
Van Cutsem Thierry

Dép. d'électric., électron. et informat. (Inst.Montefiore) > Systèmes et modélisation

Montefiore Institute

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Glavic, Mevludin  (36)
Vournas, Costas (22)
Ribbens-Pavella, Mania (20)
Pavella, Mania  (19)
Rousseaux, Patricia  (17)
Main Referenced Keywords
voltage stability (30); emergency control (16); load shedding (13); time-domain simulation (11); long-term dynamics (9);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Applied and Computational Electromagnetics (ACE) (1)
German Research Foundation DFG as part of research unit FOR1511: Protection and Control Systems for Reliable and Secure Operation of Electrical Transmission Systems (1)
Systèmes et modélisation (1)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Electrical & electronics engineering (252)
Energy (2)
Computer science (1)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (1)
Mathematics (1)

Publications (total 256)

The most downloaded
Kundur, P., Paserba, J., Ajjarapu, V., Andersson, G., Bose, A., Canizares, C., Hatziargyriou, N., Hill, D., Stankovic, A., Taylor, C., Van Cutsem, T., & Vittal, V. (May 2004). Definition and Classification of Power System Stability. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 19 (2), 1387-1401. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2004.825981

The most cited

3387 citations (OpenAlex)

Kundur, P., Paserba, J., Ajjarapu, V., Andersson, G., Bose, A., Canizares, C., Hatziargyriou, N., Hill, D., Stankovic, A., Taylor, C., Van Cutsem, T., & Vittal, V. (May 2004). Definition and Classification of Power System Stability. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 19 (2), 1387-1401. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2004.825981

Obradovic, D., Dijokas, M., Misyris, G., Weckesser, T., & Van Cutsem, T. (November 2022). Frequency dynamics of the Northern European AC/DC power system: a look-ahead study. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 37 (6), 4661-4672. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2022.3154720
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Mandoulidis, P., Chaspierre, G., Vournas, C., & Van Cutsem, T. (September 2022). Overview, comparison, and extension of emergency controls against voltage instability using Inverter-Based Generators. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 31, 100710. doi:10.1016/j.segan.2022.100710
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Van Cutsem, T., Chaspierre, G., Denis, G., & Panciatici, P. (July 2022). Impact of Active Distribution Networks on voltage stability: A case study using dynamic equivalents [Paper presentation]. 2022 IEEE PES General Meeting, Denver, United States - Colorado.

Chaspierre, G., Panciatici, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2022). Control of a battery energy storage system to compensate for ADN equivalents inaccuracies. Electric Power Systems Research. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2022.108455
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Stankovic, S., Van Cutsem, T., & Söder, L. (March 2022). Fault-Current Injection Strategies of Inverter-Based Generation for Fast Voltage Recovery. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 37 (2), 1-11. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3108064
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Belhaouane, M. M., Almaksour, K., Papangelis, L., Gomozov, O., Colas, F., Prévost, T., Guillaud, X., & Van Cutsem, T. (2022). Implementation and Validation of a Model Predictive Controller on a Lab-scale Three-Terminal MTDC Grid. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 37 (3), 2209-2219. doi:10.1109/TPWRD.2021.3107485
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Liu, Y., Singh, A. K., Zhao, J., Meliopoulos, A. P. S., Pal, B., Ariff, M. A. B. M., Van Cutsem, T., Glavic, M., Huang, Z., Kamwa, I., Mili, L., Mir, A. S., Taha, A., Terzija, V., & Yu, S. (November 2021). Dynamic State Estimation for Power System Control and Protection IEEE Task Force on Power System Dynamic State and Parameter Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 36 (6), 5909 - 5921. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2021.3079395
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Pabon Ospina, L. D., & Van Cutsem, T. (September 2021). Emergency support of transmission voltages by active distribution networks: a non-intrusive scheme. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 36 (5), 3887-3896. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3027949
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Chaspierre, G., Denis, G., Panciatici, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (August 2021). A Dynamic Equivalent of Active Distribution Network: Derivation, Update, Validation and Use Cases. IEEE Open Access Journal in Power and Energy (OAJPE), 8, 497-509. doi:10.1109/OAJPE.2021.3102499
Peer reviewed

Hatziargyriou, N., Milanović, J., Rahmann, C., Ajjarapu, V., Cañizares, C., Erlich, I., Hill, D., Hiskens, I., Kamwa, I., Pal, B., Pourbeik, P., Sanchez- Gasca, J., Stanković, A., Van Cutsem, T., Vittal, V., & Vournas, C. (July 2021). Definition and Classification of Power System Stability – Revisited & Extended. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 36 (4), 3271-3281. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2020.3041774
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Nakiganda, A., Van Cutsem, T., & Aristidou, P. (2021). Microgrid Operational Optimization with Dynamic Voltage Security Constraints. In Proceedings of the 14th IEEE PowerTech conference. doi:10.1109/PowerTech46648.2021.9494823
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Dozein, M. G., Chaspierre, G., Mancarella, P., Panciatici, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2021). Frequency Response from Solar PV: A Dynamic Equivalence Closed Loop System Identification Approach. IEEE Systems Journal. doi:10.1109/JSYST.2021.3051938
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Chaspierre, G., Ghazavi Dozein, M., Denis, G., Panciatici, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2021). Dynamic equivalent of a real distribution grid hosting photovoltaic and synchronous generators. CIGRE Science and Engineering.
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Weckesser, T., Misyris, G., Obradovic, D., Tossato, A., Eriksson, R., Ghandhari, M., Bastin, B., Van Cutsem, T., & Chatzivasileiadis, S. (14 September 2020). The multiDC project: Research Towards a Holistic Integration of HVDC Links into Large-Scale AC Power Systems [Paper presentation]. NEIS 2020 - Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems, Hamburg, Germany.

Van Cutsem, T., Glavic, M., Rosehart, W., Cañizares, C., Kanatas, M., Lima, L., Milano, F., Papangelis, L., Ramos Andrade, dos Santos, J., Tamimi, B., Taranto, G., & Vournas, C. (September 2020). Test Systems for Voltage Stability Studies. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 35 (5), 4078-4087. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2020.2976834
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Pabon Ospina, L. D., & Van Cutsem, T. (2020). Power Factor Improvement by Active Distribution Networks During Voltage Emergency Situations. Electric Power Systems Research. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2020.106771
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Obradovic, D., Dijokas, M., Van Cutsem, T., Eriksson, R., Ghandhari, M., & Tosatto, A. (2020). Assessment of HVDC Frequency Control Methods in the Nordic Test System. In Proc. CIGRE conference.
Peer reviewed

Misyris, G., Van Cutsem, T., Moller, J., Dijokas, M., Renom Estragués, O., Bastin, B., Chatzivasileiadis, S., Nielsen, A., Weckesser, T., Ostergaard, J., & Kryezi, F. (2020). North Sea Wind Power Hub: System Configurations, Grid Implementation and Techno-economic Assessment. In Proc. CIGRE conference.
Peer reviewed

Hatziargyriou, N., Milanović, J., Rahmann, C., Ajjarapu, V., Cañizares, C., Erlich, I., Hill, D., Hiskens, I., Kamwa, I., Pal, B., Pourbeik, P., Sanchez- Gasca, J., Stanković, A., Van Cutsem, T., Vittal, V., & Vournas, C. (2020). Stability definitions and characterization of dynamic behavior in systems with high penetration of power electronic interfaced technologies. IEEE.

Chaspierre, G., Denis, G., Panciatici, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2020). An active Distribution Network Equivalent derived from large-disturbance Simulations with Uncertainty. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. doi:10.1109/TSG.2020.2999114
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Paolone, M., Gaunt, T., Guillaud, X., Liserre, M., Meliopoulos, S., Monti, A., Van Cutsem, T., Vittal, V., & Vournas, C. (2020). Fundamentals of Power Systems Modelling in the Presence of Converter-Interfaced Generation. Electric Power Systems Research. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2020.106811
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Chaspierre, G., & Van Cutsem, T. (August 2019). Model Reduction of Active Distribution Networks under Uncertainty [Paper presentation]. IEEE PES General Meeting 2019, Atlanta, United States.

