
Delvenne Pierre

Département de science politique


See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Parotte, Céline  (41)
Macq, Hadrien  (26)
Rosskamp, Benedikt  (20)
Brunet, Sébastien  (18)
Thoreau, François  (12)
Main Referenced Keywords
Technology Assessment (45); Bioeconomy (15); Argentina (13); Wallonie (12); Wallonia (9);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Cité - ULiège (10)
Spiral (8)
Centre de Recherches Spiral (5)
Centre de recherches Spiral (5)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Political science, public administration & international relations (169)
Sociology & social sciences (108)
Law, criminology & political science: Multidisciplinary, general & others (45)
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (28)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (10)

Publications (total 210)

The most downloaded
Delvenne, P., Charlier, N., Rosskamp, B., & Van Oudheusden, M. (February 2015). De- and Re-Institutionalizing Technology Assessment in Contemporary Knowledge-Based Economies. Technikfolgenabschätzung - Theorie und Praxis (TATuP), 24 (1), 25-32.

The most cited

84 citations (OpenAlex)

Delvenne, P., & Kreimer, P. (2017). World-System Analysis 2.0: Globalized Science in Centers and Peripheries. In D. Tyfield, R. Lave, S. Randalls, ... C. Thorpe (Eds.), Handbook of the Political Economy of Science. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315685397

The most significant

Parotte, C., Macq, H., & Delvenne, P. (2024). The Efficacy Paradox Revisited: “Closing Up” Commitments in Nuclear Waste Governance. Science, Technology and Human Values, 49 (2), 344-370. doi:10.1177/01622439221112459
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Delvenne, P., Macq, H., & Parotte, C. (15 June 2023). Going with the Flow: Moving Cells and Changing Values in Biomedical Practice [Paper presentation]. Biobanking in Europe, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany.
Editorial reviewed

Delvenne, P., & Parotte, C. (2025). Réfléchir aux méthodes en régime de post-vérité. In C. Parotte, Méthodes de recherche qualitatives. Approches et pratiques réflexives en sciences politiques et sociales. Liège, Belgium: Presses Universitaires de Liège.
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P. (2025). The (global) politics of Technology Assessment – discursive-deliberative or agonistic? [Paper presentation]. STS Forum RWTH Aachen University.

Denoun, M., Delvenne, P., & Parotte, C. (21 October 2024). Grasping Infrastructure through Microcracks. The Stress Corrosion Case in French Nuclear Reactors as a Nuclear Material Politics [Paper presentation]. Nuclear Revival and Legacies Conference, Marne-La-Vallée, France.
Peer reviewed

Macq, H., Parotte, C., & Delvenne, P. (09 September 2024). Une analyse bioconstitutionnelle de l'exploitation de la valeur du matériel corporel humain en Belgique. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, 2 (2024), 187-216.
Editorial reviewed

Delvenne, P.* , Denoun, M.* , & Parotte, C.*. (17 July 2024). Politics of Ruination? Deteriorating but Operating Infrastructures in the Global North [Paper presentation]. 4S/EASST Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Peer reviewed
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Denoun, M., Delvenne, P., & Parotte, C. (17 July 2024). Grasping Infrastructure through Microcracks. The Stress Corrosion Case in French Nuclear Reactors as a Nuclear Material Politics [Paper presentation]. 4S-EASST Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Peer reviewed

Parotte, C., Macq, H., & Delvenne, P. (2024). Mutation de l'engagement politique pour gérer les objets hautement toxiques? FNRS NEWS, (Juin/2024), p. 6.

Delvenne, P., Macq, H., Meens, V., Parotte, C., & Reuchamps, M. (23 May 2024). STS after the participatory turns. A (self-)critical appraisal [Paper presentation]. Participation and STS Sensibilities: Taking Stock and Moving Forward, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Peer reviewed

Macq, H., Parotte, C., & Delvenne, P. (2024). Harnessing the value of human bodily material: a bioconstitutional analysis. Biosocieties. doi:10.1057/s41292-024-00327-0
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Macq, H., Parotte, C., & Delvenne, P. (2024). Exploiter la valeur du matériel corporel humain en Belgique. FNRS NEWS, (Octobre/2024), p. 4.

Delvaux, S., & Delvenne, P. (2024). Futurizing “Good Construction(s)”: ‘low-carbon’ and ‘labor’ futures in the construction sector in Belgium. TATuP - Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis. doi:10.14512/tatup.7144
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Parotte, C., Macq, H., & Delvenne, P. (2024). The Efficacy Paradox Revisited: “Closing Up” Commitments in Nuclear Waste Governance. Science, Technology and Human Values, 49 (2), 344-370. doi:10.1177/01622439221112459
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Delvenne, P., & Parotte, C. (2024). Technology Assessment and Democratic Theories: A Critical Review. In A. Grunwald, Handbook of Technology Assessment. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. doi:10.4337/9781035310685.00038
Peer reviewed

Delvaux, S., & Delvenne, P. (2024). Assetization with care: intertwined valuation flows in the transition to regenerative barley production in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Quadrennial joint meeting of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P. (2024). The dollar multiple: The spatio-temporal configuration of the soy market viewed from Argentina [Paper presentation]. 40th Colloquium of the European Group for Organizational Studies, Milan, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P. (2023). Science et décision politique au service du Parlement français. Retour sur 40 ans d'expérience [Paper presentation]. Rencontre de haut niveau à l'occasion du 40ème anniversaire de l'Office parlementaire d'évaluation des choix scientifiques et technologiques (OPECST), Paris, France.

Delvenne, P., Macq, H., & Parotte, C. (15 June 2023). Going with the Flow: Moving Cells and Changing Values in Biomedical Practice [Paper presentation]. Biobanking in Europe, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany.
Editorial reviewed

Macq, H., Parotte, C., & Delvenne, P. (15 June 2023). "We Cannot Lock Research Up”: Balancing Health and Wealth through Bioconstitutional Orderings in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Biobanking in Europe, Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany.
Editorial reviewed

Delvenne, P., Denoun, M., & Parotte, C. (09 June 2023). Uneasy endings: pasts and futures of nuclear infrastructures in France and Austria [Paper presentation]. Nordic STS Conference, Oslo, Norway.
Peer reviewed

Lopez Bayon, G., Frenay, S., Parotte, C., Delvenne, P., Calay, V., Dodion, H., & Delvaux, S. (2023). Livrable D.4.2.4 (1.2). Atelier prospectif exploratoire pour le secteur agricole: transition bas-carbone et du marché de l'emploi (version française).

