
Cerfontaine Benjamin


See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Charlier, Robert  (35)
Collin, Frédéric  (34)
Argilaga Claramunt, Albert  (4)
Bertrand, François  (4)
Dieudonné, Anne-Catherine  (4)
Main Referenced Keywords
Constitutive law (4); Constitutive modelling (4); Suction caisson (4); Cyclic behaviour (3); Finite element (3);
Main Referenced Disciplines
Civil engineering (36)
Geological, petroleum & mining engineering (15)
Energy (3)
Materials science & engineering (1)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)

Publications (total 52)

The most downloaded
Cerfontaine, B., & Collin, F. (February 2018). Cyclic and Fatigue Behaviour of Rock Materials: Review, Interpretation and Research Perspectives. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 51 (2), 391-414. doi:10.1007/s00603-017-1337-5

The most cited

312 citations (Scopus®)

Cerfontaine, B., & Collin, F. (February 2018). Cyclic and Fatigue Behaviour of Rock Materials: Review, Interpretation and Research Perspectives. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 51 (2), 391-414. doi:10.1007/s00603-017-1337-5

Cerfontaine, B., & Charlier, R. (2022). Hydro-mechanically Coupled Interface Finite Element for the Modeling of Soil–Structure Interactions: Application to Offshore Constructions. In S. Grange & D. Salciarini, Deterministic Numerical Modeling of Soil–Structure Interaction. France: ISTE.
Peer reviewed

Argilaga, A., Collin, F., Lacarrière, L., Charlier, R., Armand, G., & Cerfontaine, B. (2019). Modelling of short-term interactions between concrete support and the excavated damage zone around galleries drilled in Callovo-Oxfordian claystone. International Journal of Civil Engineering. doi:10.1007/s40999-018-0317-9
Peer reviewed

Archambeau, P., Bodeux, S., Cerfontaine, B., Charlier, R., Dassargues, A., Erpicum, S., Frippiat, C., Goderniaux, P., Pirotton, M., Poulain, A., Orban, P., Pujades, E., Ronchi, B., Stassen, F., Veschkens, M., & Willems, T. (2018). Smartwater - WP5 - Sites de stockage hydraulique : Inventaire, Analyses géomécanique, hydrogéologique et hydraulique. Multitel.

Cerfontaine, B., Ronchi, B., Archambeau, P., Poulain, A., Pujades, E., Orban, P., Charlier, R., Veschkens, M., Pirotton, M., Goderniaux, P., Dassargues, A., & Erpicum, S. (2018). Guidelines related to the use of an existing cavity (mine/quarry) as reservoir of a pumped storage hydroelectric facility. ORBi-University of Liège.

Collin, F., Kotronis, P., Ahayan, S., Jouan, G., Cerfontaine, B., & Hubert, J. (21 February 2018). Modélisation hydromécanique de quelques problèmes de géotechnique dans le cadre des changements climatiques [Paper presentation]. Réseau international sur l’évaluation des risques et l’adaptation climatique d’ouvrages en génie civil et bâtiments , Nantes, France.

Cerfontaine, B., & Collin, F. (February 2018). Cyclic and Fatigue Behaviour of Rock Materials: Review, Interpretation and Research Perspectives. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 51 (2), 391-414. doi:10.1007/s00603-017-1337-5
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Bertrand, F., Buzzi, O., Cerfontaine, B., & Collin, F. (February 2018). Modelling with interface elements of the permeability alteration of coal due to sorption [Paper presentation]. Second International Workshop on the Finite Element Code LAGAMINE (LAGASHOP 2018), Delft, Netherlands.

Argilaga, A., Charlier, R., Cerfontaine, B., Vu, M.-N., & Collin, F. (01 February 2018). Hydro-mechanical study of MAVL nuclear waste repository galleries in Callovo-Oxfordian claystone [Paper presentation]. Second International Workshop on the Finite Element Code LAGAMINE (LAGASHOP 2018), Delft, Netherlands.

Collin, F., Cerfontaine, B., & Hubert, J. (31 January 2018). Bio – Chemo – Thermo – Hydro - Mechanical modelling of a municipal waste disposal [Paper presentation]. LAGASHOP 2018 Second International Workshop on the Finite Element Code Lagamine, Delft, Netherlands.

Radioti, G., Cerfontaine, B., Charlier, R., & Nguyen, F. (2018). Experimental and numerical investigation of a long-duration Thermal Response Test: Borehole Heat Exchanger behaviour and thermal plume in the heterogeneous rock mass. Geothermics, 71. doi:10.1016/j.geothermics.2017.10.001
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Cerfontaine, B., Radioti, G., & Charlier, R. (September 2017). Formulation of a 1D finite element of Borehole Hea Exchanger (BHE) for accurante short-time and long-time effects modelling [Paper presentation]. IV ECCOMAS Young Investigated Conference.

