
Courard Luc

Département ArGEnCo > Matériaux de construction non métalliques du génie civil


See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Michel, Frédéric  (91)
Zhao, Zengfeng  (52)
Garbacz, Andrzej (50)
Hubert, Julien  (43)
Bissonnette, Benoît (40)
Main Referenced Keywords
concrete (86); repair (45); béton (30); adhesion (28); recycling (24);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
UEE - Urban and Environmental Engineering - ULiège (8)
Belgian Road Research Center (1)
C.S.T.C., C.T.P. (1)
CSTC (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Civil engineering (390)
Materials science & engineering (97)
Chemical engineering (15)
Architecture (12)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (8)

Publications (total 485)

The most downloaded
Courard, L., & Michel, F. (2003). Energies libres de surface des solides et des liquides: une approche de la compréhension des phénomènes interfaciaux. In R. Gagné (Ed.), Compte-rendu des Journées Scinetifiques du (RF)2B (pp. 10).

The most cited

221 citations (OpenAlex)

Courard, L., Darimont, A., Schouterden, M., Ferauche, F., Willem, X., & Degeimbre, R. (September 2003). Durability of mortars modified with metakaolin. Cement and Concrete Research, 33 (9), 1473-1479. doi:10.1016/S0008-8846(03)00090-5

Articles in scientific journals with peer reviewing

Hubert, J., Grigoletto, S., Michel, F., Zhao, Z., & Courard, L. (24 May 2024). Development and Properties of Recycled Biomass Fly Ashes Modified Mortars. Recycling, 9 (3), 46. doi:10.3390/recycling9030046
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Fanara, A., Courard, L., & Collin, F. (2024). Numerical FE² Study of Chloride Ingress in Unsaturated Recycled Aggregates Concrete. Cement and Concrete Research. doi:10.1016/j.cemconres.2024.107703
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Muy, Y., Courard, L., Hubert, J., David Bulteel, Sébastien Rémond, Maria Taleb, & Xavier Garnavault. (2024). Mechanical Properties and Freezing and Thawing Behavior of 3D Printing Concrete containing Recycled Fine Aggregates from Construction and Demolition Waste. ACI Materials Journal.
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Bouarroudj, M. E., Rémond, S., Cazacliu, B., Potier, G., Courard, L., & Bulteel, D. (13 September 2023). Effects of Crushing and Grinding on the Porosity of Hardened Cement Paste. Buildings, 13 (9), 2319. doi:10.3390/buildings13092319
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Kazemi, M., Rahif, R., Courard, L., & Attia, S. (01 June 2023). Sensitivity analysis and weather condition effects on hygrothermal performance of green roof models characterized by recycled and artificial materials’ properties. Building and Environment, 237, 110327. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110327
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Koungang B.M., G., Mbouendeu J. O., T., Ndapeu D., Z, Z., G., T., F., M., Njeugna E., A., M., & Courard, L. (13 February 2023). Experimental thermophysical dependent mechanical analysis of earth bricks with Canarium schweinfurthii and Cocos nucifera bio-aggregates - A case study in Cameroon. Cogent Engineering, 10 (1). doi:10.1080/23311916.2022.2159159
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Kazemi, M., Courard, L., & Attia, S. (2023). Water permeability, water retention capacity, and thermal resistance of green roof layers made with recycled and artificial aggregates. Building and Environment, 109776. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109776
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Hubert, J., Zhao Zengfeng, Michel, F., & Courard, L. (2023). Effect of Crushing Method on the Properties of Produced Recycled Concrete Aggregates. Buildings, 13, 2217. doi:10.3390/buildings13092217
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Harassek, P., Garbacz, A., & Courard, L. (2023). Detection of “zero-volume” defects in concrete repair systems using impact-echo method. Theory and Building Practice, 2 (2).
Peer reviewed

Kepniak, M., Zalegowski, K., Courard, L., & Garbacz, A. (2023). Biomass fly ash potential in poland. Rynek Energii, 3 (166), 87-94.
Peer reviewed

Ganou Koungang, B. M., Courard, L., Tatchum Defo, U., Ndapeu, D., Njeugna, E., & Attia, S. (2023). Evaluating Thermal Performance and Environmental Impact of Compressed Earth Blocks with Cocos and Canarium Aggregates: A Study in Douala, Cameroon. International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa, 67, 49-66. doi:10.4028/p-71UmdZ
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Colman, C., Bulteel, D., Elkarim, B. M., Rémond, S., & Courard, L. (19 December 2022). Expansion of concrete by secondary ettringite formation, caused by fine recycled aggregates contaminated with gypsum. Advances in Cement Research, 043, 1-25. doi:10.1680/jadcr.22.00043
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Zhao, Z., Xiao, J., Duan, Z., Hubert, J., Grigoletto, S., & Courard, L. (October 2022). Performance and durability of self-compacting mortar with recycled sand from crushed brick. Journal of Building Engineering, 57, 104867. doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2022.104867
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Zhao, Z., Xiao, J., Damidot, D., Rémond, S., Bulteel, D., & Courard, L. (09 May 2022). Quantification of the Hardened Cement Paste Content in Fine Recycled Concrete Aggregates by Means of Salicylic Acid Dissolution. Materials, 15 (9), 3384. doi:10.3390/ma15093384
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Nshimiyimana, P., Omar Sore, S., Hema, C., Zoungrana, O., Messan, A., & Courard, L. (28 March 2022). A discussion of “optimisation of compressed earth blocks (CEBs) using natural origin materials: A systematic literature review”. Construction and Building Materials, 325, 126887. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.126887
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Al-Obaidy, M., Courard, L., & Attia, S. (13 March 2022). A Parametric Approach to Optimizing Building Construction Systems and Carbon Footprint: A Case Study Inspired by Circularity Principles. Sustainability, 14 (6), 3370. doi:10.3390/su14063370
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Fanara, A., Courard, L., Collin, F., & Hubert, J. (24 February 2022). Transfer Properties in Recycled Aggregates Concrete: Experimental and Numerical Approaches. Construction and Building Materials, 326, 126778. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.126778
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Grigoletto, S., Delaforge, P. L., & Courard, L. (2022). Carbonation of recycled concrete aggregates affected by alkali-silica reaction. Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 40 (2). doi:10.26168/ajce.40.2.21
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Kazemi, M., & Courard, L. (2022). Modelling thermal and humidity transfers within green roof systems: effect of rubber crumbs and volcanic gravel. Advances in Building Energy Research, 116 (3), 296-321. doi:10.1080/17512549.2020.1858961
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Malbila, E., Delvoie, S., Toguyen, D., Courard, L., & Attia, S. (01 January 2022). Improving the Building Energy Efficiency and Thermal Comfort through the Design of Walls in Compressed Earth Blocks of Agricultural and Biopolymer Residues Masonry. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 40 (45), 7-22. doi:10.9734/CJAST/2021/v40i4531624
Peer reviewed

Dime, T., Sore, S. O., Nshimiyimana, P., Messan, A., & Courard, L. (2022). Comparative Study of the Reactivity of Clay Earth Materials for the Production of Compressed Earth Blocks in Ambient Conditions: Effect on Their Physico-Mechanical Performances. Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, 10 (01), 43-56. doi:10.4236/jmmce.2022.101004
Peer reviewed

Kazemi, M., Courard, L., & Hubert, J. (2022). Coarse recycled materials for the drainage and substrate layers of green roof system in dry condition: parametric study and thermal heat transfer. Journal of Building Engineering. doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2021.103487
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Bissonnette, B., Vaysburd, A. M., von Fay, K. F., Harrell, S. J., Courard, L., & Garbacz, A. (2022). Concrete substrate moisture requirements for durable concrete repairs – a field study. MATEC Web of Conferences, 364, 04006. doi:10.1051/matecconf/202236404006
Peer reviewed

Kazemi, M., Madandoust, R., Chastre, C., Esfahani, M. R., & Courard, L. (December 2021). Numerical study on the flexural behaviour of normal- and high-strength concrete beams reinforced with GFRP bar, using different amounts of transverse reinforcement. Structures, 34, 3113-3124. doi:10.1016/j.istruc.2021.09.077
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Kazemi, M., & Courard, L. (2021). Modelling hygrothermal conditions of unsaturated substrate and drainage layers for the thermal resistance assessment of green roof: effect of coarse recycled materials. Energy and Buildings. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111315
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Kazemi, M., Courard, L., & Hubert, J. (24 June 2021). Heat Transfer Measurement within Green Roof with Incinerated Municipal SolidWaste Aggregates. Sustainability, 13 (13), 1-12. doi:10.3390/su13137115
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Kazemi, M., & Courard, L. (21 January 2021). Simulation of humidity and temperature distribution in green roof with pozzolana as drainage layer: influence of outdoor seasonal weather conditions and internal ceiling temperature. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 27 (4), 509-523. doi:10.1080/23744731.2021.1873658
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Courard, L., Zhao, Z., & Michel, F. (January 2021). Influence of hydrophobic product nature and concentration on carbonation resistance of cultural heritage concrete buildings. Cement and Concrete Composites, 115. doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2020.103860
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Grellier, A., Bulteel, D., Bouarroudj, M. E., Remond, S., Zhao, Z., & Courard, L. (2021). Alternative hydraulic binder development based on brick fines: Influence of particle size and substitution rate. Journal of Building Engineering, 102263. doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102263
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Nshimiyimana, P., Courard, L., & Messan, A. (2021). Hydric and Durability Performances of Compressed Earth Blocks Stabilized with Industrial and Agro By-Product Binders: Calcium Carbide Residue and Rice Husk Ash. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 33 (6). doi:10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0003745
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Zhao, Z., Grellier, A., Bouarroudj, M. E., Michel, F., Bulteel, D., & Courard, L. (2021). Substitution of limestone filler by waste brick powder in self-compacting mortar: properties and durability. Journal of Building Engineering, 42 (102898). doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102898
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Bouarroudj, M. E., Remond, S., Grellier, A., Bulteel, D., Michel, F., Zhao, Z., & Courard, L. (2021). Intra-granular porosity of grinded hardened cement paste and bricks: modeling and experimentation. Materials and Structures, 54 (88). doi:10.1617/s11527-021-01670-5
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Colman, C., Bulteel, D., Thiery, V., Rémond, S., Michel, F., & Courard, L. (2021). Internal sulfate attack in mortars containing contaminated fine recycled concrete aggregates. Construction and Building Materials, 272. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.121851
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Franssen, R., Guner, S., Courard, L., & Mihaylov, B. (2021). Numerical Modelling Approach for UHPFRC Members Including Crack Spacing Formulations. Engineering Structures, 238, 112179. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2021.112179
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Bouarroudj, M. E., Remond, S., Bulteel, D., Potier, G., Michel, F., Zhao, Z., & Courard, L. (2021). Use of grinded hardened cement pastes as mineral addition in mortars. Journal of Building Engineering, 101863. doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2020.101863
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Franssen, R., Courard, L., & Mihaylov, B. (2021). Shear Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Walls Retrofitted with UHPFRC Jackets. ACI Structural Journal, 118 (5), 149-160. doi:10.14359/51732825
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Nshimiyimana, P., Hema, C., Zoungrana, O., Messan, A., & Courard, L. (20 November 2020). Thermophysical and mechanical properties of compressed earth blocks containing fibres: By-product of okra plant & polymer waste. WIT: Transactions on the Built Environment, 195, 149-161. doi:10.2495/ARC200121
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Ganou Koungang, B. M., Ndapeu, D., Tchuindjang, J. T., Wenga Ntcheping, B., Tchemou, G., Bistac, S., Njeugna, E., & Courard, L. (14 October 2020). Influence of temperature on the creep behaviour by macroindentation of Cocos nucifera shells and Canarium schweinfurthii cores (bio-shellnut wastes in Cameroon). Materials Research Express, 7 (10), 14. doi:10.1088/2053-1591/abbebb
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Ganou Koungang, B. M., Ndapeu, D., Tchemou, G., Huisken Mejouyo, P. W., Wenga Ntcheping, B., Foba-Tendo, J., Courard, L., & Njeugna, E. (22 September 2020). Physical, Water Diffusion and Micro-Structural Analysis of “Canarium Schweinfurthii Engl”. Materials Sciences and Applications, 11 (9), 626-643. doi:10.4236/msa.2020.119042
Peer reviewed

Nshimiyimana, P., Messan, A., & Courard, L. (26 August 2020). Physico-Mechanical and Hygro-Thermal Properties of Compressed Earth Blocks Stabilized with Industrial and Agro By-Product Binders. Materials, 13, 1-17. doi:10.3390/ma13173769
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Courard, L., Rondeux, M., Zhao, Z., & Michel, F. (05 July 2020). Use of Recycled Fine Aggregates from C&DW for Unbound Road Sub-Base. Materials, 13 (13), 2994. doi:10.3390/ma13132994
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Mabila, E., Delvoie, S., Toguyeni, D., Attia, S., & Courard, L. (15 May 2020). An Experimental Study on the Use of Fonio Straw and Shea Butter Residue for Improving the Thermophysical and Mechanical Properties of Compressed Earth Blocks. Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, 8 (2), 107-132. doi:10.4236/jmmce.2020.83008
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Bissonnette, B., Garbacz, A., Vaysburd, A., & von Fay, K. (2020). Specification Guidelines for Surface Preparation of Concrete prior to Repair. Concrete International, 53-61.
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Nshimiyimana, P., Fagel, N., Messan, A., Wetshondo, D. O., & Courard, L. (30 April 2020). Physico-chemical and mineralogical characterization of clay materials suitable for production of stabilized compressed earth blocks. Construction and Building Materials, 241, 118097. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.118097
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Nshimiyimana, P., Moussa, S. H., Messan, A., & Courard, L. (2020). Effects of production and curing conditions on performances of stabilized compressed earth blocks: Kaolinite vs quartz-rich materials. MRS Advances. doi:10.1557/adv.2020.155
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Prochon, P., Zhao, Z., Courard, L., Piotrowski, T., Michel, F., & Garbacz, A. (25 February 2020). Influence of Activators on Mechanical Properties of Modified Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Mortars. Materials, 13 (5). doi:10.3390/ma13051033
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Ganou Koungang, B. M., Ndapeu, D., Tchemou, G., Messan, A., Njeugna, E., & Courard, L. (2020). Challenge to enhance the value of the Cameroonian Coastal earth: physical tests and mechanical characterization of earth material. SN Applied Sciences, 2 (1340). doi:10.1007/s42452-020-3141-1
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Zhao, Z., Courard, L., Groslambert, S., Jehin, T., Léonard, A., & Xiao, J. (2020). Use of recycled concrete aggregates from precast block for the production of new building blocks: an industrial scale study. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 157 (104786). doi:10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.104786
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Colman, C., Bulteel, D., Remond, S., Zhao, Z., & Courard, L. (2020). Valorization of Fine Recycled Aggregates Contaminated with Gypsum Residues: Characterization and Evaluation of the Risk for Secondary Ettringite Formation. Materials, 13, 4866. doi:10.3390/ma13214866
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Courard, L. (2020). Construction en terre, ressources secondaires et matériaux bio-sourcés: un avenir pour l’Afrique. Bulletin des Séances de l'Académie Royale des Sciences d'Outre-Mer, 1, 103-118. doi:10.5281/zenodo.6538763
Peer reviewed