Delvenne, P. (2023). The past and future of Arie Rip [Paper presentation]. WTMC Celebration in honour of Arie Rip.

Delvenne, P., Macq, H., & Parotte, C. (2023). Going with the Flow: Moving Cells and Changing Values in Biomedical Practice. Science, Technology and Human Values. doi:10.1177/01622439231218788
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Delvenne, P., Bechoux, L., Valérie Beniest, Léonard Chemineau, Decock, W., Delvaux, S., Fallon, C., Fanouillere, J.-B., Glesner, C., Lebrun, L., Emmanuel Lepage, Wilfrid Lupano, Meens, V., Parotte, C., Thirion, N., Thoreau, F., Gustin, A., Walravens, C., & Dodion, H. (December 2022). Entering into resonance: vibrations around a common world from encounters between the 9th art and science [Poster presentation]. Annual Congress of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Cholula, Mexico.

Delvenne, P. (29 June 2022). Valuable in Store : the Politics of Diminished Living Things [Paper presentation]. STS Talk, Vienne, Austria.

Delvenne, P., Delvaux, S., & Parotte, C. (02 June 2022). A deeper sense of urgency: a plea for responsible exnovation [Paper presentation]. Workshop RRI in/under urgency, Athens, Greece.
Peer reviewed

Parotte, C., & Delvenne, P. (2022). Politics and socio-technical change in environmental governance. (University of Vienna [Department of Science and Technology Studies], Vienna, Austria, SE233041|5ECTS|2SST|SS 2022).

Delvenne, P., Macq, H., & Parotte, C. (2022). Maintaining value in storage infrastructures: the politics and multiple economic paths of diminished things [Paper presentation]. 2022 ESOCITE/4S Joint Meeting, Cholula, Mexico.
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P. (2022). Moving cells, making value: the biography of living things revisited [Paper presentation]. Harvard STS Circle, Cambridge, MA, United States.
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P. (2022). Disembodied Self: Staging the Trouble Through Careful Bodily Engagements [Paper presentation]. European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST).
Peer reviewed

Delvaux, S., Parotte, C., Calay, V., & Delvenne, P. (2021). Belgian grey literature related to transitions and change in labor market. WP4 LAMARTRA project. (D.4.1.2). Liège, Belgium: ULiège.

Basile, C., Pierard, A., van Gameren, V., Hallin, M., Joisten, C., Poupaud, M., Recchia, F., Thibaut, K., Armeni, C. (Other coll.), Delvenne, P. (Other coll.), Giry, B. (Other coll.), Lamarque, P. (Other coll.), Magnan, A. (Other coll.), Misonne, D. (Other coll.), Tasse, J. (Other coll.), Mancilla Garcia, M. (Other coll.), & Gemenne, F. (Other coll.). (2021). Résilience de la Wallonie face aux risques environnementaux : Note transversale de synthèse et de recommandations [Paper presentation]. Congrès Résilience : Anticiper et s'adapter pour notre futur, Namur, Belgium.

Delvenne, P. (02 December 2021). Décider en temps d’incertitude et de crise [Paper presentation]. Congrès résilience - anticiper et s'adapter pour notre futur.

Delvenne, P., Macq, H., & Parotte, C. (06 October 2021). Sorting cells out: an inquiry into the circulation and valuation of cord blood units [Paper presentation]. Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
Peer reviewed

Delvaux, S., Parotte, C., Calay, V., & Delvenne, P. (2021). Building a Hybrid Forum to bridge low-carbon and labour market transitions. WP4 - LAMARTRA project. (D.4.1.1). Liège, Belgium: ULiège.

Delvenne, P., Macq, H., & Parotte, C. (28 June 2021). The politics of the circulation and valuation of human body material in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Interpretive Policy Analysis Annual Conference.
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P., Hendrickx, K., & Parotte, C. (17 June 2021). Moving cells to the market: an inquiry into the circulation and valuation of stem cells [Paper presentation]. 8th STS Italia Conference - Dis/Entangling Technoscience, Trieste, Italy.

Delvenne, P., Macq, H., & Parotte, C. (15 February 2021). Cells and researchers in motion: making sense of the circulation and valuation of stem cells through mobile and intersecting ethnographies [Paper presentation]. 5th STS-CH Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P., Parotte, C., & Macq, H. (Eds.). (2021). Special Section on Participatory Innovation. Science as Culture, 30 (2), 161-236.
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Delvenne, P. (2021). Suspended commodification: assetization and the politics of silobolsa in Argentine soybean agriculture. Journal of Cultural Economy, 14 (3), 319-331. doi:10.1080/17530350.2020.1761429
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P., & Rosskamp, B. (2021). Cosmopolitan technology assessment? Lessons learned from attempts to address the deficit of technology assessment in Europe. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 8 (3), 445-470. doi:10.1080/23299460.2021.1988433
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Macq, H., Parotte, C., & Delvenne, P. (2021). Exploring Frictions of Participatory Innovation between Sites and Scales. Science as Culture, 30 (2), 161-171. doi:10.1080/09505431.2021.1910230
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Delvenne, P. (2021). Cultivating power, enacting consent. A critical review of ‘Seeds of power. Environmental injustice and genetically modified soybeans in Argentina’. Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies.
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Parotte, C., Fallon, C., Delvenne, P., & Thoreau, F. (2020). Elaborer un protocole de déconfinement participatif au GIGA. Synthèse de l'enquête Delphi "cadrage" et "valider les mesures". Liège, Belgium: Centre de Recherches Spiral.

Delvenne, P. (30 January 2020). Power and Normativity in European Technology Assessment Collaborations: from Institutional to Knowledge Deficit [Paper presentation]. Lunch seminar of the Munich Center for Technology in Society.