Chaspierre, G., & Van Cutsem, T. (August 2019). Dynamic model of an active distribution network derived from multiple large-disturbance simulations [Paper presentation]. IEEE PES General Meeting 2019, Atlanta, United States.

Lammert, G., Premm, D., Pabon Ospina, L. D., Boemer, J., Braun, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (March 2019). Control of Photovoltaic Systems for Enhanced Short-Term Voltage Stability and Recovery. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 34, 243-254. doi:10.1109/TEC.2018.2875303
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Chaspierre, G., Denis, G., Panciatici, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2019). Identification of a Dynamic Equivalent of an Active Distribution Network from Monte-Carlo Simulations. In Proc. 8th Solar Integration Workshop.
Peer reviewed

Papangelis, L., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2019). A framework for dynamic security assessment of combined multi-terminal HVDC and AC grids. In Proc. IEEE PES PowerTech conference. doi:10.1109/PTC.2019.8810939
Peer reviewed

Chaspierre, G., Denis, G., Panciatici, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2019). Dynamic equivalent of an active distribution network taking into account model uncertainties. In Proc. IEEE PES PowerTech conference. doi:10.1109/PTC.2019.8810976
Peer reviewed

Belhaouane, M.-M., Almaksour, K., Papangelis, L., Colas, F., Prevost, T., Guillaud, X., & Van Cutsem, T. (2019). Experimental Validation of a Model Predictive Control Strategy on a Three-terminal VSC-HVDC Mock-up. In Proceedings of the 15th IET International Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission (ACDC 2019). doi:10.1049/cp.2019.0093
Peer reviewed

Soleimani Bidgoli, H., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (October 2018). Real-time corrective control of active distribution networks: validation in future scenarios of a real system. CIGRE Science and Engineering, 12, 81-99.
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Papangelis, L., Debry, M.-S., Prevost, T., Panciatici, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2018). Stability of a Voltage Source Converter subject to Decrease of Short-Circuit Capacity: a Case Study. In Proceedings of the 20th PSCC.
Peer reviewed

Papangelis, L., Debry, M.-S., Prevost, T., Panciatici, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (June 2018). Decentralized Model Predictive Control of Voltage Source Converters for AC Frequency Containment. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 98, 342-349. doi:10.1016/j.ijepes.2017.12.015
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Chaspierre, G., & Van Cutsem, T. (2018). Identification of a Reduced-Order Model of an Active Distribution Grid Using Recursive Training. In G. Chaspierre & T. Van Cutsem, Proc. of the IEEE Benelux Young Researchers Symposium.
Peer reviewed

Robitzky, L., Weckesser, T., Häger, U., Rehtanz, C., & Van Cutsem, T. (27 March 2018). Agent-based Identification and Control of Voltage Emergency Situations. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 12 (6), 1446–1454. doi:10.1049/iet-gtd.2017.1167
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Soleimani Bidgoli, H., Valverde, G., Aristidou, P., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2018). Operation of distribution systems within secure limits using real-time Model Predictive Control. In J. Rueda Torres (Ed.), Dynamic Vulnerability Assessment and Intelligent Control for Sustainable Power Systems (pp. 14). Hoboken, United States: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Peer reviewed

Valverde, G., Aristidou, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2018). Enhancement of Transmission System Voltage Stability through Local Control of Distribution Networks. In J. Rueda Torres, Dynamic Vulnerability Assessment and Intelligent Control for Sustainable Power Systems (pp. 15). Hoboken, United States: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Peer reviewed

Yamashita, K., Renner, H., Martınez Villanueva, S., Lammert, G., Aristidou, P., Carvalho Martins, J., Zhu, L., Pabon Ospina, L. D., & Van Cutsem, T. (March 2018). Industrial Recommendation of Modeling of Inverter Based Generators for Power System Dynamic Studies with Focus on Photovoltaic. IEEE Power and Energy Technology Systems Journal, 5 (1), 1-10. doi:10.1109/JPETS.2018.2806744
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Soleimani Bidgoli, H., & Van Cutsem, T. (March 2018). Combined Local and Centralized Voltage Control in Active Distribution Networks. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33 (2), 1374-1384. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2017.2716407
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Chaspierre, G., Panciatici, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2018). Aggregated Dynamic Equivalent of a Distribution System hosting Inverter-based Generators. In Proceedings of the 20th Power Systems Computation Conference. doi:10.23919/PSCC.2018.8442968
Peer reviewed

Weckesser, J., & Van Cutsem, T. (2018). Searching for Plausible N-k Contingencies Endangering Voltage Stability. In IEEE International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies IEEE ISGT Europe 2017, Turin 26-29 September 2017. doi:10.1109/ISGTEurope.2017.8260195
Peer reviewed

Weckesser, T., & Van Cutsem, T. (2018). Identifying Plausible Harmful N-k Contingencies: A Practical Approach based on Dynamic Simulations. In Proceedings of the 20th Power Systems Computation Conference. doi:10.23919/PSCC.2018.8442654
Peer reviewed

Chaspierre, G., Panciatici, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2018). Modelling Active Distribution Networks under Uncertainty: Extracting Parameter Sets from Randomized Dynamic Responses. In Proceedings of the 20th Power Systems Computation Conference. doi:10.23919/PSCC.2018.8442573
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Alcaide-Moreno, B., Fuerte-Esquivel, C., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (January 2018). Electric Power Network State Tracking from Multirate Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 67, 33-44. doi:10.1109/TIM.2017.2754838
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Papangelis, L., Debry, M.-S., Panciatici, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (November 2017). Coordinated Supervisory Control of Multi-Terminal HVDC Grids: a Model Predictive Control Approach. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 32 (6), 4673-4683. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2017.2659781
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Van Cutsem, T., & Papangelis, L. (July 2017). Instability of Voltage Source Converters in weak AC grid conditions : a case study [Paper presentation]. IEEE PES General Meeting, Chicago, United States.

Papangelis, L., Panciatici, P., Debry, M.-S., & Van Cutsem, T. (2017). A Receding Horizon Approach to Incorporate Frequency Support into the AC/DC Converters of a Multi-Terminal DC Grid. Electric Power Systems Research. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2017.03.007
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Soleimani Bidgoli, H., & Van Cutsem, T. (2017). Voltage Profile Correction in Distribution Grids Combining Single- and Two-level Controllers. In IEEE PES 2017 PowerTech conference proceedings. doi:10.1109/PTC.2017.7981131
Peer reviewed

Papangelis, L., Debry, M.-S., Panciatici, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2017). Local Control of AC/DC Converters for Frequency Support Between Asynchronous AC Areas. In IEEE PES 2017 PowerTech conference proceedings. doi:10.1109/PTC.2017.7980876
Peer reviewed

Weckesser, J., Franz, V., Grebe, E., & Van Cutsem, T. (2017). A Model Reduction Approach for Simulation of Long-term Voltage and Frequency Dynamics. In 12th IEEE PES PowerTech Conference 2017. doi:10.1109/PTC.2017.7980843
Peer reviewed

Vangulick, D., Ernst, D., & Van Cutsem, T. (2017). Resilience of the DSO network near to 50.2Hz. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Electricity Distribution. doi:10.1049/oap-cired.2017.0294
Peer reviewed

Weckesser, J., Papangelis, L., Vournas, C., & Van Cutsem, T. (2017). Local Identification of Voltage Instability from Load Tap Changer Response. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks. doi:10.1016/j.segan.2017.01.001
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Soleimani Bidgoli, H., & Van Cutsem, T. (2017). Combining Local and Centralized Voltage Control Schemes in Active Distribution Networks.

