Gramegna, L., Della Vecchia, G., & Charlier, R. (2024). Bentonite Swelling into Voids: Different Modelling Approaches for Hydration with Technological Gaps. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. doi:10.1007/s00603-024-03974-8 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gramegna, L., Villar, M. V., Collin, F., Talandier, J., & Charlier, R. (March 2023). Friction influence on constant volume saturation of bentonite mixed pellet-block samples, a numerical analysis. Applied Clay Science, 234, 106846. doi:10.1016/j.clay.2023.106846 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gramegna, L., Bernachy-Barbe, F., Collin, F., Talandier, J., & Charlier, R. (July 2022). Pore size distribution evolution in pellets based bentonite hydration: Comparison between experimental and numerical results. Engineering Geology, 304, 106700. doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2022.106700 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Ralaizafisoloarivony, N. A., Degré, A., Léonard, A., Toye, D., Mercatoris, B., & Charlier, R. (2021). A First Insight on the Interaction between Desiccation Cracking and Water Transfer in a Luvisol of Belgium. Soil Systems, 5 (4), 64. doi:10.3390/soilsystems5040064 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gramegna, L., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (19 October 2020). Hydro-mechanical behaviour of a pellets based bentonite seal: Numerical modelling of lab scale experiments. E3S Web of Conferences, 195. doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202019504009 Peer reviewed |
Ralaizafisoloarivony, N. A., Tran, D. K., Degré, A., Mercatoris, B., Léonard, A., Toye, D., & Charlier, R. (2020). Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Drying of an Agricultural Soil. E3S Web of Conferences. doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202019501034 Peer reviewed |
Argilaga, A., Collin, F., Lacarrière, L., Charlier, R., Armand, G., & Cerfontaine, B. (2019). Modelling of short-term interactions between concrete support and the excavated damage zone around galleries drilled in Callovo-Oxfordian claystone. International Journal of Civil Engineering. doi:10.1007/s40999-018-0317-9 Peer reviewed |
Tran, D. K., Ralaizafisoloarivony, N. A., Charlier, R., Mercatoris, B., Léonard, A., Toye, D., & Degré, A. (2019). Studying the effect of desiccation cracking on the evaporation process of a Luvisol – From a small-scale experimental and numerical approach. Soil and Tillage Research, 193, 142-152. doi:10.1016/j.still.2019.05.018 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Radioti, G., Cerfontaine, B., Charlier, R., & Nguyen, F. (2018). Experimental and numerical investigation of a long-duration Thermal Response Test: Borehole Heat Exchanger behaviour and thermal plume in the heterogeneous rock mass. Geothermics, 71. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2017.10.001 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Cerfontaine, B., Charlier, R., Collin, F., & Taiebat, M. (2017). Validation of a new elastoplastic constitutive model dedicated to the cyclic behaviour of brittle rock materials. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. doi:10.1007/s00603-017-1258-3 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Salehnia, F., Sillen, X., Li, X., & Charlier, R. (2017). Numerical simulation of a discontinuous gallery lining's behavior, and its interaction with rock. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. doi:10.1002/nag.2689 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Radioti, G., Sartor, K., Charlier, R., Dewallef, P., & Nguyen, F. (2017). Effect of undisturbed ground temperature on the design of closed-loop geothermal systems: A case study in a semi-urban environment. Applied Energy. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.05.070 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Dieudonné, A.-C., Della Vecchia, G., & Charlier, R. (2017). A water retention model for compacted bentonites. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. doi:10.1139/cgj-2016-0297 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Salehnia, F., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2016). On the Variable Dilatancy Angle in Rocks Around Underground Galleries. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. doi:10.1007/s00603-016-1126-6 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Delvoie, S., Boulvain, F., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (September 2016). Detailed characterization of the Late Pleistocene loess sequence stratigraphy of Remicourt (Hesbaye region, Belgium) with cone penetration tests. Geologica Belgica, 19 (3-4), 281-289. doi:10.20341/gb.2016.011 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Prime, N., Levasseur, S., Miny, L., Charlier, R., Léonard, A., & Collin, F. (March 2016). Drying induced shrinkage of Boom Clay: an experimental investigation. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 53 (3), 396-409. doi:10.1139/cgj-2015-0099 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Delvoie, S., Pirson, S., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2016). Etude de la séquence stratigraphique des loess de la carrière de Romont (Eben-Emael, Belgique) par une campagne géotechnique. Notae Praehistoricae, 36, 5-21. Peer reviewed |
Gatabin, C., Talandier, J., Collin, F., Charlier, R., & Dieudonné, A.-C. (2016). Competing effects of volume change and water uptake on the water retention behaviour of a compacted MX-80 bentonite/sand mixture. Applied Clay Science, 121-122, 57-62. doi:10.1016/j.clay.2015.12.019 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Radioti, G., Delvoie, S., Charlier, R., Dumont, G., & Nguyen, F. (2016). Heterogeneous bedrock investigation for a closed-loop geothermal system: A case study. Geothermics. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2016.03.001 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Cerfontaine, B., Radioti, G., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2016). Formulation of a 1D finite element of heat exchanger for accurate modelling of the grouting behaviour: Application to cyclic thermal loading. Renewable Energy, 96, 65-79. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2016.04.034 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (November 2015). Numerical modelling of transient cyclic vertical loading of suction caissons in sand. Geotechnique, 65 (12). doi:10.1680/jgeot.15.P.061 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Salehnia, F., Collin, F., Li, X. L., Dizier, A., Sillen, X., & Charlier, R. (September 2015). Coupled modeling of Excavation Damaged Zone in Boom clay: Strain localization in rock and distribution of contact pressure on the gallery’s lining. Computers and Geotechnics, 69, 396-410. doi:10.1016/j.compgeo.2015.06.003 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Della Vecchia, G., Dieudonné, A.-C., Jommi, C., & Charlier, R. (2015). Accounting for evolving pore size distribution in water retention models for compacted clays. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 39, 702-723. doi:10.1002/nag.2326 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Prime, N., Fraikin, L., Léonard, A., Charlier, R., & Levasseur, S. (2015). Experimental Investigation of Hydromechanical Coupling During Clay Drying. Drying Technology, 33 (15-16), 1821-1829. doi:10.1080/07373937.2015.1030030 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Cerfontaine, B., Dieudonné, A.-C., Radu, J.-P., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2015). 3D zero-thickness coupled interface finite element: Formulation and application. Computers and Geotechnics. doi:10.1016/j.compgeo.2015.04.016 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Prime, N., Housni, Z., Fraikin, L., Léonard, A., Charlier, R., & Levasseur, S. (2015). On Water Transfer and Hydraulic Connection Layer During the Convective Drying of Rigid Porous Material. Transport in Porous Media, 106 (1), 47-72. doi:10.1007/s11242-014-0390-8 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Dieudonné, A.-C., Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2015). Hydromechanical modelling of shaft sealing for CO2 storage. Engineering Geology, 193, 97-105. doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2015.04.016 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
De la Vaissière, R., Gerard, P., Radu, J.-P., Charlier, R., Collin, F., Granet, S., Talandier, J., Piedevache, M., & Helmlinger, B. (2014). Gas injection test in the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone: data analysis and numerical modelling. Geological Society, London, Special Publications Online First. doi:10.1144/SP400.10 Peer reviewed |
François, B., Labiouse, V., Dizier, A., Marinelli, F., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (January 2014). Hollow Cylinder Tests on Boom Clay: Modelling of Strain Localization in the Anisotropic Excavation Damaged Zone. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 47 (1), 71-86. doi:10.1007/s00603-012-0348-5 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gerard, P., Harrington, J., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2014). Modelling of localised gas preferential pathways in claystone. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 67, 104-114. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2014.01.009 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Yu, L., Weetjens, E., Sillen, X., Vietor, T., Li, X., Delage, P., Labiouse, V., & Charlier, R. (2014). Consequences of the thermal transient on the evolution of the damaged zone around a repository for heat-emitting high-level radiactive waste in a clay formation: a performance assessment perspective. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 47 (1). doi:10.1007/s00603-013-0409-4 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Charlier, R., Collin, F., Pardoen, B., Talandier, J., Radu, J.-P., & Gerard, P. (24 October 2013). An unsaturated hydro-mechanical modelling of two in-situ experiments in Callovo-Oxfordian argillite. Engineering Geology, 165, 46-63. doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2013.05.021 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., Charlier, R., & Kondo, D. (2013). On micromechanical damage modeling in geomechanics: influence of numerical integration scheme. International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 246, 215-224. doi:10.1016/ Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., Charlier, R., & Kondo, D. (2013). A micro–macro approach of permeability evolution in rocks excavation damaged zones. Computers and Geotechnics, 49, 245-252. doi:10.1016/j.compgeo.2012.12.001 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., Charlier, R., & Kondo, D. (2011). A two scale anisotropic damage model accounting for initial stresses in microcracked materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 78, 1945-1956. doi:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2011.03.009 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Levasseur, S., Charlier, R., Frieg, B., & Collin, F. (2010). Hydro-mechanical modelling of the Excavation Damaged Zone around an underground excavation at Mont Terri Rock Laboratory. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 47 (3), 414-425. doi:10.1016/j.ijrmms.2010.01.006 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gerard, P., Léonard, A., Masekanya, J.-P., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2010). Study of the soil-atmosphere moisture exchanges through convective drying tests in non-isothermal conditions. