Human - ovine comparative sequencing of a 250 kilobase imprinted domain encompassing the callipyge (clpg) gene and identification of six imprinted transcripts: DLK1, DAT, GTL2, PEG11, antiPEG11 and MEG8
[en] Two ovine BAC clones and a connecting long-range PCR product, jointly spanning ∼250 kb and representing most of theMULGE5-OY3 marker interval known to contain the clpglocus, were completely sequenced. The resulting genomic sequence was aligned with its human ortholog and extensively annotated. Six transcripts, four of which were novel, were predicted to originate from within the analyzed region and their existence confirmed experimentally: DLK1, DAT, GTL2, PEG11, antiPEG11, and MEG8. RT-PCR experiments performed on a range of tissues sampled from an 8-wk-old animal demonstrated the preferential expression of all six transcripts in skeletal muscle, which suggests that they are under control of common regulatory elements. The six transcripts were also shown to be subject to parental imprinting: DLK1, DAT, andPEG11 were shown to be paternally expressed and GTL2,antiPEG11, and MEG8 to be maternally expressed.
Disciplines :
Veterinary medicine & animal health
Author, co-author :
Charlier, Carole ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de productions animales > GIGA-R : Génomique animale
SEGERS, Karin ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > Génétique
Wagenaar, D.
Karim, Latifa ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de productions animales > GIGA-R : Génomique animale
Berghmans, S.
Jaillon, O.
Shay, T.
Weissenbach, J.
Cockett, N.
Gyapay, G.
Georges, Michel ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de productions animales > GIGA-R : Génomique animale
Language :
Title :
Human - ovine comparative sequencing of a 250 kilobase imprinted domain encompassing the callipyge (clpg) gene and identification of six imprinted transcripts: DLK1, DAT, GTL2, PEG11, antiPEG11 and MEG8
Publication date :
Journal title :
Genome Research
Publisher :
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, United States - New York
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