
Distèche Martine

Centre d'ingénierie des protéines

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Ghuysen, Jean-Marie  (48)
Frère, Jean-Marie  (25)
Leyh-Bouille, Mélina (21)
Fraipont, Claudine  (19)
Joris, Bernard  (18)
Main Referenced Keywords
kinetics (9); streptomyces/*enzymology (9); bacterial proteins (6); carboxypeptidases/*metabolism (6); cell membrane/enzymology (6);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
CIP - Centre d'Ingénierie des Protéines - ULiège [BE] (18)
GIGA CRC (Cyclotron Research Center) In vivo Imaging-Aging & Memory - ULiège [BE] (2)
d‐BRU - Dental Biomaterials Research Unit - ULiège [BE] (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Biochemistry, biophysics & molecular biology (62)
Microbiology (33)
Immunology & infectious disease (1)
Pharmacy, pharmacology & toxicology (1)
Chemistry (1)

Publications (total 72)

The most downloaded
Ghuysen, J.-M., Charlier, P., Coyette, J., Duez, C., Fonze, E., Fraipont, C., Joris, B., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & Goffin, C. (1996). Penicillin and Beyond: Evolution, Protein Fold, Multimodular Polypeptides, and Multiprotein Complexes. Microbial Drug Resistance: Mechanism, Epidemiology, and Disease, 2 (2, Summer), 163-175. doi:10.1089/mdr.1996.2.163

The most cited

294 citations (OpenAlex)

Aarsman, M. E. G., Piette, A., Fraipont, C., Vinkenvleugel, T. M. F., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & den Blaauwen, T. (March 2005). Maturation of the Escherichia coli divisome occurs in two steps. Molecular Microbiology, 55 (6), 1631-1645. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2958.2005.04502.x

Sauvage, E., Derouaux, A., Fraipont, C., Joris, M., Herman, R., Rocaboy, M., Schloesser, M., Dumas, J., Kerff, F., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & Charlier, P. (2014). Crystal structure of penicillin-binding protein 3 (PBP3) from Escherichia coli. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0098042
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Banzhaf, M., van den Berg van Saparoea, B., Terrak, M., Fraipont, C., Egan, A., Philippe, J., Zapun, A., Breukink, E., Nguyen-Distèche, M., den Blaauwen, T., & Vollmer, W. (2012). Cooperativity of peptidoglycan synthases active in bacterial cell elongation. Molecular Microbiology, 85 (1), 179-94. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2958.2012.08103.x
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Fraipont, C., Alexeeva, S., Wolf, B., van der Ploeg, R., Schloesser, M., den Blaauwen, T., & Nguyen-Distèche, M. (January 2011). The integral membrane FtsW protein and peptidoglycan synthase PBP3 form a subcomplex in Escherichia coli. Microbiology, 157, 251-259. doi:10.1099/mic.0.040071-0
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Derouaux, A., Turk, S., Olrichs, N. K., Gobec, S., Breukink, E., Amoroso, A. M., Offant, J., Bostock, J., Mariner, K., Chopra, I., Vernet, T., Zervosen, A., Joris, B., Frère, J.-M., Nguyen Van, M., & Terrak, M. (2011). Small molecule inhibitors of peptidoglycan synthesis targeting the lipid II precursor. Biochemical Pharmacology, 81 (9), 1098-105. doi:10.1016/j.bcp.2011.02.008
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Potluri, L., Karczmarek, A., Verheul, J., Piette, A., Wilkin, J.-M., Werth, N., Banzhaf, M., Vollmer, W., Young, K. D., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & den Blaauwen, T. (July 2010). Septal and lateral wall localization of PBP5, the major D,D-carboxypeptidase of Escherichia coli, requires substrate recognition and membrane attachment. Molecular Microbiology, 77 (2), 300–323. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2958.2010.07205.x
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Offant, J., Terrak, M., Derouaux, A., Breukink, E., Nguyen Van, M., Zapun, A., & Vernet, T. (2010). Optimization of conditions for the glycosyltransferase activity of penicillin-binding protein 1a from Thermotoga maritima. FEBS Journal, 277 (20), 4290-8. doi:10.1111/j.1742-4658.2010.07817.x
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Derouaux, A., Turk, S., Offant, J., Amoroso, A. M., Breukink, E., Bostock, J., Chopra, I., Zervosen, A., Joris, B., Nguyen Van, M., Vernet, T., Gobec, S., & Terrak, M. (November 2009). Identification and characterization of novel peptidoglycan glycosyltransferase inhibitors with antibacterial activity [Poster presentation]. Exploration and exploitation of bacterial cell wall biosynthesis, Warwick, United Kingdom.

