Everyday heritage; Perceived image; Public space; Social value; Visual perception; Social Sciences (all); Urban Studies
Abstract :
[en] This paper examines how the spatial environment and the activities within these spaces contribute to their social value in turn informing the concept of everyday heritage within urban public spaces. We develop a novel methodological framework that combines visual representation and narrative analysis to provide insights into how the physical, emotional and perceptual dimensions of a public open space translate into associative social values. By including both adults and children in our study, we capture a comprehensive range of perceptions, highlighting the diverse ways in which different user groups give meaning to everyday heritage. Children and their guardians showed agreement on natural elements and personal representations, but differed on the garden's spatial layout and activities. While they shared values like childhood memories and family time, children prioritized play, forming new friendships, and connecting with nature, whereas parents emphasized children's happiness and personal space. Notably, both groups indicate that childhood – both lived and remembered – is that which gives this public urban space its everyday heritage status. The findings advocate for an expanded understanding of urban public spaces, recognizing the significance of everyday heritage in shaping collective cultural identity.
Disciplines :
Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Author, co-author :
Ginzarly, Manal ✱; Université de Liège - ULiège > Urban and Environmental Engineering ; School of Architecture and Design, Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon
El Khoury, Roula ✱; School of Architecture and Design, Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon
Srour, F. Jordan ✱; Adnan Kassar School of Business Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon
✱ These authors have contributed equally to this work.
Language :
Title :
Public space and everyday heritage: An inquiry into children's and adults' perception
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