
Nguyen Frédéric

Géophysique appliquée

Vice-doyen à la recherche (Sciences appliquées)


See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Hermans, Thomas  (72)
Caterina, David  (54)
Robert, Tanguy  (50)
Dassargues, Alain  (29)
Hermans, Thomas (29)
Main Referenced Keywords
Geophysics (24); geophysics (21); electrical resistivity tomography (17); ERT (17); landfill (16);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Université de Liège - Département ArGEnCo - GEO³ - Geophysique Appliquée (21)
UEE - Urban and Environmental Engineering - ULiège (10)
Aquapôle - ULiège (3)
Fondation Roi Baudouin - Prix Ernest Dubois (2)
TERRA Teaching and Research Centre - TERRA (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Geological, petroleum & mining engineering (177)
Earth sciences & physical geography (61)
Civil engineering (13)
Energy (9)
Agriculture & agronomy (8)

Publications (total 264)

The most downloaded
Fernandez de Vera, N., Beaujean, J., Jamin, P., Nguyen, F., Dahan, O., Vanclooster, M., & Brouyère, S. (03 September 2014). VADOSE ZONE STUDIES AT AN INDUSTRIAL CONTAMINATED SITE: THE VADOSE ZONE MONITORING SYSTEM AND CROSS-HOLE GEOPHYSICS [Paper presentation]. In Situ Remediation 2014, London, United Kingdom.

The most cited

113 citations (OpenAlex)

Nguyen, F., Garambois, S., Jongmans, D., Pirard, E., & Loke, M. H. (2005). Image processing of 2D resistivity data for imaging faults. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 57 (4), 260-277. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2005.02.001

Omar, H., Bultreys, T., Caterina, D., Nguyen, F., Rembert, F., Manoorkar, S., Vanhooren, L., & Hermans, T. (28 May 2024). A new experimental setup for combination of SIP measurements with X-ray µCT scanning: an application to the Gunnuhver geothermal system in Iceland [Poster presentation]. 7th International IP Workshop, Lund, Sweden.
Editorial reviewed

Orban, P., Guillemoto, Q., Dassargues, A., & Nguyen, F. (06 May 2024). Einstein Telescope - Hydrogeology: planning and progress from EMR regional model to local measurements [Paper presentation]. Einstein Telescope Symposium, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Peer reviewed

Omar, H., Bultreys, T., Caterina, D., Nguyen, F., Vanhooren, L., Manoorkar, S., & Hermans, T. (16 April 2024). Combining Spectral Induced Polarization and X-ray micro-Computed Tomography imaging to reveal pore-scale dynamic processes occurring in volcanic hydrothermal systems [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2024. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18323

Nguyen, F., & E-TEST team. (2024). WPT3 and WPT4 E-TEST Public Database and reports.

Guillemoto, Q., Orban, P., Dassargues, A., & Nguyen, F. (2024). Report on cross-border groundwater model for ecosystem services D.T3.2.1 -E-TEST. Liège, Belgium: Université de Liège.

Forth, Y., Michel, H., Caterina, D., Hase, J., Kemna, A., Chudalla, N., Wellmann, F., Vink, B., & Nguyen, F. (09 March 2024). Imaging large-scale geological structures using Deep ERT: a case study on the Booze Val-Dieu block in Belgium [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2024. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16128
Editorial reviewed

Cong-Thi, D., Dieu, L. P., Caterina, D., De Pauw, X., Thi, H. D., Ho, H. H., Nguyen, F., & Hermans, T. (March 2024). Quantifying salinity in heterogeneous coastal aquifers through ERT and IP: Insights from laboratory and field investigations. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 262, 104322. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2024.104322
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Nguyen, F., & E-TEST team. (2024). D.T4.1.1 E-TEST.

Guillemoto, Q., Orban, P., Dassargues, A., & Nguyen, F. (06 December 2023). Regional groundwater modeling for estimating the drained fluxes by the ET works and their impact [Paper presentation]. Einstein Telescope – Site Preparation Board Workshop 3, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Isunza Manrique, I., Hermans, T., Caterina, D., Jougnot, D., Mignon, B., Masse, A., & Nguyen, F. (25 October 2023). Integrated methodology to link geochemical and geophysical-lab data in a geophysical investigation of a slag heap for resource quantification. Journal of Environmental Management, 349, 119366. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119366
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Delye, E., Boudin, M., Caterina, D., Debouny, T., Jonlet, B., Matagne, J.-L., Michel, H., Nascatti, A., Nguyen, F., Witvrouw, J., & Van Wersch, L. (05 October 2023). Nouvelles recherches autour des fouilles menées par le Cercle archéologique Hesbaye-Condroz sous la collégiale Saint-Georges-et-Sainte-Ode d’Amay (Liège, B.) [Poster presentation]. 43e JOURNÉES INTERNATIONALES D’ARCHÉOLOGIE MÉROVINGIENNE L’objet mérovingien De sa fabrication à sa (re-)découverte, Liège, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Chtouki, M., Nguyen, F., Garré, S., & Oukarroum, A. (2023). Optimizing phosphorus fertigation management zones using electromagnetic induction, soil properties, and crop yield data under semi-arid conditions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. doi:10.1007/s11356-023-29658-4
Peer reviewed

Simon, N., Jamin, P., Dassargues, A., Nguyen, F., Caterina, D., & Brouyère, S. (15 May 2023). Observations of the effect of earth tides on groundwater fluxes variations at the scale of a borehole [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-6410

Dumont, M., Isunza Manrique, I., Michel, H., Debouny, T., Caterina, D., & Nguyen, F. (15 May 2023). Applied geophysics for regeneration of past metallurgical sites [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2023. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-14429
Editorial reviewed

Michel, H., Dumont, M., Caterina, D., Jonard, F., Isunza Manrique, I., Debouny, T., & Nguyen, F. (15 May 2023). How UAV improve past metallurgical deposits characterization for landfill regeneration [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-11869
Editorial reviewed

Debouny, T., Caterina, D., & Nguyen, F. (15 May 2023). Benchmark of multiple non-invasive electrodes for a relevant use in urban environments [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2023. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-12013
Editorial reviewed

Isunza Manrique, I., Caterina, D., Nguyen, F., & Hermans, T. (2023). Quantitative interpretation of geoelectric inverted data with a robust probabilistic approach. Geophysics. doi:10.1190/GEO2022-0133.1
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Orban, P., & Nguyen, F. (25 January 2023). Definition of the legal steps to be taken and the permits to be obtained for the construction of the Einstein Telescope in the EMR region [Paper presentation]. 2nd Site Preparation Board Workshop Einstein Telescope, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Peer reviewed

Michel, H., Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (2023). Iterative Prior Resampling and rejection sampling to improve 1D geophysical imaging based on Bayesian Evidential Learning (BEL1D). Geophysical Journal International. doi:10.1093/gji/ggac372
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Chtouki, M., Naciri, R., Garré, S., Nguyen, F., Zeroual, Y., & Oukarroum, A. (2022). Phosphorus fertilizer form and application frequency affect soil P availability, chickpea yield, and P use efficiency under drip fertigation. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. doi:10.1002/jpln.202100439
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Defourny, A., Blard, P.-H., Zimmermann, L., Jobé, P., Collignon, A., Nguyen, F., & Dassargues, A. (19 May 2022). δ13C, CO2/3He and 3He/4He ratios reveal the presence of mantle gas in the C02-rich groundwaters of the Ardennes massif (Spa, Belgium). Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26 (10), 2637-2648. doi:10.5194/hess-26-2637-2022
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Chtouki, M., Laaziz, F., Naciri, R., Garré, S., Nguyen, F., & Oukarroum, A. (24 April 2022). Interactive effect of soil moisture content and phosphorus fertilizer form on chickpea growth, photosynthesis, and nutrient uptake. Scientific Reports, 12 (1), 6671. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-10703-0
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Isunza Manrique, I., Caterina, D., Dumont, M., & Nguyen, F. (28 March 2022). Integrated Approach to Identify Variables for the Prediction of Metallic Content in a Slag Heap using Time-Domain ERT and SIP Laboratory Measurements [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10857

Lopez-Alvis, J., Nguyen, F., Looms, M. C., & Hermans, T. (March 2022). Geophysical Inversion Using a Variational Autoencoder to Model an Assembled Spatial Prior Uncertainty. Journal of Geophysical Research. Solid Earth, 127 (3). doi:10.1029/2021JB022581
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Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., Dumont, M., & Nguyen, F. (18 February 2022). In search for buried resources from past industrial and societal activities: contribution of geophysical methods [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Earth Resources and Geo-environment Technology (EraGET2022).

Michel, H., Hermans, T., Kremer, T., & Nguyen, F. (October 2021). Application of BEL1D for sNMR data interpretation [Paper presentation]. 8th International Workshop on Magnetic Resonance, Strasbourg, France.

