egg; foaming; gelling and emulsifying properties; spray drying
Abstract :
[en] Dried egg and egg-derived proteins have a range of applications in baking, dressings, and confectionery products. Egg powder was produced under high time-temperature scales (approximately 160 degrees C), which led to many changes in egg components, resulting in different functional properties of eggs after reconstitution. In this study, moderate operating conditions were selected to dry egg white and whole egg using a pilot-scale spray dryer. Functional properties changes were evaluated with an appropriate statistical technique. Major finding supports that spray drying of egg white at moderate conditions (air inlet temperature ranged from 110 to 125 degrees C) resulted in a product that enhanced considerably the water holding capacity of produced gels. Moreover, gel prepared with the dried samples was firmer than that of the fresh samples. Drying at a moderate scale allowed not only the increasing of the foaming capacity and the stability of foam but also an increase in their emulsifying capacity and stability of the emulsions.
Disciplines :
Food science
Author, co-author :
Ayadi, Mohamed ; Dépt. Génie Biologique, Ecole d'Ingénieurs de Sfax, BP 3038, Sfax, Tunisia.
Khemakhem, M
Belgith, H
Attia, H
Language :
Title :
Effect of moderate spray drying conditions on functionality of dried egg white and whole egg.
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