Toye Dominique

Department of Chemical Engineering > PEPs - Products, Environment, and Processes

Vice-doyen à l'enseignement (Sciences appliquées)

Chemical engineering

See author's contact details
Main Referenced Co-authors
Crine, Michel  (188)
Marchot, Pierre  (130)
Léonard, Angélique  (75)
Delafosse, Angélique  (74)
Calvo, Sébastien  (53)
Main Referenced Keywords
X-ray tomography (24); CFD (19); Hydrodynamics (13); Mixing (13); PIV (11);
Main Referenced Unit & Research Centers
Laboratoire de Génie Chimique (21)
CEIB - Centre Interfacultaire des Biomatériaux - ULiège (8)
Laborelec (5)
Chemical engineering - ULiège (3)
Department of applied chemistry - University of Liège (2)
Main Referenced Disciplines
Chemical engineering (306)
Biotechnology (28)
Materials science & engineering (23)
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others (13)
Environmental sciences & ecology (12)

Publications (total 365)

The most downloaded
Collignon, M.-L., Delafosse, A., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (15 November 2010). AXIAL IMPELLER SELECTION FOR ANCHORAGE DEPENDENT ANIMAL CELL CULTURE IN STIRRED BIOREACTORS: METHODOLOGY BASED ON THE IMPELLER COMPARISON AT JUST-SUSPENDED SPEED OF ROTATION. Chemical Engineering Science, 65 (22), 5929-5941. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2010.08.027

The most cited

122 citations (Scopus®)

Fransolet, E., Crine, A., Marchot, P., & Toye, D. (November 2005). Analysis of gas holdup in bubble columns with non-Newtonian fluid using electrical resistance tomography and dynamic gas disengagement technique. Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (22 Sp. Iss. SI), 6118-6123. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2005.03.046

Hoxha, J.-L., Grogna, M., Thomassen, L. C. J., & Toye, D. (14 October 2024). Caractérisation du flux et du profil de concentration de particules solides dans un réacteur mésofluidique – appliqué à la production d’hydrosulfite de zinc [Poster presentation]. Société Française de Génie des Procédés 2024, Deauville, France.

Ben Hamed, H., Debuigne, A., Kleinjan, H., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (2024). Enhancing Sewage Sludge Stabilization, Pathogen Removal, and Biomass Production through Indigenous Microalgae Promoting Growth: A Sustainable Approach for Sewage Sludge Treatment. Recycling. doi:10.3390/recycling9050097
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Vidal de la Peña, N., Marquis, S., Jacques, S., Aubry, E., Léonard, G., & Toye, D. (30 August 2024). A Mathematical Model for Enhancing CO2 Capture in Construction Sector Using Hydrated Lime. Minerals, 14 (9), 889. doi:10.3390/min14090889
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Ben Hamed, H., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (26 July 2024). Effects of aerobic digestion assisted by microalgae on Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS) and sludge features [Paper presentation]. 7th international congress on Water, Waste, and Energy Management (WWEM, 2024 Lisbon), Lisbonne, Portugal.

Vidal de la Peña, N., Toye, D., & Léonard, G. (2024). Modelling study of CO2 sequestration by mineral waste carbonation process. In Modelling study of CO2 sequestration by mineral waste carbonation process. florence, Italy: ESCAPE Aidic.
Peer reviewed

Saadli, R., Hamdi, M., Salmon, T., Kachouri, F., & Toye, D. (04 November 2023). Effet de l’hydrodynamique sur l'élimination des polluants en utilisant des flocs de microalgues-bactéries (flocs-MaB) [Paper presentation]. International conference on Smart Industry, Technology and Environment, Hammamet, Tunisia.

Calvo, S., Delafosse, A., & Toye, D. (2023). Use of numerical tools to improve solid-liquid reactor involved in pharmaceutical processes [Paper presentation]. Industrial Innovation User Event 2023.

Vidal de la Peña, N., Grigoletto, S., Toye, D., Courard, L., & Léonard, G. (2023). Circular Economy Processes for CO2 Capture and Utilization. In Chapter 7: CO2 capture by mineral carbonation of construction and industrial wastes (First edition, pp. 386). Francisco M. Baena-Moreno.
Editorial reviewed

Vidal de la Peña, N., Grigoletto, S., Toye, D., Courard, L., & Léonard, G. (2023). Circular Economy Processes for CO2 Capture and Utilization Chapter 7. (1). Spain: Francisco M. Baena-Moreno.
Editorial reviewed

Madani, M., Delafosse, A., & Toye, D. (04 July 2023). Refractive index matching RIM for PIV measurements of liquid-solid flow in a stirred tank bioreactor used for mesenchymal stem cell culture [Paper presentation]. Mixing17 - 17th European conference on Mixing by EFCE, Porto, Portugal.
Peer reviewed

Ahmad, S., Mustapha, L. B., Calvo, S., Collignon, F., Fernandes, A. E., & Toye, D. (2023). Continuous flow hydrothermal synthesis of zeolite LTA in intensified reactor. Experimental and multiphysics CFD modeling approach. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 189. doi:10.1016/j.cep.2023.109399
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Delafosse, A., Madani, M., & Toye, D. (2023). Caractérisation expérimentale par PIV de suspensions liquide-solide mises en œuvre dans un bioréacteur à cuve agitée [Paper presentation]. Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser, Leuven, Belgium.
Peer reviewed

Saadli, R., Salmon, T., Kachouri, F., Moktar, H., & Toye, D. (19 December 2022). OPTIMISATION DE L’HYDRODYNAMIQUE D’UN PHOTOBIOREACTEUR TUBULAIRE DE TYPE AIRLIFT FAVORISANT LA FORMATION DE BIOFLOCS [Paper presentation]. 4ème congrès Francophone de Bioanalyses : Environnement - Aliment & Santé, Mahdia, Tunisia.

Ben Hamed, H., Salmon, T., Hetty Kleinjan, Gilles Quabron, Jean-François Gérard, Léonard, A., & Toye, D. (11 November 2022). Traitement des boues d’épuration par les microalgues indigènes: élimination des agents pathogènes et production de la biomasse [Poster presentation]. 18ème congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Toulouse, France.

Hoxha, J.-L., Toye, D., & Grogna, M. (Other coll.). (09 November 2022). Intensification du procédé de production d’hydrosulfite de zinc via le passage à une production en continu dans un réacteur mésofluidique [Paper presentation]. SFGP, Toulouse, France.

Madani, M., Delafosse, A., & Toye, D. (08 November 2022). Refractive index matching technique for liquid-solid flow in a stirred tank bioreactor [Paper presentation]. SFGP conference -18th edition, Toulouse, France.
Peer reviewed

Calvo, S., Delafosse, A., & Toye, D. (08 November 2022). Caractérisation et modélisation de l’hydrodynamique au sein d’un Erlenmeyer agité par table orbitale [Poster presentation]. Société Française de Génie des Procédés, SFGP 2022.

Maillot, C., De Isla, N., Loubiere, C., Toye, D., & Olmos, E. (2022). Impact of microcarrier concentration on mesenchymal stem cell growth and death: Experiments and modeling. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. doi:10.1002/bit.28228
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Calvo, S., Delafosse, A., & Toye, D. (16 September 2022). Caractérisation des phénomènes de transport et transfert au sein d’un Erlenmeyer agité par table orbitale par PIV et PLIF [Poster presentation]. Congrès Francophone de Technique LASER (CFTL).

Calvo, S., Weck, K., Toye, D., & Delafosse, A. (2022). Projet FEDER - Portefeuille ALGAEFACTORY - Projet Valoalgue_ULiège.

Ben Hamed, H., Salmon, T., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (28 April 2022). Amélioration de la floculation des boues traitées par des microalgues en modifiant le profil des substances polymériques extracellulaires et la structure des flocs [Poster presentation]. Journée internationale des femmes et des filles de science, Namur, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Li, J., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (2022). Influence of back-mixing on the convective drying of sewage sludge: The structural characteristics. Drying Technology, 40 (1), 205–212. doi:10.1080/07373937.2020.1781159
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Ben Hamed, H., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (25 November 2021). Contribution to the development of a "low cost" process for sewage sludge stabilization [Poster presentation]. 7ème Edition Wallonie/Hauts-de-France de la Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs, Dunkerque, France.
Peer reviewed

Weck, K., Calvo, S., Delafosse, A., & Toye, D. (2021). Hydrodynamic Characterization of a Non-conventional Photobioreactor. Chemical Engineering and Technology. doi:10.1002/ceat.202100076
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Bolenz, L., Fischer, F., Toye, D., & Kenig, E. (2021). Determination of local fluid dynamic parameters in structured packings through X-ray tomography: overcoming image resolution restrictions. Chemical Engineering Science. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2020.115997
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Ralaizafisoloarivony, N. A., Degré, A., Léonard, A., Toye, D., Mercatoris, B., & Charlier, R. (2021). A First Insight on the Interaction between Desiccation Cracking and Water Transfer in a Luvisol of Belgium. Soil Systems, 5 (4), 64. doi:10.3390/soilsystems5040064
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Maillot, C., Sion, C., De Isla, N., Toye, D., & Olmos, E. (2021). Quality by design to define critical process parameters for mesenchymal stem cell expansion. Biotechnology Advances, 50. doi:10.1016/j.biotechadv.2021.107765
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Rocca, C., Toye, D., & Grandfils, C. (24 September 2020). Optimization of microbeads for amplification of stem cells [Paper presentation]. MSE2020 - Virtual Material Science and Exhibition Congress, Darmstadt, Germany.
Editorial reviewed

Hampel, U., Schubert, M., Alexander, D. Ö. ß., Sohr, J., Vishwakarma, V., Repke, J.-U., Gerke, S. J., Leuner, H., Rädle, M., Kapoustina, V., Schmitt, L., Grünewald, M., Brinkmann, J. H., Plate, D., Kenig, E. Y., Lutters, N., Bolenz, L., Buckmann, F., Toye, D., ... Qammar, H. (2020). Recent Advances in Experimental Techniques for Flow and Mass Transfer Analyses in Thermal Separation Systems. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 92 (7), 926-948. doi:10.1002/cite.202000076
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Ralaizafisoloarivony, N. A., Tran, D. K., Degré, A., Mercatoris, B., Léonard, A., Toye, D., & Charlier, R. (2020). Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Drying of an Agricultural Soil. E3S Web of Conferences. doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202019501034
Peer reviewed

Weck, K., Calvo, S., Delafosse, A., & Toye, D. (2020). Photobioreactor scale-up for the culture of encapsulated microalgae [Paper presentation]. AlgaEurope 2020.

Rocca, C., Toye, D., & Grandfils, C. (29 November 2019). Optimization of biodegradable microbeads for stem cell amplification [Poster presentation]. Bioforum of Liège 2019, Liège, Belgium.

Rocca, C., Toye, D., & Grandfils, C. (07 November 2019). Optimization of microbeads for amplification of stem cells [Poster presentation]. GEPROC 6eme édition Wallonie/Nord de France de la Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs.

Delafosse, A., Graindorge, N., Loubière, C., Olmos, E., & Toye, D. (October 2019). Simulations CFD de suspensions de microporteurs dans un bioréacteur à cuve agitée fonctionnant à faible volume et faible nombre de Reynolds: problèmes numériques liés à la modélisation de la turbulence et de la proche paroi [Paper presentation]. XVIIème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Nantes, France.

Weck, K., Calvo, S., Delafosse, A., & Toye, D. (October 2019). Caractérisation hydrodynamique d’un photobioréacteur pour la culture de microalgues encapsulées [Paper presentation]. 17ème édition du congrès de la Société Française en Génie des Procédés.

Ralaizafisoloarivony, N. A., Degré, A., Mercatoris, B., Léonard, A., Toye, D., & Charlier, R. (02 September 2019). Assessing soil crack dynamics during dryings from reduced tillage and conventional tillage fields [Poster presentation]. TERRAenVISION 2019, Barcelone, Spain.

Tran, D. K., Ralaizafisoloarivony, N. A., Degré, A., Léonard, A., Mercatoris, B., Toye, D., & Charlier, R. (10 July 2019). DRYING BEHAVIOUR AND WATER TRANSPORT MECHANISMS DURING EVAPORATION OF AN AGRICULTURAL SOIL [Paper presentation]. EuroDrying'2019 - 7th European Drying Conference, Torino, Italy.

Grandfils, C., Vandeberg, R., Sevrin, C., Hurlet, J., Caucheteux, J., Rocca, C., & Toye, D. (05 June 2019). Tailored-made biodegradable polymers for drug delivery and tissue engineering [Paper presentation]. Seminar within Sechenov University, Moscow, Russia.

Bolenz, L., Toye, D., & Kenig, E. (2019). Liquid Flow Morphology of Viscous Systems in Structured Packings: Investigations by X-ray Tomography. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 74, 913-918. doi:10.3303/CET1974153
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Loubière, C., Delafosse, A., Guedon, E., Toye, D., Chevalot, I., & Olmos, E. (2019). Optimization of the Impeller Design for Mesenchymal Stem Cell Culture on Microcarriers in Bioreactors. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 42 (8), 1702-1708. doi:10.1002/ceat.201900105
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Große Daldrup, A., Crine, M., Marchot, P., Toye, D., & Kenig, E. Y. (2019). An approach to separation efficiency modelling of structured packings based on X-ray tomography measurements: Application to aqueous viscous systems. Chemical Engineering Science, 204, 310-319. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2019.03.059
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Renders, M., Dumbre, S., Abramov, M., Kestemont, D., Margamuljana, L., Largy, E., Cozens, C., Vandenameele, J., Pinheiro, V. B., Toye, D., Frère, J.-M., & Herdewijn, P. (2019). Kinetic analysis of N-alkylaryl carboxamide hexitol nucleotides as substrates for evolved polymerases. Nucleic Acids Research, 47 (5), 2160-2168. doi:10.1093/nar/gkz008
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Weck, K., Calvo, S., Delafosse, A., & Toye, D. (2019). Caractérisation hydrodynamique d’un photobioréacteur pour la culture de microalgues encapsulées [Paper presentation]. Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie de Procédés et Energétique.