Delvoie, S., Courard, L., Hubert, J., Zhao, Z., & Michel, F. (2020). Construction and Demolition Wastes: specific conditions for recycling in North West Europe. Cement, Wapno, Beton, 1, 3-20. doi:10.32047/CWB.2020.25.1.1
Peer reviewed

Nshimiyimana, P., Messan, A., & Courard, L. (2020). Hydric and durability performances of compressed earth blocks stabilized with industrial and agro by-product binders: calcium carbide residue and rice husk ash. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. doi:10.1061/%28ASCE%29MT.1943-5533.0003745
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Moussa, S. H., Nshimiyimana, P., Hema, C., Zoungrana, O., Messan, A., & Courard, L. (22 October 2019). Comparative Study of Thermal Comfort Induced from Masonry Made of Stabilized Compressed Earth Block vs Conventional Cementitious Material. Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, 7 (385-403), 385-403. doi:10.4236/jmmce.2019.76026
Peer reviewed

Nshimiyimana, P., Messan, A., Zhao, Z., & Courard, L. (11 May 2019). Chemico-microstructural changes in earthen building materials containing calcium carbide residue and rice husk ash. Construction and Building Materials, 216, 622-631. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.05.037
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Mahy, J., Pàez Martinez, C., Hollevoet, J., Courard, L., Boonen, E., & Lambert, S. (2019). Durable photocatalytic thin coatings for road applications. Construction and Building Materials, 215, 422-434. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.04.222
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Bouarroudj, M. E., Remond, S., Michel, F., Zhao, Z., Bulteel, D., & Courard, L. (2019). Use of a reference limestone fine aggregate to study the fresh and hard behavior of mortar made with recycled fine aggregate. Materials and Structures, 52 (18). doi:10.1617/s11527-019-1325-1
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Nkwaju, R., Djobo, J. N., Nouping, N., Huisken, W., Deutou, J., & Courard, L. (2019). Iron-rich laterite-bagasse fibers based geopolymer composite: Mechanical, durability and insulating properties. Applied Clay Science. doi:10.1016/j.clay.2019.105333
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Zhao, Z., Benzerzour, M., Abriak, N.-E., Damidot, D., & Courard, L. (2018). Use of uncontaminated marine sediments in mortar and concrete by partial substitution of cement. Cement and Concrete Composites. doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2018.07.010
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Zhao, Z., Remond, S., Damidot, D., Courard, L., & Michel, F. (2018). Improving the properties of recycled concrete aggregates by accelerated carbonation. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Construction Materials. doi:10.1680/jcoma.17.00015
Peer reviewed

Nshimiyimana, P., Miraucourt, D., Messan, A., & Courard, L. (2018). Calcium Carbide Residue and Rice Husk Ash for improving the Compressive Strength of Compressed Earth Blocks. MRS Advances. doi:10.1557/adv.2018.147
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Wang, F., Kovler, K., Provis, J. L., Buchwald, A., Cyr, M., UPS, I., LMDC (Laboratoire Matériaux et Durabilité Des Constructions), Patapy, C., UPS, I., LMDC (Laboratoire Matériaux et Durabilité Des Constructions), Kamali-Bernard, S., Courard, L., & Sideris, K. (2018). Metakaolin. RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, 25, 153-179. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-70606-1_5
Peer reviewed

Di Maio, L., Coppola, B., Courard, L., Michel, F., Incarnato, L., & Scarfato, P. (2018). Data on thermal conductivity, water vapour permeability and water absorption of a cementitious mortar containing end-of-waste plastic aggregates. Data in Brief. doi:10.1016/j.dib.2018.03.128
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Courard, L., Michel, F., Pierre, C., Vanhamme, G., Lauch, K.-S., Dieryck, V., & Pollet, V. (2018). Compatibility of superplasticizers with fly ash and limestone fillers ternary blended cements. Cement and Concrete Composites.
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Zhao, Z., Courard, L., Michel, F., Remond, S., & Damidot, D. (2018). Influence of granular fraction and origin of recycled concrete aggregates on their properties. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering. doi:10.1080/19648189.2017.1304281
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Hadj Sadok, A., & Courard, L. (2018). Chloride diffusion and oxygen permeability of mortars with low active blast furnace slag. Construction and Building Materials, 181, 319–324. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.06.036
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Coppola, B., Courard, L., Michel, F., Incarnato, L., Scarfato, P., & Di Maio, L. (2018). Hygro-themal and durability properties of a lightweight mortar made with foamed plastic waste aggregates. Construction and Building Materials, 170, 200-206. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.03.083
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Krobba, B., Bouhicha, M., Kenaï, S., & Courard, L. (2018). Formulation of low cost eco-repair mortar based on dune sand and Stipa tenacissima microfibers plant. Construction and Building Materials, 171, 950-959. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.03.200
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Juimo Tchamdjou, W. H., Grigoletto, S., Michel, F., Courard, L., Cherradi, T., & Abidi, M. L. (2017). An investigation on the use of coarse volcanic scoria as sand in Portland cement mortar. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 7. doi:10.1016/j.cscm.2017.07.005
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Courard, L., & Parmentier, V. (2017). Carbonated miscanthus mineralized aggregates for reducing environmental impact of lightweight concrete blocks. Sustainable Buildings, 2 (3). doi:10.1051/sbuild/2017004
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Courard, L., & Vallas, T. (2017). Using nature in architecture: building a living house with mycelium and living trees. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 6, 318-328. doi:10.1016/j.foar.2017.05.003
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Costes, J.-P., Evrard, A., Biot, B., Keutgen, G., DARAS, A., Dubois, S., Lebeau, F., & Courard, L. (2017). Thermal Conductivity of Straw Bales: Full Size Measurements Considering the Direction of the Heat Flow. Buildings, 7 (11), 1-15. doi:10.3390/buildings7010011
Peer reviewed

Garbacz, A., Piotrowski, T., Courard, L., & Kwaśniewski, L. (2017). On the evaluation of interface quality in concrete repair system by means of impact-echo signal analysis. Construction and Building Materials, 134, 311-323. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.12.064
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HE, H., Courard, L., Pirard, E., & Michel, F. (November 2016). SHAPE ANALYSIS OF FINE AGGREGATES USED FOR CONCRETE. Image Analysis and Stereology, 35 (3), 159-166. doi:10.5566/ias.1400
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Courard, L., & Bissonnette, B. (2016). Réparation des ouvrages en béton armé - Partie 1 : Pathologies et diagnostic. Techniques de l'Ingénieur. Analyse Chimique et Caractérisation.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., & Bissonnette, B. (2016). Réparation des ouvrages en béton armé - Partie 2 : Compatibilité et performances. Techniques de l'Ingénieur. Analyse Chimique et Caractérisation.
Peer reviewed

Coppola, B., Courard, L., Michel, F., Incarnato, L., & Maio, L. D. (2016). Investigation on the use of foamed plastic waste as natural aggregates replacement in lightweight mortar. Composites. Part B, Engineering, 99, 75 - 83. doi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2016.05.058
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Vaysburd, A., Bissonnette, B., Garbacz, A., & Courard, L. (2016). Specifying Concrete Repair Materials. Materialy Budowlane, 3 (523), 42-45. doi:10.15199/33.2016.03.13
Peer reviewed

He, H., Stroeven, P., Pirard, E., & Courard, L. (2015). On the Shape Simulation of Aggregate and Cement Particles in a DEM System. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. doi:10.1155/2015/692768
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Courard, L., Parmentier, V., & Michel, F. (2015). Carbonated concrete blocks for CO2 captation. Materialy Budowlane, 10, 116-118. doi:10.15199/33.2015.10.35
Peer reviewed

Arvaniti, E., Juenger, M., Bernal, S., Duchesne, J., Courard, L., Leroy, S., Provis, J., Klemm, A., & De Belie, N. (2015). Physical Characterization Methods for Supplementary Cementitious Materials. Materials and Structures, 48 (11), 3675-3686. doi:10.1617/s11527-014-0430-4
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Arvaniti, E., Juenger, M., Bernal, S., Duchesne, J., Courard, L., Leroy, S., Provis, J., Klemm, A., & De Belie, N. (2015). Determination of Particle Size, Surface Area, and Shape of Supplementary Cementitious Materials by Using Different Techniques. Materials and Structures, 48 (11), 3687-3701. doi:10.1617/s11527-014-0431-3
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Lucquiaud, V., Courard, L., Gérard, O., Michel, F., Handy, M., Aggoun, S., & Cousture, A.-L. (December 2014). Evaluation of the durability of hydrophobic treatments on concrete architectural heritage. Restoration of Buildings and Monuments, 20 (6), 395–404. doi:10.12900/rbm14.20.6-0038
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Degée, H., & Darimont, A. (October 2014). Effects of the presence of free lime nodules into concrete: experimentation and modelling. Cement and Concrete Research, 64, 73-88. doi:10.1016/j.cemconres.2014.06.005
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Van der Wielen, A., Nguyen, F., & Courard, L. (2014). Détermination des propriétés de couches dans le béton à l'aide d'un géoradar commercial à hautes fréquences: approche pic-à-pic et analyse fréquentielle du coefficient de réflexion. Annales du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Bissonnette, B., Garbacz, A., Vaysburd, A., von Fay, K., Moczulski, G., & Morency, M. (2014). Effect of misalignment on pulloff test results: numerical and experimental assessments. ACI Materials Journal, 111 (2), 153-162. doi:10.14359/51686451
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Courard, L., Michel, F., Perkowicz, S., & Garbacz, A. (January 2014). Effects of limestone fillers on surface free energy and electrical conductivity of the interstitial solution of cement mixes. Cement and Concrete Composites, 45, 111-116. doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2013.09.014
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Courard, L., & Michel, F. (2014). Particle size distribution of limestone fillers: granulometry and specific surface area investigations. Particulate Science and Technology, 32 (4). doi:10.1080/02726351.2013.873503
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Courard, L., & Michel, F. (January 2014). Limestone fillers cement-based composites: effects of blast furnace slags on fresh and hardened properties. Construction and Building Materials, 51, 439-445. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2013.10.076
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Courard, L., Piotrowski, T., & Garbacz, A. (2014). Near-to-Surface properties affecting bond strength in concrete repair. Cement and Concrete Composites, 46, 73-80. doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2013.11.005
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Louis, A., Evrard, A., Courard, L., Biot, B., & Lebeau, F. (2013). De l’expérimentation à la modélisation des propriétés hygrothermiques de parois isolées en paille. Annales du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics, 34-40.
Peer reviewed

Garbacz, A., Courard, L., & Bissonnette, B. (2013). A surface engineering approach applicable to concrete repair engineering. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, 61 (1), 73-84. doi:10.2478/bpasts-2013-0006
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Bennamoun, L., Kahlerras, L., Michel, F., Courard, L., Salmon, T., Fraikin, L., Belhamri, A., & Léonard, A. (2013). Determination of Moisture Diffusivity During Drying of Mortar Cement: Experimental and Modeling Study. International Journal of Energy Engineering, 3 (1), 1-6.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Courard, L., Bissonnette, B., Beushausen, H., Fowler, D., Trevino, M., Alex, V., & Johan, S. (2013). Recommendations for the repair, the lining or the strengthening of concrete slabs or pavements with bonded cement-based material overlays. Materials and Structures, 46, 481-494. doi:10.1617/s11527-012-9929-8
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Van der Wielen, A., Courard, L., & Nguyen, F. (2012). Static Detection of Thin Layers into Concrete with Ground Penetrating Radar. Restoration of Buildings and Monuments, 18 (3/4), 247-254.
Peer reviewed

Hadj Sadok, A., Kenaï, S., Courard, L., Michel, F., & Khatib, J. (2012). Durability of mortar and concretes containing slag with low hydraulic activity. Cement and Concrete Composites, 34 (5), 671–677. doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2012.02.011
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Courard, L., Martin, M., Goffinet, C., Migeotte, N., Pierard, J., & Pollet, V. (2012). Influence of the reuse of OSB and marine plywood formworks on concrete surface aesthetics. Materials and Structures, 45 (9), 1331-1343. doi:10.1617/s11527-012-9835-0
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Courard, L., Bissonnette, B., Vaysburd, A., Bélair, N., & Lebeau, F. (2012). Comparison of Destructive Methods to Appraise the Mechanical Integrity of a Concrete Surface. Concrete Repair Bulletin, 25 (4), 22-30.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Gillard, A., Darimont, A., Bleus, J.-M., & Paquet, P. (2012). Pathologies of concrete in Saint-Vincent Neo-Byzantine Church and Pauchot reinforced artificial stone. Construction and Building Materials, 34, 201-210. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2012.02.070
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Courard, L., Michel, F., & Piérard, J. (2011). Influence of clay in limestone fillers for self compacting cement based composites. Construction and Building Materials, 25, 1356-1361. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2010.09.009
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Courard, L., Lenaers, J.-F., Michel, F., & Garbacz, A. (2011). Saturation level of the superficial zone of concrete and adhesion of repair systems. Construction and Building Materials, 25 ((5)), 2488-2494. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2010.11.076
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Hadj Sadok, A., Kenaï, S., Courard, L., & Darimont, A. (2011). Microstructure and durability of mortars modified with medium active blast furnace slag. Construction and Building Materials, 25 (2), 1018-1025. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2010.06.077
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Courard, L., Darimont, A., Louis, A., & Michel, F. (2011). Mineralization of bio-based materials: effect on cement-based mix properties. Bulletin of the Polytechnic Institute of Jassy, Construction. Architecture Section, LIV (LVIII).
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Courard, L., Paquet, P., & Gillard, A. (2011). Churches and concrete in Liège district: history, architecture and pathologies. Restoration of Buildings and Monuments, 17 (1), 3–14.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Michel, F., & Martin, M. (2011). The evaluation of the surface free energy of liquids and solids in concrete technology. Construction and Building Materials, 25, 260-266. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2010.06.030
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Courard, L., & Garbacz, A. (2010). Surfology: what does it mean for polymer concrete composites? Restoration of Buildings and Monuments, 16 (4/5), 1-12.
Peer reviewed

Piotrowski, T., Garbacz, A., Van der Wielen, A., Courard, L., & Nguyen, F. (2010). Relation between bond quality and impact-echo frequency spectrum. Restoration of Buildings and Monuments, 16 (4/5), 303-314.
Peer reviewed

Debieb, F., Kenaï, S., Courard, L., & Degeimbre, R. (2010). Mechanical and durability properties of concrete using contaminated recycled aggregates. Cement and Concrete Composites, 32 (6), 421-426. doi:10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2010.03.004
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Perez, F., Bissonnette, B., & Courard, L. (August 2009). Combination of mechanical and optical profilometry techniques for concrete surface roughness characterization. Magazine of Concrete Research, 61(6), 389-400. doi:10.1680/macr.2008.61.6.389
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Courard, L., Debieb, F., Kenai, S., & Degeimbre, R. (2009). Roller Compacted Concrete with contaminated recycled aggregates. Construction and Building Materials, 23, 3382-87. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2009.06.031
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Courard, L., Michel, F., & Delhez, P. (2009). Use of concrete road recycled aggregates for Roller Compacted Concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 24 ((3)), 390-395. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2009.08.040
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Michel, F., Piérard, J., & Courard, L. (2008). Application du concept de performance équivalente aux bétons additionnés de fillers calcaires. Annales du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics, 3, 6-10.
Peer reviewed

