
Radu Jean-Pol

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Charlier, Robert  (77)
Collin, Frédéric  (33)
Cescotto, Serge  (12)
Dassargues, Alain  (12)
Talandier, Jean (11)
Main Referenced Keywords
excavation damaged zone (5); numerical modelling (5); unsaturated soil (5); radioactive waste (3); sols non saturés (3);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Centre Wallon de Biologie Industrielle (3)
Département Argenco - ULiège (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Civil engineering (59)
Geological, petroleum & mining engineering (22)
Energy (2)
Mechanical engineering (2)
Life sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others (2)

Publications (total 80)

The most downloaded
Cerfontaine, B., Dieudonné, A.-C., Radu, J.-P., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2015). 3D zero-thickness coupled interface finite element: Formulation and application. Computers and Geotechnics. doi:10.1016/j.compgeo.2015.04.016

The most cited

149 citations (Scopus®)

Collin, F., Li, X.-L., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (2002). Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling in clay barriers. Engineering Geology, 64 (2-mars Sp. Iss. SI). doi:10.1016/S0013-7952(01)00124-7

Articles in scientific journals with peer reviewing

Cerfontaine, B., Dieudonné, A.-C., Radu, J.-P., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2015). 3D zero-thickness coupled interface finite element: Formulation and application. Computers and Geotechnics. doi:10.1016/j.compgeo.2015.04.016
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De la Vaissière, R., Gerard, P., Radu, J.-P., Charlier, R., Collin, F., Granet, S., Talandier, J., Piedevache, M., & Helmlinger, B. (2014). Gas injection test in the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone: data analysis and numerical modelling. Geological Society, London, Special Publications Online First. doi:10.1144/SP400.10
Peer reviewed

Charlier, R., Collin, F., Pardoen, B., Talandier, J., Radu, J.-P., & Gerard, P. (24 October 2013). An unsaturated hydro-mechanical modelling of two in-situ experiments in Callovo-Oxfordian argillite. Engineering Geology, 165, 46-63. doi:10.1016/j.enggeo.2013.05.021
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Richir, T., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (2005). Comparaison de plusieurs modes de prise en compte de la sécurité dans la vérification de la capacité portante des fondations superficielles. Revue Française de Géotechnique, 113, 11-29.
Peer reviewed

Liu, Z., Boukpeti, N., Li, X., Collin, F., Radu, J.-P., Hueckel, T., & Charlier, R. (2005). Modelling chemo-hydro-mechanical behaviour of unsaturated clays: a feasibility study. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 29 (9), 919-940. doi:10.1002/nag.444
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Collin, F., Li, X.-L., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (2002). Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling in clay barriers. Engineering Geology, 64 (2-mars Sp. Iss. SI). doi:10.1016/S0013-7952(01)00124-7
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Charlier, R., Schroeder, C., Radu, J.-P., & Collin, F. (2001). Oil field subsidence phenomena. Revue Française de Génie Civil, 5 (6), 857-866.
Peer reviewed

Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., & Collin, F. (2001). Numerical modelling of coupled transient phenomena. Revue Française de Génie Civil, 5 (6), 719-743.
Peer reviewed

Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., & Li, Q. F. (1993). A finite element code for subsidence problems: LAGAMINE. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 47 (1 / avril), 5-11. doi:10.1007/BF02639590
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Dassargues, A., Radu, J.-P., Charlier, R., Li, X. L., & Li, Q. F. (1993). Computed subsidence of the central area of Shanghai. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 47, 27-50. doi:10.1007/BF02639592
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Dassargues, A., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (1988). Finite elements modelling of a large water table aquifer in transient conditions. Advances in Water Resources, 11 (2), 58-66. doi:10.1016/0309-1708(88)90038-3
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Scientific conferences in universities or research centers

Pardoen, B., Charlier, R., & Radu, J.-P. (16 June 2011). Modélisation numérique de l'expérience in situ SDZ [Paper presentation]. Suivi des résultats de modélisations numériques de l'expérience SDZ, Châtenay-Malabry, France.

Scientific congresses and symposiums

Published communications

Radioti, G., Delvoie, S., Radu, J.-P., Nguyen, F., & Charlier, R. (2017). Fractured bedrock investigation by using high-resolution borehole images and the Distributed Temperature Sensing technique. In ISRM Congress 2015 Proceedings - Int’l Symposium on Rock Mechanics.
Peer reviewed

Cerfontaine, B., Dieudonné, A.-C., Radu, J.-P., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2015). Three-node zero-thickness hydro-mechanical interface finite element for geotechnical applications. In Proceedings of coupled 2015.