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 34 (12), 1297-1320. doi:10.1002/nag.866 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., Charlier, R., & Kondo, D. (2010). On a class of micromechanical damage models with initial stresses for geomaterials. Mechanics Research Communications, 37, 38-41. doi:10.1016/j.mechrescom.2009.09.004 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Charlier, R., Dizier, A., Laloui, L., & Collin, F. (2009). Multi-physical processes in geomechanics – an introduction to constitutive modelling and coupling aspects. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 7-8, 803-830. doi:10.1080/19648189.2009.9693157 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gerard, P., Charlier, R., Barnichon, J.-D., Su, K., Shao, J.-F., Duveau, G., Giot, R., Chavant, C., & Collin, F. (2008). Numerical Modelling of Coupled Mechanics and Gas Transfer around Radioactive Waste in Long-Term Storage. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 38 (1-2), 25-44. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Gerard, P., Charlier, R., Chambon, R., & Collin, F. (2008). Influence of evaporation and seepage on the convergence of a ventilated cavity. Water Resources Research, 44. doi:10.1029/2007WR006500 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Schmitz, R. M., Schroeder, C., & Charlier, R. (2007). A general approach to assess hydro-mechanical changes of natural clay barriers due to physico-chemical interactions with radwaste in deep disposal sites. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 32 (8-14), 922-928. doi:10.1016/j.pce.2006.01.005 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Charlier, R., Laloui, L., & Collin, F. (2006). Numerical modelling of coupled poromechanics processes. Revue Européenne de Génie Civil, 10 (6-7), 669-702. Peer reviewed |
Collin, F., Chambon, R., & Charlier, R. (2006). A finite element method for poro mechanical modelling of geotechnical problems using local second gradient models. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 65 (11), 1749-1772. doi:10.1002/nme.1515 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Rodriguez, C., Hiligsmann, S., Ongena, M., Charlier, R., & Thonart, P. (2005). Development Of An Enzymatic Assay For The Determination Of Cellulose Bioavailability In Municipal Solid Waste. Biodegradation, 16 (5), 415-422. doi:10.1007/s10532-004-3575-y Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Collin, F., Laloui, L., & Charlier, R. (2005). Unified approach of coupled constitutive laws. Revue Européenne de Génie Civil, 9 (5-6), 713-723. Peer reviewed |
Liu, Z., Boukpeti, N., Li, X., Collin, F., Radu, J.-P., Hueckel, T., & Charlier, R. (2005). Modelling chemo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated clays: a feasibility study. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 29 (9), 919-940. doi:10.1002/nag.444 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Richir, T., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (2005). Comparaison de plusieurs modes de prise en compte de la sécurité dans la vérification de la capacité portante des fondations superficielles. Revue Française de Géotechnique, 113, 11-29. Peer reviewed |
Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2005). THM behaviour of engineered and natural clay barriers. Revue Européenne de Génie Civil, 9 (5-6), 797-808. Peer reviewed |
Viroux, S., Schmitz, R., & Charlier, R. (February 2004). Caractérisation géotechnique de l’apparition de hors profils lors du creusement d’un tunnel : application au tunnel de Soumagne. Tunnels et Ouvrages Souterrains, 181, 47-48. Peer reviewed |
Schmitz, R. M., Schroeder, C., & Charlier, R. (2004). Chemo-mechanical interactions in clay: a correlation between clay mineralogy and Atterberg limits. Applied Clay Science, 26 (1-4), 351-358. doi:10.1016/j.clay.2003.12.015 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Wu, W., Li, X., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2004). A thermo-hydro-mechanical constitutive model and its numerical modelling for unsaturated soils. Computers and Geotechnics, 31 (2). doi:10.1016/j.compgeo.2004.02.004 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Charlier, R., Baltov, A., Datcheva, M., & Collin, F. (2003). Conditions for elasto-plastic strain localization in unsaturated soils. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 33 (3), 101-118. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Trevisan, S., Li, X. L., Collin, F., Bolle, A., Charlier, R., Counasse, C., Cremer, J.-M., Del Forno, J. Y., & De Ville De Goyet, V. (2003). Modélisation 3D d’un groupe de pieux pour le pont-canal de Houdeng. Revue Française de Géotechnique, 105. Peer reviewed |
Collin, F., Li, X.-L., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (2002). Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling in clay barriers. Engineering Geology, 64 (2-mars Sp. Iss. SI). doi:10.1016/S0013-7952(01)00124-7 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Collin, F., Cui, Y. J., Schroeder, C., & Charlier, R. (2002). Mechanical behaviour of Lixhe chalk partly saturated by oil and water: experiment and modelling. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 26 (9), 897-924. doi:10.1002/nag.229 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., & Collin, F. (2001). Numerical modelling of coupled transient phenomena. Revue Française de Génie Civil, 5 (6), 719-743. Peer reviewed |
Datcheva, M., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2001). Constitutive equations and numerical modelling of time effects in soft porous rocks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1988, 222-229. doi:10.1007/3-540-45262-1_27 Peer reviewed |
Chambon, R., Crochepeyre, S., & Charlier, R. (2001). An algorithm and a method to search bifurcation points in non-linear problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 51 (3), 315-332. doi:10.1002/nme.199 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Charlier, R., Schroeder, C., Radu, J.-P., & Collin, F. (2001). Oil field subsidence phenomena. Revue Française de Génie Civil, 5 (6), 857-866. Peer reviewed |
Demoulin, A., Vliegen, B., & Charlier, R. (2000). Tectonic vs. shallow origin of geodetically inferred ground movements: an NE Ardenne (Belgium) case. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 181 (1-2), 217-228. doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(00)00202-8 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Mosbah, P., Shima, S., Habraken, A., & Charlier, R. (1999). Numerical simulation of compacting process of a multi-stepped part – Comparison with experiments. Journal of the Japan Society of Powder and Powder Metallurgy, 46, 696-704. doi:10.2497/jjspm.46.696 Peer reviewed |
Barnichon, J.-D., Havenith, H.-B., Hoffer, B., Charlier, R., Jongmans, D., & Duchesne, J.-C. (1999). The deformation of the Egersund-Ogna anorthosite massif, south Norway: finite-element modelling of diapirism. Tectonophysics, 303 (1-4), 109-130. doi:10.1016/S0040-1951(98)00247-9 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Sahbi, H., Jongmans, D., & Charlier, R. (1997). Theoretical study of slope effects in resistivity surveys and applications. Geophysical Prospecting, 45 (5), 795-808. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2478.1997.580297.x Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Barnichon, J.-D., & Charlier, R. (1996). Finite element modelling of the competition between shear bands in the early stage of thrusting : Strain localisation and constitutive law influence. Geological Society Special Publication, 99, 235-250. doi:10.1144/GSL.SP.1996.099.01.18 Peer reviewed |
LEIDWANGER-RABIS, C., CHAMBON, R., CATEL, P., Charlier, R., & Li, X.-L. (1995). A PARAMETRIC ANALYSIS FOR THE DAFALIAS-KALIAKIN BOUNDING SURFACE VISCOPLASTIC MODEL-BASED ON THE DIFLUPRESS LD TEST. Computers and Geotechnics, 17 (4), 473-505. doi:10.1016/0266-352X(95)94916-E Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
CHAMBON, R., DESRUES, J., HAMMAD, W., & Charlier, R. (1994). CLOE, A NEW RATE-TYPE CONSTITUTIVE MODEL FOR GEOMATERIALS THEORETICAL BASIS AND IMPLEMENTATION. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 18 (4), 253-278. doi:10.1002/nag.1610180404 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Dassargues, A., Radu, J.-P., Charlier, R., Li, X. L., & Li, Q. F. (1993). Computed subsidence of the central area of Shanghai. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 47, 27-50. doi:10.1007/BF02639592 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Cescotto, S., & Charlier, R. (1993). FRICTIONAL CONTACT FINITE-ELEMENTS BASED ON MIXED VARIATIONAL-PRINCIPLES. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 36 (10), 1681. doi:10.1002/nme.1620361005 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., & Li, Q. F. (1993). A finite element code for subsidence problems: LAGAMINE. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 47 (1 / avril), 5-11. doi:10.1007/BF02639590 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Cescotto, S., Charlier, R., Bricout, J. P., Oudin, J., & Ravalard, Y. (June 1991). Experimental and Numerical Approaches of Contact with Friction and Wear in Large Deformation. European Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 36 (n° 2). Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., & Habraken, A. (1990). Numerical Modelisation of Contact with Friction Phenomena by the Finite Element Method. Computers and Geotechnics, 9 (n°1&2), 59-72. Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Charlier, R., & Cescotto, S. (1988). Modélisation du phénomène de contact unilatéral avec frottement dans un contexte de grandes déformations. Journal de Mécanique Théorique et Appliquée, 7 (Suppl. 1), 177-192. Peer reviewed |
Dassargues, A., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (1988). Finite elements modelling of a large water table aquifer in transient conditions. Advances in Water Resources, 11 (2), 58-66. doi:10.1016/0309-1708(88)90038-3 Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi |
Charlier, R., Grisard, L., & Cescotto, S. (October 1987). Grandes déformations élastoplastiques et problèmes de contact lors du magnétoformage de bielles de transmission. RGE, Revue Generale de l'Electricite, 9, 26-31. Peer reviewed |
Fonder, G., Charlier, R., Habraken, A., & Chantrain, P. (1986). Development of a Dynamic 3-D Nonlinear Computer Program. Convention Européenne de la Construction métallique, 28. Peer reviewed |
Gramegna, L., & Charlier, R. (February 2021). ULg contribution to WP5.3 [Paper presentation]. BEACON meeting. |
Gramegna, L., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (19 October 2020). Hydro-mechanical behaviour of a pellets based bentonite seal: Numerical modelling of lab scale experiments [Paper presentation]. E-UNSAT, Lisbon, Portugal. |
Collin, F., Charlier, R., & Pardoen, B. (February 2019). Rôle de la zone endommagée sur la convergence des galeries de stockage, modélisation numérique d’expériences dans le laboratoire souterrain de Bure [Paper presentation]. Journée d'étude de la SBGIMR - Le stockage géologique de déchets nucléaires, Liège, Belgium. |
Collin, F., Dieudonné, A. C., & Charlier, R. (January 2018). Hydraulic behaviour of bentonite - Introduction to the hydromechanical processes [Paper presentation]. Beacon Training Course, Barcelone, Spain. |
Collin, F., Dieudonné, A. C., & Charlier, R. (January 2018). Hydraulic behaviour of bentonite - Example of Application II [Paper presentation]. Beacon Training Course, Barcelone, Spain. |
