Gonne, M. (2015). Mon hard labour à moi: Traduction ou recyclage culturel? Le rôle médiateur de Georges Eekhoud au tournant du vingtième siècle [Doctoral thesis, KU Leuven - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/306463 |
Gonne, M. (2017). Contrebande littéraire et culturelle à la Belle Époque. Le « hard labour » de Georges Eekhoud entre Anvers, Paris et Bruxelles. Leuven University Press. |
Marais, K., Meylaerts, R., & Gonne, M. (Eds.). (2024). The complexity of social-cultural emergence: Biosemiotics, semiotics and translation studies. Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins publishing company. Peer reviewed |
Gonne, M., Roland, H., Vanasten, S., Smeyers, E., & Crombois, J. (Eds.). (2022). Paradoxes and misunderstandings in cultural transfers/ Paradoxes et malentendus dans les transferts culturels. Interférences Littéraires, 26 (1), 1-266. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gonne, M., Merrigan, K., Meylaerts, R., & Van Gerwen, H. (Eds.). (2020). Transfer thinking in Translation Studies: playing with the black box of cultural transfer. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press. |
Lobbes, G., & Gonne, M. (Eds.). (2014). Cultural mediators in Belgium, 1830-1945: Crossing borders, borders resisting. Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire, 92 (4), 1245-1402. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Lamberts, E. (2018). Les Catholiques et l'État. Un tableau européen (1815-1965) (Traduction/ original Lamberts 2011) (Gonne, M., Trans.). Paris, France: Desclée de Brouwer. |
Vanasten, S., Roland, H., & Gonne, M. (2022). À propos des paradoxes, échecs et malentendus dans les transferts culturels. Interférences Littéraires, 26 (1), 1-23. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gonne, M. (2022). “Less-translated” regional languages? Inter- and intra-peripheral translations in Wallonia (1870-1940). Comparative Literature Studies, 59 (4), 855-876. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi Dataset: https://muse.jhu.edu/article/880900 |
Gonne, M. (2020). La Wallonie dans les « Chroniques de Bruxelles » de Georges Eekhoud. Une médiation sélective des lettres belges. Textyles: Revue des Lettres Belges de Langue Française, 58-59, 105-126. doi:10.4000/textyles.3906 Peer reviewed |
Gonne, M. (2018). La boîte noire de l’historiographie interculturelle belge. Les allers-retours d’Emma Lambotte entre Liège et Anvers (1895-1950). TTR. Traduction, Terminologie et Rédaction, 31 (2), 167-194. doi:10.7202/1065573ar Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gonne, M. (2016). Overlap of agent roles in early 20th century Belgium: 'a lucrative way of spending time'. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 11 (3), 361-380. doi:10.1075/tis.11.3.03gon Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gonne, M. (2016). Pseudo-traductions et jeux de miroirs dans l’écriture populaire de Georges Eekhoud. Interférences Littéraires, 19, 77-87. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gonne, M. (2015). Recyclages, croisements et transferts dans l’œuvre de Georges Eekhoud. Revue d'Histoire Littéraire de la France, 115 (2), 391-407. doi:10.3917/rhlf.152.0391 Peer reviewed |
Gonne, M., & Lobbes, T. (Crit. Eds.). (2014). Introduction. Cultural mediators in Belgium, 1830-1945: Crossing borders, borders resisting. Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire, 92 (4), 1249-1253. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gonne, M., & Vandemeulebroucke, K. (2014). Deux générations de médiateurs : Portraits de Charles Potvin et de Georges Eekhoud. Textyles: Revue des Lettres Belges de Langue Française, 45, 29-46. Peer reviewed |
d'hulst, L., Gonne, M., Lobbes, T., Meylaerts, R., & Verschaffel, T. (2014). Towards a multipolar model of cultural mediators within multicultural spaces. Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire, 92 (4), 1255-1275. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Meylaerts, R., & Gonne, M. (2014). Transferring the city - transgressing borders: cultural mediators in Antwerp (1850-1930). Translation Studies, 7 (2), 133-151. doi:10.1080/14781700.2013.869184 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gonne, M., & Meylaerts, R. (2013). Fransch kleed uittrekken en vlaamsch pak aanpassen. Jaarboek van het Stijn Streuvelsgenootschap, 19, 95-118. Editorial reviewed |