Radioti, G., Charlier, R., Nguyen, F., & Radu, J.-P. (2013). Thermal Response Test in Borehole Heat Exchangers Equipped with Fiber Optics. In International Workshop on Geomechanics and Energy - The Ground as Energy source and Storage. doi:10.3997/2214-4609.20131959

Gerard, P., Radu, J.-P., de la Vaissière, R., Talandier, J., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2013). Characterization of gas transport in low-permeability media: two-phase flow analysis of an in-situ experiment. In POROMECHANICS V: Proceedings of the Fifth Biot Conference on Poromechanics (pp. 1524-1533). doi:10.1061/9780784412992.181
Peer reviewed

Pardoen, B., Talandier, J., Charlier, R., Collin, F., & Radu, J.-P. (2012). Hydro and Hydro-Mechanical Modelling of Ventilation Test in Clayey Rocks. In C. Mancuso, C. Jommi, ... F. D'Onza (Eds.), Unsaturated Soils: Research and Applications (pp. 325-332). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-31116-1
Peer reviewed

Pardoen, B., Talandier, J., Charlier, R., Collin, F., & Radu, J.-P. (2012). Modélisation numérique d’un essai de ventilation in situ. In F. Skoczylas, C. A. Davy, F. Agostini, ... N. Burlion (Eds.), Propriétés de transfert des géomatériaux, Transfert 2012, Ecole centrale de Lille 20-22 mars 2012 (pp. 420-428).
Peer reviewed

Gerard, P., Radu, J.-P., Talandier, J., De La Vaissière, R., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2010). Numerical modelling of the resaturation of swelling clay with gas injection. In E. Alonso & A. Gens (Eds.), Unsaturated Soils (pp. 1383-1388). London, United Kingdom: Taylor and Francis Group.
Peer reviewed

Gerard, P., Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., De La Vaissière, R., Talandier, J., & Collin, F. (2010). HM modelling of in-situ gas injection tests in bentonite and argillite: the PGZ experiment. In Clays in Natural and Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement (pp. 545-546).

Charlier, R., Fourmaintraux, D., Samier, P., Radu, J.-P., & Guiducci, C. (2002). Numerical simulation of the coupled behavior of faults during the depletion of a hp-ht reservoir. In Proc. OilRock 2002.
Peer reviewed

Guiducci, C., Pellegrino, A., Radu, J.-P., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2002). Numerical modeling of hydro-mechanical fracture behavior. In G. N. Pande & S. Pietruszczak (Eds.), Numerical models in Geomechanics (pp. 293-299). Lisse, Netherlands: Balkema. doi:10.1201/9781439833797-c43
Peer reviewed

Guiducci, C., Pellegrino, A., Radu, J.-P., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2002). Hydro-mechanical behavior of fractures: 2D, F.E.M. modeling. In J. L. Auriault, C. Geindreau, ... P. Royer (Eds.), Poromechanics II (pp. 217-223). Lisse, Netherlands: Balkema.
Peer reviewed

Rodriguez, C., Hiligsmann, S., Lardinois, M., Destain, J., Radu, J.-P., Charlier, R., & Thonart, P. (2001). Cellulose enzymatic availability in waste refuse. In Christensen, Cossu, ... Stegmann (Eds.), Proceedings Sardinia 01, Eight International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium (pp. 1 : 69-77).

Radu, J.-P., Charlier, R., Cui, Y.-J., Fourmaintraux, D., Merrien, K., & Bois, A.-P. (2000). Modelling gas flow through the faulted clayey overburden of a deep water offshore reservoir. In 3rd Euroconference on rock physics and rock mechanics.
Peer reviewed

Charlier, R., Fourmaintraux, D., Radu, J.-P., Cui, Y.-J., Bois, A.-P., & Merrien, K. (2000). Modelling gas flow through the faulted clayey overburden of a deep water offshore reservoir. In Int. Workshop on Geomechanics.
Peer reviewed

Merrien, K., Radu, J.-P., Charlier, R., Fourmaintraux, D., & Bois, A.-P. (2000). Numerical simulation of a petroleum reservoir including the last tectonic events and its production. In 5th International Conference on the Geology of the Arab World.
Peer reviewed

Barnichon, J.-D., Charlier, R., & Radu, J.-P. (1999). Numerical simulation of the strain and stress history of sedimentary basins. In Proc. du Congrès Int. de Mécanique des Roches.
Peer reviewed

Collin, F., Li, X. L., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (1999). Clay barriers assesment : a coupled mechanical and moisture transfert model. In Clay barriers assesment : a coupled mechanical and moisture transfert model.
Peer reviewed

Steyer, E., Hiligsmann, S., Radu, J.-P., Charlier, R., Destain, J., Drion, R., & Thonart, P. (1999). A biological pluridisciplinary model to predict municipal landfill life. In Christensen, Cossu, ... Stegmann (Eds.), Proceedings Sardinia 99, Seventh International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium (pp. 1:37-44).