Delvenne, P., & Macq, H. (2020). Breaking Bad with the Participatory Turn? Accelerating Time and Intensifying Value in Participatory Experiments. Science as Culture, 29 (2), 245-268. doi:10.1080/09505431.2019.1668369
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Dubois, C., Mansvelt, V., & Delvenne, P. (December 2019). Entre nécessité et opportunités : la digitalisation de la Justice belge par l’Ordre des avocats. Droit et Société, 103 (3), 555-572. doi:10.3917/drs1.103.0555
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Delvenne, P. (2019). Imaginer à contre-courant : construisons une ère numérique politique et post-silicoloniale. L'Echo.

Alardeau, M., Charlier, A., Culot, C., Delvenne, P., Gemenne, F., Gruié, E., Halleux, J.-M., Javaux, P., Jonet, C., Legrand, S., Nemes, E., Ozer, P., Pé, O., Schreuer, F., Roodthooft, D., Lamarche, C., Willems, M., & Xhauflair, V. (2019). Alibaba, un projet d’avenir pour la Wallonie ? Le Soir.

Delvenne, P., & Grunwald, A. (April 2019). Balancing Engagement and Neutrality in Technology Assessment. TATuP - Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis, 28 (1), 71-74.
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Delvenne, P., & Parotte, C. (February 2019). Breaking the myth of neutrality: Technology Assessment has politics, Technology Assessment as politics. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 139, 64-72. doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2018.06.026
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Delvenne, P. (2019). Analyse socio-institutionnelle de l’Office parlementaire d’évaluation des choix scientifiques et technologiques (OPECST). Histoire de la Recherche Contemporaine: la Revue pour l'Histoire du CNRS, VIII (1), 9-18.
Peer reviewed

Van Oudheusden, M., Charlier, N., & Delvenne, P. (2019). Flanders Ahead, Wallonia Behind (But Catching up): Reconstructing Communities Through Science, Technology and Innovation Policymaking. Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society. doi:10.1177/0270467619854327
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Delvenne, P. (2019). Performing commodification: The politics of silobolsa in Argentine soybean agriculture [Paper presentation]. ERC closed workshop: Good economics in the good economy, Oslo, Norway.

Lucivero, F., Delvenne, P., & Van Oudheusden, M. (2019). Making the invisible visible: Normativities in and of Technology Assessment. TATuP - Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis, 28 (1), 21-26.
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Delvenne, P., & Aarden, E. (2019). Frictions in the global bioeconomy; Tracing sociotechnical connections in agriculture and biomedicine in Argentina and Singapore [Paper presentation]. Science and Democracy Network Annual Meeting, Cambridge, MA, United States.

Delvenne, P., & Aarden, E. (2019). Toward a political economy of frictions in the global bioeconomy [Paper presentation]. Changing Political Economy of Research and Innovation (CPERI) Annual Workshop, New-Orleans, United States.

Parotte, C., & Delvenne, P. (01 December 2018). Co-Produced Legitimacies: Parliamentary Technology Assessment and Nuclear Waste Management in France. Science and Public Policy, 45 (6), 853-862. doi:10.1093/SCIPOL/SCY016
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Hurel, P.-Y., Vallaud-Belkacem, N., Coulée, P., & Delvenne, P. (2018). Débat : Faut-il éduquer au numérique?

Delvenne, P. (August 2018). Conjuring bioeconomies through frictions [Paper presentation]. Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, Sydney, Australia.

Delvenne, P., & Macq, H. (20 July 2018). Imaginarios de innovación que viajan: Nuevas practicas experimentales de co-creación en Wallonia (Bélgica) [Paper presentation]. XII Jornadas Latinoamericanas de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnnología, Santiago, Chile.
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P., Macq, H., & Parotte, C. (30 June 2018). Participation as a lab and a democratic experiment [Paper presentation]. Science and Democracy Network 17th Annual Workshop, Munich, Germany.
Peer reviewed

Lafleur, J.-M., & Delvenne, P. (2018). L’ULiège demain : 12 travaux pour la future équipe rectorale.

Delvenne, P., Charlier, N., Chefneux, L., Claisse, F., Contor, J., Duysens, F., Erpicum, M., Fallon, C., Fanouillere, J.-B., Glesner, C., Lobet-Maris, C., Macq, H., Parotte, C., Petit Jean, M., Piron, D., Poullet, Y., Rentier, B., Reuchamps, M., Rivière, M., ... Van Oudheusden, M. (2018). Anticiper les changements technologiques pour ne plus les subir. Le Vif. L'Express.

Delvenne, P., & Macq, H. (2018). Quel(s) futur(s) la "révolution numérique" nous promet-elle ? Quels enjeux pour l'enseignement ?

Delvenne, P. (2018). (Re)making bioeconomic past and futures [Paper presentation]. Changing Political Economy of Research and Innovation (CPERI) Annual Workshop, Lancaster, United Kingdom.

Delvenne, P. (2018). Temporary decommodification? Sorting things out in the capitalist value chain of soy in Argentina [Paper presentation]. Making Science, Technology and Society Together (EASST Biannual Meeting), Lancaster, United Kingdom.

Delvenne, P. (2018). Breaking the myth of neutrality: contemporary politics and normativities in and of technology assessment [Paper presentation]. 18th Congress of Technology Assessment, Vienna, Austria.

Habraken, A., Delvenne, P., & Elsen, C. (2017). Quels futurs pour la fabrication de pièces métalliques ? [Paper presentation]. Cours-conférences du Collège Belgique à Liège / LIEGE CREATIVE, Liege, Belgium.

Macq, H., & Delvenne, P. (2017). Intelligence artificielle, et si rien n’était déterminé ? La Libre Belgique.

Delvenne, P., & Macq, H. (2017). L’intelligence artificielle et la tragique persistance de l’imaginaire de la Silicon Valley. Le Vif. L'Express.

Parotte, C., & Delvenne, P. (29 June 2017). Co-producing sociotechnical solutions in difficult times: the art of governing nuclear wastes in France [Paper presentation]. Science and Democracy Network 16th Annual Meeting Program, Boston, United States.

Delvenne, P. (2017). Le Roi est nu. Le Vif. L'Express.

