Critical points in glucosinolates analysis in seed and plant tis Critical points in glucosinolates analysis in seed and plant tissues by HPLC of desulfo-derivatives
[en] In the EU the ISO 9167-1 is the reference method for glucosinolates content determination in rapeseed. This method is widely used also for other seeds or Brassica plant tissues analysis also in order to the large
diffusion of HPLC instrumentation in analytical laboratories. Anyway, in our experience the use of this method has revealed some critical points which can considerably affect the final result, thus when this method is used to analyse materials different from seeds of B. napus some methodological modifications must be done especially in reason of the kind of glucosinolate present in the sample.
Critical points in glucosinolates analysis in seed and plant tis Critical points in glucosinolates analysis in seed and plant tissues by HPLC of desulfo-derivatives