Czarnecki, L., Courard, L., & Garbacz, A. (December 2007). Ocena skutecznosci napraw – wplyw jakosci podkladu betonowego. Inzynieria i Budownictwo (Engineering and Building Industry), 12, 630-634.
Peer reviewed

Bissonnette, B., Courard, L., Vaysburd, A., & Bélair, N. (December 2006). Concrete removal techniques: influence on residual cracking and bond strength. Concrete International, 28 (12), 49-55.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Garbacz, A., Courard, L., & Kostana, K. (June 2006). Characterization of concrete surface roughness and its relation to adhesion in repair systems. Materials Characterization, 56 (4-mai Sp. Iss. SI), 281-289. doi:10.1016/j.matchar.2005.10.014
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Garbacz, A., Piotrowski, T., & Courard, L. (2006). Inżyneria powierzchni betonu. Część 1. Struktura geometryczna powierzchni. Materialy Budowlane, 9, 3-7.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L. (June 2005). Adhesion of repair systems to concrete: influence of interfacial topography and transport phenomena. Magazine of Concrete Research, 57 (5), 273-282. doi:10.1680/macr.2005.57.5.273
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Garbacz, A., Gorka, M., & Courard, L. (February 2005). Effect of concrete surface treatment on adhesion in repair systems. Magazine of Concrete Research, 57 (1), 49-60. doi:10.1680/macr.2005.57.1.49
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Courard, L., & Bissonnette, B. (June 2004). Essai dérivé de l’essai d’adhérence pour la caractérisation de la cohésion superficielle des supports en béton dans les travaux de réparation : analyse des paramètres d’essai. Materials and Structures, 37 (269), 342-350. doi:10.1007/bf02481681
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Courard, L., & Degeimbre, R. (December 2003). A capillary action test for the investigation of adhesion in repair technology. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 30 (6), 1101-1110. doi:10.1139/l03-061
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Courard, L., Darimont, A., Schouterden, M., Ferauche, F., Willem, X., & Degeimbre, R. (September 2003). Durability of mortars modified with metakaolin. Cement and Concrete Research, 33 (9), 1473-1479. doi:10.1016/S0008-8846(03)00090-5
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Courard, L., & Nélis, M. (August 2003). Surface analysis of mineral substrates for repair works: roughness evaluation by profilometry and surfometry analysis. Magazine of Concrete Research, 55 (4), 355-366. doi:10.1680/macr.2003.55.4.355
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Courard, L., Degeimbre, R., Darimont, A., Laval, A. L., Dupont, L., & Bertrand, L. (July 2002). Use of municipal solid waste incineration residues in the precasting of concrete paving. Materials and Structures, 35 (250), 365-372. doi:10.1617/13788
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Courard, L. (April 2002). Evaluation of thermodynamic properties of concrete substrates and cement slurries modified with admixtures. Materials and Structures, 35 (247), 149-155. doi:10.1007/BF02533583
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Courard, L., Rademaker, C., & Teller, P. (August 2001). Environmental evaluation of materials and buildings processes : application of the life cycle analysis to the construction of an industrial hall. Materials and Structures, 34, 404-412. doi:10.1007/BF02482286
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Courard, L. (January 2000). Parametric Study for the Creation of the Interface between Concrete and Repair Products. Materials and Structures, 33, 65-72. doi:10.1007/BF02481698
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Courard, L., & Antoine, R. (1996). Perforation Strength of Geosynthetics and Sphericity of Coarse Grains: a new approach. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 14, 585-600. doi:10.1016/S0266-1144(96)00043-X
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Courard, L., & Rigo, J.-M. (1992). The use of bituminous concrete reinforced by fibres for road surfaces. Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica, XV (3-4), 31-48.
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Scientific conferences in universities or research centers

Ta, M. P. B., & Courard, L. (23 May 2024). SUITABILITY TESTS FOR 3D PRINTING WITH CEMENTIOUS MORTARS [Paper presentation]. 2024 Annual Belgian Ceramic Sociely Meeting, Liege, Belgium.

Kanjo, I. E., Hubert, J., Tchuindjang, J. T., Michel, F., Marquis, S., Descamps, P., Dupont, L., & Courard, L. (2024). Amélioration des propriétés physiques des mâchefers d'incinérateur d'ordures ménagères par carbonatation accélérée: conditions et propriétés [Paper presentation]. 22e édition des journées scientifiques du Regroupement Francophone pour la Recherche et la Formation sur le Béton (RF)²B, Rennes, France.

Kanjo, I. E., Hubert, J., & Courard, L. (January 2024). Accelerated carbonation of Municipal Solid Waste Incinerated Bottom Ashes: a sustainable approach for CO2 sequestration [Paper presentation]. Federation of Researchers in Innovative Technologies for CO2 Transformation Day (FRITCO2T Day), Liège, Belgium.

Nshimiyimana, P., Messan, A., & Courard, L. (2023). Un habitat en terre crue de meilleure qualité pour la population urbaine au Burkina Faso [Paper presentation]. Semaine mondiale de la Francophonie Scientifique, Québec, Canada.

Courard, L., & Hubert, J. (2023). Needs and availability of secondary resources in the construction industry: scientific challenges [Paper presentation]. Collaborative 2020 Foreign Expert Project, Shangaï, China.

Kazemi, M., & Courard, L. (18 October 2022). SELECTING CRITERIA AND WATER PERMEABILITY MEASUREMENT OF RECYCLED AND ARTIFICIAL MATERIALS FOR GREEN ROOF LAYERS [Paper presentation]. CitiesAlive: 19th Annual Green Roof and Wall Conference, Philadelphia, United States.

Kazemi, M., & Courard, L. (25 May 2022). Thermal Resistance Measurement of Green Roof Layers with Coarse Artificial and Recycled Materials [Paper presentation]. Doctoral Seminars on Sustainability Research in the Built Environment (DS²BE), Ghent, Belgium.

Hubert, J., Bulteel;David, Remond;Sébastien, Groslambert, S., Muy, Y., Courard, L., Léonard, A., Sheryl Lee, Merzouki;Rochdi, & Mansouri;Mohammad. (24 March 2022). CIRMAP 1st Public Meeting [Paper presentation]. CIRMAP 1st Public Meeting, Liège, Belgium.

Zhao, Z., HYOUMBI TCHUNGOUELIEU, W., Michel, F., & Courard, L. (September 2020). Use of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash for roller compacted concrete [Paper presentation]. 74th RILEM Annual Week & 40th Cement and Concrete Science Conference.

Hubert, J., de Froidmont; Claire, Chapelle; Robin, Duvivier ; Didier, Mariage ; Thibault, Zhao, Z., Michel, F., & Courard, L. (March 2020). SeRaMCo Final Conference : Influence of the wet process on the quality of recycled aggregates [Paper presentation]. SeRaMCo Final Conference.

Courard, L. (2019). Réparations durables du béton: principes et règles techniques pour mortiers projetés [Paper presentation]. Mortiers projetés pour la réparation et la protection durable du béton, Liège, Belgium.

Nshimiyimana, P., Messan, A., & Courard, L. (13 December 2018). Amélioration des performances des briques en terre comprimées à travers une réaction pouzzolanique [Paper presentation]. SustainEng2018, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Courard, L. (December 2018). Transforming wastes into secondary resources: challenges for construction industry [Paper presentation]. Seminar for Mst and PhD students, Warsaw, Poland.

Prochon, P., Zhao, Z., Piotrowski, T., Michel, F., Garbacz, A., & Courard, L. (08 November 2018). Influence of alkali activator on fly ash based geopolymer formation [Paper presentation]. III Francophone International Conference NoMaD 2018.

Grellier, A., Zhao, Z., Remond, S., Courard, L., & Bulteel, D. (November 2018). Caractérisation de briques pour l’élaboration de liants hydrauliques [Paper presentation]. NoMaD 2018, Liège, Belgium.

Colman, C., Zhao, Z., Michel, F., Remond, S., Bulteel, D., & Courard, L. (26 August 2018). Gypsum residues in recycled materials: characterization of fine recycled aggregates [Paper presentation]. 4th International conference on service life design for infrastructure, Delft, Netherlands.

Zhao, Z., Courard, L., Michel, F., Remond, S., & Delvoie, S. (26 August 2018). Effects of limestone filler on the behaviour of recycled aggregate concrete [Paper presentation]. 4th International conference on service life design for infrastructure, Delft, Netherlands.

Zhao, Z., Courard, L., Michel, F., & Remond, S. (2018). Use of biomass fly ash as partial replacement in the manufacture of mortars [Paper presentation]. 100 ans du Laboratoire des Matériaux de Construction - EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Bouarroudj, M. E., Colman, C., Robinet, E., Zhao, Z., Michel, F., Courard, L., Remond, S., & Buleteel, D. (06 July 2017). Utilisation du béton recyclé dans la formulation des bétons auto-compactants [Paper presentation]. Regroupement Francophone pour la Recherche et la Formation sur le Béton (RF)²B, Québec, Canada.

Bissonnette, B., Courard, L., & Garbacz, A. (20 February 2017). Adhérence des réparations en béton: concepts, facteurs d'influence et évaluation [Paper presentation]. Adhérence des réparations en béton: concepts, facteurs d'nfluence et évaluation, Québec, Canada.

Courard, L., Garbacz, A., & Bissonnette, B. (20 February 2017). Notions de compatibilité relatives au développement de l'adhérence [Paper presentation]. Adhérence des réparations en béton: concepts, facteurs d'nfluence et évaluation, Québec, Canada.

Garbacz, A., Bissonnette, B., & Courard, L. (20 February 2017). Surface characterization methods for quality control of repair [Paper presentation]. Adhérence des réparations en béton: concepts, facteurs d'nfluence et évaluation, Québec, Canada.

Bissonnette, B., Courard, L., & Garbacz, A. (20 February 2017). Mesure de l'adhérence et principaux paramètres d'influence [Paper presentation]. Adhérence des réparations en béton: concepts, facteurs d'nfluence et évaluation, Québec, Canada.

Courard, L. (06 December 2016). Why and how to repair concrete? Compatibility assessment [Paper presentation]. Seminar on the repair of concrete, Warsaw, Poland.

Courard, L. (26 April 2016). Réparation des bétons: principes, matériaux et techniques [Paper presentation]. Cycle de formation sur la réparation des bétons dégradés, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Courard, L. (15 April 2016). Epuisement des ressources et construction durable [Paper presentation]. Séminaire sur les matériaux durables, Québec, Canada.

Courard, L. (20 October 2015). Geosynthetics : materials, design, durability and applications [Paper presentation]. Conférence-formation au SPW DGO Agriculture, Ressources naturelles et environnement - Sols et Déchets, Namur, Belgium.

Courard, L. (20 March 2015). Ressources secondaires et matériaux bio-sourcés pour une construction durable [Paper presentation]. Séminaire sur la durabilité des matériaux, Québec, Canada.

Courard, L. (12 February 2015). Pourquoi certaines réparations échouent-elles ? Un problème de compatibilité ! [Paper presentation]. Who’s managing the quality in the concrete repair market ?, Liège, Belgium.

Courard, L. (06 November 2014). Ressources secondaires et matériaux bio-sourcés: complémentarité pour une construction durable [Paper presentation]. Les jeudis des sciences - Conférence 203, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Courard, L. (27 October 2014). Why and how to repair concrete? Compatibility assessment [Paper presentation]. Warsaw University of Technology - Lessons for Building Materials students group, Warsaw, Poland.

Courard, L. (26 August 2014). Matériaux du futur: ressources naturelles ou secondaires? [Paper presentation]. 52ème Congrès des Professeurs de Sciences, Liège, Belgium.

Rondeux, M., Courard, L., Michel, F., Vanhamme, G., Pierre, C., Pollet, V., Lecomte, I., & Dieryck, V. (03 July 2014). Durabilité des ciments ternaires à base de laitier vis-à-vis des attaques sulfatiques [Paper presentation]. (RF)2B, Douai, France.

Courard, L. (June 2014). Concrete Surface Engineering for Cultural Heritage [Paper presentation]. CONSERVING CONCRETE HERITAGE: AN EXPERTS MEETING TO IDENTIFY RESEARCH NEEDS TO ADVANCE THE FIELD, Los Angeles, United States.

Grigoletto, S., & Courard, L. (2014). Argile, miscanthus et autres matériaux bio-sourcés [Paper presentation]. Utilisation  des  éco- matériaux  dans  la  construction,  avancées dans la Grande Région, Arlon, Belgium.

Courard, L. (17 December 2013). Recycling and sustainable development [Paper presentation]. Coopération scientifique entre l'Université de Liège et l'Université Polytechnique de Timisoara.

Courard, L. (09 May 2012). Quels critères de choix pour les matériaux de demain? [Paper presentation]. Conférence sur invitation, Blida, Algeria.

Courard, L., Pirard, E., & He, H. (2012). Physical and chemical characteristics of natural limestone fillers: mix properties and packing density [Paper presentation]. RILEM TC Supplementary Cementitious Materials, Limassol, Cyprus.

Courard, L., Gillard, A., & Paquet, P. (08 July 2011). Histoire des ouvrages religieux en béton en province de Liège: état des lieux et pathologies [Paper presentation]. 12èmes Journées scientifiques pour la Recherche et la Formation dans le domaine du Béton, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Courard, L., & Martin, M. (24 March 2011). Influence des composants des interfaces béton - agent démoulant - coffrage sur l'aspect des parements en béton [Paper presentation]. Corrélation entre la nature des huiles de décoffrage et la qualité des parements - Rôle de l'interface béton/huile/coffrage, Béthune, France.

Courard, L., & Garbacz, A. (29 November 2010). Surfology: new investigations techniques and approaches [Paper presentation]. Concrete repair sciences: new trends - 10 years cooperation between the University of Liège and the Politechnika Warsawska, Liège, Belgium.

Dotreppe, J.-C., Franssen, J.-M., Somja, H., Courard, L., Darimont, A., Michel, F., & Van der Wielen, A. (21 October 2010). Recherche dans le domaine du béton à l'Université de Liège (2009-2010) [Paper presentation]. Journée Belge du Béton, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Van der Wielen, A., Nguyen, F., & Courard, L. (27 August 2010). Utilisation du GPR pour la détection des discontinuités dans les tabliers de ponts [Paper presentation]. 11e édition des Journées Scientifiques du (RF)2B, Québec, Canada.

