
Dedry Olivier

Département d'aérospatiale et mécanique > Metallic materials for additive manufacturing


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Main Referenced Co-authors
Mertens, Anne  (52)
Tchuindjang, Jérôme Tchoufack  (44)
Lecomte-Beckers, Jacqueline  (28)
Habraken, Anne  (18)
Hashemi, Seyedeh Neda  (18)
Main Referenced Keywords
Additive Manufacturing (18); Microstructure (16); Laser Cladding (11); Wear (9); Additive manufacturing (8);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
MMS (2)
A&M - Aérospatiale et Mécanique - ULiège (1)
Département de Chimie (1)
MS²F - Dpt. ArGEnCo (1)
Materials and Solid Mechanics (MSM) (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Materials science & engineering (67)
Energy (3)
Mechanical engineering (2)
Aerospace & aeronautics engineering (1)
Electrical & electronics engineering (1)

Publications (total 67)

The most downloaded
Mertens, A., Dedry, O., Reuter, D., Rigo, O., & Lecomte-Beckers, J. (2015). Thermal Treatments of AlSi10Mg Processed by Laser Beam Melting. In D. Bourell (Ed.), Proceedings of the 26th International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (pp. 1007-1016).

The most cited

59 citations (Scopus®)

Hashemi, S. N., Mertens, A., Montrieux, H.-M., Tchuindjang, J. T., Dedry, O., Carrus, R., & Lecomte-Beckers, J. (15 April 2017). Oxidative wear behaviour of laser clad high speed steel thick deposits: influence of sliding speed, carbide type and morphology. Surface and Coatings Technology, 315, 519-529. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2017.02.071

Seidou, A. H., Dedry, O., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (31 October 2024). Evaluation of Corrosion Resistance of 316L stainless steel with or without SiC additions produced via Directed Energy Deposition [Poster presentation]. EDT-MAIN PhD Scientific Day / NanoWal annual meeting, Louvain, Belgium.

Seidou, A. H., Maurizi-Enrici, T., Saggionetto, E., Boyunegmez, O., Dedry, O., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (08 October 2024). Microstructure and corrosion behaviour of a modified Si-rich austenitic stainless steel obtained by directed energy deposition [Paper presentation]. MPA Seminar 2024 : Materials - Properties - Applications, Stuttgart, Germany.

Maurizi Enrici, T., Dedry, O., Hashemi, S. N., Mario, D., Mertens, A., & Tchuindjang, J. T. (10 September 2024). Microstructural characterization and enhancement of the wear behaviour of 316L+WC Metal Matrix Composite processed by Directed Energy Deposition [Paper presentation]. Conference on Abrasion Wear Resistant Cast Iron And Forged Steel For Rolling and Pulverizing Mills – ABRASION 2024, Salzburg, Austria.
Editorial reviewed

Dedry, O., Tomé Jardin, R. A., Hashemi, S. N., Sinnaeve, M., Carrus, R., Habraken, A., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (10 September 2024). Understanding the microstructure evolution during Laser Metal Deposition of HSS M4 obtained from various building strategies, through thermal modelling, and both microstructural and mechanical characterizations [Paper presentation]. 7th International Conference On Abrasion Wear Resistant Cast Iron And Forged Steel For Rolling And Pulverizing Mills - Abrasion 2024, Salzbourg, Austria.
Editorial reviewed

Saggionetto, E., Segatto, A., Dedry, O., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (29 May 2024). Wear behavior of AISI S2 tool steel processed by Laser Powder Bed Fusion [Paper presentation]. 19th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC19), Madrid, Spain.