Michel, H., Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., & Kremer, T. (September 2021). Improving the sNMR signal-to-noise ratio using cost-effective EM shielding [Poster presentation]. IAH2021, Bruxelles, Belgium.

van de Vijver, E., Manrique, I. I., Bobe, C., Caterina, D., Hermans, T., Wille, E., & Nguyen, F. (01 September 2021). Geophysics in support of dynamic landfill management: Moving beyond the challenges. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2021-September, 3140 - 3144. doi:10.1190/segam2021-3594435.1
Editorial reviewed

Lopez-Alvis, J., Laloy, E., Nguyen, F., & Hermans, T. (July 2021). Deep generative models in inversion: The impact of the generator's nonlinearity and development of a new approach based on a variational autoencoder. Computers and Geosciences, 152, 104762. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2021.104762
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Chtouki, M., Naciri, R., Garré, S., Nguyen, F., & Oukarroum, A. (2021). Chickpea plant responses to polyphosphate fertiliser forms and drip fertigation frequencies: effect on photosynthetic performance and phenotypic traits. Functional Plant Biology: FPB. doi:10.1071/FP21035
Peer reviewed

Bevandić, S., Blannin, R., Vander Auwera, J., Delmelle, N., Caterina, D., Nguyen, F., & Muchez, P. (2021). Geochemical and Mineralogical Characterisation of Historic Zn–Pb Mine Waste, Plombières, East Belgium. Minerals, 11 (1), 28. doi:10.3390/min11010028
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Van de Vijver, E., Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., Bobe, C., & Nguyen, F. (16 December 2020). Geophysical surveys for unlocking landfill resources: from past applications to future developments [Poster presentation]. AGU fall meeting.

Nguyen, F. (02 December 2020). Einstein Telescope EMR Site & Technology: Plans for seismic studies in Limburg [Paper presentation]. 11th Einstein Telescope Symposium, Annecy, France.

Ehosioke, S., Nguyen, F., Rao, S., Kremer, T., Placencia-Gomez, R. E., Huisman, J. A., Kemna, A., Javaux, M., & Garré, S. (2020). Sensing the electrical properties of roots: A review. Vadose Zone Journal. doi:10.1002/vzj2.20082
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Amann, F., Bonsignorio, F., Bulik, T., Bulten, H. J., Cuccuru, S., Dassargues, A., DeSalvo, R., Fenyvesi, E., Fidecaro, F., Fiori, I., Giunchi, C., Grado, A., Harms, J., Koley, S., Kovacs, L., Losurdo, G., Mandic, V., Meyers, P., Naticchioni, L., ... Vasuth, M. (09 September 2020). Site-selection criteria for the Einstein Telescope. Review of Scientific Instruments, 91, 094504. doi:10.1063/5.0018414
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Michel, H., Nguyen, F., & Hermans, T. (September 2020). Bayseian Evidential Learning for 1D geological imaging from geophysical data [Paper presentation]. iEMSs 2020, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Heidarian Dehkordi, R., Burgeon, V., Fouche, J., Placencia-Gomez, R. E., Cornelis, J.-T., Nguyen, F., Denis, A., & Meersmans, J. (04 August 2020). Using UAV Collected RGB and Multispectral Images to Evaluate Winter Wheat Performance Across a Site Characterized by Century-Old Biochar Patches in Belgium. Remote Sensing, 12. doi:10.3390/rs12152504
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Kremer, T., Müller-Petke, M., Michel, H., Dlugosch, R., Irons, T., Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (2020). Improving the accuracy of 1D surface nuclear magnetic resonance surveys using the multi-central-loop configuration. Journal of Applied Geophysics. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2020.104042
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Isunza Manrique, I., Caterina, D., Inauen, C., Watlet, A., Dashwood, B., Debouny, T., Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (06 May 2020). Assessment of magnetic data for landfill characterization by means of a probabilistic approach [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly.

Defourny, A., Kremer, T., Dassargues, A., & Nguyen, F. (06 May 2020). Electrical signature of Co2-rich groundwater systems [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria.

Michel, H., Nguyen, F., & Hermans, T. (06 May 2020). BEL1D: 1D imaging using geophysical data in the framework of Bayesian Evidential Learning [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2020. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-9190

Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., Michel, H., Bobe, C., Lucas, H., Nguyen, F., & Van De Vijver, E. (06 May 2020). Evaluating the resource recovery potential of fly ash deposits using electrical and electromagnetic methods [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2020. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-17610

Debouny, T., Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., Beese-Vasbender, P., & Nguyen, F. (May 2020). Landfill characterization by multi-method geophysical investigation: the case study of Leppe (Germany) [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria.

Michel, H., Nguyen, F., Kremer, T., Elen, A., & Hermans, T. (May 2020). 1D geological imaging of the subsurface from geophysical data with Bayesian Evidential Learning. Computers and Geosciences, 138. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2020.104456
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Lopez Alvis, J., Laloy, E., Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (May 2020). Constraining gradient-based inversion with a variational autoencoder to reproduce geological patterns [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2020. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-19576

Isunza Manrique, I., Caterina, D., Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (20 February 2020). Probabilistic Joint Interpretation of Multiple Geophysical Methods for Landfill Characterization [Poster presentation]. MINEA final conference, Bologna, Italy.

Nguyen, F., Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., & Debouny, T. (06 February 2020). Cost-effective exploration methods for landfills: results from the RAWFILL project [Paper presentation]. 5th International Symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining, Leuven, Belgium.

Michel, H., HERMANS, T., & Nguyen, F. (2020). Improving BEL1D accuracy for geophysical imaging of the subsurface. In O. Nedorub & B. Swinfrod, SEG TEchnical Program Expanded Abstracts 2020. Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
Peer reviewed

Nguyen, F. (2020). Innovation in near-surface geophysics: going beyond standard "stand-alone" imaging surveys [Paper presentation]. Journée scientifique METIS UMR 7619.

Lopez Alvis, J., Laloy, E., Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (2020). Estimation of spatially-structured subsurface parameters using variational autoencoders and gradient-based optimization [Paper presentation]. 10th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software.

Defourny, A., Nguyen, F., Collignon, A., Jobé, P., Dassargues, A., & Kremer, T. (2020). Induced Polarization as a Proxy for CO2-Rich Groundwater Detection—Evidences from the Ardennes, South-East of Belgium. Water, 12 (5). doi:10.3390/w12051394
Peer reviewed

Zhou, Z., Klotzsche, A., Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., Schmäck, J., Haruzi, P., Vereecken, H., & van der Kruk, J. (2020). 3D aquifer characterization of the Hermalle-sous-Argenteau test site using crosshole ground-penetrating radar amplitude analysis and full-waveform inversionGPR amplitude analysis and FWI for 3D imaging. Geophysics, 133-H148.
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Isunza Manrique, I., Caterina, D., Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (10 December 2019). Probabilistic Joint Interpretation of Geoelectrical and Passive Source Seismic Data for Landfill Characterization [Poster presentation]. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, United States.

Lopez Alvis, J., Laloy, E., Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (December 2019). Efficient Deterministic Inversion of Geophysical Data Constrained by Deep Generative Models to Estimate Subsurface Parameters with Defined Spatial Patterns [Paper presentation]. AGU Fall Meeting 2019.

Lopez Alvis, J., Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (November 2019). A cross-validation framework to extract data features for reducing structural uncertainty in subsurface heterogeneity. Advances in Water Resources, 133. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2019.103427
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Sathyanarayan, R., Meunier, F., Ehosioke, S., Lesparre, N., Kemna, A., Nguyen, F., Garré, S., & Javaux, M. (2019). Impact of Maize Roots on Soil–Root Electrical Conductivity: A Simulation Study. Vadose Zone Journal. doi:10.2136/vzj2019.04.0037
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El-Mejjaouy, Y., Mamassi, A., Chtouki, M., Mercatoris, B., Dumont, B., Tychon, B., EL Gharous, M., Garré, S., Nguyen, F., Cornelis, J.-T., & Oukarroum, A. (07 October 2019). Use of precision farming practices and crop modelling for enhancing water and phosphorus efficiency [Poster presentation]. 5th International Symposium on Innovation and Technology in the Phosphate Industry [SYMPHOS 2019], Ben Guérir, Morocco.

Neculau, C., Nguyen, F., Caterina, D., & Isunza Manrique, I. (03 October 2019). Innovative landfill characterization: the case study of Onoz landfill [Paper presentation]. 17th International waste management and landfill symposium, Santa Margherita di Pula, Italy.

Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., Inauen, C., Watlet, A., Dashwood, B., Chambers, J., & Nguyen, F. (01 October 2019). A multi-geophysical approach to help characterizing landfills [Paper presentation]. 17th International waste management and landfill symposium, Santa Margherita di Pula, Italy.

Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., Inauen, C., Watlet, A., Dashwood, B., De Rijdt, R., Dumont, G., Chambers, J., & Nguyen, F. (01 October 2019). Contribution of geophysical methods to the study of old landfills: A case study in Onoz (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. 17th International waste management and landfill symposium, Santa Margherita di Pula, Italy.

Isunza Manrique, I., Caterina, D., Van De Vijver, E., Dumont, G., & Nguyen, F. (30 September 2019). ASSESSMENT OF GEOPHYSICS AS A CHARACTERIZATION AND MONITORING TOOL IN THE DYNAMIC LANDFILL MANAGEMENT (DLM) CONTEXT: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES [Paper presentation]. 17th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium, Santa Margherita di Pula, CA, Italy.

Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., Debouny, T., & Nguyen, F. (11 September 2019). Contribution of geophysical methods to the study of old landfills: A case study in Onoz (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. Groundwater Quality Conference, Liège, Belgium.

Defourny, A., Kremer, T., Collignon, A., Jobé, P., Nguyen, F., & Dassargues, A. (11 September 2019). Integration of proxy data for understanding CO2-rich mineral groundwater in the Ardennes region (southeast of Belgium) [Poster presentation]. Groundwater Quality 2019, Liège, Belgium.

Hermans, T., Lesparre, N., De Schepper, G., Nguyen, F., & Robert, T. (2019). 10 years of temperature monitoring experiments using electrical resistivity tomography: What have we learned? In EarthDoc - Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Geophysics for Geothermal and Renewable Energy Storage (pp. 25). EAGE. doi:10.3997/2214-4609.201902510
Peer reviewed

Michel, H., Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (September 2019). Uncertainty quantification of the subsurface water content through BEL1D interpretation of SNMR data [Poster presentation]. Groundwater Quality 2019, Liège, Belgium.

Kremer, T., Juul Larsen, J., & Nguyen, F. (26 July 2019). Processing harmonic em noise with multiple or unstable frequency content in surface NMR surveys. Geophysical Journal International, 219 (2), 753-775. doi:10.1093/gji/ggz307
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Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., & Nguyen, F. (19 June 2019). Apport des méthodes géophysiques dans le cadre de la caractérisation des décharges: applications sur les sites pilotes du projet RAWFILL [Paper presentation]. Conference "Quelles perspectives pour les déchets ?", Lyon, France.

Michel, H., Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (11 April 2019). 1D geological modeling of the subsurface from geophysical data with Bayesian Evidential Learning [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2019.

Rao, S., Meunier, F., Ehosioke, S., Weigand, M., Kemna, A., Nguyen, F., Garré, S., Huisman, S., & Javaux, M. (April 2019). Investigation of electrical anisotropy as a root phenotyping parameter: Numerical study with root water uptake [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria.

Benoit, S., Ghysels, G., Gommers, K., Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., & Huysmans, M. (13 February 2019). Characterization of spatially variable riverbed hydraulic conductivity using electrical resistivity tomography and induced polarization. Hydrogeology Journal, 27 (1), 395-407. doi:10.1007/s10040-018-1862-7
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Rao, S., Meunier, F., Ehosioke, S., Kemna, A., Nguyen, F., Garré, S., Huisman, J. A., & Javaux, M. (February 2019). Relationship between electrical anisotropy of soil-root continuum and geometrical architecture of root system [Paper presentation]. NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM FOR APPLIED BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, Ghent, Belgium.

Kessouri, P., Furman, A., Huisman, J. A., Martin, T., Mellage, A., Ntarlagiannis, D., Bücker, M., Ehosioke, S., Fernandez, P., Flores-Orozco, A., Kemna, A., Nguyen, F., Pilawski, T., Saneiyan, S., Schmutz, M., Schwartz, N., Weigand, M., Wu, Y., Zhang, C., & Placencia-Gomez, R. E. (2019). Induced polarization applied to biogeophysics: recent advances and future prospects. Near Surface Geophysics. doi:10.1002/nsg.12072
Peer reviewed

Michel, H., Nguyen, F., & Hermans, T. (2019). Improving Bayesian Evidential Learning 1D imaging (BEL1D) accuracy through iterative prior resampling [Poster presentation]. AGU Fall Meeting 2019.

Lesparre, N., Robert, T., Nguyen, F., Boyle, A., & Hermans, T. (January 2019). 4D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) for aquifer thermal energy storage monitoring. Geothermics, 77, 368-382. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2018.10.011
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Robert, T., Hermans, T., Lesparre, N., De Schepper, G., Nguyen, F., Defourny, A., Jamin, P., Orban, P., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2018). Towards a subsurface predictive-model environment to simulate aquifer thermal energy storage for demand-side management applications. In Proceedings of SSB 2018, 10th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings (pp. 18).
Peer reviewed

Nguyen, F., Rao, S., Ehosioke, S., Huisman, J. A., Javaux, M., Kemna, A., Kremer, T., Lesparre, N., Weigand, M., Zimmermann, E., & Garré, S. (December 2018). Understanding the electrical signature of root systems at different scales to improve agrogeophysical applications [Paper presentation]. AGU Fall Meeting 2018, Washington D.C, United States.

Nguyen, F., Rao, S., Ehosioke, S., Lesparre, N., Weigand, M., Garré, S., & Javaux, M. (December 2018). Modeling effective Electrical properties of soil-root continuum to discriminate root traits [Poster presentation]. AGU Fall meeting 2018, Washington D.C, United States.

Nguyen, F., Lopez Alvis, J., & Hermans, T. (December 2018). Updating structural uncertainty through dimension reduction of geophysical data [Paper presentation]. AGU Fall Meeting 2018.

Ehosioke, S., Garré, S., kremer, T., Rao, S., Kemna, A., Huisman, J. A., Zimmerman, E., Javaux, M., & Nguyen, F. (October 2018). Towards an effective characterization of root electrical properties: a spectroscopic approach [Poster presentation]. 5th International Workshop on Induced Polarization, Newark, NJ, United States.

Garré, S., Javaux, M., Manhaeghe, T., Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (25 September 2018). Use and challenges of electrical resistivity tomography to study processes in agro-ecosystems [Paper presentation]. BBSRC International workshop Multisoil, Southampton, United Kingdom.

Robert, T., Molron, J., De Schepper, G., Gaule, D., Bolly, P.-Y., & Nguyen, F. (11 September 2018). Improving the understanding and conceptualization of regional groundwater flow patterns in fractured rocks with self-potential data [Paper presentation]. IAH 2018, Daejeon, South Korea.

Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., Lesparre, N., Caers, J., & Robert, T. (10 September 2018). Can short-term hydrogeological experiments predict the long-term behavior of subsurface reservoirs? An example from shallow geothermy [Paper presentation]. IAH 2018, Daejeon, South Korea.

Robert, T., Hermans, T., Lesparre, N., Nguyen, F., Paulus, C., Bolly, P.-Y., Defourny, A., Jamin, P., Orban, P., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (10 September 2018). Experimental assessment and prediction of short-term aquifer thermal energy storage for energy demand-side management applications [Paper presentation]. IAH 2018, Daejeon, South Korea.

Caterina, D., Isunza Manrique, I., & Nguyen, F. (27 August 2018). Utilisation des méthodes géophysiques pour aider à caractériser les décharges [Paper presentation]. Workshop: “ Exchange of best practices and experiences on landfill mining ”, Lindlar, Germany.

Ehosioke, S., Garré, S., Kremer, T., Rao, S., Kemna, A., Huisman, J. A., Zimmermann, E., Javaux, M., & Nguyen, F. (09 July 2018). A new method for characterizing the complex electrical properties of root segments [Paper presentation]. ISRR-10 "Exposing the hidden half", Ma'ale HaHamisha, Israel.

Lopez Alvis, J., Nguyen, F., & Hermans, T. (June 2018). Updating prior geologic uncertainty with GPR traveltime tomographic data [Paper presentation]. Computational Methods in Water Resources XXII.

Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., Robert, T., Lesparre, N., & Caers, J. (01 June 2018). Can short-term hydrogeological experiments predict the long-term behavior of subsurface reservoirs? An example from shallow geothermy [Paper presentation]. IAH Belgium Study Day on hydrogeological processes modeling, Koksijde, Belgium.

Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., Robert, T., Lesparre, N., & Caers, J. (12 April 2018). Can short-term hydrogeological experiments predict the long-term behavior of subsurface reservoirs? [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria.

Garré, S., Javaux, M., Dumont, G., Lesparre, N., Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (05 April 2018). Use and challenges of geophysics to study processes in agro-ecosystems (invited) [Paper presentation]. TR International conference.

Rao, S., Ehosioke, S., Nguyen, F., Garré, S., Kemna, A., & Javaux, M. (April 2018). Investigation of anisotropy in induced polarization signatures of maize root-soil continuum: A virtual rhizotron study [Poster presentation]. International Conference on: Terrestrial Systems Research: Monitoring, Prediction and High Performance Computing, Bonn, Germany.

Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., Klepikova, M., Dassargues, A., & Caers, J. (30 March 2018). Uncertainty quantification of medium‐term heat storage from short‐term geophysical experiments using bayesian evidential learning. Water Resources Research, 54. doi:10.1002/2017WR022135
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Dumont, G., Pilaswki, T., Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., & Garré, S. (2018). The effect of initial water distribution and spatial resolution on the interpretation of ERT monitoring of water infiltration in a landfill cover. ORBi-University of Liège.

Dumont, G., Robert, T., & Nguyen, F. (March 2018). Electrical resistivity tomography and distributed temperature sensing monitoring to assess the efficiency of horizontal recirculation drains on retrofit bioreactor landfills. Geophysics, 83 (2), 13-B23. doi:10.1190/geo2016-0622.1
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Kremer, T., Michel, H., Muller-Petke, M., Irons, T., Hermans, T., Duglosch, R., & Nguyen, F. (March 2018). Improving the accuracy of 1D SNMR surveys using the multi-central-loop configuration [Poster presentation]. SAGEEP 2018, Nashville, United States.

