Herbillon, M. (2016). Beyond the Line: Murray Bail's Spatial Poetics [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/190503 |
Herbillon, M. (2005). Between the Lines: Unravelling the Cult(ure) of Linearity in Murray Bail's Holden's Performance [Specialised master, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/194422 |
Herbillon, M. (2000). "Vision et solitude" - Traduction de trois chapitres extraits de The Orchard, Drusilla Modjeska [Specialised master, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/194420 |
Herbillon, M. (1999). In and Out of the Labyrinth: Why Owls Do Cry in Janet Frame's Worlds [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/194418 |
Herbillon, M., Mirza, M., & Belleflamme, V.-A. (Eds.). (2017). Australia-South Asia: Contestations and Remonstrances. JEASA: Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia, 8 (2). Peer reviewed |
Herbillon, M. (2019). Rewriting Dostoevsky: J.M. Coetzee's The Master of Petersburg and the perverted truths of biographical fiction. Journal of Commonwealth Literature. doi:10.1177/0021989418823829 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Herbillon, M. (October 2018). Absent Others: Asian-Australian Discontinuities in Michelle de Kretser's The Lost Dog. Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 41 (1), 43-52. Peer reviewed |
Herbillon, M. (April 2018). Remapping Australia: Murray Bail's New Topographies of the Self in the Notebooks. Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 40 (2), 9-22. Peer reviewed |
Herbillon, M. (February 2018). Twisting the Australian realist short story: Murray Bail's "Camouflage". Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 54 (1), 83-94. doi:10.1080/17449855.2017.1417762 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Herbillon, M. (December 2017). A Piano Made in Australia: Reinventing an Emblem of Cultural Wealth in Murray Bail's The Voyage. Antipodes: A Global Journal of Australian/New Zealand Literature, 31 (2), 361-373. Peer reviewed |
Herbillon, M. (2016). Writing Space in the Plural: New Australian Geographies in Murray Bail's Fiction. JEASA: Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia, 7 (2), 41-57. Peer reviewed |
Herbillon, M. (2008). La linéarité comme métadiscours dans l’oeuvre de Murray Bail. MethIS: Méthodes et Interdisciplinarité en Sciences Humaines, 1, 141-158. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Herbillon, M., Pons, X. (Crit. Ed.), & Birgy, P. (Crit. Ed.). (2007). Linearity as Metadiscourse in Murray Bail’s Fiction. Anglophonia: French Journal of English Studies, 21, 225-237. Peer reviewed |
Herbillon, M., Heyden, B., & Pirard, M. (2020). Traduire pour l'Europe, ou la production d'un discours multilingue. In C. Chauvin & C. Sabiron, Textuality and Translation (pp. 55-77). Nancy, France: Presses Universitaires de Lorraine (PUN). Peer reviewed |
Herbillon, M. (2019). Twisting the Australian realist short story: Murray Bail's "Camouflage". In D. Munos & B. Ledent, Minor Genres in Postcolonial Literatures. Routledge. Peer reviewed |
Herbillon, M. (2017). Towards an Australian Philosophy: Constructive Appropriation of Enlightenment Thinking in Murray Bail's The Pages. In D. Tunca & J. Wilson (Eds.), Postcolonial Gateways and Walls: Under Construction (pp. 87-106). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. Peer reviewed |
Herbillon, M. (2017). Murray Bail's Eucalyptus: An Australian Fairy-Tale? In G. Collier, G. V. Davis, M. Delrez, ... B. Ledent (Eds.), The Cross-Cultural Legacy: Critical and Creative Writings in Memory of Hena Maes-Jelinek (pp. 245-253). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. Peer reviewed |
Herbillon, M. (2014). À l'orée du soi. Poétique de l'extime dans les carnets autobiographiques de Murray Bail. In J. Lambert & A. Lerousseau (Eds.), Esthétique et Spiritualité III. À l'école de la vie intérieure, approches interdisciplinaires (pp. 179-192). Fernelmont, Belgium: EME (Éditions Modulaires Européennes) & CEI (Collectif des Éditeurs Indépendants). Peer reviewed |