Li, J., Wu, C.-W., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Toye, D., Nistajakis, E., & Léonard, A. (2019). Convective drying of sawdust-sludge mixtures: The effect of the sludge matrix. Drying Technology, 37 (7), 920–927. doi:10.1080/07373937.2018.1480027
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Léonard, A., Fraikin, L., Plougonven, E., & Toye, D. (2019). X-RAY COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY: AN OUTSTANDING VISUALISATION TOOL FOR DRYING RESEARCH – Feedback on the last 20 years at University of Liège. In A. Barresi (Ed.), Proceedings of the 7th European Drying Conference (pp. 172-179).
Peer reviewed

Firozi, A., Calvo, S., & Toye, D. (2019). Growth rate of silica particle in a continuous reactor with Computational Fluid Dynamics and Population Balance Modelling [Paper presentation]. 6th Edition of ''Wallonie/Nord de France'' day for the Young Researchers (GEPROC), Mons, Belgium.

Loubière, C., Delafosse, A., Guedon, E., Chevalot, I., Toye, D., & Olmos, E. (2019). Dimensional analysis and CFD simulations of microcarrier ‘just-suspended’ state in mesenchymal stromal cells bioreactors. Chemical Engineering Science. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2019.04.001
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Renders, M., Frère, J.-M., Toye, D., & Herdewijn, P. (2019). Full Pre-Steady-State Kinetic Analysis of Single Nucleotide Incorporation by DNA Polymerases. Current Protocols in Nucleic Acid Chemistry, 78 (1), 98. doi:10.1002/cpnc.98
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Bolenz, L., Fischer, F., Toye, D., & Kenig, E. Y. (2019). Tomographische Untersuchung der Fluiddynamik viskoser Systeme in Packungskolonnen. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 91 (12), 1892-1896. doi:10.1002/cite.201900077
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Tran, D. K., Ralaizafisoloarivony, N. A., Charlier, R., Mercatoris, B., Léonard, A., Toye, D., & Degré, A. (2019). Studying the effect of desiccation cracking on the evaporation process of a Luvisol – From a small-scale experimental and numerical approach. Soil and Tillage Research, 193, 142-152. doi:10.1016/j.still.2019.05.018
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Rocca, C., Sevrin, C., Grysan, P., Krishnamoorthy, S., Vandeberg, R., Toye, D., & Grandfils, C. (10 December 2018). Surface modification of biodegradable microcarriers and their characterization by microscopy [Poster presentation]. Séminaire CAREM, Liège, Belgium.
Editorial reviewed

Weck, K., Calvo, S., & Toye, D. (29 October 2018). Photobioreactor characterization for the culture of encapsulated microalgae [Paper presentation]. GEPROC Scientific Day 2018.

Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., Collignon, M.-L., & Toye, D. (12 October 2018). Comparison of hydrodynamics in standard stainless steel and single-use bioreactors by means of an Euler-Lagrange approach. Chemical Engineering Science, 188, 52-64. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2018.01.034
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Tran, D. K., Ralaizafisoloarivony, N., Charlier, R., Mercatoris, B., Léonard, A., Toye, D., & Degré, A. (October 2018). Effect of desiccation cracking on the fluid transfer process in agricultural soil [Poster presentation]. Alert Geomaterials Workshop, Aussois, France.

Delafosse, A., Loubière, C., Calvo, S., Olmos, E., & Toye, D. (10 September 2018). Experimental validation of solid-liquid simulations of microcarrier suspensions in a stirred-tank bioreactor [Poster presentation]. 16th European Conference on Mixing.

Tran, D. K., Ralaizafisoloarivony, N. A., Charlier, R., Mercatoris, B., Léonard, A., Toye, D., & Degré, A. (September 2018). Studying the effect of desiccation cracking on the hydraulic behavior of a Luvisol-From an experimental and numerical approach [Paper presentation]. 21st International Soil Tillage Research Organization (ISTRO), Paris, France.

Weck, K., Calvo, S., Gerin, S., Franck, F., & Toye, D. (September 2018). Experimental study and modelling of hydrodynamics and light distribution in a photobioreactor for the culture of encapsulated microalgae (ValoAlgue project) [Poster presentation]. ESBES, Lisbonne, Portugal.

Delafosse, A., Sion, C., Olmos, E., De Isla, N., Grandfils, C., Kraus, T., Krishnamoorthy, S., Ziegler, C., & Toye, D. (September 2018). Impove-Stem (Interreg Project developing new bioMaterials for PROliferation and in Vitro Expansion of STEM cells) [Poster presentation]. ESBES - European Society of Biochemical Engineering Sciences, Lisbon, Portugal.

Firozi, A., Calvo, S., Eliaers, P., Lemaire, J.-J., Collignon, F., & Toye, D. (21 May 2018). CFD investigation on 3D printed reactor for hydrothermal continuous synthesis of beta zeolite [Paper presentation]. ISCRE 25, Florence, Italy.

Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., & Toye, D. (21 March 2018). Numerical analysis of hydrodynamics in a standard stainless steel and a single-use bioreactor by means of an Euler-Lagrange approach: Comparison of flow, pH and mechanical stress [Paper presentation]. Bioproscale.

Delafosse, A., & Toye, D. (20 March 2018). Improve-Stem (Interreg Project developing new bioMaterials for PROliferation and in Vitro Expansion of STEM cells) [Poster presentation]. Bioproscale, Berlin, Germany.

Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., & Toye, D. (2018). Numerical and experimental analysis of multiphase (bio)chemical reactors [Paper presentation]. Séminaire.

de Lamotte, A., Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., & Toye, D. (2018). Analysis of PIV measurements using modal decomposition techniques, POD and DMD, to study flow structures and their dynamics within a stirred-tank reactor. Chemical Engineering Science. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2017.12.047
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de Lamotte, A., Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., & Toye, D. (2018). Identifying dominant spatial and time characteristics of flow dynamics within free-surface baffled stirred-tanks from CFD simulations. Chemical Engineering Science, 192, 128-142. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2018.07.024
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Delafosse, A., Loubière, C., Calvo, S., Toye, D., & Olmos, E. (2018). Solid-liquid suspension of microcarriers in stirred tank bioreactor - Experimental and numerical analysis. Chemical Engineering Science, 180 (28), 52-63. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2018.01.001
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de Lamotte, A., Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., Delvigne, F., & Toye, D. (23 November 2017). Investigating the effects of hydrodynamics and mixing on mass transfer through the free-surface in stirred tank bioreactors. Chemical Engineering Science, 172, 125-142. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2017.06.028
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Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., & Toye, D. (09 November 2017). Approche par modèle de compartiments pour la modélisation des bioréacteurs [Paper presentation]. Journée Promotion Procédés Produits - Approches de modélisation à différentes échelles, Nancy, France.

Loubière, C., Olmos, E., Guedon, E., Chevalot, I., Toye, D., & Delafosse, A. (October 2017). New models to predict microcarriers just-suspended state in bioreactors for stem cell culture [Paper presentation]. 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering.

Léonard, G., Belboom, S., Toye, D., Dumont, M.-N., Léonard, A., & Heyen, G. (2017). Recent Evolutions and Trends in the Use of Computer Aided Chemical Engineering for Educational Purposes at the University of Liège. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-63965-3.50492-X
Peer reviewed

Toye, D., Delafosse, A., de Lamotte, A., & Calvo, S. (20 September 2017). Research activities in the field of reactor engineering in the PEPs group in the Chemical engineering Department of the Université de Liège [Paper presentation]. VKI - PEPs meeting.

de Lamotte, A., Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., & Toye, D. (August 2017). Hydrodynamics, mixing and mass transfer through the liquid free-surface in baffled stirred-tanks [Poster presentation]. 13th International Conference on Gas–Liquid and Gas–Liquid–Solid Reactor Engineering, Brussels, Belgium.

de Lamotte, A., Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., & Toye, D. (August 2017). Investigating the effects of the scales of mixing on mass transfer through the free-surface in stirred-tank bioreactors [Paper presentation]. 13th International Conference on Gas–Liquid and Gas–Liquid–Solid Reactor Engineering, Brussels, Belgium.

de Lamotte, A., Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., & Toye, D. (July 2017). Investigating the effects of hydrodynamics and mixing on mass transfer through the free-surface in stirred-tank bioreactors [Poster presentation]. 16ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Nancy, France.

Delafosse, A., Loubière, C., Calvo, S., Olmos, E., & Toye, D. (July 2017). Development of an optical technique to characterize solid-liquid suspension in stirred tank bioreactors [Poster presentation]. 16ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés.

Loubière, C., Olmos, E., Guedon, E., Chevalot, I., Toye, D., & Delafosse, A. (July 2017). New models to predict microcarriers just-suspended state in bioreactors for stem cell culturel [Paper presentation]. 16ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés.

Li, J., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (19 June 2017). STUDY ON THE STRUCTURAL EVOLUTION OF SEWAGE SLUDGE DURING CONVECTIVE DRYING [Poster presentation]. Eurodrying 2017, Liège, Belgium.

Loubière, C., Olmos, E., Guedon, E., Toye, D., & Delafosse, A. (May 2017). New models for predicting microcarrier just-suspended state in bioreactors [Poster presentation]. 25th ESACT meeting.

Toye, D. (May 2017). X-ray tomography : a tool for revealing local distribution of liquid in structured packed columns [Paper presentation]. 59th Technical annual of the EFCE Working Party on Fluid Separations, Liège, Belgium.

Toye, D., Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., & de Lamotte, A. (15 March 2017). Research activities in the field of reactor engineering in the PEPs group of the Chemical engineering Dpmt at ULiege [Paper presentation]. Research meeting at Janssens Pharmaceutica.

Haut, B., Cockx, A., Debaste, F., Delvigne, F., Thomas, D., & Toye, D. (2017). The future of multiphase reactor engineering - 13th international conference on gas-liquid and gas-liquid-solid reactor engineering. Chemical Engineering Science, 170, 1 - 2. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2017.05.042
Editorial reviewed

Zune, Q., Telek, S., Calvo, S., Salmon, T., Alchihab, M., Toye, D., & Delvigne, F. (2017). Influence of liquid phase hydrodynamics on biofilm formation on structured packing: Optimization of surfactin production from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Chemical Engineering Science. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2016.08.023
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Li, J., Plougonven, E., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Toye, D., Nistajakis, E., & Léonard, A. (2017). Influence of sawdust addition on drying of wastewater sludges: Comparison of structural characteristics. Drying Technology, 35 (8), 925-932. doi:10.1080/07373937.2016.1253020
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Léonard, G., Pfennig, A., Toye, D., Gommes, C., Lambert, S., Job, N., Léonard, A., Manfredini, T., & Dumont, M.-N. (05 September 2016). Integrated Project with Focus on Energy Transition and Circular Economy for Developing Engineering Students' Soft Skills [Poster presentation]. 8th Conference on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development, Bruges, Belgium.

de Lamotte, A., Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., Collignon, M.-L., Delvigne, F., & Toye, D. (13 May 2016). Gas-liquid transfer through the liquid free-surface in baffled stirred tanks [Paper presentation]. International conferences "Green chemistry and White biotechnology", Gembloux, Belgium.

Baert, J., Delepierre, A., Brognaux, A., Toye, D., & Delvigne, F. (19 January 2016). Caractérisation de l’hétérogénéité phénotypique des populations microbiennes : vers de nouvelles stratégies pour l’optimisation des bioprocédés [Paper presentation]. Journées Jeunes Chercheurs Condorcet, Reims, France.

Ortiz, M., Rosales-Ibáñez, R., Pozos-Guillén, A., de Bien, C., Toye, D., Flores, H., & Grandfils, C. (11 January 2016). DPSC colonization of functionalized 3D textiles. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B, Applied Biomaterials, 10.1002/jbm.b.33609. doi:10.1002/jbm.b.33609
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Collignon, M.-L., Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., Martin, C., Marc, A., Toye, D., & Olmos, E. (2016). Large-Eddy Simulations of microcarrier exposure to potentially damaging eddies inside mini-bioreactors. Biochemical Engineering Journal. doi:10.1016/j.bej.2015.10.020
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Léonard, G., Toye, D., & Grignard, B. (January 2016). Reactors for CO2 utilization [Paper presentation]. Visit to the University of Edinburgh.

Li, J., Plougonven, E., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Toye, D., Nistajakis, E., & Léonard, A. (2016). Positive Operations on Wastewater Sludge Drying: Comparison of Back-Mixing and Sawdust Addition. Energy and Fuels, 30 (4), 3014-3019. doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b02960
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Li, J., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Plougonven, E., Toye, D., & Leonard, A. (2016). Convective drying behavior of sawdust-sludge mixtures in a fixed bed. Drying Technology, 34 (4), 395-402. doi:10.1080/07373937.2015.1076835
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Baert, J., Delepierre, A., Telek, S., Fickers, P., Toye, D., de Lamotte, A., Lara, A. R., Jaén, K. E., Gosset, G., Jensen, P. R., & Delvigne, F. (2016). Microbial population heterogeneity versus bioreactor heterogeneity: Evaluation of Redox Sensor Green as an exogenous metabolic biosensor. Engineering in Life Sciences, 16 (7), 643 - 651. doi:10.1002/elsc.201500149
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Léonard, G., Crosset, C., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (05 December 2015). Influence of process operating conditions on solvent thermal and oxidative degradation in post-combustion CO2 capture. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 83, 121-130. doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2015.05.003
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Zune, Q., Delepierre, A., Bauwens, J., Francis, F., Toye, D., Punt, P., Thonart, P., & Delvigne, F. (October 2015). Fungal biofilm reactor improves the quality of a fusion protein GLA::GFP produced by Aspergillus oryzae [Poster presentation]. 3rd European Congress of Applied Biotechnology.