Nguyen, F., Ghose, R., Isunza Manrique, I., Robert, T., & Dumont, G. (2018). Managing past landfills for future site development: A review of the contribution of geophysical methods. In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Enhanced Landfill Mining (pp. 27-36).
Peer reviewed

Evrard, M., & Nguyen, F. (2018). Incorporation of core log information in electrical resistivity tomography: the case of Lontzen-Poppelsberg [Paper presentation]. Resources for Future Generation 2018.

Evrard, M., Dumont, G., Hermans, T., Chouteau, M., Francis, O., Pirard, E., & Nguyen, F. (2018). Geophysical Investigation of the Pb–Zn Deposit of Lontzen–Poppelsberg, Belgium. Minerals, 8 (6 233). doi:10.3390/min8060233
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Radioti, G., Cerfontaine, B., Charlier, R., & Nguyen, F. (2018). Experimental and numerical investigation of a long-duration Thermal Response Test: Borehole Heat Exchanger behaviour and thermal plume in the heterogeneous rock mass. Geothermics, 71. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2017.10.001
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Kremer, T., Larsen, J. J., & Nguyen, F. (2018). Development of new processing schemes for the removal of harmonic noise from SNMR acquisition signals in complex, multi-frequency noise environments [Paper presentation]. 24th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (Near Surface Geoscience 2018), Porto, Belgium.

Vieira, A., Alberdi-Pagola, M., Christodoulides, P., Javed, S., Loveridge, F., Nguyen, F., Cecinato, F., Maranha, J., Florides, G., Prodan, I., Van Lysebetten, G., Ramalho, E., Salciarini, D., Georgiev, A., Rosin-Paumier, S., Popov, R., Lenart, S., Poulsen, S. E., & Radioti, G. (03 December 2017). Characterisation of ground thermal and thermo-mechanical behaviour for shallow geothermal energy applications. Energies, 10 (12). doi:10.3390/en10122044
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Rao, S., Meunier, F., Ehosioke, S., Lesparre, N., Nguyen, F., Kemna, A., Garré, S., & Javaux, M. (23 November 2017). A forward model for electrical conduction in soil-root continuum: a virtual rhizotron study [Poster presentation]. GELMON, Vienna, Austria.

Garré, S., Nguyen, F., Lesparre, N., & Hermans, T. (05 October 2017). The mathematical challenges in agrogeophysics: examples and ways ahead [Paper presentation]. 12th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems (SDEWES 2017), Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Dumont, G., Robert, T., Marck, N., & Nguyen, F. (October 2017). Assessment of multiple geophysical techniques for the characterization of municipal waste deposit sites. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 145, 74-83. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2017.07.013
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Lesparre, N., Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., Kremer, T., & Robert, T. (2017). Spatio-temporal Monitoring of Heat Storage in a Shallow Aquifer Using Electrical Resistivity 4D Imagery and DTS. In EarthDoc (pp. 23 B07).
Peer reviewed

Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., & Caers, J. (2017). Quantification of Temperature with Time-lapse electrical resistivity using the prediction-focused approach-A field case. In EarthDoc (pp. 23 B14).
Peer reviewed

Hermans, T., Lesparre, N., Kremer, T., Nguyen, F., & Robert, T. (2017). Direct Prediction of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System Efficiency Using Short-term Push-pull Tests. In EarthDoc (pp. 4 01).
Peer reviewed

Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., Klepikova, M., Dassargues, A., & Caers, J. (27 July 2017). The Prediction-Focused Approach: An opportunity for hydrogeophysical data integration and interpretation in the critical zone [Poster presentation]. AGU-SEG Hydrogeophysics Workshop, Stanford, United States - California.

Dumont, G., Pilawski, T., Robert, T., Hermans, T., Garré, S., & Nguyen, F. (25 July 2017). The effect of initial water distribution and spatial resolution on the interpretation of ERT monitoring of water infiltration [Poster presentation]. AGU-SEG Hydrogeophysics Workshop, Stanford, United States - California.

Ehosioke, S., Phalempin, M., Garré, S., Kemna, A., Huisman, S., Javaux, M., & Nguyen, F. (28 April 2017). Developing suitable methods for effective characterization of electrical properties of root segments [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria.

Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., Klepikova, M., Dassargues, A., & Caers, J. (28 April 2017). The Prediction-Focused Approach: An opportunity for hydrogeophysical data integration and interpretation [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Rao, S., Ehosioke, S., Lesparre, N., Nguyen, F., & Javaux, M. (24 April 2017). Characterizing root system characteristics with Electrical resistivity Tomography: a virtual rhizotron simulation [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria.

Nguyen, F., Lesparre, N., Klepikova, M., Caers, J., Kemna, A., & Hermans, T. (2017). Recent developments using ERT-derived temperature for monitoring and characterizing aquifers [Paper presentation]. Geoelectrical monitoring (GELMON), 4th International Workshop, Vienna, Austria.

Van Hoorde, M., Hermans, T., Dumont, G., & Nguyen, F. (2017). 3D electrical resistivity tomography of karstified formations using cross-line measurements. Engineering Geology, 220, 123-132. doi:10.1016/J.enggeo.2017.01.028
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Nguyen, F., & Hermans, T. (2017). Rapport des prospections géophysiques ESO-ESU. ULg.

Nguyen, F., Dumont, G., & Caterina, D. (2017). ERT monitoring : a tool to understand processes in bioremediation and to highlight solid waste hydrodynamics ? [Paper presentation]. 23rd EAGE Near Surface Geoscience Meeting Worskshop.

Caterina, D., Flores Orozco, A., & Nguyen, F. (2017). Long-term ERT monitoring of biogeochemical changes of an aged hydrocarbon contamination. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 201, 19-29. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2017.04.003
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Nguyen, F., Lesparre, N., Hermans, T., Dassargues, A., Klepikova, M., Kemna, A., & Caers, J. (2017). Groundwater temperature estimation and modeling using hydrogeophysics [Paper presentation]. 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, United States.

Radioti, G., Sartor, K., Charlier, R., Dewallef, P., & Nguyen, F. (2017). Effect of undisturbed ground temperature on the design of closed-loop geothermal systems: A case study in a semi-urban environment. Applied Energy. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.05.070
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Fernandez de Vera, N., Beaujean, J., Jamin, P., Hakoun, V., Caterina, D., Dahan, O., Vanclooster, M., Dassargues, A., Nguyen, F., & Brouyère, S. (01 January 2017). Tracer Experiment in a Brownfield Using Geophysics and a Vadose Zone Monitoring System. Vadose Zone Journal, 16 (1), 1-15. doi:10.2136/vzj2016.06.0051
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Lesparre, N., Nguyen, F., Kemna, A., Robert, T., Hermans, T., Daoudi, M., & Flores Orozco, A. (2017). A new approach for time-lapse data weighting in ERT. Geophysics, 82 (6), 325-E333. doi:10.1190/GEO2017-0024.1
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Radioti, G., Delvoie, S., Radu, J.-P., Nguyen, F., & Charlier, R. (2017). Fractured bedrock investigation by using high-resolution borehole images and the Distributed Temperature Sensing technique. In ISRM Congress 2015 Proceedings - Int’l Symposium on Rock Mechanics.
Peer reviewed

Ehosioke, S., Phalempin, M., Garré, S., Javaux, M., & Nguyen, F. (16 November 2016). Characterization of electrical properties of roots of root segments using resistivity method [Poster presentation]. Bioforum Liège.

Nguyen, F., Hermans, T., Jamin, P., Wildemeersch, S., Klepikova, M., Orban, P., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (27 September 2016). Comparison of temperature from DTS and ERT with direct measurements during heat tracer experiments in heterogeneous aquifers [Paper presentation]. 43rd IAH congress.

Radioti, G., Delvoie, S., Sartor, K., Nguyen, F., & Charlier, R. (2016). Fiber-optic temperature measurements in closed-loop geothermal systems: A case study in heterogeneous bedrock. In Energy Geotechnics. Taylor and Francis. doi:10.1201/b21938-81
Peer reviewed

Fernandez de Vera, N., Beaujean, J., Jamin, P., Hakoun, V., Dahan, O., Nguyen, F., & Brouyère, S. (26 July 2016). Monitored tracer experiment using the vadose zone experimental setup (VZES) for studying water and pollutant recharge processes in a brownfield [Paper presentation]. 9th IAHS Conference on Groundwater Quality GQ2016, Shenzhen, Switzerland.

Beaujean, J., Hermans, T., Vandenbohede, A., Engesgaard, P., Kemna, A., & Nguyen, F. (26 July 2016). Quantitative characterization and calibration of salt water intrusion models with electrical resistivity tomography [Poster presentation]. Groundwater Quality Conference, Shenzhen, China.

Pilawski, T., Tappe, W., Zimmermann, E., Huisman, J. A., Delvigne, F., & Nguyen, F. (06 June 2016). On the α-polarization of bacterial suspensions: SIP measurements on four bacterial strains [Poster presentation]. IP Workshop 2016 - 4th International Workshop on Induced Polarization, Aarhus, Denmark.

MALOTEAU, S., Blanchy, G., Nguyen, F., & Garré, S. (June 2016). Influence of plant roots on induced polarization of cultivated soil columns [Poster presentation]. 4th International workshop on induced polarization, Aarhus, Denmark.