Delvoie, S., Charlier, R., Collin, F., & Pirson, S. (09 February 2017). L’essai de pénétration statique, un outil pour l’archéologie préventive ? Exemple d’application en contexte loessique de Moyenne Belgique [Paper presentation]. Groupe de contact FNRS "Géomécanique - couplages - ouvrages", Gembloux, Belgium. |
Charlier, R., Collin, F., Argilaga Claramunt, A., & Cerfontaine, B. (2017). Implementation of an early age concrete model in LAGAMINE [Paper presentation]. Réunion technique ANDRA. |
Pardoen, B., Collin, F., Levasseur, S., & Charlier, R. (08 September 2014). Transversal action “ Models “ Phase 3 : Underground structure modelling - Gallery type 2 [Paper presentation]. 3erd meeting on the ATM phase 3, Paris, France. |
Pardoen, B., Collin, F., Levasseur, S., & Charlier, R. (09 April 2014). Transversal action " Models " Phase 3 : Underground structure modelling [Paper presentation]. Meeting on the ATM phase 3, Châtenay-Malabry, France. |
Dieudonné, A.-C., Levasseur, S., Charlier, R., Della Vecchia, G., & Jommi, C. (January 2013). A water retention model including the effects of micro and macro structures [Paper presentation]. Groupe de contact FNRS “Géomécanique, ouvrages, couplages”. |
Pardoen, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (09 February 2012). Modelling the disturbed argillite - Strain localization [Paper presentation]. GL geomechanics, Châtenay-Malabry, France. |
Pardoen, B., Charlier, R., & Radu, J.-P. (16 June 2011). Modélisation numérique de l'expérience in situ SDZ [Paper presentation]. Suivi des résultats de modélisations numériques de l'expérience SDZ, Châtenay-Malabry, France. |
Steyer, E., Ourth, A., Hiligsmann, S., Charlier, R., Verbrugge, J. C., & Thonart, P. (25 September 1998). L’évaluation biologique des décharges en relation avec les propriétés de perméabilité [Paper presentation]. Journée à thème conjointe des Sociétés belges de Pédologie et de Génie rural, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Gramegna, L., Charlier, R., & Della Vecchia, G. (2023). Numerical study on bentonite permeability evolution upon water hydration. In actes de la conférence VIII Convegno Nazionale dei Ricercatori di Ingegneria Geotecnica. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering. Editorial reviewed |
Cerfontaine, B., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2018). Modelling of the lateral loading of bucket foundations in sand using hydro-mechanical interface elements. In C. S. Vieira, A. Cardoso (Ed.), J. L. Borges (Ed.), P. A. Costa (Ed.), A. T. Gomes (Ed.), ... J. C. Marques (Ed.), Numerical methods in geotechnical engineering IX (pp. 2, pp. 1519-1528). CRC press Balkema. |
Verpoorten, D., Devyver, J., Duchâteau, D., Mihaylov, B., Agnello, A., Ebrahimbabaie Varnosfaderani, P., Focant, J.-F., Charlier, R., Delfosse, A., Bertrand, F., Megherbi, S., & Detroz, P. (2017). Decoding the disciplines – A pilot study at the University of Liège (Belgium). In R. Andersson, K. Martensson, ... T. Roxa, Proceedings of the 2nd EuroSoTL Conference - Transforming patterns through the scholarship of teaching and learning (pp. 263-267). Lund, Sweden: Lund University Press. Peer reviewed |
Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Dewals, B., Pirotton, M., Pujades, E., Orban, P., Dassargues, A., Cerfontaine, B., Charlier, R., Poulain, A., Goderniaux, P., Ronchi, B., Frippiat, C., & Veschkens, M. (2017). Underground pumped hydro-energy storage in Wallonia (Belgium) using old mines – Potential and challenges. In Shaping the future of hydropower (pp. 12d.04). Wallington, United Kingdom: Int. J. on Hydropower & Dams. Peer reviewed |
Dieudonné, A.-C., & Charlier, R. (2017). Evaluation of the instantaneous profile method for the determination of the relative permeability function. Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 181-188. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-52773-4_20 Peer reviewed |
Welter, P., Charlier, R., & Janssens, B. (2017). COMPARAISON DE DIFFERENTES METHODES DE CONTRÔLE A POSTERIORI DU COMPACTAGE DES REMBLAIS. In Actes du Congrès Belge de la Route. Peer reviewed |
Radioti, G., Delvoie, S., Radu, J.-P., Nguyen, F., & Charlier, R. (2017). Fractured bedrock investigation by using high-resolution borehole images and the Distributed Temperature Sensing technique. In ISRM Congress 2015 Proceedings - Int’l Symposium on Rock Mechanics. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., & Salehnia, F. (2016). Shear banding simulation in clay rock around an underground opening, and its contact mechanism with the gallery’s lining. In Proc. 5th International conference on geotechnical engineering and soil mechanics. Peer reviewed |
Radioti, G., Delvoie, S., Sartor, K., Nguyen, F., & Charlier, R. (2016). Fiber-optic temperature measurements in closed-loop geothermal systems: A case study in heterogeneous bedrock. In Energy Geotechnics. Taylor and Francis. doi:10.1201/b21938-81 Peer reviewed |
Dieudonné, A.-C., Gatabin, C., Talandier, J., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2016). Water retention behaviour of compacted bentonites: experimental observations and constitutive model. In P. Delage, Y.-J. Cui, Ghabezloo, J.-M. Pereira, ... A.-M. Tang, 3rd European Conference on Unsaturated Soils – “E-UNSAT 2016”. doi:10.1051/e3sconf/20160911012 Peer reviewed |
Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2016). Numerical modelling of the cyclic behaviour of rock material in the context of underground pumped storage hydroelectricity. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Energy Geotechnics (pp. 629-636). CRC Press. doi:10.1201/b21938-99 Peer reviewed |
Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2016). Axisymmetric transient modelling of a suction caisson in sand: a numerical study. In Proceedings of the first International Conference on Energy Geotechnics (pp. 327-334). CRC press. Peer reviewed |
Bertrand, F., Charlier, R., Collin, F., & Dieudonné, A.-C. (2015). Tu gme 10: Efficiency of shaft sealing for co2 sequestration in coal mines. In International Workshop on Geomechanics and Energy: The Ground as Energy Source and Storage. Peer reviewed |
Radioti, G., Delvoie, S., Sartor, K., Nguyen, F., & Charlier, R. (2015). We gme P08: Fiber-optic temperature profiles analysis for closed-loop geothermal systems-a case study. In Second EAGE Workshop on Geomechanics and Energy: The ground as energy source and storage. |
Salehnia, F., Charlier, R., Sillen, X., & Dizier, A. (2015). Modeling of Excavation Damaged Zone through the strain localization approach in Boom clay. In Proceedings of the 14th Int. Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics, IACMAG 2014. Taylor and Francis - Balkema. doi:10.1201/b17435-55 Peer reviewed |
Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2015). Vertical transient loading of a suction caisson in dense sand. In B. Cerfontaine, F. Collin, ... R. Charlier (Eds.), Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics - Proceedings of the 14th Int. Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics, IACMAG. doi:10.1201/b17435-161 Peer reviewed |
Cerfontaine, B., Dieudonné, A.-C., Radu, J.-P., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2015). Three-node zero-thickness hydro-mechanical interface finite element for geotechnical applications. In Proceedings of coupled 2015. |
Cerfontaine, B., & Charlier, R. (2014). Implicit implementation of the Prevost model. In M. A. Hicks, R. R. J. Brinkgreve, ... A. Rohe (Eds.), Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering. CRC Press/Balkema. Peer reviewed |
Prime, N., Housni, Z., Fraikin, L., Léonard, A., Charlier, R., Collin, F., & Levasseur, S. (2014). Experimental arguments concerning a hydraulic connection layer during limestone convective drying. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, UNSAT 2014 (pp. 1467-1474). doi:10.1201/b17034-214 Peer reviewed |
Dieudonné, A.-C., Charlier, R., Levasseur, S., Della Vecchia, G., & Jommi, C. (2014). Evolution of clay fabric and water retention properties along hydromechanical stress paths. In Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering. Peer reviewed |
Dieudonné, A.-C., Della Vecchia, G., Charlier, R., & Jommi, C. (2014). Influence of microfabric evolution on the retention behaviour of compacted clayey soils. In N. Khalili, A. Russel, ... A. Khoshghalb (Eds.), Unsaturated Soils: Research and Applications. CRC Press. Peer reviewed |
Cerfontaine, B., Levasseur, S., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2014). Axisymmetric transient modelling of a suction caisson in dense sand. In M. A. Hicks, R. B. J. Brinkgreve, ... A. Rohe (Eds.), Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering. CRC Press/Balkema. Peer reviewed |
Dieudonné, A.-C., Romero, E., & Charlier, R. (2014). Hydration kinetics of compacted low-density bentonite. In N. Khalili, A. Russel, ... Khoshghalb (Eds.), Unsaturated Soils: Research and Applications. CRC Press. Peer reviewed |
Salehnia, F., Charlier, R., & Levasseur, S. (2013). Numerical modelling of the excavated damaged zone in Boom Clay. In International Workshop on Geomechanics and Energy 2013. Peer reviewed |
Radioti, G., Charlier, R., Nguyen, F., & Radu, J.-P. (2013). Thermal Response Test in Borehole Heat Exchangers Equipped with Fiber Optics. In International Workshop on Geomechanics and Energy - The Ground as Energy source and Storage. doi:10.3997/2214-4609.20131959 |
Cerfontaine, B., Levasseur, S., & Charlier, R. (2013). Axisymmetric transient modelling of a wind turbine foundation in cohesionless soil using the Prevost’s model. In Computational Methods in Marine Engineering. Peer reviewed |
Salehnia, F., Charlier, R., & Levasseur, S. (2013). Modeling of strain localization around the radioactive waste disposal galleries. In Coupled Phenomena in Environmental Geotechnics. doi:10.1201/b15004-57 Peer reviewed |
Dieudonné, A.-C., Levasseur, S., Charlier, R., Della Vecchia, G., & Jommi, C. (2013). A water retention model for compacted clayey soils. In S. Pietruszczak & G. Pande (Eds.), Computational Geomechanics (pp. 23-31). Rhodes, Greece: IC²E. Peer reviewed |
Gerard, P., Radu, J.-P., de la Vaissière, R., Talandier, J., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2013). Characterization of gas transport in low-permeability media: two-phase flow analysis of an in-situ experiment. In POROMECHANICS V: Proceedings of the Fifth Biot Conference on Poromechanics (pp. 1524-1533). doi:10.1061/9780784412992.181 Peer reviewed |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2013). The role of the Excavated Damaged Zone in HGA field-scale Experiment Modelling. In FORGE Symposium. Peer reviewed |
Cerfontaine, B., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2013). Possibilities and limitations of the Prevost model for the modelling of cohesionless soil cyclic behaviour. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Peer reviewed |
Gerard, P., Léonard, A., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2012). Analyse des mécanismes de transfert de fluides lors d'essais de séchage convectif sur un limon. In F. Skoczykas, C. Davy, F. Agostini, ... N. Burlion (Eds.), Actes du colloque Transfert 2012 - Propriétés de transfert des géomatériaux (pp. 123-131). Peer reviewed |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2012). Modelling of the Excavation Damaged Zone in Opalinus Clay. In Post-TIMODAZ International Workshop THM effects in clay host rocks for radioactive waste repositories. Peer reviewed |
