Zhang, Jia; Key Laboratory of Agro-products Quality and Safety Control in Storage and Transport Process, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of Food Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, 100193, China
Li, Min-Min; Key Laboratory of Agro-products Quality and Safety Control in Storage and Transport Process, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of Food Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, 100193, China ; Functional and Evolutionary Entomology, Gembloux Agro-Bio-Tech, University of Liège, Passage des Déportés 2, Gembloux, 5030, Belgium
Zhang, Rui; Institute of Food and Processing, Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shenyang, 110161, China
Jin, Nuo; Key Laboratory of Agro-products Quality and Safety Control in Storage and Transport Process, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of Food Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, 100193, China
Quan, Rui; Key Laboratory of Agro-products Quality and Safety Control in Storage and Transport Process, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of Food Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, 100193, China
Chen, De-Yong; Key Laboratory of Agro-products Quality and Safety Control in Storage and Transport Process, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of Food Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, 100193, China
Francis, Frédéric ; Université de Liège - ULiège > TERRA Research Centre > Gestion durable des bio-agresseurs
Wang, Feng-Zhong; Key Laboratory of Agro-products Quality and Safety Control in Storage and Transport Process, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of Food Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, 100193, China
Kong, Zhi-Qiang; Key Laboratory of Agro-products Quality and Safety Control in Storage and Transport Process, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of Food Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, 100193, China ; State Key Laboratory for Biology of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests, Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, 100193, China
Fan, Bei; Key Laboratory of Agro-products Quality and Safety Control in Storage and Transport Process, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of Food Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, 100193, China
Language :
Title :
Effect of processing on herbicide residues and metabolite formation during traditional Chinese tofu production
Publication date :
02 June 2020
Journal title :
LWT - Food Science and Technology
Publisher :
Academic Press
Volume :
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Funders :
Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China. National Key Research and Development Program NSCF - National Natural Science Foundation of China ULiège - University of Liège
This study was supported by the National Key Research and
Development Program of China (2017YFC1600600); the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (31401580 and 31671942); the
China Scholarship Council; and the research platform, Agriculture Is
Life of the University of Liège-Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (MOE11-
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