Gonne, M., Meylaerts, R., & Marais, K. (2024). Introduction. In K. Marais, R. Meylaerts, ... M. Gonne (Eds.), The complexity of social cultural emergence: Biosemiotics, semiotics and translation studies. Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/btl.164.00gon Peer reviewed |
Gonne, M. (2023). Approaches to the sociology of knowledge. In K. Marais & R. Meylaerts, The Routledge Handbook of Translation Theory and Concepts (pp. 94-112). London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003161448-8 Peer reviewed |
Delabastita, D., & Gonne, M. (2020). From Britain to Brussels and back again: On the transfer of national images and linguistic interactions in Charlotte Brontë’s. The Professor and its first Dutch and French translations. In M. Gonne, K. Merrigan, R. Meylaerts, ... H. Van Gerwen (Eds.), Transfer thinking in translation studies. Playing with the black box of cultural transfer (pp. 49-77). Leuven University Press. Peer reviewed |
Gonne, M., & Meylaerts, R. (2020). Introduction: Transfer thinking in Translation Studies: playing with the black box of cultural transfer. In M. Gonne, K. Merrigan, R. Meylaerts, ... H. Van Gerwen (Eds.), Transfer Thinking in Translation Studies (pp. 9-31). Leuven University Press. Peer reviewed |
Gonne, M. (2018). From binarity to complexity: a Latourian perspective on cultural mediators: The case of Georges Eekhoud’s intra-national activities. In D. Roig Sanz & R. Meylaerts (Eds.), Literary translation and Cultural Mediators in ‘Peripheral’ Cultures: Customs Officers or Smugglers? (pp. 263-290). Palgrave MacMillan. Peer reviewed |
Meylaerts, R., Gonne, M., Lobbes, T., & Roig Sanz, D. (2017). Cultural mediators in cultural history: what do we learn from studying mediators’ complex transfer activities in interwar Belgium ? In E. Brems, T. Van Kalmthout, ... O. Rethelyi (Eds.), Doing Double Dutch: The International Circulation of Literature from the Low Countries (pp. 51-75). Leuven University Press. Peer reviewed |
(2024). Traduction de l’asyndète dans les textes littéraires français vers l’anglais (Tran, K. S., ... Gonne, M., Trans.). Target: International Journal of Translation Studies. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
(2021). Un cas de castration culturelle ? La traduction du Soldat Johan de Filip de Pillecyn par Paul de Man (traduction/ original: Brems 2010) (Demey, K., ... Gonne, M., Trans.). Target: International Journal of Translation Studies. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
(2020). Doublage versus sous-titrage. L’importance de la complexité (traduction/ original: Perego, Del Missier & Stragà 2018) (Jacquemin, L., ... Gonne, M., Trans.). Target: International Journal of Translation Studies. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
(2020). Paf, Smack, Boum. Un cadre pour l’étude des bandes dessinées en traduction (traduction/ original: Kaindl 1999) (Mazlout, E., ... Gonne, M., Trans.). Target: International Journal of Translation Studies. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
(2019). Quel type de littérature pour la traduction littéraire? (Feron, E., ... Gonne, M., Trans.). Target: International Journal of Translation Studies. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
(2018). Traduction et Théâtre. De la performance à la performativité (traduction/ original: Marinetti 2013) (Gashi, K., ... Gonne, M., Trans.). Target: International Journal of Translation Studies. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
(2018). La question du doublage français : À la recherche d’un cadre d’investigation systématique (traduction/ original: Goris 1993) (Helas, M., ... Gonne, M., Trans.). Target: International Journal of Translation Studies. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
(2018). Résistance face à la planification linguistique via la traduction (traduction/ original: Durmus 2014) (Kasap, ... Gonne, M., Trans.). Target: International Journal of Translation Studies. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gonne, M. (2018). Compte rendu de Costa (Béatrice) et Gravet (Catherine), dir., Traduire la littérature belge francophone. Itinéraires des œuvres et des personnes, UMons. Textyles: Revue des Lettres Belges de Langue Française, 53, 171-173. Peer reviewed |