Soleimani Bidgoli, H., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2017). Real-time Corrective Control of Active Distribution Networks.

Hatziargyriou, N., Van Cutsem, T., Milanović, J., Pourbeik, P., Vournas, C., Vlachokyriakou, O., Kotsampopoulos, P., Hong, Ramos, R., Boemer, J., Aristidou, P., Singhvi, V., dos Santos, J., & Colombari, L. (2017). Contribution to Bulk System Control and Stability by Distributed Energy Resources connected at Distribution Network. (PES-TR22). IEEE.

Aristidou, P., Valverde, G., & Van Cutsem, T. (2017). Contribution of distribution network control to voltage stability: A case study. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. doi:10.1109/TSG.2015.2474815
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Weckesser, J., & Van Cutsem, T. (2017). Equivalent to Represent Inertial and Primary Frequency Control Effects of an External System. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution. doi:10.1049/iet-gtd.2016.1641
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Chaspierre, G., Panciatici, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2017). Dynamic Equivalent of a Distribution Grid Hosting Dispersed Photovoltaic Units. In IREP’2017 Symposium: X Bulk Power Systems Dynamics and Control Symposium.
Peer reviewed

Plumier, F., Aristidou, P., Geuzaine, C., & Van Cutsem, T. (October 2016). Co-simulation of Electromagnetic Transients and Phasor Models: a Relaxation Approach. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 31 (5). doi:10.1109/TPWRD.2016.2537927
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Soleimani Bidgoli, H., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2016). Receding-Horizon Control of Distributed Generation to Correct Voltage or Thermal Violations and Track Desired Schedules. In Proceedings of the 19th PSCC (pp. 8). doi:10.1109/PSCC.2016.7540818
Peer reviewed

Freytes, J., Papangelis, L., Saad, H., Rault, P., Van Cutsem, T., & Guillaud, X. (2016). On the modeling of MMC for use in large scale dynamic simulations. In Proceedings of the 19th PSCC (pp. 7). doi:10.1109/PSCC.2016.7540938
Peer reviewed

Perez, A., Johannsson, H., Ostergaard, J., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2016). Improved Thévenin equivalent methods for real-time voltage stability assessment. In proc. IEEE ENERGYCON Conference. IEEE. doi:10.1109/ENERGYCON.2016.7513971
Peer reviewed

Olivier, F., Aristidou, P., Ernst, D., & Van Cutsem, T. (March 2016). Active Management of Low-Voltage Networks for Mitigating Overvoltages due to Photovoltaic Units. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2 (7), 926-936. doi:10.1109/TSG.2015.2410171
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Aristidou, P., Lebeau, S., Loud, L., & Van Cutsem, T. (February 2016). Prospects of a new dynamic simulation software for real-time applications on the Hydro-Québec system. CIGRE Science and Engineering, 4, 88-95.
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Aristidou, P., Lebeau, S., & Van Cutsem, T. (2016). Power System Dynamic Simulations using a Parallel Two-level Schur-complement Decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 31, 3984 - 3995. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2015.2509023
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Soleimani Bidgoli, H., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (23 November 2015). Model Predictive Control for Reference Tracking in Distribution Networks Hosting Dispersed Generation [Paper presentation]. IAP DYSCO Study Day: Dynamical systems, control and optimization, Leuven, Belgium.

Aristidou, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (November 2015). A Parallel Processing Approach to Dynamic Simulations of Combined Transmission and Distribution Systems. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 72, 58-65. doi:10.1016/j.ijepes.2015.02.011
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Weckesser, T., Johannsson, H., Ostergaard, J., & Van Cutsem, T. (November 2015). Derivation and Application of Sensitivities to Assess Transient Voltage Sags caused by Rotor Swings. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 72, 75-82. doi:10.1016/j.ijepes.2015.02.013
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Aristidou, P., Lebeau, S., Loud, L., & Van Cutsem, T. (2015). Prospects of a new dynamic simulation software for real-time applications on the Hydro-Québec system. In 2015 CIGRÉ Canada Conference proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Van Cutsem, T., Glavic, M., Rosehart, W., Andrade dos Santos, J., Cañizares, C., Kanatas, M., Lima, L., Milano, F., Papangelis, L., Andrade Ramos, R., Tamimi, B., Taranto, G., & Vournas, C. (2015). Test systems for voltage stability analysis and security assessment. (PES-TR19). IEEE.

Alcaide-Moreno, B., Fuerte-Esquivel, C., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2015). Hybrid processing of SCADA and synchronized phasor measurements for tracking network state. In Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting. doi:10.1109/PESGM.2015.7286333
Peer reviewed

Papangelis, L., Panciatici, P., Debry, M.-S., & Van Cutsem, T. (2015). A dynamic simulation approach to identify additional reactive reserves against long-term voltage instability. In Proc. of IEEE PES 2015 PowerTech conference. doi:10.1109/PTC.2015.7232602
Peer reviewed

Rousseaux, P., Toubeau, J.-F., De Grève, Z., Vallée, F., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2015). A new formulation of state estimation in distribution systems including demand and generation states. In proceeedings of the 2015 Power Tech conference. doi:10.1109/PTC.2015.7232471
Peer reviewed

Aristidou, P., Papangelis, L., Guillaud, X., & Van Cutsem, T. (2015). Modular modelling of combined AC and DC systems in dynamic simulations. In Proc. of IEEE PES 2015 PowerTech conference. doi:10.1109/PTC.2015.7232324
Peer reviewed

Papangelis, L., Guillaud, X., & Van Cutsem, T. (2015). Frequency support among asynchronous AC systems through VSCs emulating power plants. In Proc. 11th IET Conference on AC and DC Power Transmission (pp. 9). doi:10.1049/cp.2015.0033
Peer reviewed

Aristidou, P., Fabozzi, D., & Van Cutsem, T. (October 2014). Dynamic Simulation of Large-scale Power Systems Using a Parallel Schur-complement-based Decomposition Method. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 25 (10), 2561-2570. doi:10.1109/TPDS.2013.252
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Otomega, B., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (September 2014). A two-level emergency control scheme against power system voltage instability. Control Engineering Practice, 30, 93-104. doi:10.1016/j.conengprac.2013.10.007
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Weckesser, T., Jóhansson, H., Ostergaard, J., & Van Cutsem, T. (2014). Sensitivity based Assessment of Transient Voltage Sags caused by Rotor Swings. In Proc. 18th Power System Computation Conference. doi:10.1109/PSCC.2014.7038366
Peer reviewed

Aristidou, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2014). Dynamic Simulations of Combined Transmission and Distribution Systems using Parallel Processing Techniques. In Proceedings of the 18th PSCC. doi:10.1109/PSCC.2014.7038478
Peer reviewed

Plumier, F., Aristidou, P., Geuzaine, C., & Van Cutsem, T. (2014). A relaxation scheme to combine Phasor-Mode and Electromagnetic Transients Simulations. In Proceedings of the 18th Power System Computation Conference. doi:10.1109/PSCC.2014.7038484
Peer reviewed

Aristidou, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2014). Algorithmic and Computational Advances for Fast Power System Dynamic Simulations. In Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting. doi:10.1109/PESGM.2014.6938851
Peer reviewed

Plumier, F., Geuzaine, C., & Van Cutsem, T. (2014). On the convergence of relaxation schemes to couple phasor-mode and electromagnetic transients simulations. In Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting.
Peer reviewed

Weckesser, T., Johannsson, H., & Van Cutsem, T. (2014). Early Prediction of Transient Voltage Sags caused by Rotor Swings. In Proc. IEEE PES general meeting.
Peer reviewed

Van Cutsem, T. (July 2014). THE NORDIC TEST SYSTEM FOR VOLTAGE STABILITY ASSESSMENT [Paper presentation]. IEEE PES general meeting, Washington DC, United States.

