[en] Quantitative determination of total and individual glucosinolate contents in Brassica samples
(rapeseed/canola, broccoli, cabbage, mustard…) is generally realised according to the
reference method ISO 9167-1. After extraction, glucosinolates are purified, then desulfated by
Helix pomatia sulfatase. The desulfo-glucosinolates (DSGSL) formed are then separated by
reverse phase chromatography associated with UV detection (229 nm). As each compound
can possess a very different molar extinction coefficient, it is important - on a quantitative
point of view - to define accurately relative response factors. The response factors actually
used in the official method have been determined experimentally through indirect methods
and have been fixed, some years ago, by consensus between the various laboratories who took
part in a ring test. They may need to be revised and calculated for a broader panel of