[en] The construction sector is among the most polluting industries globally, accounting for approximately 37.5% of the European Union’s total waste generation in 2020. Therefore, it is imperative to develop strategies to enhance the sustainability of this sector. This paper proposes a multiscale COMSOL Multiphysics numerical model for an ex situ mineral carbonation process of hydrated lime. The carbonation process is characterized at both the micro- and macroscale levels, encompassing interactions within and between the particles. This model incorporates both reaction and diffusion phenomena, considering the effects of porosity and liquid-water saturation parameters. Generally, liquid-water saturation enhances the reaction kinetics but not CO2 diffusion, while porosity improves CO2 diffusion throughout the granular bed. The model has been experimentally validated, showing promising results by accurately characterizing carbonation tendencies and the influence of the CO2 flow rate and the initial water-to-solid ratio on the carbonation process. The proposed mathematical model facilitates the study of various parameters, including particle radius, reactor geometry, and material porosity. This analysis is valuable for both current and future projects, as it aims to identify the most profitable configurations for the hydrated lime carbonation process.
Disciplines :
Chemical engineering Materials science & engineering Civil engineering
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