Miguet, L., Zervosen, A., Gerards, T., Pasha, F. P., Luxen, A., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & Thomas, A. (2009). Discovery of New Inhibitors of Resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae Penicillin Binding Protein (PBP) 2x by Structure-Based Virtual Screening. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. doi:10.1021/jm900625q
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Derouaux, A., Wolf, B., Fraipont, C., Breukink, E., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & Terrak, M. (March 2008). The Monofunctional Glycosyltransferase of Escherichia Coli Localizes to the Cell Division Site and Interacts with Penicillin-Binding Protein 3, FtsW, and FtsN. Journal of Bacteriology, 190 (5), 1831-4. doi:10.1128/JB.01377-07
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Terrak, M., Sauvage, E., Derouaux, A., Dehareng, D., Bouhss, A., Breukink, E., Jeanjean, S., & Nguyen-Distèche, M. (2008). Importance of the conserved residues in the peptidoglycan glycosyltransferase module of the class A penicillin-binding protein 1b of Escherichia coli. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283 (42), 28464-70. doi:10.1074/jbc.M803223200
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Muller, P., Ewers, C., Bertsche, U., Anstett, M., Kallis, T., Breukink, E., Fraipont, C., Terrak, M., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & Vollmer, W. (14 December 2007). The essential cell division protein FtsN interacts with the murein (peptidoglycan) synthase PBP1B in Escherichia coli. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282 (50), 36394-36402. doi:10.1074/jbc.M706390200
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Bertsche, U., Kast, T., Wolf, B., Fraipont, C., Aarsman, M. E. G., Kannenberg, K., von Rechenberg, M., Nguyen-Distèche, M., den Blaauwen, T., Holtje, J. V., & Vollmer, W. (August 2006). Interaction between two murein (peptidoglycan) synthases, PBP3 and PBP1B, in Escherichia coli. Molecular Microbiology, 61 (3), 675-690. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2958.2006.05280.x
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Mercier, F., Lemaire, C., Plenevaux, A., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Zervosen, A., Joris, B., & Luxen, A. (17 May 2006). Synthesis of anhydro-muramic acid derivatives as substrates for MurNAc amidase [Poster presentation]. Bioforum 2006.