Pardoen, B., Talandier, J., Charlier, R., Collin, F., & Radu, J.-P. (2012). Hydro and Hydro-Mechanical Modelling of Ventilation Test in Clayey Rocks. In C. Mancuso, C. Jommi, ... F. D'Onza (Eds.), Unsaturated Soils: Research and Applications (pp. 325-332). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-31116-1 Peer reviewed |
Gerard, P., Harrington, J., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2012). Hydro-mechanical modelling of the development of preferential gas pathways in claystone. In C. Mancuso, C. Jommmi, ... F. D'Onza (Eds.), Unsaturated Soils: Research and Applications (volume 2) (pp. 175-180). Berlin, Germany: Springer. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., Collin, F., & Levasseur, S. (2012). Numerical modelling in TIMODAZ: developments and achievements. In Post-TIMODAZ International Workshop THM effects in clay host rocks for radioactive waste repositories. Peer reviewed |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., Charlier, R., & Kondo, D. (2012). Approche micro-macro de l’endommagement et des évolutions de perméabilités induites autour d’excavations souterraines dans l’argilite de Mont-Terri. In Transfert 2012. Peer reviewed |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., François, B., & Charlier, R. (2012). Field scale experiment modelling in Opalinus Clay: the HGA experiment. In Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, 2012. Peer reviewed |
Pardoen, B., Talandier, J., Charlier, R., Collin, F., & Radu, J.-P. (2012). Modélisation numérique d’un essai de ventilation in situ. In F. Skoczylas, C. A. Davy, F. Agostini, ... N. Burlion (Eds.), Propriétés de transfert des géomatériaux, Transfert 2012, Ecole centrale de Lille 20-22 mars 2012 (pp. 420-428). Peer reviewed |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., Charlier, R., & Kondo, D. (2011). Multi-scale modelling of permeability evolution in the excavation damaged zone around tunnels. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTATIONAL GEOMECHANICS (COMGEO I ) (pp. 620-628). Peer reviewed |
François, B., Collin, F., Dizier, A., & Charlier, R. (2011). Development of an extended Drucker-Prager hardening model for cross-anisotropy of soft rocks. In S. Pietruszczak & G. N. Pande (Eds.), PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2 nd INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTATIONAL GEOMECHANICS (COMGEO II) (Computational Geomechanics COMGEO II, pp. 142-152). Peer reviewed |
François, B., Collin, F., Dizier, A., & Charlier, R. (2011). An extended Drucker-Prager hardening model for cross-anisotropy of soft rocks. In A. Anagnostopoulos (Ed.), Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (pp. 537-540). Greece: IOS Press. Peer reviewed |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., Charlier, R., & Kondo, D. (2011). Tunnel excavation modeling with micromechanical approaches. In IWBDG. Peer reviewed |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., Charlier, R., & Kondo, D. (2011). Modélisation par changement d’échelle de l’endommagement et des évolutions de perméabilité dans l’argilite. In 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique. Peer reviewed |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., Charlier, R., & Kondo, D. (2011). Anisotropic damage model with initial stresses for microcracked materials. In Fifth International Conference on Advanced COmputational Methods in ENgineering (ACOMEN 2011). Peer reviewed |
Gerard, P., Léonard, A., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2010). On the modeling of convective drying tests on soil samples in non-isothermal conditions. In E. Tsotsas, T. Metzger, ... M. Peglow (Eds.), Proceedings of IDS 2010 - Drying 2010 (pp. 447-454). Peer reviewed |
Levasseur, S., Bésuelle, P., Collin, F., Chambon, R., Charlier, R., & Viggiani, C. (2010). EDZ and Permeability in Clayey Rocks. In Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement 2010. Peer reviewed |
Gerard, P., Radu, J.-P., Talandier, J., De La Vaissière, R., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2010). Numerical modelling of the resaturation of swelling clay with gas injection. In E. Alonso & A. Gens (Eds.), Unsaturated Soils (pp. 1383-1388). London, United Kingdom: Taylor and Francis Group. Peer reviewed |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., Charlier, R., Zhu, Q., & Kondo, D. (2010). Damage modelling in geotechnics: micromechanical approaches. In J. Zhao, V. Labiouse, J.-P. Dudt, ... J.-F. Mathier (Eds.), EUROCK2010: Rock Mechanics in Civil and Environmental Engineering (pp. 149-152). London, United Kingdom: CRC Press Balkema. Peer reviewed |
Gerard, P., Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., De La Vaissière, R., Talandier, J., & Collin, F. (2010). HM modelling of in-situ gas injection tests in bentonite and argillite: the PGZ experiment. In Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement (pp. 545-546). |
Levasseur, S., Charlier, R., Frieg, B., & Collin, F. (2010). Modélisation hydromécanique de l’endommagement autour des tunnels dans l’argile à Opalines. In Journées Nationales de Géomécanique et Géologie de l'Ingénieur 2010 : infrastructures, développement durable et energies (pp. 843-850). Grenoble, France: IRIS Grenoble INP. Peer reviewed |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., Charlier, R., & Kondo, D. (2010). Applications to Geotechnical Problems of the Micromechanical Modeling of Damage. In Multiscale & Multiphysics Processes in Geomechanics. Peer reviewed |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., Charlier, R., Zhu, Q., & Kondo, D. (2010). On the micro-scale modelling by homogenization schemes in geomechanics. In USNCTAM 2010. Peer reviewed |
Dizier, A., Collin, F., Garitte, B., François, B., Chen, G., Sieffert, Y., Labiouse, V., Charlier, R., & Chambon, R. (2009). THERMO-HYDRO-MECHANICAL MODELLING OF HOLLOW CYLINDER LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS ON BOOM CLAY. In EC-TIMODAZ-THERESA THMC conference, 29 Sep. – 01 Oct. 2009. Peer reviewed |
Levasseur, S., Charlier, R., Frieg, B., & Collin, F. (2009). Damage around tunnels in indurated clay: hydro-mechanical modelling aspects. In X. Li, L. Jing, ... P. Blaser (Eds.), Impact of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) processes on the safety of underground radioactive waste repositories (pp. 361-365). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: European Union. Peer reviewed |
Levasseur, S., Bésuelle, P., Collin, F., Chambon, R., Charlier, R., & Viggiani, C. (2009). EDZ in clayey rocks: wich effect on permeability? In X. Li, L. Jing, ... P. Blaser (Eds.), Impact of Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) processes on the safety of underground radioactive waste repositories (pp. 173-183). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: European Union. Peer reviewed |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., Frieg, B., & Charlier, R. (2009). Hydro-mechanical modeling of damage due to underground excavation in hardened clay. In S. Pietruszczak, G. Pande, C. Tamagnini, ... R. Wan (Eds.), Computational Geomechanics (pp. 503-512). Rhodes, Greece: IC2 E International Centre for Computational Engineering. Peer reviewed |
Schroeder, C., Flamion, B., Berger, J.-L., Brixko, J., Ramos Da Silva, M., & Charlier, R. (2008). Evaluation of instability hazards in rock masses influenced by mining works in the coal basin of Liege. In Post-Mining 2008. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., Chambon, R., Li, X. L., Dizier, A., Sieffert, Y., Collin, F., & Levasseur, S. (2008). Modelling the Excavated damage zone around an underground gallery- Coupling mechanical, thermal and hydraulical aspects. In Management and Disposal of Radioactive Waste Euradwast’08. Peer reviewed |
Gerard, P., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2008). On boundary condition in tunnels under partial saturation. In D. Toll (Ed.), Unsaturated Soils: Advances in Geo-Engineering (pp. 779-784). London, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis. doi:10.1201/9780203884430.ch106 Peer reviewed |
Gerard, P., Bernardino, J., Léonard, A., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2008). Convective drying tests of silts: Experimental study. In J.-P. Magnan, R. Cojean, ... Y. J. Cui (Eds.), International Symposium Drought and Constructions Marne-La-Vallée 1-3 Septembre 2008 (pp. 149-154). Jouve, France: LCPC. Peer reviewed |
Tomboy, O., Whenham, V., De Vos, M., Charlier, R., Maertens, J., & Verbrugge, J.-C. (2008). Shear strength of unsaturated soil and its influence on slope stability. In 1st European Conference on Unsaturated Soils. Peer reviewed |
Ringlet, C., Charlier, R., Schroeder, C., & Collin, F. (2008). 3D fully coupled multiphase modelling of Ekofisk reservoir. In J.-F. Shao & N. Burlion, Thermo-hydromechanical and chemical Coupling in Geomaterials and Applications (pp. 447-456). Hoboken, United States: Wiley. Peer reviewed |
Mengoni, M., Charlier, R., & Ponthot, J.-P. (2007). Une comparaison de différents modèles élasto-plastiques pour la modélisation du remodelage osseux en orthodontie. In 8ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures. Peer reviewed |
Tomboy, O., Whenham, V., De Vos, M., Charlier, R., Maertens, J., & Verbrugge, J.-C. (2007). Influence of Soil Suction on Trench Stability. In Proc. of the 14th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Vol 2 (pp. 807-812). Peer reviewed |
Whenham, V., De Vos, M., Legrand, C., Charlier, R., Maertens, J., & Verbrugge, J.-C. (2007). Influence of soil suction on trench stability. In Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Mechanics of Unsaturated Soils - USS2007 Experimental Unsaturated Soil Mechanics (pp. 495-501). T. Schanz. Peer reviewed |
Schmitz, R. M., Viroux, S., Charlier, R., & Hick, S. (2006). The role of rock mechanics in analyzing overbreak: application to the Soumagne tunnel. In C. R. Van Cotthem, Alain (Ed.), EUROCK 2006 - Multiphysics Coupling and Long Term Behaviour in Rock Mechanics (pp. 8). London, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis. Peer reviewed |
Priol, G., De Gennaro, V., Delage, P., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2006). Suction and time effects on the behaviour of a reservoir chalk. In A. Van Cotthem, R. Charlier, ... J.-F. Thimus (Eds.), EUROCK 2006 - Multiphysics Coupling and Long Term Behaviour in Rock Mechanics (pp. 519-526). London, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis. doi:10.1201/9781439833469.ch75 Peer reviewed |
Janssens, B., Bouhenni, Dethy, B., Vergara, N., Mairy, P., Monjoie, A., & Charlier, R. (2005). Le tunnel TGV de Soumagne (Belgique) et ses difficultés géologiques. In Colloque Géoline. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., & Sillen, X. (2005). EDZ in Plastic Clay. In C. Davies & F. Bernier (Eds.), Proceeding European Cluster Conference and Workshop Impact of the excavation disturbed or damages zone (EDZ) on the performance of radioactive waste geological repositories (pp. 55-65). European Commission. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., & Boukpeti, N. (2004). Chemo-Mechanical Modelling of Soil or Rock Degradation. In 2nd Int. Symposium on Continuous and Discontinuous Modelling of Cohesive Frictional Materials. Peer reviewed |
Boukpeti, N., Liu, Z., & Charlier, R. (2004). Modélisation des effets chimiques dans les argiles partiellement saturées. In Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur. Peer reviewed |
Schmitz, R. M., Schroeder, C., Thorez, J., & Charlier, R. (2004). Using the complete Nano Engineering Geological Spectrum to assess the Performance of Clay. In Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences n°104. Springer Verlag. Peer reviewed |