Cerfontaine, B., & Collin, F. (2017). On the modelling of coupled hydro-mechanical behaviour of interfaces for offshore foundations. In A. Rasmussen (Ed.), Marine Engineering: Emerging Developments and Global Challenges. Nova.

Cerfontaine, B., Charlier, R., Collin, F., & Taiebat, M. (2017). Validation of a new elastoplastic constitutive model dedicated to the cyclic behaviour of brittle rock materials. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. doi:10.1007/s00603-017-1258-3
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Ahayan, S., Cerfontaine, B., & Collin, F. (23 May 2017). Loi de comportement pour les argiles naturelles [Paper presentation]. 35ème Rencontre de l'AUGC, Nantes, France.

Bertrand, F., Buzzi, O., Cerfontaine, B., & Collin, F. (2017). Hydro-mechanical modelling of coalbed methane recovery.

Ahayan, S., Cerfontaine, B., Kotronis, P., & Collin, F. (February 2017). Etude du comportement des Monopieux XL dans les sols argileux [Paper presentation]. Journée de Groupe de Contact FNRS, Gembloux, Belgium.

Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Dewals, B., Pirotton, M., Pujades, E., Orban, P., Dassargues, A., Cerfontaine, B., Charlier, R., Poulain, A., Goderniaux, P., Ronchi, B., Frippiat, C., & Veschkens, M. (2017). Underground pumped hydro-energy storage in Wallonia (Belgium) using old mines – Potential and challenges. In Shaping the future of hydropower (pp. 12d.04). Wallington, United Kingdom: Int. J. on Hydropower & Dams.
Peer reviewed

Argilaga, A., Charlier, R., Cerfontaine, B., Vu, M.-N., & Collin, F. (2017). MAVL galleries in Callovo-Oxfordian claystone: analysis of the hydromechanical interaction using a continuum approach [Paper presentation]. 7th International Conference on Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement, Davos, Switzerland.

Charlier, R., Collin, F., Argilaga Claramunt, A., & Cerfontaine, B. (2017). Implementation of an early age concrete model in LAGAMINE [Paper presentation]. Réunion technique ANDRA.

Bertrand, F., Cerfontaine, B., & Collin, F. (2017). A fully coupled hydro-mechanical model for the modeling of coalbed methane recovery. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. doi:10.1016/j.jngse.2017.07.029
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Dieudonné, A.-C., & Cerfontaine, B. (21 September 2016). Hydromechanical modelling of interfaces [Paper presentation]. GNIC Summer School.

Cerfontaine, B., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (May 2016). Transient behaviour of a suction caisson in sand: axisymmetric numerical modelling [Paper presentation]. Rencontres Universitaires du Génie Civil de l'AUGC, Liège, Belgium.

Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (24 February 2016). A constitutive law describing the cyclic behaviour of rocks [Paper presentation]. EUROMECH colloquium 572.

Cerfontaine, B., & Charlier, R. (January 2016). Fatigue behaviour of rocks, formulation of a constitutive law [Paper presentation]. Groupe de contact FNRS.

Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2016). Numerical modelling of the cyclic behaviour of rock material in the context of underground pumped storage hydroelectricity. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Energy Geotechnics (pp. 629-636). CRC Press. doi:10.1201/b21938-99
Peer reviewed

Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2016). Numerical modelling of the cyclic behaviour of rock material in the context of underground pumped storage hydroelectricity [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference on Energy Geotechnics, Kiel, Germany.

Cerfontaine, B., Radioti, G., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2016). Formulation of a 1D finite element of heat exchanger for accurate modelling of the grouting behaviour: Application to cyclic thermal loading. Renewable Energy, 96, 65-79. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2016.04.034
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Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2016). Axisymmetric transient modelling of a suction caisson in sand: a numerical study. In Proceedings of the first International Conference on Energy Geotechnics (pp. 327-334). CRC press.
Peer reviewed

Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2016). Axisymmetric transient modelling of a suction caisson in sand: a numerical study [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference on Energy Geotechnics, Kiel, Germany.

Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., Denoël, V., Erpicum, S., & Franssen, J.-M. (2015). Essentials of actions. (University of Liege, Faculty of applied sciences). Liege, Belgium: Dpt ArGEnCo.

Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (November 2015). Numerical modelling of transient cyclic vertical loading of suction caissons in sand. Geotechnique, 65 (12). doi:10.1680/jgeot.15.P.061
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Charlier, R., Bertrand, F., Cerfontaine, B., Delvoie, S., & Dieudonné, A.-C. (28 September 2015). Analysis of the retaining wall design problem in the framework of the Tyler Rationale [Poster presentation]. ALERT workshop 2015, Aussois, France.

Delvoie, S., Boulvain, F., Cerfontaine, B., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (01 June 2015). Mechanical approach for the characterization of loess deposits from the CBR’s Romont quarry (Eben-Emael, Belgium) and correlations with loess stratigraphy [Paper presentation]. Inaugural Global Workshop on Digital Soil Morphometrics, Madison, United States.

Cerfontaine, B. (30 January 2015). Three-node zero-thickness hydro-mechanical interface finite element for geotechnical applications [Paper presentation]. Groupe de contact FNRS.

Collin, F., Hubert, J., Liu, X. F., & Cerfontaine, B. (2015). Numerical modelling of a Municipal Waste Disposal as a Bio- Chemo- Thermo- Hydro-Mechanical problem. In B. A. Schrefler, L. Sanavia, ... F. Collin (Eds.), Coupled and multiphysics phenomena (pp. 259-281). Grenoble, France: ALERT Geomaterials.
Peer reviewed

Cerfontaine, B., Dieudonné, A.-C., Radu, J.-P., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2015). 3D zero-thickness coupled interface finite element: Formulation and application. Computers and Geotechnics. doi:10.1016/j.compgeo.2015.04.016
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Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2015). Vertical transient loading of a suction caisson in dense sand. In B. Cerfontaine, F. Collin, ... R. Charlier (Eds.), Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics - Proceedings of the 14th Int. Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics, IACMAG. doi:10.1201/b17435-161
Peer reviewed

Cerfontaine, B., Dieudonné, A.-C., Radu, J.-P., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2015). Three-node zero-thickness hydro-mechanical interface finite element for geotechnical applications [Paper presentation]. VI International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Venise, Italy.

Cerfontaine, B., Dieudonné, A.-C., Radu, J.-P., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2015). Three-node zero-thickness hydro-mechanical interface finite element for geotechnical applications. In Proceedings of coupled 2015.

Dieudonné, A.-C., Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2015). Hydromechanical modelling of shaft sealing for CO2 storage. Engineering Geology, 193, 97-105. doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2015.04.016
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Cerfontaine, B. (2014). The cyclic behaviour of sand, from the Prevost model to offshore geotechnics [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Cerfontaine, B., & Charlier, R. (2014). Implicit implementation of the Prevost model. In M. A. Hicks, R. R. J. Brinkgreve, ... A. Rohe (Eds.), Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering. CRC Press/Balkema.
Peer reviewed

Cerfontaine, B., & Charlier, R. (2014). Implicit implementation of the PRevost model [Poster presentation]. ALERT Geomaterials.

Cerfontaine, B., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2014). Vertical transient loading of a suction caisson in dense sand [Paper presentation]. 14th Intertnional Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Recent Advacances in Geomechanics.

Cerfontaine, B., Levasseur, S., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2014). Axisymmetric transient modelling of a suction caisson in dense sand. In M. A. Hicks, R. B. J. Brinkgreve, ... A. Rohe (Eds.), Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering. CRC Press/Balkema.
Peer reviewed

Cerfontaine, B. (11 September 2013). Advanced numerical tools, reordering techniques and iterative methods [Paper presentation]. First International Workshop on the Finite Element Code LAGAMINE.

Cerfontaine, B., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2013). Possibilities and limitations of the Prevost model for the modelling of cohesionless soil cyclic behaviour. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
Peer reviewed

Cerfontaine, B., Levasseur, S., & Charlier, R. (2013). Axisymmetric transient modelling of a wind turbine foundation in cohesionless soil using the Prevost’s model. In Computational Methods in Marine Engineering.
Peer reviewed

Cerfontaine, B., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2013). Possibilities and limitations of the Prevost model for the modelling of cohesionless soil cyclic behaviour [Paper presentation]. 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris, France.

Cerfontaine, B., Levasseur, S., & Charlier, R. (2013). Axisymmetric transient modelling of a wind turbine foundation in cohesionless soil using Prevost's model [Paper presentation]. V International Conference on Computnional Methods in Marine Engineering, Hambourg, Germany.

Cerfontaine, B. (2012). Cyclic behaviour of cohesionless soils under seismic loading.

Cerfontaine, B. (2011). EN1198-5 training : computation examples.

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