Scientific congresses and symposiums

Published communications

Baret, E., Kaleghi, M., Fournier, B., Bissonnette, B., & Courard, L. (2025). Correlation between damage parameters and mechanical proper-ties of concrete affected by ASR. In H. Beushausen, J. Ndawula, M. Alexander, F. Dehn, ... P. Moyo, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (59, pp. 118-123). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-75507-1_12
Peer reviewed

Fanara, A., Courard, L., & Collin, F. (2024). Multiscale Finite Element Study of the Effects of the Water Retention Curve Hysteresis on Chloride Ingress in Recycled Aggregates Concrete. In 9th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. SCIPEDIA. doi:10.23967/eccomas.2024.045
Editorial reviewed

Kanjo, I. E., Hubert, J., Tchuindjang, J. T., Séverine Marquis, Philippe Descamps, Laurent Dupont, & Courard, L. (2024). Accelerated carbonation of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash for alternative aggregate production. In Radhakrishna G. Pillai, Piyush Chaunsali, Manu Santhanam, ... Ravindra Gettu, Proceedings of 10th International Conference (CONSEC24) (pp. 145-150). Chennai, India: Indian Institut of Technology (IIT) Madras.
Peer reviewed

Van der Wielen, A., Smets, S., Van Hoye, T., Hubert, J., Courard, L., Cerica, D., Léonard, A., NGanjie, J., & Schaerlaekens, S. (2024). Optimizing vibration parameters of thick single-layer concrete pavements: results of the Belgian Monocrete project. In Proceeding of the 13th International Congress on Concrete Pavements. International Society for Concrete Pavements.
Peer reviewed

Muy, Y., Courard, L., Bulteel, D., Remond, S., Taleb, M., El Cheikh, K., & Hubert, J. (2024). Influence of nozzle diameter on the anisotropy of compressive strength – measured on 3D Printing Concrete designed with Recycled Fine Aggregates. In Proceedings. Paris, France: RILEM Publications S.A.R.L.
Peer reviewed

Kanjo, I. E., Hubert, J., & Courard, L. (2024). EFFICIENCY OF PROCESSES FOR THE CARBONATION OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTES BOTTOM ASH. In Conference Proceedings (pp. 114-115). Hong-Kong, China: Hong Kong Polytechnique University.

Grigoletto, S., Hubert, J., Duchesne, J., Bissonnette, B., Michel, F., & Courard, L. (2024). Mitigation of alkali-silica reaction through carbonation of recycled concrete aggregates. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete. Springer, Cham.
Peer reviewed

Fanara, A., Hubert, J., Michel, F., Collin, F., & Courard, L. (2023). Étude expérimentale et numérique de l'influence des granulats recyclés sur les cycles humidification séchage dans un béton. In Comptes-Rendus Journées Scientifiques RF2B 2023 répertoire. RF2B.
Editorial reviewed

Fanara, A., Courard, L., & Collin, F. (2023). Numerical and Experimental Study of Chloride Ion Transport in Recycled Aggregates Concrete. In Special Issue - NoMaD 2022 (Vol. 40 No.2). Academic Journal of Civil Engineering. doi:10.26168/ajce.40.2.17
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Grellier, A., & Bulteel, D. (2023). Recycled brick fines for new alkali activated binder. In Book of abstracts. Warsaw, Poland: Warsaw University of Technology.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., & Hubert, J. (2023). OVERCOMING TECHNICAL AND REGULATORY BARRIERS FOR A BETTER CIRCULAR ECONOMY IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY. In Yury Villagran, Annette Muller, ... Ines Düring, Proceedings of the V International Conference Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment (RILEM proceedings). Champs-sur-Marne, Unknown/unspecified: RILEM Publications S.A.R.L.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Grigoletto, S., Muy, Y., Michel, F., Fanara, A., & Hubert, J. (2023). NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN THE RECYCLING OF CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTES FOR THE CONCRETE INDUSTRY. In J. Sustercic, Multi-component fine-grained concretes and mortars. Ljubljana, Slovenia: CIP Katalozni zapis o publikaciji - Narodna in univerzitetna knjiznica Ljubljana.

Fanara, A., Courard, L., & Collin, F. (2022). Development of a FE² Multiscale Model of Chloride Ions Transport in Recycled Aggregates Concrete. In ECCOMAS Congress 2022 - 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. SCIPEDIA. doi:10.23967/eccomas.2022.088
Editorial reviewed

Groslambert, S., Chantrain, G., Ka, M., Courard, L., & Léonard, A. (November 2022). Analyse du cycle de vie de nouveaux mortiers contenant des argiles calcinées comme additions : le projet CO2REDRES. Academic Journal of Civil Engineering, 40 (2).
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Nshimiyimana, P., Hema, C., Sore, S. O., Zoungrana, O., Messan, A., & Courard, L. (2022). DURABILITY PERFORMANCES OF COMPRESSED EARTH BLOCKS EXPOSED TO WETTING–DRYING CYCLES AND HIGH TEMPERATURE. In P. Chias (Ed.), Eco-Architecture IX: Harmonisation between Architecture and Nature. WITPress. doi:10.2495/ARC220121
Peer reviewed

Fanara, A., Courard, L., & Collin, F. (2022). FE² multiscale modelling of chloride ions transport in recycled aggregates concrete. In Günther Meschke, Bernhard Pichler, ... Jan G. Rots (Eds.), Computational Modelling of Concrete and Concrete Structures (1st, pp. 66-75). CRC Press. doi:10.1201/9781003316404-8
Editorial reviewed

Kazemi, M., Courard, L., & Attia, S. (2021). Hygrothermal Modeling of Green Roof Made with Substrate and Drainage Layers of Coarse Recycled Materials. In Proceeding of the International Building Simulation Conference. Leuven, Belgium: KU Leuven. doi:10.26868/25222708.2021.30164
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Zhao, Z., & Hubert, J. (2021). Challenging construction industry with C&DW: opportunities and limits. Revista Hormigon, (H59), 33-45.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, R., Langer, M., Courard, L., & Mihaylov, B. (2020). Analysis of the Behaviour of Bridge Piers Retrofitted with UHPFRC Jackets. In B. Middendorf, E. Fehling, ... A. Wetzel, Proceedings of HiPerMat 2020 5th International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete and High Performance Construction Materials (pp. 49-50).
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Bouarroudj, M. E., Colman, C., Grellier, A., Zhao, Z., Michel, F., Hubert, J., Bulteel, D., & Remond, S. (2020). RECYCLING FINE PARTICLES FROM CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTES: CHARACTERIZATION AND EFFECTS ON CONCRETE PERFORMANCES. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials.
Peer reviewed

Franssen, R., Courard, L., & Mihaylov, B. (2019). Renforcement en cisaillement de piles de pont de type voile avec chemisage en BFUP. In E. Brühwiler, C. Oesterlee, ... D. Redaelli, 3ème Journée d'étude, 24 octobre 2019 BÉTON FIBRÉ ULTRA-PERFORMANT concevoir, dimensionner, construire.
Peer reviewed

Delvoie, S., Zhao, Z., Michel, F., & Courard, L. (2019). Market analysis of recycled sands and aggregates in NorthWest Europe: drivers and barriers. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/225/1/012055
Peer reviewed

Franssen, R., Guner, S., Courard, L., & Mihaylov, B. (2019). Response simulation of UHPFRC members. In BEtter, Smarter, Stronger Proceedings for the 2018 fib Congerss held in Melbourne.
Peer reviewed

Bissonnette, B., Essalik, S.-J., Lamothe, C., Courard, L., Jolin, M., Gagné, R., & Morin, R. (2019). Characterization tools for shrinkage compensating repair materials. In Proceedings ICCRRR2018. doi:10.1051/matecconf/201819907002
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Tabarelli, E., Michel, F., Delvoie, S., Bouarroudj, M. E., Colman, C., & Zhao, Z. (2019). Optimizing performances of recycled aggregates for improving concrete properties. In Proceedings SMSS 2019.
Peer reviewed

Grigoletto, S., Courard, L., Zhao, Z., & Michel, F. (2019). CO2 CAPTURE FOR MINERALIZED MISCANTHUS AGGREGATES. In CO2 Storage in Concrete.
Peer reviewed

Delvoie, S., Zhao, Z., Michel, F., & Courard, L. (2018). State of the art on recycling techniques for the production of recycled sands and aggregates from construction and demolition wastes. In T. T. Nguyen, D. Waldmann, ... S. Venditti, Circular Concrete - SeRaMCo - Secondary Raw Materials for Concrete Precast Products (pp. 17-19).

Courard, L., Bissonnette, B., Garbacz, A., Vasburd, A., & von Fay, K. (2018). Guidelines for concrete surface preparation: 10 years research and experience. In ICCRRR18 conference proceedings. MATEC. doi:10.1051/matecconf/201819908004
Peer reviewed

Franssen, R., Guner, S., Courard, L., & Mihaylov, B. (2018). A study on the numerical modelling of UHPFRC-strengthened members. In M. G. Alexander, H. Beushausen, F. Dehn, ... P. Moyo, International Conference on Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (ICCRRR 2018). doi:10.1051/matecconf/201819909001
Peer reviewed

Zhao, Z., Courard, L., Michel, F., Delvoie, S., Bouarroudj, M. E., Colman, C., & Xiao, J. (2018). Properties of concrete with recycled construction and demolition wastes: a research experience in belgium. In J. Xiao, Sustainable Structures and Materials. China Architecture and Building Press.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Michel, F., Bouarroudj, M. E., Colman, C., Delvoie, S., & Zhao, Z. (2018). INCREASING PROPERTIES OF CONCRETE WITH RECYCLED CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTES. In Betoni z Izboljsanimi lastnostmi.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L. (2017). Influence of hydrophobic treatments applications on the concrete carbonation delay. In G. De Schutter, Proceedings RILEM PRO 107 (pp. 403-404). Paris, France: Rilem Publications.
Peer reviewed

Hema, C. M., Van Moeseke, G., Evrad, A., Courard, L., Messan, A., & Scartezzini, J.-L. (2017). Vernacular housing practices in Burkina Faso: Representative models of construction in Ouagadougou and walls hygrothermal efficiency. Energy Procedia, 122, 535-540. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.07.398
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Courard, L., Bissonnette, B., & Garbacz, A. (2017). Specification guidelines for surface preparation of concrete prior to repair. In High Tech Concrete: Where Technology and Engineering Meet. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-59471-2_18
Peer reviewed

Peer reviewed

Garbacz, A., Piotrowski, T., Courard, L., & Bissonnette, B. (2016). A repair quality control with elastic waves based methods vs. substrate quality. In Dehn & H. Beushausen, Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting IV (pp. 64). Leiden, Netherlands: CRC Press.
Peer reviewed

Coppola, B., Di Maio, L., Courard, L., Scarfato, P., & Incarnato, L. (2016). Development and use of foamed recycled fibers to control shrinkage cracking of cementitious mortars. In Proceedings of the 4rd Workshop "The New Boundaries of Structural Concrete".
Peer reviewed

Bissonnette, B., Modjabi-Sangnier, F., Courard, L., Garbacz, A., & Vaysburd, A. (2016). A quantitative approach to the concept of concrete repair compatibility. In F. Dehn & H. Beushausen, Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting IV (pp. 158). Leiden, Netherlands: CRC Press.
Peer reviewed

Bissonnette, B., Courard, L., Garbacz, A., Jolin, M., Vaysburd, A., & von Fay, K. (2016). Évaluation des réparations en béton et identification des principaux facteurs d’influence. In L. Courard, F. Collin, ... B. Cerfontaine, RUGC 2016 (pp. 10).
Peer reviewed

Zhao, Z., Courard, L., Michel, F., Remond, S., & Damidot, D. (2016). Influence de la fraction granulaire et de l'origine des granulats recyclés sur leurs propriétés. In L. Courard, F. Collin, ... B. Cerfontaine, RUGC 2016 (pp. 10).
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Bissonnette, B., & Garbacz, A. (2016). Fundamental approach for the concept of concrete repair compatibility. In F. Dehn, Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting IV (pp. 164). Leiden, Netherlands: CRC Press.
Peer reviewed

Evrard, A., Biot, B., Keutgen, G., Lebeau, F., Courard, L., & De Herde, A. (2015). Straw-bale walls for sustainable architecture: Improving and promoting straw-bale use in European Buildings. In Cucinella & Giulia, Architecture in (R)Evolution (Ass. Building Green Futures (Bologna)). Bologna, Italy: Ass. Building Green Futures.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Bissonnette, B., & Garbacz, A. (2015). Fundamental approach to the concept of concrete repair compatibility. In 4th International Congress on Concrete Repair, Reinforcement and Retrofitting.
Peer reviewed

Kahlerras, L., Courard, L., Michel, F., Fraikin, L., Belhamri, A., & Léonard, A. (2015). Study of water diffusivity during drying of mortar. In Proceedings of the 5th European Drying Conference (EuroDrying'2015).
Peer reviewed

Zhao, Z., Remond, S., Damidot, D., & Courard, L. (2015). Une nouvelle méthode de caractérisation des granulats recyclés industriels: application aux mortiers et bétons. In Proceedings. IMT Mines douai.
Editorial reviewed

Coppola, B., Di Maio, L., Courard, L., Scarfato, P., & Incarnato, L. (2015). LIGHTWEIGHT CEMENTITIOUS MORTAR MADE WITH FOAMED PLASTIC WASTE AGGREGATES. In Durability and Sustainability of Concrete Structures – Workshop Proceedings, Bologna 1-3 October 2015.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L. (2014). Pathologies des bétons: causes et effets. In Evaluation des structures en béton.

Van der Wielen, A., Courard, L., & Nguyen, F. (2014). Detection of near-field, low permittivity layers with Ground Penetrating Radar: analytical estimation of the reflection coefficient. In S. LAMBOT (Ed.), Proceedings of 15th International Conference on ground Penetrating Radar. doi:10.1109/ICGPR.2014.6970492
Peer reviewed

Bissonnette, B., Courard, L., Garbacz, A., Vaysburd, A., & von Fay, K. (2014). Concrete repair bond: evaluation and factors of influence. In M. Grantham, M. Basheer, B. Magee, ... M. Soustsos (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Concrete Repair (pp. 51-57). London, United Kingdom: Taylor&Francis Group. doi:10.1201/b17394-9
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Bissonnette, B., Garbacz, A., & Vaysburd, A. (2014). Evaluation of the mechanical integrity of a concrete surface by means of combined destructive methods. In M. Grantham, M. Basheer, B. Magee, ... M. Soustsos (Eds.), Proceedings of Concrete Solutions (pp. 787-790). London, United Kingdom: Taylor&Francis Group. doi:10.1201/b17394-121
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Lucquiaud, V., Gérard, O., Handy, M., Michel, F., Aggoun, S., & Cousture, A. (2014). Durability of hydrophobic treatments on concrete monuments. In Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Water Repellent Treatment and Protective Surface Technology for Building Materials.
Peer reviewed

Garbacz, A., Courard, L., Bissonnette, B., & Głodkowska, W. (2014). Patch repair: compatibility issues. In M. Grantham, M. Basheer, B. Magee, ... M. Soustsos (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Concrete Repair (pp. 71-76). London, United Kingdom: Taylor&Francis Group. doi:10.1201/b17394-12
Peer reviewed

Bissonnette, B., Courard, L., Jolin, M., Thomassin, M., Vaysburd, A., Garbacz, A., & von Fay, K. (2014). Adhérence des réparations en béton: évaluation et facteurs d'influence. In D. Damidot (Ed.), Actes de la 15ème édition des journées scientifiques.