Gonne, M. (2018). Compte rendu de Remapping Habitus in Translation Studies by Vorderobermeier, Gisella M., ed. (2014). Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 235 p. TTR. Traduction, Terminologie et Rédaction, XXIX (2), 237-243. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gonne, M. (2014). Compte rendu de Traducción y autotraducción en las literaturas ibéricas, Edited By Enric Gallén, Francisco Lafarga and Luis Pegenaute. Peter Lang 2010. Target: International Journal of Translation Studies, 26 (2), 287-292. doi:10.1075/target.26.2.11gon Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gonne, M., Scheltiens, V., Touriel, A., van der Kwast, R., Baré, F., Septentrion, Wilfried, & Daar Daar. (2024). Débat "Au-delà des clichés : Wallons et néerlandophones". |
Bada, V., Robaux, P., & Gonne, M. (2024). Rencontre avec Josée Kamoun. |
Gonne, M. (2023). Collège Belgique : Maigret à l'étranger - la circulation internationale de l'oeuvre de Simenon en traduction. |
Gonne, M. (2020). Un jour dans l'histoire (radio La Première) : le congrès wallon de 1905. La première. |
Spit, L. (2016). The chronicles, platform for young authors and translators (Gonne, M., Trans.). |
Letawe, C., & Gonne, M. (29 November 2024). Late intranational translation flows? The circulation of Georges Simenon’s oeuvre in Dutch-speaking Belgium (1930-1960) [Paper presentation]. Book translation in multilingual states, Bruxelles, Belgium. Peer reviewed |
Smeyers, E., & Gonne, M. (09 September 2024). Georges Simenon in het Nederlands taalgebied [Paper presentation]. Misdaadfictie in de lage landen in transnationaal perspectief, Gent, Belgium. Editorial reviewed |
Gonne, M. (11 June 2024). Translation in the sociology of knowledge : Michel Serres' Hermes [Paper presentation]. TTR turns 35: Redifining translation? Historical fluctuations, new practices and epistemologies in the making, Montréal, Canada. Peer reviewed |
Códina, N., Herbillon, M., Gonne, M., Walburg, M.-N., Meylaerts, R., & Delabastita, D. (27 October 2023). Co-organization of Literary Self-Translation and its Metadiscourse: Power Relations in Postcolonial Contexts [Paper presentation]. Literary Self-Translation and its Metadiscourse: Power Relations in Postcolonial Contexts. Editorial reviewed |
Fólica, L., & Gonne, M. (22 June 2022). Panel Crossing minorities in Translation History : peripheries, gender and less translated languages [Paper presentation]. 10th EST Congress Advancing Translation Studies. Oslo, Norway. Peer reviewed |
Andringa, K., & Gonne, M. (09 June 2022). Why the French market melted for Lize Spit's Het smelt: the success story of a Flemish bestseller in French [Paper presentation]. Binnenlandse vogels, buitenlandse nesten. Brussels. KULeuven & Taalunie. Peer reviewed |
Gonne, M., Marais, K., & Meylaerts, R. (26 August 2021). Co-organisation de la conférence internationale : the complexity of social-cultural emergence: biosemiotics, semiotics and translation studies [Paper presentation]. The complexity of social-cultural emergence: biosemiotics, semiotics and translation studies. |
Gonne, M. (26 August 2021). Disconnections, reconnections, and new narratives: translation in the time of pandemic [Paper presentation]. The complexity of social-cultural emergence: biosemiotics, semiotics and translation studies (KU Leuven, ULiège, University of the Free State). Peer reviewed |
Gonne, M. (24 June 2021). Ébauche d’une politique de la traduction en Wallonie – Le Congrès wallon de 1905 [Paper presentation]. Écrire et (auto-)traduire des langues autochtones : engagement et créativité. ESIT / Université de Moncton. Peer reviewed |
Gonne, M. (15 June 2021). Translating minorities: Literary translation practices and beliefs in Wallonia (1850-1930) [Paper presentation]. European Congress on World and Global History: Minorities, Cultures of Integration and Patterns of Exculsion. |
Gonne, M., Roland, H., Crombois, J., Smeyers, E., & Vanasten, S. (22 May 2019). Co-organization of the conference Paradoxes and Misunderstandings in Cultural Transfers [Paper presentation]. Paradoxes and Misunderstandings in cultural Transfers, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium. |