Klepikova, M., Wildemeersch, S., Hermans, T., Jamin, P., Orban, P., Nguyen, F., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (June 2016). Heat tracer test in an alluvial aquifer: field experiment and inverse modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 540, 812-823. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.06.066
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Evrard, M., Pirard, E., & Nguyen, F. (19 May 2016). Electromagnetic survey of the Pb-Zn deposit of Lontzen, Belgium [Paper presentation]. Aachen international Mining symposia, Aachen, Germany.

Evrard, M., Pirard, E., & Nguyen, F. (2016). Electromagnetic Investigation of the Pb-Zn deposit of Lontzen, Belgium. In First International Conference: MINING IN EUROPE, ABTSRACT volume.

Dumont, G., Pilawski, T., Robert, T., Hermans, T., Garré, S., & Nguyen, F. (21 April 2016). Time lapse imaging of water content with geoelectrical methods: on the interest of working with absolute water content data [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria.

Klepikova, M., Wildemeersch, S., Jamin, P., Orban, P., Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (20 April 2016). Heat tracer test in an alluvial aquifer: field experiment and inverse modelling [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria.

Fernandez de Vera, N., Beaujean, J., Jamin, P., Caterina, D., Vanclooster, M., Dassargues, A., Dahan, O., Nguyen, F., & Brouyère, S. (2016). Combining cross - hole geophysical and vadose zone monitoring systems for vadose zone characterization at industrial contaminated sites. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.5194/hess-2016-79

Hermans, T., Kemna, A., & Nguyen, F. (2016). Covariance-constrained difference inversion of time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography data. Geophysics, 81 (5), 311-E322. doi:10.1190/GEO2015-0491.1
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Evrard, M., Pirard, E., & Nguyen, F. (2016). Geophysical Investigation of the Pb-Zn deposit of Lontzen, Belgium [Paper presentation]. SAGEEP 2016, Denver, United States.

Dumont, G., Robert, T., Marck, N., & Nguyen, F. (2016). Gérer les décharges d’hier pour construire les villes de demain [Poster presentation]. Rencontres Universitaire de Génie Civil, Liege, Belgium.

Masy, T.* , Caterina, D.* , Tromme, O., Lavigne, B., Thonart, P., Hiligsmann, S., & Nguyen, F. (January 2016). Electrical resistivity tomography to monitor enhanced biodegradation of hydrocarbons with Rhodococcus erythropolis T902.1 at a pilot scale. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 184, 1-13. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2015.11.001
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Radioti, G., Delvoie, S., Charlier, R., Dumont, G., & Nguyen, F. (2016). Heterogeneous bedrock investigation for a closed-loop geothermal system: A case study. Geothermics. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2016.03.001
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Kinet, R., Dzaomuho, P., Baert, J., Taminiau, B., Daube, G., Nezer, C., Brostaux, Y., Nguyen, F., Dumont, G., Thonart, P., & Delvigne, F. (2016). Flow cytometry community fingerprinting and amplicon sequencing for the assessment of landfill leachate cellulolytic bioaugmentation. Bioresource Technology. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2016.04.131
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Nguyen, F., Kemna, A., Robert, T., & Hermans, T. (2016). Data-driven selection of the minimum-gradient support parameter in time-lapse focused electrical imaging. Geophysics, 81 (1), 1-A5. doi:10.1190/GEO2015-0226.1
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Dumont, G., Pilawski, T., Dzaomuho-Lenieregue, P., Hiligsmann, S., Delvigne, F., Thonart, P., Robert, T., Nguyen, F., & Hermans, T. (2016). Gravimetric water distribution assessment from geoelectrical methods (ERT and EMI) in municipal solid waste landfill. Waste Management, 155, 129-140. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2016.02.013
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Robert, T., Paulus, C., Bolly, P.-Y., Koo Seen Lin, E., Nguyen, F., & Hermans, T. (14 December 2015). Evaluating the performance of short-term heat storage in alluvial aquifer with 4D electrical resistivity tomography and hydrological monitoring [Poster presentation]. AGU Fall Meeting 2015, San Francisco, United States - California.

Hermans, T., Dumont, G., Kemna, A., & Nguyen, F. (24 November 2015). Time-lapse inversion of ERT monitoring data using variogram-based regularization [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring GELMON 2015, Vienna, Austria.

Dumont, G., Pilawski, T., Robert, T., Hermans, T., Garré, S., & Nguyen, F. (2015). ERT monitoring of water infiltration process through a landfill cover layer. In Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 112.

Hermans, T., Beaujean, J., & Nguyen, F. (23 October 2015). Integration of geophysical data in hydrogeological models [Paper presentation]. HG2: Hydrology, Geophysics and Geodesy.

Radioti, G., Delvoie, S., Sartor, K., Nguyen, F., & Charlier, R. (2015). We gme P08: Fiber-optic temperature profiles analysis for closed-loop geothermal systems-a case study. In Second EAGE Workshop on Geomechanics and Energy: The ground as energy source and storage.

Fernandez de Vera, N., Beaujean, J., Jamin, P., Hakoun, V., Vanclooster, M., Dassargues, A., Dahan, O., Nguyen, F., & Brouyère, S. (September 2015). The use of the Vadose Zone Experimental Setup as an innovative in situ characterization method for the vadose zone: a case study at an industrial contaminated site in Belgium [Paper presentation]. 42nd IAH Congress-AQUA2015, Hydrogeology: back to the future, Rome, Italy.

Dumont, G., & Nguyen, F. (2015). ERT monitoring sheds light on the hydrogeological behavior in a landfill. In EarthDoc - Near Surface Geoscience 2013 – 21th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics. doi:10.3997/2214-4609.201413781
Peer reviewed

Evrard, M., Pirard, E., & Nguyen, F. (2015). Geophysical Investigation of the Pb-Zn deposit of Plombières, Belgium. In A.-S. André-mayer, M. Cathelineau, P. Muchez, E. Pirard, ... S. Sindern, Mineral resources in a sustainable worl, proceeding, volume 5.
Peer reviewed

Masy, T., Caterina, D., Tromme, O., Lavigne, B., Thonart, P., Hiligsmann, S., & Nguyen, F. (30 June 2015). ERT to monitor the bioremediation of hydrocarbons with Rhodococcus erythropolis T902.1 at a pilot scale [Paper presentation]. 6th European Bioremediation Conference (EBC-VI), Chania, Greece.

Klepikova, M., Wildemeersch, S., Jamin, P., Orban, P., Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (05 June 2015). Use and utility of combined solute and heat tracer tests for characterizing hydrogeothermal properties of an alluvial aquifer [Paper presentation]. CBH-BCH, Belgian National IAH Chapter Study Day on Geothermy.

Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., & Caers, J. (06 May 2015). Uncertainty in Training-Image Based Inversion of Hydraulic Head Data Constrained to ERT Data : Workflow and Case Study [Paper presentation]. Stanford Canter for Reservoir Forecasting Annual Meeting, Menlo Park, United States - California.

Nguyen, F., & Hermans, T. (15 April 2015). Regularized focusing inversion of time-lapse electrical resistivity data: an approach to parametrize the minimum gradient support functional [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (15 April 2015). Variogram-based inversion of time-lapse electrical resistivity data: development and application to a thermal tracing experiment [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Chelin, M., Parvin, N., Hiel, M.-P., Nguyen, F., & Garré, S. (15 April 2015). Experimental design to monitor the influence of crop residue management on the dynamics of soil water content [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria.

Pilawski, T., Dumont, G., & Nguyen, F. (14 April 2015). Temperature and volumetric water content petrophysical relationships in municipal solid waste for the interpretation of bulk electrical resistivity data [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, Vienna, Austria.

Collin, F., Dewals, B., Elsen, C., Nguyen, F., Bastin, D., Habraken, A., Denoël, V., Franssen, J.-M., Teller, J., & Michel, F. (2015). Research Self-Evaluation Report of the Department ArGEnCo. Argenco.

Fernandez de Vera, N., Dahan, O., Dassargues, A., Vanclooster, M., Nguyen, F., & Brouyère, S. (2015). Vadose zone characterisation at industrial contaminated sites. CL:AIRE bulletin.
Peer reviewed

Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., & Caers, J. (2015). Uncertainty in training image-based inversion of hydraulic head data constrained to ERT data: workflow and case study. Water Resources Research, 51, 5332-5352. doi:10.1002/2014WR016460
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Hermans, T., Wildemeersch, S., Jamin, P., Orban, P., Brouyère, S., Dassargues, A., & Nguyen, F. (2015). Quantitative temperature monitoring of a heat tracing experiment using cross-borehole ERT. Geothermics, 53, 14-26. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2014.03.013
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Havenith, H.-B., Nguyen, F., Halleux, L., Hölz, S., & Camelbeeck, T. (2015). Geophysical investigation of the Hockai Fault Zone, Eastern Belgium. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.

Sauret, E., Beaujean, J., Nguyen, F., Wildermeersch, S., & Brouyère, S. (2015). Characterization of superficial deposits using electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) geophysical methods: A case study. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 121, 140-148. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2015.07.012
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Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., & Caers, J. (18 December 2014). Uncertainty in Training-Image Based Inversion of Hydraulic Head Data Constrained to ERT Data: Workflow and Case Study [Paper presentation]. AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco, United States - California.