Soleimani Bidgoli, H., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2014). MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL OF CONGESTION AND VOLTAGE PROBLEMS IN ACTIVE DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS. In Proc. of CIRED Workshop 2014 (pp. 0108).
Peer reviewed

Aristidou, P., Olivier, F., Hervas, M. E., Ernst, D., & Van Cutsem, T. (2014). Distributed Model-free Control of Photovoltaic Units for Mitigating Overvoltages in Low-Voltage Networks. In Proc. of CIRED 2014 workshop (pp. 0087).
Peer reviewed

Aristidou, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2014). Parallel Computing and Localization Techniques for Faster Power System Dynamic Simulations. In Proceedings of Cigre 2014 Belgium Conference.
Peer reviewed

Aristidou, P., Fabozzi, D., & Van Cutsem, T. (2014). A Schur Complement Method for DAE Systems in Power System Dynamic Simulations. In J. Erhel, M. Gander, L. Halpern, G. Pichot, T. Sassi, ... O. Widlund (Eds.), Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXI (pp. 719-727). Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-05789-7_69
Peer reviewed

Fabozzi, D., Chieh, A., Haut, B., & Van Cutsem, T. (December 2013). Accelerated and Localized Newton Schemes for Faster Dynamic Simulation of Large Power Systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 28 (4), 4936-4947. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2013.2251915
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Valverde Mora, G., & Van Cutsem, T. (December 2013). Model Predictive Control of Voltages in Active Distribution Networks. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 4 (4), 2152-2161. doi:10.1109/TSG.2013.2246199
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Van Cutsem, T., & Papangelis, L. (2013). Description, Modeling and Simulation Results of a Test System for Voltage Stability Analysis. ULg - Université de Liège.

Plumier, F., Geuzaine, C., & Van Cutsem, T. (September 2013). Boundary impedance adaptation for the acceleration of hybrid simulations of power systems [Paper presentation]. 22nd International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (DD22), Lugano, Switzerland.

Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2013). Tracking network state from combined SCADA and synchronized phasor measurements. In Proceedings of the 2013 IREP Symposium-Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control -IX (pp. 1-10). doi:10.1109/IREP.2013.6629376
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Plumier, F., Geuzaine, C., & Van Cutsem, T. (2013). A multirate approach to combine electromagnetic transients and fundamental-frequency simulations. In Proc. 10th International Conference on Power System Transients.
Peer reviewed

Valverde, G., & Van Cutsem, T. (2013). Control of Dispersed Generation to Regulate Distribution and Support Transmission Voltages. In Proc. IEEE PES 2013 PowerTech Conference. doi:10.1109/PTC.2013.6652119
Peer reviewed

Aristidou, P., Fabozzi, D., & Van Cutsem, T. (2013). Exploiting Localization for Faster Power System Dynamic Simulations. In Proc. IEEE PES 2013 PowerTech Conference. doi:10.1109/PTC.2013.6652120
Peer reviewed

Otomega, B., & Van Cutsem, T. (2013). Distributed load interruption and shedding against voltage delayed recovery or instability. In Proc. IEEE PES 2013 PowerTech Conference. doi:10.1109/PTC.2013.6652479
Peer reviewed

Aristidou, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2013). Dynamic Simulations of Combined Transmission and Distribution Systems using Decomposition and Localization. In Proc. IEEE PES 2013 PowerTech Conference. doi:10.1109/PTC.2013.6652146
Peer reviewed

Van Cutsem, T., & Valverde, G. (2013). COORDINATED VOLTAGE CONTROL OF DISTRIBUTION NETWORKS HOSTING DISPERSED GENERATION. In Proc. 22nd International conference on Electricity Distribution. doi:10.1049/cp.2013.1040
Peer reviewed

Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (May 2013). Reconstructing and Tracking Network State from a Limited Number of Synchrophasor Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 28, 1921-1929. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2012.2231439
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Plumier, F., Geuzaine, C., & Van Cutsem, T. (April 2013). Power system dynamic simulation: an iterative multirate approach [Poster presentation]. 9th International Symposium on Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF 2013), Bruges, Belgium.

Aristidou, P., Plumier, F., Van Cutsem, T., & Geuzaine, C. (05 March 2013). Power System Simulation Challenges [Paper presentation]. 8th IntelliCIS Workshop, Aachen, Germany.

Hajian, M., Rosehart, W., Glavic, M., Zareipour, H., & Van Cutsem, T. (2013). Linearized Power Flow Equations Based Predictive Control of Transmission Voltages. In Proceedings of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-46) (pp. 2298 - 2304). doi:10.1109/HICSS.2013.385
Peer reviewed

Otomega, B., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2012). Wide-Area Adaptive Load Shedding Control to Counteract Voltage Instability. In Proceedings of the Power Plant and Power System Control Conference (PPPSC 2012).
Peer reviewed

Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2012). State Reconstruction from a Limited Number of Synchronized Phasor Measurements: Application to Voltage Instability Detection. In Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting.

Aristidou, P., Fabozzi, D., & Van Cutsem, T. (28 June 2012). A Schur Complement Method for DAE Systems in Power System Simulations [Paper presentation]. The Twenty First International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, Rennes, France.

Plumier, F., Fabozzi, D., Geuzaine, C., & Van Cutsem, T. (2012). Combining Full Transients and Phasor Approximation Models in Power System Time Simulation. In Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods (DD21).
Peer reviewed

Ramirez-Betancour, R., Fuerte-Esquivel, C., & Van Cutsem, T. (2012). A two-time scale simulation for dynamic analysis of power systems. Electric Power Systems Research, 83, 185-195. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2011.11.007
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Van Cutsem, T., & Fabozzi, D. (06 December 2011). Simplified dynamic simulation [Paper presentation]. IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT) Europe 2011, Manchester, United Kingdom.

Fabozzi, D., & Van Cutsem, T. (December 2011). Assessing the Proximity of Time Evolutions through Dynamic Time Warping. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 5 (12), 1268-1276. doi:10.1049/iet-gtd.2011.0415
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Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2011). State Reconstruction from Synchronized Phasor Measurements. In Proceedings of the IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe 2011. doi:10.1109/ISGTEurope.2011.6162697
Peer reviewed

Fabozzi, D., Chieh, A. S., Panciatici, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2011). On simplified handling of state events in time-domain simulation. In Proceedings of the 17th PSCC.
Peer reviewed

Glavic, M., Hajian, M., Rosehart, W., & Van Cutsem, T. (August 2011). Receding-horizon multi-step optimization to correct nonviable or unstable transmission voltages. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 26 (3), 1641-1650. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2011.2105286
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Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2011). A short Survey of Methods for Voltage Instability Detection. In Proceedings of the IEEE PES General Meeting.
Peer reviewed

Otomega, B., & Van Cutsem, T. (2011). A load shedding scheme against both short- and long-term voltage instabilities in the presence of induction motors. In Proceedings of the IEEE Trondheim Power Tech 2011 conference. doi:10.1109/PTC.2011.6019184
Peer reviewed

Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2011). Investigating State Reconstruction from Scarce Synchronized Phasor Measurements. In Proceedings of the IEEE Trondheim Power Tech 2011 conference. doi:10.1109/PTC.2011.6019163
Peer reviewed

Fabozzi, D., & Van Cutsem, T. (February 2011). On angle references in long-term time-domain simulations. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 26 (1), 483-484. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2010.2042652
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Gomez-Exposito, A., de la Villa Jaen, A., Gomez-Quiles, C., Rousseaux, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2011). A Taxonomy of Multi-Area State Estimation Methods. Electric Power Systems Research, 81 (4), 1060-1069. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2010.11.012
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Lebeau, S., Qako, N., & Van Cutsem, T. (2010). Wind integration and AGC frequency dynamics simulations using Quasi Steady-State approximation. In Proc. of 9th international workshop on large-scale integration of wind power in powers systems.

