2013 • In Thibaud; Gourmelon; Gensel, Jérômeet al. (Eds.) SAGEO 2013 - Conférence internationale de Géomatique et d'analyse spatiale - ACTES de la Conférence
modèle intérieur; modèle d’information du bâtiment; BIM; modèle spatial; base de données en graphe; NoSQL; ontologie des espaces intérieurs; services Web; application pour l’intérieur du bâtiment; building information model; Web Services
Abstract :
[en] There are an increasing number of mobile applications supporting specific activities related to the indoor building environment. SpatioData is a research project aiming at the development of a collaborative platform for the effective sharing of building-related data and supporting a wide range of different activities. After presenting the initial requirements of the system, this paper provides a review of the standards for the building modeling and the commercial solutions currently available. Then, it describes the SpatioData building model, as well as the general system architecture.