Coppola, B., Di Maio, L., Courard, L., Scarfato, P., & Incarnato, L. (2014). Nanocomposite fiber reinforced mortars. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering.
Peer reviewed

Van der Wielen, A., Courard, L., & Nguyen, F. (2014). Détermination des propriétés de couches minces dans le béton à l’aide d’un géoradar commercial à hautes fréquences: approche pic-à-pic et analyse fréquentielle du coefficient de réflexion. In J.-P. Balayssac (Ed.), Compte-rendus de Diagnobeton 2014.
Peer reviewed

Parmentier, V., Michel, F., & Courard, L. (2013). Fixation du CO2 dans les blocs de béton à base de granulats recyclés. In R. Gagné (Ed.), Actes de la 14ème édition des Journées Scientifiques (pp. 10).

Courard, L., Garbacz, A., Piotrowski, T., & Sustercic, J. (2013). Surface properties of concrete and criteria for adhesion of repair systems. In D. Van Gemert, N. Kabashi, V. Nushi, ... R. Basha (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Polymers in Concrete (pp. 69-82). Pristina, 1A0: Koha Print.
Peer reviewed

Chendes, R., Dan, S., & Courard, L. (2013). Comparison of shear and pull-off tests for testing adhesion of different content limestone fillers mortars used as repair system. In V. STOIAN, D. DAN, C. BOB, ... L. IURES (Eds.), Construction sustainability: efficient solution for design, execution and rehabilitation of the building. Timisoara, Romania: Editura Politehnica.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., & Lejeune, A. (2012). Spécificités des dégradations dans les bétons du patrimoine. In Conservation et restauration des bétons du patrimoine moderniste.

Van der Wielen, A., Courard, L., & Nguyen, F. (2012). Detection of thin layers into concrete with static and CMP measurements. In 2012 14th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) (pp. 534-539). IEEE. doi:10.1109/icgpr.2012.6254921
Peer reviewed

Louis, A., Van der Wielen, A., Courard, L., & Nguyen, F. (2012). GPR detection of saturated areas into concrete in the presence of a water gradient. In 2012 14th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) (pp. 477-482). IEEE. doi:10.1109/icgpr.2012.6254912
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Michel, F., & Debieb, F. (2012). Use of contaminated recycled aggregates for concrete design: properties and durability. In A. Zajc (Ed.), Doseganje posebnih lastnosti betonov z uporabo odpadlih materialov (pp. 21-29). Ljubljana, Slovenia: CIP.

Juenger, M., Provis, J. L., Elsen, J., Matthes, W., Hooton, R. D., Duchesne, J., Courard, L., Huan, H., Michel, F., Snellings, R., & De Belie, N. (2012). Supplementary Cementitious Materials for Concrete: Characterization Needs. In Proceedings of the XXI International Materials Research (DOI 10.1557/opl.2012.1536).
Peer reviewed

He, H., Courard, L., Michel, F., & Pirard, E. (2012). Effet de l'empilement et de la forme des additions dans les propriétés des liants à matrice cimentaire. In J.-F. Georgin (Ed.), Compte-rendu des Journées Scientifiques du (RF)2B.

He, H., Courard, L., Michel, F., & Pirard, E. (2012). Effet de l’empilement et de la forme des additions sur les propriétés des liants à matrice cimentaire. In J.-F. Georgin (Ed.), Recueil des communications des journées scientifiques du (RF)²B (pp. 26-35).

He, H., Courard, L., & Pirard, E. (2012). Particle packing density and limestone fillers for more sustainable cement. Key Engineering Materials, 517, 331-337. doi:10.4028/
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Garbacz, A., Sokolowska, J., Lutomirski, A., & Courard, L. (2012). Fly ash polymer concrete quality assessment using ultrasonic method. In M. H. Ozkul (Ed.), Proceedings of the 7th Asian Symposium of Polymers in Concrete.
Peer reviewed

Huan, H., Stroeven, P., Pirard, E., & Courard, L. (2012). Shape simulation of granular particles in concrete and applications in DEM. In A. M. Brandt, J. Olek, L. A. Glinicki, ... Leung (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Symposium Brittle Matrix Composites 10 (pp. 275-283). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Woodhead Publ. Ltd.
Peer reviewed

Michel, F., & Courard, L. (2012). Natural limestone fillers : physical and chemical properties with regard to cement based materials performances. In Durability of concrete 2012.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Garbacz, A., & Bissonnette, B. (2012). Topography evaluation methods for concrete substrates: parametric study. In M. Alexander (Ed.), Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting III (pp. 379). Leiden, Netherlands: CRC Press/Balkema.
Peer reviewed

He, H., Courard, L., Pirard, E., & Michel, F. (2011). Characterization of fine aggregates in concrete by different experimental approaches. In Proceedings 13 Int. Congress for Stereology.
Peer reviewed

He, H., Courard, L., Pirard, E., & Michel, F. (2011). Characterization of fine aggregates in concrete by different experimental approaches. In Proceedings 13 Int. Congress for Stereology.

Van der Wielen, A., Courard, L., & Nguyen, F. (2011). Detection of Defects in Concrete With Ground Penetrating Radar. In ESPSC 2011: European Symposium on Polymers in Sustainable Construction (Czarnecki Symposium) (pp. 221-225).
Peer reviewed

Rossi, B., & Courard, L. (2011). Techniques d’analyse de cycle de vie appliquées aux structures. In D. Waldmann, A. Lecomte, ... L. Courard (Eds.), Compte rendu des Journées scientifiques du Regroupement francophone pour la recherche et la formation sur le béton: RF2B, Luxembourg 7-8 juillet 2011 (pp. 123-131).
Peer reviewed

Van der Wielen, A., Courard, L., & Nguyen, F. (2011). GPR Limits for Thin Layers in Concrete Detection: Numerical and Experimental Evaluation. In Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Marrakesh, Morocco, March 20-23, 2011 (pp. 1804-1807). Cambridge, United States - Massachusetts: The Electromagnetics Academy.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L. (2011). Geosynthetics: materials, design, durability and application. In Application des géosynthétiques dans la géotechnique.

Di Maio, L., Fariello, M. L., Scarfato, P., Incarnato, L., Courard, L., & Michel, F. (2011). Transport properties of nano-clay modified hydrophobic concrete. In The new boundaries of strutural concrete.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., & Bissonnette, B. (2011). Quality assurance in repairing industrial floors: parameters and recommendations. In A. Zajc & J. Sustercic (Eds.), Moznot Pocenitive Izvajanja Betonarskih Del. Ljubljana, Slovenia: CIP.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Michel, F., Garbacz, A., & Piotrowski, T. (2011). Surfology Based Concrete Repair Engineering. In Polymers in sustainable construction.
Peer reviewed

Hadj Sadok, A., Kenaï, S., & Courard, L. (2011). Perméabilité au gaz et aux ions chlore des mortiers à base de laitier de faible hydraulicité. In Innovation et Valorisation dans le génie civil et les matériaux de construction.
Peer reviewed

Hadj Sadok, A., Kenaï, S., Courard, L., & Khatib, J. M. (2010). Transport properties of mortars and concretes modified with medium hydraulic activity ground granulated blast furnace slags. In Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Van der Wielen, A., & Darimont, A. (2010). From defects to causes: pathology of concrete and investigation methods. In Startegjia Izvedbe Sanacij Objektov (pp. 29-48). Ljubljana, Slovenia: CIP.
Peer reviewed

Van der Wielen, A., Courard, L., & Nguyen, F. (2010). Nondestructive Detection of Delaminations in Concrete Bridge Decks: A First Experimental Study. In Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar. IEEE. doi:10.1109/ICGPR.2010.5550250
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Bissonnette, B., & Vaysburd, A. (2010). Repairing Concrete Industrial Floors with Bonded Cement-based Material Overlays: some recommendations. In K. Littmann (Ed.), Industrial Floors 2010. Esslingen, Germany: Technische Akademie Esslingen.
Peer reviewed

Piotrowski, T., Garbacz, A., Van der Wielen, A., Nguyen, F., & Courard, L. (2010). On the relation between bond quality and impact-echo frequency spectrum. In Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Polymers in Concrete ICPIC 2010 (pp. 373-380). Guimaraes, Portugal: University of Minho.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., & Garbacz, A. (2010). Surfology: what does it mean for polymer concrete composites? In Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Polymers in Concrete ICPIC 2010. Guimaraes, Portugal: University of Minho.
Peer reviewed

Garbacz, A., Harassek, P., Van der Wielen, A., & Courard, L. (2010). Wykorzystanie impact-echo i radaru do wykrywania defektow ukladu naprawczego nie zawierajacych warstwy powietrza. In 39th Polish Conference on Non destructive Testing Methods, Szczyrk 26-28 October, Zeszyty Problemowe. Badania nieniszczące (pp. 4).
Peer reviewed

Garbacz, A., Piotrowski, T., Kwasniewski, L., & Courard, L. (2009). The effect of concrete substrate quality towards evaluation of repair system using impact-echo method. In W. E. Szczesniak & A. A. Zbiciak (Eds.), Theoretical foundations of civil engineering (pp. 581-588). Warsaw, Poland: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechiki Warszawskiej.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Garbacz, A., & Piotrowski, T. (2009). Some theoretical and practical considerations about surface preparation of concrete and adhesion of repair systems. In J. Sustercic (Ed.), <<<<<.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., & Lenaers, J.-F. (2009). Evaluation of saturation and microcracking of the superficial zone of concrete: new developments. In M. G. Alexander, H.-D. Beushausen, F. Dehn, ... P. Moyo (Eds.), Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting II (pp. 355-356). London, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis Group (CRC Press).
Peer reviewed

Moczulski, G., Garbacz, A., & Courard, L. (2009). Evaluation of the effect of load eccentricity on pull-off strength. In M. G. Alexander, H.-D. Beushausen, F. Dehn, ... P. Moyo (Eds.), Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting II (pp. 367-368). London, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis Group (CRC Press).
Peer reviewed

Perez, F., Morency, M., Bissonnette, B., & Courard, L. (2009). Correlation between the roughness of the substrate surface and the debonding risk. In M. G. Alexander, H.-D. Beushausen, F. Dehn, ... P. Moyo (Eds.), Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting II (pp. 347-348). Leiden, Netherlands: CRC Press/Balkema.
Peer reviewed

Martin, M., Migeotte, N., Goffinet, C., Courard, L., & Michel, F. (2009). Le béton apparent: influence de l'état du moule sur l'aspect des surfaces. In F. Benboudjema (Ed.), Compte-rendu des Journées Scientifiques du (RF)2B.

Courard, L., Michel, F., Schwall, D., Van der Wielen, A., Piotrowski, T., Garbacz, A., Perez, F., & Bissonnette, B. (2009). Surfology: concrete substrate evaluation prior to repair. In A. Mammoli & C. A. Brebbia (Eds.), Materials Characterization: computational methods and experiments IV (pp. 407-416). Southampton, United Kingdom: Wit Press.
Peer reviewed

Martin, M., Gilson, A., & Courard, L. (2008). Aesthetic evaluation and control of concrete building surfaces. In O. Eterradossi (Ed.), Materials and Sensations 2008 Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Piérard, J., Michel, F., & Courard, L. (2008). Durabilité des bétons additionnés de fillers calcaires. In E. Brühwiler (Ed.), Compte-rendu des Journées Scientifiques du (RF)2B.

Michel, F., Piérard, J., Courard, L., & Pollet, V. (2007). Influence of physico-chemical characteristics of limestone fillers on fresch and hardened mortar performances. In G. De Schutter & V. Boel (Eds.), Self-Compacting Concrete SCC 2007 (pp. 205-210). Bagneux, France: RILEM Publications S.A.R.L.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., & Bissonnette, B. (2007). Compatibility performance as a fundamental requirement for the repair of concrete structures with Self-Compacting Repair Mortars. In G. De Schutter & V. Boel (Eds.), Self Compacting Concrete SCC2007 (pp. 667-675). Bagneux, France: Rilem Publications s.a.r.l.
Peer reviewed

Willem, X., Courard, L., Darimont, A., & Degeimbre, R. (2006). Mix stability as a criterion for optimizing the granular composition to improve concrete durability – an application. In J. Marchand, B. Bissonnette, R. Gagné, M. Jolin, ... F. Paradis (Eds.), Advances in Concrete through Science and Engineering (pp. 365-366). Bagneux, France: RILEM Publications S.A.R.L.
Peer reviewed

Flamant, S., & Courard, L. (2006). Design of a Self Compacting Repair Mortar to be applied under concrete slabs and floors. In J. Marchand, B. Bissonnette, R. Gagné, M. Jolin, ... F. Paradis (Eds.), Advances in Concrete through Science and Engineering (pp. 383). Bagneux, France: RILEM Publications S.A.R.L.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Garbacz, A., Schwall, D., & Piotrowski, T. (2006). Effect of concrete substrate texture on the adhesion properties of PCC repair mortar. In J. Barroso de Aguiar, S. Jalali, A. Camoes, ... R. M. Ferreira (Eds.), Polymers in Concrete (pp. 99-110).
Peer reviewed

Garbacz, A., Gorka, M., & Courard, L. (2006). Relationship between surface characteristics and superficial cohesion of concrete. In H. Beushausen, F. Dehn, ... M. G. Alexander (Eds.), Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (pp. 1021-1026). London, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis Group.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Bissonnette, B., & Belair, N. (2006). Effect of surface preparation techniques on the cohesion of superficial concrete: comparison between jack-hammering and water-jetting. In H. Beushausen, F. Dehn, ... M. G. Alexander (Eds.), Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (pp. 1027-1031). London, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis Group.
Peer reviewed

Michel, F., & Courard, L. (2006). Apport de la granulométrie laser dans la caractérisation physique des fillers calcaires. In G. Arliguie (Ed.), Compte-rendu des Journées Scientifiques du (RF)2B.

Courard, L., Perez, F., Bissonnette, B., Garbacz, A., & Gorka, M. (2006). Two different techniques for the evaluation of concrete surface roughness. In H. Beushausen, F. Dehn, ... M. G. Alexander (Eds.), Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting (pp. 1015-1020). London, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis Group.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L. (2006). Durabilité des réparations du béton: entre théorie et pratique. In G. Arliguie (Ed.), Compte-rendu des Journées Scientifiques du (RF)2B.