Vournas, C., Lambrou, C., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2010). An integrated autonomous protection system against voltage instability based on Load Tap Changers. In Proceedings of the 2010 IREP Symposium- Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control – VIII. doi:10.1109/IREP.2010.5563286
Peer reviewed

Marinakis, A., Bakirtzis, A., & Van Cutsem, T. (August 2010). Energy and Transmission Allocation in the presence of Overlapping Electricity Markets. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 25 (3), 1402-1414. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2009.2038574
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Fabozzi, D., & Van Cutsem, T. (2010). Localization and latency concepts applied to time simulation of large power systems. In Proceedings of the 2010 IREP Symposium. doi:10.1109/IREP.2010.5563287
Peer reviewed

Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2010). Adaptive Wide-Area Closed-Loop Undervoltage Load Shedding Using Synchronized Measurements. In Proceedings of IEEE PES 2010 General Meeting. doi:10.1109/PES.2010.5589279
Peer reviewed

Marinakis, A., & Van Cutsem, T. (2010). Energy and transmission allocation in overlapping electricity markets : incorporating N-1 security and accounting for losses. In Proceedings of the 7th international conference on the European Electricity Market. doi:10.1109/EEM.2010.5558679
Peer reviewed

Marinakis, A., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (February 2010). Minimal Reduction of Unscheduled Flows for Security Restoration: Application to Phase Shifter Control. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 25 (1), 506-515. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2009.2030423
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Zarate-Minano, R., Van Cutsem, T., Milano, F., & Conejo, A. (2010). Securing Transient Stability using Time-Domain Simulations within an Optimal Power Flow. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 25 (1), 243-253. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2009.2030369
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Capitanescu, F., Otomega, B., Lefebvre, H., Sermanson, V., & Van Cutsem, T. (October 2009). Decentralized tap changer blocking and load shedding against voltage instability: prospective tests on the RTE system. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 31 (9), 570-576. doi:10.1016/j.ijepes.2009.03.025
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Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (August 2009). Wide-area Detection of Voltage Instability from Synchronized Phasor Measurements. Part I: Principle. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 24 (3), 1408 - 1416. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2009.2023271
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Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (August 2009). Wide-area Detection of Voltage Instability from Synchronized Phasor Measurements. Part II: Simulation results. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 24 (3), 1417 - 1425. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2009.2023272
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Otomega, B., & Van Cutsem, T. (2009). Local vs. wide-area undervoltage load shedding in the presence of induction motor loads. In Proceedings of the IEEE PES PowerTech 2009 conference. doi:10.1109/PTC.2009.5282247
Peer reviewed

Fabozzi, D., & Van Cutsem, T. (2009). Simplified time-domain simulation of detailed long-term dynamic models. In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE PES General Meeting. doi:10.1109/PES.2009.5275463
Peer reviewed

Marinakis, A., Rosehart, W., & Van Cutsem, T. (2009). A Framework for the Simultaneous Clearing of Multiple Markets within a Common Transmission System. In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE PES Power Tech conference. doi:10.1109/PTC.2009.5282254
Peer reviewed

Fabozzi, D., Glavic, M., Wehenkel, L., & Van Cutsem, T. (2009). Security Assessment by Multiple Transmission System Operators Exchanging Sensitivity and Tie-Line Power Flow Information. In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE PES Power Tech conference. doi:10.1109/PTC.2009.5282182
Peer reviewed

Marinakis, A., Bakirtzis, A., & Van Cutsem, T. (2009). Bidding and managing congestion across multiple electricity spot markets. In Proc. 6th Intern. Conference on the European Energy Market. doi:10.1109/EEM.2009.5207152
Peer reviewed

Capitanescu, F., Van Cutsem, T., & Wehenkel, L. (01 May 2009). Coupling optimization and dynamic simulation for preventive-corrective control of voltage instability. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 24 (2), 796 - 805. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2008.2012181
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Vournas, C., Christoforidis, G., & Van Cutsem, T. (2009). Online Voltage Security Assessment in the Hellenic Interconnected System. In S. Savulescu (Ed.), Real-Time Stability Assessment in Modern Power System Control Centers (pp. 249-278). New York, United States: John Wiley.

Wehenkel, L., Ernst, D., Rousseaux, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2008). Research and Education Activities in Electric Power Systems at the University of Liège. Revue E: Revue d'Electricité et d'Electronique Industrielle, (4), 54-59.
Peer reviewed

Stubbe, M., Karoui, K., Van Cutsem, T., & Wehenkel, L. (2008). Le projet PEGASE. Revue E: Revue d'Electricité et d'Electronique Industrielle, (4), 37-41.
Peer reviewed

Vournas, C., & Van Cutsem, T. (August 2008). Local Identification of Voltage Emergency Situations. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 23 (3), 1239-1248. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2008.926425
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Vournas, C., Sakellaridis, N., Christoforidis, G., Kabouris, Y., & Van Cutsem, T. (2008). INVESTIGATION OF A LOCAL INDICATOR OF VOLTAGE EMERGENCY IN THE HELLENIC INTERCONNECTED SYSTEM. In Proc. 16th Power System Computation Conference (PSCC).
Peer reviewed

Capitanescu, F., Otomega, B., Lefebvre, H., Sermanson, V., & Van Cutsem, T. (2008). PROSPECTS OF AN IMPROVED SYSTEM PROTECTION SCHEME AGAINST VOLTAGE INSTABILITY IN THE RTE SYSTEM. In Proc. 16th Power System Computation Conference (PSCC).
Peer reviewed

Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2008). Detecting with PMUs the onset of voltage instability caused by a large disturbance. In Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting. doi:10.1109/PES.2008.4596308
Peer reviewed

Van Cutsem, T. (2008). Voltage Instability. In M. Crappe, Electric Power Systems (pp. 187-218). Londres, United Kingdom: ISTE - John Wiley.

Otomega, B., & Van Cutsem, T. (November 2007). Undervoltage load shedding using distributed controllers. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 22 (4), 1898-1907. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2007.907354
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Otomega, B., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (November 2007). Distributed undervoltage load shedding. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 22 (4), 2283-2284. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2007.907589
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Otomega, B., & Van Cutsem, T. (2007). Identifying plausible cascading events in system stability assessment. In Proc. 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environment (CIEM2007).

Capitanescu, F., & Van Cutsem, T. (August 2007). A unified management of congestions due to voltage instability and thermal overload. Electric Power Systems Research, 77 (10), 1274-1283. doi:10.1016/j.epsr.2006.09.015
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Otomega, B., Marinakis, A., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (August 2007). Model predictive control to alleviate thermal overloads. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 22 (3), 1384-1385. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2007.901677
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Marinakis, A., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2007). Control of phase shifting transformers by multiple transmission system operators. In Proc. IEEE PES PowerTech conference (pp. 119-124). doi:10.1109/PCT.2007.4538303
Peer reviewed

Otomega, B., Marinakis, A., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2007). Emergency alleviation of thermal overloads using model predictive control. In Proc. IEEE PES PowerTech conference (pp. 201-206). doi:10.1109/PCT.2007.4538317
Peer reviewed

Van Cutsem, T., & Vournas, C. (2007). Emergency Voltage Stability Controls: an Overview. In Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting. doi:10.1109/PES.2007.386089
Peer reviewed

Otomega, B., Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2007). A purely distributed implementation of undervoltage load shedding. In Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting. doi:10.1109/PES.2007.385956
Peer reviewed

Van Cutsem, T., Renoy, Q., & Lefebvre, D. (2006). Modelling the short-term and long-term aggregate response of multiple loads fed through a sub-transmission network. In Proc. Power System Conference and Exposition, 2006 (PSCE '06) (pp. 569-575). doi:10.1109/PSCE.2006.296380
Peer reviewed

Van Cutsem, T., Grenier, M.-E., & Lefebvre, D. (November 2006). Combined detailed and quasi steady-state time simulations for large-disturbance analysis. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 28 (9), 634-642. doi:10.1016/j.ijepes.2006.03.005
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Glavic, M., & Van Cutsem, T. (2006). Some Reflections on Model Predictive Control of Transmission Voltages. In Proc. 38th North American Power Symposium (pp. 625-632). doi:10.1109/NAPS.2006.359637
Peer reviewed


Rousseaux, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (2006). Quasi steady-state simulation diagnosis using Newton method with optimal multiplier. In IEEE PES General Meeting (Montreal). doi:10.1109/PES.2006.1708870
Peer reviewed

Vournas, C., & Van Cutsem, T. (2006). On-line voltage security assessment. In S. Savulescu (Ed.), Real-time stability in power systems: Techniques for the early detection of the risk of blackout (pp. 5, 28). Springer.