Boukpeti, N., Charlier, R., Hueckel, T., & Liu, Z. (2004). A Constitutive Model for Chemically Sensitive Clays. In Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences n°104 (pp. 255-264). Springer Verlag. Peer reviewed |
Schmitz, R. M., Schroeder, C., & Charlier, R. (2004). L'effet des polluants sur le comportement géomécanique des argiles: une approche généralisée. In Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l'Ingénieur (pp. 163-173). Peer reviewed |
Schmitz, R., Schroeder, C., Thorez, J., & Charlier, R. (2004). Using the Complete Nano Engineering Geological Spectrum to Assess the Performance of Clay Barriers. In R. Hack, R. Azzam, ... R. Charlier (Eds.), Engineering Geology for Infrastructure Planning in Europe (pp. 236-243). Springer. Peer reviewed |
El Hammoumi, O., & Charlier, R. (2003). Modélisation d'une semelle filante de fondation: influence de la règle d'écoulement, de l'angle de Lode et du maillage. In Int. Conf. FondSup - Fondations Superficielles. Presses ENPC. Peer reviewed |
Boukpeti, N., Charlier, R., & Hueckel, T. (2003). Modeling contamination of clay. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Coupled T-H-M-C Processes in Geosystems, GeoproC 2003. Peer reviewed |
Boukpeti, N., Charlier, R., & Hueckel, T. (2003). Modeling contamination of clay. In VIIth Int. Conf. on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS'93. Peer reviewed |
Rodriguez, C., Hiligsmann, S., Ongena, M., Awono, S., Destain, J., Charlier, R., & Thonart, P. (2003). Cellulose enzymatic availability in Municipal solid waste. In Christensen, Cossu, ... Stegmann (Eds.), Proceedings Sardinia 03, Ninth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium. |
Schmitz, R., Hiligsmann, M., Schroeder, C., Verbrugge, J.-C., & Charlier, R. (2002). Chemo-mechanical interactions in clay: are the Atterberg limits useful? In Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers of Radioactive Waste Confinement - Int. Meeting Reims (pp. 187). Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., Fourmaintraux, D., Samier, P., Radu, J.-P., & Guiducci, C. (2002). Numerical simulation of the coupled behavior of faults during the depletion of a hp-ht reservoir. In Proc. OilRock 2002. Peer reviewed |
Li, X. L., Wu, W., & Charlier, R. (2002). Numerical simulation of thermo-hygromechanical behaviour with pollutant transport in engineered clay barrier. In Proc. of the Environmental Geomechanics Workshop. Peer reviewed |
Guiducci, C., Pellegrino, A., Radu, J.-P., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2002). Numerical modeling of hydro-mechanical fracture behavior. In G. N. Pande & S. Pietruszczak (Eds.), Numerical models in Geomechanics (pp. 293-299). Lisse, Netherlands: Balkema. doi:10.1201/9781439833797-c43 Peer reviewed |
Guiducci, C., Pellegrino, A., Radu, J.-P., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2002). Hydro-mechanical behavior of fractures: 2D, F.E.M. modeling. In J. L. Auriault, C. Geindreau, ... P. Royer (Eds.), Poromechanics II (pp. 217-223). Lisse, Netherlands: Balkema. Peer reviewed |
Schmitz, R., Ourth, A.-S., Dosquet, D., Illing, P., Schroeder, C., Verbrugge, J.-C., Bolle, A., Charlier, R., & Thorez, J. (2002). The suitability of some Belgian Tertiary clays as construction material for landfill seals: Interaction with domestic landfill leachates. Aardkundige Mededelingen, 12, 261-264. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., Collin, F., Schroeder, C., Illing, P., Delage, P., Cui, Y. J., & De Gennaro, V. (2002). Constitutive modeling of chalk. Application to waterflooding. In J. L. Auriault, C. Geindreau, ... P. Royer (Eds.), Poromechanics II (pp. 359-365). Lisse, Netherlands: Balkema. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., Collin, F., Schroeder, C., Illing, P., Delage, P., Cui, Y. J., & De Gennaro, V. (2002). A constitutive model for North Sea Chalk. Application to reservoir compaction and to waterflooding. In G. N. Pande & S. Pietruszczak (Eds.), Nomerical models in Geomechanics (pp. 33-39). Lisse, Netherlands: Balkema. Peer reviewed |
Schmitz, R. M., Dosquet, D., Illing, P., Rodriguez, C., As Ourth, Verbrugge, J. C., Hilligsmann, S., Schroeder, C., Bolle, A., Thorez, J., & Charlier, R. (2001). Clay - leachate interaction: a first insight. In Proc. KIWIR, 6th Int. Workshop on Key Issues in Waste Isolation Research. Peer reviewed |
De Gennaro, V., Delage, P., Cui, Y.-J., Schroeder, C., & Charlier, R. (2001). Some results of time effects on the mechanical behaviour of a multiphase saturated porous chalk: experiments end modelling. In 3rd Int. Symp. on Deformations characteristics of geomaterials. Peer reviewed |
Rodriguez, C., Hiligsmann, S., Lardinois, M., Destain, J., Radu, J.-P., Charlier, R., & Thonart, P. (2001). Cellulose enzymatic availability in waste refuse. In Christensen, Cossu, ... Stegmann (Eds.), Proceedings Sardinia 01, Eight International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium (pp. 1 : 69-77). |
Radu, J.-P., Charlier, R., Cui, Y.-J., Fourmaintraux, D., Merrien, K., & Bois, A.-P. (2000). Modelling gas flow through the faulted clayey overburden of a deep water offshore reservoir. In 3rd Euroconference on rock physics and rock mechanics. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., Fourmaintraux, D., Radu, J.-P., Cui, Y.-J., Bois, A.-P., & Merrien, K. (2000). Modelling gas flow through the faulted clayey overburden of a deep water offshore reservoir. In Int. Workshop on Geomechanics. Peer reviewed |
Merrien, K., Radu, J.-P., Charlier, R., Fourmaintraux, D., & Bois, A.-P. (2000). Numerical simulation of a petroleum reservoir including the last tectonic events and its production. In 5th International Conference on the Geology of the Arab World. Peer reviewed |
Collin, F., Delage, P., Schroeder, C., & Charlier, R. (2000). Geomechanical constitutive modelling of a chalk partly saturated by oil and water. In DGGT (Ed.), Eurock 2000 Symposium (pp. 395-400). Essen, Germany: VGE. Peer reviewed |
Barnichon, J.-D., Charlier, R., & Radu, J.-P. (1999). Numerical simulation of the strain and stress history of sedimentary basins. In Proc. du Congrès Int. de Mécanique des Roches. Peer reviewed |
Steyer, E., Hiligsmann, S., Radu, J.-P., Charlier, R., Destain, J., Drion, R., & Thonart, P. (1999). A biological pluridisciplinary model to predict municipal landfill life. In Christensen, Cossu, ... Stegmann (Eds.), Proceedings Sardinia 99, Seventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium (pp. 1:37-44). |
Collin, F., Li, X. L., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (1999). Clay barriers assesment : a coupled mechanical and moisture transfert model. In Clay barriers assesment : a coupled mechanical and moisture transfert model. Peer reviewed |
Radu, J.-P., Barnichon, J. D., & Charlier, R. (1998). Hydromechanical Coupling and Basin Tectonic Compression. In Proc. Biot. Conf. on Poromechanics. Peer reviewed |
Li, X. L., Collin, F., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (1998). Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling in clay barriers. In A. Evangelista & L. Picarelli (Eds.), The Geotechnics of Hard soils, Soft Rocks (pp. 647-658). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Balkema. |
Collin, F., Li, X. L., Charlier, R., & Radu, J.-P. (1998). Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling in clay barriers. In J.-F. Thimus, Y. Abousleiman, A. H. D. Cheng, O. Coussy, ... E. Detournay (Eds.), Poromechanics. A tribute to Maurice A. Biot (pp. 377-383). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Balkema. Peer reviewed |
Mosbah, P., Bouvard, D., Habraken, A., & Charlier, R. (1997). Modelling of Compression and Ejection of Metal Powder: Comparison of Analytical and Numerical Methods. In Proc. of the European Conference on Advances in Structural PM Component Production. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., Li, X. L., Bolle, A., Geiser, F., Laloui, L., & Vulliet, L. (1997). Mechanical behaviour model of an unsaturated sandy silt. In Proc. of the XIVth Int. Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. Peer reviewed |
Laloui, L., Geiser, F., Vulliet, L., Li, X. L., Bolle, A., & Charlier, R. (1997). Caractérisation du comportement mécanique d'un limon sableux non saturé. In Proc. of the XIVth Int. Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., & Cescotto, S. (1997). The effect of hydromechanical coupling on strain localization. In Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Education and Practice of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science, EPMESC VI. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., & Barnichon, J. D. (1997). Water movement effect on the strain localisation during a biaxial compression. In Proc. of NUMOG VI. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., & Cescotto, S. (1997). The effect of hydromechanical coupling on the numerical modelling of strain localisation. In Proceedings COMPLAS 97. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., & Radu, J.-P. (1997). Hydromechanical coupling and strain localisation. In Proc. of the NAFEMS World Congress. Peer reviewed |
Chambon, R., Crochepeyre, S., & Charlier, R. (1997). Numerical study of bifurcation of a biaxial test. In Proc. COMPLAS 97. Peer reviewed |
Hoffer, B., Barnichon, J.-D., Charlier, R., Jongmans, D., & Duchesne, J.-C. (1997). FE modelling of anorthosite diapirism: the Egersund-Ogna massif, South Norway. In Proc. of the Int. Meeting on Deformation Mechanisms in nature and experiments. Peer reviewed |
Li, X., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (1997). Numerical Modeling of Miscible Pollutant Transport by Ground Water in Unsaturated Zones. In Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (pp. 1255-1260). Yuan. Peer reviewed |
Li, X. L., & Charlier, R. (1995). A unified formulation of constitutive relations for saturated and partially saturated soils. In Proc. of NUMOG'95. G.N. Pande & Pietruckak. Peer reviewed |
Wang, X. C., Charlier, R., & Pierry, J. (1995). Numerical modelling of a rock cutting process. In Proc. of the 8th Int. Congress on Rock Mechanics. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., & Pierry, J. (1995). Detection and modelling of the shear band localisation. In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Computational Plasticity, Fundamentals and Applications, COMPLAS. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., Chambon, R., & Desrues, J. (1995). Modelling of slip lines propagation using the CloE law. In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Computational Plasticity, Fundamentals and Applications, COMPLAS. Peer reviewed |
Habraken, A., Zhu, Y. Y., Charlier, R., & Wang, X. C. (1995). A damage model for elastoviscoplastic materials at large strains. In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Computational Plasticity, Fundamentals and Applications, COMPLAS. Peer reviewed |
Bille, J. P., Cescotto, S., Habraken, A., & Charlier, R. (1994). Numerical approach of contact using an augmented lagrangian method. In 2nd Contact Mechanics Int. Symp., CMIS. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., Wang, X. C., & Pierry, J. (1994). Modelling of Strain Localisation: Mesh Enrichment with Spectral Overlay or with Interface Elements. In Proc. of the Europ-US Workshop on Fracture and Damage in Quasi Brittle Structures. Peer reviewed |
Bille, J. P., Charlier, R., & Dyduch, M. (1994). An automatic adaptative remeshing for modelling of shear band. In Proc. of the 3rd European Conf. on Num. Meth. in Geotechnical Eng., ECONMIG'94. Peer reviewed |