Delafosse, A., Collignon, M.-L., Marc, A., Toye, D., & Olmos, E. (30 September 2015). NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL CHARACTERIZATION OF SOLID-LIQUID HYDRODYNAMICS ENCOUNTERED IN HUMAN MESENCHYMAL STEM CELL CULTURE BIOREACTORS [Paper presentation]. 10th European Congress of Chemical Enginnering (ECCE10).

Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., Collignon, M.-L., Delvigne, F., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (29 September 2015). Euler–Lagrange approach to model heterogeneities in stirred tank bioreactors – Comparison to experimental flow characterization and particle tracking. Chemical Engineering Science, 134, 457-466. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2015.05.045
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de Lamotte, A., Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., Collignon, M.-L., & Toye, D. (24 September 2015). Hydrodynamics, mixing and mass transfer in baffled stirred tanks [Paper presentation]. Simulation-Driven Medical Device Innovation Seminar, Zaventem, Belgium.

de Lamotte, A., Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., Collignon, M.-L., & Toye, D. (September 2015). Surface aeration in baffled stirred tanks: hydrodynamics, mixing and mass transfer characteristics [Poster presentation]. 10th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, Nice, France.

Li, J., Plougonven, E., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Toye, D., Nistajakis, E., & Léonard, A. (27 June 2015). Multiscale structure characterization of sawdust-waste water sludge extrudates dried in a pilot-scale fixed bed. Biomass and Bioenergy, 81 (0), 98 - 107. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2015.06.009
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Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., Collignon, M.-L., & Toye, D. (2015). VALIDATION OF AN EULER-LAGRANGE COMPARTMENT MODEL FOR THE DESIGN OF SCALE-DOWN BIOREACTOR USED IN ANIMAL CELL CULTURES. In Proceeding of the 15th European Conference on Mixing.
Peer reviewed

Peer reviewed

de Lamotte, A., Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., Collignon, M.-L., & Toye, D. (2015). Hydrodynamics, mixing and mass transfer in baffled stirred tanks. In Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Mixing.
Peer reviewed

Claude, V., Toye, D., Heinrichs, B., & Lambert, S. (08 May 2015). Catalytic epuration of biogaz [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique de l’Ecole Doctorale Thématique MAIN, Mons, Belgium.

Zune, Q., Delepierre, A., Gofflot, S., Bauwens, J., Twizere, J.-C., Punt, P. J., Francis, F., Bawin, T., Toye, D., & Delvigne, F. (2015). A fungal biofilm reactor based on metal structured packing improves the quality of a Gla::GFP fusion protein produced by Aspergillus oryzae. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. doi:10.1007/s00253-015-6608-z
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Desmet, J., Meunier, C., Danloy, E., Duprez, M.-E., Lox, F., Thomas, D., Hantson, A.-L., Crine, M., Toye, D., Rooke, J., & Su, B.-L. (09 February 2015). Highly efficient, long life, reusable and robust photosynthetic hybrid core-shell beads for the sustainable production of high value compounds. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 448, 79-87. doi:10.1016/j.jcis.2015.01.091
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Collignon, M.-L., Martin, C., Toye, D., Marc, A., & Olmos, E. (18 January 2015). CFD Large Eddy Simulation of the hydrodynamics of stirred mini-bioreactors operating with stem cell culture mixing conditions [Poster presentation]. ECI conference: scale-up and manufacturing in cell-based therapies, San Diego, United States.

Collignon, M.-L., Droissart, L., Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., Vanhamel, S., Rodriguez, R., Claes, T., Moncaubeig, F., Peeters, L., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (15 January 2015). HYDRODYNAMICS IN A DISPOSABLE RECTANGULAR PARALLELEPIPED STIRRED BIOREACTOR WITH ELLIPTIC PENDULUM MOTION PADDLE. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 93. doi:10.1016/j.bej.2014.10.011
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Li, J., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Bennamoun, L., Toye, D., Schreinemachers, R., & Léonard, A. (2015). Investigation on Convective Drying of Mixtures of Sewage Sludge and Sawdust in a Fixed Bed. Drying Technology, 33 (6), 704-712. doi:10.1080/07373937.2014.982254
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Léonard, G., Crosset, C., Dumont, M.-N., & Toye, D. (2015). Oxygen solubility and mass transfer in amine solutions for applications in post - combustion CO 2 capture [Paper presentation]. PCCC3, Canada.

Berezovska, I., Fettaka, H., Salmon, T., Toye, D., & Lodewyckx, P. (2015). Redistribution of a mixture of organic vapours inside an activated carbon filter. Chemical Engineering Journal, 280, 677-681. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2015.05.129
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Bradttmöller, C., Janzen, A., Crine, M., Toye, D., Kenig, E., & Scholl, S. (2015). Influence of viscosity on Liquid Flow Inside Structured Packings. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 54, 2803-2815. doi:10.1021/ie502015y
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Beckers, L., Masset, J., Hamilton, C., Delvigne, F., Toye, D., Crine, M., Thonart, P., & Hiligsmann, S. (2015). Investigation of the links between mass transfer conditions, dissolved hydrogen concentration and biohydrogen production by the pure strain Clostridium butyricum CWBI1009. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 98, 18-28. doi:10.1016/j.bej.2015.01.008
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Li, J., Plougonven, E., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (2015). Effect of sawdust addition on convective drying of sludges: comparison of the structural characteristics. In Proceedings of the 5th European Drying Conference (EuroDrying'2015).
Peer reviewed

Berezovka, I., Hichem, F., Salmon, T., Toye, D., & Lodewyckx, P. (2015). Redistribution of a mixture of organic vapours inside a activated carbon filter. Chemical Engineering Journal, 280, 677-681.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Li, J., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (2015). Positive operations on convective drying of sewage sludge: comparison of back mixing and sawdust addition. In Proceedings of the 5th European Drying Conference (EuroDrying'2015).
Peer reviewed

Li, J., Plougonven, E., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (2015). Image analysis of X-ray tomograms of sludge during convective drying in a pilot-scale fixed bed. Chemical Engineering Science, 134, 222-229. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2015.05.010
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Zune, Q., Delepierre, A., Bauwens, J., Toye, D., Punt, P. J., & Delvigne, F. (11 December 2014). Preservation of the quality and stability of a fusion protein synthesized in a fungal biofilm reactor [Poster presentation]. The 2nd meeting of BIBR, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

de Bien, C., Mengoni, M., Wilcox, R., Léonard, A., & Toye, D. (23 October 2014). Elaboration, characterization and modeling of mechanical behavior of porous scaffolds for tissue engineering [Poster presentation]. GEPROC-UGéPE 2014, « Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs », Mons, Belgium.

de Bien, C., Sevrin, C., DEWAEL, T., Grandfils, C., Léonard, A., & Toye, D. (23 October 2014). BIOMATERIALS for MEDICAL APPLICATION - Interactions between materials and living systems [Poster presentation]. IntermatGR 2014, Arlon, Belgium.

Baert, J., de Lamotte, A., Hiligsmann, S., Toye, D., Thonart, P., Crine, M., & Delvigne, F. (08 October 2014). Mass transfer processes affects on-line flow cytometry profiling of Mass transfer processes affects on-line flow cytometry profiling of [Poster presentation]. ESBES-IFIBIOP; 10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences and 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses, Lille, France.

Li, J., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Bennamoun, L., Toye, D., & Schreinemachers, R. (2014). Investigation on Convective Drying of Mixtures of Sewage Sludge and Sawdust in a Fixed Bed. Drying Technology.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Léonard, G., Crosset, C., Dumont, M.-N., & Toye, D. (October 2014). Designing large-scale CO2 capture units with assessment of solvent degradation [Poster presentation]. 12th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Technologies (GHGT 12), Austin, United States.

Calvo, S., Delafosse, A., Crine, M., Toye, D., Collignon, M.-L. (Other coll.), & de Lamotte, A. (Other coll.). (10 September 2014). CFD Comparison of hydrodynamics between BIOSTAT® Cultibag STR and standard Stirred Cell Culture Bioreactors [Poster presentation]. 10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences and 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses in Collaboration With Acs, LILLE, France.

Collignon, M.-L., Martin, C., Blanchard, F., Toye, D., Marc, A., & Olmos, E. (07 September 2014). RANS and Large Eddy Simulation of the hydrodynamics inside mini-bioreactors designed for stem cell culture [Paper presentation]. 10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences (ESBES) and 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses (IFIBiop), Lille, France.

Zune, Q., Delepierre, A., Bauwens, J., Francis, F., Toye, D., Punt, P. J., Thonart, P., & Delvigne, F. (07 September 2014). Design of a fungal biofilm reactor for recombinant protein production from Aspergillus oryzae [Poster presentation]. 10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences and 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses, Lille, France.

Lox, F., Delafosse, A., de Lamotte, A., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Crine, M., Su, B.-L., Agathos, S., Thomas, D., & Toye, D. (September 2014). Study of the liquid flow hydrodynamics and of the solid particle circulation inside a new type of photobioreactor (FotoBioMat project) [Poster presentation]. 10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences and 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses, Lille, France.

de Lamotte, A., Baert, J., Thonart, P., Crine, M., Delvigne, F., & Toye, D. (September 2014). Experimental study of liquid-gas transfers in a stirred tank for biohydrogen production [Poster presentation]. 10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Sciences and 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses, Lille, France.

Li, J., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (26 August 2014). Convective drying of sawdust/sludge mixtures in a fixed bed: The effect of sludge origin [Paper presentation]. 19th International Drying Symposium, Lyon, France.

Pirard, S., Malengreaux, C., Toye, D., & Heinrichs, B. (August 2014). How to correctly determine the kinetics of a photocatalytic degradation reaction? Chemical Engineering Journal, 249, 1-5. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2014.03.088
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Claude, V., Heinrichs, B., Toye, D., Gaigneaux, E., & Lambert, S. (July 2014). Development of alumina xerogel catalysts for bio-Syngas cleaning [Poster presentation]. Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts – PREPA11, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Léonard, G., Heyen, G., & Toye, D. (17 June 2014). Assessment of Solvent Degradation within a Global Process Model of Post-Combustion CO2 Capture [Paper presentation]. 24th European Symposium on Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Budapest, Hungary.

Li, J., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Plougonven, E., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (27 May 2014). Convective drying behavior of sawdust/sludge mixtures in a fixed bed [Paper presentation]. Fourth European Conference on Sludge Management.

Li, J., Bennamoun, L., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Toye, D., Schreinemachers, R., & Léonard, A. (May 2014). Analysis of the Shrinkage Effect on Mass Transfer During Convective Drying of Sawdust/Sludge Mixtures. Drying Technology, 32, 1706-1717. doi:10.1080/07373937.2014.924136
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Plougonven, E., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (03 April 2014). Accurate 3D microstructure characterisation of porous materials by X-ray microtomography:  a need for advanced and specialised image processing tools [Paper presentation]. Microstructural Characterization and Quality Assurance Workshop.

Delafosse, A., Calvo, S., Collignon, M.-L., Delvigne, F., Crine, M., Thonart, P., & Toye, D. (17 March 2014). CFD-based Compartment model for description of mixing in bioreactors. Chemical Engineering Science, 106, 76-85. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2013.11.033
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Pirard, S., Toye, D., & Pirard, J.-P. (13 February 2014). Influence of heat exchanges and of temperature profile for carbon nanotube synthesis in a continuous rotary reactor [Paper presentation]. NanoPT 2014, Porto, Portugal.

Zune, Q., Delepierre, A., Toye, D., Punt, P. J., & Delvigne, F. (07 February 2014). Implementation of a metal structured packing in fungal biofilm reactor for the production of a recombinant protein by Aspergillus oryzae [Paper presentation]. 19th National Symposium on Applied Biological Science.