Garbacz, A., Kostana, K., & Courard, L. (2005). On the characterization of concrete surface roughness and its relation to adhesion in repair systems. In J. Chaponski, Chraponski (Ed.), J. Cwajna (Ed.), ... L. Wojnar (Ed.), Stereology and Image Analysis (pp. 58-64).
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Degeimbre, R., Darimont, A., Laval, A.-L., & Dupont, L. (2005). Use of municipal solid waste incineration residues in concrete pavement setts. In Proceedings of CONMAT'05 and Midness Symposium (pp. 5, 10). Vancouver, Canada: The University of British Columbia.
Peer reviewed

Delhez, P., Willem, X., Michel, F., & Courard, L. (2005). Use of Concrete Recycled Aggregates in Roller Compacted Concrete. In E. Vasquez, C. F. Hendricks, ... G. Hansen (Eds.), Recycled Materials in Building and Structures (pp. 675-683).
Peer reviewed

Dieryck, V., Desmyter, J., Michel, F., & Courard, L. (2005). Surface quality of Self-Compacting Concrete and Raw Materials Properties. In S. P. Shah (Ed.), Self-Consolidating Concrete (pp. 287-295). Evanston, United States - Illinois: McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science, Northwestern University.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Degeimbre, R., Darimont, A., Michel, F., Willem, X., & Flamant, S. (2005). Some effects of limestone fillers as a partial substitute for cement in mortar composition. In N. Banthia, Third International Conference on construction materials: performance, innovations and structural implications (pp. 5, 10). Vancouver, Canada: The University of British Columbia.
Peer reviewed

Willem, X., Darimont, A., Degeimbre, R., & Courard, L. (2004). Etude de la consolidation du béton frais sur base de la porosité à l'état durci. In L. Courard (Ed.), Compte-rendu des Journées Scinetifiques du (RF)2B.

Bareel, P.-F., Courard, L., Bastin, D., & Frenay, J. (2004). Potential valorization for the finest particles of Automotive Shredder Residue (ASR) as filler in bituminous concrete. In Proceedings of REWAS'04 - Global Symposium on Recycling, Waste Treatment and Clean Technology.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Garbacz, A., & Gorka, M. (2004). Concrete surface treatments quantification by means of mechanical profilometry. In M. Maultzsch (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Polymers in Concrete ICPIC 2004 (pp. 125-132). Berlin, Germany: Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing.
Peer reviewed

Bélair, N., Bissonnette, B., & Courard, L. (2003). Mise au point d’une procédure de caractérisation quantitative des surfaces démolies en béton en vue de travaux de réfection. In Progression de la recherche québécoise sur les ouvrages d'art (pp. 10).
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., & Michel, F. (2003). Energies libres de surface des solides et des liquides: une approche de la compréhension des phénomènes interfaciaux. In R. Gagné (Ed.), Compte-rendu des Journées Scinetifiques du (RF)2B (pp. 10).

Courard, L., Darimont, A., Degeimbre, R., Geers, C., & Wiertz, J. (2003). Adhesion of Self-Compacting Concrete on Old Concrete Structures. In P. Seidler, Industrial Floors 03 (pp. 613-620). Esslingen, Germany: Teknishe Akademie.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Darimont, A., Degeimbre, R., & Wiertz, J. (2003). Recognition of Quality and Conformity of Concrete Repair Products and Protection Systems/ Belgian and European experiences. In A. Vaysburd, Bridging the Concrete Repair Industry into a New Era of Sustainable Development (pp. 155-160).
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Darimont, A., Degeimbre, R., & Wiertz, J. (2003). Hygro-thermal application conditions and adhesion. In P. Seidler, Industrial Floors 03 (pp. 137-142). Esslingen, Germany: Teknishe Akademie.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Darimont, A., Degeimbre, R., Willem, X., Geers, C., & Wiertz, J. (2002). Repairing Concrete with Self Compacting Concrete: Testing Methodology Assessment. In S. P. Shah, Self-Consolidating Concrete (pp. 267-274). Evanston, United States: Center for Advanced Cement Based Materials.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L. (2000). Settlements in landfills and geomembranes induced strains. In A. Cancelli (Ed.), Proceedings of the European Society of Geosynthetics (pp. 529-533).
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., & Dauge, L. (1999). Analyse de l'effet de tassements sur le comportement d'une géomembrane en PEHD. In H. Girard & J.-P. Gourc (Eds.), Compte-rendu des rencontres 97 (pp. 97-104).
Peer reviewed

Courard, L. (1999). How to analyse thermodynamic properties of solids and liquids in relation with adhesion? In Y. Ohama & M. Puterman (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd International RILEM Symposium ISAP 99 (pp. 9-20). Cachan, France: Rilem.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Degeimbre, R., Darimont, A., & Wiertz, J. (1999). Effects of sunshine/rain cycles on the behaviour of repairing systems. In Y. Ohama & M. Puterman (Eds.), Adhesion between polymers and concrete (pp. 511-522). Cachan, France: Rilem Publications s.a.r.l.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., & Blomme, P. (1999). Certification des soudeurs de géomembranes : expérience en Belgique. In H. Girard & J.-P. Gourc (Eds.), Compye-rendu des rencontres 97 (pp. 97-104).
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., & Darimont, A. (1998). Appetency and adhesion: analysis of the kinetcs of contact between concrete and repairing mortars. In A. Katz, A. Bentur, M. Alexander, ... G. Arliguie (Eds.), Interfacial Zone in Concrete (pp. 185-194). E F Spon.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Degeimbre, R., Wiertz, J., & Van de Put, M. (1998). Analysis of the resistance to water of the interface between concrete and repairing systems: experimental approach. In Concrete under severe conditions 2 (pp. 988=995). London, United Kingdom: E&FN Spon.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Degeimbre, R., & Wiertz, J. (1998). The behaviour of coatings on concrete supports in relation with different forms of water attack. In Concrete under severe conditions 2 (pp. 997-1006). London, United Kingdom: E&FN Spon.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L. (1998). Parametric definition of sandblasted and polished concrete surfaces. In F. Sandrolini (Ed.), ICPIC 98 (pp. 771-778).
Peer reviewed

Courard, L. (1997). Complémentarité des systèmes d'étanchéité-drainage en matériaux naturels et synthétiques dans le confinement des déchets. In R. De Paepe (Ed.), Les géotextiles et géomembranes dans les travaux fluviaux et maritimes (pp. 13).
Peer reviewed

Courard, L. (1996). Technical recommendations for the use of nonwoven geotextiles to prevent reflective cracking. In Index 96 Non wovens congress - Construction session (pp. 2-10).
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., & Rigo, J.-M. (1996). Oxidative induction time: a quality assurance measurement to predict environmental stress-cracking. In M. B. De Groot, G. Den Hoedt, ... R. J. Termaat (Eds.), Proceedings of the 1st European Geosynthetics Conference EUROGEO 1 (pp. 667-672). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Balkema.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Wiertz, J., Darimont, A., & Degeimbre, R. (1995). Influence of the composition of the repairing mortars on adherence. In D. Van Gemert (Ed.), Proceedings of the VIIIth International Congress on Polymers in Concrete (pp. 119-124). KVIV.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Wiertz, J., Darimont, A., & Degeimbre, R. (1995). Influence of the operating conditions and humidity on adherence of repair mortars. In D. Van Gemert (Ed.), Proceedings of the VIIIth International Congress on Polymers in Concrete (pp. 585-590). KVIV.
Peer reviewed

Rigo, J.-M., Courard, L., Detaille, L., Frédéric, B., Reul, B., & Legrand, C. (1995). Contribution to the study of stress cracking phenomenon by oxidative induction time measurements. In P. Delmas & J.-P. Gourc (Eds.), Proceedings of the Rencontres 95 (pp. 30-36).
Peer reviewed

Frédéric, B., Rigo, J.-M., Bolle, A., Courard, L., & Legrand, C. (1995). Lining systems stability in landfill slopes : parametric study. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Landfill Symposium (pp. 587-594).
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Rigo, J.-M., Canivet, P., Tchernaïeff, M., & Hilde, J.-L. (1994). Creation of a new storage cell in the Wauthier-Braine Waste disposal. In S. H. Karunaratne & C. Wong (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Geotextiles, Geomembranes and Related Products (pp. 1085-1088).
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., & Rigo, J.-M. (1994). Effect of geotextiles on crack propagation in the pavement overlays. In G. P. Karunaratne & C. Wong (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Geotextiles, Geomembranes and Related Products (pp. 57-60).
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., & Rigo, J.-M. (1993). The problem of rutting in asphalt pavement in Belgium: how to resolve this problem with steel and synthetic fibers ? In M. Iliescu (Ed.), Proceedings of Constructions 2000 (pp. 689-695).
Peer reviewed

Rigo, J.-M., & Courard, L. (1993). The use of geosynthetics for waste storage containment: technical aspects and recommendations. In M. Iliescu (Ed.), Proceedings of Constructions 2000 (pp. 789-796).
Peer reviewed

Rigo, J.-M., Courard, L., Peggs, I. D., Bowen, R. D., & Hoekstra, S. E. (1993). The durability and development of optimum seaming parameters for a FCEA geomembrane. In Geosynthetics 93 Conference (pp. 1013-1026).
Peer reviewed

Rigo, J.-M., Courard, L., Cescotto, S., Kuck, P. J., Hendrick, S., & Costa, C. (1993). Evaluation of the Crack Propagation in an overlay subjected to both traffic and thermal effects. In J.-M. Rigo, R. Degeimbre, ... L. Franken (Eds.), Reflective cracking in Pavements - State of ARt and Design Recommendations (pp. 146-158). London, United Kingdom: E F Spon.
Peer reviewed

Rigo, J.-M., & Courard, L. (1993). Conditions de pose et succès de l'utilisation de géosynthétiques dans la lutte contre la remontée des fissures. In P. Delmas & J.-P. Gourc (Eds.), Compte-rendu des rencontres 93 (pp. 49-53).
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., & Rigo, J.-M. (1993). The use of fibers in bituminous concrete as a solution to decrease rutting. In Proceedings of the 5th Eurobitume Volume 1 Session 3 (pp. 497-501).
Peer reviewed

Rigo, J.-M., & Courard, L. (1991). Geosynthetics : geotextiles, geotextiles related-products and geomembranes. In J. Machajski & J. Winter (Eds.), Proceedings of the IV International Conference on Slope Stability and Protection (pp. 139-158).
Peer reviewed

Courard, L., Rigo, J.-M., Degeimbre, R., & Wiertz, J. (1989). Compatibility between fibers and modified bitumen. In J.-M. Rigo & R. Degeimbre (Eds.), Reflective cracking in pavements - Assessment and control (pp. 103-111). Rilem.
Peer reviewed

Rigo, J.-M., & Courard, L. (1989). Geotextiles – a new way of constructing quality roads at lower cost. In Geotextilien für den Tiefbau.

Oral communications or posters

Ta, M. P. B., & Courard, L. (29 September 2024). CONSISTENCY TEST FOR 3D - PRINTED MORTAR [Poster presentation]. Departement day.
Peer reviewed

Lanckohr, S., & Courard, L. (July 2024). Mortier auto-compactant à hautes performances à base de sables et fines de recyclage [Poster presentation]. 22E JOURNÉES SCIENTIFIQUES DU (RF)²B 2024 - Le béton pour une construction durable, Rennes, France.

Fanara, A., Courard, L., & Collin, F. (04 June 2024). Multiscale Finite Element Study of the Effects of the Water Retention Curve Hysteresis on Chloride Ingress in Recycled Aggregates Concrete (Oral Presentation) [Paper presentation]. ECCOMAS 2024, Lisbon, Portugal.

Ta, M. P. B., ABDELOUHAB, S., Archambeau, P., & Courard, L. (08 May 2024). MEASUREMENT OF RHEOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR 3D PRINTED MORTAR [Paper presentation]. 2024 Young Ceramists Additive Manufacturing forum.

Grigoletto, S., Kameni Wontcheu, A. F., Aubry, E., Marquis, S., & Courard, L. (16 April 2024). Valorization of mineral waste through accelerated carbonation [Poster presentation]. 1st International Conference on Mineral Carbonation for Cement and Concrete, Aachen, Germany.

Baret, E., Bissonnette, B., Fournier, B., & Courard, L. (2024). Évaluation des dommages supplémentaires générés par la RAS résultant des tests d’expansion résiduelle (air humide et solution alcaline à 38°C) en utilisant la méthode DRI [Poster presentation]. Journées scientifiques du Regroupement Francophone pour la Recherche et la Formation dans le domaine du Béton, Rennes, France.

Muy, Y., Courard, L., Libert, R., & Hubert, J. (2024). Amélioration de la qualité des granulats recyclés (GR) - Fermeture de la porosité à la surface des granulats [Poster presentation]. Regroupement Francophone pour la Recherche et la Formation sur le Béton, Rennes, France.

Troquay, J., Jolin, M., Bissonnette, B., & Courard, L. (2024). Modélisation numérique et prédiction du rebond dans les bétons projetés [Poster presentation]. Journées scientifiques du Regroupement Francophone pour la Recherche et la Formation dans le domaine du Béton, Rennes, France.

Hubert, J., Michel, F., & Courard, L. (02 November 2023). INFLUENCE OF WATER WASHING ON THE QUALITY OF RECYCLED AGGREGATES [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development, Hanoï, Vietnam.

Hubert, J., Michel, F., Muy, Y., & Courard, L. (02 November 2023). USE OF RECYCLED FINE AGGREGATES IN HIGH ADDED VALUE APPLICATIONS [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology for Sustainable Development, Hanoï, Vietnam.

Kazemi, M., Courard, L., & Attia, S. (13 September 2023). Sensitivity analysis on hygrothermal properties and thickness of green roof layers, including recycled and artificial materials [Poster presentation]. International scientific conference on the Built Environment in Transition (CISBAT), Lausanne, Switzerland.
Peer reviewed

Cerica, D., Grigoletto, S., Courard, L., & Léonard, A. (06 September 2023). Preliminary life cycle assessment of CO2 sequestration in construction materials by accelerated carbonation of mineral waste – The Mineral LOOP project [Poster presentation]. LCM 2023 - THE 11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON LIFE CYCLE MANAGEMENT.

Hubert, J., Muy, Y., Courard, L., Garnavault, X., Bulteel, D., Taleb, M., & Remond, S. (05 July 2023). Influence de l’utilisation de granulats fins recyclés sur les propriétés mécaniques des bétons imprimé 3D [Paper presentation]. 21e édition Journées Scientifiques du (RF)²B, Montréal, Canada.

Kazemi, M., Courard, L., & Attia, S. (27 June 2023). Thermal resistance, water permeability and water retention capacity of green roof layers with recycled and artificial aggregates [Poster presentation]. World Green Infrastructure Congress 2023, Berlin, Germany.
Peer reviewed

Muy, Y., Courard, L., Garnavault, X., Bulteel, D., Taleb, M., Remond, S., & Hubert, J. (16 June 2023). INFLUENCE DE L’UTILISATION DE GRANULATS FINS RECYCLES SUR LES PROPRIETES MECANIQUE DES BETONS IMPRIME 3D [Paper presentation]. 21e édition Journées Scientifiques du (RF)²B, Montréal, Canada.
Editorial reviewed

Taleb, M., Hubert, J., Bulteel, D., Rémond, S., & Courard, L. (2023). Elaboration d’encres cimentaires imprimables en 3D à base de sable de béton recyclé – projet CiRMAP [Poster presentation]. Journées scientifiques du (RF)²B, Montréal, Canada.

Grigoletto, S., & Courard, L. (17 November 2022). Etude de la carbonatation des granulats de béton recyclé altéré par la réaction alcali-silice [Paper presentation]. Nouveaux Matériaux et Durabilité 2022, Montpellier, France.