Saggionetto, E., Roger Vila, G., Dedry, O., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (15 May 2024). Effect of SiC addition on processability of AISI S2 tool steel for laser powder bed fusion. Materials Research Proceedings, 41, 216-223. doi:10.21741/9781644903131-24
Peer reviewed

Seidou, A. H., Blondiau, C., Dedry, O., Oñate Angelo, Tuninetti Victor, Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (2024). Differential Thermal Analysis to Assist the Design of Corrosion-resistant High Entropy Alloys for Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Materials Research Proceedings, 41, 2956. doi:10.21741/9781644903131-40
Peer reviewed

Saggionetto, E., Seidou, A. H., Roger Vila, G., Dedry, O., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (October 2023). Development of SiC-enriched tool steel by Laser Powder Bed Fusion [Paper presentation]. High Strength Steel - International Workshop, Bergamo, Italy.
Peer reviewed

Maurizi-Enrici, T., Mario, D., Dedry, O., Castagne, S., Mertens, A., & Tchuindjang, J. T. (2023). Unveiling the complex wear sequence of a directed energy deposited 316L+WC hierarchical composite against alumina. Journal of Materials Research and Technology. doi:10.1016/j.jmrt.2023.07.172
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Saggionetto, E., Seidou, A. H., Filippi, E., Roger Vila, G., Dedry, O., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (04 July 2023). On the Laser Powder Bed Fusion of a Modified AISI S2 Tool Steel Enriched with SiC [Paper presentation]. Thermec 2023 - International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, Vienne, Austria.
Peer reviewed

Tchuindjang, J. T., Dedry, O., Carrus, R., Jardin, R. T., Tuninetti, V., Habraken, A., & Mertens, A. (July 2023). Influence of the preheating on the microstructure evolution within thick deposits of AISI M4 high speed steel processed by Laser-DirectedEnergy Deposition, based on thermal modelling, hardness characterization, and dilatometry tests [Paper presentation]. THERMEC'2023, Vienna, Austria.
Editorial reviewed

Habraken, A., Bouffioux, C., Dedry, O., Fetni Seif, Sepulveda, H., Duchene, L., & Mertens, A. (25 May 2023). Fatigue crack prediction in Multiphasic-Phasic Material [Paper presentation]. 3rd Benelux Network Meeting and Workshop on Damage and Fracture Mechanics (BDFM-2023).

Saggionetto, E., Filippi Elena, Dedry, O., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (2023). Development and processability of AISI S2 tool steel by laser powder bed fusion [Paper presentation]. ESAFORM Conference 2023.

Saggionetto, E., Filippi Elena, Dedry, O., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (2023). Development and processability of AISI S2 tool steel by Laser Powder Bed Fusion. In Lukasz Madej, Mateusz Sitko, ... Konrad Perzynski, Material Forming – ESAFORM 2023 (Vol. 28, pp. 41-48). Millersville, United States - Pennsylvania: Materials research forum. doi:10.21741/9781644902479-5
Peer reviewed

Saggionetto, E., Seidou, A. H., Roger Vila, G., Dedry, O., Boschini, F., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (31 January 2023). Optimization of powder feedstock for use in Laser Powder Bed Fusion [Poster presentation]. EDT-MAIN PhD Scientific Day / NanoWal annual meeting, Namur, Belgium.

Seidou, A. H., Saggionetto, E., Dedry, O., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (2023). Evaluation under near-equilibrium conditions of the powders mixture AISI S2 Tool Steel and Silicon Carbide for Laser Powder Bed Fusion applications [Poster presentation]. International Conference on PROCESSING & MANUFACTURING OF ADVANCED MATERIALS Processing, Fabrication, Properties, Applications, Wien, Austria.

Maurizi-Enrici, T., Saggionetto, E., Dedry, O., Boschini, F., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (13 September 2022). High-silicon austenitic stainless steels obtained by laser cladding: elaboration, microstructure and local properties [Paper presentation]. Alloys for Additive Manufacturing Symposium 2022, Munich, Germany.
Peer reviewed

Tran, H. S., Bouffioux, C., Dedry, O., Rojas Ulloa, C. E., Duchene, L., Mertens, A., & Habraken, A. (2022). Identification of a soft matrix-hard inclusion material by indentation. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 107723. doi:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2022.107723
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Tran Hoang, S., Bouffioux, C., Dedry, O., Delahaye, J., El Fetni, S., Mertens, A., & Habraken, A. (04 April 2022). Prediction of static properties of LPBFAlSi10Mg samples post-treated by Friction Stir Processing or thermal treatments [Paper presentation]. EMMC18 – 18th European Mechanics of Materials Conference.
Peer reviewed