Radu, J.-P., Barnichon, J. D., & Charlier, R. (1998). Hydromechanical Coupling and Basin Tectonic Compression. In Proc. Biot. Conf. on Poromechanics.
Peer reviewed

Habraken, A., Radu, J.-P., Duchene, L., Wauters, M., & Munhoven, S. (1998). Comparisons of anisotropic elastoplastic laws applied to steel sheet. In International Conference NUMIFORM 1998.
Peer reviewed

Collin, F., Li, X. L., Charlier, R., & Radu, J.-P. (1998). Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling in clay barriers. In J.-F. Thimus, Y. Abousleiman, A. H. D. Cheng, O. Coussy, ... E. Detournay (Eds.), Poromechanics. A tribute to Maurice A. Biot (pp. 377-383). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Balkema.
Peer reviewed

Li, X. L., Collin, F., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (1998). Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling in clay barriers. In A. Evangelista & L. Picarelli (Eds.), The Geotechnics of Hard soils, Soft Rocks (pp. 647-658). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Balkema.

Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., & Cescotto, S. (1997). The effect of hydromechanical coupling on strain localization. In Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Education and Practice of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science, EPMESC VI.
Peer reviewed

Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., & Barnichon, J. D. (1997). Water movement effect on the strain localisation during a biaxial compression. In Proc. of NUMOG VI.
Peer reviewed

Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., & Cescotto, S. (1997). The effect of hydromechanical coupling on the numerical modelling of strain localisation. In Proceedings COMPLAS 97.
Peer reviewed

Charlier, R., & Radu, J.-P. (1997). Hydromechanical coupling and strain localisation. In Proc. of the NAFEMS World Congress.
Peer reviewed

Li, X., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (1997). Numerical Modeling of Miscible Pollutant Transport by Ground Water in Unsaturated Zones. In Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (pp. 1255-1260). Yuan.
Peer reviewed

Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (1994). Modellnig of the Hydromechanical Coupling for Non Linear Problems: Fully Coupled and Staggered Approaches. In Proc. of the 8th Int. Conf. of the Int. Ass. for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics.
Peer reviewed

Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., Biver, P., & Cescotto, S. (1994). 3D Finite Element Modeling of Miscible Pollutant Transport by Groundwater in Saturated Zones. In Congrès National Belge de Mécanique Théorique et Appliquée.
Peer reviewed

Radu, J.-P., Biver, P., Charlier, R., & Cescotto, S. (1994). 2 and 3D Finite Element Modeling of Miscible Pollutant Transport in Groundwater, below the Unsaturated Zone. In Int. Conf. on Hydrodynamics, ICMD'94.
Peer reviewed

Habraken, A., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (1992). Numerical approach of contact with friction between two bodies in large deformations. In Proc. of the Contact Mechanics Int. Symp.
Peer reviewed

Cescotto, S., Habraken, A., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (1989). Some recent developments in computer simulation of metal forming processes. In Proc. of the 9th Int. Conf. on Computer Methods in Mechanics, Vol. 4.
Peer reviewed

Habraken, A., & Radu, J.-P. (1989). Simulation of forging applications with the finite element method. In E. G. Thompson, R. D. Wood, O. C. Zienkiewicz, ... A. Samuelsson, Proceedings of NUMIFORM 89 Numerical Method in Industrial Forming Processes (pp. 543-548). A. A. Balkema.
Peer reviewed

Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., & Dassargues, A. (1988). Numerical Simulation of Transient Unconfined Seepage Problems. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Methods and Water Resources - Volume 1: Groundwater and aquifer modelling (pp. 143-155).
Peer reviewed

Dassargues, A., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (1988). Finite elements modelling of a large water-table in transient conditions. In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Computers Methods and Water Resources.
Peer reviewed

Charlier, R., & Radu, J.-P. (1988). On the constitutive equations of the chalk. In ICONMIG'88.
Peer reviewed

Radu, J.-P., Charlier, R., & Cescotto, S. (1987). Simulation numérique des écoulements transitoires à surface libre en milieux poreux. In 1er Congrès National Belge de Mécanique Théorique et Appliquée.
Peer reviewed

Oral communications or posters

Cerfontaine, B., Dieudonné, A.-C., Radu, J.-P., Collin, F., & Charlier, R. (2015). Three-node zero-thickness hydro-mechanical interface finite element for geotechnical applications [Paper presentation]. VI International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Venise, Italy.

Dieudonné, A.-C., Romero, E., Radu, J.-P., Levasseur, S., & Charlier, R. (2014). On the role and influence of interfaces in underground disposals for nuclear waste [Paper presentation]. 6th Workshop of CODE_BRIGHT, Barcelone, Spain.