Zune, Q., Delepierre, A., Toye, D., Punt, P. J., & Delvigne, F. (2014). IMPLEMENTATION OF A METAL STRUCTURED PACKING IN A FUNGAL BIOFILM REACTOR FOR THE PRODUCTION OF A RECOMBINANT PROTEIN BY ASPERGILLUS ORYZAE. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences.
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Léonard, G., Voice, A., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (2014). Influence of dissolved metals and oxidative degradation inhibitors on the oxidative and thermal degradation of monoethanolamine in post-combustion CO2 capture. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (47), 18121. doi:10.1021/ie5036572
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Claude, V., Heinrichs, B., Toye, D., Gaigneaux, E., & Lambert, S. (2014). Development of alumina xerogel catalysts for biogas cleaning [Poster presentation]. Scientific Bases for the Preparation of Heterogeneous Catalysts - PREPA11, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Léonard, G., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (2014). Assessment of Solvent Degradation within a Global Process Model of Post-Combustion CO2 Capture. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 13-18. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-63456-6.50003-X
Peer reviewed

Janzen, A., Steube, J., Crine, M., Marchot, P., Toye, D., & Kenig, E. (2014). Influence of liquid viscosity on separation efficiency of structured packings – modelling approach based on X-ray tomography investigations. In Proceedings.
Peer reviewed

Janzen, A., Steube, J., Kenig, E., Crine, M., Marchot, P., & Toye, D. (2014). Investigation of the influence of packing geometry and of liquid viscosity on the liquid flow morphology by using X-ray tomography. In Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography (pp. 907-916).
Peer reviewed

de Bien, C., Ounally, T., Collard, V., Jérôme, C., Léonard, A., & Toye, D. (2014). “Product-oriented engineering” applied to the development of porous scaffolds for tissue engineering. World Congress in Industrial Process Tomography.
Peer reviewed

Léonard, G., Crosset, C., Dumont, M.-N., & Toye, D. (2014). Designing large-scale CO2 capture units with assessment of solvent degradation. Energy Procedia, 63, 1478. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.157
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Fransolet, E., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., Toye, D., & Marchot, P. (2014). Analysis of electrical resistance tomography measurements obtained in a bubble column: Dynamics aspects, first results. In R. Mann, D. Mewes, ... P. Ronson (Eds.), Proceedings of 2nd World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, Hanovre, Germany, 29-31 août 2001 (pp. 667-684). Manchester, United Kingdom: Virtual Centre for Industrial Process Tomography.
Peer reviewed

Léonard, G., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (2014). Relevance of accelerated conditions for the study of monoethanolamine degradation in post-combustion CO2 capture. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 93 (2), 348. doi:10.1002/cjce.22094
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Zune, Q., Soyeurt, D., Toye, D., Ongena, M., Thonart, P., & Delvigne, F. (2014). High-energy X-ray tomography analysis of a metal packing biofilm reactor for the production of lipopeptides by Bacillus subtilis. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 89, 382-390. doi:10.1002/jctb.4128
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Khalesi, M., Zune, Q., Telek, S., Riveros-Galan, D., Verachtert, H., Toye, D., Gebruers, K., Derdelinckx, G., & Delvigne, F. (2014). Fungal biofilm reactor improves the productivity of hydrophobin HFBII. Biochemical Engineering Journal. doi:10.1016/j.bej.2014.05.001
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Léonard, G., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (2014). Experimental study and kinetic model of monoethanolamineoxidative and thermal degradation for post-combustion CO2 capture. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 30, 171. doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2014.09.014
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Zune, Q., Toye, D., & Delvigne, F. (20 December 2013). Production of lipopeptides by Bacillus subtilis in a metal packing biofilm reactor and analysis by X-ray tomography [Paper presentation]. 1st meeting of belgian interdisciplinary biofilm research (BIBR).

Baert, J., de Lamotte, A., Crine, M., Toye, D., Thonart, P., & Delvigne, F. (15 November 2013). Étude des interactions entre les transferts liquide/gaz et la physiologie microbienne dans un bioréacteur anaérobie à cuve agitée produisant de l’hydrogène [Paper presentation]. Journée scientifique GEPROC 2013.

de Bien, C., Ounally, T., Collard, V., Jérôme, C., Léonard, A., & Toye, D. (15 November 2013). « Product-oriented engineering » applied to the development of porous scaffolds for tissue engineering [Poster presentation]. Journée Scientifique GEPROC 2013 - PROCÉDÉS et MATÉRIAUX DURABLES, Liège, Belgium.

Zune, Q., Toye, D., & Delvigne, F. (15 November 2013). Enhancement of recombinant protein excretion with Aspergillus oryzae fermentation in semi-solid conditions [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique GEPROC 2013, Liège, Sart Tilman, Belgium.

de Lamotte, A., Baert, J., Thonart, P., Crine, M., Delvigne, F., & Toye, D. (15 November 2013). Study of hydrodynamics and liquid-gas transfers in a stirred tank bioreactor [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique annuelle de l'Ecole Doctorale Thématique GEPROC: Matériaux et Procédés Durables, Liège, Belgium.

Claude, V., Lambert, S., Heinrichs, B., & Toye, D. (15 November 2013). Epuration catalytique de biogaz [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique de l'Ecole doctorale thématique en génie des procédés - GEPROC, Liège, Belgium.

Lox, F., Crine, M., Toye, D., Desmet, J., Rooke, J., Su, B.-L., Duprez, M.-E., Hantson, A.-L., Thomas, D., Bochenek, M., & Agathos, S. (15 November 2013). Procédé de fabrication d'un matériau hybride photosynthétique obtenu par encapsulation de micro-algues en vue de sa mise en oeuvre dans un photobioréacteur à biomasse fixée [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique de l'Ecole Doctorale Thématique en Génie des Procédés (EDT GEPROC), Liège, Belgium.

Duprez, M.-E., Hantson, A.-L., Thomas, D., Lox, F., Crine, M., Toye, D., Bochenek, M., Agathos, S., Rooke, J., & Su, B.-L. (15 November 2013). Dévéloppement intégré de matériaux hybrides photosynthétiques par encapsulation de micro-algues en vue de la production de méthabolites à haute valeur ajoutée (projet FOTOBIOMAT) [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique de l'Ecole Doctorale Thématique en Génie des Procédés (EDT GEPROC), LIEGE, Belgium.

Duprez, M.-E., Mirisola, A., Desmet, J., Rooke, J., Lox, F., Toye, D., Su, B.-L., Hantson, A.-L., & Thomas, D. (10 October 2013). Encapsulation de micro-algues dans un matériaux hybride alginate-silice et production de molécules à hautes valeur ajoutée [Poster presentation]. 14ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Lyon, France.

de Bien, C., Ounally, T., Collard, V., Jérôme, C., Léonard, A., & Toye, D. (2013). Le « génie orienté produit » appliqué à l’élaboration de matrices poreuses pour l’ingénierie tissulaire. In Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés. Paris, France: Ed. SFGP.
Peer reviewed

Li, J., Fraikin, L., Salmon, T., Bennamoun, L., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (04 October 2013). Convective Drying of Mixtures of Sewage Sludge and Sawdust in a Fixed Bed [Paper presentation]. 4th European Drying Conference, Paris, France.

Léonard, G., Belletante, S., Cabeza Mogador, B., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (October 2013). Modeling post-combustion CO2 capture with assessment of solvent degradation [Paper presentation]. 14ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés (SFGP), Lyon, France.

Collignon, M.-L., Delafosse, A., Delvigne, F., Thonart, P., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2013). Développement d'un dispositif de trajectographie optique nécessaire pour la caractérisation expérimentale par une approche Euler-Lagrange des écoulements dans des bioréacteurs à cuve agitée. In Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés. Paris, France: Ed. SFGP.
Peer reviewed

Lombart, F., Alexandre, D., de Bien, C., Toye, D., Sevrin, C., & Grandfils, C. (October 2013). Fibroblasts (L929) and osteoblasts (MG-63) behavior within networks differing in fiber density [Poster presentation]. Nanofar Autumn School 2013.

de Bien, C., Ounally, T., Collard, V., Jérôme, C., Léonard, A., & Toye, D. (2013). "Product-oriented engineering" applied to the development of porous scaffolds for tissue engineering. Procedia Engineering.
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi

Léonard, G., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (September 2013). Optimal conception of a post-combustion CO2 capture unit with assessment of solvent degradation [Poster presentation]. 2nd Post Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC2), Bergen, Norway.

Calvo, S., Delafosse, A., Collignon, M.-L., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2013). Caractérisation expérimentale et modélisation des conditions de mise en suspension homogène d’un solide dans une cuve agitée industrielle. In Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés (Cd-ROM).
Peer reviewed

Calvo, S., Delafosse, A., Collignon, M.-L., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (August 2013). Experimental characterisation and modelling of homogeneous solid suspension in an industrial stirred tank. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Volume 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/329264
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Pirard, S., Malengreaux, C., Toye, D., & Heinrichs, B. (08 July 2013). How to correctly determine the kinetics of pollutant degradation in water over a photocatalytic film? [Paper presentation]. 11th International Conference on Catalysis in Membrane Reactors, ICCMR11, Porto, Portugal.

Lombart, F., Alexandre, D., de Bien, C., Toye, D., Sevrin, C., & Grandfils, C. (18 June 2013). In vitro study of fibroblasts (L29) and osteoblasts (MG-63) within networks differing in fiber density [Poster presentation]. Biomedica, Aachen, Germany.

Lombart, F., Alexandre, D., de Bien, C., Toye, D., Sevrin, C., & Grandfils, C. (18 June 2013). In vitro study of fibroblasts (L929) and osteoblasts (MG-63) within networks differing in fiber density [Poster presentation]. Biomedica 2013 - The European Life Sciences Summit, Aachen, Germany.

Léonard, G., Cabeza Mogador, B., Belletante, S., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (June 2013). Dynamic Modeling and control of a pilot CO2 postcombustion capture plant [Poster presentation]. 23rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Lappeenranta, Finland.

Zune, Q., Kinet, R., Toye, D., Thonart, P., Punt, P. J., & Delvigne, F. (29 April 2013). Improvement of gluco-amylase B excretion by Aspergillus oryzae in a biofilm reactor [Poster presentation]. 35th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, Portland, United States.

Calvo, S., Delafosse, A., Collignon, M.-L., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (24 April 2013). CFD Modelisation of homogeneous distribution of solid particles in a stirred tank [Poster presentation]. 9th European Congress of Chemical Engineering / 2nd European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, The Hague, Netherlands.

Janzen, A., Steube, J., Aferka, S., Crine, M., Marchot, P., Toye, D., & Kenig, E. (April 2013). Influence of viscosity on liquid flow and separation efficiency of structured packings – hydrodynamic analogy modelling approach based on X-ray tomography investigations [Poster presentation]. 9th European Congress of Chemical Engineering / 2nd European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, The Hague, The Netherlands, The Hague, Netherlands.

Janzen, A., Steube, J., Aferka, S., Kenig, E., Crine, M., Marchot, P., & Toye, D. (2013). Investigation of liquid flow morphology inside a structured packing using X-ray tomography. Chemical Engineering Science, 12, 451-460. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2013.08.035
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Janzen, A., Steube, J., Kenig, E., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2013). Mesure par tomographie à rayons X de l’influence de la viscosité du liquide sur la morphologie de l’écoulement dans un garnissage structuré. Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, 104.
Peer reviewed

Pirard, S., Delafosse, A., Toye, D., & Pirard, J.-P. (2013). Modeling of a continuous rotary reactor for carbon nanotube synthesis by catalytic chemical vapor deposition: Influence of heat exchanges and temperature profile. Chemical Engineering Journal, 232. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2013.07.077
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Zune, Q., Toye, D., Delvigne, F., Brognaux, A. (Other coll.), Ongena, M. (Other coll.), & Thonart, P. (Other coll.). (2013). Biofilm formation on metal structured packing for the production of high added value biomolecules. Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés.
Peer reviewed

Léonard, G., BELLETANTE, S., Cabeza Mogador, B., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (2013). Modélisation du captage post-combustion du CO2 avec évaluation de la dégradation des solvants. Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, 104.
Peer reviewed

Claude, V., Toye, D., Heinrichs, B., & Lambert, S. (08 November 2012). Epuration catalytique de biogaz [Poster presentation]. Journée scientifique de l'Ecole Doctorale Thématique en Génie des Procédés - GEPROC, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Léonard, G., Lepaumier, H., Thielens, M.-L., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (November 2012). CO2 CAPTURE in POWER PLANTS: Process Simulation and Solvent Degradation [Poster presentation]. Journée Energie GEPROC, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Zune, Q., Soyeurt, D., Ongena, M., Toye, D., Thonart, P., & Delvigne, F. (08 October 2012). Implementation of structured metal packing for the design of biofilm reactor : analysis by high energy X-ray tomography and application to the production of lipopeptides by Bacillus subtilis [Poster presentation]. GEPROC student day, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Zune, Q., Soyeurt, D., Ongena, M., Toye, D., Thonart, P., & Delvigne, F. (08 October 2012). Implementation of structured metal packing for the design of biofilm reactor : analysis by high energy X-ray tomography and application to the production of lipopeptides by Bacillus subtilis [Poster presentation]. GEPROC student day.

Collignon, M.-L., Delafosse, A., Delvigne, F., Thonart, P., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (10 September 2012). Development of optical trajectography device for the lagangian study of turbulent flow inside a stirred tank used in pharmaceutical industry [Poster presentation]. 14th European Conference on Mixing, Warsaw, Poland.

de Bien, C., Mengoni, M., D'Otreppe, V., Freichels, H., Jérôme, C., Ponthot, J.-P., Léonard, A., & Toye, D. (2012). Development of a biomechanical model of deer antler cancellous bone based on X-ray microtomographic images. In Micro-CT User Meeting 2012 - Abstract Book (pp. 137-145).
Peer reviewed

Plougonven, E., Detrembleur, C., Tran, M. P., Toye, D., & Léonard, A. (26 March 2012). Microstructure characterisation of nanocomposite polymeric foams by X-ray microtomography [Poster presentation]. 6th International Symposium on Process Tomography.

Janzen, A., Steube, J., Aferka, S., Toye, D., Marchot, P., & Kenig, E. (March 2012). Modellierung des Trennverhaltens wässriger Systeme in Packungskolonnen basierend auf tomographischen [Paper presentation]. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachausschüsse "Computational Fluid Dynamics" und "Fluidverfahrenstechnik“, Weimar, Germany.

Zune, Q., Ongena, M., Toye, D., Thonart, P., & Delvigne, F. (08 February 2012). Design of a biofilm reactor comprising a metal structured packing for the production of lipopeptides by B. subtilis [Poster presentation]. ENVITAM-GEPROC Ph student day, Gembloux, Belgium.

Mengoni, M., Voide, R., de Bien, C., Freichels, H., Jérôme, C., Léonard, A., Toye, D., van Lenthe, G. H., Müller, R., & Ponthot, J.-P. (February 2012). A non-linear homogeneous model for bone-like materials under compressive load. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 28 (2), 334-348. doi:10.1002/cnm.1473
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Léonard, G., Lepaumier, H., Blandina, F., Thielens, M.-L., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (February 2012). POST-COMBUSTION CO2 CAPTURE: Global Process Simulation and Solvent Degradation [Poster presentation]. PHD Student Day ENVITAM-GEPROC, Gembloux, Belgium.