Delvenne, P. (2017). Responsible research and innovation as a travesty of technology assessment? Journal of Responsible Innovation, 4 (2), 278-288. doi:10.1080/23299460.2017.1328653
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Delvenne, P. (2017). Embedded Promissory Futures: The Rise of Networked Agribusiness in Argentina’s Bioeconomy. In V. Pavone & J. Goven, Bioeconomies: Life, Technology, and Capital in the 21st Century. Palgrave. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-55651-2_10
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P., & Kreimer, P. (2017). World-System Analysis 2.0: Globalized Science in Centers and Peripheries. In D. Tyfield, R. Lave, S. Randalls, ... C. Thorpe (Eds.), Handbook of the Political Economy of Science. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315685397
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P., & Vigneron, L. (2017). On the Disruptive Potential of 3D Printing. In D. Bowman, A. Rip, ... E. Stokes, Embedding New Technologies into Society: A Regulatory, Ethical and Societal Perspective (pp. 333-353). Pan Stanford. doi:10.1201/9781315379593
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P. (2017). Technology Assessment and neoliberal STI policies as dancing partners: critical insights in the new spirit of Technology Assessment [Paper presentation]. 3rd European Technology Assessment Conference, Cork, Ireland.

Delvenne, P., & Thoreau, F. (2017). Dancing without listening to the music: learning from some failures of the ‘national innovation systems’ in Latin America. In S. Kuhlmann & G. Ordóñez-Matamoros (Eds.), Research Handbook on Innovation Governance for Emerging Economies (pp. 37-59). Edward Elgar.
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P., & Rosskamp, B. (2017). The Technology Assessment Agenda in Europe: From Institutional to Knowledge Deficit [Paper presentation]. Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, United States.

Delvenne, P. (2017). Technology Assessment and Responsible Research and Innovation as Dancing Partners [Paper presentation]. 3rd European Technology Assessment Conference, Cork, Ireland.

Delvenne, P. (2016). Le futur du travail à l'ère digitale [Paper presentation]. Grande conférence verviétoise.

Delvenne, P. (30 November 2016). Embedded promissory futures: a socio-historical analysis of Argentina’s bioeconomy of GM soy [Paper presentation]. Maastricht University Colloquium.

Rosskamp, B., Delvenne, P., Charlier, N., Macq, H., & Antoine, M. (29 June 2016). Fast and not furious: an inquiry into the current low-risk/high-gain configuration of public participation [Paper presentation]. The Changing Political Economy of Research and Innovation Producing and experimenting with publics in new political economies. 4th annual conference, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Delvenne, P. (29 June 2016). The rise of epistemic knowledge of farmers. Shifting roles in agricultural production in Argentina [Paper presentation]. Changing Political Economy of Research and Innovation (CPERI) Annual Workshop, Liège, Belgium.

Delvenne, P. (24 June 2016). Emerging Hybridities under Networked Agribusiness in Argentina [Paper presentation]. Science and Democracy Network (SDN) Annual Meeting, London, United Kingdom.

Delvenne, P., & Rossignol, N. (2016). Revers lifté et coup droit "à plat" : le (néo)libéralisme en débat. Le Vif. L'Express.

Delvenne, P., & Rossignol, N. (2016). Gérer l’Etat belge, pas la S.A. Belgique. Le Vif. L'Express.

Delvenne, P. (2016). Roundup : l’interdiction ferait-elle pire que bien ? La Libre Belgique.

Claisse, F., & Delvenne, P. (11 April 2016). As above, so below? Narrative Salience and Side Effects of National Innovation Systems. Critical Policy Studies, 11 (3), 255-271. doi:10.1080/19460171.2015.1119051
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Delvenne, P. (31 March 2016). El desafío de la innovación responsable en las políticas públicas dentro del contexto latinoamericano [Paper presentation]. Seminario de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Delvenne, P. (2016). An inquiry into networked agrobusiness in Argentina [Paper presentation]. Development Studies Association Annual Conference.

Delvenne, P., Rosskamp, B., Fitzgerald, C., & Adam, F. (2016). Making Technology Assessment Accessible to New Players. In L. Klüver, R. Nielsen, ... M.-L. Jorgensen (Eds.), Policy-Oriented Technology Assessment Across Europe. Expanding Capacities (pp. 124-130). London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Pivot. doi:10.1057/9781137561725.0020
Peer reviewed

Barland, M., Delvenne, P., & Rosskamp, B. (2016). The Future of Ageing - Stakeholder Involvement on the Future of Care. In L. Klüver, R. Øjvind Nielsen, ... M. L. Jørgensen, Policy-Oriented Technology Assessment Across Europe: Expanding Capacities (pp. 105-113). Palgrave Pivot. doi:10.1057/9781137561725.0017
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P., & Macq, H. (2016). The Future of Labour in the Digital Era. A Report on Wallonia, Belgium. EPTA network.

Van Oudheusden, M., Charlier, N., Rosskamp, B., & Delvenne, P. (December 2015). Broadening, Deepening, and Governing Innovation: Flemish Technology Assessment in Historical and Socio-Political Perspective. Research Policy, 44 (10), 1877-1886. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2015.06.010
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Claisse, F., Delvenne, P., Macq, H., Parotte, C., & Roelandt, V. (12 June 2015). Building the future of European sustainability governance: a critical self-reflexive approach to a participatory Technology Assessment exercise [Paper presentation]. Futures Studies Tackling Wicked Problems, Turku, Finland.
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P., Macq, H., Parotte, C., & Roelandt, V. (2015). Consultation citoyenne européenne sur la consommation durable du 25 octobre 2014. Rapport sur la consultation citoyenne organisée le 25 octobre 2014 à l'échelle de la Wallonie. Liège, Belgium: Centre de Recherche SPIRAL.

Parotte, C., & Delvenne, P. (May 2015). Taming uncertainty: Towards a new governance approach for nuclear waste management in Belgium. Technology Analysis and Strategic Management, 57 (8), 986-998. doi:10.1080/09537325.2015.1044429
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Delvenne, P. (2015). Le futur du vieillissement de la population en Wallonie [Paper presentation]. Congrès annuel de la Fédération des Directeurs généraux de CPAS.

Caeymaex, F., & Delvenne, P. (2015). Un nouvel eugénisme ? L'eugénisme, hier et aujourd'hui [Paper presentation]. Les enjeux de la génétique et de l'épigénétique. Cours de l'Espace universitaire de l'ULg à Verviers.

Delvenne, P. (23 March 2015). Mettre la biomédecine en politique: le nouvel eugénisme est-il arrivé avec la génétique? [Paper presentation]. Grandes conférences verviétoises, module génétique et épigénétique.

