
Walburg Myriam-Naomi

Département de langues modernes : ling., litt. et trad. > Langue et littérature allemandes modernes

Traduction du français vers l'allemand


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Main Referenced Co-authors
Códina, Nuria (1)
Delabastita, Dirk (1)
Gonne, Maud  (1)
Herbillon, Marie  (1)
Meylaerts, Reine (1)
Main Referenced Keywords
Multilingualism (2); Transnational Literature (2); 1900 (1); auto-translation (1); cirti (1);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CIRTI - Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherches en Traduction et en Interprétation - ULiège [BE] (2)
Centre de Recherche, "Literature and Globalization", Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich (1)
Research Training Group Literature and Globalization, University of Munich (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Literature (20)
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)

Publications (total 22)

The most downloaded
Walburg, M.-N. (15 October 2015). Zeit der Mehrsprachigkeit [Poster presentation]. Begehung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft, Munich, Germany.

Códina, N., Herbillon, M., Gonne, M., Walburg, M.-N., Meylaerts, R., & Delabastita, D. (27 October 2023). Co-organization of Literary Self-Translation and its Metadiscourse: Power Relations in Postcolonial Contexts [Paper presentation]. Literary Self-Translation and its Metadiscourse: Power Relations in Postcolonial Contexts.
Editorial reviewed

Walburg, M.-N. (26 November 2021). Historical Multilingualism [Paper presentation]. Latent multilingualism and zero-degree code-switching in contemporary literature. Workshops with academic and poetic encounters.

Walburg, M.-N. (07 May 2021). « Langues sans frontières ? Les langues universelles et la non-traduction » [Paper presentation]. Avoiding, Evading and Hiding Multilingualism: Monolingualism, Multilingualism, and (Non-) Translation in the 19th Century, Liège, Belgium.

Walburg, M.-N. (07 November 2020). "Aquí pierdo la palabra, está bien." Multilingualism, Translation and the Trilingual Poetry of Zwetelina Damjanova [Paper presentation]. Closing conference of the Research Training Group "Literature and Globalization", Munich, Germany.

Walburg, M.-N. (Ed.). (2020). Writing (for) the Market. Narratives of Global Economy. Zurich, Switzerland: Peter Lang. doi:10.3726/b16726

Walburg, M.-N. (2020). Literary Awards as Identity Politics: The Example of the Adalbert-Chamisso-Prize. In M.-N. Walburg, Writing (for) the Market. Narratives of Global Economy. Zurich, Switzerland: Peter Lang.
Peer reviewed

Walburg, M.-N. (2020). Weltsprachen. In R. Stockhammer, Weltkomposita. Ein Lexikon (pp. 206-211). Munich, Germany: Wilhelm Fink.
Peer reviewed

Walburg, M.-N. (2020). "Dichten und Übersetzen. Die intratextuelle Übersetzung in der mehrsprachigen Poesie von Marica Bodrožić und Zwetelina Damjanova. Germanistische Mitteilungen. Zeitschrift für Deutsche Sprache, Literatur und Kultur, 46, 67-94. doi:10.33675/GM/2020/46/9
Peer reviewed

Walburg, M.-N. (June 2019). Mehrsprachigkeit, Einsprachigkeit, Sprachlosigkeit? Nadav Lapids mit dem Goldenen Bären ausgezeichneter Film „Synonymes“ spricht eine ganz eigene Sprache., 6.
Peer reviewed

Walburg, M.-N. (2017). Zeit der Mehrsprachigkeit. Literarische Strukturen des Transtemporalen bei Marica Bodrozic, Nina Bouraoui, Sudabeh Mohafez und Yoko Tawada. Würzburg, Germany: Ergon Verlag.

Walburg, M.-N. (15 October 2015). Zeit der Mehrsprachigkeit [Poster presentation]. Begehung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft, Munich, Germany.

Walburg, M.-N. (2015). Kulturelle Identität. Verhandelt und in Frage gestellt in transnationaler Literatur. In W. Heinzmann, Proceedings of the 1st Munich Interdisciplinary Conference for Doctoral Students: Cultural Contacts and Students: Cultural Contacts and Cultural Identity, October 9th-11th, 2013. Munich, Germany: Herbert Utz Verlag.
Peer reviewed

Walburg, M.-N. (2015). "Aber eigentlich war keines von den Wörtern ganz deutsch, sondern anders deutsch." Mehrsprachigkeit in transnationaler Literatur. In J. Eder, Deutsch ohne Grenzen. Deutschsprachige Literatur im interkulturellen Kontext. Brno, Czechia: Tribun EU.
Peer reviewed

Walburg, M.-N. (2015). "Ich schlage vor unsere Literatur als Literatur zu bezeichnen." Über die Kategorie der Migrationsliteratur. In M. Toprak, Migration und Kulturelle Diversität. Zurich, Switzerland: Peter Lang.

Walburg, M.-N. (2015). Global Playing for Everyone? Positioning Strategies on the Global Book Market [Paper presentation]. Writing (for) the Market. Narratives of Global Economy, Munich, Germany.

Walburg, M.-N. (23 September 2014). Identity politics and literary prizing [Paper presentation]. Identity politics and Globalization, Workshop with Prof. Dr. Suman Gupta, Munich, Germany.

Walburg, M.-N. (23 April 2014). Transnationale Literatur. Schwierigkeiten einer Definition [Paper presentation]. Doctoral Workshop, Munich, Germany.

Walburg, M.-N. (21 November 2013). Poetiken des Übersetzens in mehrsprachiger Literatur [Paper presentation]. Doctoral Workshop, Munich, Germany.

Walburg, M.-N. (25 June 2013). Zeitkonstellationen in transnationaler Gegenwartsliteratur: Erinnern und Vergessen [Paper presentation]. Atelier de recherche de Prof. Dr. Aleida Assmann, Constance, Germany.

Walburg, M.-N. (13 May 2013). Sprache und Gemeinschaft [Paper presentation]. Literature and Globalization, Munich, Germany.

Walburg, M.-N. (April 2013). Walter Benjamin’s historcial constellations and the time-structures in transnational and global literature [Paper presentation]. The American Comparative Literature Association Annual Meeting 2013, Toronto, Canada.

Walburg, M.-N. (2013). La relation entre une nouvelle notion du temps, constatée dans la littérature transculturelle et contemporaine, et ses propres conditions du plurilinguisme [Paper presentation]. Congrès de l'Association Internationale de la littérature comparée, Paris, France.

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