Terrak, M., & Nguyen-Distèche, M. (April 2006). Kinetic characterization of the monofunctional glycosyltransferase from Staphylococcus aureus. Journal of Bacteriology, 188 (7), 2528-2532. doi:10.1128/JB.188.7.2528-2532.2006
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Fraipont, C., Sapunaric, F., Zervosen, A., Auger, G., Devreese, B., Lioux, T., Blanot, D., Mengin-Lecreulx, D., Herdewijn, P., Van Beeumen, J., Frère, J.-M., & Nguyen-Distèche, M. (28 March 2006). Glycosyl transferase activity of the Escherichia coli penicillin-binding protein 1b: Specificity profile for the substrate. Biochemistry, 45 (12), 4007-4013. doi:10.1021/bi051055m
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Zawadzka-Skomial, J., Markiewicz, Z., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Devreese, B., Frère, J.-M., & Terrak, M. (March 2006). Characterization of the bifunctional glycosyltransferase/acyltransferase penicillin-binding protein 4 of Listeria monocytogenes. Journal of Bacteriology, 188 (5), 1875-1881. doi:10.1128/JB.188.5.1875-1881.2006
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Aarsman, M. E. G., Piette, A., Fraipont, C., Vinkenvleugel, T. M. F., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & den Blaauwen, T. (March 2005). Maturation of the Escherichia coli divisome occurs in two steps. Molecular Microbiology, 55 (6), 1631-1645. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2958.2005.04502.x
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Pastoret, S., Fraipont, C., den Blaauwen, T., Wolf, B., Aarsman, M. E. G., Piette, A., Thomas, A., Brasseur, R., & Nguyen-Distèche, M. (December 2004). Functional analysis of the cell division protein FtsW of Escherichia coli. Journal of Bacteriology, 186 (24), 8370-8379. doi:10.1128/JB.186.24.8370-8379.2004
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Piette, A., Fraipont, C., den Blaauwen, T., Aarsman, M. E. G., Pastoret, S., & Nguyen-Distèche, M. (September 2004). Structural determinants required to target penicillin-binding protein 3 to the septum of Escherichia coli. Journal of Bacteriology, 186 (18), 6110-6117. doi:10.1128/JB.186.18.6110-6117.2004
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Anderson, J. W., Adediran, S. A., Charlier, P., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Frère, J.-M., Nicholas, R. A., & Pratt, R. F. (01 August 2003). On the substrate specificity of bacterial DD-peptidases: evidence from two series of peptidoglycan-mimetic peptides. Biochemical Journal, 373 (Part 3), 949-955. doi:10.1042/BJ20030217
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Rhazi, N., Charlier, P., Dehareng, D., Engher, D., Vermeire, M., Frère, J.-M., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & Fonze, E. (18 March 2003). Catalytic mechanism of the Streptomyces K15 DD-transpeptidase/penicillin-binding protein probed by site-directed mutagenesis and structural analysis. Biochemistry, 42 (10), 2895-2906. doi:10.1021/bi027256x
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Marrec-Fairley, M., Piette, A., Gallet, X., Brasseur, R., Hara, H., Fraipont, C., Ghuysen, J.-M., & Nguyen-Disteche, M. (September 2000). Differential Functionalities of Amphiphilic Peptide Segments of the Cell-Septation Penicillin-Binding Protein 3 of Escherichia Coli. Molecular Microbiology, 37 (5), 1019-1031. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2958.2000.02054.x
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Terrak, M., Ghosh, T. K., van Heijenoort, J., Van Beeumen, J., Lampilas, M., Aszodi, J., Ayala, J. A., Ghuysen, J.-M., & Nguyen-Distèche, M. (October 1999). The Catalytic, Glycosyl Transferase and Acyl Transferase Modules of the Cell Wall Peptidoglycan-Polymerizing Penicillin-Binding Protein 1b of Escherichia Coli. Molecular Microbiology, 34 (2), 350-364. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2958.1999.01612.x
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Fonze, E., Vermeire, M., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Brasseur, R., & Charlier, P. (1999). The Crystal Structure Of A Penicilloyl-Serine Transferase Of Intermediate Penicillin Sensitivity - The Dd-Transpeptidase Of Streptomyces K15. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 274 (31), 21853-21860. doi:10.1074/jbc.274.31.21853
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Nguyen-Distèche, M., Fraipont, C., Buddelmeijer, N., & Nanninga, N. (April 1998). The Structure and Function of Escherichia Coli Penicillin-Binding Protein 3. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 54 (4), 309-16. doi:10.1007/s000180050157
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Charlier, P., Coyette, J., Dehareng, D., Dive, G., Duez, C., Dusart, J., Fonzé, E., Fraipont, C., Frère, J.-M., Galleni, M., Goffin, C., Joris, B., Lamotte-Brasseur, J., & Nguyen-Distèche, M. (1998). Résistance bactérienne aux beta-lactamines. MS. Medecine Sciences, 14 (5), 544-555. doi:10.4267/10608/1092
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Adam, M., Fraipont, C., Rhazi, N., Nguyen-Disteche, M., Lakaye, B., Frère, J.-M., Devreese, B., Van Beeumen, J., van Heijenoort, Y., van Heijenoort, J., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (October 1997). The Bimodular G57-V577 Polypeptide Chain of the Class B Penicillin-Binding Protein 3 of Escherichia Coli Catalyzes Peptide Bond Formation from Thiolesters and Does Not Catalyze Glycan Chain Polymerization from the Lipid II Intermediate. Journal of Bacteriology, 179 (19), 6005-6009. doi:10.1128/jb.179.19.6005-6009.1997