Evrard, M., Pirard, E., & Nguyen, F. (December 2014). Geophysical approach of Pb-Zn mineralization of the Verviers synclinorium (Belgium) [Poster presentation]. Mineral deposit studies group-Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom.

Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (2014). Prospection géophysique de la zone faillée de Hockai dans la région de Malmedy: Rapport des tomographies de résistivité électrique.

Fernandez de Vera, N., Beaujean, J., Jamin, P., Nguyen, F., Dahan, O., Vanclooster, M., & Brouyère, S. (03 September 2014). VADOSE ZONE STUDIES AT AN INDUSTRIAL CONTAMINATED SITE: THE VADOSE ZONE MONITORING SYSTEM AND CROSS-HOLE GEOPHYSICS [Paper presentation]. In Situ Remediation 2014, London, United Kingdom.

Beaujean, J., Nguyen, F., Kemna, A., Antonsson, A., & Engesgaard, P. (22 August 2014). Calibration of seawater intrusion models: Inverse parameter estimation using surface electrical resistivity tomography and borehole data. Water Resources Research, 50 (8), 6828-6849. doi:10.1002/2013WR014020
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Caterina, D.* , Hermans, T.* , & Nguyen, F. (August 2014). Case studies of incorporation of prior information in electrical resistivity tomography: comparison of different approaches. Near Surface Geophysics, 12 (4), 451-465. doi:10.3997/1873-0604.2013070
Peer reviewed
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Hermans, T., Scheidt, C., Caers, J., & Nguyen, F. (July 2014). Inverting Hydraulic Heads In An Alluvial Aquifer Constrained With Electrical Resistivity Tomography Data Through Multiple-Point Statistics And Probability Perturbation Method: A Case Study [Paper presentation]. GeoEnv 2014, Paris, France.

Fernandez de Vera, N., Beaujean, J., Jamin, P., Nguyen, F., Dahan, O., Vancloster, M., & Brouyère, S. (29 April 2014). Vadose zone studies at an industrial contaminated site: the vadose zone monitoring system and cross-hole geophysics [Poster presentation]. European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2014.

Masy, T., Caterina, D., Tromme, O., Hiligsmann, S., Nguyen, F., & Thonart, P. (05 March 2014). Rhodococcus erythropolis, a good candidate for an in-situ bioaugmentation starter [Paper presentation]. ENVITAM PhD Student Day, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Fernandez de Vera, N., Pena Hernandez, J. A., Beaujean, J., Jamin, P., Nguyen, F., Dahan, O., & Brouyère, S. (05 March 2014). Vadose zone studies at an industrial contaminated site: the vadose zone monitoring system and cross-hole geophysics [Paper presentation]. Envitam PhD Student Day 2014. Universite Catholique de Louvain la Neuve.

Hermans, T., Scheidt, C., Caers, J., & Nguyen, F. (15 January 2014). Utilisation de la géostatistique multi-points pour l'intégration de données de tomographie de résistivité électrique aux modèles hydrogéologiques [Paper presentation]. Journée des doctorants en géosciences, Liège, Belgium.

Fernandez de Vera, N., Pena Hernandez, J., Beaujean, J., Jamin, P., Nguyen, F., Dahan, O., & Brouyère, S. (15 January 2014). Vadose zone studies at an industrial contaminated site: the vadose zone monitoring system and cross-hole geophysics [Paper presentation]. Journée des Doctorants Geosciences. Universite de Liege.

Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., Robert, T., & Revil, A. (2014). Geophysical Methods for Monitoring Temperature Changes in Shallow Low Enthalpy Geothermal Systems. Energies, 7, 5083-5118. doi:10.3390/en7085083
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Van der Wielen, A., Nguyen, F., & Courard, L. (2014). Détermination des propriétés de couches dans le béton à l'aide d'un géoradar commercial à hautes fréquences: approche pic-à-pic et analyse fréquentielle du coefficient de réflexion. Annales du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics.
Peer reviewed

Wildemeersch, S., Jamin, P., Orban, P., Hermans, T., Klepikova, M., Nguyen, F., Brouyère, S., & Dassargues, A. (2014). Coupling heat and chemical tracer experiments for estimating heat transfer parameters in shallow alluvial aquifers. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 169, 90-99. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2014.08.001
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Van der Wielen, A., Courard, L., & Nguyen, F. (2014). Detection of near-field, low permittivity layers with Ground Penetrating Radar: analytical estimation of the reflection coefficient. In S. LAMBOT (Ed.), Proceedings of 15th International Conference on ground Penetrating Radar. doi:10.1109/ICGPR.2014.6970492
Peer reviewed

Deceuster, J., Etienne, A., Robert, T., Nguyen, F., & Kaufmann, O. (2014). A modified DOI-based method to statistically estimate the depth of investigation of dc resistivity surveys. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 103, 172-185. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2014.01.018
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Van der Wielen, A., Courard, L., & Nguyen, F. (2014). Détermination des propriétés de couches minces dans le béton à l’aide d’un géoradar commercial à hautes fréquences: approche pic-à-pic et analyse fréquentielle du coefficient de réflexion. In J.-P. Balayssac (Ed.), Compte-rendus de Diagnobeton 2014.
Peer reviewed

Hermans, T., Caers, J., & Nguyen, F. (2014). Assessing the Probability of Training Image-Based Geological Scenarios Using Geophysical Data. In E. Pardo-Iguzquiza, C. Guardiola-Albert, J. Heredia, L. Moreno-Merino, J. J. Dura, ... J. A. Vargas-Guzman (Eds.), Mathematics of Planet Earth - Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (pp. 679-682). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-32408_147
Peer reviewed

Beaujean, J., Kemna, A., Engesgaard, P., Hermans, T., Vandenbohede, A., & Nguyen, F. (12 December 2013). Coupling of hydrogeological models with hydrogeophysical data to characterize seawater intrusion and shallow geothermal systems [Paper presentation]. AGU Fall Meeting 2013, San Francisco, United States - California.

Robert, T., Hermans, T., Dumont, G., & Nguyen, F. (06 December 2013). Reliability of resistivity-derived temperature: insights from laboratory measurements [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring - GELMON 2013, Vienna, Austria.

Hermans, T., Wildemeersch, S., & Nguyen, F. (06 December 2013). Monitoring temperature changes during heat tracing experiments using electrical resistivity tomography [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring - GELMON 2013, Vienna, Austria.

Nguyen, F., Hermans, T., & Robert, T. (05 December 2013). Minimum gradient support and geostatistics regularization approaches for inverting time-lapse data [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring - GELMON 2013, Vienna, Austria.

Dumont, G., Robert, T., Pilawski, T., & Nguyen, F. (04 December 2013). 3D ERT monitoring of the reactivation of waste biodegradation with fresh leachate injection [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring - GELMON 2013, Vienna, Austria.

Radioti, G., Charlier, R., Nguyen, F., & Radu, J.-P. (2013). Thermal Response Test in Borehole Heat Exchangers Equipped with Fiber Optics. In International Workshop on Geomechanics and Energy - The Ground as Energy source and Storage. doi:10.3997/2214-4609.20131959

Robert, T., Dumont, G., Pilawski, T., & Nguyen, F. (2013). 3D ERT Monitoring of the Reactivation of Waste Biodegradation with Fresh Leachate Injection. In EarthDoc - Near Surface Geoscience 2013 – 19th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (pp. 2a 10).
Peer reviewed

Dumont, G., Robert, T., Pilawski, T., & Nguyen, F. (2013). Geophysical characterisation of a former waste disposal site in the context of landfill mining. In EarthDoc - Near Surface Geoscience 2013 – 19th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (pp. 2a 09).
Peer reviewed

Robert, T., Hermans, T., Dumont, G., Nguyen, F., & Rwabuhungu, D. (2013). Reliability of ERT-derived Temperature - Insights from Laboratory Measurements. In EarthDoc - Near Surface Geosciences 2013 - 19th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (pp. 2sa 10).
Peer reviewed

Hermans, T., Wildemeersch, S., Jamin, P., Orban, P., Brouyère, S., Dassargues, A., & Nguyen, F. (2013). A heat injection and pumping experiment in a gravel aquifer monitored with crosshole electrical resistivity tomography. In EarthDoc - Near Surface Geosciences 2013 - 19th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (pp. 2a09).
Peer reviewed

Hermans, T., Scheidt, C., Caers, J., & Nguyen, F. (04 April 2013). Probability perturbation method applied to the inversion of groundwater flow models using HydroGeoSphere [Paper presentation]. 3rd HydroGeoSphere User Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.

Robert, T., Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (18 January 2013). Hydrogeological processes in fractured and porous media: insights from geophysical case studies [Paper presentation]. BCH-CBH General Assembly 2013, Brussels, Belgium.

