Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Detection of thin layers into concrete with static and CMP measurements
Van der Wielen, Audrey; Courard, Luc; Nguyen, Frédéric
2012In 2012 14th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
Peer reviewed


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Keywords :
Ground penetrating radar; thin layers; concrete; reflection coefficient
Abstract :
[en] Most concrete bridge decks contain a thin waterproofing layer, whose complex GPR signature can affect the detection of disorders or delaminations into the slab. In this study, we characterized the detection limits of our 2.3 GHz antenna for the detection of thin layers, with static and CMP measurements. In this last configuration, we showed that the radiation pattern and the reflection coefficient estimation are key parameters to use the inversion of the amplitude versus offset (AVO) curves for the estimation of the layer parameters. The theoretical results were compared to the results of FDTD simulations, performed with GprMax2D, and to laboratory measurements, performed on concrete slabs or sand containing thin layers.
Disciplines :
Civil engineering
Author, co-author :
Van der Wielen, Audrey ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département Argenco : Secteur GeMMe > Matériaux de construction non métalliques du génie civil
Courard, Luc  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département Argenco : Secteur GeMMe > Matériaux de construction non métalliques du génie civil
Nguyen, Frédéric ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département Argenco : Secteur GEO3 > Géophysique appliquée
Language :
Title :
Detection of thin layers into concrete with static and CMP measurements
Publication date :
June 2012
Event name :
The 14th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar
Event organizer :
Tongji University
Event place :
Shanghai, China
Event date :
du 4 au 8 juin 2012
Audience :
Main work title :
2012 14th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
Publisher :
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
Funders :
F.R.S.-FNRS - Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique [BE]
Available on ORBi :
since 26 June 2012


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