Fanara, A., Courard, L., & Collin, F. (16 November 2022). Numerical and Experimental Study of Chloride Ion Transport in Recycled Aggregates Concrete (Oral Presentation) [Paper presentation]. Nouveaux Matériaux et Durabilité 2022 (NoMaD), Montpellier, France.
Editorial reviewed

Muy, Y., Hubert, J., & Courard, L. (November 2022). Formulation de béton imprimés 3D avec fines de recyclage: projet CIRMAP - Etude sur les éprouvettes moulées [Poster presentation]. NoMaD 2022, Montpellier, France.

Groslambert, S., Léonard, A., & Courard, L. (November 2022). Life cycle assessment of 3D printed furniture using fine recycled aggregates – Cirmap project [Poster presentation]. Nomad 2022, Montpellier, France.
Peer reviewed

Fanara, A., Courard, L., & Collin, F. (06 July 2022). Development of a FE² multiscale model for chloride ingress inside unsaturated concrete (Oral Presentation) [Paper presentation]. LAGASHOP 2022, Villard-de-Lans, France.
Editorial reviewed

Fanara, A., Courard, L., & Collin, F. (06 June 2022). Development of a FE² Multiscale Model of Chloride Ions Transport in Recycled Aggregates Concrete (Oral Presentation) [Paper presentation]. ECCOMAS CONGRESS 2022, Lillestrøm, Oslo, Norway.

Fanara, A., Courard, L., & Collin, F. (23 May 2022). FE² Multiscale Modelling of Chloride Ions Transport in Recycled Aggregates Concrete (Oral Presentation) [Paper presentation]. EURO-C 2022, Vienne, Austria.
Editorial reviewed

Rivière, L., Kazemi, M., Joshi, M., Mahy, G., Courard, L., & Teller, J. (04 May 2022). CityRoof -Analogous green roofs for cities in Wallonia [Poster presentation]. DS²BE, Ghent, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Nshimiyimana, P., Hema, C., Zoungrana, O., Courard, L., & Messan, A. (2022). Contribution à l’amélioration de la qualité de l’habitat en terre crue au Burkina Faso [Paper presentation]. NoMaD 2022, Montpellier, France.

Pirard, E., Courard, L., & Hubert, J. (22 November 2021). Sand and circularity - Aiming at a symbiosis between the Geosphere and the Anthroposphere [Paper presentation]. A 360° perspective on sea sand, Zwin, Belgium.

Courard, L., Bouarroudj, M. E., Colman, C., Grellier, A., Zhao, Z., Michel, F., Hubert, J., Bulteel, D., & Remond, S. (2021). Recycling fine particles from construction and demolition wastes: characterization and effects on concrete perfromances [Paper presentation]. Chapter 4: Recycling and Waste management summit (RWM-2021).

Courard, L., Zhao, Z., & Hubert, J. (2020). Challenging construction industry with C&DW: opportunities and limits [Paper presentation]. IX Congreso Internacional y 23a Reunión Técnica de la AATH "A 73 años de la Primera Conferencia del Hormigón en Argentina", La Plata, Argentina.

Nshimiyimana, P., Moussa, S. H., Messan, A., & Courard, L. (11 December 2019). Effects of production and curing conditions on performances of stabilized compressed earth blocks: Kaolinite vs quartz-rich materials [Paper presentation]. 10th International conference of the African materials research society (AMRS2019), Arusha, Tanzania.

Ganou Koungang, B. M., Ndapeu, D., Tchemou, G., fotso, G., Njeugna, E., & Courard, L. (06 December 2019). Comportement hydromécanique des BTC avec granulats de Canarium schweinfurthii et Cocos nucifera : analyse de durabilité [Paper presentation]. Colloque international marquant le 40naire de l'ENSET de douala, Douala, Cameroon.

Zhao, Z., Courard, L., Rémond, S., & Damidot, D. (16 September 2019). Mechanical strength and durability of mortar containing biomass fly ash as partial replacement of cement [Poster presentation]. 15th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement.
Peer reviewed

Kahlerras, L., Belhamri, A., Fraikin, L., Michel, F., Courard, L., & Léonard, A. (11 July 2019). Determination of sorption isotherm of mortar and modeling of water diffusivity [Poster presentation]. EuroDrying'2019 - 7th European Drying Conference, Torino, Italy.

Ganou Koungang, B. M., Ndapeu, D., Tchemou, G., Njeugna, E., & Courard, L. (13 June 2019). Formulation des briques de terre biosourcées a charges de granulats de Canarium schweinfurthii et Cocos nucifera [Paper presentation]. 4ème Conférence scientifique des Doctorants et Jeunes chercheurs des Universités d'Etat/ Instituts privés l'Enseignement supérieur au Cameroun de Douala, Douala, Cameroon.

Nshimiyimana, P., Messan, A., Zhao, Z., Courard, L., Bello, L., WETSHONDO, O. D., & Fagel, N. (08 November 2018). Influence des sous-produits industriels et agricoles sur la microstructure et la résistance mécanique de la brique en terre comprimée [Paper presentation]. Colloque sur nouveau matériaux et durabilité, Liège, Belgium.

Groslambert, S., Léonard, A., Courard, L. (Other coll.), Zhao, Z. (Other coll.), & Breuil, R. (Other coll.). (November 2018). VALORIZATION OF CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTE, A ROUTE TO CIRCULAR ECONOMY: THE VALDEM PROJECT VALORISATION DES DÉCHETS DE CONSTRUCTION ET DE DÉMOLITION, UNE VOIE VERS L'ÉCONOMIE CIRCULAIRE : LE PROJET VALDEM [Paper presentation]. [avniR] Conference 2018, Lille, France.

Delvoie, S., Zhao, Z., Michel, F., & Courard, L. (November 2018). Utilisation des sables et granulats recyclés dans le béton préfabriqué : comparaison des exigences réglementaires et techniques en Europe [Paper presentation]. Conférence Internationale Francophone NoMaD 2018, Liège, Belgium.

Zhao, Z., Remond, S., Damidot, D., & Courard, L. (11 October 2018). Effect of saturation state of fine recycled concrete aggregates on the properties of mortars [Paper presentation]. IV International Conference Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment.
Peer reviewed

Zhao, Z., Delvoie, S., Michel, F., & Courard, L. (09 August 2018). Feasible use of construction and demolition waste in concrete production: SeRaMCo project [Paper presentation]. 2nd Sino-Europa Resource Forum, Resource Science and Technology Innovation and UN 2030 SDGs, Heidelberg, Germany.

Colman, C., Zhao, Z., Michel, F., Remond, S., Bulteel, D., & Courard, L. (12 July 2018). Internal sulfate attack caused by gypsum contamination of recycled aggregates: development of a swelling test protocol [Paper presentation]. 19e édition des Journées Scientifiques du Regroupement Francophone pour la Recherche et la Formation sur le Béton (RF)2B, Anglet, France.

Nshimiyimana, P., Miraucourt, D., Messan, A., & Courard, L. (December 2017). Compressive strength of compressed earth blocks stabilized with calcium carbide residue and rice husk ash [Paper presentation]. African materials research society 9th international conference (AMRS2017), Gaborone, Botswana.

Nshimiyimana, P., Messan, A., & Courard, L. (27 April 2017). Effect of the Nature of Clay and Substitution Materials on the Physico-Mechanical Properties of Compressed Earth Blocks (CEBs) [Poster presentation]. Doctoral school on sustainable built environment (DS2BE), Liège, Belgium.

Zhao, Z., Remond, S., Damidot, D., Courard, L., & Michel, F. (2016). Improving properties of recycled concrete aggregates by accelerated carbonation [Paper presentation]. 4th International Conference on Sustainability Construction Materials and Technologies SCMT4, Las Vegas, United States.
Peer reviewed

Courard, L. (2016). Recycled and bio-based materials for sustainable construction [Paper presentation]. Symposium 3R: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle in Constructions, Warsaw, Poland.

Courard, L., & Evrard, A. (10 December 2015). Ressources secondaires et matériaux innovants pour une construction durable [Paper presentation]. Matériaux innovants et efficacité énergétique, Cergy-Pontoise, France.

Grigoletto, S., Paul, J., Lebeau, F., Courard, L., & Moutschen, P. (05 November 2015). Applications de la terre crue en construction [Paper presentation]. Conférence Internationale Francophone NoMad (Nouveaux Matériaux et Durabilité), Douai, France.

Zhao, Z., Remond, S., Damidot, D., & Courard, L. (30 October 2015). Toward the quantification of the cement paste content of fine recycled concrete aggregates by salicylic acid dissolution corrected by a theoretical approach [Poster presentation]. ICCC15 (14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement), Beijing, China.
Peer reviewed

Zhao, Z., Courard, L., Remond, S., Damidot, D., & Fiandaca, T. (July 2015). Tentatives de prétraitement des granulats recyclés pour l’amélioration des bétons préfabriqués [Paper presentation]. 16e édition des Journées scientifiques du Regroupement francophone pour la recherche et la formation sur le béton (RF)2B, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Peer reviewed

Kahlerras, L., Belhamri, A., Fraikin, L., Courard, L., & Léonard, A. (24 August 2014). modelling heat and mass transfer during convective drying of a building material [Poster presentation]. IDS 2014 19th International Drying Symposium, Lyon, France. doi:10.1051/ids2014/2013351

Kahlerras, L., Michel, F., Courard, L., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Bennamoun, L., Belhamri, A., & Léonard, A. (24 August 2014). Experimental study of the drying kinetic of mortar [Poster presentation]. IDS 2014 19th International Drying Symposium, Lyon, France. doi:10.1051/ids2014/2013352

Lucquiaud, V., & Courard, L. (2014). Etude de la durabilité des hydrofuges de surface pour la conservation du patrimoine en béton [Poster presentation]. (RF)²B, Douai, France.

Louis, A., Evrard, A., Biot, B., Courard, L., & Lebeau, F. (31 May 2013). De l’expérimentation à la modélisation des propriétés hygrothermiques de parois isolées en paille [Paper presentation]. 31èmes rencontres de l'Association Universitaire de Génie Civil, Cachan (Paris), France.

Courard, L., & Bissonnette, B. (10 May 2013). Durabilité (s) des matériaux de construction : un challenge pour l’ingénieur [Paper presentation]. 81ème Congrès de l'ACFAS - Savoirs sans frontières, Québec, Canada.

Courard, L. (2013). Recyclage et valorisation des déchets et sous-produits industriels en construction : conditions et expériences [Paper presentation]. ECOMATERIAUX DE CONSTRUCTION : PILIER DE LA CROISSANCE VERTE EN AFRIQUE ?, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Courard, L. (20 November 2012). Eco-efficacité et éco-efficience: un nouveau paradigme en construction(s) [Paper presentation]. Nouveaux Matériaux et Durabilité NoMaD 2012, Toulouse, France.

Courard, L. (25 April 2012). Changements dans l’art de construire: le choix des matériaux [Paper presentation]. Construire demain, Liège, Belgium.

Louis, A., Courard, L., Nguyen, F., & Van der Wielen, A. (2011). Détection de zones humides dans le béton par GPR en présence d’un gradient d’humidité [Poster presentation]. Journées scientiifiques du Regroupement Francophone pour la Recherche et la Foramtion dans le domaine du Béton, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

He, H., Courard, L., & Pirard, E. (20 September 2010). Particle packing of concrete containing blended cement [Paper presentation]. 2nd CODICE Workshop on Multi-scale Modelling and Experiments for Cementitious Materials, Venice, Italy.

Courard, L. (2010). Appétence et adhérence des systèmes de réparation : importance de la préparation du support [Paper presentation]. Patrimoine en ciment naturel : conservation et restauration, Grenoble, France.

Courard, L. (2007). What about concrete in the next thirty years ? [Paper presentation]. Forum Innovation, Ellewijt, Belgium.

Courard, L. (2006). Evaluation of concrete substrate prior to overlay. Bonded concrete overlays – Recommendations and Applications [Paper presentation]. American Concrete Institute Fall Convention, Denver, United States.


As author or co-author

Vidal de la Peña, N., Grigoletto, S., Toye, D., Courard, L., & Léonard, G. (2023). Circular Economy Processes for CO2 Capture and Utilization Chapter 7. (1). Spain: Francisco M. Baena-Moreno.
Editorial reviewed

de herde, A., Evrard, A., Rouche, S., Biot, B., Keutgen, G., Courard, L., Louis, A., Lebeau, F., & Bonnert, A. (2016). La paille matière première - Vadémécum 1. Belgium: UCL.

de Herde, A., Evrard, A., Rouche, S., Biot, B., Keutgen, G., Courard, L., Louis, A., Lebeau, F., & Bonnert, A. (2016). La paille - projets construits. Louvain La Neuve, Belgium: UCL.

de Herde, A., Evrard, A., Rouche, S., Biot, B., keutgen, G., Courard, L., Louis, A., Lebeau, F., & Bonnert, A. (2016). La paille parois performantes - Vademecum 2. Louvain La Neuve, Belgium: UCL.

Courard, L., Bissonnette, B., & Garbacz, A. (2015). Concrete Surface Engineering. Boca Raton, United States: CRC Press. doi:10.1201/b19372

As editor or director

Garbacz, A., & Courard, L. (Eds.). (2016). Symposium 3R: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle in constructions. Warsaw, Poland: Warsaw University of Technology.

Courard, L., Dehousse, N., Demonceau, J.-F., Franssen, J.-M., & Maquoi, R. (Eds.). (2011). 300e conférence du C.E.R.E.S. Liège, Belgium: Centre d'Etudes, de Recherches et d'Essais Scientifiques du Génie Civil.