Léonard, G., Toye, D., & Heyen, G. (January 2012). Study of 2-Ethanolamine degradation [Paper presentation]. University of Texas 1st conference on Carbon Capture and Storage, Austin, United States - Texas.

Aferka, S., Steube, J., Janzen, A., Kenig, E., Crine, M., Marchot, P., & Toye, D. (2012). Investigation of liquid flow pattern inside a structured packing using X-ray tomography. In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Process Tomography, Cape Town, South Africa (pp. 8).
Peer reviewed

Léonard, A., Toye, D., & Plougonven, E. (2011). Formation à la microtomographie.

Aferka, S., Steube, J., Janzen, A., Kenig, E., Crine, M., Marchot, P., & Toye, D. (2011). Mesure par tomographie à rayons X de l’influence de la viscosité sur la distribution du liquide dans une colonne à empilage structuré. In In SFGP (Ed.), Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés - N° 101 - Des procédés au service du produit au coeur de l'Europe - Actes du XIIIème Congrès de la société Française de Génie des Procédés - Du 29 Nov. au 1er Décembre 2011 - Lille Grand Palais, FRANCE (pp. 6). Paris, France: Lavoisier Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Toye, D. (December 2011). Tomographie à rayons X : un outil de choix pour l'étude de l'hydrodynamique dans des empilages de distillation catalytique [Paper presentation]. XIIIème Congrès de la société Française de Génie des Procédés, Lille, France.

Collignon, M.-L., Droissart, L., Delafosse, A., Vanhamel, S., Rodriguez, R., Claes, T., Moncaubeig, F., Peeters, L., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2011). Etude de l’écoulement au sein d’un bioréacteur parallélépipédique à usage unique à agitation pendulo-elliptique. In Récents Progrès en Génie des procédés - A la croisée des sciences et des cultures, pour relever les défis industriels du XXIème siècle. Paris, France: Ed. SFGP.
Peer reviewed

Páez Martínez, C., Contreras, M. S., Léonard, A., Toye, D., Blacher, S., Olivera-Fuentes, C., Pirard, J.-P., & Job, N. (30 November 2011). Adsorption of methylene blue on activated carbon xerogels [Poster presentation]. 13ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Lille, France.

Delafosse, A., Delvigne, F., Collignon, M.-L., Crine, M., Thonart, P., & Toye, D. (2011). Modèle hybride Euler-Lagrange pour la description des hétérogénéités dans les bioréacteurs. In SFGP (Ed.), Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés - N° 101 - Des procédés au service du produit au coeur de l'Europe - Actes du XIIIème Congrès de la société Française de Génie des Procédés - Du 29 Nov. au 1er Décembre 2011 - Lille Grand Palais, FRANCE. Lavoisier Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Beugre, D., Calvo, S., Crine, M., Toye, D., & Marchot, P. (2011). Simulation d’un écoulement de gaz dans un empilage structuré par la méthode des réseaux de Boltzmann. In SFGP (Ed.), Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés - N° 101 - Des procédés au service du produit au coeur de l'Europe - Actes du XIIIème Congrès de la société Française de Génie des Procédés - Du 29 Nov. au 1er Décembre 2011 - Lille Grand Palais, FRANCE. Paris, France: Lavoisier Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Delvigne, F., Brognaux, A., Gorret, N., Delafosse, A., Collignon, M.-L., Toye, D., Crine, M., & Thonart, P. (29 November 2011). Prise en compte l'état de la membrane cellulaire sur la réponse de biocapteurs fluorescents pour la détection de défaut d'écoulement au niveau des bioréacteurs : vers une intégration du "sécrétome" dans la problématique de l'extrapolation [Paper presentation]. 12ème congrès de la Société Française de génie des procédés, Lille, France.

Collignon, M.-L., Degand, A., Delafosse, A., Delvigne, F., Thonart, P., & Toye, D. (29 November 2011). Mise au point d’un dispositif de trajectographie optique pour l’étude lagrangienne des écoulements dans une cuve agitée utilisée dans l’industrie pharmaceutique [Poster presentation]. 13ème Congrès de la Société Française du Génie des Procédés, Lille, France.

Beugre, D., Calvo, S., Crine, M., Toye, D., & Marchot, P. (15 November 2011). Gas Flow Simulations in a Structured Packing by Lattice Boltzmann Method [Paper presentation]. Advanced COmputational Methods in ENgineering, ACOMEN 2011, Liège, Belgium.

Delafosse, A., Delvigne, F., Collignon, M.-L., Crine, M., Thonart, P., & Toye, D. (15 November 2011). Hybrid Euler-Lagrange approach to model concentration heterogeneities in stirred tank bioreactors [Paper presentation]. Fifth International Conference on Advanced COmputational Methods in ENgineering (ACOMEN2011), Liège, Belgium.

Delvigne, F., Delafosse, A., Collignon, M.-L., Toye, D., Crine, M., & Thonart, P. (25 September 2011). Potential use of GFP microbial biosensors for the detection of mixing imperfections and cell viability in bioreactors [Paper presentation]. 1st european congress on applied biotechnology, Berlin, Germany.

Collignon, M.-L., Delafosse, A., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (18 September 2011). Study of turbulent flow inside a stirred tank used in animal cell culture [Paper presentation]. 7th International Symposium on Mixing in Industrial Processes, ISMIP 7, Pekin, China.

Douven, S., Pirard, S., Heyen, G., Toye, D., & Pirard, J.-P. (2011). Kinetic study of double-walled carbon nanotube synthesis by catalytic chemical vapour deposition over an Fe-Mo/MgO catalyst using methane as the carbon source. Chemical Engineering Journal, 175, 396-407. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2011.08.066
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Delvigne, F., Brognaux, A., Gorret, N., Delafosse, A., Collignon, M.-L., Toye, D., Crine, M., & Thonart, P. (2011). Taking into account cell membrane permeability to account for the response of GFP microbial biosensors : integrating the secretome in the scaling-up procedures. Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, 101, 1-7.
Peer reviewed

Viva, A., Aferka, S., Brunazzi, E., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2011). Processing of X-ray tomographic images: a procedure adapted for the analysis of phase distribution in MellapakPlus 752.Y and Katapak-SP packings. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 22, 279-290. doi:10.1016/j.flowmeasinst.2011.03.008
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Aferka, S., Viva, A., Brunazzi, E., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2011). X-ray CT study of the influence of liquid viscosity on fluid phase distribution in modular catalytic packings. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 24, 1429-1434. doi:10.3303/CET1124239
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Viva, A., Aferka, S., Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & Brunazzi, E. (2011). Determination of liquid hold-up and flow distribution inside modular catalytic structured packings. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 89, 1414-1426. doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2011.02.009
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Beugre, D., Calvo, S., Crine, M., Toye, D., & Marchot, P. (2011). Gas Flow Simulations in a Structured Packing by Lattice Boltzmann Method. Chemical Engineering Science, 66, 3742-3752. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2011.02.049
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Delvigne, F.* , Brognaux, A.* , Gorret, N., Neubauer, P., Delafosse, A., Collignon, M.-L., Toye, D., Crine, M., Boxus, M., & Thonart, P. (2011). Characterization of the response of GFP microbial biosensors sensitive to substrate limitation in scale-down bioreactors. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 55 (2), 131-139. doi:10.1016/j.bej.2011.03.016
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* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Collignon, M.-L., Delafosse, A., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2011). Reply to "Comments on Collignon et al. (Chem. Eng. Sci. 65 (2010) 5929-5941)". Chemical Engineering Science, 6, 1324-1325. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2010.12.038
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Aferka, S., Viva, A., Brunazzi, E., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2011). Tomographic measurement of liquid hold up and effective interfacial area distributions in a column packed with high performance structured packings. Chemical Engineering Science, 66, 3413-3422. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2011.01.022
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Delafosse, A., Collignon, M.-L., Dossin, D., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2011). Estimation of the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation in a culture cell stirred tank bioreactor. Chemical Engineering Science, 66 (8), 1728-1737. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2011.01.011
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Mengoni, M., Voide, R., Toye, D., Léonard, A., van Lenthe, G. H., & Ponthot, J.-P. (2011). A non-linear homogeneous model for bone-like materials under compressive load. In P. Nithiarasu, R. Löhner, R. van Loon, I. Sazonov, ... X. Xie (Eds.), Conference Proceedings - 2nd International Conference on Computational & Mathematical Biomedical Engineering (pp. 355-358).
Peer reviewed

Delafosse, A., Delvigne, F., Collignon, M.-L., Crine, M., Thonart, P., & Toye, D. (2011). Description of concentration heterogeneities in a stirred-tank bioreactor by mean of an Euler- Lagrange model [Paper presentation]. 8th European Congress of Chemical Engineering – ECCE8”, Berlin, Germany, 25-29 septembre 2011, Berlin, Germany.

Collignon, M.-L., Delafosse, A., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (15 November 2010). AXIAL IMPELLER SELECTION FOR ANCHORAGE DEPENDENT ANIMAL CELL CULTURE IN STIRRED BIOREACTORS: METHODOLOGY BASED ON THE IMPELLER COMPARISON AT JUST-SUSPENDED SPEED OF ROTATION. Chemical Engineering Science, 65 (22), 5929-5941. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2010.08.027
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Toye, D., Marchot, P., & Crine, M. (28 October 2010). X-ray tomography : a key for revealing local behavior of fluids in packed beds [Paper presentation]. Séminaire donné au Department of Fluid Process Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Paderborn, Germany, Paderborn, Germany.

Collignon, M.-L., Droissart, L., Delafosse, A., Vanhamel, S., Rodriguez, R., Claes, T., Moncaubeig, F., Peeters, L., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (August 2010). Study of hydrodynamics inside a single use parallelepiped stirred bioreactor equipped with an elliptic motion paddle [Paper presentation]. Organisation conjointe: 19th Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering(CHISA) ; 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE-7), Prague, République Tchèque, 28 août - 1 septembre 2010, Prague, Czechia.

Aferka, S., Viva, A., Brunazzi, E., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2010). Influence of the viscosity on liquid hold-up in modular catalytic packings [Paper presentation]. 19th Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA2010) – 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE7), 28 aout–2 septembre 2010, Prague, Czechia.

Delafosse, A., Delvigne, F., Collignon, M.-L., Crine, M., Thonart, P., & Toye, D. (2010). Development of a compartment model based on CFD simulations for mixing description in bioreactors. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 14 (2), 517-522.
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Viva, A., Aferka, S., Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & Brunazzi, E. (2010). Measurement of liquid hold-up in catalytic structured packings: comparison of different experimental techniques. In A. B. de Haan, H. Kooijman, ... A. Gorak (Eds.), Proceedings of 9th Distillation and Absorption Conference (DA2010), Eindhoven, Pays-Bas, 12-15 septembre 2010.
Peer reviewed

Collignon, M.-L., Dossin, D., Delafosse, A., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2010). Quality of mixing in a stirred bioreactor used for animal cells culture: heterogeneities in a lab scale bioreactor and evolution of mixing time with scale up. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 14, 401-407.
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Aferka, S., Viva, A., Brunazzi, E., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2010). Liquid load point determination in a reactive distillation packing by x-ray tomography. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 88 (4), 611-617. doi:10.1002/cjce.20320
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Verdin, E., Toye, D., Crine, M., Lodewyckx, P., & Léonard, A. (2010). Study of the impact of constant and pulsating flows of organic vapours on carbon filters breakthrough curves [Poster presentation]. 19th Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA2010) – 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE7), 28 aout–2 septembre 2010, Prague, Czechia.

Aferka, S., Viva, A., Brunazzi, E., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2010). Liquid hold-up measurement in Mellapak Plus 752Y packed bed using X-ray tomography. In VCIPT (Ed.), Proceedings of 6th World Congress On Industrial Process Tomography (WCIPT6), Beijing, China, 6-9 Septembre 2010. Manchester, United Kingdom: Virtual Centre for Industrial Process Tomography.
Peer reviewed

Delafosse, A., Delvigne, F., Collignon, M.-L., Crine, M., Thonart, P., & Toye, D. (2010). Stochastic modelling of micro-organisms displacements in a stirred-tank bioreactor [Poster presentation]. 19th Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA2010) – 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE7), 28 aout–2 septembre 2010, Prague, Czechia.

Verdin, E., Beugre, D. A., Parra, J. B., Toye, D., Marchot, P., Ania, C. O., & Léonard, A. (2010). Lattice Boltzmann 3D flow simulation based on X-ray microtomographic images of activated carbon beds [Poster presentation]. FOA10- 10th Internationnal Conference on Fundamentals of adsorption, 23-28 Mai 2010, Hyogo, Japan.

Verdin, E., Toye, D., Crine, Lodewyckx, P., & Léonard, A. (2010). Study of the impact of constant and pulsating flows of organic and water vapours on carbon filters breakthrough curves [Paper presentation]. Carbon 2010 – “From Nano to Macro", 11 – 16 July 2010, Clemson, United States - South Carolina.

Verdin, E., Parra, J. B., Toye, D., Crine, M., Lodewyckx, P., Ania, C., & Léonard, A. (2010). Dynamic adsorption of methyl iodide on carbon beds obtained from poly(ethylene) terephthalate wastes followed by X-ray microtomography [Poster presentation]. 10th International Conference on Fundamentals of Adsorption, 23-28 mai 2010, Hyogo, Japan.

Calvo, S., Beugre, D. A., Crine, M., Marchot, P., & Toye, D. (2010). Comparison of hydrodynamic parameters obtained by 2D measurements in a flat rectangular column with X-ray radiography and data from literature on 3D columns [Poster presentation]. 19th Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA2010) – 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE7), 28 aout–2 septembre 2010, Prague, Czechia.