Van Cutsem, T., & Vournas, C. (2006). Emergency monitoring and corrective control of voltage instability. In S. Savulescu (Ed.), Real-Time Stability in Power Systems: Techniques for Early Detection of the Risk of Blackout (pp. 4, 26). Springer.

Van Cutsem, T., Grenier, M.-E., & Lefebvre, D. (2005). Combined detailed and quasi steady-state time simulations for large-disturbance analysis. In Proc. 15th Power System Computation Conference (PSCC).
Peer reviewed

Christoforidis, G., Kabouris, J., Vournas, C., & Van Cutsem, T. (2005). INVESTIGATION OF PARAMETERS AFFECTING VOLTAGE SECURITY OF THE HELLENIC INTERCONNECTED SYSTEM. In Proc. 15th Power System Computation Conference (PSCC).
Peer reviewed

Otomega, B., & Van Cutsem, T. (2005). Fast contingency filtering based on linear voltage drop estimates. In Proc. IEEE PowerTech Conference (pp. 324). doi:10.1109/PTC.2005.4524498
Peer reviewed

Grenier, M.-E., Lefebvre, D., & Van Cutsem, T. (2005). Quasi steady-state models for long-term voltage and frequency dynamics simulation. In Proc. IEEE Power Tech conference (pp. 198). doi:10.1109/PTC.2005.4524400
Peer reviewed

Capitanescu, F., & Van Cutsem, T. (February 2005). Unified sensitivity analysis of unstable or low voltages caused by load increases or contingencies. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 20 (1), 321-329. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2004.841243
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Van Cutsem, T., Kabouris, J., Christoforidis, G., & Vournas, C. (January 2005). Application of real-time voltage security assessment to the Hellenic Interconnected System. IEE Proceedings. Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 152 (1), 123-131. doi:10.1049/ip-gtd:20041206
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Van Cutsem, T., Hassé, G., Moors, C., Guillon, S., & Mailhot, R. (2004). A new training simulator for improved voltage control of the Hydro-Québec system. In Proc. IEEE Power System Conference and Exposition (PSCE). doi:10.1109/PSCE.2004.1397565

Lefebvre, D., Bernard, S., & Van Cutsem, T. (2004). Undervoltage load shedding scheme for the Hydro-Québec system. In Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting. doi:10.1109/PES.2004.1373145

Kundur, P., Paserba, J., Ajjarapu, V., Andersson, G., Bose, A., Canizares, C., Hatziargyriou, N., Hill, D., Stankovic, A., Taylor, C., Van Cutsem, T., & Vittal, V. (May 2004). Definition and Classification of Power System Stability. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 19 (2), 1387-1401. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2004.825981
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Vournas, C., Potamianakis, E. G., Moors, C., & Van Cutsem, T. (February 2004). An educational simulation tool for power system control and stability. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 19 (1), 48-55. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2003.821016
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Lefebvre, D., Moors, C., & Van Cutsem, T. (2003). Design of an undervoltage load shedding scheme for the Hydro-Québec system. In Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting. doi:10.1109/PES.2003.1270926

Otomega, B., Sermanson, V., & Van Cutsem, T. (2003). Reverse-logic control of load tap changers in emergency voltage conditions. In Proc. IEEE Bologna Power Tech conference (pp. 450).
Peer reviewed

Vournas, C., Manos, G., Kabouris, J., Christoforidis, G., Hassé, G., & Van Cutsem, T. (2003). On-Line Voltage Security Assessment of the Hellenic Interconnected System. In Proc. IEEE Bologna Power Tech conference (pp. 465).
Peer reviewed

Bihain, A., Cirio, D., Fiorina, M., Lopez, R., Lucarella, D., Massucco, S., Ruiz Vega, D., Vournas, C., Van Cutsem, T., & Wehenkel, L. (2003). OMASES: A DYNAMIC SECURITY ASSESSMENT TOOL FOR THE NEW MARKET ENVIRONMENT. In Proc. IEEE Bologna Power Tech Conference (pp. 473). doi:10.1109/PTC.2003.1304418
Peer reviewed

Van Cutsem, T. (2003). L'instabilité de tension. In M. Crappe (Ed.), Stabilité et sauvegarde des réseaux électriques (pp. 1, 34). Paris, France: Hermes Sciences Publications.

Capitanescu, F., & Van Cutsem, T. (2002). Computation of simultaneous available transfer capability under thermal and voltage security constraints. In Proc. MEPS 02 conference.
Peer reviewed

Capitanescu, F., & Van Cutsem, T. (2002). Evaluating bound on voltage and thermal security margins under power transfer uncertainty. In Proc. 14th Power System Computation Conference (pp. 41, paper 3).
Peer reviewed

Capitanescu, F., & Van Cutsem, T. (May 2002). Preventive control of voltage security margins: A multicontingency sensitivity-based approach. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 17 (2), 358-364. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.2002.1007904
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Van Cutsem, T., Moors, C., & Lefebvre, D. (2002). Design of Load Shedding Schemes against Voltage Instability using Combinatorial Optimization. In Proc. 2002 IEEE PES Winter Meeting (pp. 2, pp. 848 - 853). doi:10.1109/PESW.2002.985125

Loud, L., Rousseaux, P., Lefebvre, D., & Van Cutsem, T. (2001). A Time-Scale Decomposition-Based Simulation Tool for Voltage Stability Analysis. In Proc. IEEE Porto Power Tech Conference. doi:10.1109/PTC.2001.964730
Peer reviewed

Moors, C., Lefebvre, D., & Van Cutsem, T. (2001). Load Shedding Controllers against Voltage Instability: a comparison of designs. In Proc. IEEE Porto Power Tech Conference (pp. 2). doi:10.1109/PTC.2001.964737

Capitanescu, F., & Van Cutsem, T. (2001). Evaluation of reactive power reserves with respect to contingencies. In Proc. International Workshop on Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control V (pp. 310-318).

Moors, C., Lefebvre, D., & Van Cutsem, T. (2000). Combinatorial optimization approaches to the design of load shedding schemes against voltage instability. In Proc 32nd North American Power Symposium (NAPS) (pp. 10-14 - 10-21).
Peer reviewed

Van Cutsem, T., Capitanescu, F., Moors, C., Lefebvre, D., & Sermanson, V. (2000). An advanced tool for Preventive Voltage Security Assessment. In Proc. 7th Symposium of Specialists in Electric Operational and Expansion Planning (SEPOPE) (pp. 035).
Peer reviewed

Van Cutsem, T. (February 2000). Voltage Instability: Phenomena, Countermeasures, and Analysis Methods. Proceedings of the IEEE, 88 (2), 208-227. doi:10.1109/5.823999
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Moors, C., Lefebvre, D., & Van Cutsem, T. (2000). Design of Load Shedding Schemes against Voltage Instability. In Proc. IEEE PES Winter Meeting (pp. 2, pp. 1495 - 1500).