Claisse, F., & Delvenne, P. (March 2015). Building on anticipation: dystopia as empowerment. Current Sociology, 63 (2). doi:10.1177/0011392114556579
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Charlier, N., & Delvenne, P. (March 2015). Actors valuing science in neoliberal science regimes [Paper presentation]. Changing Political Economy of Research and Innovation.

Delvenne, P., Rosskamp, B., Bütschi, D., & Feresin, E. (26 February 2015). Teaching and Training TA [Poster presentation]. 2nd European TA conference: The next Horizon of Technology Assessment, Berlin, Germany.

Delvenne, P. (2015). Penser le vieillissement de la population pour la Wallonie de demain [Paper presentation]. Midi Santé de la Direction Générale Opérationnelle 5 du Service Public de Wallonie.

Delvenne, P., Parotte, C., Rossignol, N., & Rosskamp, B. (19 February 2015). La question de l'acceptabilité sociale dans des projets du SPIRAL [Paper presentation]. Seminaire acceptabilité cociale, Namur, Belgium.

Delvenne, P., Charlier, N., Rosskamp, B., & Van Oudheusden, M. (February 2015). De- and Re-Institutionalizing Technology Assessment in Contemporary Knowledge-Based Economies. Technikfolgenabschätzung - Theorie und Praxis (TATuP), 24 (1), 25-32.
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P. (16 January 2015). Making sense of science and technology in contemporary societies [Paper presentation]. Science and Society Seminar of the Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB).

Delvenne, P. (2015). What's next for Technology Assessment? Experiences and Insights from Wallonia, Belgium [Paper presentation]. PACITA 2nd European TA Conference — The Next Horizon for Technology Assessment.

Rossignol, N., Delvenne, P., & Turcanu, C. (2015). Rethinking Vulnerability Analysis and Governance with Emphasis on a Participatory Approach. Risk Analysis, 35 (1), 129-141. doi:10.1111/risa.12233
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Charlier, N., & Delvenne, P. (2015). Actores valorizando la ciencia en regimenes científicos estrategicos [Paper presentation]. Seminario de Ciencia, Tecnologia y Sociedad, Centro CTS, Universidad Maimonides, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Delvenne, P., & Vigneron, L. (2015). On the disruptive potential of 3D printing. In E. Stokes (Ed.), Embedding and Governing New Technologies: A Regulatory, Ethical & Societal Perspective. Pan Stanford Publishing.
Peer reviewed

Charlier, N., Delvenne, P., Parotte, C., Petit-Jean, M., & Rosskamp, B. (2015). Technology Assessment Working Lunches at the Walloon Parliament [Paper presentation]. PACITA 2nd European TA Conference — The Next Horizon for Technology Assessment.

Vanmeerbeek, P., Vigneron, L., Delvenne, P., Rosskamp, B., & Antoine, M. (2015). Involvement of end-users in innovation processes: toward a user-driven approach of innovation. A qualitative analysis of 20 Livings Labs [Paper presentation]. OpenLivingLab Days.

Delvenne, P., Parotte, C., Rosskamp, B., & Zeimers, G. (18 September 2014). Future of Aging in Wallonia, Belgium: Lessons Learnt from a Cross-European Stakeholder Involvement Project [Paper presentation]. Situating Solidarities — Social Challenges for Science and Technology Studies, Torun, Poland.

Delvenne, P., Parotte, C., & Rosskamp, B. (2014). Le futur du vieillissement de la population en Wallonie. Rapport final de l’Atelier scénario du 2 avril 2014. Liège, Belgium: SPIRAL.

Delvenne, P. (August 2014). Variegated New Political Economies: Biotech and 3D Printing in Advanced Capitalism [Paper presentation]. Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting.

Delvenne, P., & Rosskamp, B. (2014). Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen institutionellen Technologiefolgenabschätzung. TA in der Wallonie. In M. Decker, S. Bellucci, S. Bröchler, M. Nentwich, L. Rey, ... M. Sotoudeh (Eds.), Technilfolgenabschätzung im politischen System (pp. 262). Berlin, Germany: Edition Sigma.

Delvenne, P. (18 February 2014). Technology Assessment and Science, Technology and Innovation Policy as Dancing Partners [Paper presentation]. Seminar of Science Policymaking.

Delvenne, P. (2014). Quand la biomédecine entre en politique [Paper presentation]. Université européenne d'été de l'IHEST, Paris, France.

Delvenne, P. (09 December 2013). Science and Technology as Sites of Struggle in New Political Economies: Insights from Latin American Bioeconomy [Paper presentation]. International workshop on the changing political economy of research and innovation, Toronto, Canada.

Delvenne, P. (05 December 2013). The co-production of genetically modified soy and Argentina [Paper presentation]. Harvard University, Life Sciences working group, Program on Science, Technology & Society, Cambridge, MA, United States.

Van Oudheusden, M., Charlier, N., Rosskamp, B., & Delvenne, P. (18 October 2013). Flanders Ahead... Wallonia Behind (But Catching Up). The Identity Politics of Science, Technology, and Innovation in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Conference "Belgium: The State of the Federation", Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Delvenne, P. (11 October 2013). Technology Assessment and neoliberal policies as dancing partners : critical insights in the new spirit of Technology Assessment [Paper presentation]. Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, San Diego, United States.

Delvenne, P. (05 October 2013). Le voyage politique du Technology Assessment [Paper presentation]. Classe Technologie et Société de l’Académie Royale de la Science, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Delvenne, P. (04 July 2013). The soy-ization of Argentina : conflictual dynamics of the globalized privatization regime in a peripheral context [Paper presentation]. International Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference, Vienna, Austria.

Delvenne, P. (20 June 2013). Variegated Technology Assessment : mapping the interplay of policy paradigms in Wallonia and Flanders [Paper presentation]. Red de Estudios Sociales de Ciencia y Tecnología — Spanish STS network, Barcelona, Spain.

Rosskamp, B., & Delvenne, P. (2013). Le long chemin de la Wallonie. (Newsletter 2/2013). Bern, Switzerland: TA-Swiss Zentrum für Technologiefolgen-Abschätzung.