Aferka, S., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2010). Interfacial area measurement in a catalytic distillation packing using high energy x-ray CT. Chemical Engineering Science, 65 (1), 511-516. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2009.05.048
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Delafosse, A., Delvigne, F., Collignon, M.-L., Crine, M., Thonart, P., & Toye, D. (2010). Development of a compartment model based on CFD simulations for description of mixing in bioreactors. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 14 (SPEC. ISSUE 2), 517 - 522.
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Toye, D., Galifi, A., Salmon, T., Marchot, P., Verdin, E., & Crine, M. (2010). Influence of medium composition on oxygen transfer rate in animal cell culture. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 88 (4), 671-676. doi:10.1002/cjce.20302
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Aferka, S., Viva, A., Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & Brunazzi, E. (2010). X-ray CT study of the influence of liquid viscosity on fluid phase distribution in modular catalytic packings. AIDIC Conference series, 10, 373-382. doi:10.3303/ACOS111004
Peer reviewed

Collignon, M.-L., Dossin, D., Delafosse, A., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (12 December 2009). Study of heterogeneities in laboratory scale and prediction of mixing time evolution during the scale- up of an animal cells culture in a stirred bioreactor [Paper presentation]. Journée d'étude annuelle de l'école doctorale GEPROC sur le thème des Biotechnologies, Gembloux, Belgium.

Collignon, M.-L., Crine, M., Delafosse, A., & Toye, D. (14 October 2009). Effet de la viscosité sur la structure de l'écoulement et sur le mélange dans un bioréacteur à cuve agitée utilisé en culture de cellules animales [Poster presentation]. 12ème congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Marseille, France.

Aferka, S., Viva, A., Brunazzi, E., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (August 2009). Liquid load point measurement in a reactive distillation packing by x-ray tomography [Poster presentation]. 8th World Congress on Chemical Engineering, Montreal, Canada.

Collignon, M.-L., Dossin, D., Crine, M., Chaubard, J.-F., Peeters, L., Dessoy, S., & Toye, D. (01 April 2009). Study of the mixing time evolution during the scale-up of an animal cells culture in a stirred tank bioreactor [Poster presentation]. Biomedica, the life science summit, Liège, Belgium.

Toye, D., Collignon, M.-L., & Crine, M. (05 February 2009). Les outils du génie chimique pour une meilleure maîtrise des procédés biologiques et biotechnologiques [Paper presentation]. « Le biomédical en Sciences appliquées », Liège, Belgium.

Galifi, A., Salmon, T., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2009). Influence des propriétés physico-chimiques du milieu de culture sur le transfert de l'oxygène dans un bioréacteur. In Récents Progrès en Génie des procédés -N°98 - A la croisée des sciences et des cultures, pour relever les défis industriels du XXIème siècle. Actes du 12ème Congrès de la Société française de Génie des procédés, 14-16 octobre 2009, Marseille, France. Paris, France: Lavoisier - Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Léonard, A., Fostroy, P., Salmon, T., Toye, D., & Crine, M. (2009). Traitement d'effluents colorés par adsorption sur des matériaux produits à partir de boues d'épuration [Poster presentation]. 12ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, 14-16 octobre 2009, Marseille, France.

Calvo, S., Beugre, D. A., Crine, M., Léonard, A., Marchot, P., & Toye, D. (2009). Phase distribution measurements in metallic foam packing using X-ray radiography and micro-tomography. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 48 (5), 1030-1039. doi:10.1016/j.cep.2009.02.001
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Almazan, M. D. C., Léonard, A., Toye, D., Lodewyckx, P., Pirard, J.-P., Lopez Garzon, F. J., & Blacher, S. (2009). In situ follow-up of adsorption in activated carbon beds using X-ray microtomography. In S. Kaskel, P. Llewellyn, F. Rodriguez-Reinoso, ... N. A. Seiton (Eds.), Characterisation of Porous Solids VII - Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on the Characterisation of Porous Solids (pp. 233-239). Cambridge, United Kingdom: The Royal Society of Chemistry.
Peer reviewed

Collignon, M.-L., Crine, M., Delafosse, A., & Toye, D. (2009). Effet de la viscosité sur la structure de l'écoulement et sur le mélange dans un bioréacteur à cuve agitée utilisé en culture de cellules animales. In Récents Progrès en Génie des procédés - A la croisée des sciences et des cultures, pour relever les défis industriels du XXIème siècle. Paris, France: Lavoisier Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Delafosse, A., Collignon, M.-L., Delvigne, F., Crine, M., Thonart, P., & Toye, D. (2009). CFD-based Compartment model for the description of the heterogeneities experienced by microorganisms in bioreactors [Poster presentation]. Bioproscale symposium, 24 - 27 Novembre 2009, Berlin, Germany.

Toye, D., Galifi, A., Salmon, T., Verdin, E., & Crine, M. (2009). Influence of medium composition on oxygen transfer rate in animal cell culture. In Proceedings of 8th World Congress on Chemical Engineering.
Peer reviewed

Verdin, E., Beugre, D. A., Ania, C., Parra, J., Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & Léonard, A. (2009). Simulation de l’écoulement dans des filtres à charbons actifs par la méthodologie des réseaux de Boltzmann. In SFGP (Ed.), Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés - N°98 - A la croisée des sciences et des cultures pour relever les défis industriels du XXIème siècle - Actes du 12ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Marseille, France, 14-16 octobre 2009. Paris, France: Lavoisier - Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Caulkin, R., Jia, X., Xu, C., Fairweather, M., Williams, R. A., Stitt, H., Nijemeisland, M., Aferka, S., Crine, M., Léonard, A., Toye, D., & Marchot, P. (2009). Simulations of Structures in Packed Columns and Validation by X-ray Tomography. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 48 (1), 202-213. doi:10.1021/ie800033a
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Beugre, D. A., Calvo, S., Dethier, G., Crine, M., Toye, D., & Marchot, P. (2009). Lattice Boltzmann 3D flow simulations on a metallic foam. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. doi:10.1016/
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Collignon, M.-L., Crine, M., Verdin, E., Chaubard, J.-F., Peeters, L., Dessoy, S., & Toye, D. (20 August 2008). A study of the mixing by PIV and PLIF in bioreactor of cells animals culture [Paper presentation]. Sixth International Symposium on Mixing in Industrial Process Industries, Niagara on the Lake, Canada.

Collignon, M.-L., Crine, M., Verdin, E., Chaubard, J.-F., Peeters, L., Dessoy, S., & Toye, D. (19 August 2008). A study of the mixing by PIV and PLIF in bioreactor of cells animal culture [Paper presentation]. 6th International Symposium of Mixing in Industrial Processes, ISMIP 6, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.

Verdin, E., Ania, C. O., Gommes, C., Léonard, A., Parra, J. B., Toye, D., Crine, M., & Blacher, S. (June 2008). 3D characterization of the porous structure of activated carbon packed beds using X-ray microtomography [Poster presentation]. COPS VIII - 8th International Symposium on the Characterisation of Porous Solids, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Collignon, M.-L., Crine, M., Chaubard, J.-F., Peeters, L., Dessoy, S., & Toye, D. (16 April 2008). Experimental analysis by P.I.V. and P.L.I.F of the local hydrodynamic environment of animal cells cultivated in a stirred tank bioreactor [Poster presentation]. Biomedica, the life science summit, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Léonard, A., Meneses, E., Le Trong, E., Salmon, T., Marchot, P., Toye, D., & Crine, M. (10 February 2008). Influence of Back Mixing on the Convective Drying of Residual Sludges in a Fixed Bed. Water Research, 42 (10-11), 2671-2677. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2008.01.020
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Aferka, S., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2008). Interfacial area measurement in a Katapak™ SP12 catalytic distillation column using high energy X-ray CT. In CHISA 2008 - 18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering.
Peer reviewed

Léonard, A., Wullens, H., Blacher, S., Marchot, P., Toye, D., Crine, M., & Lodewyckx, P. (2008). In situ observation of wall effects in activated carbon filters by X-ray microtomography. Separation and Purification Technology, 64 (1), 127-130. doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2008.08.008
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Léonard, A., Toye, D., Marchot, P., & Crine, M. (November 2007). Applications de la microtomographie à rayons X en génie des procédés [Paper presentation]. Séminaire donné à "l’Université Libre de Bruxelles, Service de Génie Chimique, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Léonard, A., Toye, D., Marchot, P., & Crine, M. (2007). Intérêt de la microtomographie à rayons X pour la formulation de produits agroalimentaires. In SFGP (Ed.), Récents progrès en génie des procédés N° 96 2007 : actes du 11° Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés 9-10-11 Octobre 2007, Saint-Étienne, France. Paris, France: Lavoisier Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Léonard, A., Wullens, H., Marchot, P., Toye, D., Crine, M., & Lodewyckx, P. (2007). Visualisation d'effets de paroi dans des lits de charbon actif par microtomographie à rayons X. In SFGP (Ed.), Récents progrès en génie des procédés N° 96 2007 : actes du 11° Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés 9-10-11 Octobre 2007, Saint-Étienne, France. Paris, France: Lavoisier Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Léonard, A., Wullens, H., Blacher, S., Marchot, P., Toye, D., Crine, M., & Lodewyckx, P. (2007). Observation of wall effects in activated carbon filters by x-ray µCT. In H. Mc Cann & G. A. Johansen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, Bergen, Norway, September 6-9, 2007 (pp. 342-347). Virtual Centre for Industrial Process Tomography.
Peer reviewed

Jia, X., Xu, C., Caulkin, R., Williams, R. A., Stitt, H., Nijemeisland, M., Aferka, S., Crine, M., Léonard, A., Toye, D., & Marchot, P. (2007). Validation of DigiPac Simulations of packed columns using x-ray microtomography. In H. Mc Cann & G. A. Johansen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, Bergen, Norway, September 6-9, 2007 (pp. 382-389). Virtual Centre for Industrial Process Tomography.
Peer reviewed

Delvigne, F., Crine, M., Toye, D., & Thonart, P. (12 June 2007). Caractérisation des perturbations extracellulaires induites au sein des réacteurs scale-down par la superposition d'une approche expérimentale et d'une approche numérique [Paper presentation]. 5ème journées francophones sur les réacteurs G-L et G-L-S, Carry-le-Rouet, France.

Toye, D., Aferka, S., Calvo, S., Léonard, A., Crine, M., Saroha, A., & Marchot, P. (2007). Mesure de la distribution des phases dans une mousse métallique par radiographie et micro-tomographie à rayons X. In Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés - N°95 - Actes des 5èmes Journées francophones sur les réacteurs gaz-liquide et gaz-liquide-solide, 12-15 juin 2007, Carry-le-Rouet, France. Paris, France: Lavoisier - Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Aferka, S., Saroha, A., Toye, D., Crine, M., & Marchot, P. (2007). Mesure de la distribution des phases dans une colonne de distillation réactive par tomographie à rayons X. In Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés - N°95 - Actes des 5èmes Journées francophones sur les réacteurs gaz-liquide et gaz-liquide-solide, 12-15 juin 2007, Carry-le-Rouet, France. Paris, France: Lavoisier Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Calvo, S., Beugre, D. A., Aferka, S., Saroha, A., Toye, D., Crine, M., & Marchot, P. (2007). Modélisation d'un écoulement diphasique au sein d'un empilage structuré. In SFGP (Ed.), Récents Progrès en Génie des procédés - N°96 - Des réponses industrielles pour une société en mutation - Actes du 11ème Congrès de la Société française de Génie des procédés - 9-11 octobre 2007, Saint Etienne, France. Lavoisier Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Toye, D., Aferka, S., Calvo, S., Léonard, A., Crine, M., Saroha, A., & Marchot, P. (2007). Phase distribution measurements in metallic foam using x-ray radiography and micro-tomography. In G. A. Johansen & H. Mc Cann (Ed.), Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, Bergen, Norway, September 6-9, 2007 (CD-ROM) (pp. 761-767). Virtual Centre for Industrial Process Tomography.
Peer reviewed

Aferka, S., Crine, M., Saroha, A. K., Toye, D., & Marchot, P. (2007). In situ measurements of the static liquid holdup in Katapak-SP12 (TM) packed column using X-ray tomography. Chemical Engineering Science, 62 (21), 6076-6080. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2007.06.025
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Lecocq, R., Calvo, S., Saroha, A., Toye, D., Crine, M., & Marchot, P. (2007). Simple heuristic model of an aerosol filter. In SFGP (Ed.), Récents Progrès en Génie des procédés - N°96 - Des réponses industrielles pour une société en mutation - Actes du 11ème Congrès de la Société francophone de Génie des Procédés, 9-11 octobre 2007, Saint-Etienne, France. Lavoisier Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Marchot, P., Beugre, D. A., Crine, M., Dethier, G., Léonard, A., & Toye, D. (2007). Lattice Boltzmann 3D flow simulations in a hepa aerosol filter, on a computing grid [Paper presentation]. ECCE6 - 6th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, 16-21 septembre 2007, Copenhague, Denmark.

Delvigne, F., Crine, M., Toye, D., & Thonart, P. (2007). Caractérisation des perturbations extracellulaires induites au sein des réacteurs scale-down par la superposition d'une approche expérimentale et d'une approche numérique. In Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés - N°95 - Actes des 5èmes Journées francophones sur les réacteurs gaz-liquide et gaz-liquide-solide, 12-15 juin 2007, Carry-le-Rouet, France. Paris, France: Lavoisier - Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Abdullah, J., Aferka, S., Crine, M., Saroha, A. K., Toye, D., & Marchot, P. (2007). Investigating the liquid distribution in a reactive distillation packing using high energy x-ray tomography. AIP Conference Proceedings, 914, 760-766. doi:10.1063/1.2747510
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Léonard, A., Wullens, H., Blacher, S., Marchot, P., Toye, D., Crine, M., & Lodewyckx, P. (2007). Observation of wall effects in activated carbon filters by X-ray μCT. In 5th World Congress in Industrial Process Tomography (pp. 342-347). International Society for Industrial Process Tomography.
Peer reviewed

Léonard, A., Toye, D., Marchot, P., & Crine, M. (26 October 2006). Application des techniques tomographiques en génie des procédés [Paper presentation]. Séminaire donné à "l’École des Mines d’Albi-Carmaux, Centre Rapsodee, Albi, France.