Pierry, J., & Charlier, R. (1994). Finite element Modelling of Shear Band Localisation and Application to Rock Cutting by a PDC Tool. In Proc. EUROCK'94. Peer reviewed |
Argento, C., Bouvard, D., Stutz, P., Charlier, R., & Habraken, A. (1994). Numerical Simulation of Hot Isostatic Pressing of Metal Powder: Influence of Constitutive Equations. In Acte du Powder Metallurgy World Congress. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., Wang, X., & Pierry, J. (1994). Mesh Enrichment with Spectral Band and Interface Finite Elements for the Modelling of the Shear Band Localisation. In Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. of the Int. Ass. for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics. Peer reviewed |
Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (1994). Modellnig of the Hydromechanical Coupling for Non Linear Problems: Fully Coupled and Staggered Approaches. In Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. of the Int. Ass. for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., Biver, P., & Cescotto, S. (1994). 3D Finite Element Modeling of Miscible Pollutant Transport by Groundwater in Saturated Zones. In Congrès National Belge de Mécanique Théorique et Appliquée. Peer reviewed |
Radu, J.-P., Biver, P., Charlier, R., & Cescotto, S. (1994). 2 and 3D Finite Element Modeling of Miscible Pollutant Transport in Groundwater, below the Unsaturated Zone. In Int. Conf. on Hydrodynamics, ICMD'94. Peer reviewed |
Bille, J. P., Habraken, A., & Charlier, R. (1994). Numerical approach of contact using an augmented lagrangian method. In Congrès National Belge de Mécanique Théorique et Appliquée. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., & Pierry, J. (1993). Finite element modelling of rock drilling. In Int. Symp. on Assesment and prevention of failure phenomena in rocks engineering, ISMR. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., & El Kiri, M. (1993). Finite element modelling of jointed rocks. Application to tunelling. In Int. Symp. on Assesment and preventin of failure phenomena in rocks engineering, ISMR. Peer reviewed |
Habraken, A., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (1992). Numerical approach of contact with friction between two bodies in large deformations. In Proc. of the Contact Mechanics Int. Symp. Peer reviewed |
Li, X., Charlier, R., Schroeder, C., & Cescotto, S. (1992). Evaluation et implementation du modèle de Dafalias-Kaliakin pour les argiles dans un contexte de grandes déformations. In Coll. Int. Géotechnique et Informatique. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R. (1992). Modelling of shear band localisation using interface finite elements. In Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics, NUMOG IV. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., & Wang, X. C. (1992). Finite element computation of localisation using strain field refinement. In 3rd Int. Conf. on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS III. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., Chambon, R., Desrues, J., & Hammad, W. (1991). Shear band and bifurcation in soil modelling: a rate type constitutive law for explicit localisation analysis. In 3rd Int. Conf. on Constitutive Laws for Engeenering Materials. Krempl E., ASME Press. Peer reviewed |
Desrues, J., Chambon, R., Hammad, W., & Charlier, R. (1991). Soil Modelling with regard to consistency: CLOE, a new rate type constitutive model. In 3rd Int. Conf. on Constitutive Laws for Engeenering Materials. Desai C.S. and Krempl E., ASME Press. Peer reviewed |
Chambon, R., Charlier, R., Desrues, J., & Hammad, W. (1990). A rate type constitutive law including explicit localisation: development and implementation in a finite element code. In 2nd European Specialty Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering. Peer reviewed |
Cescotto, S., & Charlier, R. (1990). Variational Principles for mixed contact finite elements. In Proc. of the Euromech Colloquium 273: Unilateral Contact and Dry Friction. Peer reviewed |
Grober, H., Charlier, R., & Cescotto, S. (1989). On the modelling of the three-dimensional contact problem in the numerical simulation of rolling. In NUMIFORM 89. Peer reviewed |
El Kiri, M., Charlier, R., & Debaty, J. M. (1989). Finite elements modeling of tunelling in jointed rocks. In Proc. of the 3rd Int. Symposium NUMOGIII, Numerical Models in Geomechanics. Peer reviewed |
Cescotto, S., Habraken, A., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (1989). Some recent developments in computer simulation of metal forming processes. In Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Vol. 4. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R. (1989). Numerical Modelisation of Contact with friction phenomena by the FEM. In Proc. of the Euromech Colloquium 248: Non Linear Soil-Structure Interaction. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., & Dassargues, A. (1988). Numerical Simulation of Transient Unconfined Seepage Problems. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Methods and Water Resources - Volume 1: Groundwater and aquifer modelling (pp. 143-155). Peer reviewed |
Dassargues, A., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (1988). Finite elements modelling of a large water-table in transient conditions. In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Computers Methods and Water Resources. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., & Radu, J.-P. (1988). On the constitutive equations of the chalk. In ICONMIG'88. Peer reviewed |
Cescotto, S., Grober, H., Charlier, R., & Habraken, A. (1987). Prévision des défauts de géométrie au cours du laminage à chaud des aciers. In Proc. de la Conf. Int. sur les Méthodes de calculs pour la Prévision des Défauts de Mise en Forme. Peer reviewed |
Cescotto, S., Charlier, R., & Habraken, A. (1987). Simulation du formage des métaux par éléments finis. In 1er Congrès National Belge de Mécanique Théorique et Appliquée. Peer reviewed |
Radu, J.-P., Charlier, R., & Cescotto, S. (1987). Simulation numérique des écoulements transitoires à surface libre en milieux poreux. In 1er Congrès National Belge de Mécanique Théorique et Appliquée. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., & Maquoi, R. (1987). Ultimate shear strength of plate girders fitted with closed section stiffeners. In Proc. of the Int. Colloquium on Stability of plate and shell structures. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., & Habraken, A. (1986). On the modelling of tridimensional contact with friction problems in context of large displacements problems. In Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes. Peer reviewed |
Bourdouxhe, M., Charlier, R., & Cescotto, S. (1986). A finite element for thermo-mechanical problems. In Proceedings Numiform Conference Göteborg. Peer reviewed |
Habraken, A., & Charlier, R. (1986). A three-dimensional finite element for the simulation of metal forming processes. In Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes. Peer reviewed |
Grober, H., Cescotto, S., Charlier, R., Bourdouxhe, M., & Habraken, A. (1985). Numerical simulation of metal forming processes. In Proc. Int. Conf. on Nonlinear Mechanics. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., Godinas, A., & Cescotto, S. (1985). On the modelling of contact problems with friction by the finite element method. In Proc. 8th Conf. on SMIRT. Peer reviewed |
Cescotto, S., & Charlier, R. (1985). Numerical simulation of elastoviscoplastic large strains of metals at high temperature. In Proc. 8th Conf. on SMIRT. Peer reviewed |
Belkhiri, L., Charlier, R., & Detraux, J. M. (1985). On the large deformation of axisymmetrique bodies: experimental and numerical studies. In Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods in Engineering. I. MIDDLETON et G.N. PANDE. Peer reviewed |
Pardoen, B., Collin, F., Bésuelle, P., Charlier, R., Talandier, J., Dal Pont, S., Cosenza, P., Van den Eijnden, A., & Desrues, J. (2020). Modelling the multiscale behaviour of claystone: deformation, rupture, and hydromechanical phenomena around underground galleries [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Conference on Energy Geotechnics, La Jolla, California, United States. |
Gramegna, L., & Charlier, R. (30 September 2019). Numerical modelling of a bentonite seal: From small scale experiment to real scale structures [Paper presentation]. Upscaling in Geotechnical Engineering - Presentations of the ALERT Workshop 2019, Aussois, France. |
Ralaizafisoloarivony, N. A., Degré, A., Mercatoris, B., Léonard, A., Toye, D., & Charlier, R. (02 September 2019). Assessing soil crack dynamics during dryings from reduced tillage and conventional tillage fields [Poster presentation]. TERRAenVISION 2019, Barcelone, Spain. |
Tran, D. K., Ralaizafisoloarivony, N. A., Degré, A., Léonard, A., Mercatoris, B., Toye, D., & Charlier, R. (10 July 2019). DRYING BEHAVIOUR AND WATER TRANSPORT MECHANISMS DURING EVAPORATION OF AN AGRICULTURAL SOIL [Paper presentation]. EuroDrying'2019 - 7th European Drying Conference, Torino, Italy. |
Gramegna, L., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (04 June 2019). A numerical approach for the hydro-mechanical behaviour of bentonite seals in the context underground radioactive waste disposals [Poster presentation]. EURADWASTE '19. |
Gramegna, L., & Charlier, R. (2019). Hydro-mechanical behaviour of bentonite seals for underground radioactive waste disposals [Poster presentation]. journee des doctorantes. |
Dieudonné, A. C., Gatabin C., Talandier J., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2019). Water retention behaviour of smectite-rich materials [Paper presentation]. 11th International Conference on Porous Media and Annual Meeting, Valencia, Spain. |
Tran, D. K., Ralaizafisoloarivony, N., Charlier, R., Mercatoris, B., Léonard, A., Toye, D., & Degré, A. (October 2018). Effect of desiccation cracking on the fluid transfer process in agricultural soil [Poster presentation]. Alert Geomaterials Workshop, Aussois, France. |
Tran, D. K., Ralaizafisoloarivony, N. A., Charlier, R., Mercatoris, B., Léonard, A., Toye, D., & Degré, A. (September 2018). Studying the effect of desiccation cracking on the hydraulic behavior of a Luvisol-From an experimental and numerical approach [Paper presentation]. 21st International Soil Tillage Research Organization (ISTRO), Paris, France. |
Argilaga, A., Charlier, R., Cerfontaine, B., Vu, M.-N., & Collin, F. (01 February 2018). Hydro-mechanical study of MAVL nuclear waste repository galleries in Callovo-Oxfordian claystone [Paper presentation]. Second International Workshop on the Finite Element Code LAGAMINE (LAGASHOP 2018), Delft, Netherlands. |
Charlier, R., Collin, F., Pardoen, B., & Argilaga, A. (29 November 2017). Modelling of the short-term influence of shotcrete on the excavated damage zone around galleries in Callovo-Oxfordian claystone [Paper presentation]. GL Mouv. |
Cerfontaine, B., Radioti, G., & Charlier, R. (September 2017). Formulation of a 1D finite element of Borehole Hea Exchanger (BHE) for accurante short-time and long-time effects modelling [Paper presentation]. IV ECCOMAS Young Investigated Conference. |
Argilaga, A., CCharlier, R., & Collin, F. (28 June 2017). Long-term hydro-mechanical analysis of the GED and GCS galleries using Second Gradient model [Paper presentation]. GL-MOUV (Groupement de laboratoire ANDRA GL MOUV, Paris, France. |