Herbillon, M. (2009). Spatial Linearity and Post-Colonial Parody in Murray Bail’s Holden’s Performance. In S. Borg-Barthet (Ed.), A Sea for Encounters. Essays Towards a Postcolonial Commonwealth (pp. 149-164). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi. Peer reviewed |
Herbillon, M. (October 2019). Review of The Bloomsbury Introduction to Postcolonial Writing: New Contexts, New Narratives, New Debates, edited by Jenni Ramone. Recherche Littéraire, 35, 257-62. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Herbillon, M. (July 2018). Review of Postcolonial Justice, edited by Anke Bartels, Lars Eckstein, Nicole Waller, and Dirk Wiemann. Recherche Littéraire, 34, 153-158. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Herbillon, M. (2019). Chronique littéraire : Bertrand Belin, Grands carnivores. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège. |
Herbillon, M. (2018). Chronique littéraire : Didier Blonde, Le Figurant. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège. |
Herbillon, M. (2016). Chroniques littéraires (rubrique Romans, nouvelles et récits fictifs du dossier de lectures) : J.M. Coetzee, Une Enfance de Jésus; Bertrand Belin, Requin et Thomas Bernhard, Des Arbres à abattre. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège. |
Herbillon, M. (2014). Chroniques littéraires : Murray Bail, La Traversée et Eugène Green, Le Lac de cendres (rubriques Romans et Poésie du dossier de lectures). Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège. |
Herbillon, M. (2010). Voyage en terre méconnue : l’Au(s)tralie de Murray Bail. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège. |
Herbillon, M., & Heyden, B. (2002). Traduction d'un extrait de Finnegans Wake, James Joyce. Journal de BabeLg, 14. |
Bada, V., Herbillon, M., & Robaux, P. (2024). Entretien avec Reinhardt Wagner et Maritsa Ney. |
Bada, V., Herbillon, M., & Robaux, P. (2024). Entretien avec Stéphane Laporte: Table ronde "Traduire la comédie musicale". |
Códina, N., Herbillon, M., Gonne, M., Walburg, M.-N., Meylaerts, R., & Delabastita, D. (27 October 2023). Co-organization of Literary Self-Translation and its Metadiscourse: Power Relations in Postcolonial Contexts [Paper presentation]. Literary Self-Translation and its Metadiscourse: Power Relations in Postcolonial Contexts. Editorial reviewed |
Herbillon, M. (18 September 2019). Michelle de Kretser's Multicultural Australia in The Life to Come: A Genuinely Alter/Native Space? [Paper presentation]. "Alter/Native Spaces", Toulon, France. |
Herbillon, M. (15 July 2019). Questioning Cosmopolitanism and Australian Multiculturalism: Michelle de Kretser's Questions of Travel [Paper presentation]. 18th Triennial ACLALS Conference: "The Uncommon Commonwealth", Auckland, New Zealand. |
Herbillon, M. (16 February 2018). Subjugating the Female Body: Patriarchal Violence in J.M. Coetzee's The Schooldays of Jesus [Paper presentation]. "Violence in the Postcolonial and Neocolonial World: An Interdisciplinary Conference", Liège, Belgium. |
Herbillon, M. (2017). Rewriting Dostoevsky: J.M. Coetzee's The Master of Petersburg and the Perverted Truths of Biographical Fiction [Paper presentation]. "Illuminating Lives: The Biographical Impulse in Postcolonial Literatures", Liège, Belgium. |
Herbillon, M. (2017). Absent Others: Asian-Australian Discontinuities in Michelle de Kretser's The Lost Dog [Paper presentation]. "Australia-South Asia: Contestations and Remonstrances", Liège, Belgium. |
Herbillon, M. (2017). Traduire le roman philosophique : le cas des Pages, de Murray Bail [Paper presentation]. Colloque international "Traduction et philosophie" / "Translation and Philosophy", Liège, Belgium. |
Herbillon, M. (2017). Dancing Against Oblivion: Performance as an Antidote to Spatial and Historical Erasure in J.M. Coetzee's The Schooldays of Jesus [Paper presentation]. 16th Triennial EACLALS Conference: "Performing the Urban: Embodiments, Inventories, Rhythms", Oviedo, Spain. |
Herbillon, M. (2016). Coetzee and Photography: The Case of Slow Man [Paper presentation]. "Coetzee's Other Arts", Western Cape, South Africa. |
Herbillon, M. (2016). Men Without a Past: Exile and the Erasure of History in J.M. Coetzee's The Childhood of Jesus [Paper presentation]. 17th Triennial ACLALS Conference: "'Stories that Float from Afar' - The Idea of Postcolonial Culture: Inclusions and Exclusions", Stellenbosch, South Africa. |
