Abstract :
[en] Virulence plasmids of 68 ETEC isolates from piglets belonging to different pathotypes and six ETEC isolates from calves with pathotypes typical of porcine ETEC were identified with seven virulence probes for the heat-stable (STa and STb) and heat-labile (LT) enterotoxins, for the F4, F5, F6, and F41 fimbrial adhesion subunit, and also with five Rep probes for the RepFIA and RepFIB basic replicons, and the RepFIC family of basic replicons. With the exception of the F41 probe, the other virulence probes hybridized with at least one plasmid band of a size range from 65 to more than 100 Mda. Common associations of virulence factor-encoding genes on plasmid bands were: STb/LT, STa/F5, STa/F6, STa/STb. Other associations, STa/F4, STa/F4/F6, and STa/STb/LT/F6, were rarer. On the other hand the F4 adhesin-encoding genes were isolated on one plasmid band in all but three F4+ isolates. All but one of the 92 virulence plasmids which were studied have Rep probe hybridization profiles and replicon types typical of the uni- or multireplicon plasmids belonging to the various incompatibility groups of the F incompatibility complex.
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