Vournas, C., Manos, G., Kabouris, J., & Van Cutsem, T. (2000). Analysis of a Voltage Instability Incident in the Greek Power System. In Proc. IEEE PES 2000 Winter Meeting (pp. 2, pp. 1483-1488). doi:10.1109/PESW.2000.850198

Moors, C., & Van Cutsem, T. (1999). Determination of optimal load shedding against voltage instability. In Proc. 13th Power System Computation Conference (PSCC).
Peer reviewed

Van Cutsem, T., Moisse, C., & Mailhot, R. (1999). Determination of secure operating limits with respect to voltage collapse. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 14 (1), 327-335. doi:10.1109/59.744551
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Rousseaux, P., Quoilin, I., Van Cutsem, T., Orban, J.-L., & Beck, C. (1999). A DMS platform for monitoring and analysing large distribution networks. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Electricity Distribution.

Rousseaux, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (1999). Voltage stability analysis of multi-level load tap changer systems. In Proc. 13th Power System Computation Conference (PSCC) (pp. 1001-1008).
Peer reviewed

Sermanson, V., Moisse, C., Van Cutsem, T., & Jacquemart, Y. (1998). Voltage security assessment of systems with multiple instability modes. In Proc. 4th Intern. Workshop on Bulk power systems dynamics and control (Restructuring) (pp. 185-195).
Peer reviewed

Van Cutsem, T., & Vournas, C. (1998). Voltage Stability of Electric Power Systems. Boston, United States: Springer (previously Kluwer Academic Publishers).

Van Cutsem, T., Fernandez, J. L., Henville, C. F., Karlsson, D., Krebs, P., Mandozzi, M. E., Van Ranst, A., & Tesseron, J.-M. (1998). Protection against voltage collapse. Electra, (179), 110-126.
Peer reviewed

Van Cutsem, T., & Mailhot, R. (December 1997). Validation of a fast voltage stability analysis method on the Hydro-Québec system. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 12, 282-292. doi:10.1109/59.574949
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Van Cutsem, T., & Vournas, C. (1996). Voltage stability analysis in transient and mid-term time scales. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 11, 146-154. doi:10.1109/59.486091
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Rousseaux, P., & Van Cutsem, T. (1996). Fast small-disturbance analysis of long-term voltage stability. In Proceedings of the 12th Power System Computation Conference (PSCC) (pp. 295-302).
Peer reviewed

Vournas, C., & Van Cutsem, T. (1995). Voltage oscillations with cascaded load restoration. In Proc. of the IEEE KTH Stockholm Power Tech. conference (Power Systems volume) (pp. 173-178).

Van Cutsem, T., Jacquemart, Y., Marquet, J.-N., & Pruvot, P. (1995). A comprehensive analysis of mid-term voltage stability. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 10, 1173-1182. doi:10.1109/59.466539
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Van Cutsem, T. (1995). An approach to corrective control of voltage instability using simulation and sensitivity. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 10. doi:10.1109/59.387896
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Jacquemart, Y., Wehenkel, L., Van Cutsem, T., & Pruvot, P. (1995). Statistical approaches to dynamic security assessment : the data base generation problem. In Proc. 2nd IFAC Symposium on Control of Power Plants and Power Systems.
Peer reviewed

Wehenkel, L., Van Cutsem, T., Pavella, M., Heilbronn, B., & Pruvot, P. (1994). Machine learning, neural networks and statistical pattern recognition for voltage security: a comparative study. In Proc. 5th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power systems (pp. 521-528 (vol. 2).

Van Cutsem, T., Jacquemart, Y., Marquet, J.-N., & Pruvot, P. (1994). Extensions and applications of a mid-term voltage stability analysis method. In Proc. 3rd Intern. Workshop on Bulk Power system voltage phenomena : voltage stability and security (pp. 251-270).

Wehenkel, L., Van Cutsem, T., Pavella, M., Heilbronn, B., & Pruvot, P. (1994). Machine learning, neural networks and statistical pattern recognition for voltage security: a comparative study. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2, 233-245.
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Van Cutsem, T. (1993). An approach to corrective control of voltage stability using simulation and sensitivity. In Proc. IEEE NTUA Athens Power Tech conference (pp. 460-465 (vol. 1).

Van Cutsem, T. (1993). Analysis of emergency voltage situations. In Proc. 11th Power System Computation Conference (pp. 323-330).
Peer reviewed

Van Cutsem, T., Wehenkel, L., Pavella, M., Heilbronn, B., & Goubin, M. (1993). Decision tree approaches to voltage security assessment. IEE Proceedings. Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 140, 189-198. doi:10.1049/ip-c.1993.0029
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Van Cutsem, T. (1992). Voltage stability : fast simulation and decision tree approaches. In Proc. of the EPRI NERC forum on Voltage Stability (pp. 1.35-1.51).

Euxibie, E., Goubin, M., Heilbronn, B., Wehenkel, L., Xue, Y., Van Cutsem, T., & Pavella, M. (1992). Prospects of application to the French system of fast methods for transient stability and voltage security assessment. In Proc. 1992 CIGRE Conference (pp. 38-208).

Van Cutsem, T. (1991). Voltage collapse mechanism: a case study. In Proc. 2nd Intern. workshop on Bulk power system voltage phenomena : voltage stability and security.

Van Cutsem, T., Wehenkel, L., Pavella, M., Heilbronn, B., & Goubin, M. (1991). Decision trees for detecting emergency voltage conditions. In Proc. 2nd Intern. workshop on Bulk power system voltage phenomena : voltage stability and security.

Van Cutsem, T. (1991). A method to compute reactive power margins with respect to voltage collapse. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 6, 145-156. doi:10.1109/59.131057
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Van Cutsem, T. (1990). Evaluation des marges de puissance réactive vis-à-vis de l'effondrement de tension. In Actes de la Journée d'études SRBE sur les compensateurs statiques de puissance réactive (pp. 13).

Rousseaux, P., Van Cutsem, T., & Dy Liacco, T. (1990). Whither dynamic state estimation ? International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 12 (2), 104-116. doi:10.1016/0142-0615(90)90006-W
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Xue, Y., Van Cutsem, T., & Pavella, M. (1989). Extended equal area criterion. Justifications, generalizations, applications. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 4, 44-52. doi:10.1109/59.32456
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Wehenkel, L., Van Cutsem, T., & Pavella, M. (1989). An Artificial Intelligence Framework for On-Line Transient Stability Assessment of Power Systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 4 (2), 789-800. doi:10.1109/59.193853
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Wehenkel, L., Van Cutsem, T., & Pavella, M. (1989). Inductive inference applied to on-line transient stability assessment of electric power systems. Automatica, 25, 445-451. doi:10.1016/0005-1098(89)90014-9
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Van Cutsem, T., & Quintana, V. (1988). Network parameter estimation using online data with application to transformer tap position estimation. IEE Proceedings. Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 135, 31-40. doi:10.1049/ip-c.1988.0004
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Rousseaux, P., Van Cutsem, T., Mallieu, D., & Ribbens-Pavella, M. (1988). Dynamic state prediction and hierarchical filtering for power system estimation. Automatica, 25 (5), 595-618. doi:10.1016/0005-1098(88)90108-2
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Van Cutsem, T. (1988). Dynamic and static aspects of voltage collapse. In Proc. International Workshop on "Bulk Power System Voltage Phenomena - voltage stability and security" (pp. 6.55-6.79).