Lecocq, R., Léonard, A., Toye, D., Crine, M., & Marchot, P. (September 2006). Simulation of transport processes in fiber filters: Combining a lattice Boltzmann CFD method and a particle tracking method [Poster presentation]. µTomo3D, BVM/SBM Symposium on Electron/X-ray Tomography and 3D Image Processing, Leuven, Belgium.

Léonard, A., Meneses, E., Le Trong, E., Salmon, T., Toye, D., & Crine, M. (2006). Use of X-ray tomography to study the influence of back mixing on the convective drying of sludges in a fixed bed. In I. Farkas (Ed.), Drying 2006, the Proceedings of the 15th International Drying Symposium, Budapest, Hungary, 20-23 August 2006, Vol B (pp. 767-772). Gödöllö, Hungary: Szent Istvan University Publisher.
Peer reviewed

Toye, D., Marchot, Léonard, A., & Crine, M. (17 May 2006). Techniques tomographiques : des instruments de mesure de choix en génie chimique [Paper presentation]. Journée « Tomographie », Liège, Belgium.

Toye, D., Fransolet, E., Léonard, A., Crine, M., & Marchot, P. (14 March 2006). Techniques tomographiques : des outils de choix pour l’étude des réacteurs polyphasiques [Paper presentation]. Journée thématique « Les avancées des métrologies pour les réacteurs polyphasiques », Paris, France.

Toye, D., Fransolet, E., Crine, M., & Marchot, P. (14 March 2006). Techniques tomographiques : des outils de choix pour l’étude des réacteurs polyphasiques [Paper presentation]. Journée thématique « Les avancées des métrologies pour les réacteurs polyphasiques », Paris, France.

Aferka, S., Saroha, A., Toye, D., Marchot, P., & Crine, M. (2006). Liquid flow distribution in catalytic distillation columns : use of high-energy X-ray tomography. In AIChE (Ed.), AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings, San Francisco, CA, United States, Nov. 12-17, 2006. New Yourk, United States - New York: American Institute of Chemical Engineers.
Peer reviewed

Lecocq, R., Calvo, S., Saroha, A., Toye, D., Crine, M., & Marchot, P. (2006). Simple heuristic model of an aerosol filter [Poster presentation]. 17th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering –CHISA 2006, 27-31 août 2006, Prague, Czechia.

Aferka, S., Saroha, A., Toye, D., Crine, M., & Marchot, P. (2006). Liquid distribution through a Katapak column by X-ray tomography [Paper presentation]. PROCTOM2006 - 4th International Symposium on Process Tomography in Poland, September 14-15, 2006, Warsaw, Poland.

Fransolet, E., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & Toye, D. (2006). Flow pattern characteristics in a stirred tank in presence of a non-Newtonian fluid and a rotor-stator mixer using particle image velocimetry [Poster presentation]. TRACER 4 - Fourth International Conference On Tracers and Tracing Methods, 3-5 Octobre 2006, Autrans, France.

Fransolet, E., Marchot, P., Toye, D., & Crine, M. (2006). Caractérisation des écoulements en présence d’un agitateur rotor-stator et d’un fluide non newtonien en cuve agitée par vélocimétrie par images de particules [Poster presentation]. 10ème Congrès Francophone de Vélocimétrie Laser, 19-22 septembre 2006, Toulouse, France.

Aferka, S., Saroha, A., Toye, D., Marchot, P., & Crine, M. (2006). Liquid flow distribution in catalytic distillation columns: Use of high energy X-ray tomography. In AIChE, AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings. United States: AIChE.
Peer reviewed

Toye, D., Crine, M., & Marchot, P. (November 2005). Imaging of liquid distribution in reactive distillation packings with a new high-energy x-ray tomograph. Measurement Science and Technology, 16 (11), 2213-2220. doi:10.1088/0957-0233/16/11/012
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Fransolet, E., Crine, A., Marchot, P., & Toye, D. (November 2005). Analysis of gas holdup in bubble columns with non-Newtonian fluid using electrical resistance tomography and dynamic gas disengagement technique. Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (22 Sp. Iss. SI), 6118-6123. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2005.03.046
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Kouakou, E., Salmon, T., Toye, D., Marchot, P., & Crine, M. (November 2005). Gas-liquid mass transfer in a circulating jet-loop nitrifying MBR. Chemical Engineering Science, 60 (22 Sp. Iss. SI), 6346-6353. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2005.04.025
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Lecocq, R., Toye, D., Maquet, V., Léonard, A., Marchot, P., Jérôme, R., & Crine, M. (October 2005). Étude de la texture poreuse d'un matériau polymère cellulaire utilisé en ingénierie tissulaire par microtomographie à rayons X [Poster presentation]. 7èmes Journées d'Etude sur les Milieux Poreux ­ JEMP2005, Bordeaux, France.

Lecocq, R., Toye, D., Maquet, V., Léonard, A., Marchot, P., Jérôme, R., & Crine, M. (October 2005). Analyse quantitative de la texture poreuse d'un matériau polymère cellulaire basée sur des images de microtomographie à rayons X [Poster presentation]. Imageries et polymères, Bordeaux, France.

Toye, D., Abdullah, J. D., Crine, M., & Marchot, P. (2005). 3D imaging of reactive distillation packings with a new high energy x-ray tomograph. In A. Jong, M. Takei, R. A. William, ... M. Zeidan (Eds.), Proceedings of 4th World Congress in Industrial Process Tomography (WCIPT4), Aizu, Japan, 5-8 septembre 2005 (pp. 458-463). Manchester, United Kingdom: Virtual Centre for Industrial Process Tomography.
Peer reviewed

Toye, D., Le Trong, E., Marchot, P., & Crine, M. (2005). High energy, high resolution x-ray tomography applied to catalytic distillation packings [Paper presentation]. CHEMCON2005 – 58th annual session of Indian Institute of chemical engineers, 14-17 décembre 2005, New Delhi, India.

Toye, D., Fransolet, E., Simon, D., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., & Marchot, P. (2005). Possibilities and limits of application of electrical resistance tomography in hydrodynamics of bubble columns. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 83 (1), 4-10. doi:10.1002/cjce.5450830103
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Khoder Agha, R., De Weireld, G., Frère, M., Vanderhaeghen, J.-Y., Gilles, F., Su, B.-L., Salmon, T., Toye, D., Marchot, P., & Crine, M. (2005). Integrated adsorbent and process characterization. Application to air separation PSA processes [Paper presentation]. COPS VII - 7th International Symposium on the Characterisation of Porous Solids, 26-28 mai 2005, Aix-en-Provence, France.

Kouakou, E., Salmon, T., Fransolet, E., Toye, D., Marchot, P., & Crine, M. (2005). Transfert de matière gaz-liquide et mélange dans un réacteur membranaire à recirculation interne. In C. Azzaro-Pantel, J. Bertrand, M. Cabassud, C. Frances, M. Poux, H. Roux-de Balmann, ... C. Xuereb (Eds.), Récents Progrès en Génie des procédés - N°92 - Le Génie des Procédés vers de nouveaux espaces, Actes du 10ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, 20-22 septembre 2005, Toulouse, France. Paris, France: Lavoisier Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Fransolet, E., Marchot, P., Toye, D., & Crine, M. (2005). Evolution de l'écoulement de fluides non-newtoniens avec le temps d'agitation en cuve agitée par vélocimétrie par images de particules. In SFGP (Ed.), Récents Progrès en Génie des procédés - N°92 - Le Génie des Procédés vers de nouveaux espaces, Actes du 10ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, 20-22 septembre 2005, Toulouse, France. Paris, France: Lavoisier Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Le Trong, E., Toye, D., Marchot, P., & Crine, M. (2005). Utilisation d’un nouveau tomographe à haute énergie pour extraire l’information structurale d’un échantillon de dévésiculeur [Poster presentation]. Journées d'Etude sur les Milieux Poreux – JEMP2005, 26-27 Octobre 2005, Bordeaux, France.

Kouakou, E., Salmon, T., Toye, D., Marchot, P., & Crine, M. (2005). Mass transfer, mixing and gas hold-up in a circulating jet-loop nitrifying MBR. In Proceedings of 7th World Congress of Chemical Enginnering - WCCE7, Glasgow, Scotland, 10-14 July 2005. Rugby, United Kingdom: Institution of Chemical Engineers.
Peer reviewed

Toye, D., Fransolet, E., Léonard, A., Marchot, P., & Crine, M. (August 2004). Electrical tomography investigation in bubble columns [Paper presentation]. Seminar on Tomography, Bangi, Kajang, Malaysia.

Toye, D., Fransolet, E., Léonard, A., Crine, M., & Marchot, P. (August 2004). Computed Tomography at the University of Liège – Chemical Engineering Laboratory [Paper presentation]. Seminar on Tomography, Kajang, Malaysia.

Toye, D., Fransolet, E., Léonard, A., Marchot, P., & Crine, M. (August 2004). Computed X-ray tomography investigations in packed beds [Paper presentation]. Seminar on Tomography, Bangi, Kajang, Malaysia.

Toye, D., Fransolet, E., Léonard, A., Marchot, P., & Crine, M. (August 2004). Image reconstruction in X-ray tomography [Paper presentation]. Seminar on Tomography, Bangi, Kajang, Malaysia.

Fransolet, E., Marchot, P., Toye, D., & Crine, M. (2004). Visualisation de l'écoulement d'un fluide Non-Newtonien en cuve agitée par Vélocimétrie par Images de Particules : influence du temps de mélange [Poster presentation]. 9ème Congrès Francophone de Vélocimétrie Laser, 14-17 Septembre 2004, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Fransolet, E., Marchot, P., Toye, D., & Crine, M. (2004). Flow Pattern Evolution With Time Mixing Of Non-Newtonian Fluid In A Stirred Tank Using Particle Image Velocimetry. In American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) (Ed.), Proccedings of 7th Biennal ASME Conference, Engineering Systems Design and Analysis – ESDA 2004, Manchester, United Kingdom,19 – 22 July 2004.
Peer reviewed

Fransolet, E., Marchot, P., Toye, D., & Crine, M. (2004). Flow visualisation of non-Newtonian fluids in a stirred tank using Particle Image Velocimetry : evolution with time [Paper presentation]. 5th international symposium on mixing in industrial processes- ISMIP 5, 1-4 June 2004, Seville, Spain.

Fransolet, E., Marchot, P., Toye, D., & Crine, M. (2004). Flow pattern evolution with time mixing of non-newtionian fluid in a stirred tank using particle image velocimetry. In ESDA, Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA 2004. Manchester, United Kingdom: ESDA.
Peer reviewed

Fransolet, E., Coumont, V., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., Marchot, P., & Toye, D. (2003). Rétention gazeuse dans une colonne à bulles contenant un liquide visqueux non-newtonien. Tribune de l'Eau, 56 (622), 15-20.
Peer reviewed

Marchot, P., Fransolet, E., L'Homme, G., Simon, D., Toye, D., & Crine, M. (2003). Détermination du régime hydrodynamique dans une colonne à bulles par tomographie électrique résistive. In J. Legrand (Ed.), Récents Progrès en Génie des procédés - N°90 - Du rayonnement scientifique à la diffusion des technologies - Actes du 9ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, 9-11 septembre 2003, Saint-Nazaire, France. Paris, France: Lavoisier Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Toye, D., L'Homme, G., Crine, M., & Marchot, P. (2003). Liquid distribution in a packed column : comparison between images obtained by X-ray computed tomography and by electrical capacitance tomography [Paper presentation]. 4th European Congress of Chemical Engineering – ECCE4, 21-25 septembre 2003, Granada, Spain.

Toye, D., L’Homme, G., Crine, M., & Marchot, P. (2003). Perspective in data fusion between X-ray computed tomography and electrical capacitance tomography in an absorption column. In 3rd World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography (pp. 68-73). International Society for Industrial Process Tomography.
Peer reviewed

Toye, D., L'Homme, G., Crine, M., & Marchot, P. (2003). Data fusion between X-ray computed tomography and electrical capacitance tomography images obtained on an absorption columns [Paper presentation]. 6th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering - GLS6, 17-20 août 2003, Vancouver, Canada.

Toye, D., L'Homme, G., Crine, M., & Marchot, P. (2003). Perspectives in data fusion between x-ray computed tomography and electrical capacitance tomography in an absorption column. In T. Dyakowski, A. Kantzas, ... P. Ronson (Eds.), Proceedings of 3rd World Congress on Industrial Process Tomography, Banff, Canada, 2-5 septembre 2003 (pp. 68-73). Manchester, United Kingdom: Virtual Centre for Industrial Process Tomography.
Peer reviewed

Toye, D., Scheen, P., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., & Marchot, P. (2003). Distribution de la rétention dynamique de liquide dans une colonne à empilage : comparaison des résultats obtenus par tomographie à rayons X et par tomographie électrique capacitive. Tribune de l'Eau, 56, 21-26.
Peer reviewed

Fransolet, E., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., Toye, D., & Marchot, P. (August 2002). Electrical resistance tomography sensor simulations: comparison with experiments. Measurement Science and Technology, 13 (8), 1239-1247. doi:10.1088/0957-0233/13/8/311
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Fransolet, E., Coumont, V., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., Marchot, P., & Toye, D. (2002). Rétention gazeuse dans une colonne à bulles contenant un liquide visqueux non-newtonien [Poster presentation]. 4èmes Journées Francophones sur les Réacteurs Gaz-Liquide et Gaz-Liquide-Solide, 08-11 octobre 2002, Herbeumont-sur-Semois, Belgium.