Harouz, R., Lakehal, A., Khelil, K., Dedry, O., Hashemi, S. N., & Boudebane, S. (April 2022). DRY SLIDING FRICTION AND WEAR OF THE WC/TIC-CO IN CONTACT WITH AL2O3 FOR TWO SLIDING SPEEDS. Facta Universitatis. Series, Mechanical Engineering, 20 (1), 37 - 52. doi:10.22190/FUME200310039H
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Saggionetto, E., Maurizi-Enrici, T., Dedry, O., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (29 October 2021). On the influence of the Counter-body Material on the Wear Rate of 316L+WC Composite Coatings processed by Laser Cladding [Paper presentation]. EDT-MAIN PhD Scientific Day / NanoWal Annual Meeting, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Maurizi-Enrici, T., Dedry, O., Mario, D., Nordera, M., Castagne, S., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (June 2021). Wear behavior of laser clad 316L+WC composite coatings [Paper presentation]. Thermec 2020 - 11th International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, Vienne (modifié en mode virtuel - covid 19), Austria.
Peer reviewed

Saggionetto, E., Maurizi-Enrici, T., Dedry, O., Mario, D., Serrano Martin, I., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (April 2021). The role of the Counterbody Material on Tribological Properties of 316L+WC Composite Coatings processed by Laser Cladding [Poster presentation]. 23rd International Conference on Wear of Materials (WOM 2021).
Peer reviewed

El Fetni, S., Maurizi-Enrici, T., Niccolini, T., Tran, H. S., Dedry, O., Duchene, L., Mertens, A., & Habraken, A. (17 March 2021). Thermal model for the directed energy deposition of composite coatings of 316L stainless steel enriched with tungsten carbides. Materials and Design, 204 (109661). doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2021.109661
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Tchuindjang, J. T., Dedry, O., Paydas, H., Jardin, R. T., Carrus, R., Habraken, A., & Mertens, A. (2021). Micromechanical assessment and thermophysical characterization of HSS M4 deposits processed by Laser Metal Deposition, - a prerequisite to the validation of a thermomechanical model [Paper presentation]. Thermec 2021.
Peer reviewed

Dedry, O., Delahaye, J., Vertruyen, B., Habraken, A., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (2021). Thermal and microstructural characterizations of AlSi10Mg samples processed by Selective Laser Melting using two different preheating temperatures [Paper presentation]. Thermec 2021.
Peer reviewed

Dedry, O., Bouffioux, C., Tran, H. S., Santos Macías, J. G., Habraken, A., & Mertens, A. (2021). Identification of AlSi10Mg matrix behavior by nanoindentation. In 24th International Conference on Material Forming. Liège, Belgium: PoPuPs. doi:10.25518/esaform21.2464
Peer reviewed

El Fetni, S., Maurizi-Enrici, T., Niccolini, T., Tran, H. S., Dedry, O., Jardin, R., Duchene, L., Mertens, A., & Habraken, A. (September 2020). 2D thermal finite element analysis of laser cladding of 316L+WC Composite coatings. Procedia Manufacturing, 50 (86-92). doi:10.1016/j.promfg.2020.08.016
Peer reviewed

Maurizi-Enrici, T., Dedry, O., Boschini, F., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (2020). Microstructural and Thermal Characterization of 316L+WC Composite Coatings obtained by Laser Cladding. Advanced Engineering Materials. doi:10.1002/adem.202000291
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Mertens, A., Delahaye, J., Dedry, O., Vertruyen, B., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Habraken, A. (26 April 2020). Microstructure and properties of SLM AlSi10Mg: Understanding the influence of the local thermal history. Procedia Manufacturing, 47, 1089-1095. doi:10.1016/j.promfg.2020.04.121
Peer reviewed

Habraken, A., Mertens, A., Duchene, L., Tchuindjang, J. T., Tran, H. S., Tomé Jardin, R. A., Delahaye, J., Dedry, O., Paydas, H., & Carrus, R. (06 December 2019). Microstructure prediction in additive manufacturing(TA6V, AlSi10Mg, AISI M4 materials) [Paper presentation]. Séminaire mensuel Integrative Systems+Design Division, Ann Arbor, United States - Michigan.