Caterina, D., Beaujean, J., Robert, T., & Nguyen, F. (2013). A comparison study of image appraisal tools for electrical resistivity tomography. Near Surface Geophysics, 639-657. doi:10.3997/1873-0604.2013022
Peer reviewed

Knight, R., Cannia, J., Doetsch, J., Fleming, J., Grimm, B., Heinze, D., Hobza, C., Huisman, J. A., Irving, J., Kemna, A., Menghini, A., Minsley, B., Moysey, S., Nguyen, F., Nyquist, J., Parsekian, A., Rucker, D., Singha, K., Smith, B., & Kruk, J. V. D. (2013). The state of the science and vision of the future: Report from the Hydrogeophysics Workshop. Leading Edge, 32 (7), 814-818. doi:10.1190/tle32070814.1
Peer reviewed

Nguyen, F. (12 December 2012). Interpretation of time-lapse geophysical data: insights from case studies [Paper presentation]. Symposium on "Estimating soil hydrodynamic properties from time-lapse geophysical data", Juelich, Germany.

Sauret, E., Beaujean, J., Nguyen, F., Wildemeersch, S., Babaye, A., & Brouyère, S. (November 2012). Contribution de la tomographie et du bruit sismique à la characterisation des dépôts alluviaux dans le bassin du Kou (Burkina Faso) [Paper presentation]. Colloque International Science, Education et Technologie pour le Développement de l’Afrique 30/10/2012 au 03/11/2012, Dakar, Senegal.
Editorial reviewed

Robert, T., Caterina, D., Deceuster, J., Kaufmann, O., & Nguyen, F. (September 2012). A salt tracer test monitored with surface ERT to detect preferential flow and transport paths in fractured/karstified limestones. Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 93, 233.

Hermans, T., Daoudi, M., Vandenbohede, A., Robert, T., Caterina, D., & Nguyen, F. (September 2012). Comparison of temperature estimates from heat transport model and electrical resistivity tomography during a shallow heat injection and storage experiment. Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 93, 43-48.

Dumont, G., Robert, T., Nguyen, F., & Thimus, J.-F. (2012). Projet MINERVE - Convention n°6600 - Revue critique de la littérature et choix des techniques géophysiques potentielles. (D2.1). Région Wallonne - Greenwin.

Nguyen, F., Kemna, A., Robert, T., Hermans, T., Caterina, D., & Flores Orozco, A. (11 July 2012). Inversion of multi-temporal geoelectrical field data sets: insights on noise characterization and regularization [Poster presentation]. SEG-AGU 2012 Hydrogeophysics Workshop, Boise, United States - Idaho.

Louis, A., Van der Wielen, A., Courard, L., & Nguyen, F. (2012). GPR detection of saturated areas into concrete in the presence of a water gradient. In 2012 14th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) (pp. 477-482). IEEE. doi:10.1109/icgpr.2012.6254912
Peer reviewed

Van der Wielen, A., Courard, L., & Nguyen, F. (2012). Detection of thin layers into concrete with static and CMP measurements. In 2012 14th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) (pp. 534-539). IEEE. doi:10.1109/icgpr.2012.6254921
Peer reviewed

Hermans, T., Vandenbohede, A., Lebbe, L., Martin, R., Kemna, A., Beaujean, J., & Nguyen, F. (May 2012). Imaging artificial salt water infiltration using electrical resistivity tomography constrained by geostatistical data. Journal of Hydrology, 438-439, 168-180. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.03.021
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Hermans, T., Caers, J., & Nguyen, F. (08 February 2012). Training image scenarios for the Meuse alluvial aquifer and consistency with geophysical data [Poster presentation]. ENVITAM - GEPROC Joint PhD-Student day, Gembloux, Belgium.

Hermans, T., Caterina, D., Martin, R., Kemna, A., & Nguyen, F. (03 February 2012). Incorporation of prior information in the regularized inversion of ERT data with CRTomo [Paper presentation]. Workshop CRTomo Day 2.0, Bonn, Germany.

Caterina, D., & Nguyen, F. (12 January 2012). Geoelectrical investigations (DC) on a contaminated site during biostimulation: monitoring results and resolution analysis.

Robert, T., Caterina, D., Deceuster, J., Kaufmann, O., & Nguyen, F. (2012). A salt tracer test monitored with surface ERT to detect preferential flow and transport paths in fractured/karstified limestones. Geophysics, 77 (2), 55-B67. doi:10.1190/geo2011-0313.1
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Van der Wielen, A., Courard, L., & Nguyen, F. (2012). Static Detection of Thin Layers into Concrete with Ground Penetrating Radar. Restoration of Buildings and Monuments, 18 (3/4), 247-254.
Peer reviewed

Hermans, T., Vandenbohede, A., Lebbe, L., & Nguyen, F. (2012). A shallow geothermal experiment in a sandy aquifer monitored using electric resistivity tomography. Geophysics, 77 (1), 11-B21. doi:10.1190/geo2011-0199.1
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Hermans, T., Daoudi, M., Vandenbohede, A., Lebbe, L., & Nguyen, F. (06 December 2011). Shallow heat injection and storage experiment monitored with electrical resistivity tomography and simulated with heat transport model [Poster presentation]. AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, United States - California.

Caterina, D., & Nguyen, F. (01 December 2011). Geoelectrical monitoring on a contaminated site during biostimulation [Poster presentation]. 1st International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring - GELMON 2011, Wien, Austria.

Nguyen, F., Kemna, A., Robert, T., Hermans, T., Caterina, D., & Flores-Orozco, A. (December 2011). Inversion of multi-temporal geoelectrical data sets: insights from several case studies [Paper presentation]. 1st International Workshop on Geoelectrical Monitoring - GELMON 2011, Vienna, Austria.

Daoudi, M., Hermans, T., Vandenbohede, A., & Nguyen, F. (20 October 2011). Geophysical monitoring of a thermal response test [Paper presentation]. Mémoire de Fin d'Etudes 2011 en Géotechnique, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (20 October 2011). Integration of near-surface geophysical, geological and hydrogeological data with multiple-point geostatistics in alluvial aquifers [Paper presentation]. Seminar of the SCRF group at Stanford University, Stanford, United States - California.

Vandenbohede, A., Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., & Lebbe, L. (October 2011). Shallow heat injection and storage experiment : heat transport simulation and sensitivity analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 409 (1-2), 262-272. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.08.024
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Vandenbohede, A., Louwyck, A., Daoudi, M., Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (19 September 2011). Parameter estimation using slug tests : application to a heat injection and storage experiment [Poster presentation]. Modelcare 2011, Leipzig, Germany.

Robert, T., Therrien, R., Lemieux, J.-M., & Nguyen, F. (19 September 2011). Improving groundwater flow model conceptualisation and calibration with electrical resistivity tomography and self-potential methods [Paper presentation]. Modelcare 2011, Leipzig, Germany.

Robert, T., Therrien, R., Lemieux, J.-M., & Nguyen, F. (2011). Improving Groundwater Flow Model Conceptualisation and Calibration with ERT and Self-potential Methods. In EarthDoc - Near Surface 2011 – 17th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.
Peer reviewed

Hermans, T., Caterina, D., Martin, R., Kemna, A., Robert, T., & Nguyen, F. (2011). How to incorporate prior information in geophysical inverse problems: deterministic and geostatistical approaches. In EarthDoc - Near Surface 2011 - 17th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.
Peer reviewed

Robert, T., Dassargues, A., Brouyère, S., Kaufmann, O., Hallet, V., & Nguyen, F. (September 2011). Assessing the contribution of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and self-potential (SP) methods for a water well drilling program in fractured/karstified limestones. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 75 (1), 42-53. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2011.06.008
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Van der Wielen, A., Courard, L., & Nguyen, F. (2011). Detection of Defects in Concrete With Ground Penetrating Radar. In ESPSC 2011: European Symposium on Polymers in Sustainable Construction (Czarnecki Symposium) (pp. 221-225).
Peer reviewed

Robert, T., Therrien, R., Lemieux, J.-M., & Nguyen, F. (11 April 2011). Improved automatic calibration of groundwater flow models using self-potential measurements [Paper presentation]. 2nd International HydroGeoSphere User Conference, Hannover, Germany.

Van der Wielen, A., Courard, L., & Nguyen, F. (2011). GPR Limits for Thin Layers in Concrete Detection: Numerical and Experimental Evaluation. In Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings, Marrakesh, Morocco, March 20-23, 2011 (pp. 1804-1807). Cambridge, United States - Massachusetts: The Electromagnetics Academy.
Peer reviewed

Hermans, T., & Nguyen, F. (14 January 2011). Imagerie d'une infiltration artificielle d'eau salée à la côte belge par tomographie de résistivité électrique contrainte par des données géostatistiques [Paper presentation]. 2e journée des doctorants, Liege, Belgium.

Louis, A., Courard, L., Nguyen, F., & Van der Wielen, A. (2011). Détection de zones humides dans le béton par GPR en présence d’un gradient d’humidité [Poster presentation]. Journées scientiifiques du Regroupement Francophone pour la Recherche et la Foramtion dans le domaine du Béton, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Caterina, D., Beaujean, J., Robert, T., & Nguyen, F. (2011). Image appraisal tools for electrical resistivity tomography. Proceedings of SAGEEP, 24, 7. doi:10.4133/1.3614283
Peer reviewed

Martin, R., Kemna, A., Hermans, T., Nguyen, F., Vandenbohede, A., & Lebbe, L. (14 December 2010). Using geostatistical constraints in electrical imaging for improved reservoir characterization [Paper presentation]. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2010, San Francisco, United States - California.

