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Abstract :
[en] This two-part paper deals with the early detection of an impending voltage instability from the system states provided by synchronized phasor measurements. Recognizing that voltage instability detection requires assessing a multidimensional system, the method fits a set of algebraic equations to the sampled states, and performs an efficient sensitivity in order to identify when a combination of load powers has passed through a maximum. This second part of the paper presents simulation results obtained from detailed time-domain simulation of the Nordic32 test system, without and with measurement noise, respectively. Several practical improvements are described such as anticipation of overexcitation limiter activation, and use of a moving average filter. Robustness to load behaviour, non updated topology and unobservability is also shown. Finally a comparison with Thevenin impedance matching criterion is provided.
Publisher :
IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, United States
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