Maurizi-Enrici, T., Mario, D., Mancini, E., Dedry, O., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (05 September 2019). Stainless steel 316L + WC composite coating produced by laser cladding: on the role of particles dissolution and interfacial reactions [Paper presentation]. Euromat 2019, Stockholm, Sweden.
Peer reviewed

Maurizi-Enrici, T., Mario, D., Dedry, O., Tchuindjang, J. T., & Mertens, A. (28 May 2019). Recent advances on 316L+WC Composite Coatings Processed by Laser Cladding [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Metal AM in Leuven2019, Leuven, Belgium.

Maurizi-Enrici, T., Tchuindjang, J. T., Dedry, O., Mario, D., & Mertens, A. (09 April 2019). Fabrication and improvement of 316L+WC composite coatings processed by Laser Cladding [Paper presentation]. SAMPE Benelux 2019, Marknesse, Netherlands.
Peer reviewed

Dedry, O., Hashemi, S. N., Mertens, A., & Tchuindjang, J. T. (December 2018). Characterization of Microstructure in a HSS Alloy processed by Laser Metal Deposition through EBSD Analysis and Nanoindentation Tests [Paper presentation]. Séminaire des utilisateurs des microscopes de la CAREM.

Dedry, O., Hashemi, S. N., Carrus, R., Cayron, C., Mertens, A., & Tchuindjang, J. T. (September 2018). Microstructural and micromechanical characterization of a HSS alloy processed by Laser Metal Deposition: comparison of the matrix within the melt pool and the heat affected zone [Paper presentation]. 6th edition of the symposium Indentation 2018.
Peer reviewed

Hashemi, S. N., Tchuindjang, J. T., Dedry, O., Montrieux, H.-M., Lecomte-Beckers, J., Carrus, R., Habraken, A., & Mertens, A. (12 July 2018). High Temperature Wear Behaviour of High Speed Steel Thick Deposits Obtained by Laser Cladding [Paper presentation]. Thermec 2018 - International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, Paris, France.
Peer reviewed

Mertens, A., Hashemi, S. N., Tchuindjang, J. T., Dedry, O., Montrieux, H.-M., Tomé Jardin, R. A., Tran, H. S., Carrus, R., & Habraken, A. (28 March 2018). Influence of the local thermal history and microstructure on the wear behaviour of laser clad high speed steel thick coatings [Paper presentation]. 16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference, Nantes, France.

Mertens, A., Hashemi, S. N., Tchuindjang, J. T., Dedry, O., Montrieux, H.-M., Tomé Jardin, R. A., Tran, H. S., Carrus, R., & Habraken, A. (04 January 2018). Laser Clad High Speed Steel thick deposits: Correlations between the local thermal history, the microstructures and the wear mechanisms [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Plasticity, Damage and Fracture 2018, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Peer reviewed

Delahaye, J., Mertens, A., Dedry, O., Rigo, O., Vertruyen, B., Lecomte-Beckers, J., & Habraken, A. (21 September 2017). Effect of solution treatment on the fracture mechanisms of AlSi10Mg parts produced by Selective Laser Melting [Poster presentation]. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT), Thessaloniki, Greece.
Peer reviewed

Tchuindjang, J. T., Hashemi, S. N., Dedry, O., Sinnaeve, M., & Lecomte-Beckers, J. (2017). Effects of High Solidification Rates on Segregations and Solid Phase Transformations in High Speed Steels. In ABRASION 2017 - The 6th International COnference on Abrasion Wear Resistant Alloyed White Cast Iron for Rolling and Pulverizing Mills.

Maurizi-Enrici, T., Dedry, O., & Tchuindjang, J. T. (26 August 2017). New Insights on the in-situ Destabilization of the M2C Eutectic Carbides under Thermal Treatment in a Multicomponent Cast Iron Grade [Paper presentation]. 6th International Conference on Abrasion Wear Resistant Alloyed White Cast Iron for Rolling and Pulverizing Mills, Osaka, Japan.