Hermans, T., Vandenbohede, A., Nguyen, F., & Lebbe, L. (24 November 2010). SUIVI D'UN TEST GEOTHERMIQUE PEU PROFOND DANS UN AQUIFERE SABLEUX PAR TOMOGRAPHIE DE RESISTIVITE ELECTRIQUE : ETUDE DE FAISABILITE. Milieux Poreux et Transferts Hydriques, 56 (Novembre 2010), 21-26.
Peer reviewed

Robert, T., Caterina, D., Deceuster, J., Kaufmann, O., & Nguyen, F. (2010). A Saline Tracer Test Monitored with ERT to Detect Preferential Flow/Transport Paths in Limestones. In EarthDoc - Near Surface 2010 – 16th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.
Peer reviewed

Van der Wielen, A., Nguyen, F., & Courard, L. (27 August 2010). Utilisation du GPR pour la détection des discontinuités dans les tabliers de ponts [Paper presentation]. 11e édition des Journées Scientifiques du (RF)2B, Québec, Canada.

Caterina, D., Beaujean, J., & Nguyen, F. (July 2010). Use of image appraisal tools and covariance matrix [Paper presentation]. CRTOMO day, Liège, Belgium.

Beaujean, J., Nguyen, F., & Kemna, A. (2010). Joint and sequential inversion of geophysical and hydrogeological data to characterize seawater intrusion models. In M. Teresa Condesso de Melo, L. Lebbe, J. Virgílio Cruz, R. Coutinho, ... C. Langevin (Eds.), Proceedings SWIM21, 21st Salt Water Intrusion Meeting (1st Edition, pp. 57-60). Ponta Delgada (São Miguel, Açores), Portugal: Nova Gráfica - Artes Gráfica.
Peer reviewed

Hermans, T., Vandenbohede, A., Nguyen, F., & Lebbe, L. (06 May 2010). Monitoring a shallow geothermal experiment in a sandy aquifer using electrical resistivity tomography: a feasibility study [Poster presentation]. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.

Nguyen, F. (26 February 2010). Electrical imaging in hydrogeophysics [Paper presentation]. Geologica Belgica General Assembly, Leuven, Belgium.

Caterina, D., Beaujean, J., Robert, T., & Nguyen, F. (12 January 2010). Image Appraisal Tools for Electrical Resistivity Tomography [Poster presentation]. Ph.D. Student Day ENVITAM and UNITER Graduate Schools, Namur, Belgium.

Robert, T., & Nguyen, F. (12 January 2010). Electrical resistivity tomography and self-potential methods as a tool for fractured aquifer characterization and monitoring [Poster presentation]. ENVITAM and UNITER Ph.D. Student Day 2010, Namur, Belgium.

Van der Wielen, A., Courard, L., & Nguyen, F. (2010). Nondestructive Detection of Delaminations in Concrete Bridge Decks: A First Experimental Study. In Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar. IEEE. doi:10.1109/ICGPR.2010.5550250
Peer reviewed

Piotrowski, T., Garbacz, A., Van der Wielen, A., Nguyen, F., & Courard, L. (2010). On the relation between bond quality and impact-echo frequency spectrum. In Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Polymers in Concrete ICPIC 2010 (pp. 373-380). Guimaraes, Portugal: University of Minho.
Peer reviewed

Piotrowski, T., Garbacz, A., Van der Wielen, A., Courard, L., & Nguyen, F. (2010). Relation between bond quality and impact-echo frequency spectrum. Restoration of Buildings and Monuments, 16 (4/5), 303-314.
Peer reviewed

Caterina, D., & Nguyen, F. (2010). Signaux géophysiques associés aux contaminants et à la bioremédiation en milieu hétérogène [Paper presentation]. 1ère journée des doctorants, Liège, Belgium.

Robert, T., Dassargues, A., & Nguyen, F. (2010). Electrical resistivity tomography and self-potential case studies for fractured aquifer characterization and monitoring. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, 6271.
Peer reviewed

Caterina, D., & Nguyen, F. (2010). Report of geophysical investigations on the contaminated site of Maldegem.

Robert, T., Dassargues, A., Brouyère, S., Kaufmann, O., Hallet, V., & Nguyen, F. (2009). Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Self-potential Methods for Wells Implementations in Fractured Limestones. In EarthDoc - Near Surface 2009 – 15th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.
Peer reviewed

Beaujean, J., Nguyen, F., Sauret, E., Gardin, N., Wildemeersch, S., & Brouyère, S. (2009). Prospection géophysique de la nappe alluviale dans la région de Nasso, Bodo – Dioulasso (Burkina Faso).

Nguyen, F., Kemna, A., Antonsson, A., Engesgaard, A., & Beaujean, J. (2009). Characterization and calibration of seawater intrusion models using electrical resistivity tomography [Paper presentation]. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Fransisco, United States.
Peer reviewed

Robert, T., & Nguyen, F. (2009). Rapport des prospections géophysiques sur le site de châtelet.

Nguyen, F., Kemna, A., Antonsson, A., Engesgaard, P., Kuras, O., Ogilvy, R., Gisbert, J., Jorreto, S., & Pulido-Bosch, A. (2009). Characterization of seawater intrusions using 2D electrical tomography. Near Surface Geophysics, 7, 377-390.
Peer reviewed

Nguyen, F., & Robert, T. (2007). Rapport des prospections géophysiques, Projet Région Wallonne – SPGE – Aquapôle Synclin’Eau (Caractérisation hydrogéologique et support à la mise en œuvre de la Directive Européenne 2000/60 sur les masses d’eau souterraine en Région Wallonne).

Nguyen, F., Chardon, D., Garambois, S., Hermitte, D., Bellier, O., & Jongmans, D. (2007). Subsurface electrical imaging of anisotropic formations affected by a slow active reverse fault (Trévaresse thrust), Provence, France. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 62, 338-353. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2007.03.003
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Vanderborght, J., Kemna, A., Köstel, J., Oberdörster, C., Müller, K., Englert, A., Nguyen, F., Schneider, S., & Vereecken, H. (2007). Flow and Transport Monitoring in Soils and Aquifers using Electrical Resistivity Tomography [Paper presentation]. American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly, Acapulco, Mexico.
Peer reviewed

Kemna, A., & Nguyen, F. (2006). WP3 Deliverable 12: Electrical-hydrologic relationships (Identification of quantitative relationships between electrical and hydrologic characteristics of representative sediments), Sustainable Management of Water Resources by Automated Real-Time Monitoring (ALERT). European Union FP6.

Kemna, A., Nguyen, F., Antonsson, A., & Engesgaard, P. (2006). Potential of electrical imaging to constrain saltwater intrusion models: 2D numerical simulations [Paper presentation]. Summer Research Workshop “Hydrogeophysics”, Vancouver, Canada.
Peer reviewed

Kemna, A., Muench, M., & Nguyen, F. (2005). WP3 Deliverable 12: Libraries of soil/sediments properties (Spectral electrical properties and textural, physico-chemical and hydraulic characteristics for a range of soils/sediment), Sustainable Management of Water Resources by Automated Real-Time Monitoring (ALERT. EUropean Union FP7.

Plumier, A., Doneux, C., Camelbeeck, T., Van Rompay, G., Jongmans, D., Wathelet, M., Teerlynck, H., & Nguyen, F. (2005). Seismic Risk Assessment and Mitigation for Belgium in the frame of EUROCODE 8. Federal Science Policy.

Nguyen, F., Garambois, S., Jongmans, D., Pirard, E., & Loke, M. H. (2005). Image processing of 2D resistivity data for imaging faults. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 57 (4), 260-277. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2005.02.001
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Nguyen, F. (2005). Near-surface Geophysical Imaging and Detection of Slow Active Faults [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Chardon, D., Hermitte, D., Nguyen, F., & Bellier, O. (2005). First paleoseismological constraints on the strongest earthquake in France (Provence) in the twentieth century. Geology, 901-904. doi:10.1130/G21713.1
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Nguyen, F., Rompay, G., Teerlynck, H., Van Camp, M., Jongmans, D., & Camelbeeck, T. (2004). Use of Microtremor Measurement for Assessing Site Effects in Northern Belgium: Interpretation of the Observed Intensity During the ms=5.0 June 11, 1938 Earthquake. Journal of Seismology, 8, 41-56. doi:10.1023/B:JOSE.0000009498.84531.71
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Nguyen, F., Jongmans, D., & Garambois, S. (2003). WP6 Report: Development and Application of Geophysical Techniques, Slow Active Faults in Europe (S.A.F.E.). European Union FP6.

Nguyen, F., Garambois, S., Chardon, D., Jongmans, D., Bellier, O., & Hermitte, D. (2002). Slow Active Fault Detection and Imaging Using Multiple Geophysical Methods. In Proceedings of the 8th Meeting on ‘Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.
Peer reviewed

Teerlynck, H., Jongmans, D., Nguyen, F., Van Rompaey, G., & Bettig, B. (2001). Application of Microtremor Measurements for Geological Mapping and Comparison with Other Geophysical Methods. In Proceedings of the 7th Meeting on ‘Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.
Peer reviewed

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