Delvenne, P., Vasen, F., & Vara, A. M. (May 2013). The “soy-ization” of Argentina: dynamics of the “globalized” privatization regime in a peripheral context. Technology in Society, 35 (2). doi:10.1016/j.techsoc.2013.01.005
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Delvenne, P., & Hendrickx, K. (May 2013). The multifaceted struggle for power in the bioeconomy. Technology in Society, 35 (2). doi:10.1016/j.techsoc.2013.01.001
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Delvenne, P., & Hendrickx, K. (Eds.). (2013). Biotechnology, Controversy, and Policy: Challenges of the Bioeconomy in Latin America. Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science.

Delvenne, P., & Thoreau, F. (12 April 2013). Addressing the failure of National Innovation Systems in Latin America [Paper presentation]. European Forum for Studies of Policies for Research and Innovation (EU-SPRI), Madrid, Spain.

Van Oudheusden, M., Charlier, N., Rosskamp, B., & Delvenne, P. (13 March 2013). Mapping the interplay of policy paradigms and technology assessment in Flanders and Wallonia (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. 2013 PACITA Conference Technology Assessment and Policy Areas of Great Transitions, Prague, Czechia.

Lucivero, F., Delvenne, P., & Van Oudheusden, M. (13 March 2013). Bringing the normative content into participatory technology assessment [Paper presentation]. 2013 PACITA Conference Technology Assessment and Policy Areas of Great Transitions, Prague, Czechia.

Delvenne, P. (2013). Pratiques du Technology Assessment en Europe et perspectives pour la Wallonie.

Brunet, S., Delvenne, P., & Vaessen, A. (2013). Une politique publique de relance économique et ses impacts sur la transformation de l'administration publique: le Plan Marshall de la Région Wallonne comme incubateur. In G. Joris & C. Fallon (Eds.), Formes et réformes des administrations publiques. Laval, Canada: Presses de l'Université de Laval.
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P., & Vasen, F. (2013). Lo que los Sistemas Nacionales de Innovación no miran. Una crítica constructiva de las políticas de ciencia y tecnología a partir del ‘modelo de la soja transgénica’. In F. Tula Molina & A. M. Vara (Eds.), Riesgo, política y alternativas tecnológicas. Entre la regulación y la discusión pública. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometeo Editorial.
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P., & Erpicum, M. (2013). Critiquer les méthodes participatives ou succomber au chant des Hespérides? In S. Brunet, F. Claisse, ... C. Fallon (Eds.), Les méthodes participatives à l'épreuve. Bruxelles, Belgium: Peter Lang.
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P. (10 December 2012). New Insights into Parliamentary Technology Assessment Challenged by Reflexive Modernization [Paper presentation]. 3rd Winter School on Technology Assessment, PhD Programme of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbonne, Portugal.

Delvenne, P. (29 November 2012). A soja-ização da Argentina: dinâmica de um regime de privatização "globalizado" num contexto periférico [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de recherche de l'Instituto de Pesquisa em Riscos e Sustentabilidade, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil.

Delvenne, P., & Rosskamp, B. (15 November 2012). Perpectives for Technology Assessment in Wallonia: a "Country" Case Study [Paper presentation]. International workshop on "Expanding the Technology Assessment Landscape", Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Delvenne, P., & Thoreau, F. (18 October 2012). Moving away from OECD Countries: New Directions for Studies of National Innovation Systems in Latin America [Paper presentation]. Conférence conjointe de la Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) et de la European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST), Copenhague, Denmark.

Delvenne, P., & Rosskamp, B. (2012). Pratiques du Technology Assessment en Europe et perspectives pour la Wallonie [Paper presentation]. AG du Conseil de la Politique Scientifique, Liège, Belgium.

Delvenne, P., & Rosskamp, B. (05 October 2012). Pratiques du Technology Assessment en Europe et perspectives pour la Wallonie [Paper presentation]. Conseil de la Politique Scientifique, Conseil Economique et Social de Wallonie.

Delvenne, P. (11 July 2012). Beyond the West vs rest of world dichotomy. Introduction to a world-system approach of national innovation systems [Paper presentation]. World Congress of Political Science, Madrid, Spain.

Delvenne, P., Vara, A. M., & Vasen, F. (06 June 2012). Bioeconomía de la semilla: fitomejoradores de soja transgénica en la Argentina [Paper presentation]. ESOCITE 2012 - IX Jornada de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia en America latina, Mexico City, Mexico.

Delvenne, P. (31 May 2012). Introduction au projet PACITA et perspectives pour le Technology Assessment en Wallonie [Paper presentation]. Atelier thématique: Réflexions provocantes pour construire le Technology Assessment en Wallonie, Namur, Belgium.

Delvenne, P. (24 May 2012). Una mirada postcolonial sobre las biotecnologias agrarias en America Latina [Paper presentation]. Second Meeting of the Network for Social Studies of Science and Technology of the Spanish State, Gijon (Asturias), Spain.

Delvenne, P., & Thoreau, F. (24 May 2012). Beyond the 'Charmed Circle' of OECD: New Directions for Studies of National Innovation Systems [Paper presentation]. Red de Estudios Sociales de Ciencia y Tecnologia (Spanish STS Network), Gijon, Spain.

Delvenne, P. (14 May 2012). Parliamentary Technology Assessment Institutions Performing Reflexivity: an Overview of TAB and STOA [Paper presentation]. ITAS Kolloquium, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany.

Delvenne, P. (23 April 2012). L'aide à la prise de décision en situation d'incertitude scientifique: le principe de précaution et les complexes idéologiques [Paper presentation]. Espace universitaire de Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Claisse, F., & Delvenne, P. (04 April 2012). As above, so below: narrative salience and side effects of national innovation systems [Paper presentation]. 62nd Political Studies Association Annual International Conference, Belfast, United Kingdom.

Thoreau, F., & Delvenne, P. (April 2012). Have STS Fallen Into a Political Void? Depoliticisation and Engagement in the Case of Nanotechnologies. Política e Sociedade, 11 (20), 205-226.
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Cupani, A., Guivant, J., & Delvenne, P. (April 2012). Um conjunto apenas aparentemente heterogêneo de contribuições. Política e Sociedade, 11 (20), 11-21.
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Delvenne, P., & Thoreau, F. (March 2012). The birth of the Belgian Network for Science, Technology and Society (BSTS Network). EASST Review, 31 (1), 9-12.