Toye, D., Scheen, P., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., & Marchot, P. (2002). Distribution de la rétention dynamique de liquide dans une colonne à empilage : comparaison des résultats obtenus par tomographie à rayons X et par tomographie électrique capacitive [Poster presentation]. 4èmes Journées Francophones sur les Réacteurs Gaz-Liquide et Gaz-Liquide-Solide, 08-11 octobre 2002, Herbeumont-sur-Semois, Belgium.

Marchot, P., Fransolet, E., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., & Toye, D. (2002). Gas-liquid-solid bubble column investigation by electrical resistance tomography [Paper presentation]. 17th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering - ISCRE17, 25-28 août 2002, Hong Kong, China.

Fransolet, E., Toye, D., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., & Marchot, P. (2002). Comparison between temporal pressure and ERT signals in a bubble column [Paper presentation]. 15th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering –CHISA 2002", 25- 29 août 2002, Prague, Czechia.

Fransolet, E., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., Marchot, P., & Toye, D. (2001). Bubble-columns : local gas holdup determination by electrical resistance tomography. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 73, 754.
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Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & L'Homme, G. (2001). Liquid holdup distribution in a corrugated sheet structured packing measured by X-ray tomography. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 73, 739.
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Marchot, P., Toye, D., Pelsser, A. M., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., & Olujic, Z. (2001). Liquid distribution images on structured packing by X-ray computed tomography. AIChE Journal, 47 (6), 1471-1476. doi:10.1002/aic.690470622
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Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., & Olujic, Z. (2001). Liquid holdup distribution in a corrugated sheet structured packing measured by X-ray tomography [Paper presentation]. 3rd European Congress on Chemical Engineering – ECCE3, 26-28 juin 2001, Nuremberg, Germany.

Fransolet, E., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., Marchot, P., & Toye, D. (2001). Utilisation de la tomographie électrique résistive en vue de la caractérisation du fonctionnement d'une colonne à bulles. In R. Latifi, J. Boudrant, ... D. Tondeur (Eds.), Récents Progrès en Génie des procédés - N°82 - Information, Modélisation, Simulation et Optimisation - Actes du 8ème Congrès de la Société française de Génie des Procédés, 17-19 octobre 2001, Nancy, France (pp. 489-496). Paris, France: Lavoisier Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Toye, D., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., Olujic, Z., & Marchot, P. (2001). Analyse de la distribution de la rétention dynamique de liquide dans une colonne gaz-liquide à garnissage par tomographie à rayons X. In R. Latifi, J. Boudrant, ... D. Tondeur (Eds.), Récents Progrès en Génie des procédés - N°82 - Information, Modélisation, Simulation et Optimisation - Actes du 8ème Congrès de la Société française de Génie des Procédés, 17-19 octobre 2001, Nancy, France (pp. 433-440). Lavoisier Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Fransolet, E., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., Marchot, P., & Toye, D. (2001). Imagerie par tomographie électrique résistive de la distribution des phases dans une colonne à bulles. In J. Boudrant, M.-N. Pons, ... H. Vivier (Eds.), Récents Progrès en Génie des procédés - N°78 - Visualisation-Image-Modélisation - Actes du Congrès VIM2001 (Visualisation - Image- Modélisation), 15-17 mai 2001, Nancy, France (pp. 101-107). Paris, France: Lavoisier Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & L'Homme, G. (2001). Images tridimensionnelles de la rétention dynamique dans un empilage structuré obtenues par tomographie à rayons X. In Boudrant, M.-N. Pons, ... H. Vivier (Eds.), Récents Progrès en Génie des Procés - N°78 - Visualisation-Image-Modélisation - Actes du Congrès VIM2001 (Visualisation - Image- Modélisation), 15-17 mai 2001, Nancy, France (pp. 75-81). Paris, France: Lavoisier Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Olujic, Z., Marchot, P., Toye, D., Crine, M., & L'Homme, G. (2001). X-ray computed tomography : A key to revealing the secrets of small scale liquid maldistribution in packed beds [Paper presentation]. 2001 AIChE Petrochem Expo – Distillation symposium, 26 Avril 2001, Houston, United States - Texas.

Fransolet, E., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., Marchot, P., & Toye, D. (2001). Bubble columns : local gas holdup determination by electrical resistance tomography [Poster presentation]. 3rd European Congress on Chemical Engineering – ECCE3, 26-28 juin 2001, Nuremberg, Germany.

Fransolet, E., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., Toye, D., & Marchot, P. (2001). Analysis of electrical resistance tomography measurements obtained on a bubble column. Measurement Science and Technology, 12 (8), 1055-1060. doi:10.1088/0957-0233/12/8/310
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Marchot, P., Toye, D., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., Pelsser, A.-M., & Olujic, Z. (2000). Imaging of liquid distributiion within corrugated sheet structured packing beds by X-ray computed tomography. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 72, 1010.
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Marchot, P., Toye, D., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., & Pelsser, A.-M. (2000). Imaging liquid distribution on Mellapak 250Y structured packing by X-ray tomography [Paper presentation]. DAE Working Party Technical Meeting, 04 mai 2000, Winterthur, Switzerland.

Marchot, P., Toye, D., Crine, M., L'Homme, G., Pelsser, A.-M., & Olujic, Z. (2000). Imaging of liquid distribution within corrugated sheet structured packing beds by X-ray computed tomography [Paper presentation]. VDI – Gesellschaft Verfahrentechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen Jahrestagung 2000, 20-22 Septembre 2000, Karlruhe, Germany.

Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & L'Homme, G. (1999). A compartimentalized model for trickle flow through packed beds based on x-ray tomograms. In G. Flamand (Ed.), Récents Progrès en Génie des procédés - N°69 - Tools fro process understanding and control - Proceedings of the 2nd European Congress on Chemical Engineering – ECCE2, 05 – 07 octobre 1999, Montpellier, France. Paris, France: Lavoisier, Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & L'Homme, G. (1999). Modelling of the liquid distribution in a trickle flow packed column based upon X-ray tomography images. Chemical Engineering Communications, 175, 131-142. doi:10.1080/00986449908912143
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Marchot, P., Toye, D., Crine, M., Pelsser, A.-M., & L'Homme, G. (1999). Investigation on liquid maldistribution in packed beds by X-ray tomography. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 77, 511-518. doi:10.1205/026387699526548
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Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & L'Homme, G. (August 1998). Trickle flow through packed beds : Use of systemic models in the interpretation of X-ray tomograms [Paper presentation]. Second International Symposium on Measuring Techniques for Multiphase Flow, Beijing, China.

Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., Pelsser, A. M., & L'Homme, G. (1998). Local measurements of void fraction and liquid holdup in packed columns using X-ray computed tomography. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 37 (6), 511-520. doi:10.1016/S0255-2701(98)00058-0
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Toye, D. (1998). Métrologie en hydrodynamique des réacteurs polyphasiques [Paper presentation]. 3èmes Journées Francophones sur les Réacteurs Gaz-Liquide et Gaz-Liquide-Solide, Saint-Pierre-d'Oléron, France.

Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & L'Homme, G. (October 1997). Investigating trickle flow in packed columns by X-ray tomography [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Electronic Measurements & Instruments (ICEMI'97), Beijing, China.

Toye, D., Crine, M., & Marchot, P. (30 September 1997). X-ray tomography in random packings [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Process Tomography, Hanovre, Germany.

Toye, D., Crine, M., Marchot, P., & L'Homme, G. (19 June 1997). Perspectives d'utilisation de la tomographie dans la description du fonctionnement des réacteurs à trois phases [Paper presentation]. Séminaire : "Utilisation de la tomographie à rayons X en Génie des réacteurs chimiques", Solaize, France.

Toye, D. (1997). Étude de l'écoulement ruisselant dans les lits fixes par tomographie à rayons X [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & L'Homme, G. (1997). Modeling of the liquid phase distribution in a packed column based on the analysis of X-ray tomography images [Poster presentation]. 1st European Congress on Chemical Engineering (ECCE1), 4-7 mai 1997, Florence, Italy.

Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & L'Homme, G. (1997). Modelling of the liquid distribution in a packed column based upon X-ray tomography images [Paper presentation]. Frontiers in Industrial Process Tomography - II, 9-12 avril 1997, Delft, Netherlands.

Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & L'Homme, G. (1996). Modelling of multiphase flow in packed beds by computer-assisted x-ray tomography. Measurement Science and Technology, 7 (3), 436-443. doi:10.1088/0957-0233/7/3/027
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Crine, M., Toye, D., & Marchot, P. (1996). L'hydrodynamique dans les lits bactériens : le rôle du garnissage [Paper presentation]. Séminaire "Biomasse Fixée", 31 mai 1996, Arlon, Belgium.

Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & L'Homme, G. (1996). Computer-assisted tomography for liquid imaging in trickle-flow columns. In Non-invasive Monitoring of Multiphase Flows (pp. 107-139). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Science Ltd.

Abdullah, J., Aferka, S., Crine, M., Saroha, A., Toye, D., & Marchot, P. (1996). Investigating the liquid distribution in a reactive distillation packing using high energy X-ray tomography [Paper presentation]. 5th ISMTMF/IWPT2-5th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows and 2nd International Workshop on Process Tomography, Macao, China, December 10-13, 2006, Macao, China.

Crine, M., Toye, D., & Marchot, P. (1995). Les lits bactériens : de l'application à la recherche [Paper presentation]. Traitement et Réutilisation des Eaux Usées, 16-17 mai 1995, Casablanca, Morocco.

Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & L'Homme, G. (1995). Analysis of liquid flow distribution in trickle bed reactor using computer assisted tomography. In M. S. Beck, B. S. Hoyle, M. A. Morris, R. A. Waterfall, ... R. A. Williams (Eds.), Process tomography - 1995 - Implementation for industrial processes (pp. 84-91). Manchester, United Kingdom: UMIST.

Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & L'Homme, G. (1995). Analysis of liquid flow distribution in a trickle bed reactor. In Frontiers in Industrial Process Tomography (pp. 275-284). New York, United States: Engineering Foundation.

Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & L'Homme, G. (1995). Analysis of liquid flow distribution in trickling flow reactor using computer assisted x-ray tomography. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 73 (A3), 258 - 262.
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Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & L'Homme, G. (1995). Analysis of Liquid Flow Distribution in Trickling Flow Reactor Using Computer-Assisted X-Ray Tomography. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 73 (A3), 258-262.
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Crine, M., Toye, D., Marchot, & L'Homme, G. (1995). Computer assisted X-ray tomography : a tool for fluid distribution analysis in trickle-bed reactors [Paper presentation]. 14th Colloquium of the Working Party on Chemical Reactor Engineering (CCRE-14) Multiphase and Multifunctional Reactors, 24-26 mai 1995, Bled, Slovenia.

Toye, D., Crine, M., Marchot, P., & L'Homme, G. (1994). The use of large scale computer assisted tomography for the study of hydrodynamics in trickling filters [Poster presentation]. 13th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE 13), 25-28 août 1994, Baltimore, Maryland, United States.

Lekhlif, B., Toye, D., Marchot, P., & Crine, M. (1994). Interactions between the biofilm growth and the hydrodynamics in an aerobic trickling filter. Water Science and Technology, 29, 423-430. doi:10.2166/wst.1994.0788
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Toye, D., Marchot, P., Crine, M., & L'Homme, G. (1994). The use of large scale computer assisted tomography for the study of hydrodynamics in trickling filters. Chemical Engineering Science, 49 (24B), 5271-5280. doi:10.1016/0009-2509(94)00395-5
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Lekhlif, B., Toye, D., & Crine, M. (1994). Erratum: Interactions between the biofilm growth and the hydrodynamics in an aerobic trickling filter (Water Science and Technology (1994) 29 10-11 (423-430)). Water Science and Technology, 30 (11).
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Crine, M., Marchot, P., Toye, D., & L'Homme, G. (1994). Trickle flow in packed columns : new experimental and theoretical investigations. Trends in Chemical Engineering, 2, 319-332.
Peer reviewed

Ennen, A., Toye, D., Marchot, P., & Crine, M. (1993). The use of differential pressure transducer in the study of flow patterns in a trickle-bed reactor [Poster presentation]. 11th International Congress on Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA), 29 août - 3 septembre 1993, Prague, Czechia.

Toye, D., Salmon, T., Schlitz, M., & Crine, M. (1993). Récupération du cadmium dans les eaux usées par carbonatation biologique. In C. Jallut (Ed.), Récents Progrès en Génie des procédés - N°30 - Etude et Conception d'Equipements - Actes du 4ème Congrès français de Génie des Procédés, 21-23 septembre 1993, Grenoble, France (pp. 363-368). Paris, France: Lavoisier, Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Toye, D., Schlitz, M., & Crine, M. (1993). Elimination des métaux lourds par précipitation biologique. Tribune de l'Eau, 565, 11-18.
Peer reviewed

Toye, D., Marchot, P., & Crine, M. (1993). Etude de la distribution du liquide dans les colonnes à garnissage par tomographie de rayons X. In C. Jallut & J. Cheron (Eds.), Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés - N°26 - Visualisation des écoulements, des transferts et des structures - Actes de l'École de Printemps "Visualisation en Génie des Procédés", 25-27 mai 1993, Nancy, France (pp. 181-186). Paris, France: Lavoisier - Technique et Documentation.
Peer reviewed

Sainvitu, E., Joassin, L., Deswaef, S., Salmon, T., Toye, D., Schlitz, M., Crine, M., & L'Homme, G. (1991). Traitement de la fraction organique des ordures ménagères par digestion anaérobie thermophile [Poster presentation]. Colloque "Les déchets organiques ménagers", 15 novembre 1991, Namur, Belgium.

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