Mertens, A., Storti, M., Simar, A., Dedry, O., Montrieux, H.-M., & Lecomte-Beckers, J. (10 July 2017). Thermal treatments for tailoring the microstructure and wear behaviour of friction stir processed Aluminium-C fibres composites [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Frontiers in Materials Processing, Applications, Research & technology, Bordeaux, France.
Peer reviewed

Bister, G., Hautcoeur, D., Deschuyteneer, D., Nyssen, P., Cambier, M., Juste, E., Mertens, A., Dedry, O., Lecomte-Beckers, J., Lardot, V., & Cambier, F. (July 2017). Functional refractory molds for metal casting built by additive manufacturing [Paper presentation]. ECerS2017 - 15th conference and exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, Budapest, Hungary.
Peer reviewed

Hashemi, S. N., Tchuindjang, J. T., Dedry, O., Montrieux, H.-M., Carrus, R., Lecomte-Beckers, J., Habraken, A., & Mertens, A. (28 June 2017). Wear behaviour of laser clad High Speed Steels thick deposits [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Metal additive manufacturing, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Hashemi, S. N., Mertens, A., Montrieux, H.-M., Tchuindjang, J. T., Dedry, O., Carrus, R., & Lecomte-Beckers, J. (15 April 2017). Oxidative wear behaviour of laser clad high speed steel thick deposits: influence of sliding speed, carbide type and morphology. Surface and Coatings Technology, 315, 519-529. doi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2017.02.071
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Bister, G., Hautcoeur, D., Deschuyteneer, D., Nyssen, P., Juste, E., Mertens, A., Dedry, O., Lecomte-Beckers, J., Lardot, V., & Cambier, F. (19 July 2016). Alumina and zircon refractory ceramic molds fabrication by additive methods for metal alloys casting [Paper presentation]. 6th International Conference on Shaping of Advanced Ceramics, Montpellier, France.
Peer reviewed

Mertens, A., Dedry, O., Reuter, D., Rigo, O., & Lecomte-Beckers, J. (01 June 2016). Microstructural evolution during the heat treatment of Laser Beam Melted AlSi10Mg [Paper presentation]. Thermec 2016 International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, Graz, Austria.
Peer reviewed

Mertens, A., Dedry, O., Lecomte-Beckers, J., Reuter, D., & Rigo, O. (26 May 2016). Understanding the effect of thermal treatments on the ductility of LBM AlSi10Mg [Paper presentation]. Additive Manufacturing Workshop Brussels, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Tchuindjang, J. T., Dedry, O., Hashemi, S. N., & Lecomte-Beckers, J. (12 May 2016). Microstructure et propriétés de revêtements épais à résistance à l’usure améliorée obtenus par additive manufacturing [Paper presentation]. Innovative and Sustainable Coatings:Améliorer durablement les propriétés mécaniques et esthétiques de vos substrats métalliques, Mons, Belgium.

Gravet, D., Carton, M., Contrepois, Q., Mertens, A., Dedry, O., Lecomte-Beckers, J., & Dormal, T. (2016). RAPPORT FINAL - Portefeuille de projets TipTopLam. Liège, Belgium: Sirris.

Bister, G., Deschuyteneer, D., Hautcoeur, D., Nyssen, P., Juste, E., Mertens, A., Dedry, O., Lecomte-Beckers, J., Lardot, V., & Cambier, F. (23 March 2016). Refractory ceramic molds fabrication by additive methods for low and high melting point metal alloys casting [Paper presentation]. Journées annuelles GFC - BCerS, Valenciennes, France.
Peer reviewed

Mertens, A., Hashemi, S. N., Tchuindjang, J. T., Dedry, O., Carrus, R., Habraken, A., & Lecomte-Beckers, J. (09 February 2016). Local thermal history during the laser additive manufacturing of steel [Paper presentation]. 4th CFD and Thermomechanics Days, Maizières, France.