Pardoen, B., Levasseur, S., Collin, F., & Radu, J.-P. (12 September 2013). Excavation damaged zone modelling with shear strain localisation in claystone [Paper presentation]. LAGASHOP 2013, Workshop Lagamine, Liège, Belgium.

Gerard, P., Radu, J.-P., Collin, F., Charlier, R., Talandier, J., & De la Vaissière, R. (February 2013). Characterisation of Gas Migration in Claystone through the Modelling of a Field-Scale Gas Injection Test [Paper presentation]. Forge Symposium and Workshop, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Gerard, P., Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., Talandier, J., Harrington, J., & Collin, F. (2013). Modelling of gas migration in clay formations [Paper presentation]. LAGASHOP: First International Workshop on the Finite Element COde LAGAMINE, Liège, Belgium.

de La Vaissière, R., Gerard, P., Radu, J.-P., Charlier, R., Collin, F., Granet, S., Piedevache, M., Helmlinger, B., Lavanchy, J. M., Croisé, J., Senger, R., & Talandier, J. (October 2012). A large-scale gas injection test in the Meuse/Haute-Marne research laboratory: data analysis and numerical approach [Paper presentation]. 5th International Meeting “Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement”, Montpellier, France.

Pardoen, B., Talandier, J., Charlier, R., Collin, F., Radu, J.-P., & Gerard, P. (October 2012). Numerical modelling of an in situ ventilation test in Callovo-Oxfordian claystone [Poster presentation]. 5th International Meeting “Clays in Natural & Engineered Barriers for Radioactive Waste Confinement”, Montpellier, France.

Delvoie, S., Radu, J.-P., Ruthy, I., & Charlier, R. (April 2012). Engineering geological mapping in Wallonia (Belgium) : present state and recent computerized approach [Poster presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria.

Pardoen, B., Charlier, R., Collin, F., Radu, J.-P., & Talandier, J. (03 October 2011). Hydro and hydro-mechanical modelling of ventilation test in clayey rocks [Poster presentation]. 22nd ALERT Workshop, Aussois, France.

Mengoni, M., Limme, M., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (May 2006). Contribution to a jaw behavior and deformation study [Paper presentation]. 7th National Congress on Theoretical end Applied Mechanics, Belgium.

Guiducci, C., Collin, F., Radu, J.-P., Pellegrino, A., & Charlier, R. (2003). Numerical mdeling of hydro-mechanical fracture behaviour [Paper presentation]. ISRM 2003–Technology roadmap for rock mechanics, South Africa.

Hiligsmann, S., Rodriguez, C., Lardinois, M., Radu, J.-P., Charlier, R., Destain, J., Drion, R., & Thonart, P. (2001). A pluridisciplinary model to predict municipal landfill life [Paper presentation]. The modelling of landfill processes Symposium, Delft, Netherlands.

Li, X. L., Charlier, R., Bolle, A., Radu, J.-P., & Collin, F. (2000). Experimental and numerical studies on the mechanical behaviour of two quasi saturated fine soils [Paper presentation]. 4ième Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference, Metz, France.

Collin, F., Li, X. L., Radu, J.-P., & Charlier, R. (1998). Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling in clay barriers [Paper presentation]. 4eme Workshop International « Key Issues in Waste Isolation Research, Barcelone, Spain.

Book chapters and contributions to collective works

Charlier, R., Radu, J.-P., Gerard, P., & Collin, F. (2013). Hydromechanical coupling theory in unsaturated geomaterials and its numerical integration. In L. Laloui (Ed.), Mechanics of Unsaturated Geomaterials (pp. 157-184). Hoboken, United States: Wiley.
Peer reviewed

Gerard, P., Radu, J.-P., Talandier, J., De La Vaissière, R., Charlier, R., & Collin, F. (2012). Gas Migration through Clay Barriers in the Context of Radioactive Waste Disposal: Numerical Modeling of an InSitu Gas Injection Test. In G. Pijaudier-Cabot & Pereira (Eds.), Geomechanics in CO2 Storage Facilities (pp. 21-43). London, United Kingdom: ISTE.
Peer reviewed

Charlier, R., & Radu, J.-P. (2005). Rétention et transfert des pollutions chimiques solubles : mécanismes fondamentaux et modélisation numérique. In P. Delage & B. Schrefler (Eds.), Géomécanique Environnementale – sols pollués et déchets (pp. 51-80). Hermès.

Expert reports

Dassargues, A., Radu, J.-P., Hallet, V., Bolly, P.-Y., Charlier, R., & Monjoie, A. (1987). Modélisation de la nappe aquifère de Hesbaye. (HESB871).

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