Abstract :
[en] Magnetic shielding is a crucial aspect for many
electronic devices and sensors. In this paper, we investigate the
magnetic shielding properties of ferromagnetic washers in a
planar geometry in view of an integration with on-chip devices,
focussing on the transverse configuration, i.e. with the applied
ield parallel to the plane of the washer. We show that, in this
configuration, the shielding factor of a washer can exceed the
predictions of previous studies. We argue that the magnetic
shielding results from the capture of the external magnetic flux
by the upper and lower faces of the washer, and its subsequent
channeling through the washer material and around the central
hole. We present experimental results and numerical simulations,
and discuss the influence of the geometry of the washer, the
permeability and the saturation of the ferromagnetic material.
We propose an explanation for the observed behaviour and
provide empirical formulae to estimate different quantities char
acterizing the shielding properties of washers in the transverse
Funding text :
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support
from the Fonds de la recherche Scientifique- FNRS, Belgium
under the grants of project PDR T.0204.21 and EraNet-CHIST
ERAR.8003.21. The work of E. Fourneau has been financially
supported by the FWO and F.R.S.-FNRS under the Excellence
of Science (EOS) project O.0028.22.
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