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Lepage, S., Dubois, P., Ghosh, T.-K., Joris, B., Mahapatra, S., Kundu, M., Basu, J., Chakrabarti, P., Cole, S.-T., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (July 1997). Dual Multimodular Class a Penicillin-Binding Proteins in Mycobacterium Leprae. Journal of Bacteriology, 179 (14), 4627-4630. doi:10.1128/jb.179.14.4627-4630.1997
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Ghuysen, J.-M., Charlier, P., Coyette, J., Duez, C., Fonzé, E., Fraipont, C., Goffin, C., Joris, B., & Nguyen-Distèche, M. (1997). Penicillin-binding proteins. Wall peptidoglycan assembly and resistance to penicillin: facts, doubts and hopes. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 8 (1), 45-60. doi:10.1016/S0924-8579(96)00358-5
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Goffin, C., Fraipont, C., Ayala, J., Terrak, M., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (September 1996). The non-penicillin-binding module of the tripartite penicillin-binding protein 3 of Escherichia Coli is required for folding and/or stability of the penicillin-binding module and the membrane-anchoring module confers cell septation activity on the folded structure. Journal of Bacteriology, 178 (18), 5402-5409. doi:10.1128/jb.178.18.5402-5409.1996
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Basu, J., Mahapatra, S., Kundu, M., Mukhopadhyay, S., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Dubois, P., Joris, B., Van Beeumen, J., Cole, S.-T., Chakrabarti, P., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (March 1996). Identification and overexpression in Escherichia coli of a Mycobacterium leprae gene, pon1, encoding a high-molecular-mass class A penicillin-binding protein, PBP1. Journal of Bacteriology, 178 (6), 1707-1711. doi:10.1128/jb.178.6.1707-1711.1996
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Ghuysen, J.-M., Charlier, P., Coyette, J., Duez, C., Fonze, E., Fraipont, C., Joris, B., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & Goffin, C. (1996). Penicillin and Beyond: Evolution, Protein Fold, Multimodular Polypeptides, and Multiprotein Complexes. Microbial Drug Resistance: Mechanism, Epidemiology, and Disease, 2 (2, Summer), 163-175. doi:10.1089/mdr.1996.2.163
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Grandchamps, J., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Damblon, C., Frère, J.-M., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (1995). Streptomyces K15 active-site serine DD-transpeptidase: specificity profile for peptide, thiol ester and ester carbonyl donors and pathways of the transfer reactions. Biochemical Journal, 307 (Pt 2), 335-339. doi:10.1042/bj3070335
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Ayala, J., Goffin, C., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (15 August 1994). Site-directed mutagenesis of penicillin-binding protein 3 of Escherichia coli: role of Val-545. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 121 (2), 251-256. doi:10.1111/j.1574-6968.1994.tb07106.x
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Fraipont, C., Adam, M., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Keck, W., Van Beeumen, J., Ayala, J. A., Granier, B., Hara, H., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (10 February 1994). Engineering and Overexpression of Periplasmic Forms of the Penicillin-Binding Protein 3 of Escherichia Coli. Biochemical Journal, 298 (1), 189-195. doi:10.1042/bj2980189
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Englebert, S., Charlier, P., Fonze, E., To'th, Y., Vermeire, M., Van Beeumen, J., Grandchamps, J., Hoffmann, K., Leyh-Bouille, M., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (1994). Crystallization and X-ray diffraction study of the Streptomyces K15 penicillin-binding DD-transpeptidase. Journal of Molecular Biology, 241 (2), 295-7. doi:10.1006/jmbi.1994.1504
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Granier, B., Jamin, M., Adam, M., Galleni, M., Lakaye, B., Zorzi, W., Grandchamps, J., Wilkin, J.-M., Fraipont, C., Joris, B., Duez, C., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Coyette, J., Leyh-Bouille, M., Dusart, J., Christians, L., Frère, J.-M., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (1994). Serine-Type D-Ala-D-Ala Peptidases and Penicillin-Binding Proteins. Methods in Enzymology, 244, 249-266. doi:10.1016/0076-6879(94)44021-2
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Goffin, C., Ayala, J. A., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (01 November 1993). Site-directed mutagenesis of dicarboxylic acid residues of the penicillin-binding module of the Escherichia coli penicillin-binding protein 3. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 113 (3), 247-251. doi:10.1111/j.1574-6968.1993.tb06522.x
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Englebert, S., El Kharroubi, A., Piras, G., Joris, B., Coyette, J., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (1993). Modular Design of the Bi(multi?) functional penicillin-binding proteins. In De pedro, J. V. Höltje, ... W. Loffelhardt (Eds.), Bacterial Growth & Lysis Metabolism and Structure of the Bacterial Sacculus (pp. 319-333). New York, United States: Plenum Press.
Peer reviewed