Argilaga, A., Charlier, R., Cerfontaine, B., Vu, M.-N., & Collin, F. (2017). MAVL galleries in Callovo-Oxfordian claystone: analysis of the hydromechanical interaction using a continuum approach [Paper presentation]. 7th International Conference on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, Davos, Switzerland. |
Delvoie, S., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (25 May 2016). In situ and laboratory mechanical characterization of a loess sequence from Middle Belgium [Paper presentation]. 34ème Rencontres de l'Association Universitaire de Génie Civil, Liège, Belgium. |
Charlier, R., Sillen, X., Li, X., & Salehnia, F. (May 2016). Interaction entre la zone endommagée autour d’un tunnel et son soutènement – Simulation numérique [Paper presentation]. Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil, Liège, Belgium. |
Cerfontaine, B., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (May 2016). Transient behaviour of a suction caisson in sand: axisymmetric numerical modelling [Paper presentation]. Rencontres Universitaires du Génie Civil de l'AUGC, Liège, Belgium. |
Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (24 February 2016). A constitutive law describing the cyclic behaviour of rocks [Paper presentation]. EUROMECH colloquium 572. |
Charlier, R., Dieudonné, A.-C., Pardoen, B., & Collin, F. (16 February 2016). Numerical modelling of hydromechanical coupling : permeability dependence on strain path [Paper presentation]. Mont Terri technical meeting - FE meeting. |
Charlier, R., Dieudonné, A.-C., Pardoen, B., & Collin, F. (February 2016). Numerical modelling of hydromechanical coupling : permeability dependence on strain path [Paper presentation]. Mont Terri technical meeting - FE meeting, St Ursanne, Switzerland. |
Cerfontaine, B., & Charlier, R. (January 2016). Fatigue behaviour of rocks, formulation of a constitutive law [Paper presentation]. Groupe de contact FNRS. |
Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2016). Numerical modelling of the cyclic behaviour of rock material in the context of underground pumped storage hydroelectricity [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference on Energy Geotechnics, Kiel, Germany. |
Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2016). Axisymmetric transient modelling of a suction caisson in sand: a numerical study [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference on Energy Geotechnics, Kiel, Germany. |
Charlier, R., Bertrand, F., Cerfontaine, B., Delvoie, S., & Dieudonné, A.-C. (28 September 2015). Analysis of the retaining wall design problem in the framework of the Tyler Rationale [Poster presentation]. ALERT workshop 2015, Aussois, France. |
Delvoie, S., Boulvain, F., Cerfontaine, B., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (01 June 2015). Mechanical approach for the characterization of loess deposits from the CBR’s Romont quarry (Eben-Emael, Belgium) and correlations with loess stratigraphy [Paper presentation]. Inaugural Global Workshop on Digital Soil Morphometrics, Madison, United States. |
Salehnia, F., Dizier, A., Li, X. L., Sillen, X., & Charlier, R. (March 2015). Strain localization modelling around an underground gallery in Mol with an analysis of the contact pressure on the lining [Poster presentation]. Clays in natural and engineered barriers for radioactive waste cofinement, Brussels, Belgium. |
Dieudonné, A.-C., Talandier, J., & Charlier, R. (2015). On the modelling of compacted bentonite under in situ conditions [Paper presentation]. International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics, Barcelona, Spain. |
Dieudonné, A.-C., Talandier, J., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2015). Hydromechanical behaviour of bentonite under in situ conditions [Paper presentation]. Clay Conference 2015, Brussels, Belgium. |
Cerfontaine, B., Dieudonné, A.-C., Radu, J.-P., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2015). Three-node zero-thickness hydro-mechanical interface finite element for geotechnical applications [Paper presentation]. VI International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Venise, Italy. |
Salehnia, F., Li, X., & Charlier, R. (2015). Hydro-mechanical behavior of Boom clay host-rock in interaction with a deep excavated gallerys' lining [Paper presentation]. Alert Geomaterials Workshop 2015, Aussois, France. |
Dieudonné, A.-C., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2015). Hydromechanical modelling of bentonite-based materials [Paper presentation]. Journées MOMAS Multiphasiques 2015, Nice, France. |
Cerfontaine, B., & Charlier, R. (2014). Implicit implementation of the PRevost model [Poster presentation]. ALERT Geomaterials. |
Dieudonné, A.-C., Salehnia, F., Li, X.-L., & Charlier, R. (2014). Hydromechanical behaviour of interfaces in the framework of nuclear waste disposal [Paper presentation]. ALERT Géomaterials workshop, Aussois, France. |
Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2014). Vertical transient loading of a suction caisson in dense sand [Paper presentation]. 14th Intertnional Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Recent Advacances in Geomechanics. |
Dieudonné, A.-C., Collin, F., Levasseur, S., & Charlier, R. (2014). Implicit stress integration of the Barcelona Basic Model in Lagamine [Paper presentation]. 6th Workshop of CODE_BRIGHT, Barcelone, Spain. |
Dieudonné, A.-C., Romero, E., Radu, J.-P., Levasseur, S., & Charlier, R. (2014). On the role and influence of interfaces in underground disposals for nuclear waste [Paper presentation]. 6th Workshop of CODE_BRIGHT, Barcelone, Spain. |
Prime, N., Housni, Z., Fraikin, L., Léonard, A., Charlier, R., & Levasseur, S. (10 September 2013). Different phases of water transfer during rock drying [Paper presentation]. First International Workshop on the FE Code LAGAMINE, Liège, Belgium. |
Salehnia, F., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (September 2013). Modeling of Strain Localization Characteristics in Boom Clay [Paper presentation]. First International Workshop on the FE Code LAGAMINE. |
Prime, N., Housni, Z., Fraikin, L., Léonard, A., Charlier, R., & Levasseur, S. (August 2013). Heat and mass transfer coefficient analysis during rock convective drying [Paper presentation]. Eurodrying'2013, Paris, France. |
Gerard, P., Radu, J.-P., Collin, F., Charlier, R., Talandier, J., & De la Vaissière, R. (February 2013). Characterisation of Gas Migration in Claystone through the Modelling of a Field-Scale Gas Injection Test [Paper presentation]. Forge Symposium and Workshop, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Gerard, P., Collin, F., Harrington, J., Talandier, J., & Charlier, R. (2013). Modelling of localised gas pathways in long-term gas injection test [Poster presentation]. Forge symposium and Workshop, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Dieudonné, A.-C., Levasseur, S., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2013). On the hydromechanical modelling of swelling materials: recent advances in LAGAMINE [Paper presentation]. LAGASHOP: First International Workshop on the Finite Element COde LAGAMINE, Liège, Belgium. |
Cerfontaine, B., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2013). Possibilities and limitations of the Prevost model for the modelling of cohesionless soil cyclic behaviour [Paper presentation]. 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris, France. |
Gerard, P., Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., Talandier, J., Harrington, J., & Collin, F. (2013). Modelling of gas migration in clay formations [Paper presentation]. LAGASHOP: First International Workshop on the Finite Element COde LAGAMINE, Liège, Belgium. |
Cerfontaine, B., Levasseur, S., & Charlier, R. (2013). Axisymmetric transient modelling of a wind turbine foundation in cohesionless soil using Prevost's model [Paper presentation]. V International Conference on Computnional Methods in Marine Engineering, Hambourg, Germany. |
Dizier, A., Li, X., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (November 2012). Thermal effect characterization in the excavation damaged zone around tunnels for the nuclear waste disposal in argillaceous rocks [Paper presentation]. 4th International Workshop of Young Doctors in Geomechanics, Paris, France. |
Dieudonné, A.-C., Gerard, P., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (October 2012). A hydromechanical model for unsaturated bentonite incorporating the effect of the microstructure [Poster presentation]. 5th International Meeting “Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement”, Montpellier, France. |
Pardoen, B., Collin, F., Levasseur, S., & Charlier, R. (October 2012). Modelling the excavation damaged zone in Callovo-Oxfordian claystone with strain localization [Paper presentation]. ALERT Geomaterials Workshop 2012. |
Dizier, A., François, B., Collin, F., Charlier, R., & Li, X. L. (October 2012). Application of a new thermo-mechanical model for the study of the nuclear waste disposal in clay rocks [Poster presentation]. 5th International Meeting “Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement”, Montpellier, France. |
de La Vaissière, R., Gerard, P., Radu, J.-P., Charlier, R., Collin, F., Granet, S., Piedevache, M., Helmlinger, B., Lavanchy, J. M., Croisé, J., Senger, R., & Talandier, J. (October 2012). A large-scale gas injection test in the Meuse/Haute-Marne research laboratory: data analysis and numerical approach [Paper presentation]. 5th International Meeting “Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement”, Montpellier, France. |
Pardoen, B., Talandier, J., Charlier, R., Collin, F., Radu, J.-P., & Gerard, P. (October 2012). Numerical modelling of an in situ ventilation test in Callovo-Oxfordian claystone [Poster presentation]. 5th International Meeting “Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement”, Montpellier, France. |
Dieudonné, A.-C., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (April 2012). Shaft sealing issue in CO2 storage sites [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria. |
Delvoie, S., Radu, J.-P., Ruthy, I., & Charlier, R. (April 2012). Engineering geological mapping in Wallonia (Belgium) : present state and recent computerized approach [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria. |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., François, B., & Charlier, R. (2012). Anisotropic hydro-mechancial modelling of HGA field-scale experiment in Opalinus Clay [Paper presentation]. 23th ALERT Workshop, Aussois, France. Peer reviewed |
François, B., Labiouse, V., You, S., Dizier, A., Marinelli, F., Sieffert, Y., Chambon, R., Baritte, B., Laloui, L., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2012). Modelling of hollow cylinder tests on Boom Clay: softening, anisotropy and strain localization [Paper presentation]. International Timodaz Workshop, Saint Ursanne, Switzerland. |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., François, B., & Charlier, R. (2012). Anisotropic hydromechancial modelling of HGA field-scale experiment in Opalinus Clay [Paper presentation]. ALERT Geomaterials Workshop 2012. |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., François, B., & Charlier, R. (2012). Field-scale experiment modelling in Opalinus Clay: the HGA experiment [Paper presentation]. 5th International meeting on “Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement”, Poster Session, Montpellier, France. Peer reviewed |