Delvenne, P. (21 February 2012). A Science and Technology Studies Approach of (Nuclear) Technology Assessment [Paper presentation]. SCK-CEN Course on Exploring the Science, Politics and Ethics of Nuclear Technology Assessment, Brussels, Belgium.

Delvenne, P., & Thoreau, F. (2012). Beyond the ‘‘Charmed Circle’’ of OECD: New Directions for Studies of National Innovation Systems. Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning and Policy, 50 (2), 205-219. doi:10.1007/s11024-012-9195-5
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Cupani, A., Guivant, J., & Delvenne, P. (Eds.). (2012). Ciência, Técnica e Sociedade. Florianopolis, Brazil: UFSC/Política & Sociedade.

Delvenne, P., Evers, J., & Rosskamp, B. (2011). Rapport de recherche (PACITA, task2.1 documenting Technology Assessment in Europe) : Parliamentary Technology Assessment in Flanders - IST case study. Commission Européenne.

Delvenne, P. (08 November 2011). Politics of biotechnology in Latin America: the RR soybean Argentina case study [Paper presentation]. 3rd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies, Tempe, Arizona, United States.

Delvenne, P., Vara, A. M., & Vasen, F. (02 November 2011). Evolving trends in Latin American politics of biotechnologies: delving into the “GM soya model” in Argentina [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Cleveland, Ohio, United States.

Delvenne, P. (2011). Science, technologie et innovation sur le chemin de la réflexivité. Enjeux et dynamiques du Technology Assessment parlementaire. Belgium: Academia L'Harmattan.

Delvenne, P. (September 2011). Le principe de précaution et les complexes idéologiques : incertitudes, décisions et biotechnologies. Matière et l'Esprit, 21-22-23, 165-188.
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P., & Rosskamp, B. (2011). Rapport de recherche (PACITA, Task 4.1 Expanding the TA landscape): Wallonia - First preliminary description of TA opportunity structures.

Claisse, F., & Delvenne, P. (25 August 2011). The Tell-Tale Heart of Political Science: Literal vs. Metaphorical Use of Narrative in Analysing Power Relations [Paper presentation]. 6th ECPR General Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland.

Delvenne, P. (16 June 2011). Evolving trends in Latin American regimes of science, technology and innovation: the politics of the “GM soya model” in Argentina [Paper presentation]. Futures of Science and Technology in Society, Symposium in honour of Arie Rip, Twente Universiteit, Enschede, Netherlands.

Delvenne, P., Fallon, C., & Brunet, S. (June 2011). Parliamentary Technology Assessment as Indications of Reflexive Modernization. Technology in Society, 33 (1-2), 36-43. doi:10.1016/j.techsoc.2011.03.004
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Brunet, S., Delvenne, P., & Joris, G. (2011). Princípio da precaução como uma ferramenta estratégica para redesenhar a (sub)política: compreensão e perspectivas da ciência política de língua Francesa. Sociologias, 13 (26), 176-200. doi:10.1590/S1517-45222011000100008
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Delvenne, P., Erpicum, M., Hupet, P., & Vasen, F. (2011). Modernités multiples et critique sociale des technologies en Europe et en Amérique latine. Cahiers de Science Politique de l’Université de Liège, 19.
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P. (30 November 2010). La modernizacion reflexiva en accion : autoterapia de un politologo europeo [Paper presentation]. Seminario bilateral « Riesgo, politica y alternativas tecnologicas », Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Delvenne, P. (23 November 2010). As experiências de consulta pública do Parlamento Europeu na avaliação de tecnologias, à luz da teoria da Modernização Reflexiva em ação [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de l'Instituto de Pesquisa em Riscos e Sustentabilidade (IRIS), Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil.

Delvenne, P. (24 August 2010). Parliamentary Technology Assessment Institutions Challenged by Reflexive Modernization in Action [Paper presentation]. Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan.

Delvenne, P. (13 July 2010). Reflexive modernization in action: the institutional pathway of parliamentary Technology Assessment [Paper presentation]. World Congress of Sociology, Göteborg, Sweden.

Delvenne, P. (22 June 2010). Democratic Accountability in Governance of Science and Technology: on Reflexivity in European Parliamentary Technology Assessment Offices [Paper presentation]. Society for Risk Analysis Europe (SRA-Europe) Annual Meeting, London, United Kingdom.

Brunet, S., Delvenne, P., Joris, G., & Vaessen, A. (20 May 2010). Le suivi et l’évaluation des politiques publiques en Région wallonne : vers un changement de paradigme ? [Paper presentation]. Congrès annuel de la Société Québécoise de Science Politique, Québec, Canada.

Delvenne, P. (2010). Enjeux et dynamiques du Technology Assessment parlementaire. Science, technologie et innovation sur le chemin de la réflexivité [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Delvenne, P. (26 February 2010). TA and changing societal circumstances: opportunities for and accommodation to the reflexivity pathway [Paper presentation]. Workshop « Keeping Pace with TA », Instituut Samenleving & Technologie (IST), Parlement flamand, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Delvenne, P., & Brunet, S. (25 February 2010). Gouvernance démocratique des sciences et des technologies: réflexions sur le Technology Assessment parlementaire en Europe [Paper presentation]. Atelier sur le thème :Technologie de la société de l’observation : quels enjeux ? Quelle gouvernance ?, Namur, Belgium.

Brunet, S., Claisse, F., & Delvenne, P. (2010). Food Chain Security and Vulnerability. In H. Alpas & B. Cirakoglu (Eds.), Food Chain Security (pp. 11-22). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-90-481-9558-9_2
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Brunet, S., & Delvenne, P. (2010). Politique et expertise d’usage en situation de haute incertitude scientifique : application de la méthodologie des Focus groups au risque électromagnétique. Cahiers de Science Politique de l’Université de Liège, 17.
Peer reviewed

Fallon, C., & Delvenne, P. (December 2009). Les transformations actuelles du régime de l’innovation en Wallonie : une analyse des pôles de compétitivité. Innovation: the European Journal of Social Science Research, 22 (4), 411-421. doi:10.1080/13511610903113349
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Delvenne, P., & Vasen, F. (14 July 2009). Glocalisation of Technology Assessment processes : comparative approach of Belgium and Argentina as part of political science upstream engagement [Paper presentation]. World Congress of Political Science, Santiago, Chile.