Dedry, O., Mertens, A., & Lecomte-Beckers, J. (2016). FLYCOAT - Programme d'excellence : Rapport scientifique et technique 1°phase 1er Mars 2015 au 29 Février 2016. Univéristé de Liège.

Hashemi, S. N., Lecomte-Beckers, J., Montrieux, H.-M., Dedry, O., & Tchuindjang, J. T. (September 2015). Comparison of the wear behavior of high speed steel grades obtained from conventional casting and laser cladding [Paper presentation]. Euromat 2015 - European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, Warsaw, Poland.

Tchuindjang, J. T., Paydas, H., Hashemi, S. N., Dedry, O., & Lecomte-Beckers, J. (July 2015). Carbides and grain size quantification methods in high speed steel alloys [Paper presentation]. 14th International Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis (14th ICSIA), Liège, Belgium.

Dedry, O., Lecomte-Beckers, J., Novello, F., & Denosse, V. (2015). Rapport scientifique et technique final : Tenue à chaud des matériaux métalliques dans des conditions extrêmes - METALEX, Convention n°1217562. Liège, Belgium: CRM.

Tchuindjang, J. T., Paydas, H., Hashemi, S. N., Dedry, O., & Lecomte-Beckers, J. (July 2015). Development of quantification methods applied to HSS alloys for carbides volume fraction and grain size assessments [Poster presentation]. 14th International Congress for Stereology and Image Analysis (14th ICSIA), Liège, Belgium.

Contrepois, Q., Mertens, A., Dedry, O., & Lecomte-Beckers, J. (2015). TipTopLam - Rapid manufacturing laser de pièces en titane (2008-2015), volet 2: FGM Porosité. Sirris.

Hashemi, S. N., Dedry, O., Lecomte-Beckers, J., Montrieux, H.-M., Walmag, Carrus, R., & Tchuindjang, J. T. (2015). Comparison of the wear behavior of high speed steel grades obtained from conventional casting and laser cladding. In Materiaux et tribologie jift 2014.
Peer reviewed

Mertens, A., Dedry, O., Reuter, D., Rigo, O., & Lecomte-Beckers, J. (2015). Thermal Treatments of AlSi10Mg Processed by Laser Beam Melting. In D. Bourell (Ed.), Proceedings of the 26th International Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium (pp. 1007-1016).
Peer reviewed

Lecomte-Beckers, J., Dedry, O., Oakey, J., & Kuhn, B. (Eds.). (2014). Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Materials for Advanced Power Engineering 2014. Juelich, Germany: FZ. Juelich.

Novello, F., Dedry, O., De Noose, V., & Lecomte-Beckers, J. (2014). HIGH TEMPERATURE CORROSION RESISTANCE OF METALLIC MATERIALS IN HARSH CONDITIONS. In J. Lecomte-Beckers, O. Dedry, J. Oakey, ... B. Kuhn (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Materials for Advanced Power Engineering 2014. Juelich, Germany: FZ. Juelich.
Peer reviewed

Lecomte-Beckers, J., & Dedry, O. (2014). Rapport Final - PROJET ULTRA CB - CONVENTION RW 6418 : Etude de faisabilité dans le développement de nano-revêtements sol-gels capables d’assurer une protection anticorrosion dans les applications soumises à des contraintes mécaniques et thermiques. ULg - Université de Liège.

Hashemi, S. N., Tchuindjang, J. T., Dedry, O., & Lecomte-Beckers, J. (27 March 2014). Laser cladded high speed steel coatings : Effect of the laser parameters on microstructure and properties of laser cladded coatings [Paper presentation]. IAP P7/21 INTEMATE Meeting.

Lecomte-Beckers, J., Tchuindjang, J. T., Dedry, O., & Reginster, S. (2013). Rapport Final, PROJET RECYLCLAD RW 11-1-7335 : Fabrication de Cylindres Bimétalliques par Rechargement Laser (Laser Cladding) d’Aciers à Outils optimisés sur Axes Réutilisables. ULg - Université de Liège.

Paydas, H., Dedry, O., Montrieux, H.-M., & Lecomte-Beckers, J. (2011). Literature review about electrical contacts.

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