Pardoen, B., Charlier, R., Collin, F., Radu, J.-P., & Talandier, J. (03 October 2011). Hydro and hydro-mechanical modelling of ventilation test in clayey rocks [Poster presentation]. 22nd ALERT Workshop, Aussois, France. |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., Charlier, R., & Kondo, D. (2011). Excavation damaged zone and permeability evolution modeling in indurated clays based on a micromechanical approach [Paper presentation]. ALERT Geomaterials Workshop 2011, Aussois, France. |
Dizier, A., François, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (05 October 2010). Application of a new thermo-mechanical model for study of the nuclear waste disposal in clay rocks [Paper presentation]. ALERT WORKSHOP 2010, Aussois, France. |
Rosiere, C., Delvoie, S., Charlier, R., Legrain, X., Demarcin, P., Destain, M.-F., & Verbrugge, J.-C. (07 May 2010). Risk assessment of soil compaction in Walloon Region (Belgium) [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienne, Austria. |
Dizier, A., François, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2010). Application of a new thermo-mechanical model for study of the nuclear waste disposal in clay rock [Paper presentation]. 21th ALERT Workshop, Session Mechanics of clay rocks. Aussois, France. Peer reviewed |
Gerard, P., Léonard, A., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (September 2009). Characterization of vapour transfers in non isothermal conditions at cavities wall using convective drying tests [Poster presentation]. THMC Conference - Timodaz+Teresa projects, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Dizier, A., Collin, F., Garitte, B., François, B., Chen, G. J., Sieffert, Y., Labiouse, V., Charlier, R., & Chambon, R. (2009). Thermo-hydro-mechanical modelling of hollow cylinder laboratory experiments on Boom and Opalinus Clays [Paper presentation]. Int. Conf. on Impact of thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical processes on the safety of underground radioactive waste repositories. Poster Session, Luxembourg. Peer reviewed |
Dizier, A., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2009). MODELLING OF A SMALL SCALE IN-SITU THERMO-HYDRO-MECHANICAL EXPERIMENT IN BOOM CLAY: ATLAS [Poster presentation]. ALERT Workshop 2009, Aussois, France. |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., Charlier, R., & Kondo, D. (2009). On the micromechanical modelling of damage and applications to some geotechnical problems: Effects of Initial Stresses [Paper presentation]. ALERT Geomaterials Workshop 2009, Aussois, France. |
Gerard, P., Bernadino, J., Léonard, A., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (06 October 2008). Convective drying tests of silt: experimental studies and modelling [Paper presentation]. Workshop ALERT 2008, Aussois, France. |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2008). Modelling of the permability evolution in the excavation disturbed zone around underground excavations [Paper presentation]. ALERT Geomaterials Workshop 2008, Aussois, France. |
Charlier, R., Chambon, R., Li, X.-L., Dizier, A., Sieffert, Y., Collin, F., & Levasseur, S. (2008). Modelling the Excavated Damage Zone around an underground gallery – coupling mechanical, thermal and hydraulical aspects [Poster presentation]. ALERT Geomaterials Workshop 2008, Aussois, France. |
Gerard, P., Charlier, R., Barnichon, J.-D., Shao, J. F., Duveau, G., Hoxha, D., Chavant, C., & Collin, F. (2007). Numerical modelling of coupled mechanics and gas transfer [Poster presentation]. Colloque ANDRA, Lille, France. |
Coll, C., Charlier, R., Li, X. L., & Collin, F. (2007). Long term behaviour of the Boom Clay: influence of viscosity on the pore pressure distribution [Paper presentation]. Colloque ANDRA, Lille, France. |
Gerard, P., Charlier, R., Chambon, R., & Collin, F. (2007). Influence of water exchanges on the gallery convergence [Paper presentation]. Colloque ANDRA, Lille, France. |
Mengoni, M., Limme, M., & Charlier, R. (July 2006). Contribution to a bone deformation study in orthodontics [Poster presentation]. 5th European Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Greece. |
Mengoni, M., Limme, M., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (May 2006). Contribution to a jaw behavior and deformation study [Paper presentation]. 7th National Congress on Theoretical end Applied Mechanics, Belgium. |
Collin, F., Li, X. L., Chambon, R., & Charlier, R. (2006). Coupled modelling of an excavation in a brittle formation [Paper presentation]. Colloque Transfert 2006, Lille, France. |
Collin, F., Lambarki, A., Charlier, R., Chambon, R., & Li, X. (2005). On the numerical modelling of shear banding around an excavation [Paper presentation]. 1st International ISEB Meeting, Shangai, China. |
Collin, F., Li, X. L., Lambarki, A., Charlier, R., & Chambon, R. (2005). On the numerical modeling of shear banding around an excavation [Paper presentation]. Colloque ANDRA, Tours, France. |
Collin, F., Laloui, L., & Charlier, R. (2005). Unified approach of coupled constitutive laws [Paper presentation]. Water in Pavement Meeting (European COST Action on Water Movements in Road Pavements and Embankments), Madrid, Spain. |
Collin, F., Li, X. L., Lambarki, A., Charlier, R., & Chambon, R. (2005). On the numerical modelling of shear banding around an excavation [Paper presentation]. 7th International Workshop on Bifurcation, Instabilities and Degradation in Geomechanics, Chania, Greece. |
Rodriguez, C., Hiligsmann, S., Charlier, R., & Thonart, P. (09 May 2003). Cellulose bioavailability in municipal solid waste [Poster presentation]. Bioforum, Liège, Belgium. |
Collin, F., Cui, Y. J., Schroeder, C., & Charlier, R. (2003). Mechanical behaviour of chalk reservoir: Numerical modelling of water sensitivity and time dependence effects [Paper presentation]. ISRM 2003-Technology roadmap for rocks mechanics, South Africa. |
Collin, F., Cui, Y. J., Schroeder, C., & Charlier, R. (2003). Mechanical behaviour of chalk reservoirs: numerical modelling of water sensitivity effects [Paper presentation]. GeoProc 2003, Stockholm, Sweden. |
Guiducci, C., Collin, F., Radu, J.-P., Pellegrino, A., & Charlier, R. (2003). Numerical mdeling of hydro-mechanical fracture behaviour [Paper presentation]. ISRM 2003–Technology roadmap for rock mechanics, South Africa. |
Rodriguez, C., Hiligsmann, S., Lardinois, M., Destain, J., Charlier, R., & Thonart, P. (October 2002). Cellulose bioavailability in waste [Poster presentation]. 2nd International landfill Research symposium, Asheville N.C., United States. |
Collin, F., Schroeder, C., Charlier, R., & De Genarro, V. (2002). Modelling of unsaturated chalk: from experiment to reservoir [Paper presentation]. International Workshop of Young Doctors in Geomechanics, Paris, France. |
Hiligsmann, S., Rodriguez, C., Lardinois, M., Radu, J.-P., Charlier, R., Destain, J., Drion, R., & Thonart, P. (2001). A pluridisciplinary model to predict municipal landfill life [Paper presentation]. The modelling of landfill processes Symposium, Delft, Netherlands. |
Li, X. L., Charlier, R., Bolle, A., Radu, J.-P., & Collin, F. (2000). Experimental and numerical studies on the mechanical behaviour of two quasi saturated fine soils [Paper presentation]. 4ième Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference, Metz, France. |
Schroeder, C., Bois, A. P., Charlier, R., Collin, F., Cui, Y. J., Delage, P., Goulois, A., Illing, P., Noel, F., & Maury, V. (2000). PASAChalk project (partially saturated chalk): constitutive modelling, determination of parameters using specific stress paths and application to the water-flooding [Paper presentation]. Chalk symposium, Brighton, United Kingdom. |
Collin, F., Li, X. L., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (1998). Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling in clay barriers [Paper presentation]. 4eme Workshop International « Key Issues in Waste Isolation Research, Barcelone, Spain. |
Cerfontaine, B., & Charlier, R. (2022). Hydro-mechanically Coupled Interface Finite Element for the Modeling of Soil–Structure Interactions: Application to Offshore Constructions. In S. Grange & D. Salciarini, Deterministic Numerical Modeling of Soil–Structure Interaction. France: ISTE. Peer reviewed |
Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., Gerard, P., & Collin, F. (2013). Hydromechanical coupling theory in unsaturated geomaterials and its numerical integration. In L. Laloui (Ed.), Mechanics of Unsaturated Geomaterials (pp. 157-184). Hoboken, United States: Wiley. Peer reviewed |
Gerard, P., Radu, J.-P., Talandier, J., De La Vaissière, R., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2012). Gas Migration through Clay Barriers in the Context of Radioactive Waste Disposal: Numerical Modeling of an InSitu Gas Injection Test. In G. Pijaudier-Cabot & Pereira (Eds.), Geomechanics in CO2 Storage Facilities (pp. 21-43). London, United Kingdom: ISTE. Peer reviewed |
Hermansson, A., Charlier, R., Collin, F., Erlingsson, S., Laloui, L., & Srsen, M. (2009). Heat transfer in soils. In A. Dawson, Water in road structures - Movement, Drainage and effects (pp. 69-79). Springer. |
Charlier, R., & Radu, J.-P. (2005). Rétention et transfert des pollutions chimiques solubles : mécanismes fondamentaux et modélisation numérique. In P. Delage & B. Schrefler (Eds.), Géomécanique Environnementale – sols pollués et déchets (pp. 51-80). Hermès. |
Barnichon, J.-D. (1998). Finite Element Modelling in Structural and Petroleum Geology [Doctoral thesis, Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Charlier, R. (1987). Approche unifiée de quelques problèmes non linéaires de mécanique des milieux continus par la méthode des éléments finis (grandes déformations des métaux et des sols, contact unilatéral de solides, conduction thermique et écoulements en milieu poreux) [Doctoral thesis, Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Parotte, C.* , Flore, N.* , Faniel, H. (Other coll.), Ciraolo, F. (Other coll.), & Charlier, R. (Other coll.). (2022). Expérimenter le Pathway Evolution Process (PEP) Serious Game à l'ULiège. Evaluation de la méthode prospective. Liège, Belgium: Université de Liège. * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Gramegna, L., & Charlier, R. (2020). VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION OF MODELS - Large scale tests: EB ULG contribution-. |
Gramegna, L., & Charlier, R. (2020). Task 3.3 Performance of ULG model for EPFL proposed case. |
Gramegna, L., & Charlier, R. (2019). Test WP5_c - Modelling strategies and results-. |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2012). Modelling of lab and field experiments: HGA EXPERIMENT. |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2012). Modèles de comportement thermo-hydromécaniques inclus dans le code aux éléments finis LAGAMINE de l’Université de Liège. |
Levasseur, S., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2011). Numerical modelling of the SE-H Experiment by Finite Element Method: 2D plane strain approach. |
Dassargues, A., Radu, J.-P., Hallet, V., Bolly, P.-Y., Charlier, R., & Monjoie, A. (1987). Modélisation de la nappe aquifère de Hesbaye. (HESB871). |
Charlier, R., Chambon, R., Al-Holo, S., & Collin, F. (2007). Modelling the fracture generation in EDZ. Report of the Swiss Geological Survey, 2, 27-31. |
Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (1998). Le Projet Catsius Clay. Bulletin du Groupement Belge de Mécanique des Roches. |
Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (1998). Le projet Catsius Clay. Bulletin du Groupement Belge de Mécanique des Roches. |
Bertrand, F., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2016). Retour en grâce du grisou. |
Bertrand, F., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2015). Retour en grâce du grisou. |