Palomeque-Messia, P., Quittre, V., Leyh-Bouille, M., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Gershater, C. J., Dacey, I. K., Dusart, J., Van Beeumen, J., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (15 November 1992). Secretion by Overexpression and Purification of the Water-Soluble Streptomyces K15 Dd-Transpeptidase/Penicillin-Binding Protein. Biochemical Journal, 288 (1), 87-91. doi:10.1042/bj2880087
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Palomeque-Messia, P., Englebert, S., Leyh-Bouille, M., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Duez, C., Houba, S., Dideberg, O., Van Beeumen, J., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (01 October 1991). Amino Acid Sequence of the Penicillin-Binding Protein/DD-Peptidase of Streptomyces K15. Predicted Secondary Structures of the Low Mr Penicillin-Binding Proteins of Class A. Biochemical Journal, 279 (Pt 1), 223-230. doi:10.1042/bj2790223
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Adam, M., Damblon, C., Jamin, M., Zorzi, W., Dusart, V., Galleni, M., El Kharroubi, A., Piras, G., Spratt, B. G., Keck, W., Coyette, J., Ghuysen, J.-M., NGuyen-Distèche, M., & Frère, J.-M. (1991). Acyltransferase activities of the high-molecular-mass essential penicillin-binding proteins. Biochemical Journal, 279 (Part 2), 601-604. doi:10.1042/bj2790601
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Leyh-Bouille, M., Vanbeeumen, J., Renier-Pirlot, S., Joris, B., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (1989). The Streptomyces K15 DD-peptidase/penicillin-binding protein. Active site and sequence of the N-terminal region. Biochemical Journal, 260 (2), 601-604. doi:10.1042/bj2600601
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Bartholomé-De Belder, J., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Houba-Herin, N., Ghuysen, J.-M., Maruyama, I. N., Hara, H., Hirota, Y., & Inouye, M. (1988). Overexpression, solubilization and refolding of a genetically engineered derivative of the penicillin-binding protein 3 of Escherichia coli K12. Molecular Microbiology, 2 (4), 519-525. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2958.1988.tb00058.x
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Varetto, L., Frère, J.-M., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Ghuysen, J.-M., & Houssier, C. (02 February 1987). The pH dependence of the active-site serine DD-peptidase of Streptomyces R61. European Journal of Biochemistry, 162 (3), 525-531. doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.1987.tb10671.x
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Leyh-Bouille, M., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Bellefroid-Bourguignon, C., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (01 February 1987). Effects of thiol reagents on Streptomyces K15 DD-peptidase-catalysed reactions. Biochemical Journal, 241 (3), 893-897. doi:10.1042/bj2410893
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Nguyen-Distèche, M., Leyh-Bouille, M., Pirlot, S., Frère, J.-M., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (01 April 1986). Streptomyces K15 DD-peptidase-catalysed reactions with ester and amide carbonyl donors. Biochemical Journal, 235 (1), 167-176. doi:10.1042/bj2350167
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Leyh-Bouille, M., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Pirlot, S., Veithen, A., Bourguignon, C., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (01 April 1986). Streptomyces K15 DD-peptidase-catalysed reactions with suicide β-lactam carbonyl donors. Biochemical Journal, 235 (1), 177-182. doi:10.1042/bj2350177
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Ghuysen, J.-M., Frère, J.-M., Leyh-Bouille, M., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & Coyette, J. (01 April 1986). Active-site-serine D-alanyl-D-alanine-cleaving-peptidase-catalysed acyl-transfer reactions. Procedures for studying the penicillin-binding proteins of bacterial plasma membranes. Biochemical Journal, 235 (1), 159-165. doi:10.1042/bj2350159
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Ghuysen, J.-M., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & Rousset, A. (1986). β-Lactam-induced Proteus L-forms. In S. Madoff (Ed.), The Bacterial L-Forms, vol. 17 (Department of Medecine and Bacteriology, Massachusetts General Hospital, pp. 127-162). New-York, United States - New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc.

