Etude comparative des composés phénoliques, du pouvoir antioxydant de différentes variétés de sorgho sénégalais et des enzymes amylolytiques de leur malt
[en] The study involved seven cultivars of white sorghum selected to ISRA Bambey and consumed in many regions of Senegal. Several characters and biochemical compounds of the grains (presence of pigmented testa, total phenols, condensed tannins and antioxidant activity) were determined in all cultivars. A three days malting was also carried out and amylolytic enzymes such as α-amylase, β-amylase and limit-dextrinase which are essential for a malt of good quality were proportioned. These enzymes are measured specifically with kits of Megazyme: Amylazyme (α-amylase), Betamyl (β-amylase) and Limit-Dextrizyme (limit-dextrinase). Two cultivars, CE 180-33 and CE 145-66 proved to be tannin sorghums, have the highest levels in total phenols and the most important antioxidant activities (ABTS and DPPH). The results of enzymatic analysis and the index of Kolbach indicated the F-2-20 like cultivar presenting the best potentialities for malt production
Cissé, Ndiaga; Centre National de Recherches Agricoles de Bambey Sénégal
Thonart, Philippe ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences de la vie > Biochimie et microbiologie industrielles - Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
Language :
Title :
Etude comparative des composés phénoliques, du pouvoir antioxydant de différentes variétés de sorgho sénégalais et des enzymes amylolytiques de leur malt
Alternative titles :
[en] Comparative study of phenolic compounds, antioxidant power of various Senegalese sorghum cultivars and amylolytic enzymes of their malt
Publication date :
Journal title :
Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement
Publisher :
Presses Agronomiques de Gembloux, Gembloux, Belgium
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