Bissonnette, B., Courard, L., Fowler, D., & Granju, J.-L. (Eds.). (2011). Bonded cement-based material overlays for the repair, the lining or the strengthening of slabs and pavements. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

Courard, L., & Garbacz, A. (Eds.). (2010). Concrete Repair Science: new trends - 10 Years cooperation between the University of Liège and the Politechnika Warsawska. Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Book chapters and contributions to collective works

Fanara, A., Courard, L., & Collin, F. (2024). Experimental and Numerical FE² Study of Chloride Ions Ingress in Unsaturated Recycled Aggregates Concrete. In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-80672-8_25
Peer reviewed

Nshimiyimana, P., Djibo, K. B., Sore, S. O., Coulibaly, Y., Pru’Homme, E., Zhao, Z., Messan, A., & Courard, L. (2024). High-Temperature Performances of Compressed Earth Blocks Stabilized with Cementitious Binders. In RILEM Bookseries (pp. 376–386). Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-62690-6_39
Peer reviewed

Grigoletto, S., Hubert, J., Duchesne, J., Bissonnette, B., Michel, F., & Courard, L. (2024). Mitigation of Alkali-Silica Reaction Through Carbonation of Recycled Concrete Aggregates. In RILEM Bookseries. Springer Science and Business Media B.V. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-59349-9_72
Peer reviewed

Salassi, S.-P. J., Nshimiyimana, P., Djoubissie, D. D., Messan, A., & Courard, L. (2024). Predicting the Hygro-Mechanical Behaviour of Stabilized Compressed Earth Bricks. In RILEM Bookseries (pp. 261-269). Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-62690-6_27
Peer reviewed

Vidal de la Peña, N., Grigoletto, S., Toye, D., Courard, L., & Léonard, G. (2023). Circular Economy Processes for CO2 Capture and Utilization. In Chapter 7: CO2 capture by mineral carbonation of construction and industrial wastes (First edition, pp. 386). Francisco M. Baena-Moreno.
Editorial reviewed

Malbila, E., Delvoie, S., Toguyeni, D., Courard, L., & Attia, S. (2022). Improving the Building Energy Efficiency and Thermal Comfort through the Design of Walls in Compressed Earth Blocks of Agricultural and Biopolymer Residues Masonry: A Recent Study. In Research Developments in Science and Technology Vol. 9. Book Publisher International (a part of SCIENCEDOMAIN International). doi:10.9734/bpi/rdst/v9/2852c
Editorial reviewed

Courard, L., Herfort, D., & Villagran, Y. (2018). Limestone powder. In N. de Belie, Properties of Fresh and Hardened Concrete Containing Supplementary Cementitious Materials (pp. 123-151). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-70606-1_4
Peer reviewed

Silfwerbrand, J., Beushausen, H., & Courard, L. (2011). Bond (chapter 4). In B. Bissonnette, L. Courard, D. Fowler, ... Granju (Eds.), Bonded cement-based material overlays for the repair, the lining or the strengthening of slabs and pavements (pp. 51-79). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

Courard, L., Trevino, M., & Bissonnette, B. (2011). Condition evaluation of the existing structure prior to overlay (chapter 3). In B. Bissonnette, L. Courard, D. Fowler, ... J.-L. Granju (Eds.), Bonded cement-based material overlays for the repair, the lining or the strengthening of slabs and pavements (pp. 17-50). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

Garbacz, A., Piotrowski, T., & Courard, L. (2009). Znaczenie inżynierii powierzchni w naprawach betonu. In M. Kaminski, J. Jasiczak, W. Buczkowski, ... T. Błaszczykowski, Współczesne metody naprawcze w obiektach budowlanych (pp. 59-76). Wroclaw, Poland: Dolnosląskie Wydawnictwo Edukacyjne.

Courard, L., Schwall, D., & Piotrowski, T. (2007). Concrete surface roughness characterization by means of opto-morphology technique. In Adhesion in Interfaces of Building Materials: a Multi-Scale Approach (pp. 107-116). Freiburg, Germany: Aedificatio Publishers.

Piotrowski, T., Garbacz, A., Schwall, D., & Courard, L. (2007). On the effect of concrete surface roughness on stress wave propagation in repair systems. In Adhesion in Interfaces of Building Materials: a Multi-Scale Approach (pp. 247-257). Freiburg, Germany: Aedificatio Publishers.

Courard, L., Zajc, A., Garbacz, A., & Wolff, L. (2006). Testing procedures and other regulations. In P. Seidler, Industrial floors (pp. 101-109). Bagneux, France: Rilem Publications s.a.r.l.

Courard, L., Garbacz, A., & Wolff, L. (2006). Evaluation and quality assessement of industrial floors. In P. Seidler, Industrial floors (pp. 59-89). Bagneux, France: Rilem Publications s.a.r.l.

Courard, L., Darimont, A., Degeimbre, R., & Wiertz, J. (2003). Effects of environment on Repair Materials: Results of a Five-Year Research Project. In Sixth Canmet/ACI International Conference on Durability of Concrete (pp. 921-940). Thessaloniki, Greece: V. M. Malhorta.

Courard, L., Vanelstraete, A., de Bondt, A., Spon, E., & Spon, F. N. (1997). Prevention of Reflective Cracking in Pavements (Chapter 4). In • Characterization of overlay systems (pp. 61-83).

Courard, L. (1995). The need of a QC/QA system in waste landfills projects. In Encyclopedia of Environmental Control Technology. Volume IX (pp. 277-308). New-York, United States - New York: Paul N. Cheremisinoff.

Theses and dissertations

Doctoral thesis

Courard, L. (1998). Contribution à l’analyse des paramètres influençant la création de l’interface entre un béton et un système de réparation. Appétence et adhérence : cause et effet d’une liaison [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Expert reports

Courard, L. (2015). WITCONCRETE Vessel Inspection Report. (GMC/15/025).

Courard, L., & Michel, F. (2014). Analyse du rapport ONDRAF/NIRAS – NIROND-TR 2011-58 F 31 August 2012 - Aspects phénoménologiques relatifs aux processus de dégradation chimique des barrières ouvragées à base de liant hydraulique – Evaluation de la phase d’initiation de la corrosion des armatures des structures en béton armé. (LMC-14-038). Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Courard, L. (2014). Pérennité d’une dalle fissurée en milieu humide voire aqueux.

Gillard, A., Courard, L., & Darimont, A. (2010). Eglise Saint-Voncent: compte-rendu de l'inspection visuelle et des essais réalisés. Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège.

Courard, L., Darimont, A., & Degée, H. (2010). Evaluation de l'effet de la présence de nodules de chaux dans les bétons - Rapport détaillé. (Rapport scientifique et technique - Rapport détaillé). Seilles, Belgium: Carmeuse S.A.

Courard, L., Darimont, A., & Degée, H. (2010). Evaluation de l'effet de la présence de nodules de chaux dans les bétons - Rapport complémentaire. (Rapport complémentaire (1)). Seilles, Belgium: Carmeuse S.A.

Courard, L., Darimont, A., & Degée, H. (2010). Evaluatie van de gevolgen van de aanwezigheid van kalknodules in beton - Gedetailleerd verslag. (Wetenschappelijk en technisch verslag - Gedetailleerd verslag). Seilles, Belgium: Carmeuse S.A.

Courard, L., Darimont, A., & Degée, H. (2010). Evaluatie van de gevolgen van de aanwezigheid van kalknodules in beton - Besluiten. (Wetenschappelijk en technisch verslag - Besluiten). Seilles, Belgium: Carmeuse S.A.

Courard, L., Darimont, A., & Degée, H. (2010). Evaluation de l'effet de la présence de nodules de chaux dans les bétons - Conclusions. (Rapport scientifique et technique - Conclusions). Seilles, Belgium: Carmeuse S.A.

Courard, L. (2006). Utilisation des matières - Problématique 15 : Le cycle de vie des matières – matériaux de construction. Namur, Belgium: DGRNE.

Courard, L. (2006). Le cycle de vie des matières : les matériaux de construction et de démolition.

Learning materials

Course notes

Courard, L. (2012). Matériaux de construction. (ULiège - Université de Liège, GCIV 0184). Liège, Belgium: AEES.

Courard, L. (2011). Constructions: matériaux et pathologies. (ULiège - Université de Liège, GCIV 0626 - GCIV 0627). Liège, Belgium: AEES.

Courard, L. (2010). Valorisation des déchets et sous-produits industriels en le génie civil. (ULiège - Université de Liège, GCIV0615). Liège, Belgium: AEES.

Courard, L. (2010). Amélioration et renforcement des bétons. (ULiège - Université de Liège, GCIV0201). Liège, Belgium: AEES.

Courard, L. (2010). Emploi et calcul des coffrages. (ULiège - Université de Liège, GCIV0201). Liège, Belgium: AEES.

Courard, L. (2010). Formulation des bétons. (ULiège - Université de Liège, GCIV0201). Liège, Belgium: AEES.

Courard, L. (2010). Matériaux composites. (ULiège - Université de Liège, GCIV0201). Liège, Belgium: AEES.

Courard, L. (2009). Maintenance, entretien et réparation des constructions en béton. (ULiège - Université de Liège, GCIV 0133). Liège, Belgium: AEES.

Courard, L. (2007). Caractères généraux des matériaux. (ULiège - Université de Liège, GCIV 0184). Liège, Belgium: AEES.

Courard, L., & Rigo, J.-M. (2005). Utilisation des géosynthétiques en génie civil. (ULiège - Université de Liège, GCIV0201). Liège, Belgium: AEES.

Other publications and communications

Articles in scientific journals without peer reviewing

Nshimiyimana, P., Messan, A., & Courard, L. (19 November 2024). A snapshot review on the improvement of structural performances of compressed earth blocks stabilized with alternative binders: the case of Burkina Faso. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions, 9 (12). doi:10.1007/s41062-024-01787-w
Editorial Reviewed verified by ORBi

Jackiewicz-Rek, W., Piotrowski, T., Courard, L., & Jeanpierre, A. (2016). Determining the reactivity of concrete aggregates for Nuclear Power Plant concrete structures. Materialy Budowlane, 529 (9), 99-102.

Piotrowski, T., Jackiewicz-Rek, W., Prochon, P., Courard, L., & Jeanpierre, A. (2016). Special requirements for freeze/thaw resistance of concrete in PWR nuclear civil works. Materialy Budowlane, 529 (9), 94-97. doi:10.15199/33.2016.09.36

Załęgowski, K., Jackiewicz-Rek, W., Garbacz, A., & Courard, L. (2013). Ślad węglowy betonu. Materialy Budowlane, 496, 1-3.

Courard, L. (July 2011). Le béton a posteriori: focus sur les aspects de conservation et restauration d'un matériau qui se livre encore. Nouvelles du Patrimoine, 132, 21-23.

Courard, L., Garbacz, A., & Piotrowski, T. (February 2007). Inżynieria powierzchni betonu. Część 3. Termodynamiczne uwarunkowania adhezji. Materialy Budowlane, 2, 6-7.

Courard, L., Garbacz, A., Nieweglowska, A., & Piotrowski, T. (December 2006). Inżyneria powierzchni betonu. Część 2. Wpływ obrobki na powstawanie rys. Materialy Budowlane, 12, 8-11.

Garbacz, A., Piotrowski, T., & Courard, L. (September 2006). Inżyneria powierzchni betonu. Część 1. Struktura geometryczna powierzchni. Materialy Budowlane, 9, 3-7.

Speeches and writings for a general audience

General audience and popularisation articles

Dupuis, H., Léonard, G., Detrembleur, C., Evrard, B., & Courard, L. (16 September 2019). Plein Gaz. Le Quinzième Jour, 274.

Courard, L., Darimont, A., & Degée, H. (2011). Eclatement du béton dû à granulats contaminés à la chaux vive. Beton, 209 (janvier), p. 32-37.

Courard, L., & Michel, F. (2010). La formation: un outil indispensable pour l'ingénieur. FEREB.

Conferences given outside the academic context

Courard, L. (2024). Paramètres influençant l’adhérence des produits de réparation [Paper presentation]. FEREB - Fédération des Entreprises de Réparation de Béton, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Courard, L. (2024). Einstein Telescope - Gestion des matières solides [Paper presentation]. GetTogether Hub Greenwin ET, Liège, Belgium.

Courard, L. (2024). Economie circulaire et construction: entre innovation et conservatisme [Paper presentation]. Visite ECO-CONSEIL.

Courard, L. (2023). Gérer nos ressources primaires et secondaires: avantages, freins, perspectives [Paper presentation]. Quand le secteur de la construction innove pour devenir circulaire et bas carbone, Sprimont, Belgium.

Hubert, J., Muy, Y., & Courard, L. (2023). Utilisation de granulats recyclés : recherches à l’ULiège [Paper presentation]. Séminaire WalDeCoViet, Fernelmont, Belgium.

Hubert, J., & Courard, L. (2023). Matériaux recyclés au service de la constructio:: exemple de l’abri du Pot’Ingé [Paper presentation]. EXPOt’Ingé : La transition alimentaire, quel rôle pour l’université ?.

Courard, L. (2022). Economie circulaire et construction: entre innovation et conservatisme [Paper presentation]. ECO Conseils, Namur, Belgium.

Courard, L. (2022). Meeting LEMIT-ULiège [Paper presentation]. Meeting LEMIT.

Hubert, J., & Courard, L. (2022). Utilisation de granulats recyclés dans la construction: le projet de recherche SeRaMCo [Paper presentation]. Les journées techniques de la Société de l’industrie minérale : Valorisation des granulats recyclés dans les bétons préfabriqués, Mons, Belgium.

Courard, L. (2022). Recyclage: une solution ou un problème? [Paper presentation]. Sciences et nature, Liège, Belgium.

Courard, L. (2020). Construction en terre, ressources secondaires et matériaux bio-sourcés : un avenir pour l’Afrique.

Léonard, G., Evrard, B., Grignard, B., & Courard, L. (2019). Plein gaz : enjeux et perspectives de la valorisation du CO2 [Paper presentation]. Rencontre Liège Creative - Réutilisation du CO2, Liège, Belgium.

Courard, L., & Mariage, T. (2019). Economie circulaire dans la construction : introduction de granulats recyclés lavés dans les bétons préfabriqués.

Hubert, J., Courard, L., Michel, F., Duvivier; Didier, Chapelle;Robin, de Froidmont;Claire, & Mariage;Thibault. (2019). SeRaMCo - Recycling Process [Paper presentation]. Belgian Concrete Day 2019 : SeRaMCo Workshop, Brussels, Belgium.

Courard, L. (2019). Construction and Demolition Wastes: wastes or secondary resources? [Paper presentation]. Smart solutions for a sustainable future of our cities, Mexico, Mexico.

Franssen, R., Courard, L., & Mihaylov, B. (2019). Réhabilitation et Renforcement de Piles de Pont avec du Béton Fibré à Ultra-Haute Performance [Paper presentation]. Ultra High Performance Concrete Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Grigoletto, S., & Courard, L. (2018). Matériaux bio-sourcés et recyclés: de nouvelles ressources pour construire mieux? [Paper presentation]. Salon Energie & Habitat, Namur, Belgium.

Courard, L. (2016). Evaluation du cursus  Sciences industrielles et de l’ingénieur industriel [Paper presentation]. Table ronde FABI URFIIB, La Bruyère, Belgium.

Courard, L. (2015). Maladies des bétons: entre fatalité et prise en charge.

Grigoletto, S., Paul, J., & Courard, L. (2015). LE PROJET AGROMOB - Utilisation des matériaux bio-sourcés dans la construction [Paper presentation]. Salon Bois & Habitat, Namur, Belgium.

Courard, L. (2013). Matériaux et systèmes constructifs: critères de sélection [Paper presentation]. Eco-quartiers: enjeux et opportunités pour la Wallonie, Charleroi, Belgium.

Courard, L. (2012). Réparations et recherche: une nécessité [Paper presentation]. Béton: diagnostic et protection. Début et fin d’une réparation durable du béton, Liège, Belgium.

Dotreppe, J.-C., Franssen, J.-M., Somja, H., Binh, C. T., Rémont, A., Hérode, M., Courard, L., Martin, M., Michel, F., & Van der Wielen, A. (2009). Recherches menées à l'Université de Liège dans le domaine du béton en 2008-2009 [Paper presentation]. Bouwkroniek, Belgium.


Courard, L., & Hubert, J. (2022). Matériaux recyclés de haute qualité : mise en place d’une filière de valorisation des déchets de construction et de démolition au Vietnam [Paper presentation]. Projet WalDeCoViet, Hanoï, Vietnam.

Courard, L. (2019). Re-construire: un art re-nouvelé.

Courard, L., Zhao, Z., Colman, C., & Bouarroudj, M. E. (2017). Concrete recycled aggregates and sand for designing new eco-concrete [Paper presentation]. ECO CONCRETE - Use of wastes in concrete, Iasi, Romania.

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