Abstract :
[en] About Long COVID patients
@jamoulle 2024
All these patients share a common characteristic: the loss. Not often all in the meantime but loss. Loss of competence, loss of energy, loss of memory, loss of speech, loss of balance, loss of taste, loss of smell, loss of automatic regulation of the body's control systems, loss of sleep, often loss of work. Loss of social relationships, loss of libido, loss of relationships with children, loss of their deepest self and loss of confidence in medicine. They are in mourning for themselves and, because their serotonin is low, they are also losing their sense of struggle. Doctors, who don't take the time to listen or hear what they have to say, step into the breach and make unfounded diagnoses such as burnout or depression.
Research is advancing and we know that we are dealing with an illness of unknown complexity. There is no longer any doubt about the persistence of the virus, which attacks at several levels, through endothelial damage, the creation of autoantibodies, mast cell and platelet stimulation, and direct damage to the intestines. All this is in addition to the sequelae of the original infection.