Ghuysen, J.-M., Frère, J.-M., Leyh-Bouille, M., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Coyette, J., Dusart, J., Joris, B., Duez, C., Dideberg, O., Charlier, P., Dive, G., & Lamotte-Brasseur, J. (1984). Bacterial cell wall, DD-peptidase and β-lactam antibiotics. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 42, 17-37.
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Ghuysen, J.-M., Frère, J.-M., Leyh-Bouille, M., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Coyette, J., Dusart, J., Joris, B., Duez, C., Dideberg, O., Charlier, P., Dive, G., & Lamotte-Brasseur, J. (1984). Bacterial wall peptidoglycan, DD-peptidases and beta-lactam antibiotics. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases, 42, 17-37.
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Charlier, P., Dideberg, O., Dive, G., Dusart, J., Frère, J.-M., Ghuysen, J.-M., Joris, B., Lamotte-Brasseur, J., Leyh-Bouille, M., & Nguyen-Distèche, M. (1983). The active site of the D-alanyl-D-Alanine-cleaving peptidase. In R. Hakenbeck, J. V. Höltje, ... H. Labischinski (Eds.), Target of Penicillin: The Murein Sacculus of Bacterial Cell Walls, Architecture and Growth (pp. 369-386). De Gruyter.

Charlier, P., Dideberg, O., Dive, G., Dusart, J., Frère, J.-M., Ghuysen, J.-M., Joris, B., Lamotte-Brasseur, J., Leyh-Bouille, M., & Nguyen-Distèche, M. (1983). The active sites of the D-alanyl-D-alanine-cleaving peptidases. In R. Hakenbeck, J.-V. Höltje, ... H. Labischinski (Eds.), The Target Penicillin : the Murein Sacculus of Bacterial Cell Walls Architecture and Growth : Proceedings (pp. 369-386). Berlin, Germany: Walter de Gruyter & Co.
Peer reviewed

Ghuysen, J.-M., Charlier, P., Coyette, J., Dideberg, O., Dive, G., Dusart, J., Frère, J.-M., Joris, B., Lamotte-Brasseur, J., Leyh-Bouille, M., & Nguyen-Distèche, M. (1983). Instrinct Resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics at the level of the enzyme sites. Many challenges, some achievements. In B. Wiedemann, J.-M. Guysen, K. H. Spitzy, K. Karrer, S. Brayer, R. Lenzhofer, K. Moser, H. Pichler, ... H. Rainer (Eds.), Symposium Mechanisms of resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics : Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Rousset, A., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Minck, R., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (01 December 1982). Penicillin-binding proteins and carboxypeptidase/transpeptidase activities in Proteus vulgaris P18 and its penicillin-induced stable L-forms. Journal of Bacteriology, 152 (3), 1042-1048.
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Nguyen-Distèche, M., Leyh-Bouille, M., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (01 October 1982). Isolation of the membrane-bound 26 000-Mr penicillin-binding protein of Streptomyces strain K15 in the form of a penicillin-sensitive D-alanyl-D-alanine-cleaving transpeptidase. Biochemical Journal, 207 (1), 109-115. doi:10.1042/bj2070109
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Leyh-Bouille, M., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (01 April 1981). On the DD-carboxypeptidase enzyme system of Streptomyces strain K15. European Journal of Biochemistry, 115 (3), 579-584. doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.1981.tb06242.x
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Ghuysen, J.-M., Frère, J.-M., Leyh-Bouille, M., Coyette, J., Duez, C., Joris, B., Dusart, J., Nguyen-Distèche, M., DideberG, O., Charlier, P., Knox, J. R., Kelly, J. A., Moews, P. C., & DeLucia, M. L. (1981). Mechanistic properties and functioning of DD-carboxypeptidase. In S. Mitsuhashi (Ed.), β-Lactam Antbiotics (pp. 185-202). Tokyo, Japan: Japan Scientific Society Press, Springer.

Dusart, J., Leyh-Bouille, M., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Ghuysen, J.-M., & Reynolds, P.-E. (01 February 1980). Penicillin-binding proteins in the membranes of Streptomyces sp. Archives Internationales de Physiologie et de Biochimie, 88 (1), 27-B29.
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Charlier, P., Coyette, J., Dideberg, O., Duez, C., Dusart, J., Frère, J.-M., Ghuysen, J.-M., Joris, B., Leyh-Bouille, M., & Nguyen-Distèche, M. (1980). On the Active Centers of Serine and Zn II DD-carboxyppetidases. In G. I. Gregory (Ed.), Recent advances in the Chemistry of beta-lactam antibiotics (pp. 184-202). London, United Kingdom: The Royal Society of Chemistry.