Delvenne, P., & Erpicum, M. (13 July 2009). Apropiación Social de la Ciencia en América Latina: Oportunidades de Aprendizaje Social y Político a Través del Desarrollo de Metodologías Participativas [Paper presentation]. 21st World Congress of Political Science, Santiago de Chile, Chile.

Delvenne, P. (27 May 2009). Gouvernance publique et Technology Assessment en Belgique : re-contextualisation d’une initiative wallonne [Paper presentation]. Congrès annuel de la Société Québécoise de Science Politique, Ottawa, Canada.

Delvenne, P. (19 May 2009). Parliamentary Technology Assessment Responding to Reflexive Modernization : a Comparative Analysis [Paper presentation]. Seminar of the Centre for the Study of Democracy, University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom.

Delvenne, P. (30 April 2009). Sciences Institutions Responding to Reflexive Modernization [Paper presentation]. Consejo Superio de Investigaciones Cientificas, Workshop del Intituto de Politicas Publicas.

Fallon, C., & Delvenne, P. (02 March 2009). Contribution pour une évaluation des nouvelles formes de « co-construction » réflexives au sein du régime de l’innovation en Wallonie [Paper presentation]. Pôles de Compétitivité et développement régional, liège, Belgium.

Delvenne, P., Erpicum, M., Hupet, P., & Vasen, F. (2009). Modernidades múltiples y crítica social de las tecnologías. Cuadernos sobre Relaciones Internacionales, Regionalismo y Desarrollo, 4 (7), 65-90.
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Delvenne, P. (2009). Gouvernance et Technology Assessment en Wallonie. Courrier Hebdomadaire du CRISP, 2037, 1-43.
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Delvenne, P., & Chapaux, V. (Eds.). (2009). Apropiación, negociación, implementación e imposición de los modelos de gobernanza en un mundo globalizado. San Cristobal, Venezuela: Universidad de los Andes.

Delvenne, P. (10 December 2008). Parliamentary TA Institutions as Indications of Reflexive Modernization [Paper presentation]. Seminar of the Department of Science, Technology and Policy Studies (STePS) at the University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands.

Brunet, S., Delvenne, P., & Fallon, C. (14 November 2008). La perception sociale des risques: étude de cas sur les champs électromagnétiques en Belgique [Paper presentation]. Consortium for Comparative Research on Regional Integration and Social Cohesion, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Delvenne, P. (29 October 2008). Gestion estrategica de ciencia, tecnologia e inovacion (CTI) : oportunidades para America latina [Paper presentation]. Gestion Internacional de Conflictos, Proyecto de catedra UNESCO, Medellin, Colombia.

Delvenne, P., Fallon, C., Thoreau, F., & Brunet, S. (12 October 2008). From Bio to Nano: Learning From The Past to Shape the Future of Technology Assessment [Paper presentation]. Society for the History Of Technology (SHOT) Annual Meeting, Lisboa, Portugal.

Delvenne, P. (10 October 2008). Gouvernance et Technology Assessment en Wallonie: résultats d'une enquête de terrain [Paper presentation]. Workshop "Gouvernance et Technology Assessment en Wallonie", Liège, Belgium.

Brunet, S., Delvenne, P., Fallon, C., & Gillon, P. (2008). Dealing with nanotechnology: Do the boundaries matter? In S. Martorell, C. Guedes Soares, ... J. Barnett (Eds.), Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Theory and Applications (pp. 3007-3014). London, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.
Peer reviewed

Delvenne, P., Brunet, S., & Fallon, C. (21 August 2008). Upstream STS Engagement in TA regime: the development of regional Technology Assessment in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Conférence conjointe de la Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) et de la European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST), Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Delvenne, P. (06 April 2008). Bridging the Divide Between Science and Society : the Case of Institutionalised Technological Reflexivity [Paper presentation]. Science and Technology in Society Conference, Washington DC, United States.

Delvenne, P. (2008). Nanotechnology in the Framework of Parliamentary Technology Assessment: OPECST, STOA and DBT Case Studies. (Parlement européen 393.535). Bruxelles, Belgium: European Parliament.

Delvenne, P., & Brunet, S. (2008). The Tolerability of Risk. Journal of Risk Research.
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Delvenne, P., Joris, G., & Thoreau, F. (2008). Appréhender l'incertitude: le Technology Assessment au service du processus décisionnel. Pyramides: Revue du Laboratoire d'Études et de Recherches en Administration Publique, 15 (1).
Peer reviewed

Brunet, S., & Delvenne, P. (20 October 2007). Providing Intelligence on Technological Innovations in the Framework of Parliamentary Technology Assessment Offices : Looking Back on a 35 Years Evolution [Paper presentation]. Réunion annuelle de la Society of History Of Technology, Washington DC, United States.

Brunet, S., & Delvenne, P. (12 September 2007). Ways of Knowing Under Great Scientific Uncertainty: Electromagnetic Fields Case Study in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Réunion annuelle de la Society for Social Sciences of Science, Montréal, Montréal, Canada.

Cornélis, B., Brunet, S., Delvenne, P., & Joris, G. (19 June 2007). A conceptual tool for successful participation [Poster presentation]. CIPAST Conference, Naples, Italy.

Brunet, S., Delvenne, P., & Joris, G. (31 May 2007). The precautionary principle : transversal approach of a strategic tool of reorganisation of a changing world [Paper presentation]. 6th Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences, Honolulu, United States.

Delvenne, P. (17 May 2007). The Participative Approach in the Parliamentary Technology Assessment Offices : an Evolving Perspective [Paper presentation]. Imperial College Science and the Public Conference, London, United Kingdom.

Brunet, S., Delvenne, P., & Joris, G. (2007). Le principe de précaution : un outil stratégique de transformation (sub) politique. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie.
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Delvenne, P. (2006). La réforme du Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU: nécessaire mais impossible? [Specialised master, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Delvenne, P., & Brunet, S. (2006). Le Technology Assessment en question. Une analyse comparative. Courrier Hebdomadaire du CRISP, n° 1909-1910, 63.
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Delvenne, P. (2005). Le Technology Assessment en question: analyse comparative [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

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