Gonne, M. (22 March 2019). Géographie littéraire wallonne ou les délaissés du Mythe nordique [Paper presentation]. Géographies and Imaginaries, Unistra/BNU, Strasbourg, France. Peer reviewed |
Gonne, M. (2018). Transfers and Mediators in Translation history: old and new dogmas [Paper presentation]. Translation, Interpreting and Culture: Old Dogma's,and New Approaches. Nitra, Slovakia. Peer reviewed |
Gonne, M. (2017). Quand la Wallonie émigre en Flandre (1895-1930) : Emma Lambotte à Anvers ou ce que l’histoire nationale ne nous dit pas [Paper presentation]. La traduction transculturelle et interlinguistique: s’y perdre et s’y retrouver, Moncton, Canada. Editorial reviewed |
Gonne, M. (2016). Mediators of Walloon Culture or what the study of (even failed) transfers can bring to literary historiography [Paper presentation]. Small is Great, Budapest, Hungary. Editorial reviewed |
Gonne, M. (2016). Multilingual writing and Self-translation in Belgium (1890-1950) [Paper presentation]. International Comparative Literature Association, Vienne, Austria. Editorial reviewed |
Gonne, M., & Meylaerts, R. (2015). L’histoire croisée de deux auteurs-traducteurs belges [Paper presentation]. Translauthors, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium. Editorial reviewed |
Gonne, M., Merrigan, K., Meylaerts, R., & Szymanska, K. (2015). Co-organisation of the Panel Tracing Self-Translation: discursive perspectives in context [Paper presentation]. IATIS conference (International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies), Belo-Horizonte, Brazil. Editorial reviewed |
Gonne, M. (2015). A traceable hybrid process: simultaneous self-translation in a popular serial novel [Paper presentation]. IATIS conference, Belo-Horizonte, Brazil. Editorial reviewed |
Gonne, M., D'hulst, L., Meylaerts, R., Verschaffel, T., & Lobbes, T. (2014). Co-organization of the international conference Cultural mediators in Europe [Paper presentation]. Cultural mediators in Leuven. Editorial reviewed |
Gonne, M. (2014). The mediating role of Georges Eekhoud’s transfer activities within and beyond Belgium [Paper presentation]. USAN congress, Stellenbosch, South Africa. |
Gonne, M. (2014). Médiation intra-urbaine. Romans - feuilletons multilingues dans l’espace bruxellois (1895-1905) [Paper presentation]. Mediating Translation in Europe, Gent, Belgium. Editorial reviewed |
Gonne, M. (2013). L’auto-traduction en Belgique - un défi pour l’asymétrie ? Étude d’un roman-feuilleton patriotique [Paper presentation]. Translation: New Destinations, Istanbul, Turkey. Editorial reviewed |
Gonne, M. (2013). Recycling across borders: intercultural transfers in early 20th century Belgium [Paper presentation]. European Society for Translation Studies Congress, Germersheim, Germany. Editorial reviewed |
Gonne, M. (2013). (Self-)Translation and overlap of agent roles in early 20th century Belgium: a matter of Prestige [Paper presentation]. Beyond Transfiction, Tel-Aviv, Israel. Editorial reviewed |
Gonne, M. (21 February 2023). L'aventure des traductions néerlandaises et anglaises de Georges Simenon [Paper presentation]. Sorbonne Université - conférence, Paris, France. |
Gonne, M. (2023). Maigret à l'étranger: les premières traductions néerlandaises et anglaises de l’œuvre de Georges Simenon (1931-1951) [Paper presentation]. Festival Simenon. |
Gonne, M. (2020). Between Belgium, Flanders and the Others. Literary translation practices and beliefs in Wallonia (1850-1930) [Paper presentation]. Between the Nation and the World. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Barcelona, Spain [webinar]. |
Gonne, M., Leyh, V., Roig Sanz, D., & Thomalla, E. (14 March 2019). Co-organisation de la conférence Lettres et Big Data. Le réseau dans tous ses états [Paper presentation]. Cycle de conférence NaLTT. |
D'hulst, L., Klinkenberg, J.-M., Vrydaghs, D., & Gonne, M. (08 March 2018). Co-organisation de la conférence Historiographies de la littérature belge [Paper presentation]. Cycle de conférence NaLTT. |
Suchet, M., Meylaerts, R., Gonne, M., Merkle, D., & Delabastita, D. (2018). Co-organisation de la conférence La traduction in(ter)disciplinée [Paper presentation]. Cycle de conférence NaLTT. |
Gonne, M. (2021). Interview MSCA fellows [Paper presentation]. UOC MSCA PF Workshop “Inspiring fellows” 2nd edition. |