Tunisian date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) by-products: Characterization and potential effects on sensory, textural and antioxidant properties of dairy desserts.
[en] Three Tunisian date varieties, Deglet Nour, Kentichi and Allig, served to produce syrups and powders, which were then examined for their physico-chemical composition and antioxidant properties. Different proportions of these sweetening-like agents were incorporated to produce nine different formulations of dairy desserts, with lower amount of added sugars to avoid any artificial flavoring or coloring agents. Sensory and color evaluation data revealed that incorporating Deglet Nour and Kentichi syrup offers the most desirable formulation. Furthermore, syrup polysaccharides and fibers contribute to better maintain the final product texture. In addition, date by-products create a good source of natural thickening agents, involved in enhancing apparent viscosity and spontaneous exudation. Thanks to their high content in phenolic compounds, date by-products considerably improve antioxidant activities of the formulated desserts. Therefore, they could be valued as natural ingredients in the formulation of novel dairy products with high nutritional-properties.
Disciplines :
Food science
Author, co-author :
Jridi, Mourad; Laboratoire de Génie Enzymatique et de Microbiologie, Université de Sfax, Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sfax, B.P. 1173-3038 Sfax, Tunisia. Electronic address: jridimourad@gmail.com.
Souissi, Nabil; Laboratoire de Biodiversité et de Biotechnologie Marine, Institut National des Sciences et Technologies de la Mer, Centre de Sfax, B.P. 1037-3018 Sfax, Tunisia.
Salem, Marwa Ben; Laboratoire de Génie Enzymatique et de Microbiologie, Université de Sfax, Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sfax, B.P. 1173-3038 Sfax, Tunisia.
Ayadi, Mohamed ; Laboratoire d'analyse alimentaire, Université de Sfax, Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sfax, B.P. 3038 Sfax, Tunisia.
Nasri, Moncef; Laboratoire de Génie Enzymatique et de Microbiologie, Université de Sfax, Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sfax, B.P. 1173-3038 Sfax, Tunisia.
Azabou, Samia; Laboratoire d'analyse alimentaire, Université de Sfax, Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Sfax, B.P. 3038 Sfax, Tunisia.
Language :
Title :
Tunisian date (Phoenix dactylifera L.) by-products: Characterization and potential effects on sensory, textural and antioxidant properties of dairy desserts.
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