Van Cutsem, T. (1988). Network optimization-based reactive power margin calculation. In Proc. IFAC Symp. on Power Systems, Modelling and Control Applications (pp. 7.1.1-7.1.7).
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Xue, Y., Van Cutsem, T., & Pavella, M. (1988). Real-time analytic sensitivity method for transient security assessment and preventive control. IEE Proceedings. Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 134, 107-117. doi:10.1049/ip-c.1988.0013
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Xue, Y., Van Cutsem, T., & Pavella, M. (1988). A simple direct method for fast transient stability assessment of large power systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 3, 400-412. doi:10.1109/59.192890
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Mili, L., & Van Cutsem, T. (1988). Implementation of the hypothesis testing identification method. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 3, 887-893.
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Wehenkel, L., Van Cutsem, T., & Pavella, M. (1988). Decision trees applied to on-line transient stability assessment of power systems. In Proc. Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems (pp. 1887-1890). IEEE.
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Belhomme, R., Van Cutsem, T., & Pavella, M. (1987). A novel pattern recognition approach to transient stability assessment of power systems. In Proc. 10th IFAC World Congress.
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Mili, L., Van Cutsem, T., & Pavella, M. (1987). Decision theory for fault diagnosis in electric power systems. Automatica, 23, 335-353. doi:10.1016/0005-1098(87)90007-0
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Wehenkel, L., Xue, Y., Van Cutsem, T., & Ribbens-Pavella, M. (1987). Machine learning applied to power systems transient security functions. In Proc. IMACS Int. Symp. on AI, Experts Systems and Languages in Modelling and Simulation (pp. 243-248).

Wehenkel, L., Van Cutsem, T., & Pavella, M. (1987). Artificial intelligence applied to on-line transient stability assessment of electric power systems. In Proc. 10th IFAC World Congress (pp. 308-313).
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Van Cutsem, T., Toumi, B., Xue, Y., & Ribbens-Pavella, M. (1986). Direct criteria for structure preserving models of electric power systems. In Proc. IFAC Symposium on Power Systems and Power Plant control (pp. 258-263).
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Mallieu, D., Van Cutsem, T., Rousseaux, P., & Ribbens-Pavella, M. (1986). Dynamic multilevel filtering for real-time estimation of electric power systems. Control, Theory and Advanced Technology, 2 (2), 255-272.
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Toumi, B., Dhifaoui, R., Van Cutsem, T., & Pavella, M. (1986). Fast transient stability assessment revisited. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 1, 211-220. doi:10.1109/TPWRS.1986.4334931
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Van Cutsem, T., Mili, L., & Vandeloise, P. (1986). Design and implementation of an advanced state estimation software. In Proc. IFAC Symposium on Power Systems and Power Plant control (pp. 354-359).
Peer reviewed

Xue, Y., Van Cutsem, T., & Ribbens-Pavella, M. (1986). A new decomposition method and direct criterion for transient stability assessment of large-scale electric power systems. In Proc. IMACS Symp. on Modelling and Simulation for Control of Lumped and Distributed Parameter Systems (pp. 183-186).

Rousseaux, P., Van Cutsem, T., Mallieu, D., & Ribbens-Pavella, M. (1986). Dynamic state prediction and hierarchical filtering for power system estimation. In Proceedings of the 4th IFAC Symposium on Large Scale Systems : Theory and Applications (pp. 721-726).

Mallieu, D., Rousseaux, P., Van Cutsem, T., & Ribbens-Pavella, M. (1986). A new hierarchical approach for dynamic state prediction and filtering in electric power systems. In Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Power Systems and Power Plant Control (pp. 372-377).

Wehenkel, L., Van Cutsem, T., & Pavella, M. (1986). Artificial intelligence applied to on-line transient stability assessment of electric power systems. In Proc. 25th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (CDC) (pp. 649-650). IEEE. doi:10.1109/cdc.1986.267413
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Ribbens-Pavella, M., Van Cutsem, T., Dhifaoui, R., & Toumi, B. (1985). Energy Type Liapunov-like direct criteria for rapid transient stability analysis [Paper presentation]. International Symp. on Power System Stability, Ames, Iowa, United States.

Mili, L., Van Cutsem, T., & Pavella, M. (1985). Bad data identification methods in power system state estimation. A comparative study. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 103, 3239-3252. doi:10.1109/TPAS.1985.318945
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Van Cutsem, T. (1985). Power system observability and related functions : derivation of appropriate strategies and algorithms. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 7, 175-187. doi:10.1016/0142-0615(85)90047-X
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Mili, L., Van Cutsem, T., & Ribbens-Pavella, M. (1985). Decision theory applied to bad data identification in power system state estimation. In Proc. 7th IFAC Symp. on Identification and system Parameter Estimation (pp. 945-950).
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Van Cutsem, T., & Ribbens-Pavella, M. (1985). Structure preserving direct methods for transient stability analysis of power systems. In Proc. 24th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control (pp. 70-76).
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Ribbens-Pavella, M., Van Cutsem, T., & Rousseaux, P. (1985). On-line stability and dynamic security assessment of electric power systems. In Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Planning and Operation of Electric Energy Systems (pp. 23-33).

Rousseaux, P., Van Cutsem, T., & Ribbens-Pavella, M. (1984). Multi-level dynamic state estimation for electric power systems. In Proceedings of the 8th Power System Computation Conference (PSCC) (pp. 605-609). doi:10.1016/b978-0-408-01468-7.50091-6
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Mili, L., Van Cutsem, T., & Pavella, M. (1984). Hypothesis testing identification : A new method for bad data analysis in power system state estimation. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 103, 3239-3252. doi:10.1109/TPAS.1984.318561
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Rousseaux, P., Van Cutsem, T., & Ribbens-Pavella, M. (1984). Investigating a two-level dynamic estimation algorithm for large-scale electric power systems. In Proceedings of the 1st European Workshop on the Real Time Control of Large Scale Systems.

Rousseaux, P., Van Cutsem, T., & Ribbens-Pavella, M. (1984). Dynamic state estimator for large electric power systems. In Proceedings of the 9th IFAC World Congress (pp. 60-65).
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Van Cutsem, T., & Gailly, P.-J. (1983). A simple algorithm for power system observability analysis and related functions. In Proc. CIGRE-IFAC Symposium (pp. 101 05).
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Van Cutsem, T., & Pavella, M. (1983). Critical survey of hierarchical methods for state estimation of electric power systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 102, 3415-3424. doi:10.1109/TPAS.1983.317838
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Van Cutsem, T., & Ribbens-pavella, M. (1983). State estimation in large-scale electric power systems. In Proc. IEEE MELECON conference (pp. 6-01).

Waha, J.-P., Dantinne, J., DePauw, P., Vandeloise, P., Hella, Y., Van Cutsem, T., & Ribbens-Pavella, M. (1982). State estimation in Belgian control centers : past experience and future trends. In Proc. 6th IFAC Symp. on Identification and system Parameters Estimation (pp. 1385-1390).
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Van Cutsem, T., & Ribbens-Pavella, M. (1982). A two-level state estimator in electric power systems with bad data analysis. In Proc. 6th IFAC Symp. on Identification and system Parameters Estimation (pp. 1502-1507).
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Van Cutsem, T., Ribbens-Pavella, M., Vandeloise, P., & Hella, Y. (1982). Single-level and two-level state estimation. Principle and applications. In Proc. CIGRE conference (pp. 32.10).

Van Cutsem, T., & Ribbens-Pavella, M. (1982). State estimation in electric power systems. In Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (pp. 553-556).
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Van Cutsem, T., Horward, J.-L., & Pavella, M. (1981). A two-level static state estimator for electric power systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, 100, 3722-3732. doi:10.1109/TPAS.1981.317015
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Van Cutsem, T., Horward, J.-L., & Ribbens-Pavella, M. (1981). A new two-level algorithm for large power systems estimation. In Proc. 7th Power Systems Computation Conference.
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Pavella, M., Van Cutsem, T., Horward, J.-L., & El-Fattah, Y. M. (1980). Hierarchical state estimation. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2, 70-80. doi:10.1016/0142-0615(80)90012-5
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Van Cutsem, T., Horward, J.-L., & Pavella, M. (1980). Hierarchical state estimator : a new way for large power systems estimation. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 22, 133-140. doi:10.1016/0378-4754(80)90008-7
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Van Cutsem, T., Horward, J.-L., & Ribbens-Pavella, M. (1980). Application of a two-level state estimation for anomalous data analysis in electric power systems. In Proc. IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Power Generation, Distribution and Protection (pp. 423-433).
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