publics and democracy, Vienna, Austria.

Charlier, N. (April 2013). Evolving science, technology and innovation policies in Belgium: a comparative study [Paper presentation]. Science and Technology in Society Conference -, Washington, United States - District of Columbia.

Van Oudheusden, M., Charlier, N., Rosskamp, B., & Delvenne, P. (13 March 2013). Mapping the interplay of policy paradigms and technology assessment in Flanders and Wallonia (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. 2013 PACITA Conference Technology Assessment and Policy Areas of Great Transitions, Prague, Czechia.

Charlier, N., & Vangeebergen, T. (June 2012). La mise en place du management de la qualité à l’Université de Liège : étude de cas. Quand la médiation entre les acteurs de l’université prend le pas sur les recommandations expertes [Paper presentation]. Quality traps ? Multidisciplinary analyses and comparative studies of quality policies in Higher Education, Liège, Belgium.

Reuchamps, M., & Charlier, N. (August 2011). Can you Turn Tomorrow Regionalist if you were Yesterday Federalist? A Qualitative Assessment of Federal Preferences' Changes in Francophone Belgium [Paper presentation]. 6th European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Scientific conferences in universities or research centers

Charlier, N. (2022). Table ronde "l'excellence, mais à quel prix" [Paper presentation]. Table ronde "L'excellence, mais à quel prix?", Belgium.

Charlier, N. (November 2017). Governing research between scientific excellence and societal relevance. Comparing Flemish and Walloon science policy regimes [Paper presentation]. OASeS workshop.

Charlier, N. (27 January 2015). Science policy narratives in Flanders and Wallonia: The interplay of characters and ideas [Paper presentation]. King's College London - Global Biopolitic Research Center' Seminar.

Charlier, N., & Van Oudheusden, M. (June 2013). taSTI : régimes régionaux de science, technologie, innovation et pratiques de technology assessment [Paper presentation]. Midi du CRIDS, Namur, Belgium.

Scientific congresses and symposiums with national audience

Charlier, N., & Colman, E. (May 2018). A possible theory of change for “Integreo Reform” [Paper presentation]. System Thinking, Complexity, Person and Community Centered Health System.

Charlier, N. (May 2018). L'internationalisation du travail scientifique : critère de valeur de la recherche ? Discours, instruments et pratiques de mobilité en Flandre et en Wallonie [Paper presentation]. Mobilité(s) à l’époque moderne et de nos jours. Regards croisés.


Macq, J., Goderis, G., Colman, E., Charlier, N., Anthierens, S., Verhaege, N., Deun, E., Vanhecke, A., Pétré, B., Devroey, D., Bragard, I., Alvarez, L., Guillaume, M., Remmen, R., Sermeus, W., & Van Durme, T. (2018). How to evaluate a Nationwide Whole System Change in Health Care towards Integrated Care for people with Chronic Conditions? Part I: the co-construction of an evaluation framework [Poster presentation]. 18th International Conference on Integrated Care, Utrecht, Netherlands. doi:10.5334/ijic.s2279
Peer reviewed

Promotion and popularisation of research

General audience and popularisation articles

Voz, B., & Charlier, N. (2023). Quand les patients "participent" à l'hôpital: enjeux et questionnements actuels. Le Chaînon.

Voz, B., Charlier, N., & Pétré, B. (2020). Il est temps pour le gouvernement d'emprunter d'autres voies dans sa gestion du coronavirus. La Libre Belgique.

Delvenne, P., Charlier, N., Chefneux, L., Claisse, F., Contor, J., Duysens, F., Erpicum, M., Fallon, C., Fanouillere, J.-B., Glesner, C., Lobet-Maris, C., Macq, H., Parotte, C., Petit Jean, M., Piron, D., Poullet, Y., Rentier, B., Reuchamps, M., Rivière, M., ... Van Oudheusden, M. (2018). Anticiper les changements technologiques pour ne plus les subir. Le Vif. L'Express.

Charlier, N., Van Oudheusden, M., & Claisse, F. (2013). Identité et nation : un tabou francophone ? Le Soir.

Conferences given outside the academic context

Charlier, N. (2017). Gouverner la recherche entre excellence scientifique et pertinence sociétale. Une comparaison des régimes flamand et wallon de politique scientifique [Paper presentation]. groupe de travail « recherche » - Union Wallonne des Entreprises.

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