Herbillon, M. (2016). Sowing the Seeds of Change: Women in J.M. Coetzee's Late Fiction [Paper presentation]. "Reading Coetzee's Women", Prato, Italy. |
Herbillon, M. (2014). A Piano Made in Australia: Reinventing an Emblem of Cultural Wealth in Murray Bail's The Voyage [Paper presentation]. 15th Triennial EACLALS Conference: "Uncommon Wealths: Riches and Realities", Innsbruck, Austria. |
Herbillon, M. (2013). Decentralising the Australian Short Story: Murray Bail's "Camouflage" [Paper presentation]. 12th Biennial EASA Conference: "On the Margins", Bordeaux, France. |
Herbillon, M. (2010). Remapping Australia: Murray Bail's New Topographies of the Self in the Notebooks [Paper presentation]. 15th Triennial ACLALS Conference: "Strokes Across Cultures", Nicosie, Cyprus. |
Herbillon, M. (2008). Writing Oneself in the Plural: The Case of Murray Bail's Notebooks [Paper presentation]. 13th Triennial EACLALS Conference: "Try Freedom: Rewriting Rights in/through Postcolonial Cultures", Venise, Italy. |
Herbillon, M. (2005). Historical Linearity and Post-Colonial Parody in Murray Bail's Holden's Performance [Paper presentation]. 8th Biennial EASA Conference: "ReVisions of Australia: Histories, Images, Identities", Debrecen, Hungary. |
Herbillon, M. (02 May 2019). Littératures postcoloniales et écoféminisme [Paper presentation]. Séminaire "Matérialités (Post)Coloniales", Liège, Belgium. |
Herbillon, M. (2014). Vers une philosophie australienne? Errances et illuminations dans Les Pages de Murray Bail: du mythe colonial au rationalisme éclairé [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de Philosophie sociale: "La bêtise dans la philosophie (II)", Liège, Belgium. |
Herbillon, M. (2012). Poétique de l'extériorité dans les carnets autobiographiques de Murray Bail [Paper presentation]. "Esthétique et Spiritualité", Louvain-la-Neuve, Ireland. |
Herbillon, M. (2012). "Tall Trees Breed Even Taller Stories": The Garden Metaphor and its Narrative Corollaries in Murray Bail's Eucalyptus [Paper presentation]. 5th EASLCE Conference: "Natura Loquens: Eruptive Dialogues, Disruptive Discourses". |
Herbillon, M. (2011). Towards an Australian Philosophy: Constructive Appropriation of Enlightenment Thinking in Murray Bail's The Pages [Paper presentation]. 14th Triennial EACLALS Conference: "Under Construction: Gateways and Walls", Istanbul, Turkey. |
Herbillon, M. (2009). Dissolving Archetypes: Murray Bail's Pragmatic Approach to Australian Philosophy in The Pages [Paper presentation]. 10th Biennial EASA Conference: "Dis / solutions: the Future of the Past in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific", Palma de Majorque, Spain. |
Herbillon, M. (2008). Murray Bail's Eucalyptus: An Australian Fairy-Tale? [Paper presentation]. "Aesopic Voices: Reframing Truth in Twentieth-Century Folklore, Fairy Tales and Fables", Melbourne, Australia. |
Herbillon, M. (2007). Translating Fairy-Tales: Textual Intersections and Cross-Culturalism in Murray Bail's Eucalyptus [Paper presentation]. 9th Biennial EASA Conference: "Translating Cultures: Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific", Roskilde, Denmark. |
Herbillon, M. (2007). La linéarité comme métadiscours dans l'oeuvre de Murray Bail [Paper presentation]. "Réalité et représentation", Liège, Belgium. |
Herbillon, M. (2006). Linearity as Metadiscourse in Murray Bail's Fiction [Paper presentation]. "Divergences and Convergences", Toulouse, France. |
Herbillon, M. (2005). Spatial Linearity and Post-Colonial Parody in Murray Bail's Holden's Performance [Paper presentation]. 12th Triennial EACLALS Conference: "Sharing Places: Searching for Common Ground in a World of Continuing Exclusion", Sliema, Malta. |
Herbillon, M. (2009). Entretiens (bilingues anglais-français et publics) avec l'auteure américaine Hannah Tinti [Paper presentation]. Festival "Belles étrangères", Bruxelles et Liège, Belgium. |
Herbillon, M. (2008). Entretiens (bilingues anglais-français et publics) avec les auteurs canadiens Neil Bissoondath et Zoe Whittall [Paper presentation]. Festival "Belles étrangères", Liège et Bruxelles, Belgium. |