Ghuysen, J.-M., Frère, J.-M., Leyh-Bouille, M., Coyette, J., Dusart, J., & Nguyen-Distèche, M. (01 January 1979). Use of model enzymes in the determination of the mode of action of penicillins and ∆3-cephalosporins. Annual Review of Biochemistry, 48, 73-101. doi:10.1146/
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Ghuysen, J.-M., Frère, J.-M., Leyh-Bouille, M., Coyette, J., Dusart, J., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Marquet, A., & Duez, C. (1979). Interaction between penicillin and its enzyme target. Microbial Drug Resistance: Mechanism, Epidemiology, and Disease, 2, 287-300.
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Marquet, A., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Leyh-Bouille, M., & Ghuysen, J.-M. (1978). Purification of DD-carboxypeptidases from Streptomyces strains R61 and K15 by antigen-antibody affinity chromatography. In O. Hoffmann-Ostenhof (Ed.), Affinity chromatography : biospecific sorption, the first extensive compendium on affinity chromatography as applied to biochemistry and immunochemistry (pp. 251-255). Elsevier.
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Nguyen-Distèche, M., Frère, J.-M., Dusart, J., Leyh-Bouille, M., Ghuysen, J.-M., Pollock, J. J., & Iacono, V. J. (15 November 1977). The peptidoglycan crosslinking enzyme system in Streptomyces R61, K15 and rimosus. Immunological studies. European Journal of Biochemistry, 81 (1), 29-32. doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.1977.tb11923.x
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Leyh-Bouille, M., Dusart, J., Nguyen Van, M., Ghuysen, J.-M., Reynolds, P. E., & Perkins, H. R. (1977). The peptidoglycan crosslinking enzyme system in Streptomyces strains R61, K15 and rimosus. Exocellular, lysozyme-releasable and membrane-bound enzymes. European Journal of Biochemistry, 81 (1), 19-28. doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.1977.tb11922.x
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Ghuysen, J.-M., Frère, J.-M., Leyh-Bouille, M., Dusart, J., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Coyette, J., Perkins, H., Nieto, M., & Marquet, A. (1975). Bacterial transpeptidases and penicillin. Bulletin de l'Institut Pasteur, 73 (1), 101-140.
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Pollock, J. J., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Ghuysen, J.-M., Linder, R., & Salton, M. R. (10 May 1974). The DD-carboxypeptidase-transpeptidase system in Escherichia coli mutant strain. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 235, 225-235. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1974.tb43268.x
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Nguyen-Distèche, M., Ghuysen, J.-M., Pollock, J. J., Reynolds, P., Perkins, H. R., Coyette, J., & Salton, M. R. (01 February 1974). Enzymes involved in wall peptide crosslinking in Escherichia coli K12, strain 44. European Journal of Biochemistry, 41 (3), 447-455. doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.1974.tb03286.x
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Nguyen-Distèche, M., Pollock, J. J., Ghuysen, J.-M., Puig, J., Reynolds, P., Perkins, H.-R., Coyette, J., & Salton, M.-R.-J. (01 February 1974). Sensitivity to ampicillin and cephalothin of enzymes involved in wall peptide crosslinking in Escherichia coli K12, strain 44. European Journal of Biochemistry, 41 (3), 457-463. doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.1974.tb03287.x
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Pollock, J. J., Nguyen-Distèche, M., Ghuysen, J.-M., Coyette, J., Linder, R., Salton, M. R., Kim, K. S., Perkins, H.-R., & Reynolds, P. (1974). Fractionation of the DD-carboxypeptidase-transpeptidase activities solubilized from membranes of Escherichia coli K12, strain 44. European Journal of Biochemistry, 41 (3), 439-446. doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.1974.tb03285.x
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Ghuysen, J.-M., Leyh-Bouille, M., Frère, J.-M., Dusart, J., Coyette, J., Nguyen-Distèche, M., & Duez, C. (1974). Comment la Pénicilline tue les bactéries. Annales de Microbiologie, 125 B (2), 209-210.
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